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‘) Detoative RYAN dha spoke with docgannt Bert BANS at 22 Bresioa. Sergeaat EVAN advised that he 2960.00 dolla ford cm LISL was sted, plaoed into & progeny ing and ented +) Detective YAN wasealed te properly bey voutuiniay $800.00 end aompered ‘rial nurmbeis to tose sonal amvubers oa the by stoney cuntal sheet ‘al)Detecdve RYAN determined thatthe $900.00 dolls seized trom LIST was “be ‘9990.00 dollera given t BABRAMI hy do UC, Huzmuliva for doptomber2Y', 2815 i ve '305)L reocived sn email ftom Detective Sergeant GIROUX fa relation to the Oetuber 1%, 2013 {NK informacion for LISI. Fhe folowing 's the fofecration an the DNR that is tlevant that dae rvaliazce seauuiry’ IST called Richview Cleaners 4 ten, The longest ell 1) Between 10:84 AM and 6:22. Tacted 38 secon bb) -Botwran 10:54 AM and 6:22 PM tichviow Cleans cometed LISI 2 ties, The longenl eorands Dudislal Authorization Geayted. 2, 20:3 tz Hounewabte Futie D, COLE provided Fidei Ambo! atin for tho reskdence of Alessndes LISI 3) 5 Madill ect: 1) Tema ly be search for Camabis (tua) eer Pasa a Seare ALL Gt st alpha afr an oar Mr Modis even tha daa ee ‘hart spectee orem ‘ae renen Juma ean Cant at rior eck Tentcnges and log, Yoiee Malang ae 9 reettaasicg er © * Ona Telephone recip str hing eno tomato eit nrrllne eamste tte oa rot shove gauge au aaj CCV Sealy ses aid a cbse strap: deviecétintboes CCTV cans oonge ‘iy ob daa re yeni Uh puta sen lig ‘Baran 3) Range Rover, beating Ontar Jemee ples SCR 443 4} Marna tn be seaoted 1 Geenbin(Mcinans) Deg room dae “tl or asa Agneta) Bees (SLL Sethtar Lelgdvndy amar ayy ster Bates Mba Device si by ua ep Phe, peel © ote © tanta plo anal eat SS Greet beer aden as 3 TeceMesags and gs vole da race S Ebetonic hal aages 5 Teepe sales. One rset allure ephomerae per big mata aeson eens ‘oy oer éocimarstan cat fortaing credo, possessing or aceagef ‘ay ole daoumeuntin civ peising 2‘ peodstoa, pessoa cr Peele cae ©) Riclview Closers 4) Ham to be soared fen Tory eos fre Envelope nod bp Letne Carle SRNASLES Cats eee) Dngprephenie bait Packing erat Laue asou ) sees ‘AL Calle Tetenee) nation eter ec Me edo: dean ‘stn pital: og orga: aed di Dr aie Stes nie dts eat nase a ge Wote hall new npen erenie Mal meses ‘earn oa age "aut bors ese Cena tyne recwps der Mleg sr mae 38 ‘ny ee outer ets peeing he pedo, powescon tng of : matte 4) $2 'Lsity Wut Stcetreidence 1 Temata he sosrsbed fer: Camus tre) Prog-pereemalia Detclix | I Agent Precedsafaing 1 sub ‘ALL Cather 1¥ spines ander an ahr leon Rd vio ai he Gt con Shwe, seca Fouogstn Cea anise ci Cte a er al ook 1 Tothtenmescedlos: Telntooe elles Inviting irs 1 ‘Ces tolphene ees eur Hoy nor msetionzanne ‘oy dvuesaton ee Gems pesog cpm gresceon oe vale alin sletached yanye located om Ibe prop ct 82 Thirty Nicth ire. 5) tamere be searcia for 1 (Ceaabis ian) eg peri Beit ' Peslaget esl erdea:e Agamecne ec ere ry jl + Seu: TAL) Colas Tsphonees ate any ae erie, poet “Bccrork Mosh Got mat i dns or Pega e Mot wes 2 tele bono clogs 2 eam oratory + Onder Tein rel lori ig lees ws J Atak deme cen prin, GG eaducoa weno sm nites = ofalad tu Alesnader LISL up sober 34, U3 Loe singed of Cue follosice informative. rou, Detgeive SCHERIZER: eT "Taal Alesana LIST ses dhuged wi Joephid BAD i Cousplency tu vouni adorable afanee 2 ¢. 