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IRFU-10-185 Searches for dark matter subhaloes with wide-field Cherenkov telescope surveys Pierre Brun,1,∗ Emmanuel Moulin,1,† Ju¨rg Diemand,2,‡ and Jean-Franc¸ois Glicenstein1,§ 1CEA, Irfu, Service de Physique des Particules, Centre de Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette — France 2Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Zurich, CH-8057 Zurich — Switzerland Thepresenceofsubstructuresindarkmatterhaloesisanunavoidableconsequenceofthecolddark matterparadigm.Indirectsignalsfromtheseobjectshavebeenextensivelysearchedforwithcosmic rays and γ rays. At first sight, Cherenkov telescopes seem not very well suited for such searches, due to their small fields of view and the random nature of the possible dark matter substructure positions in the sky. However, with long enough exposure and an adequate observation strategy, theverygood sensitivity of thisexperimentaltechniqueallows ustoconstrain particle darkmatter 1 models.WeconfrontherethesensitivitymapoftheHESSexperimentbuiltoutoftheirGalacticscan 1 surveytothestate-of-the-artcosmological N-bodysimulationViaLacteaII.Weobtaincompetitive 0 constraints on the annihilation cross section, at the level of 10−24−10−23 cm3 s−1. The results are 2 extrapolated to the future Cherenkov Telescope Array, in the cases of a Galactic plane survey and n of an even wider extragalactic survey. In the latter case, it is shown that the sensitivity of the a CherenkovTelescopeArraywillbesufficienttoreachthemostnaturalparticledarkmattermodels. J 0 PACSnumbers:95.35.+d,98.35.Gi,11.30.Pb,95.30.Cq 1 ] I. INTRODUCTION largecollectionarea,imagingatmosphericCherenkovte- E lescopes (IACT) are very well suited for deep observa- H tionsofselectedsources.ConstraintsonparticleDMmo- In the current cosmological paradigm, cold dark mat- . dels have been obtained by the HESS experiment from h ter(CDM)dominatesstructureformation.Thehaloesof p the observation of the Galactic center [1], the Sagit- galaxies and clusters of galaxies are assembled through - tarius dwarf galaxy [2], and the Canis Major overden- o themergingofahugenumberofsmallerstructures.Most sity [3] and by MAGIC from the observation of the Per- r mergers are incomplete and large CDM haloes, e.g. the t seusgalaxycluster[4]andMilkyWaysatellitesDraco[5] s one aroundthe Milky Way,harbor an enormous popula- and Willman 1 [6]. The VERITAS experiment obtained a tion of subhaloes, which are a recordof its assembly his- [ constraints from the observation of Draco, Ursa Minor, tory. Some particle physics models beyond the standard Boo¨tes 1, and Willman 1 [7] and the Whipple Colla- 2 model predict the existence of these new weakly interac- boration got constraints from Draco, Ursa Minor and v ting massiveparticles(WIMPs)that couldwellformthe M15 [8]. In this paper we focus instead on nontargeted 6 cosmologicaldarkmatter(DM).Shouldtheseparticlesbe 6 searches with Cherenkov telescopes. Space-based instru- thermallyproducedintheearlyUniverse,theircomoving 7 ments such as the Fermi satellite can much more easily 4 density would have been regulated by self-annihilations. perform blind searches for DM subhaloes with a regular 2. Thefreeze-outofthisreactionintheearlyUniverseleads scanning of the entire sky thanks to their large field of totheestablishmentofthenowadaysobservedCDMden- 1 view. Some prospect regardingsearcheswith Fermi have sity. In dense enough structures, the very same annihi- 0 beenconductedinRefs.[9–11]andrecentlythefirstana- 1 lation process can efficiently convert particle DM mass lyses based on actual data were released (Refs. [12, 13]). : energy into high energy standard model particles. The v In [14], HESS data from the Galactic plane survey have CDM structures represent at least one-tenth of the total i been usedto performfor the firsttime a blind searchfor X halo mass and are privileged targets of searches for DM DM substructures with a wide-field survey with IACTs r particle annihilations. The dense regions worth conside- (the structures were DM spikes around intermediate- a ring are the Galactic center and galactic subhaloes, in- massblackholes).However,thissubstructurescenariois cluding a small