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Preview Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV

EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH (CERN) CERN-PH-EP/2010-067 2011/01/11 CMS-EXO-10-011 Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles in pp Collisions √ at s = 7 TeV 1 The CMS Collaboration∗ 1 0 2 n a J 9 ] x Abstract e - p e The result of√a search at the LHC for heavy stable charged particles produced in pp h collisions at s = 7 TeV is described. The data sample was collected with the CMS [ detector and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 3.1 pb−1. Momentum and 1 ionization-energy-loss measurements in the inner tracker detector are used to iden- v tifytrackscompatiblewithheavyslow-movingparticles. Additionally,trackspassing 5 4 muon identification requirements are also analyzed for the same signature. In each 6 case, no candidate passes the selection, with an expected background of less than 1 0.1 events. A lower limit at the 95% confidence level on the mass of a stable gluino . 1 is set at 398 GeV/c2, using a conventional model of nuclear interactions that allows 0 1 charged hadrons containing this particle to reach the muon detectors. A lower limit 1 of 311 GeV/c2 is also set for a stable gluino in a conservative scenario of complete : v charge suppression, where any hadron containing this particle becomes neutral be- i forereachingthemuondetectors. X r a SubmittedtotheJournalofHighEnergyPhysics ∗SeeAppendixAforthelistofcollaborationmembers 1 1 Introduction Heavy stable (or quasi-stable) charged particles (HSCPs) appear in various extensions of the standardmodel(SM)[1–8]. IfthelifetimeofanHSCPproducedattheLargeHadronCollider (LHC)islongerthanafewnanoseconds,theparticlewilltraveloverdistancesthatarecompa- (cid:38) rableorlargerthanthesizeofatypicalparticledetector. Inaddition,iftheHSCPmassis 100 GeV/c2, asignificantfractionoftheseparticleswillhaveavelocity, β ≡ v/c, smallerthan0.9. TheseHSCPswillbedirectlyobservablethroughthedistinctivesignatureofahighmomentum (p)particlewithananomalouslylargerateofenergylossthroughionization(dE/dx). Previous collider searches for HSCPs have often been performed under the assumption that theseparticlesloseenergyprimarilythroughlow-momentum-transferinteractions,evenifthey arestronglyinteracting,andarethereforelikelytoreachtheoutermuonsystemsofthedetec- torsandbeidentifiedasmuons[9–12]. Theinteractionswithmatterexperiencedbyastrongly- interacting HSCP, which is expected to form a bound state (R-hadron) [13] in the process of hadronization, can lead to it flipping the sign of its electric charge or becoming neutral. A recent study [14] on the modeling of nuclear interactions of HSCPs traveling through matter, favours a scenario of charge suppression. In this model the probability is close to unity for an R-hadroncontainingagluino,g(thesupersymmetricpartnerofthegluon),orasupersym- (cid:101) metric bottom squark, to emerge as a neutral particle after traversing an amount of material typicalofthedetectorsoperatingatLEP,theTevatron,orLHC.Ifthismodeliscorrect,thema- jorityoftheseHSCPswouldnotbeobservedinthemuonsystemofatypicalcolliderdetector. Experimental strategies that do not rely on the muon-like behavior for the HSCPs are there- (cid:46) fore of great importance. For instance, searches have been performed for very slow (β 0.4) R-hadronscontainingagluinobroughttorestinthedetector[15,16]. √ In this article we present a search for HSCPs produced in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV at the LHC with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector [17]. The search is based on the data sample collected between April and August 2010 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.06 pb−1. We use triggers requiring: a high-transverse-momentum muon (p > 9 GeV/c); T or a dimuon pair (p > 3 GeV/c for each muon); or calorimeter-based missing transverse T energy(Emiss > 100GeV),tosearchforHSCPsfailingmuonidentificationoremergingmainly T asneutralparticlesaftertraversingthecalorimeters;orahigh-transverse-energyjet(E > 100 T GeV) to search for HSCPs accompanied by substantial hadronic activity. The analysis makes useoftwoapproaches. Inafirstselection,referredtoas“tracker-only”,theHSCPcandidatesare searched for as individual tracks reconstructed in the inner tracker detector with large dE/dx and p . A second selection, referred to as “tracker-plus-muon”, additionally requires that the T track is identified as a muon in the outer muon detector. For both selections, the mass of the candidateiscalculatedfromthemeasured panddE/dx. 2 The CMS Detector ThecentralfeatureoftheCMSdetectorisa3.8Tsuperconductingsolenoidof6minternaldi- ametersurroundingasiliconpixelandstriptracker,acrystalelectromagneticcalorimeter,and abrass-scintillatorhadroniccalorimeter. Muonsaremeasuredingaseousdetectorsembedded in the iron return yoke. Centrally produced charged particles are measured in the tracker by three layers of silicon pixel detectors, followed by ten microstrip layers. At pseudorapidities (η ≡ −lntan(θ/2), where θ is the polar angle measured with respect to the beam direction) above ≈ 1.5, particles are tracked in two pixel and twelve strip layers arranged in disks per- pendicular to the beam axis. In this analysis, the dE/dx measurement is based only on the 2 3 CandidateSelectionandBackgroundEstimation information from the silicon strip detectors. The dE/dx measurement precision is limited by thesiliconstripanalogue-to-digitalconverter(ADC)modulesthatarecharacterizedbyamax- imum number of counts per channel corresponding to about three times the average charge released by a minimum–ionizing particle (MIP) in 300 µm of silicon. This is the thickness of themodulesmountedintheinnermostsiliconstripcentrallayers. The p resolutionfortracks T measured in the central (forward) region of the silicon tracker is 1% (2%) for p values up to T 50 GeV/c and degrades to 10% (20%) at p values of 1 TeV/c. The trigger and reconstruction T efficienciesforHSCPsinthemuondetectorsarelimitedbytherequirementsonthearrivaltime oftheparticlesatthemuonsystem. Theserequirementsaffecttheefficiencyfordetectingslow HSCPs. The dependence of the muon trigger efficiency on the particle velocity (β) is studied using data and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and found to decrease, below β = 0.7. The muon trigger becomes completely inefficient at β = 0.5. A much more detailed description of theCMSapparatuscanbefoundelsewhere[17]. 3 Candidate Selection and Background Estimation CandidateHSCPsarepre-selectedbyrequiringatrackwith|η| < 2.5, p > 15GeV/c,relative T uncertainty on the p less than 15%, and transverse (longitudinal) impact parameter with re- T specttothereconstructedprimarycollisionvertexlessthan0.25(2.0)cm. Candidatetracksare alsorequiredtohaveatleastthreemeasurementsinthesilicon-stripdetector. Forthetracker- plus-muonselection,weadditionallyrequirethetracktobecompatiblewithtracksegmentsre- constructedinthemuonsystem. Asanestimatorofthedegreeofcompatibilityoftheobserved charge measurements with the MIP hypothesis, a modified version of the Smirnov-Cramer- von Mises [18, 19] discriminant is used (the modification applied to the