465/13) id) Treffen Natbuana finder) CDS.A. 566) ij Ponsetsion of Prnoeoda oF Crime CC. 45 F410) i) Pousti. of Mavihusia (user) CDA oj Thet Jamshid BAL AMM was emaged wits 1) Corspinucy 19 coma inal atable ereo C0, 4654112) iy Tenftioe Marita fucery COS.A, 5:1) 9 ii) Possession uf Cocaine CSS. 40) Intersiow: wit Afexandler LIST 2066308 Onaiber 21”. 2013 Netestive Serguaen GIRUT? ane Devastioe SCHERTZER attompted To inferve Alsxanter CIR newerar LIBT dG not wast we spake wth ines ) 0 Otooe 4, 2013 Detetiwe Yorpim) CTROTE and Aeicetive SHLRTZER interviewer tid SABRABL at Tstoho lice 22 Division Seater. Yhuve weaved the inser ye Ls the uit eo ton: us ® Dy ® Menvidwana Rome "RAHIRADAT advise that bo should ave jus enna te psy fer his opr martboena, BALERAM bac inown “181 fo a lrg tine, Last year 11S) asked BAHTRAMI lo Spy fora cxsritrauis Voence, BAPIRAM id bs cusu't meng encugh ‘o waren i Ls sgelag my asc ne year und Dat ths vs DABRAMI's last hance, [ESL sald that BAHSAML would no lenges have te pay for manana and could isco aod suery With fon wherever he veut, BATIRAM agrees bat wasn'ta bud dea siuce be was paying fort and smoky, it. LINT explained tc BSHRAMI how lo ge haus. getty tue mndical heence in Bens Colombia HAHRAUI thinks te ence was spguovedl in May of 2013 hut he dat is elt down gave DALRAML an adress ie wile oss on hs iene wbcee ay fe Rowers WeUl? lke uportion aid they won te rnd urs portion LIST eae m SAERAMT aboel umcacth and chal te two atocths ago aad eid fan diy snd they hal tye, BAHRAMMT ystoned ssh be bade ge nd ISL advised we Husuce aut legally allen to cary THAXERAMT and LAST went a plage. in King ily, LIN) gndbbed the tual ent it in -he ‘ia and came beck to 'Tavoety, BAHR AM? and LIS locked at dis mushuuaca 2a it us all mld LiS1 advises ie lkoron the prosers and thr ey apologized a ext nent, ‘ould have abet ene and they wonld doublet and give ts dem Ac the uesinning of Segnember they get amuie: puviage Cat wis aici EAMRAWE bed TIST be did es sat to be lve ved ts the marthung licence ansanere and Dut he wanted fo caval il, BAHILAW" gra ha cin t now o= bust ese peuple TSE old BAHRAM ce cll au fe them what vas pol ‘hat he cor carry madinapa co him, cn bu to Keep tes. eames ap BARRAML silled te Canada Marihuana Pangaum docu 3 weeks ayo and naviseé that uaeliceua 2 yne yetrng wan bad ard Ghat he Uiéa wos! ese people wal wane his anu remgvod fan Ths loerio=, BAMRANO ratvosd he dd noi Kucw what ihe Ieeutiou wae hie cee but hl bes cute 446 Osiober , 2048 deg crassesion 1) GAMIRAME advivod tatu guy caune ta his tice und tod Na he needed soaue uh 39 BAWRAMS! called TIS] and oti that wuy needed ctniend “AST as ced huw mvc of that [toffee lefe AVIAN advised shoul alu u pod and he seid oss 1) BATIRAME adviged 1481 he didn suzto gotnvelve? and Nha Le dia want lo ve rose wi Ln hada Irosnesicaed athe Saved IST ly seckage itp ar the guy tw pal the zacegy ia ar vege 1} TARR AMI ude di only uistaze be mede vos aowing the trenaection Te hegpe in ns mre 19) UIST pucaayed the msaihaena emi pu. is abe tiblye at he cleezevs, He weizheds put down 268 arve packed! nd yt it inte tiege BATIRAMI wdvisad te sid "LIST this Se your solh Fe called Uae pecou, ft ereom same, [said "isis 288 grams, that