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Preview Searching for absorbed AGN in the 2XMM-Newton pre-release EPIC Serendipitous Source Catalogue

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.memola˙2xmm˙paper (cid:13)c ESO2008 February5,2008 Searching for absorbed AGN in the 2XMM-Newtonpre-release ∗ EPIC Serendipitous Source Catalogue 7 0 E.Memola,1 A.Caccianiga,1 F.Cocchia,1 R.DellaCeca,1 T.Maccacaro,1 P.Severgnini,1 D.J.Fyfe,2 S.Mateos,2 0 M.G.Watson,2 andG.Lamer3 2 n a 1 INAF-OsservatorioAstronomicodiBrera,ViaBrera28,20121Milano,Italy J 2 DepartmentofPhysics&Astronomy,UniversityofLeicester,LeicesterLE17RH,UK 4 3 AIP-AstrophysikalischesInstitutPotsdam,AnderSternwarte16,14482Potsdam,Germany 2 1 ReceivedOctober15,2006;acceptedDecember29,2006 v 5 ABSTRACT 7 6 1 Aims.WeaimtotestamethodofefficientlyselectingX-rayobscuredAGNinthe2XMM-NewtonEPICSerendipitousSourceCatalogue. 0 Methods.BymeansofastrongcorrelationestablishedusingtheXMM-NewtonHardBrightSamplebetweentheintrinsicabsorptionandthe 7 hardnessratiotothe0.5–2.0keVand2.0–4.5keVbands,anefficientwayofselectingabsorbedsourceshasbeenworkedout.Ahardnessratio 0 selectionbasedonthe2XMM-Newtonpre-releaseSourceCatalogueledustothedefinitionofcandidateslikelytobeobscuredinX-rays. / Results.X-ray and optical spectral analysis were performed for three objects. Strong absorption (N > 1022 cm−2) was detected from the h H X-rayanalysis, confirming the efficiency of the method used to select obscured sources. The presence of absorption isalso revealed in the p - opticalband,althoughatasignificantlylowerlevelthaninferredfromtheX-rayband. o r t s Keywords.Surveys-Methods:dataanalysis-X-rays:galaxies-Galaxies:active a : v i X 1. Introduction cases even to reveal (e.g. DellaCecaetal.2002), their nu- r clear properties in the optical and soft X-ray (E<2 keV) Medium-deep X-ray surveys carried out with Chandra and a bands. Absorbed AGN can be efficiently selected (at least XMM-Newton (see Brandt&Hasinger2005 and references the Compton-thin ones) and studied using hard X-ray (E∼2– therein for a recent review) have shown that obscured active 10keV)bandswheretheeffectofabsorptionislesssevereand galacticnuclei(AGN)arethemaincontributorstothecosmic where the host galaxy contribution is minimal. Nevertheless, X-raybackground(XRB).Fabian&Iwasawa(1999)foundout as shown e.g. by the XMM-Newton hard brightsample, HBS thatatleast85%oftheemittedintrinsicfluxoftheXRBspec- (Caccianigaetal.2004; DellaCecaetal.2005; Della Ceca et trum is absorbed, by assuming the absorber to be dusty gas. al.2007,inpreparation)atfluxesabove∼ 7×10−14 ergcm−2 Therefore,understandingthecharacteristicsofobscuredAGN s−1,eveninthe“hard”4.5–7.5keVband,absorbedAGN1rep- (i.e.luminosityandredshiftdistribution,spectralenergydistri- resent onlythe ∼ 25%of the sources. It is thereforeessential bution,thepropertiesofthecircumnuclearmedium,cosmolog- to increasetheefficiencyin selectingX-rayabsorbedAGNin icalevolution)isakeyissueinunveilingtheaccretionprocess ordertobuildupwell-definedandsizablesamplesofthesein- onsupermassiveblackholesandtracingandfollowingitsevo- terestingsources. lutionwithcosmictime. Here we introducea powerfulmethodfor selecting bright To efficiently select sizeable and representative samples X-rayabsorbedcandidatesanddiscusstheresultsoftheX-ray of absorbed AGN is not an easy task, even at bright fluxes. andopticalspectralanalysisforthreesources.Throughoutthis The strong absorption that affects the intrinsic emission of paperweadoptH =70kmsec−1Mpc−1,Ω =0.3,andΩ = these sources does not allow us to study, and in several o M Λ 0.7.Wedefineapower-lawspectrumsuchthatdN/dE=AE−Γ Sendoffprintrequeststo:E.Memola whereNisthenumberofphotons,Ethephotonenergy,Athe email:[email protected] normalization,andΓthephotonindex. ∗ Based on observations performed at the European Southern Observatory,LaSilla,ChileandonobservationsobtainedwithXMM- Newton,anESAsciencemissionwithinstrumentsandcontributions 1 WeusehereandinthefollowingN =1022 cm−2asthedividing H directlyfundedbyESAMemberStatesandtheUSA(NASA). valuebetweenunabsorbedandabsorbedsourcesintheX-rays. 2 E.Memolaetal.:SearchingforabsorbedAGNinthe2XMM-Newtonpre-releaseEPICSerendipitousSourceCatalogue∗ 2. Bright,obscuredAGNcandidatesinthe moregeneralprogrammeconcerningtheHardBrightSample. 