subset of them which harbors the dwarf ratheroptimisticsincethe abundanceandtheproperties satellitegalaxiesofthe MilkyWay.Theprincipleofindi- of intermediate-mass black holes and of the DM spikes rect searches for DM through γ rays is to search for the around them remain practically unconstrained. Here we γ-rayemissionfollowingthehadronizationand/ordecays investigate constraints derived using the HESS Galactic of these exotically produced standard model particles. survey and the conventional CDM subhalo distribution Strategiesfor searchingthis dim radiationinclude tar- obtainedbythecosmologicalN-bodysimulationViaLac- getedsearchesorwide-fieldsurveys.Thankstotheirvery tea II (VL-II) [15]. As we shall see in the following, the outcome of this study is based only on the numerically well resolved distribution of CDM structures in the Ga- lactic halo, it is thus quite robust. Also, it does not rely ∗Electronicaddress:[email protected] on further density enhancements such as e.g. the pos- †Electronicaddress:[email protected] sible formation of intermediate-mass black holes. This ‡Electronicaddress:[email protected] results in weaker but safer constraints on the particle §Electronicaddress:[email protected] 2 physics models than those of [14]. To go beyond these fromtheobserver[18].Theγ-rayfluxfromagivenclump constraints,itisinterestingtoconsiderextendedsurveys is calculated from thatwillcertainlybeperformedbythenextgenerationof 1 σv IACTsuchastheCherenkovTelescopeArray(CTA)[16] Φ(>E ) = L N (>E ) , (2) th 4πD2 m2 γ th as high priority observations. We thus extend the study byextrapolatingthecurrentconstraintstothesensitivity N being the integrated number of γ-rays produced in γ of CTA, the future observatory in this range of energy. a WIMP collision above a given energy threshold E , th Thepaperisstructuredasfollows.InSec.IIwepresent m the WIMP mass, and σv the velocity-weighted anni- the resultsofthe VL-IIsimulationregardingthesubhalo hilation cross section. With D = 2.9 kpc, one gets the population which we are interested in. Section III is de- reference flux of Φ = 7×10−14 cm−2s−1 from such a 0 votedtothedescriptionoftheHESSsensitivitymapand small, but still well resolved,VL-II clump . This value is how the extrapolation to the CTA is done. The results obtained for σv = 3×10−26 cm3s−1, m = 500 GeV in inferred from the HESS survey are presented in Sec. IV. the case of an annihilation into τ pairs. As we shall see Finally, Sec.V presents the prospects with the CTA and in the following, the observable flux for HESS is roughly Sec. VI is devoted to the conclusion. Φ = 10−12 cm−2s−1 = 14×Φ and in the best HESS 0 case for the CTA is ∼ 3×10−13 cm−2s−1, which is still largerthanΦ .Thismeansthatthesmallestclumpsthat 0 the VL-II simulation is able to resolve are already too II. PREDICTIONS FOR THE SUBHALO CONTENT OF THE MILKY WAY faint to be observed by HESS or the CTA for most ran- domrealizations.Theywouldneedtofallunusuallyclose totheobservertobedetected(D <1.8kpc),whichhap- The CDM subhalo distribution is taken directly from pens in only 18% of all realizations. A HESS detection the VL-II simulation [15], one of the largest, most ac- ofasmallerCDMclump, belowthe numericalresolution curate cosmological N-body simulations of the Galactic of our simulation is even less likely : In CDM the dis- CDM halo. The particle mass of 4100 M allows us to ⊙ tanceD tothenearestsubhaloofabovegivenluminosity resolve small subhaloes (> 105M ) throughout the Ga- n ⊙ scalesroughlylikeD ∝ L1/3(seeforinstance[18]).The lactic halo and even as close to the Galactic center as n fluxΦ∝L/D2 thereforegoeslikeΦ ∝L1/3,i.e.theflux the solar neighborhood. Much smaller CDM subhaloes from the nearest subhalo in a given bin in logL (or log are expected to survive as well [17], but we will show subhalo mass) increases with subhalo mass and we can now thatfor the purposesofthis analysisit is notneces- safely ignore small subhaloes below the VL-II numerical sary to include CDM clumps below the VL-II resolution resolution for the present analysis. limit. The subhaloesresolvedinVL-II increasethe lumi- nosity of the entire haloes as seen by a distant observer by a factor of 1.9. Including the smaller