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Search for decays of stopped long-lived particles produced in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV PDF

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Preview Search for decays of stopped long-lived particles produced in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV

EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH (CERN) CERN-PH-EP/2013-037 2015/04/15 CMS-EXO-12-036 Search for decays of stopped long-lived particles produced √ in proton-proton collisions at s = 8TeV 5 1 ∗ The CMS Collaboration 0 2 r p A 4 Abstract 1 ] x A search has been performed for long-lived particles that could have come to rest e - withintheCMSdetector,usingthetimeintervalsbetweenLHCbeamcrossings. The p existence of such particles could be deduced from observation of their decays via e h energy deposits in the CMS calorimeter appearing at times that are well separated [ from any proton-proton collisions. Using a data set corresponding to an integrated 2 luminosity of 18.6fb−1 of 8TeV proton-proton collisions, and a search interval corre- v spondingto281hoursoftriggerlivetime,10eventsareobserved,withabackground 3 0 prediction of 13.2+3.6 events. Limits are presented at 95% confidence level on gluino −2.5 6 andtopsquarkproduction, forover13ordersofmagnitudeinthemeanproperlife- 5 time of the stopped particle. Assuming a cloud model of R-hadron interactions, a 0 (cid:46) (cid:46) . gluinowithmass 1000GeVandatopsquarkwithmass 525GeVareexcluded,for 1 0 lifetimesbetween1µsand1000s. Theseresultsarethemoststringentconstraintson 5 stoppedparticlestodate. 1 : v i X PublishedintheEuropeanPhysicalJournalCasdoi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3367-z. r a (cid:13)c 2015CERNforthebenefitoftheCMSCollaboration.CC-BY-3.0license ∗SeeAppendixAforthelistofcollaborationmembers 1 1 Introduction Many extensions of the standard model (SM) predict the existence of new heavy long-lived particles [1–6]. At the CERN LHC the two general-purpose detectors, ATLAS and CMS, have already set stringent limits on the existence of such particles with searches that exploit the anomalously large ionization and/or long time-of-flight that they would exhibit as they tra- versethedetectors[7,8]. Thesesearchesarecomplementedbythosethattargetthefractionof suchparticlesproducedwithsufficientlylowkineticenergy(KE)that they cometorestinthe detectors. In this approach, the subsequent decay is directly observed, allowing (in principle) thereconstructionofthe“stopped”particleandthestudyofitscharacteristics[9]. New long-lived heavy particles, such as heavy gluinos (g(cid:101)) and top squarks ((cid:101)t), could be pair- producedinproton-proton(pp)collisionsandcombinewithSMparticlestoformR-hadrons[10– 12]. These R-hadrons would then traverse the volume of the detector, interacting with detec- tor materials via nuclear interactions and, if charged, by ionization. Below a critical velocity (cid:46) 0.45c, the KE of the R-hadron is small enough and the energy loss per unit length (dE/dx) large enough that the particle can come to rest within the body of the detector. At some later time, the stopped R-hadron would then decay. Assuming at least one daughter particle is a SM particle and the R-hadron has stopped in an instrumented region of the detector, the de- cay could be observable. If this stopping location is in the calorimeter, as is most likely given itsdensity, theexperimentalsignaturewouldbearandomly-timed, relativelylargeenergyre- sponse spread over a few channels. Since these depositions might be difficult to differentiate from those of SM particles produced in pp collisions, they would be most easily observed at times between pp collisions. During these times the detector should be quiet with the excep- tion of cosmic rays, some beam-related backgrounds, and instrumental noise. The results of suchsearcheshavepreviouslybeenreportedbytheD0collaborationattheTevatron[13],and bytheCMS[14,15]andATLAScollaborations[16,17]. This paper provides an update to the CMS search for stopped particles. The new analysis benefits from a four-fold integrated luminosity increase and uses data resulting from higher energyppcollisionscomparedtothepreviousCMSpublication[14]. 