what She aud, thas his amit onthe wall, you ree exeetly 288 grea.” Dp) Dotesstns serpeait GLROUX anki HALTAMI IF te hamcbting wa wall and ATRAME advised ics, 6) BASRAMM edelseé vase VIS) troughe the earhunoa she day Lefuve vestry Mendy) ate ti 1) BALRAM adviand that LIS) oct itn, weighed it and yal icin Be fi 5) BABRAML called his gy and told hin o Some and ck i 4) BARRA advised the guy snare va SEAN, Jafoon "Sean" 1a} BADR AM ulvised das SEAN wang wasouser et aa is and haa oling pap i it [poeyst end “bat hey stated tlsing abcat Tadia aad een SAN esha if be kao randy and DALBLAME ated thethe mole ') BATIRAME psjons dot he hes zeeumstisn (atbrits at ates hi pve and ha od hip eplacemetre ar that nei in pan most af the ta. 1») SRAM said he wasted wunesing and BAMW AMT edvise he had seomething fmt itv lnabage, RABRAM adslaes Pe. coold gol romelbing éatter thax: DAN, 2) SHAN arid okay and asked BAHAMI ithe ewuld ge hm tht tu 1) BAER AMI advised that be beieves the dea astwcon DAN ued SEAN wert Uiroush, ocut the quilt, ewer winge inreesied in 2) BAHRAM! adbiead ther HPA didi the euantiy 2) BALIRAML seid hed sat wt Inf fam eet an tha as aw he den! worked cl tt 99 the wey Tey Gio ie) BAHRAMT advises be does norlaow if te mayiinana i beag grown in King Chy a1 Toreute sever ee tothe location whees itis grossing fe) BAH RAMI advises ne has BABEAMT marhanne teonce 4) BARA advises be ie Feonssd to tery 1800 graves ny. ce) BAP RAM! advise ty hay aun LIST for or 3 yours ut ec ese in the to: 10-12 monn A) DALTRAAT ely Lagos hua as LISI, BAPRAMT bel-oves be works atx melanie emp sad peewibly sls used ee. gg)BAHRAMI lea urver been ta vere he works, in) BAGIRAML thinks we sw 1127 vice a weetcin te lt feur-noms. RAHAT Cia Tee ies 45 goth eam LIS? in 9 ek fi) BAMRAMI aav‘se the adese Superient does unt “nea ell ii) BAB AQT dnes oi staembec ‘ae mime of te Coccor but acne tis ou is eee tit oe) AAMRAMT advises be worm Fritch Culuuna by himself Apt May approved ia Fane 1) DAL-RAMML saves he does ae! kuow vo the peogie are that grow nus EISL arows sity Li: to ee plaza ar the Poa mca ria BABRAMT ads th L181 brow ‘ita the growers upp 2 ross wu afersetion sont DAB ra) RATTRADE advises by yas go «past o the rangactinn beeen J2AN and SEAN tut ‘hai DAN aright pve bi 520 or suxething es arp. ‘0}BABRAMI adviace be does wet know mnch skoul DAN, just hae his phowe ater and is dnt gem VRAD es Ue ve DAN works ia Bueno ves sores in Dros Tarlo. 40 Fos a Gaps RANT ara hat DAN provides im thee itt mata 1) BAUIRAML sey be roeLTAN Lonel maz ld sey HAMOLAM sey ht he as posed Pras ot AN Tore mn anes "3 ous TIGL sometimes i's rox socacnody st8e, sr) BASRANEse98 thu am brs fa Sewer Gus the same Hr vou) MABRNCANST saps atte Jeweler is nt iavelced Sa rafiking mthane vo) DARRAMI says tha Da and he Seer ve Doth Roraion jos} HAHNRAMT avis th the deal hetweea DAS and SHA woe es vesahoom oli Fost vay ABRAMS vines hain Doe sekng arsine 0 Fang ea oF oud re be Maleate Sey B ARAM vies at STAN td pi hat Dom sab Nn aon std aniRanl dicts wat’ bear azo acs thing {LaST anu Mayor FORD say RASTRAMT aves nee poole were fer IS forth Rae BORD SOs espeoeliy ews Sees. on) BATIRANYL kad LIS) wnt was gouge al The Sa 0 2 id dance nent the Rob FORD sidea se ey avbalter hss howe he feuds with Rab FORD. olgL