unresolved ha- III. FLUX SENSITIVITY MAPS loes expected to exist in CDM does increase this factor tovaluesbetween4and15,dependingontheabundance Datafromthe Galacticplane surveyconductedbythe and properties assumed for these smaller clumps. The HESS experiment allowed us to obtain flux sensitivity total luminosity from subhaloes is also increased by si- maps to DM annihilations [14]. In Ref. [14], the γ-ray milar factors due to their own subsubstructrue [9], but flux sensitivity is calculated in each position depending we assume smooth subhaloes throughout this work for on the acceptance of the detector, the exposure to each simplicity. Locally (within 1 kpc of the Solar System) point of this region of the sky and the predicted γ-ray thissubstructuremodelsleadstoanenhancementofonly spectrum, according to 1.4±0.2 [15]. Thedarkmatterannihilationluminosity1 isdefinedby Φ90%C.L(b,l) = γ ρ2 Nγ90%C.L(b,l)N(>Eth) L = Z 2 dV , (1) m dN . (3) V T (b,l) A (E ,b,l) (E )dE obs Z eff γ dE γ γ 0 γ whereρ2 isthesquaredmassdensityofthesubhalo.The Here,A istheeffectiveareaforγ rays,whichisafunc- smallest clumps, which are still well enough resolved in eff VL-II, have peak circular velocities of V = 3 kms−1 tionofthe gammaenergyEγ,the skyposition(b,l),and max and L = 1.7×105M2pc−3 , and their local separation Tobs the observation time at a given sky position. No- ⊙ tice that the flux sensitivity depends explicitly on the is hdi = 5.8 kpc; i.e. in a random realization they are mass of the DM particle m and on the details of the found at a median distance of D ≃ 0.5hdi ≃ 2.9 kpc 0 annihilation process. The HESS Galactic plane survey allowed us to detect a large population of unidentified sources [19, 20]. None of them exhibit an energy cut-off in the covered energy range. Each γ-ray source is best- 1. Hereweassumeasmoothsubhalo.Clumpswithinasubhalo doenhance theluminosity[9],butareignoredhere. characterized by a power-law spectrum, as expected for 3 Figure1:Fluxsensitivitymapsat90%C.L.forHESSandaCTA-likearray.Themapsarecalculatedherefora500GeVDM particle annihilating with 100% BR into b¯b. Top : The HESS sensitivity map is calculated with real exposure. Bottom : The simulated flux sensitivity map for a CTA-like array is obtained for a flat exposureof 10h. γ-ray emission from standard acceleration astrophysical conditions, the zenith angle, night sky backgroundlevel, processes.Consequentlyitexcludesthemfrombeingrele- etc.),theangularscaleonehastokeepinmindisthesize vant candidates for DM clumps. No further information oftheeffectivefieldofviewofanindividualrun,whichis about the energy spectrum is used because the nonde- about4◦×4◦2.Unless amoresubtle methodisused,the tection of DM clumps –which is the baseline assumption offregionhastobetakeninthe samefieldofviewasthe throughout this paper– depends first on the total flux. on region to avoid large systematic errors. This means As far as the integrated flux is used, the energy spec- thatif a signalis spreadovera regionthatis largerthan trum of the searched sources only influences the results 5◦, it cannot be observed by Cherenkov telescopes using indirectly though the choice of the annihilation channel. the on-off technique. Although they concern large fields Fig. 1 shows the HESS flux sensitivity map to DM an- of view, the maps of Fig. 1 are built out of a concatena- nihilation for a 500 GeV DM particle annihilating into tion of smaller 4◦ ×4◦ observations. Concerning diffuse b¯b. In the following, when other annihilation channels or emissions on scales below ∼ 4◦, some has been detected masses are considered, the flux limit is properly resca- by HESS (e.g. in the Galactic center region [22]) and is led. The sensitivity map contains hints of the presence anadditionalsourceofbackground,thepoint-sourcesen- of all the discovered sources by HESS. As expected, the sitivity within those regions is decreased. This is clearly flux sensitivity decreases at the position of the detected visible when scrutinizing the map of Fig. 1. Any diffuse sources. The flux sensitivity map can be easily unders- signal that would be pretty much constant all over the tood as follows : if a γ-ray source at a given Galactic map–shoulditreachorevenexceedthepoint-sourcesen- position