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Search for Supergalactic Anisotropies in the 3B Catalog 1 2 3 Dieter H. Hartmann , Michael S. Briggs , Karl Mannheim 1 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 2 Dept. of Physics, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL 35899 3 Universita(cid:127)ts-Sternwarte G(cid:127)ottingen, Geismarlandstrasse 11, D-37803 G(cid:127)ottingen The angular distribution of GRBs is isotropic, while the brightness distribution of bursts shows a reduced number of faint events. These observations favor a cosmological burst origin. If GRBs are indeed at cosmological distances and if theytrace luminous matter, we must eventually (cid:12)nd an anisotropic distribution of bright bursts. If a sig- ni(cid:12)cant number of bursts originate at redshifts less than z (cid:24) 0.1, the 6 concentrationofnearbygalaxiestowardsthesupergalacticplaneispro- 9 nouncedenoughthatwecoulddiscoverthecorrespondingclusteringof 9 burstlocations. Weusedthe3Bcatalogtosearchforapatternvisible 1 in supergalactic coordinates. No compelling evidence for anisotropies n was found. The absence of anisotropies in SG coordinates implies a a (cid:0)1 minimumsampling distance of 200 h Mpc. J 1 1 INTRODUCTION 7 The isotropic angular distribution of (cid:13)-ray bursts (GRBs) argues in favor 5 0oftheircosmologicalorigin. However,this linkonlyappliesif burstssamplea 1signi(cid:12)cantfractionoftheuniverse. On\small"scalestheuniverseisknownto 0belumpy,andweexpectlocalanisotropiesintheangularpatternofGRBpo- 6 sitions,butonlyifasigni(cid:12)cantnumberofburstshaveoccuredcloseenoughto 9 tracethese spatialinhomogeneitiesdoweexpectto(cid:12)nd signi(cid:12)cantdeviations / h from isotropy. The brightness distribution of bursts in the BATSE sample p (8,12) suggests a maximum sampling redshift of zmax (cid:24) 1, while the nearest - oburstswouldoriginateataredshiftzmin (cid:24)0.1(4,9,27). Whiletheprobability rofobservingburstsfrom distanceslessthanafew100Mpcisthus apparently t ssmall,neithertheextentofthelocalinhomogeneitiesnortheactualminimum a sampling distance of BATSE are well know. It is thus useful to test the data for anisotropies of bright bursts. If the burster brightness distribution indeed implies a sampling range z (cid:24) 0.1(cid:0) 1, there would be too few bursts closerthan (cid:24) 100Mpc, and we would not be able to detect local cosmic inhomogeneities. There are, however, a few indications that some bursts may have been much closer than the 100 Mpc limit suggested by their brightnesn distribution. Weak evidence for an association of ultra-high energy photons ((cid:24) 100 TeV) with a GRB has been (cid:13)c 1996 American Institute of Physics 1 2 claimed for the bright burst GRB910511 (15). At distances in excess of D (cid:24) 300Mpcsuchultra-highenergyphotonsorparticlesfrombrightburstswould not reach the Earth without excessive degradation through interaction with thecosmicmicrowavebackgroundortheintergalacticIRphotons. Thesecond indication is the possible association of GRBs with ultra-high energy cosmic 20 20 rays(UHECRs)at E(cid:24)10 eV(13; but see24-26). At310 eV theparticle horizon is less than 50 Mpc (7). While not conclusive, these observations suggest a closer origin of at least some GRBs, which motivates a search for nearby cosmic patterns. On scales (cid:24) 100 Mpc the luminous universe is not uniform, but shows a well known concentration towards the supergalactic (SG) plane (5,6,18,19). Analysis of UHECR arrival directions suggests a concentration towards this plane (20), which may suggest that sources in the local universe are indeed 19(cid:0)20 responsible for some or all of the cosmic rays above (cid:24) 10 eV (see also 1). We investigate the possibility that a signi(cid:12)cant number of GRBs may also originate