Search for displaced vertexes arising from decays of new, heavy particles in 7 TeV pp collisions in ATLAS. FredericM.Brochu,,a H.E.Pgroup,UniversityofCambridge,J.J.ThomsonAvenue,CAMBRIDGECB30HE,UnitedKingdom. OnbehalfoftheATLAScollaboration. Abstract. Wepresenttheresultsofasearchforneutralinosdecayingatasignificantdistancefromtheirproduc- 2 tionpointintochargedhadronsandahighmomentummuon,formingdisplacedvertexes.Theanaly√siswasper- 1 formedwith33pb−1ofppcollisiondatacollectedbytheATLASexperimentattheLHCin2010at s=7TeV. 0 Theposterwillshowsomehighlightsoftheanalysis. 2 n 1 Introduction a J 9 ] InsupersymmetricscenarioswithR-parityviolation(RPV) x e [1],thelightestsupersymmetricparticle(LSP),oftentaken - tobetheneutralinoχ˜0,isnolongerstable.Decayproducts p 1 andLSPlifetimedependontheinvolvedR-paritycoupling e h typeandamplitude. [ Ifthecouplingstrengthissmallenough,theLSPlifetime becomeslargeenoughtoallowittodecayawayfromthe 1 Interaction Point (IP), leading to displaced vertex topolo- v gies. 2 Wepresenttheresultsofasearch[2]forneutralinosdecays 4 7 into a muon and two hadronic jets via the RPV coupling 1 λ(cid:48) in 33 pb−1 of pp collision data collected by the AT- Fig.2.DetailsofATLAS’InnerDetector. 2ij . LASexperimentattheLHCin2010withprotonbeamsof 1 0 3.5TeVeach. 2 Reconstruction of Displaced Vertexes 2 TheneutralinodecaychainisshowninFigure1. 1 2.1 TheATLASdetector : v i X TheATLASdetector[3]ismadeofacompositeinnertrack- ing system, called the Inner Detector (ID), a calorimeter r a q system and an extensive muon spectrometer (MS). The j ~ IDoperatesina2Tmagneticfieldandprovidestracking χχ~~0 µ λλ‘‘2ij qqii aranpdidvietryterxaningfeor|ηm|a<tion2.f5o,rwchhaerrgeeηdp≡art−icllnestainn(tθh/e2)p,seaunddoθ- is the polar angle, defined with respect to the cylindrical symmetryaxis(thezaxis)ofthedetector. µ FromtheIPoutwards,thefollowingcomponentsoftheIn- nerDetectorarefound: Fig.1.LightestNeutralinodecaychainwithanon-zeroRPVcou- – thePixeldetector,madeofhighresolutionSiliconPixel plingλ(cid:48) . stripsformingthreebarrellayersandthreeforwarddisks 2ij oneachside. – theSiliconMicrostripTracker(SCT)madeof4barrel layersand9forwarddisksoneachside. Theseneutralinosarepair-producedinthereaction – the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) composed of pp→q˜q˜ →qχ˜0qχ˜0. straw-tube elements interleaved with transition radia- 1 1 tionmaterialforelectronidentification. ThesesubdetectorsareshowninFigure2. a e-mail:[email protected] EPJWebofConferences V 103 e data 2010 G 1 Dijet MC s / 0. 102 Wttb,aZr MMCC (cid:242) ATLAS ce Ldt = 33 pb-1 erti 10 V 1 10-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vertex mass [GeV] Fig.5.Exampleofaselecteddisplacedvertexfromdetectorma- terialinteractions(here,inthefirstPixellayer). Fig. 3. Distribution of the reconstructed displaced vertex mass aftermuonandeventselectioncuts. ATLAS simulation m]180 0.25 ertices dDaijteat 2M0C10 [mrDV114600 0.2 v102 W,Z MC er of ttbar MC 120 0.15 b 100 m 10 Nu ATLAS 80 0.1 60 (cid:242) 1 Ldt = 33 pb-1 40 0.05 20 10-1 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2 4 6 8 10 12 |z | [mm] DV Number of tracks in vertex Fig.6.VertexReconstructionefficiencyasafunctionofthever- texpositionintheR−zplane,afterapplicationofthedetector Fig.4.Distributionofthenumberoftracksassociatedtothere- materialmapveto. constructeddisplacedvertexaftermuonandeventselectioncuts. Some of the reconstructed vertexes at this stage are com- Inthisanalysis,wearelookingforLSPdecaysinsidethe ingfrominteractionswiththedetectormaterial,asshown Pixel detector, so we make an extensive use of the Inner inFigure5. Detector