original form of the discriminant eliminates the sensitivity to incompatibility with the MIP hypothesis due to low ionization): (cid:32) (cid:34) (cid:35)(cid:33) 3 1 ∑N (cid:18) 2i−1(cid:19)2 I = × + P × P − , (1) as i i N 12N 2N i=1 whereNisthenumberofchargemeasurementsinthesilicon-stripdetectors,P istheprobabil- i ity for a MIP to produce a charge smaller or equal to the i–th charge measurement for the ob- servedpathlengthinthedetector,andthesumisoverthetrackmeasurementsorderedinterms ofincreasing P. Thechargeprobabilitydensityfunctionusedtocalculate P isobtainedusing i i tracks with p > 5 GeV/c in events collected with a minimum bias trigger. Non-relativistic HSCPcandidateswillhavethevalueofthediscriminant I approachingunity. Figure1shows as normalized distributions of p and I in data and two MC samples, for candidates passing T as the tracker-only pre-selection. The first MC sample contains events from QCD processes. The second MC sample contains signal events from pair-production of stable g with a mass of 200 (cid:101) GeV/c2. BothsamplesaregeneratedwiththePYTHIAv6.422[20]MCpackage. Moredetailson the simulation of the signal sample will be given below. The MC QCD simulations are found to reproduce the data, and the simulated signal is clearly separated. Because of the limited numberofavailablesimulatedeventswithlowtransverse-momentumtransfers,theMCQCD distributionsdisplaybin-to-binvariationsinthesizeofthestatisticalerrors. Themostprobablevalueoftheparticle dE/dx isdeterminedusingaharmonicestimator I of h gradek = −2: (cid:18) 1 (cid:19)1/k I = ∑ck , (2) h N i i where c is the charge per unit path length in the detector of the i-th measurement for a given i 3 CMS s = 7 TeV 3.06 pb -1 CMS s = 7 TeV 3.06 pb -1 c 2 0 GeV/10-1 TracMkeCr -- ~gO n20ly0 cks/0.0 1 TracMkeCr -- ~gO n20ly0 2 MC - QCD a MC - QCD cks/ Data of tr10-1 Data action of tra1100--32 fraction 1100--32 fr 10-4 10-4 10-5 10-5 10-6 10-6 10-7 0 500 1000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 p (GeV/c) I T as Figure1: Normalizeddistributionsof p (left)and I (right)indataandtwoMCsamples,for T as candidates passing the tracker-only pre-selection. The two MC samples contain events from QCDprocessesandfrompair-productionofgwithamassof200GeV/c2,respectively. (cid:101) track. Inordertoestimatethemass(m)ofhighlyionizingparticles,thefollowingrelationship between I , p,andmisassumed: h m2 I = K +C. (3) h p2 Equation 3 reproduces the Bethe-Bloch formula [21] with an accuracy of better than 1% in the range 0.4 < β < 0.9, which corresponds to 1.1 < (dE/dx)/(dE/dx) < 4.0. The empirical MIP parameters K and C aredeterminedfromdatausingasampleoflow-momentumprotons, for whichthefittedvaluesare K = 2.579±0.001MeVcm−1 c2 and C = 2.557±0.001MeVcm−1, andthemassresolutionis7%. Thereconstructedmassdistributionforkaonsandprotonsisin verygoodagreementwiththeoneobtainedfromMCfollowingthisprocedure[22]. Formasses above100GeV/c2,themassresolutionisexpectedtoworsenbecauseofthedeteriorationofthe momentumresolutionandbecauseofthelimitonthemaximumchargethatcanbemeasured by the silicon strip tracker ADCs, which also affects the mass scale. For a 300 GeV/c2 HSCP, themassresolutionis12%andthereconstructedpeakpositionisat265GeV/c2. The search is performed as a counting experiment. Signal candidates are required to have I as and p greater than threshold values and the mass to be in the range of 75 to 2000 GeV/c2, T allowing sensitivity to HSCP masses as low as 100 GeV/c2. The I distribution for the pre- as selected tracks, and in particular its tail, depends strongly on the number of charge measure- ments on the