2 The CMS detector and jet reconstruction The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a superconducting solenoid of 6m internal diam- eter, providing a magnetic field of 3.8T. Within the superconducting solenoid volume are a siliconpixelandstriptracker,aleadtungstatecrystalelectromagneticcalorimeter(ECAL),and a brass/scintillator hadron calorimeter (HCAL), each composed of a central (barrel) and two forward (endcap) sections. In the region |η| < 1.74, the HCAL cells have widths of 0.087 in pseudorapidity and 0.087 in azimuth (φ). In the η-φ plane, and for |η| < 1.48, the HCAL cells map onto 5×5 ECAL crystals arrays to form calorimeter towers projecting radially outwards from close to the nominal interaction point. At larger values of |η|, the size of the towers in- creases and the matching ECAL arrays contain fewer crystals. Within each tower, the energy deposits in ECAL and HCAL cells are summed to define the calorimeter tower energies, sub- sequently used to provide the energies and directions of hadronic jets. Muons are measured in gas-ionization detectors embedded in the steel flux-return yoke outside the solenoid; drift tubes and resistive-plate chambers (RPC) provide coverage in the barrel, while cathode strip chambers (CSC) and RPC provide coverage in the endcaps. Extensive forward calorimetry complementsthecoverageprovidedbythebarrelandendcapdetectors. Thefirstlevel(L1)of theCMStriggersystem,composedofcustomhardwareprocessors,usesinformationfromthe 2 3 DatasetandMonteCarlosimulationsamples calorimeters and muon detectors to select the most interesting events in a fixed time interval of less than 4µs. The high-level trigger (HLT) processor farm further decreases the event rate from around 100kHz to around 400Hz, before data storage. A more detailed description of the CMS detector, together with a definition of the coordinate system used and the relevant kinematicvariables,canbefoundinRef.[18]. Because a stopped particle is by definition at rest, the energy deposits in the calorimeter that result from its decay would not generally be oriented in towers radially towards the pp inter- action point of CMS. Nevertheless, such depositions are sufficiently jet-like that they may be reconstructed offline using the anti-k clustering algorithm [19, 20] with a distance parameter T of0.5. 3 Data set and Monte Carlo simulation samples √ The search is performed using s = 8TeV pp collision data collected between May and De- cember2012,correspondingtoanintegratedluminosityof18.6fb−1andto281hourswhenthe dedicated trigger used in this analysis was active (“livetime”). The maximum instantaneous luminosityachievedduringthisperiodwas7.5×1033cm−2s−1. Asacontrolsample,thisanal- √ ysis uses s = 7TeV pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.6pb−1 collectedatthebeginningofLHCoperationsin2010. Thecontrolsampleincludes253hoursof triggerlivetime. Thoughtheintegratedluminosityforthisperiodismuchsmallerthanthatin 2012, thetriggerlivetimeiscomparablebecauseofthelongertimeintervalbetweencollisions in2010. Simulated signal Monte Carlo (MC) events for this analysis are generated in three stages. In thefirststageweuse PYTHIA 8.153[21]togeneratepp → g(cid:101)g(cid:101)andpp →(cid:101)t(cid:101)tevents. Thecolored sparticles are hadronized with the default parameters in the RHADRONS package included in PYTHIA 8.153. These parameters influence technical aspects of the hadronization process, e.g. the fraction of produced R-hadrons that contain a gluino and a valence gluon, which is set to 10%. Because of the nature of the stopped-particle technique, these parameters do not have a significant effect on the phenomenology. The passage of the R-hadrons through the detector is simulated with GEANT4 9.4.p03 [22]. A phase-space driven “cloud model” of R-hadron interactions with the material of the CMS detector [23, 24], referred to as the “generic” model in Ref. [16], is used to simulate the interaction of these R-hadrons with the CMS detector. In this model, which has emerged as the standard benchmark for these searches, R-hadrons are treatedassupersymmetricparticlessurroundedbyacloudoflooselyboundquarksorgluons. TheKEofthesesimulatedR-hadronsisdiminishedthoughnuclearinteractionsandionization, andtheycanthuscometorestwithinthebodyoftheCMSdetector. Ifthisoccurs,theposition in the CMS coordinate system of the stopped R-hadron is recorded. The second stage of the simulation generates an R-hadron, translates it to