2XMM-Newtonpre-releaseEPICSerendipitous Inthefollowingwepresentanddiscussourresults. SourceCatalogue The work presented here is based on the results from the 3. X-rayspectralanalysis XMM-Newton Hard Bright Sample (Caccianigaetal.2004; DellaCecaetal.2004; DellaCecaetal.2005). The survey We performed the X-ray spectral analysis of XMM-Newton was performed in the 4.5–7.5 keV band at a flux limit of data for the following sources: 2XMMpJ115121.8−283605, F ∼ 7 × 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1. The source sample is now al- 2XMMpJ145442.2+182937,and2XMMpJ151612.2+070341. x most fully spectroscopically-identified (65/67 sources iden- TheywereobservedbetweenAugust2000andFebruary2003 tified), and the optical and X-ray spectral analysis is com- withexposuretimesrangingfrom∼23upto∼42ksec(forthe plete(DellaCecaetal.2005;Caccianigaetal.2007,inprepa- observationdetailsseeTable1).TheEPICMOS1,MOS2,and ration; Della Ceca et al. 2007, in preparation). The authors pndetectorswereoperatedinPrimeFullWindowMode. found that X-ray absorbed and unabsorbed AGN are clearly All MOS and pn data were reprocessed with the XMM- distinguishable by means of the hardness ratio HR2, defined Newton Science Analysis Software (XMM-SAS) ver- as HR2 = CR3−CR2, where CR2 and CR3 are the PSF and sion 6.5.0, using the latest calibration products. Source CR3+CR2 vignetting-correctedcountratesinthe0.5–2.0and2.0–4.5keV counts for MOS1, MOS2, and pn (when available) energyband,respectively(seeFig.3inDellaCecaetal.2005). were extracted in the 0.2–12 keV band from a circu- By considering the constraint HR2 > 0, at the survey flux lar region, centred on the source, which had a radius limit,theyfound14sourcesoutof15(∼93%)tohaveabsorb- of 25 arcsec for 2XMMpJ115121.8−283605, 14 arc- ing column densities higher than ∼1022 cm−2, and 4 of these sec for 2XMMpJ145442.2+182937, and 12 arcsec for sources(∼30%)turnedouttobetherareX-raytype2quasars 2XMMpJ151612.2+070341, depending on the countrate (L >1044ergs−1;N >1022cm−2). statistics and source off-axis. Background spectra were ex- x H The XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (SSC)2 is tracted from larger source-free circular regions (radius of ∼ assembling the second XMM-Newton EPIC Serendipitous 40−80 arcsec) close to the object. We selected single and Source Catalogue (Watson et al. 2007, in preparation). A double events (PATTERN≤4) for the pn and single, double, first preliminary version of the 2XMM Serendipitous EPIC triple, and quadruple events (PATTERN≤12) for the MOS. SourceCatalogue(2XMMp)hasbeenrecentlyreleasedandis OuranalysisisbasedonbothEPICMOS(MOS1andMOS2) available at http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/xsa/. The catalogue con- and pn data. In particular, for both MOS1 and MOS2, we tains 153105 X-ray source detections drawn from 2400 use- extracted source and background spectra and then summed fulXMM-NewtonEPICpublicobservations.Themedianflux themupaposterioribymeansofmathpha,endingupwithone (inthetotalphotonenergyband0.2−12keV)ofthecatalogue sourcespectrumandonebackgroundspectrumregionvalidfor sources is ∼ 2.4× 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1; ∼20% of the sources a global MOS1+MOS2 case. The ancillary response matrix havingfluxesbelow10−14ergcm−2s−1. (ARF) and the detector response