in this inhomogeneous volume of the local universe. In any cosmological model where GRBs trace luminous matter, the anisotropies of the nearby universe must eventually be revealed. OBSERVATIONAL CONSTRAINTS We use the 1122 improved BATSE positions of the 3B catalog (12) to test theangulardistributionforadipoleorquadrupolemomentinthesupergalac- tic frame. We compileasubsetofN=867bursts with measuredpeak (cid:13)uxes. We calculate the dipole moment as the average DSG =hcos (cid:18)SGi (1) where(cid:18)SGistheanglebetweenthedirectiontotheGRBandthesupergalactic center direction. Similarly, the quadrupole is 2 QSG =hsin SGBi(cid:0)1=3 (2) where SGB is the supergalacticlatitude. If bursts areisotropic, the moments should average to zero with individual samples (cid:13)uctuating according to a p p Gaussian distribution with (cid:27)D = 1= 3N and (cid:27)Q = 2= 45N (2). The non- uniform sky exposure induces arti(cid:12)cial moments (3), which for DSG cause a biasof0.022andforQSG abiasof0.010. Wenormalizethedi(cid:11)erencebetween the observedvalues and the expected values (from isotropyplus uneven sam- pling)tothe1(cid:27) statisticaluncertaintiesandquotetheseratiosastheintrinsic dipole or quadrupole deviation, (cid:1)D and (cid:1)Q, in Table 1. SG anisotropiesare expected for nearby, bright sources. We assume a sim- ple Friedmann universe with zero cosmologicalconstant and standard candle GRBs. The fraction of bursts in the sample with redshifts less than z is f(z) = I(z,(cid:10))/I(zmax,(cid:10)), where 3 FIG. 1. Distribution of 3B bursts in supergalactic coordinates. Stars indicate two UHECRs (see text). The mapis consistent with isotropy. Z z 2 (cid:0)1 (cid:0)1 I(z;(cid:10))= dz y(z) E(z) (1+z) (3) 0 with E(z) and y(z) de(cid:12)ned in Peebles (14). To what redshift do we expect supergalacticanisotropiestobeevidentintheangulardistributionofsources? The large scale structure of nearby radio sources (18,19) suggests strong SG (cid:0)1 concentrations to z (cid:24) 0.02, corresponding to D (cid:24) 60 h Mpc, where h is (cid:0)1 (cid:0)1 the Hubble constant in units of 100 km s Mpc . We shall assume (cid:10) = 1 hereafter. The maximum sampling distance is a crucial parameter. The standardinterpretationofthelogN(cid:0)logPcurve(9,27)yieldszmax (cid:24)1. We thus expect local (within 100 Mpc) extragalactic structure to be detectable (cid:0)4 from a fraction f (cid:24) 1.4(cid:2) 10 of the sample. It is thus very surprising that there may have already been coincidences of UHECRs with bright GRBs. However, the sampling redshift of the BATSE detectors is not very well determined. Cohen & Piran (4) (cid:12)nd that the maximum redshift could be as small as zmax (cid:24) 0.7. Rutledge et al. (17) argue that that the maximum redshift could be as small as zmax = 0.8,while the most likely rangeis 1(cid:0) 2. If weassumean extreme case ofzmax =0.5,the fractionofbursts originating (cid:0)4 within 100 Mpc increases to 5(cid:2) 10 , corresponding to 0.4 bursts in the reduced3Bsample. Wecouldalsoarguethatthesupergalacticconcentrations may extend to much larger distances, say 300 Mpc (a redshift of (cid:24) 0.1). As pointed out by Shaver & Pierre (18), the distribution of optically selected rich Abell clusters provides evidence for super-galactic structures beyond z = 0.02, and an extension to z = 0.1 appears to be possible (21(cid:0)23). Galaxy surveysofthenearby(z(cid:20)0.2)universeclearlyshowlargescalepoweraround (cid:0)1 100 h Mpc 11 and references therein). For the extremely favorable case of such an extended structure combined with a small BATSE volume of zmax = 0.5 we obtain a fraction of 1.6%, or 14 bursts. It is clear that even an extremely favorable combination of parameters results in a small number of GRB sources that would originate from within the structured