track. Thus, to increase the sensitivity of the search, pre-selected tracks are di- vided into subsamples according to the number of silicon strip measurements. The I (p ) as T threshold in each subsample is determined by requiring a constant efficiency on data for all subsamples, when the threshold is applied separately. A method that exploits the absence of correlation between the p and dE/dx measurements in data is used to estimate the back- T groundfromMIPs. Inagivensubsample j,thenumberoftracksthatareexpectedtopassboth thefinal p and I thresholdssetforthesubsampleisestimatedas D = B C /A ,where A is T as j j j j j thenumberoftracksthatfailboththe I and p selectionsand B (C )isthenumberoftracks as T j j thatpassonlythe I (p )selection. The B andC tracksarethenusedtoformabinnedproba- as T j j bilitydensityfunctionin I (p)forthe D tracks. Finally,usingthemassdetermination(Eq.3), h j thefullmassspectrumofthebackgroundinthesignalregion Dispredicted. 4 4 Results Bycomparingthepredictedandobservednumberoftracksforseveralverylooseselectionsin a control region of the mass spectrum, corresponding to masses below 75 GeV/c2, the predic- tionisfoundtounderestimatesystematicallytheobservationby12%(5%)forthetracker-only (tracker-plus-muon) selection. After correcting the predicted background by this amount, the remaining background systematic uncertainty is conservatively estimated as twice the r.m.s. of the prediction-to-observation ratio distribution The resulting uncertainty on the predicted backgroundis14%(17%). As significant background rejection can be obtained without a sizable effect on the signal effi- ciency,thefinalselectionisoptimizedbyrequiringthetotalexpectedbackgroundinthesearch regiontobe∼ 0.05events. Thislow-backgroundchoiceoptimizesthediscoverypotentialeven if just a handful of events are observed, and at the same time maintains significant exclusion sensitivityinthecasethatnoeventsareobserved. 4 Results In addition to the final “tight” selection, the result of a “loose” selection is reported in Table 1. The loose selection retains a relatively large number of background candidates and allows us tocomparethebackgroundpredictionwiththeobserveddata. Figure2showsgoodagreement between the observed and predicted mass spectrum obtained using the loose selection for the tracker-plus-muonandtracker-onlycandidates. CMS s = 7 TeV 3.06 pb -1 CMS s = 7 TeV 3.06 pb -1 2V/c103 Tracker + Muon 2V/c Tracker - Only e e G Data-based prediction G Data-based prediction 0 0 ks / 5102 DMaCt a- g~ 400 ks / 5102 DMaCt a- g~ 300 c c a a Tr Tr 10 10 1 1 10-1 10-1 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 Mass (GeV/c2) Mass (GeV/c2) Figure 2: Mass spectrum for the loose selection defined in Table 1 for the tracker-plus-muon (left) and tracker-only (right) candidates. Shown are: observed spectrum (black dots with theerrorbars),data-basedpredictedbackgroundspectrum(redtriangles)withitsuncertainty (green band) and the spectrum predicted by MC for a signal of pair-produced stable g with a (cid:101) massof400(left)and300(right)GeV/c2 (bluehistogram). The results of the search with the final selection are also presented in Table 1. No candidate HSCPtrackisobservedineitherthetracker-onlyortracker-plus-muonanalysis. Giventhenullresult,crosssectionupperlimitsatthe95%C.L.aresetontheHSCPproduction for two benchmark scenarios: direct production of g pairs and ˜t pairs. For a given mass, the (cid:101) 1 crosssectionforgproductionisexpectedtobemuchlargerthanthatfor˜t productionatboth (cid:101) 1 theTevatronandtheLHC.Thushighermasslimitscanbesetfortheformeratbothmachines. 