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EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Search for scaling onset in exclusive reactions with the lightest nuclei Search for scaling onset Yu.N. Uzikov1 a 1 Joint Institutefor Nuclear Researches, V.P. Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear problems 6 1 2 Department of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow StateUniversity 0 2 Received: date/ Revised version: date n a Abstract. The dimensional scaling of the differential cross sections of binary reactions dσ/dt s−(n−2), ∼ J where n is given by constituent quark counting rules, was predicted for asymptotically high energies 0 √s mi and transferred momenta t mi at t/s= const (here s and t are the Mandelstam variables ≫ − ≫ 2 and mi denotes a hadron mass), but manifested itself at surprisingly moderate energies of few GeV at ] lwairtghetfihxeeddecumtesroanngalneds θ3cHme∼to9o0b◦.otThhfiosrbeelhecatvrioomuragisneotbicsearvneddpnuorteohnaldyroinnicreianctteiroancstiwonitsh.Ofrneeehmaadyrosnusp,pbouset h that observed scaling pointsout toeffectiverestoration of near-conformal and,probably,chiral symmetry t - in these processes. A systematical experimental study of the scaling behaviour of the reactions with the cl deuteron, 3H, 3He, and 4He nuclei is still absent. We consider a possibility to carry out this study in dd u collisions at the JINRNuclotron. n [ PACS. 25.10.+s, Nuclearreactions involvingfew-nucleon systems – 24.85.+p, Quarks,gluons, andQCD in nuclear reactions 25.55.-e, 2H-inducedreactions 1 v 0 8 1 Introduction high enough incident energy can be parameterized for a 2 given c.m.s. scattering angle θ as cm 5 Thestructureofthelightestnucleiatshortdistances(r < 0 NN dσ f(t/s) 1. 00..54 fGme)Vo/rc)focronhsitgithutreeslaftuinvedammoemnteanltparo(bqle>m i1n/rnNuNclea∼r dt(AB →CD)= sn−2 , (1) 0 physics. One of the most important questions is the fol- 6 lowing:atwhichvaluesoftheMandelstamvariablessand where n=NA+NB+NC +ND and Ni is the minimum 1 numberofpoint-likeconstituents inthei-thhadron(fora t (or, more precisely, relative momenta q of nucleons in : leptonandphotononehasN =1),f(s/t)isafunctionof v nuclei) does the transition region from the meson-baryon l θ .TheCCRfollowsfromaself-similarityhypothesis[2] i to the quark-gluon picture of nuclei set in? So, the main cm X andperturbativeQCD(pQCD)[3].TheCCRwasderived aim of experiments on deep inelastic nuclear reactions at r also from the ADS/CFT duality [4]. a high transferred momenta in the so-called cumulative re- After short review of existing data in sect. 2 and dis- gionwastosearchfordensefluctuationsofnuclearmatter cussioninsect.3aproposalfornewmeasurementsisgiven (fluctons).Very interestingfeatureswereobservedonthis in sect. 4. wayininclusivespectrawhichcanbe interpretedasman- ifestation of “drops” of the quark phase in nuclei (see for review Ref. [1]). However, a quantitative theory of cumu- 2 Existing data lativeeffectis notavailableand,therefore,otherindepen- dent signals for the transition region are necessary. Adefinitesignaturefortransitiontothevalencequark Existing data at energies about several GeV for many region is given by the constituent counting rules (CCR) measured hard processes with free hadrons appear to be [2,3]. According to the dimensional scaling [2,3] the dif- consistent with the CCR. Among them are reactions of ferential cross section of a binary reaction AB → CD at photoproduction of pions, ρ-mesons, kaons on the proton at the photon beam energy E = 4−7.5 GeV [5], γp-, γ Send offprint requests to: π+p-,K+p-[6],pp-elasticscattering[7]atlargescattering a Present address: Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches, angles θcm ≈90◦ , strangeness production in the reaction LNP,Joliott Curie, 6, Dubna,Moscow region, 141980 π−p→K0Λ [8] and others [6]. 