gave a larger flux than the value quoted in the sitivity of the experiment– would actually be erased by corresponding bin, it would have been detected. Conse- the background subtraction procedure. In practice it is quently, any model predicting a statistically significant alwaysthe case; for instance the signalfrom the smooth number of sources of any kind with fluxes above these halo and unresolved clumps vary by a factor of at most values is excluded. ∼20%ona4◦ scale[23].Theonlyregionwhereitcanbe untrueisthecentral1◦ wherethecentralcuspoftheDM An important point concerns diffuse emission, from halo could appear as a slightly extended source, hence either cosmic rays, the smooth DM halo or unresolved clumps.NotethattheCherenkovtechniqueissuitablefor detecting pointlike sourcesand slightly extended sources or diffuse emission. The reason is that one has to per- 2. OntheCTA,theindividualfieldofviewwillbelarger(>7◦) form an on-off type of background subtraction (see for for energies above 100 GeV, but this does not qualitatively affect instance [21]). Because the trigger rate can vary from thediscussionondiffuseemission one observation to another (depending on the observing 4 producing a large gradient diffuse emission. This is not a concern for our study, because of the presence of the centralastrophysicalsource.Theissueofanannihilation Entries 1000 140 signal at the Galactic center has been addressed anyway Mean 167.7 in [1]. In a sense, because of the way the sensitivity map 120 RMS 43.83 isbuilt,theissueoflargescalediffuseemissionishandled automatically.Thisistrueaslongasthesourcesthatare 100 s searched for have an extension lower than ∼ 2◦ . As we e shallseeinthefollowing,itisalwayssofortheconsidered ntri80 E case. 60 The next generation of IACT will consist of a large telescope array (the CTA) [24]. The current effort on its 40 design should allow us to improve significantly the glo- 20 bal performance of the present generation. The goal is to extend the accessible energy range towards both the 50 100 150 200 250 300 low and the high energies and gain at least a factor of Number of subhaloes in the field of view 10 in flux sensitivity. To extrapolate the current results to future observatories, different assumptions are made Figure 2: Distribution of the number of subhaloes between regarding the foreseen CTA characteristics. A conserva- ±3◦ in Galactic latitude and from -30◦ to 60◦ in Galactic tivevalueof50GeVfortheenergythresholdisassumed. longitude. The distribution is obtained from 1000 stochastic Theeffectiveareaoftheinstrumentisimprovedbyafac- realizationsoftheMilkyWay-likehalofromVL-II.Themean tor of 10 and the hadron rejection by a factor of 2. The of the distribution is 168 with a rms of 44. overall improved capabilities of the CTA will presuma- bly allow us to detect a number of new γ-ray sources. lactic center. Over our realizations, the total number of The construction of the CTA-extrapolated map follows subhaloes inside the Galactic survey field of view shown the procedure described in [25]. Assuming a supernovae in Fig. 1 is 168±44,out of the ∼104 resolvedsubhaloes remnant source model for the γ-ray emission [26] and a contained in the Milky Way. The distribution obtained radialsourcedistribution[27],thedistanceandtheγ-ray afterthese 103 virtualexperiments isdisplayedinFig.2. flux are calculated. The Galactic plane is then randomly The probability to find no subhalo in the field of view populatedaccordingtothespatialdistributionofsources is less than 10−3. The spatial distribution of clumps is observedbytheHESSsurvey[19,20].SotheHESSγ-ray slightly triaxial, with an unknown orientation which is flux source distribution is extrapolated to CTA perfor- notexpectedtobecorrelatedwiththebaryonicdistribu- mance. This extrapolation results in the prediction for tion.Forthatreason,thedistributioniswiderthanwhat the discovery of a few hundreds of new sources in the is expected froma purely sphericaldistribution. To scan Galactic survey field of view. The presence of these new the (DM particle mass–σv) plane, the mass of the DM sources deteriorates the DM flux sensitivity accordingly. particle is kept fixed and the value