5 Table 1: Selections used in the analysis and results of the search. The tracker-plus-muon and tracker-only selections are labeled as “Mu” and “Tk”, respectively. As explained in the text, theactual I (p )thresholdsaredeterminedinthevarioussubsamplesbytherequirementofa as T constant efficiency for candidate selection, (cid:101) ((cid:101) ). These thresholds, indicated by Imin (pmin), I pT as T are therefore reported as a range of values. Expected and observed number of candidates in thesignalregionarereportedinthe“Expected”and“Observed”rows,respectively. Top: loose selection. Bottom: tightselection. LOOSE Mu Tk (cid:101) 3.2×10−2 1.0×10−2 I Imin 0.049-0.162 0.007-0.278 as (cid:101) 1.0×10−1 3.2×10−2 pT pmin (GeV/c) 34-36 59-62 T Expected 281±2(stat.)±49(syst.) 426±1(stat.)±62(syst.) Observed 307 452 TIGHT Mu Tk (cid:101) 1.0×10−4 1.0×10−4 I Imin 0.184-0.782 0.186-0.784 as (cid:101) 1.0×10−3 3.2×10−4 pT pmin (GeV/c) 115-118 154-210 T Expected 0.025±0.002(stat.)±0.004(syst.) 0.074±0.002(stat.)±0.011(syst.) Observed 0 0 However,asthemassofaproducedparticleincreases,theratiooftheproductioncrosssection at the LHC to that at the Tevatron increases. For g masses in the region of 350 GeV/c2, the (cid:101) increaseinrelativecrosssectionoutweighsthedifferenceinintegratedluminositybetweenthe current Tevatron and LHC data sets, enabling the LHC to set the most sensitive limits on the searchforg. (cid:101) Eventswithpairproductionofgand˜t ,withmassvaluesintherange130-900GeV/c2,aregen- (cid:101) 1 eratedwith PYTHIA inordertocomputetheefficiencyofourselectiononthesesignals. The˜t1 andg(cid:101)aretreatedasstableinallthesesamplesandtheirhadronizationisperformedbyPYTHIA. Aparameterrelevanttothegpairproduction,andnottothe˜t pairproduction,isthefraction, (cid:101) 1 f, of produced g hadronizing into a g-gluon state (R-gluonball). This fraction is an unknown (cid:101) (cid:101) parameterofthehadronizationmodelandaffectsthefractionof R-hadronsthatareneutralat production,whichinturnaffectsthedetectionefficiency. Inthisstudy,resultsareobtainedfor twodifferentvaluesof f,0.1and0.5,toshowtheeffectofthehadronizationmodeluncertainty onthesensitivityofthesearch. TheinteractionsoftheHSCPswiththeCMSapparatusandthe detector response are simulated in detail with the GEANT4 v9.2 [23, 24] toolkit. The R-hadron strong interactions with matter are modeled as in Ref. [25, 26]. This model, like a number of others[14,27–29],assumesthattheprobabilityofaninteractionbetweentheheavypartonand aquarkinthetargetnucleonislowsincethecrosssectionvarieswiththeinversesquareofthe partonmassaccordingtoperturbativeQCD.Theadoptedmodelchoosesapragmaticapproach basedonanalogywithobservedlowenergyhadronscattering. However,giventheverylarge uncertaintiesonthedynamicsunderlyingR-hadroninteractions,anextremelypessimisticsce- narioofcompletechargesuppression,whereeachnuclearinteractionsufferedbytheR-hadron causes it to become neutral, is also considered. The tracker-only selection is expected to have sensitivity even in such a scenario. The total signal efficiency is reported in Table 2 for some combinations of models and selections. Relatively small differences are found between the 6 4 Results Table 2: Total signal selection efficiency and cross section upper limits for different combina- tions of models and selections: pair production of supersymmetric stop and gluinos; tracker- plus-muon (Mu) and tracker-only (Tk) selections; different fractions, f, of R-gluonball states producedafterhadronizationandchargesuppression(ch. suppr.) scenario. gluinomass(GeV/c2) 200 300 400 500 600 900 Theoreticalcrosssection(pb) 606 57.2 8.98 1.87 