2 Yu.N.Uzikov:Search for scaling onset in exclusivereactions with thelightest nuclei Fig. 1. The differential cross section of the dd 3Hen and dd 3Hp reactions multiplied by s22 [29] versus the deuteron beam energy at different scattering angles: a – θ→c.m. =60o; b – 50◦→ 52◦; c – 33◦ 35◦; d – 28◦. On the upperscale is shown − − theminimal relative momentum (GeV/c) between nucleons in thedeuteron for theONEmechanism. The data are taken from Ref. [27]. The stright dotted lines show the s−22 dependence. At lower scattering angles the plateu is not visible in this data, ◦ ◦ maybe, except for θcm =33 35 . − The CCR properties of the reactions with atomic nu- overlapping region and form multi-quark configurations. cleiwereobservedfirstinelectromagneticinteractionswith In order to get more insight into the underlying dynam- the deuteron. So, the deuteron photodisintegration reac- ics, new measurements were suggestedto study photodis- tion γd → pn follows the s−11 scaling behaviour at pho- integration of the diproton in the 3He at Jlab [22] and ton energies E = 1 − 4 GeV and large scattering an- the results compatible with the CCR behaviour given by γ gles θ ∼ 90◦ corresponding to high transversal mo- Eq. (1) were obtained for 3He(γ,pp)n [23] and recently cm menta p > 1.1 GeV/c [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. Meson- for γ3He→dp [24,25]. T exchange models fail to explain the γd → pn data at Before the CCR behaviour was observed in electro- Eγ >1GeV(see,forexample,[12]),andthereforeseveral magnetic reactions with the 3He nucleus in Refs. [23,24], nonperturbative theoretical models were suggested [17]- an indication on the scaling onset in a pure hadronic re- [19],[20]. Since the pQCD is expected to be valid at much action, namely the dd → 3Hen (or dd → 3Hp), was highertransferredmomenta[21],theoriginoftheobserved found in [26] (see Fig. 1). The key point mentioned in scaling behaviour in the reactions with the deuteron at Ref. [26] was that in the reaction γd → pn considered moderateenergiesisunclear.Furthermore,thehadronhe- within the relativistic impulse approximation the scal- licity conservation predicted by the pQCD was not con- ing behavior starts at internal momenta between nucle- firmed experimentally in the scaling region [13]. On the ons in the deuteron about q ∼ 1 GeV/c. Consider- pn other hand, in these reactions the 3-momentum transfer ing this value as the true scale of the CCR onset, one Q>1GeV/cislargeenoughtoprobeveryshortdistances can find that in the reaction dd → 3Hen studied on between the nucleons in nuclei, rNN ∼ 1/Q < 0.2fm. the basis of the one-nucleon exchange mechanism (ONE) Presumably, nucleons lose their separate identity in this (see Fig. 2) this magnitude of the momentum q can be pn Yu.N.Uzikov:Search for scaling onset in exclusivereactions with thelightest nuclei 3 d 3He d n p p d n d 3He a ) b) Fig. 2. One nucleon exchange mechanism of the reaction dd 3 Hen.Thismechanism allowsonetoformulatethescal- → ing onset in terms of internal momenta q in the deuteron and 3Henucleus. achieved at beam energies T ∼1 GeV for θ ≈ 90◦(see d cm Fig. 3). There are data on this reactionobtained at SAT- URNE in 80’s [27] for energies T = 0.5− 1.2 GeV al- d though at lower scattering angles θ ≤ 60◦. Our anal- cm ysis of these data [26] shows (Fig.1) that in this reac- tion the CCR behaviour ∼ s−22 of the differential cross section dσ/dt takes the place at θ = 50◦ − 60◦ and cm T = 0.5− 1.25 GeV with