of the cross section The resultingprojectedCTAsensitivity mapisshownin forwhich2.3subhaloesarevisibleonaverageissearched. the lower panel of Fig. 1 for a DM particle mass of 500 This corresponds to a 90% C.L. limit on σv. GeV annihilating into b¯b. A flat exposure of10 h in each Out of the subhaloes entering the histogram of Fig. 2, position of the map is assumed. This value allows us to some are extended. Fig. 3 displays the distributions of matchthetotalamountoftimefortheCTAsurveytothe fluxes and angular size of the subhaloes computed over ∼ 400 h which were needed by HESS to survey this re- 100 random realizations of the Milky Way for two anni- gionofthe sky.The flux sensitivity forCTArangesfrom hilationcrosssections.Heretheextension,dubbedθ ,is ∼10−12cm−2s−1 intheregionwherethenew sourcesare 90 definedastheangularsizeontheskyoftheregionswhere present to a few 10−13cm−2s−1 on average at higher la- 90%of the annihilation signalarises from.Note that the titudes. brightestclumpsarealwaysmoreextendedthantheave- rage, but they are never larger than about 1.5◦. This is important because as it does not conflict with the on-off IV. CURRENT EXCLUSION LIMITS backgroundsubtraction technique discussed in Sec. III. Togiveanideaofhowmanyofthe subhaloesofFig.2 The question to be addressed in this section is –for a are visible for a given sensitivity, one can refer to the fixed set of particle physics parameters– what the pro- integrated luminosity function in Fig. 4. It presents the bability is for a clump to lie in the survey region with number of subhaloes in the field of view that have a flux a flux larger than the HESS sensitivity at its position larger than a given value versus the value of the flux. in the sky. To answer this question, we generate 103 dif- The error bars correspond to the rms of the distribu- ferent Monte Carlo realizations of the Milky Way halo. tion due to the random nature of the halo realization. Independent realizations are obtained by randomly pla- The resultsarepresentedfor differentparticle DMconfi- cing the observer at a distance of 8.5 kpc from the Ga- gurations : 500 GeV WIMP with annihilations into b¯b 5 to be handled as the sensitivity map is built assuming m=500 GeV, bb point like sources. In that case, we make the conserva- tive choice to rescale the flux by lowering it to the value -10 enclosed in the instrument angular resolution. Because 1) ) σ v = 10-23 cm3s-1 the flux sensitivity concerns the integrated flux above 2-s-12 some threshold, its value depends on an assumed spec- -m trum. Depending on the consideredannihilation channel c ( (hereafter χχ → b¯b or τ+τ−) and on the DM particle φ / -14 mass, the values of the HESS sensitivity in each bin of ( g σ v = 3×10-26 cm3s-1 the map are then properly rescaled. o L The left handside ofFig.5 showsthe 90%C.L. exclu- -16 sion limit on σv as a function of the DM particle mass. Two annihilation spectra are considered : 100% bran- ching ratio annihilation channel in b¯b and τ+τ−, respec- 10-2 10-1 1 tively, in order to somehow encompass all possible anni- θ ( degree ) 90 hilation spectra for the DM particle. The limits on the annihilation cross section reach a few 10−24 cm3s−1 at 1 Figure 3: Distributions of flux and angular sizes of subha- TeV for the τ+τ− spectrum. The dashed region corres- loesintheHESSfieldofview,obtainedforannihilationcross ponds to cosmologically relevant values for the annihila- sections of10−23 and3×10−26 cm3s−1 andstacked over100 tion cross section. The obtained constraints are 2 orders random realizations of theMilky Way halo. of magnitude above this region. These results are compared to those obtained with 103Galatic plane survey wide-fieldsearchesinFermidatain[12],whichappearto be very complementaryas they coverlowerenergies.For m = 500 GeV τ+τ−, σ v = 10−26 cm3s−1 the sake of comparison, the best current constraints ob- τ+τ−, σ v = 10−23 cm3s−1 tainedwithCherenkovtelescopesfromtargetedsearches bb, σ v = 10−26 cm3s−1 bb, σ v = 10−23 cm3s−1 are from the Galactic center with HESS (of the order of 102 10−24−10−23 cm3s−1 [1]) and Sagittarius dwarf galaxy ) Φγ (from 10−25 to 10−23 cm3s−1, depending on the mode- > ( lingofthesource[2]).Theconstraintsobtainedherefrom