0.470 0.0130 Mu;f=0.1 Totalefficiency(%) 7.17 10.4 13.1 15.1 14.5 9.18 Expected95%C.L.limit(pb) 15.1 10.4 8.25 7.16 7.47 11.8 Observed95%C.L.limit(pb) 14.5 9.98 7.92 6.88 7.17 11.3 Mu;f=0.5; Totalefficiency(%) 3.84 5.46 7.03 8.23 8.10 4.98 Expected95%C.L.limit(pb) 28.2 19.8 15.4 13.1 13.3 21.7 Observed95%C.L.limit(pb) 27.1 19.0 14.8 12.6 12.8 20.9 Tk;f=0.1;ch. suppr. Totalefficiency(%) 0.59 2.44 4.16 6.39 8.60 7.66 Expected95%C.L.limit(pb) 188 45.5 26.7 17.4 12.9 14.5 Observed95%C.L.limit(pb) 176 42.6 25.0 16.2 12.1 13.6 stopmass(GeV/c2) 130 200 300 500 800 Theoreticalcrosssection(pb) 120 13.0 1.31 0.0480 0.00110 Mu; Totalefficiency(%) 2.99 9.50 14.7 19.6 14.0 Expected95%C.L.limit(pb) 36.1 11.4 7.35 5.52 7.71 Observed95%C.L.limit(pb) 34.7 10.9 7.06 5.30 7.39 Tk;ch. suppr. Totalefficiency(%) 0.02 1.19 3.55 7.27 7.68 Expected95%C.L.limit(pb) 5540 93.2 31.3 15.3 14.5 Observed95%C.L.limit(pb) 5180 87.2 29.2 14.3 13.5 7 Table3: Sourcesofsystematicerrorsandcorrespondingrelativeuncertainties. SourceofSystematicError RelativeUncertainty(%) Theoreticalcrosssection 10-25 Integratedluminosity 11 Triggerefficiency 12 Muonreconstructionefficiency 5 Trackreconstructionefficiency < 5 Momentumscale < 5 Ionizationenergylossscale < 3 Totaluncertaintyonsignalacceptance 15 tracker-plus-muonandtracker-onlyselectionexceptinthechargesuppressionscenario,where thetracker-plus-muonselectioniscompletelyinefficient. Thisanalysisisfoundtobecomplementarytothesearchforlong-livedstoppedparticlespre- sented in [16]. Indeed, for the case of g with f = 0.1 and mass values below 500 GeV/c2, the (cid:101) fractionofHSCPsthathave β < 0.4andpassthefinalselectionislessthan0.5%. Thereforethe twoanalysesexploredifferentrangesofproducedparticlevelocitieswithnooverlap. The main sources of systematic uncertainty affecting the results presented in the following are summarized in Table 3. The uncertainty on the signal selection efficiency is estimated to be 15% for all considered combinations of models and selections. The main source of this uncertainty is an assumed 10% uncertainty on the jet energy scale [30], which affects both the jet and Emiss trigger efficiency by about 10%. In a more recent study [31], the estimate of the T uncertainty on the jet energy scale has been reduced by a factor of two. However, in this analysis we have conservatively chosen to retain the earlier estimate of 10%. The uncertainty onthemuontriggerefficiencyandtheimpactofanimperfectsimulationofthesynchronization of the muon trigger and readout electronics are studied with data and MC. They result in an overall uncertainty on the signal selection efficiency of less than 5%. The uncertainty on the offlinetrackreconstructionefficiency[32,33],trackmomentumscale[34]andionizationenergy lossscale[22]isalsofoundtoyieldnomorethan5%uncertaintyontheoverallsignalselection efficiency. Theuncertaintyontheabsolutevalueoftheintegratedluminosityisestimatedtobe 11% [35]. The upper limit on the cross section is computed at 95% C.L. using a Bayesian method with a flatsignalpriorandalog-normalpriorusedforintegrationoverthenuisanceparameters[18, 19, 21]. In order to obtain a conservative upper limit we set the expected background to zero. The tracker-plus-muon selection provides better limits than the tracker-only for all scenarios buttheonewithcompletechargesuppression. Foreachconsideredscenario,thecrosssection upper limit obtained with the most sensitive selection is reported in Table 2 and Fig. 3, along withthetheoreticalpredictionsforgand˜t pairproductioncomputedatnext-to-leadingorder (cid:101) 1 (NLO) + next-to-leading log (NLL) [36–39] using