matrix (RMF) were created bytheXMM-SAStasksarfgenandrmfgen.Thearfgenroutine The values of HR given in the catalogue are defined us- convolvesthemirroreffectivearea(vignettingmodified),filter ingenergybandsthatareslightlydifferentfromtheonesused transmission, and CCD efficiencies as a function of energy in the HBS. The HR closer to the HR2 used in the HBS (see above) is the HR3, defined as HR3 = CR4−CR3, where CR3 to return the ARF component of response. The ARF, at the CR4+CR3 sourcepositiononthedetector,isemission-weighted,andthe and CR4 are the PSF and vignetting-corrected countrates in weighting falls off with distance from the source in line with the1.0−2.0and2.0−4.5keVenergyband,respectively.Inthe 2XMMp catalogue, there are 427 high latitude (|b| > 20◦) the PSF. The RMF is spatially averaged using an appropriate sources,whichhaveHR33>0andMOS2detectionlikelihood PSFdetectormap.Theresponsematrixeswerealsomergedby using addrmfandaddarf.Due to the countrateof oursources (ML) in the 4.5–12 keV energyband > 20 (Cash1979). This (seeTable1),pileupisnotaproblem. groupof sourcesrepresentsa crucialstarting pointfortesting theefficiencyinselectingabsorbedAGN.We pickedupthree We used the XSPEC package (version 11.3.1; brightX-ray sourceswith F > 10−13 erg cm−2 s−1 in the en- Arnaud1996) in order to perform the spectral fit- x ergy band 4.5–12 keV and a bright optical counterpart (R < ting analysis. MOS and pn spectra were fitted simul- 17 mag) to analyse their X-ray and optical spectra. The op- taneously (when both data were available) and re- tical counterparts were observed at the 4-m New Technology spectively in the 0.3–10 (2XMMpJ115121.8−283605), Telescope(NTT@ESO)inChilelastMarch2006,aspartofa 0.7–10 (2XMMpJ145442.2+182937), and 0.5–10 (2XMMpJ151612.2+070341) keV energy range. The source counts were grouped into energy bins such that each bin 2 The XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (SSC, see contains at least 15 counts where the fit statistic in use was http://xmmssc-www.star.le.ac.uk) is an international collabora- chi-squared(χ2). The quotederrorson the best-fit parameters tion,involvingaconsortiumof10institutions,appointed byESAto correspond to the 90% confidence level for one interesting helptheSOCindevelopingthesoftwareanalysissystem,topipeline process all the XMM-Newton data, and to exploit XMM-Newton parameter(i.e.,∆χ2 =2.71;Avni1976).ToanalysetheX-ray serendipitousdetections. data we made use of the redshifts derived from the optical 3 HR3refersheretoMOS2data,whichwerealsousedfortheHBS. spectra(see§4andTable2). E.Memolaetal.:SearchingforabsorbedAGNinthe2XMM-Newtonpre-releaseEPICSerendipitousSourceCatalogue∗ 3 3.1.2XMMpJ115121.8−283605 The source 2XMMpJ115121.8−283605 (see Fig. 1) was ob- servedbyXMM-NewtononJanuary3,2002forabout40ksec of good exposure time. The pn data are not available be- cause the source is outside the pn field of view. Fitting the data with a single absorbed power-law model leads to ob- vious residuals in the low-energy range. Our best-fit model (χ2/dof = 27.41/25) is therefore based on a leaky-absorbed power-lawcontinuum(seeTable2),wheretwopower-lawsare invoked to explain both the soft (0.3−1.0 keV - unabsorbed power-law) and the hard (up to 10 keV - absorbed power- law) part of the X-ray spectrum. The leaky-absorbed power- law continuum has a functional form, which provides a sim- ple and convenient parametrization of the relative contribu- tionsofboththeprimaryabsorbedcomponentandthecompo- nentthatproducesthefluxexcessatsoftenergies.Themodel Fig.1. 