χ2 = 1.18 (note that in d n.d.f. this reaction n = 6+6+9+3 = 24). In terms of the Fig. 3. Internal momenta qpn for the one nucleon exchange internal momentum q the scaling appears at q > 0.5 mechanism of the reaction dd 3Hen versus the deuteron pn pn → GeV/c that is twice lower than in the reaction γd → pn, beam energy Td for different scattering angles θcm. where the CCR behaviour starts at q > 1 GeV/c. At pn ◦ lower scattering angles θ < 30 , i.e. lower internal mo- cm menta q < 0.5 GeV/c, the CCR behaviour is absent p > 1.1 GeV/c (and E > 1GeV) [16], whereas in the pn T γ as it is expected. Up to now, the reaction dd → 3Hen reaction pp → dπ+, measured in Ref. [28] at the same ( 3Hp) is the only pure hadronic process which involves p = 1.0−1.4 GeV/c, the expected CCR scaling regime T thedeuteronand3He(3H)nucleiandfoundtofollowthe s−12 is not observed [29]. Why the reaction with photon CCR. differs considerably fromthe reactionwith the pion atal- As shown in [26], the cross section of the reaction mostthesamekinematiccondition?Asfarasweknow,the dp→dp also demonstrates the CCR behaviour∼s−16 at answer to this question is absent. An attempt to explain T = 2T = 1−5 GeV and θ = 120◦−130◦. However, this difference willbe done below.Furthermore,inthe re- d p cm the χ2-value is not good in this case and, perhaps, this is action dd→ 3Hp the s−22 behaviour is appeared [26] at caused by different systematics of the data included into lower transversal momenta p > 0.6 GeV/c. A similarly T analysis [26]. For other reactions with the lightest nuclei low boundary in terms of the beam energy and internal as pd → 3Hπ+, pd → 3Heη, d3He → 4Hep, a system- momenta is found for the scaling onset ∼ s−17 in the re- atic experimental study at beam energies above 1 GeV action γ 3He → pd [24]. On the other hand, the scaling and large scattering angles was not done. behaviours−11 ofthe diprotonphotodisintegrationinthe reaction3He(γ,pp)nstartsatphotonenergyE ∼2GeV γ [23],thatistwicelargerthanthescalingonsetinthereac- 3 Discussion tion γd → pn. Thus, search for scaling onset in reactions with different nuclei is the first task in this study. From the point of view of constituent quark model, the EmpiricalsuccessoftheCCRatmoderateenergiesand observed s−22 behaviour can be considered as a manifes- transferredmomentaishardlyrelatedtonon-perturbative tation of the fact that all constituent quarks in the initial QCD and is consideredin current literature as a manifes- and final state are active in the dd → 3Hen ( 3Hp) re- tationofnear-conformalsymmetryof“thephysicalQCD” action. On the whole, interpretation of such phenomena [30]. Indeed, classical Lagrangian of QCD has scale (con- involves the quark-hadron duality. So, the most sucess- formal) and chiral invariance in the limit of zero quark full description of the γd→ pn data was achieved within masses. Both these symmetries are broken by quantum the Quark-Gluon String model formulated in terms of effects. As a result, the effective coupling constant α de- s Reggeonexchange[19].InRef.[26]the Reggeonexchange pends on transferred momentum squared Q2, and due to model of [19] with some modifications was also used to spontaneouslybrokenchiralsymmetryconstituentquarks describe the dd → 3Hen and dp → dp reactions in the become dynamical masses. There are some arguments, region of the observed CCR behaviour. however, that at rather low transferred momenta Q2 < 1 Anexcitingfeature ofexistingdataonCCRis thefol- (GeV/c)2 the running coupling constant α (Q2) is large s lowing. The scaling behaviour s−11 of the cross section and approximately independent of Q2 [31]. In this re- of the reaction γd → pn starts at transversal momenta gion, in order to get an effective restoration of confor- 4 Yu.N.Uzikov:Search for scaling onset in exclusivereactions with thelightest nuclei mal invariance and explain the CCR onset, one needs 4 Proposal for JINR Nuclotron a mechanism, which would provide a reduction of con- stituentquarkmassesforlightflavors.Followingthemech- We proposetomeasurethe crosssectionofreactiondd→ anism of effective restoration of chiral symmetry for ex- 3Hp (or dd → 3Hen) at energies 1 -2.5 GeV and θcm ≤ ◦ cited hadrons proposed by Glozman [32], we assume here 50 using the BM@N facility atthe JINR Nuclotron.The that for central collisions in nuclear reactions rather high proposedmeasurementwillallowone(i)tocheckwhether excitations (as compared to Λ ∼ 200−300 MeV) of the CCR behaviour of the reaction dd → 3Hp is valid QCD hadrons/nucleiarepossibleinintermediate states.There- at these kinematical conditions which correspond to high fore, intermediate hadronic system follows quasi-classical internalmomenta q ≥0.6 GeV/c, but were not accessible approximationwhen quantum effects are irrelevant to in- at SATURNE [27] and (ii) determine the boundaries of ternal dynamics of hadrons. In this regime, the dynam- thisbehaviourintermsθcm, pT orqpn.Thismeasurement ical quark masses are reduced [32] that could lead (at wasproposed[34]firstforWASA-at-COSY[35],however, α (Q2)≈const)toeffectiverestorationofconformalsym- not performed. We present below the estimations of the s metry, and, as a result, to the CCR behaviour of enough counting rate obtained in Ref. [34]. hard nuclear reactions. In addition, partial restoration of the chiralsymmetry means decreasingthe πNN coupling constant [32], that allows one to explain absence of the 4.1 Counting rate esimation CCR behaviour in the pp → dπ+ reactions [29]. If chiral symmetry is completely restored in a given excited nu- The counting rate at beam energies 1.2−2.2 GeV is esti- cleon it cannot decay into the πN channel. On the other matedusing the SATURNE data[27].Assuming the scal- hand, this mechanism suggests that in the pp → dρ+ re- ing law s−22, the differential cross section at fixed angle action the CCR occurs, because the ρ- meson is not a θcm was extrapolatedto higher energies in the laboratory Goldstone boson [32]. It is important to check this differ- system as encebetweenthepp→dπ+ andpp→dρ+ inexperiment. One should note that a similar result would appead due dσ =J π dσ = J pipf s202 dσ , (2) ttoherenaulclreeasrtomraattitoenr odfencsoitnyfoirnmtahlesyshmomrte-trrayngteooc.onInfidgueerda-, dσlab pipf dt J0 p0ip0f s22 dt!0 tions with highinternalmomenta betweennucleons q ∼1 wherep (p ),ands arethe initial(final)cmsmomentum i f GeV/c probed in these reactions, is close to the critical and the invariant mass squared, respectively, at given T , d one, εc ∼1GeV/fm3, that corresponds to the phase tran- whereas p0i (p0f) and s0 are the corresponding values at sition [33]. T0 = 1.243 GeV that is the maximal beam energy in the experiment [27]. The Jacobian of transformation J from Therefore, an important task is to search for scaling thecmstolab-systemisgivenintheTable1.Thecounting behaviourofdifferentexclusivereactionswiththelightest rate for the angular interval θ =16◦−17◦ ( i.e. θ = nucleiatlargetransversalmomentap >0.6GeV/c.The lab cm T 48◦−50◦) was calculatedunder assumptionthat the cms nearest task is to determine the boundaries of the scaling ◦ region of the dd → 3Hen (dd → 3Hp) reaction which differentialcrosssectionatTd =1.234GeVandθcm =50 wasstudiedin[27]bycompletelydifferentmotivationand is equal to dσ =(0.3±0.02)µb/GeV2 [27]. dt 0 very poore statistics