the PROSPINO v2 program [40]. The g(cid:101) theo- retical predictions refer to the case where the squarks and gluino are degenerate in mass. In the heavy squark limit these cross sections are about 10% higher. For the case of ˜t , beyond 1 LO, the cross section does not only depend on the ˜t mass, but also, though to a much lesser 1 extent[41],onthegmass,theaveragemassofthefirstandsecondgenerationsquarksandthe (cid:101) stop mixingangle. For thisreason, the˜t theoretical predictions reported inTable 2and Fig. 3 1 refer to the SPS1a’ benchmark scenario [42]. All systematic uncertainties discussed above are includedinthecrosssectionupperlimitsreportedinTable2andFig.3. Fromtheintersection 8 6 Acknowledgements of the cross section limit curve and the lower edge of the theoretical cross section band we set a 95% C.L. lower limit of 398 (357) GeV/c2 on the mass of pair-produced g with f = 0.1(0.5), (cid:101) using the tracker-plus-muon selection. The analogous limit on the ˜t mass is 202 GeV/c2. In 1 thechargesuppressionscenarioweset,withthetracker-onlyselection,a95%C.L.gmasslimit (cid:101) of311GeV/c2 for f = 0.1. 5 Conclusions In summary, the CMS detector has been used to identify highly ionizing, high-p particles T and measure their masses. Two searches have been conducted: a very inclusive and model independent one that uses highly-ionizing tracks reconstructed in the inner tracker detector, andanotherrequiringalsothatthesetracksbeidentifiedintheCMSmuonsystem. Ineachcase, theobserveddistributionofthecandidatemassesisconsistentwiththeexpectedbackground. Wehavesetlowerlimitsonmassesofstablestronglyinteractingsupersymmetricparticles. For the case of g with f = 0.1 and ˜t , a lower mass limit of 398 and 202 GeV/c2, respectively, is (cid:101) 1 setatthe95%C.L.withtheanalysisthatusesmuonidentification. Inapessimisticscenarioof completechargesuppressiontheabovegmasslimitisreducedto311GeV/c2 andisobtained (cid:101) withthetracker-onlyselection. Thelimitspresentedhereonstablegarethemostrestrictiveto (cid:101) date. 6 Acknowledgements We are grateful to Anna Kulesza and Michael Krammer for providing the theoretical produc- tioncrosssectionsandassociateduncertaintiesatnext-to-leadingorderforpairproductionof gand˜t . WewishtocongratulateourcolleaguesintheCERNacceleratordepartmentsforthe (cid:101) 1 excellent performance of the LHC machine. We thank the technical and administrative staff at CERN and other CMS institutes, and acknowledge support from: FMSR (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); COLCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES (Croatia); RPF (Cyprus); AcademyofSciencesandNICPB(Estonia);AcademyofFinland,ME,andHIP(Finland);CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); OTKA and NKTH(Hungary);DAEandDST(India);IPM(Iran);SFI(Ireland);INFN(Italy);NRFandWCU (Korea);LAS(Lithuania);CINVESTAV,CONACYT,SEP,andUASLP-FAI(Mexico);PAEC(Pak- istan);SCSR(Poland);FCT(Portugal);JINR(Armenia,Belarus,Georgia,Ukraine,Uzbekistan); MSTandMAE(Russia);MSTD(Serbia);MICINNandCPAN(Spain);SwissFundingAgencies (Switzerland);NSC(Taipei);TUBITAKandTAEK(Turkey);STFC(UnitedKingdom);DOEand NSF(USA). References [1] R.Barbieri,L.J.Hall,andY.Nomura,“Aconstrainedstandardmodelfromacompact extradimension”, Phys.Rev. D63(2001)105007, arXiv:hep-ph/0011311. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.63.105007. [2] T.Appelquist,H.-C.Cheng,andB.A.Dobrescu,“Boundsonuniversalextra dimensions”, Phys.Rev. D64(2001)035002, arXiv:hep-ph/0012100. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.64.035002.

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