2XMMpJ115121.8-283505: XMM-Newton MOS mightrepresentthephysicalcaseofanX-raysourceobserved folded spectrum. The best-fit model is a leaky-absorbed both directly through the absorbing torus (absorbed power- power-law. law)andafterthescatteringonawarm,highlyionizedgaslo- cated outsidethe absorbingmedium(unabsorbedpower-law). thedata,thereforewealsocannotexcludeapossibleblending Another possible interpretation is the presence of a cloudy- of two narrow iron lines at 6.4 and 6.7 keV. The X-ray lu- absorbing medium, which would be responsible for both the minosity(L ∼0.7×1043ergs−1)istypicalofaSeyfertgalaxy. x absorbed and the transmitted component.Nevertheless, emis- sionlinesatsoftX-raysmightbe present,duetonuclearpro- cesses or related to starburst activity, as well as a thermal 3.3.2XMMpJ151612.2+070341 component because of the presence of a hot plasma. We can clearly not prove this hypothesis due to the lack of soft en- The source 2XMMpJ151612.2+070341 (see Fig. 3) was ob- ergy statistics. The two power-laws are constrained to have servedbyXMM-NewtononAugust21,2000forabout30ksec the same photon index (Γ ∼ 1.9), whereas the normalization ofgoodexposuretimewiththeMOScamerasand23ksecwith of the unabsorbed componentresults in a few percent (∼3%) thepncamera.Asingle-absorbedpower-lawmodel(χ2/dof = of the normalization of the absorbed one, in agreement with 18.98/12) provided a best-fit value of the photon index that previous results on absorbed AGN (e.g. Turneretal.1997; wasverylow(Γ ∼ 0.5),whereasthevalueofN wasalready H DellaCecaetal.2000; Caccianigaetal.2004). The absorbed highandabout∼4×1022cm−2.SuchaflatΓvaluewouldsug- power-law reveals an intrinsic hydrogen column density, N , H gest Compton thickness, a thesis otherwise not supported by of about 2.6×1022cm−2, which clearly points to an X-ray ab- theopticaldata.AfterfreezingthevalueofΓto1.9,moretypi- sorbed source (even with a single-absorbedpower-law model calofAGN,therewereresidualsat1–2keV.Thebest-fitmodel theNHwasabout2×1022cm−2).TheintrinsicX-rayluminosity (χ2/dof =16.55/12)isaleaky-absorbedpower-lawcontinuum ofthissource(L ∼1.8×1043ergsec−1)istypicalofaSeyfert x with a frozenphotonindexof1.9(see Table2).Thestatistics galaxy. donotallowustoleavethisparameterfree.Thehydrogencol- umndensityisN ∼1.4×1023cm−2,whichpointstoanX-ray H absorbed object. The X-ray luminosity (L ∼ 1.6×1043 erg 3.2.2XMMpJ145442.2+182937 x s−1)istypicalofaSeyfertgalaxy. The source 2XMMpJ145442.2+182937 (see Fig. 2) was observed by XMM-Newton on February 16, 2003 for about 4. Opticalspectralanalysis 37 ksec of good exposure time by the MOS cameras and 25 ksecbythepncamera.Thebest-fitmodel(χ2/dof =30.73/33) We performedthespectralanalysisoftheopticalcounterparts basedonbothMOSandpndataisasingleabsorbedpower-law for the threeX–raysources. Opticalimagesandspectroscopy along with a Gaussian line detection at 90% confidence level were acquired at the NTT@ESO telescope using EMMI. We (see Table 2). The power-law shows a photon index Γ ∼ 1.4, obtained shallow optical images with a typical exposure time togetherwithN ∼ 1.5×1022 cm−2,whichpointstoanX-ray of 60–90s. Optical images were bias-subtracted, flat-field di- H absorbedsource.IfwefreezethephotonindextoΓ ∼ 1.9,the vided,andflux-calibratedusingobservationsofstandardstars N valueremainsquitestablearound∼2.4±0.4×1022cm−2.In obtained during each night. Astrometric calibration was per- H bothcasestheironlineequivalentwidthisabout700eVwith formed using the software package GAIA (version 2.6-9 by associate errors of about 60%. This equivalent width value, P.W. Draper) by matching sources found in the USNO cat- due to the large error associated to it, is consistent with the alogue (Monet et al. 1998). We show the R-images of our value of N measured from the cut-off. Moreover, a detailed sources in Figs. 4, 5, and 6 (left panels) and report their R- H analysisofthelinepropertiesisnotwarrantedbythequalityof magnitudesinTable2. 