the stopping position recorded in the first stage, and causes it to decay at rest via a second GEANT4 step. The gluino decay is simulated as g(cid:101) → gχ(cid:101)0 and the top squark decay is simulated as(cid:101)t → tχ(cid:101)0, where χ(cid:101)0 is the lightest neu- tralinoinbothinstances. Thefirststageallowsestimationofthestoppingprobability ε , stopping and the second stage allows estimation of the reconstruction efficiency ε . While any spin reco correlation of the decaying gluino with its pair produced partner is lost in this approach, no observableeffectsofthisomissionareexpected[25]. Theprobabilityforthesubsequentdecay ofastoppedparticletooccuratatimewhenthetriggerisliveisestimatedwithacustomthird stagepseudo-experimentMCsimulation. Werandomlygeneratedecaytimesaccordingtothe exponentialdistributionexpectedforagivenlifetimehypothesisandcomparethesetothede- 3 livered luminosity profile and actual bunch structure of each LHC fill, and all relevant CMS triggerrules,inordertodetermineaneffectiveluminosity(L )foreachlifetimehypothesis. eff 4 Event selection We perform the search with a dedicated trigger used to select events out-of-time with respect to collisions. A series of offline selection criteria are then applied to exclude events likely due tobackgroundprocesses. The LHC beams are composed of circulating bunches of protons. At the experiments, bunch crossings(BX)nominallyoccuratintervalsof25ns. In2012,however,theLHCoperatedwitha 50nsminimumintervalbetweenprotonbunchesandthemostoftenusedLHCfillingscheme had1377ofsuchintervalscontainingcollidingbunchesofprotons. Thissearchlooksforevents inasuitablesubsetoftheother802BXsi.e. duringintervalsthatare“out-of-time”withrespect to normal collisions. Such events are recorded using an updated version of the calorimeter triggeremployedintheearlierCMSstudy[14,15]thatusesthetwobeampositionandtiming monitors (BPTX) that are positioned along the beam axis, at either end of the CMS detector closetothebeams. TheseBPTXaresensitiveelectrostaticinstrumentsthatareabletodetectthe passage of an LHC proton bunch. Consequently, in order to search for out-of-time events, we employ a dedicated trigger that requires an energy deposit in the calorimeter trigger together withtheconditionthatneitherBPTXdetectsabunchinthatBX.Wealsorequirethatatmostone BPTX produces a signal in a window ±1 BX around the triggered event. This rejects triggers due to out of time “satellite” bunches that occasionally accompany the colliding protons. The energy deposition in the calorimeter of a jet from the R-hadron decay is sufficiently similar to thoseofjetsoriginatingdirectlyfromppcollisionsthatacalorimeterjettriggercanbeused. At L1thejettransverseenergy,whichiscalculatedassumingthejetwasproducedatthenominal interactionpoint,isrequiredtobegreaterthan32GeV,whileintheHLTjetenergyisrequired tobegreaterthan50GeV. AtbothL1andHLT |η | isrequiredtobelessthan3.0. Finally,the jet trigger rejects any event within a ±1 BX window that is identified as beam halo at L1 by the presence of a pair of CSC hits geometrically consistent with the expected trajectory of a halo muon. Weselecteventsmorethan ±1BXawayfromanin-timeppcollision. Additionally,toremove rare events in which an out-of-time pp collision occurred, usually caused by residual protons foundinbetweenprotonbunches,wevetoeventsthatincludeaprimaryvertexreconstructed by an adaptive vertex fit [26] with greater than or equal to 4 degrees of freedom as expected from a pp collision. Finally, we require that a jet is reconstructed with an energy of at least 70GeV. Thisthresholdissetjustabovetheturn-onplateauforthe50GeVtrigger. Halomuonsareasourceofbackgroundforthisanalysis. Halomuonsareproducedwhenoff- orbitprotonsintheLHCbeamstrikematerialinsomelimitingapertureoftheLHCupstreamof theCMSdetector. Theresultingcollisionproducesashowerofparticles,mostofwhichdecay beforereachingCMS.Muonsareproducedinthesedecaysand,giventheirlonglifetimesand the fact that they undergo only electroweak interactions, can survive long enough to traverse the detector. When they pass through the denser regions, they can emit a bremsstrahlung photon that strikes the calorimeter and can be reconstructed with large enough energy to be includedinthesearchsample. Weremovetheseeventsbyvetoinganyeventinwhichthereare hitsrecordedwithintheCSCforwardmuonchambers. Thelow-noiserateoftheCSCdetectors allowstherequirementtobesetatthesingle-hitlevel,whichenablesthemaximalexclusionof thisbackground. 