b u S VL-II subhaloesarebasedoncanonicalassumptionsand N 10 reach 10−24 −10−23 cm3s−1; they are thus among the most competitive to date obtained with γ rays in this range of mass. In the case of an annihilation into gauge boson pairs 1 (here W+W−), it could happen that the cross section is 10−16 10−15 10−14 10−13 10−12 10−11 10−10 significantlyincreasedbymeansoftheso-calledSommer- Φγ (cm−2s−1) feldeffect[28,29].TheenhancementfactorS dependson the mass of the DM particle and on the relative velocity Figure 4: Integrated luminosity function for the VL-II sub- ofthe collidingparticles,itrangesfromafew percentup haloesintheHESSfieldofview.TheconsideredWIMPmass to very large values of ∼104. For Vmax ≪ c, the enhan- is500GeV;differentcasesfortheannihilationparametersare cement goes approximately as V−1 before S reaches a max considered:annihilationsintob¯bandτ+τ−andcrosssections plateau due the finite range of the Yukawa interaction. of 10−23 and 10−26 cm3s−1. WhenmisclosetoaWIMPalmost-boundstate,thean- nihilation processbecomes resonantwith S ∝V−2. The max Sommerfeld effect has been modeled here in the case of andτ+τ− andcrosssectionsof10−23 and10−26 cm3s−1. an annihilation into W pairs, with an annihilation pro- Should an experiment have an arbitrarily low flux sensi- ceeding towards the exchange of a 90 GeV boson and a tivity, it would lie on the lower-end asymptote and ob- coupling constant of g = 1/30. In the HESS sensitivity serve all of the 168 objects on average. If the sensitivity range, the resonances are obtained for m∼4.5TeV and map was constant over the whole field of view, to get m∼17.6TeV.Inthespecificcaseofannihilationswithin a constraint one should just set the annihilation cross- substructures, the enhancement can become very large, section and mass of the DM particle to have 2.3 visible because the colder the subhalo, the larger the enhance- objects on average.In practice, the whole map including mentfactor[30].InthesubhaloesconsideredinVL-II,the its fluctuations of sensitivity has to be used. maximalvelocityV rangesfrom0.5to20kms−1.Ha- max Considering that HESS has an angular resolution of vingS ∝V−1,the boostfactorcanindeed be large[31]. max 0.01◦, a fraction (∼ 50%) of the clumps that are found In our Monte Carlo realizations, a specific Sommerfeld to be above the HESS sensitivity are extended. This has boost is assigned to each subhalo depending on its spe- 6 H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey Fermi all sky τ+τ- τ+τ- W+W- with Sommerfeld effect 10-21 Fermi all sky bb 10-22 AMSB models bb ) Thermally produced WIMPs -1 )s10-22 3-1 sm10-23 3 cm10-23 ( c10-24 σ v ( 10-24 v / S 10-25 σ 10-25 10-26 Thermally produced WIMPs 10-26 10-27 103 104 103 104 m ( GeV ) m ( GeV ) Figure5:Left:Exclusioncurvesonσv versustheDMparticlemassmforHESS.Thelimit iscalculated atthe90%C.L.for the DM clumps provided by the VL-II simulation. The DM particle is assumed to annihilate into purely b¯b and τ+τ− pairs, respectively. The region of natural values of the velocity-weighted annihilation cross section of thermally produced WIMPs is also plotted.Right : Exclusion curveson σv versustheDM particle mass m for HESSincluding theSommerfeld enhancement effect. cific V . The constraints obtained are displayed in the projection to the CTA are presented in Fig. 6. The ex- max rightpanelofFig.5.Somepredictionsfromsupersymme- clusion limits are lower by a factor of ∼10 than those tric models with annihilation into W bosons, extracted obtained with HESS. In the conventional case (b¯b and from[32][intheanomaly-mediatedsupersymmetrybrea- τ+τ−, without Sommerfeld enhancement), they are rea- kingscenario(AMSB)],arealsoshown.Thesepredictions ching σv values of a few 10−25cm3s−1. In the case of donotincludetheS factor,soconstraintsontheunboos- Sommerfeld enhanced annihilations, some regions of the ted cross section σv/S are shown. Outside resonances, parameter space for the model could be excluded, since thelimitislessthan2ordersofmagnitudeabovethean- a largearrayoftelescopes wouldhaveenough sensitivity nihilation cross section expected for thermally produced to detect WIMPs in the mass range from ∼3 to 6 TeV WIMPS,but–thankstotheresonantSommerfeldeffect– and