4 E.Memolaetal.:SearchingforabsorbedAGNinthe2XMM-Newtonpre-releaseEPICSerendipitousSourceCatalogue∗ Table1.XMM-Newtonobservationlog. Source Obsid Obs.Date mos1-exp(s) mos2-exp(s) mos1+mos2-cts pn-exp(s) pn-cts Filter∗ 2XMMpJ115121.8−283605 0027340101 20020103 42062 37253 299 nopn nopn Thin1 2XMMpJ145442.2+182937 0145020101 20030216 36975 36421 280 25535 274 Thin1 2XMMpJ151612.2+070341 0109920101 20000821 30076 30123 84 23085 133 Thin1 (∗)FiltertypereferstoalltheEPICinstrumentsinvolvedinthecorrespondingobservation. Table2.XMM-Newtonspectralanalysis:best-fitparameters. Source R z N(a) N(b) Γ E EW χ2/dof Flux-mos(c) L(d) HGal H Fe−Kα Fe−Kα mag keV eV 2XMMpJ115121.8−283605(1) 16.64 0.177 0.06 2.6+1.4 1.9±0.5 – – 27.41/25 1.76 1.8 −1.2 2XMMpJ145442.2+182937(2) 16.12 0.116 0.02 1.5+0.8 1.4±0.3 6.34+0.44 700+300 30.73/33 2.08 0.7 −0.5 −0.11 −480 2XMMpJ151612.2+070341(1) 17.20 0.176 0.03 14+7.4 1.9∗ – – 16.55/12 1.07 1.6 −4.4 (1)Model:Leaky-absorbedpower-law;(2)Model:Single-absorbedpower-law+Gaussianline;(∗)Frozen;(a)Galacticcolumndensityinunitsof 1022cm−2;(b)Absorbingcolumndensityinthesourcedirectioninunitsof1022cm−2;(c)X-rayfluxesintheband2-10keVinunitsof10−13ergs cm−2sec−1andcorrectedonlyfortheGalacticabsorption;(d)X-rayluminositiesintheband2-10keVinunitsof1043ergssec−1andcorrected forGalacticandintrinsicabsorption. Fig.4. 2XMMpJ115121.8−283605:NTT@ESO R-image (1’×1’). North is on top and east to the left. A circle of 5” radius, correspondingtothe95%confidencelevelX-rayerrorcircle(seeDellaCecaetal.2004),isshown(leftpanel)toclearlymark theopticalcounterpartoftheXMM-Newtonsource;NTT@ESOopticalspectrum(rightpanel). E.Memolaetal.:SearchingforabsorbedAGNinthe2XMM-Newtonpre-releaseEPICSerendipitousSourceCatalogue∗ 5 Fig.5. 2XMMpJ145442.2+182937:NTT@ESO R-image (1’×1’). North is on top and east to the left. A circle of 5” radius, correspondingtothe95%confidencelevelX-rayerrorcircle(seeDellaCecaetal.2004),isshown(leftpanel)toclearlymark theopticalcounterpartoftheXMM-Newtonsource;NTT@ESOopticalspectrum(rightpanel). Fig.6. 2XMMpJ151612.2+070341:NTT@ESO R-image (1’×1’). North is on top and east to the left. A circle of 5” radius, correspondingtothe95%confidencelevelX-rayerrorcircle(seeDellaCecaetal.2004),isshown(leftpanel)toclearlymark theopticalcounterpartoftheXMM-Newtonsource;NTT@ESOopticalspectrum(rightpanel). 6 E.Memolaetal.:SearchingforabsorbedAGNinthe2XMM-Newtonpre-releaseEPICSerendipitousSourceCatalogue∗ strong emission lines, like the [OIII]λ5007Å and the Hα- [NII] blend, and a continuum that is highly contaminated (or dominated) by the light of the host galaxy. The presence of broad (FWHM∼1900−3000 km/s) emission lines is clear in onesource(2XMMpJ151612.2+070341)andisalsosuggested in2XMMpJ115121.8−283605,wheretheHαislikelytohave a broad component. In 2XMMpJ145442.2+182937, instead, onlynarrowlinesarevisibleinthespectrum. To estimate the level of optical absorption in the three sources,wemadeuseofthemethoddescribedinCaccianigaet al.(2007,inpreparation).Theyapplythisproceduretostudy- ing and classifying the objects in the XMM-Newton Bright SerendipitousSurveythatarecontaminatedbythehostgalaxy light (“diluted” sources). In synthesis, this approach involves a spectral model composed of a galaxy plus an AGN tem- plate (Severgninietal.2003). The AGN template, in partic- Fig.2. 2XMMpJ145442.2+182937: XMM-Newton MOS+pn ular, has a component (the continuum and the broad emis- folded spectrum. The best-fit model is a single-absorbed sion lines) that can be absorbed according to an appropriate power-lawwithaGaussianline. extinction curve and a second component (the narrow emis- sion lines) that is not affected by the absorption.We estimate the optical absorption as the value that best emulates the ob- servedspectrum(boththecontinuumandtheemission-linein- tensity), paying particular attention to correctly reproducing the strength of some critical lines, like the [OIII]λ5007Åand