volume. Weinvestigatethe(cid:13)ux-orderedsample(3B')of867bursts,byselectingthe 4 TABLE1. Supergalactic statistic of GRBs 1 Dataset N Fp DSG QSG (cid:1)D (cid:1)Q BSG (cid:1)B 3B 1122 (cid:0) +0.010 (cid:0)0.003 (cid:0)0.7 +0.8 +0.008 (cid:0)0.9 3B' 867 0.05 (cid:0)0.003 +0.006 (cid:0)1.3 +1.6 +0.006 (cid:0)1.0 top1/2 433 0.07 (cid:0)0.000 +0.031 (cid:0)0.8 +2.8 (cid:0)0.011 (cid:0)1.9 top1/4 217 1.65 (cid:0)0.013 +0.021 (cid:0)0.9 +1.5 +0.004 (cid:0)0.6 top1/8 108 3.45 (cid:0)0.046 +0.050 (cid:0)1.2 +2.1 (cid:0)0.017 (cid:0)1.1 top1/16 54 6.56 (cid:0)0.136 +0.017 (cid:0)2.0 +0.7 (cid:0)0.020 (cid:0)0.9 top1/32 27 12.2 (cid:0)0.154 +0.028 (cid:0)1.6 +0.7 (cid:0)0.026 (cid:0)0.7 top1/64 14 21.0 (cid:0)0.228 +0.000 (cid:0)1.6 +0.1 +0.048 +0.4 brightest1/64(N=14)ofthesebursts,thetop1/32(N=27),top1/16(N=54), top1/8(N=108),top1/4(N=217),andtop1/2(N=433). Thetotal3Bsam- ple onlyshowsdeviationsof lessthan1(cid:27) statisticalsigni(cid:12)cance. The reduced sample of 867 bursts with known (cid:13)uxes shows comparable deviations. Going from the 1/2 sample to the 1/64 sample the quadrupole starts out to be sig- ni(cid:12)cantlyenhanced(2.8(cid:27))andthenreducestoavaluethatisconsistentwith isotropy. The dipole moment for the 1/2 sample is consistent with isotropy and by the time we arrive at the bright samples small anisotropes (1(cid:0)2 (cid:27)) develop. If these deviationswereto re(cid:13)ectthe underlyingspatialdistribution ofgalaxieslocatedin thesuperstructure,thequadrupoleanddipolemoments should be correlated. That this is not the case suggests that the deviations are random and not related to the geometry of the local universe. Ifthesourcesarenotonlyconcentratednearthe(0,0)direction,but alsoin the antipodal direction, the statistic of cos (cid:18)SG could be diluted because two excessesalongoppositedirectionsmaypartiallycompensate. Thedistribution of galaxies within (cid:24) 100 Mpc resembles this kind of geometry (10). To test the hypothesis that some part of these known structures induces a bipolar anisotropy we use the quadrupole statistic 2 1 BSG =hcos (cid:18)SGi(cid:0) (4) 3 Thestatisticalerrorinthismeasureisidenticalto(cid:27)Q. ThebiasinBexpected fromunevensamplingoftheskyis+0.016. Thereisnoevidenceforabipolar distribution of GRBs, using (0,0)SG as symmetry axis (Table 1). The absence of a quadrupole moment in the supergalactic frame can be used to derive a lower limit on the sampling distance (redshift) of BATSE. If we simply model the concentration of sources towards the plane as a Watson distribution with (cid:20) = (cid:0)3 (which places 1/2 of the bursts within 15.7 degrees ofthe SG plane; 3),detection ofthe quadrupoleat the 2(cid:27) levelrequiresthat more than (cid:24) 10% of all sources are located within z0. For standard candle, non-evolving sources this implies a lower limit on the sampling redshift of (cid:0)1 zmax (cid:24) 0.065, i.e., detection to a minimum distances of 200 h Mpc. 5 CONCLUSIONS Weconcludethatthereiscurrentlynocompellingevidenceforastatistically signi(cid:12)cant concentration of sources in super-galactic coordinates, consistent with expectations for a cosmological burst origin. While BATSE has proba- bly detected giant explosions near the \edge" of the universe, it is not clear how many events may have come from \local" galaxies. The arguably most promising\smokinggun" of cosmologicalburst models that trace the light is supergalactic anisotropy. So far we have not detected it, but we also did not yet expect it to be detectable (see also 16). This work was supported in part by NASA under grant NAG 5-1578, and bytheDeutscheForschungsgemeinschaftundergrantMa95/3-1. Wededicate this publication to the memory of G(cid:19)erard de Vaucouleurs. REFERENCES 1. Biermann, P. 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