was obtained in that experiment as Therefor(cid:16)e,fo(cid:17)rthesolidangle∆Ωlab =2π sinθlab∆θlab = comparedtotheγd→pnreactioninthescalingregion[9, 0.03 rad the number of events expected at T = 2.2 GeV d 10,11,12,14,15,16]. Within the ONE mechanism (Fig.2), during 24 hours will be equal to N = 108 at the lumi- as seen from Fig.1, the CCR behaviour in the reaction nosityL=1.35×1030cm−2sec−1 (see Table 1). Note,the dd → 3Hen starts at rather small internal momenta in acceptanceandcorrectionsfor registrationefficiency were the deuteron q ≈ 0.5 GeV/c. It is important to verify not taken into account in this estimation. In total, in or- this scale at other kinematical conditions, i.e. at higher dertomeasurethedσ/dΩ atθ =50◦,forsixenergies cm cm beam energies and lower angles or at lower energies and 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 and 2.2 GeV with statistical uncer- higher angles. New data are necessary to check whether tainty ≤ 4% (N ≥ 600 events) we need two weeks. With theCCRbehaviourisvalidinthereactiondd→ 3Henat increasing beam energy and θ the required beam time cm ◦ (i)energiesTd >1.2GeVforθcm >60 and(ii)scattering is quickly increased. angles θ =60◦−90◦ at T >0.5GeV, correspondingto cm d relativemomenta inthe deuteronq >0.8 GeV/c (Fig.3). Basically, one has to know what is the real parameter for 5 Conclusion thescalingregime–eitherinternalnucleonmomentumq1, or the transversalmomentum pT. Search for transition region from hadron to quark/gluon degrees of freedom in nuclei is an important task in the QCD treatment of nuclear structure and reactions. Con- stituent Counting Rules, derived from the perturbative 1 Of course, this parameter can be determined only within QCD, when being applied for exclusive reactions with a certain mechanism of the reaction. The ONE mechanism is lightest nuclei at high Q2, can give a definite signal for used here as the most natural one. transitiontothe valencequarkregion.Someofthe binary Yu.N.Uzikov:Search for scaling onset in exclusivereactions with thelightest nuclei 5 Table 1. Counting rate N (for 24 hours) expected at θlab = 7. R.A.A.Arndt et al.,Phys. Rev.C 56, (1997) 3005. 16◦ 17◦ for the solid angle 2π sin(17◦)π/180 = 0.03rad, 8. H.Kawamura et al.,Phys.Rev. D 88, (2013) 03410. − estimated using data [27] for the luminosity L = 1.35 9. J. Napolitano et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett. 61, (1988) 2530. 1030cm−2sec−1. × 10. S.J. Freedman et al.,Phys. Rev.C 48, (1993) 1864. 11. J.E. Beltz et al.,Phys. Rev.Lett. 74, (1995) 646. 12. C. Bochna et al.,Phys. Rev.Lett. 81, (1998) 4576. Td, GeV κG=eVpi−πp2f, J pp0iippf0f ss22022 dσn/bd/Ωslrab, N 1143.. BK..CW. Sijcehsuooltreiyeateatl.a,lP.,hPyhs.yRs.eRv.evC.L6e6tt,.(28060,2)(20040212)0219R75.. 15. M. Mirazita et al.,Phys. 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SeeWASAhomepagehttp://www.fz-juelich.de/ikp/wasa/ as a first step of a broad experimental program, which will include other exclusive reactions with lightest nuclei: dd → dd, pd → 3Hπ+, pd → 3Heη, dd → 4Heη, pp→dρ+, p 4He→p 4He, p 4He→d 3He. I would like to thank Yu. Petukhov and V. Kurbatov forhelpinestimationofthecountingrateandN.N.Niko- laev for usefull discussions. References 1. G.A. Leksin, Yad.Fiz. 65, (2002) 2042. 2. V.A. Matveev, R.M. Muradyan and A.N. Tavkhelidze, Lett.NuovoCim. 7, (1973) 719. 3. S.J.BrodskyandG.R.Farrar,Phys.Rev.Lett. 31,(1973) 1153. 4. J. Polchinsky, J.M. Strassler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, (2002) 031601. 5. R.L.Anderson et al.,Phys.Rev. D 14, (1976) 769. 6. C. Whiteet al.,Phys. Rev.D 49, (1994) 59.

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