data, combined with the MS for the reconstruc- Hadronic interactions are selected and used to build de- tionofthemuon. tector material maps[4] . These maps are used to veto re- constructedvertexes,asonecanseeontheefficiencymap reproducedinFigure6. Afterreconstruction,themuoncandidatemustpassa p T 2.2 EventSelectionandReconstruction. cuttightenedto45GeVandhavebothMSandIDdata. Thiscutrepresentthemuonselectionlevel. EventsarerequiredtopasstheHighLevelmuonTrigger: The reconstruction efficiency as a function of the recon- at least one reconstructed muon with transverse momen- structeddisplacedvertexradiusR isshowninFigure7 DV tum pT > 40GeV.Selectedeventsmusthaveatleastone afterapplyingthedifferentcutselectionlevelsmentioned good primary vertex, with |z| < 200 mm and at least 5 above.Thedominantsystematicserrorswerefoundtocome trackspointingtowardsit. fromthefollowingsources: Non-pointing tracks reconstructed by the Inner Detector trackingalgorithmsareusedforthereconstructionofdis- – muon trigger efficiency, 4.3 %, evaluated with a Z → placedvertexes.Weuseonlytrackswithtransverseimpact µµsample. parameter|d |>2mmand p >1GeV. – evolution of the muon reconstruction efficiency as a 0 T Thesecutsformtheeventselectionlevel. function of d0, from 3.5 % to 8 % depending on the Atthispoint,thedominantbackgroundsareeventswithW signalinvestigated,evaluatedfromcosmicsmuons. andZdecayingtomuons.DistributionsofDisplacedVer- – vertex reconstruction efficiency, 3 to 4.3 % evaluated tex quantities with these backgrounds overlaid are shown fromKs0controlsamples. inFigures3and4. Asecondsetofcutsonvertexreconstructionobservables 3 Results and Limits. areapplied:vertexfitqualityχ2 <5∗n.d.o.f,vertexmass M > 10GeVandatleast4tracksassociatedtothever- Thevertexcutsdefineasignalregionwhichisrepresented vtx tex.Thissetofcutsdefinesthevertexreconstructionlevel. inFigure8.Nodataeventpassesthefinalselection,sowe Presentedatthe2011HadronColliderPhysicssymposium(HCP-2011),Paris,France,November14-182011. ciency 00..891 ATLASsimulation EVevretnetx s seelelecctitoionn F. [pb]103 700 GeV ~q, 494 GeV c~0 Effi 00..67 700 GeV q~, 494 GeV c~01 Muon selection n x B.102 71105.500 T GGeVeeVV ~q ,~~qq 4,, 911400 88G GGeVeeVV c~ 01c~c~1010 000...345 sectio 10 PPRROOSSPPIINNOO:: ss((mm ~~qq == 1750100 GGeeVV)) - 0.2 s s 0.1 o r 0 C 1 Efficiency 000...7891 ATLAS70s0i mGeuVla q~ti,o 1n08 GeV c~01 EVMevureotnentx ss seeelleelreccDcttiiVtooio nn[nmm] 10-1 (cid:242) LAdtT =L 3A3 pSb-1 0.6 0.5 0.4 10-2 0.3 1 10 102 103 0.2 ct [mm] 0.1 00 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 r [mm] Fig.9.Limitsontheproductσ(pp→qχ˜0qχ˜0)×B.R(χ˜0→µqq) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 D1V60 180 asafunctionoftheneutralinolifetimecτ1 1fordifferen1tbench- Fig. 7. Reconstruction efficiency as a function of the displaced χ˜01 vertexradiusfordifferent,cumulativesetofcuts. markpointsandeventgenerators. · 10-3 V] Ge 1.6 s [ mas102 1.4 x erte 1.2 V 1 Signal region 10 0.8 ATLAS (cid:242) 0.6 Ldt = 33 pb-1 0.4 Data 2010 1 Signal MC 0.2 0 2 3 4 5 678910 20 30 40 Number of tracks in vertex Fig.8.Remainingeventsindata(blue,proportionalellipses)and definitionofthesignalregionfromsimulation(greylevelboxes). set limits on the product of the production cross-section and the branching ratio of the neutralino to the selected decay mode. Limits are established as a function of the lifetimeoftheneutralinoinFigure9. References 1. B.CAllanachetal.,Phys.Rev.D75,(2007)035002. 2. TheATLASColl.,CERN-PH-EP-2011-131,submitted toPhysicsLettersB. 3. TheATLASColl.,JINST3,(2008),S08003. 4. The ATLAS Coll., arXiv:1110.6191.