close to the second resonance. a small region around 4.5 TeV is excluded. V. PROSPECTS FOR CTA OBSERVATIONS PROGRAMS We conclude from Fig. 6 that using this field of view, A. HESS-like Galactic plane survey the CTA will not be able to reach signals from the most natural WIMPs. One order of magnitude is gained with The projected map for the CTA is used as in the pre- respect to HESS, but a factor of 2–10 is still necessary vious analysis of the HESS Galactic survey to make a to reach the natural DM annihilation cross sections. An prediction for the sensitivity of the future array. As a homogeneousincrease of the exposure time will only im- first step, the same field of view as HESS is used. We provethe exclusion limits as the square root of exposure considerthatascanoftheGalacticplanewillforsurebe time inthe background-limitedregime,so one hasto en- performed by the CTA, so that this region of the sky largethefieldofviewinsteadofusinglongerexposure.In is somehow the minimal guaranteed field of view. An addition,thefluxsensitivityalongtheGalacticplanewill exposure of 10 h in each pixels corresponds to a total belimitedbythepopulationofnewlydetectedsourcesat observation time for building up the survey of 400 h. a flux level of 10−12 cm−2s−1. The Galactic plane might Concerning the extension of the sources, a slightly more also not be the best place to look for subhaloes since optimisticmethodisused.Insteadofrescalingthefluxto they could have been tidally affected by the disk. For the signal enclosed in the angular resolution, the whole those reasons, an observing strategy focusing on fields signal is considered.Nevertheless, any clump that would withabsolute Galacticlatitude ofatleast0.5◦ shouldbe be too much extended to allow for a proper background preferred for DM subhalo searches, as it clearly appears subtractionis excluded fromthe sample.Subhaloes with in the lower panel of Fig. 1. This is precisely the point θ > 1.5◦ are thus not considered. The results for the developed in the next subsection. 90 7 CTA projection, Galactic plane survey CTA projection, Galactic plane survey 10-22 τ+τ- W+W- with Sommerfeld effect 10-22 10-23 AMSB models bb ) Thermally produced WIMPs -1 )s10-23 3-1 sm10-24 3 m c σ v ( c1100--2254 σ v / S ( 1100--2265 Thermally produced WIMPs 10-27 10-26 10-28 102 103 104 103 104 m ( GeV ) m ( GeV ) Figure 6: Left : The projected sensitivity curves on σv versus theDMparticle mass m for a CTA Galactic planesurvey.The limit is calculated at the 90% C. L. for the DM clumps provided by the VL-II simulation. The DM particle is assumed to annihilate into purely b¯b and τ+τ− pairs respectively. The region of natural values of the velocity-weighted annihilation cross section of thermally produced WIMPS is also plotted. Right : Exclusion curves on σv versus the DM particle mass m for a CTA-like array including theSommerfeld enhancement effect. 1/4 sky survey are expected to shine and therefore decrease the sensiti- )104 Φγ mDM = 500 GeV vitytoDMclumps.Ontheotherhand,thecentralregion > τ+τ−, σ v = 10−26 cm3s−1 of the Milky Way is attractive since the VL-II subhalo (b τ+τ−, σ v = 10−23 cm3s−1 NSu103 bbbb,, σσ vv == 1100−−2263 ccmm33ss−−11 dthisetrsiubruvteioynreisgipoenakisedchtoowseanrdtsotbhee cfreonmter-.9F0o◦rttohi+s9st0u◦diyn, Galacticlongitudeandfrom-45◦to+45◦inGalacticlati- tude,excludingtheGalacticplanebetween±1.5◦.Inside 102 this region, the distribution of the number of subhaloes from the simulation is similar to the one of Fig. 2, but withanaveragevalueof3907,andarmsof324.Thefact 10 that this extended survey leads to better constraints is illustrated in Fig. 7, where the same results as for Fig. 4 are presented, but for the considered quarter-sky survey insteadoftheGalacticplanesurvey.Hereagain,thequo- 1 10−1610−15 10−14 10−1310−12 10−1110−10 tederrorbarscorrespondto the RMSofthe distribution Φ (cm−2s−1) over possible realizations. γ The sensitivity is taken to be constant on the en- Figure 7: Integrated luminosity function for the VL-II sub- tire field of view. Its value is calculated from the pre- haloes in the field of view of one quarter of the sky. The vious CTA sensitivity map averaged for Galactic lati- considered WIMP mass