ig sid BABRAMT Ba ley weaving ume Ki forking Roo Fe RD, Cantents aside Ricloiow Cleaners ec} WRWRADM esa yl i yaaa as ae TO SNS te a LEAR Un a ens ite ooo rsh ei alee 19s Info TST agi AMADA ugicos wit Deinulive Segre! GTROUR tht LIS: 4 eu dele, eee NABHAMAT di nat aouce USL come i wit a ike POP eu. a ket te lemme AR BALRAR adetes thet 7:80 bought bie ad gee) BASIRAM! advises Ose deal ons that he grower Wonld take 'ifund Le aut 1181 would ‘hic the oxtet bul ich) HAHTRAMI sstsimed thar LS] was selling Bis postion, 1i8} LIS used t sell soa manthaunu o> BATIRAMT betne be got is eee Ji) BAFRAMT di6 uot now vse L38T se geting hs maribuane fos, kk) BATRAMI hd fey ditfevene options ther he wes yolieg massa ot, 1) BALIRAMI advies thet 1.187 els sold oan ramp) MAHRAM advises thet he hed pensoou: problesn wth eaesine acd LIST va soiligghirr lhe covane (power. BAERAMD was sponding about 5250-300 a week os creuine, BALTRAMT srt uiqg cceaing in Z007-HE® ap anil he wect ta Tray a lat apd ow jun sive aces eek sea) “ISI yas ling pica in 2071/20" 2 and 2013. The lat tima de yucca socsie ‘hom LIST Wis fast Woek for $82.00. BAP AMI gaia $80.00 for lese aaa grmn of coesine ty. LISI. Waen UAHBLAM wanted egcaue le woul say "oor sit is seady™ and] $81 10d bring him encaine poo) LIS beings BAHIRA ais natn na ane coos ‘rls soc, iST eo aght ‘oedne ou a Maudey aud BAHRAMI pedd S120, TepJBATERAML seized that ISL weld onme to the soze sanetines wit: assem and sometiaes sith nizza. het au: Somstinas LIST ard BAHRAMI would go for s ative und smoke ain. rr) HAYRAM! anly kaevis uf ewe other pers LIS sls eugs t named BENNY. si) RATIRAMI Saovis BERNY to sock arte Mm par. ime. oftca 1) BALIRAMIM Lae never egon Ravy FOR") end LIB togethes. ISG as brought FORD: clacies this sore fos clean vmjPASRARAT ad vides T IST rane in'Y-1B Cay gu 04 BARAT rok Hi i bad an (a youl e150) a Esa ve would go and gee sengeece hal went poJBALIRAML suys that LL w pamy drop deal its just fev: vssumners wees} y knows 28h dive a Racge Rover. 450 sre) AAHRAMI cays Li8| rave them ing. sto King (My that he lol owt yo) BAHRAMI sdelaes bs Gusset ano where L1SLkoeps a urbuacs ize; BALTRAM pays he kus seen LIS" sé Fite hic of Murdhoara aed ers 959) BAHRAMT says LIST brougi: na pacleayes within te clewting, ona Tk aac 10 be dy clganes umd ave wane cron} LIS) eee) BAHKAMT ati apna Ferrodoces ‘and Pupusna have been tiene or quite a tw years and BACIRAMI to L'! . FA) DAHRAMT k:ew LES! fia the para tan anly hello aud govdye geen) Paymnen 21d BAHRAM thar Re vol get the att oft 1231. RAF RANE eds Cat ‘Parana eleo did cocaine hat dev aot kaw fue pcehsed fem LIN! cz aot, BATRAME porsonal fe ab) BAMRAMY advises he seperateg tram ais wife Dew yosusag ard wert eat and ies nly bea buck togetbar with ir wife fer a ecu sii) BAVIRADA specks Krelsh and Farsi ans ame 19 Canada in 1. fSVARR.AD Lacks ty yave fe Carges deoprad ar ithe ever Cus itagrin be will ign sounetaing saving he sil gu te jul for 5 yeats. ‘Puce Kovndl insite LIST’s Runge Rover SU) Gn Oetober 4" 2015 1 spakorp Detotive Coustable BML fn teleton lo the arch wae wesecuted o2 HX Range Mover. [earued the Zollnwingkorratin’ 4) 7 Ocleper 26,2015 the earch wrtran th P.COL His releon to ISPs Rage Rewer ss 45

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