theHα.Wefindthattwosources(2XMMpJ145442.2+182937 and 2XMMpJ115121.8−283605) are affected by a relatively high absorption (A > 2 mag and A ∼ 2 mag), while V V thethird(2XMMpJ151612.2+070341)isonlymoderatelyab- sorbed (A ∼1 mag). When translated into a value of N us- V H ing the standardGalactic relation(e.g.Maiolinoetal.2001a), the absorption levels inferred from the optical spectra are NH∼> (2−4)×1021cm−2,i.e.lower(significantlylower,inthe case of 2XMMpJ151612.2+070341)than the values obtained fromtheX-raydata(see§3). Theexistenceofa fractionofAGNwherethelevelofab- sorption deduced by the X-ray spectra is significantly higher Fig.3. 2XMMpJ151612.2+070341: XMM-Newton MOS+pn thanwhatcanbeinferredfromtheopticaldataiswellknown foldedspectrum.Thebest-fitmodelisaleaky-absorbedpower- and discussed in the literature (e.g. Maccacaroetal.1982; law. Maiolinoetal.2001b; Cappietal.2006). To date, we are not inapositionofquantifyingthefrequencyofthistypeofsource since thesourcesdiscussedheredonotconstitutea complete, Long-slit spectroscopy was carried out in the 3800−9000 well-defined sample of objects. It is very likely that the way Å band with a low dispersion (∼ 1.7 Å/pixel), long-slit con- wehavechosentheseobjectsoutofthe2XMMpcatalogue,in figurationandwithalow-resolutiongrism(Grism#2,R∼600). particular the requirementof a bright optical counterpart,has Theseeingduringtheobservingrunrangedfrom1”to2”,and favouredtheselectionofobjectsthatarehighlyabsorbedinthe weusedaslitwidthof1”–1.5”.Datareductionwasperformed X-ray,butwithalow/moderateopticalabsorption.Alargerand usingIRAF4 standardpackages.Wavelengthcalibrationswere unbiasedsample ofHR-selectedsourceswouldbeinstrumen- carriedoutbycomparisonwithexposuresofHe-Arlamps.The talinevaluatingthefractionofsourcesstronglyabsorbedinthe relativefluxcalibrationofthespectrawasobtainedusingobser- X-raysbutonlymoderatelyabsorbedintheopticalband. vationsofspectro-photometricstandardstarsperformedwithin afewhoursofthespectroscopyofoursources;noattemptwas madetoobtainanabsolutefluxcalibrationofthespectra. 5. Concludingremarks The optical spectra of the three objects are presented in Threesourcesofthe2XMMpcataloguewithhardX-raycolour Figs. 4, 5, and 6, (right panels). The spectra show relatively strongly suggesting the presence of absorption were also ob- 4 IRAF is distributed by the National Optical Astronomy [email protected] Observatory,whichisoperatedbytheAssociationofUniversitiesfor (NH > 1022 cm−2)intheX-raybandandmoderateabsorption Research in Astronomy, Inc., under cooperative agreement with the (AV ∼ 1−2 mag) in theoptical. We canthereforedefinitely NationalScienceFoundation. state that we are dealing with a successful selection criterion E.Memolaetal.:SearchingforabsorbedAGNinthe2XMM-Newtonpre-releaseEPICSerendipitousSourceCatalogue∗ 7 ableto“isolate”obscuredsourcesinX-rays.Pageetal.(2007) havebeenstudyinghard-spectrumXMM-Newtonsourceswith 2−4.5keV X-rayflux > 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1 and get the same highefficiencyinfindingabsorbedX-raysources(6.3×1021 < N <2.5×1023cm−2). H We note that, of the large number (427) of high-latitude sources with HR3 > 0 and ML > 20 available in the 2XMM pre-releaseSerendipitousEPICSourceCatalogue,381havea MOS2X-rayfluxinthe4.5−12keVbandlargerthan10−13erg cm−2s−1.Thismeansthattheiropticalspectroscopyshouldbe achievablewithground-basedtelescopes,asalreadyhappened formostofthesourcesoftheHBS.Wecanthereforeforeseea valuableincrementtotheknownsampleofabsorbedAGN,up to afewhundrednewlyabsorbedAGN,andabout1/3among them, as inferred from the HBS statistics, should be the rare type2quasars. Acknowledgements. Weacknowledgefinancialcontributionfromthe contractASI-INAFI/023/05/0. Partofthisworkwassupportedbya Cofingrantfortheyear2006. 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