is 500 GeV; different cases for the annihilation parametersareconsidered :annihilationsintob¯b tudes above 1.5◦ and corrected for a shorter exposure. and τ+τ− and cross sections of 10−23 and 10−26 cm3s−1 A 5h exposure time in each pixel leads to a flux sensiti- vity of the order of 5× 10−13cm−2s−1 for a WIMP mass of 500 GeV. For this last study as well, the whole signal from extended subhaloes is considered, and objects lar- B. CTA survey of one-quarter of the sky ger than 1.5◦ are rejected. As in previous sections, the value of the sensitivity is renormalizedfor eachDM par- Togofurther,onecannotethatlargerscansofthesky ticlemass.Toaverygoodapproximation,thedecreaseof will most likely be conducted by the CTA. In particular, thesensitivityduetothenewpopulationofextragalactic amoreextendedsurveyoftheorderofaquarter-skysize sources such as, e.g. active galactic nuclei, is negligible. is foreseen. In this section, the CTA sensitivity to DM The quoted value of the sensitivity is reached by poin- annihilations is computed in the context of such an am- tingthewholearrayinthesamedirection,whichisquite bitiousprogram.Alargesurveyincreasestheprobability time consuming. Assuming a duty cycle of 1000 h of ob- to find bright subhaloes in the field of view, which thus servation per year, this quarter-of-the-sky survey can be translates into better constraints. Such a survey should completedwithinabout6yearsofoperation.Animplicit not include the Galactic plane where numerous sources assumptionisthatallunidentifiedsourcesdonotpresent 8 CTA projection, 1/4 sky survey CTA projection, 1/4 sky survey 10-21 W+W- with Sommerfeld effect 10-22 τ+τ- 10-24 AMSB models 1 )10-23 bb -1 )s10-25 Thermally produced WIMPs -s 3m 3 m10-24 c10-26 c ( σ v ( 10-25 v / S 10-27 10-26 Thermally produced WIMPs σ 10-28 10-27 10-29 102 103 104 103 104 m ( GeV ) m ( GeV ) Figure8:Left:Exclusion curvesonσv versustheDMparticlemassmforaCTAsurveyofaonefourthofthesky.Thelimit is calculated at 90% C. L. for the DM clumps provided by the VL-II simulation. The DM particle is assumed to annihilate into purely b¯b and τ+τ− pairs respectively. The region of natural values of the velocity-weighted annihilation cross section of thermally produced WIMPs is also plotted. Right : Exclusion curves on σv versus the DM particle mass m for the CTA including theSommerfeld enhancement effect. therequiredfeaturesofDMsourcecandidates.Asforthe obtained out of the HESS Galactic plane survey are still Galactic survey,the observationofextension,variability, 2 orders of magnitude higher than the thermal WIMP andenergyspectrumwillbeusedtoruleouttheuniden- region. Thus most natural models for WIMPs as dark tified sources as DM clump candidates. Notice however matterareoutofthereachofcurrentgenerationground- thatshouldacoupleofplausibleDMsourcesbedetected, based Cherenkov telescopes with wide-field surveys and additional dedicated observation time would be devoted realistic observing time. However, the limits reached in for deeper studies. theσv−mplaneareverycompetitivecomparedtoother Figure 8 shows the 90% C.L. exclusion limit on σv as strategies such as targeted searches. By using the same a function of the DM particle mass. Annihilation cross Galactic plane field of view, we show that the discovery sections of a few 10−26 cm3s−1 are reached in the 200 ofparticleDMintheformofWIMPsisunlikelytobeac- GeV - 3 TeV mass range in the case of annihilation into cessible for the next generation of Cherenkov telescopes τ pairs.In the scenarioofanannihilationinto W bosons such as the CTA. However, by considering an ambitious pairswithSommerfeldenhancement,allWIMPsfromthe but realistic quarter-of-the-sky survey with the CTA, it AMSB with masses from 200 GeV to 6 TeV are within is shown that the thermal WIMP promised land can be the reach of the CTA. hit. Note that such a survey will likely be conducted by CTA independently of particle DM considerations. This searchfor DM subhaloes will therefore not be in conflict VI. CONCLUSIONS with other physics programs. Weusedforthefirsttimeawidefield-surveyfromChe- renkovtelescopestoconstrainconventionalDMsubstruc- Acknowledgments ture scenarios. 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