4 5 Signalefficiency MuonsfromcosmicraysincidentontheCMSdetectorcanalsomimicthesignalcharacteristics. Similar to the halo background, cosmic ray muons may emit a photon that strikes the calori- meter, leaving a large energy deposit. To remove such events, we consider the distribution of reconstructed hitswithin the barrel muon system. Compared to the expectedsignal, there are keydifferenceswithcosmicraymuonsthatcanbeexploited. ItispossiblethatheavyR-hadron decayproductshavealargeenoughenergyto“punchthrough”theouterregionofthecalori- meterandthefirstlayersoftheironyokeofthesolenoid,leavingenergydepositsinthemuon system. This phenomenon is easily distinguished from cosmic ray muons by considering the distribution of reconstructed hits. In the case of cosmic ray muons, we expect hits evenly dis- tributed throughout the barrel of the muon system, whereas for signal events, we expect the hits to be restricted to the innermost layers of the muon system. Additionally, in the case of punch-through, the muon hits should be localized near the reconstructed jet. Unlike signal events,hitsfromcosmicraymuonsmayalsoappearoppositein φ tothatofthereconstructed jet. Exploitingtheseproperties,weareabletosubstantiallyreducethecosmicraybackground contaminating the signal region by removing events with hits in the outer layers of the muon system(r > 560cm),eventswithhitsrecordedinboththetopandbottomofthemuonsystem, andeventswithhitsinthemuonsystemseparatedfromtheleadingjetinφbygreaterthan1.0 radians. The final source of background stems from instrumental noise in the calorimetry system, pri- marilywithintheHCAL.NoiseintheHCALcangiverisetoeventsinwhichanerrantspikein energyisrecorded,unrelatedtoanyphysicalinteractionwithparticlesproducedinsidethede- tector. Theseoccurrencesarerare,butthecalorimeterresponseresemblestheanticipatedsignal and must be removed. The HCAL electronics has a well-defined time response to charge de- positsgeneratedbyshoweringparticles. Analogsignalpulsesproducedbytheelectronicsare sampled at 40 MHz, synchronized with the LHC clock. These pulses are readout over ten BX samplescenteredaroundthepulsemaximum. Aphysicalsignalexhibitsaclearpeakfollowed byanexponentialdecayoverthenextfewBXs. Moreover,energydepositsfromphysicalpar- ticlestendtohavealargefractionofthepulseenergyinthepeakBX.Weuseaseriesofoffline criteriathatexploitthesetimingandtopologicalcharacteristicstoremovespuriouseventsdue to noise, which do not exhibit these properties. These criteria are detailed in Ref. [15] and are appliedasinthatanalysiswiththeexceptionoftherequirementthattheleadingjethasatleast 60%ofitsenergycontainedinfewerthan6towers. 5 Signal efficiency UsingthefirststageoftheMCsimulationdescribedinSection3,weestimatetheprobabilityof anR-hadrontostopwithintheinstrumentedregionsofthedetector. Inparticular,weareinter- ested in R-hadrons that stop in the barrel region of the calorimeter, since these are the regions where we can observe the subsequent jet-like energy deposits from the decay products. We exclude the endcap calorimeters since the signal-to-background ratio is less favorable in this region. R-hadrons could also stop within the iron yokes interleaved with the muon detector system, but we expect a negligible efficiency to detect the corresponding decays. The simula- tiondemonstratesthatthestoppingprobabilityisapproximatelyconstantovertherangeofR- hadronmassesconsideredinthissearch. TheprobabilitythatatleastoneR-hadronisstopped within the barrel region of the calorimeter is found to be 8% for gluinos with m = 800GeV g(cid:101) and6%fortopsquarkswith m = 400GeV. Theslighterlarger ε obtainedforgluinosis (cid:101)t stopping becauseoftheirgreaterpropensitytoformdoublychargedstates. For the particles that stop and then decay within the calorimeter, MC simulations estimate 5 o ec CMS εr 0.5 Simulation 0.4 0.3 m = 400 GeV g~ m = 700 GeV 0.2 g~ m = 1200 GeV g~ m~ = 300 GeV t m~ = 400 GeV 0.1 t m~ = 600 GeV t m~ = 1000 GeV t 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 E (E) [GeV] g t Figure1: Thereconstructionefficiencyεreco forg(cid:101)and(cid:101)tR-hadronsthatstopinthebarrelregion ofthecalorimeterasafunctionoftheenergyoftheproducedSMdaughterparticle. Theshaded bandsindicatethesystematicuncertaintyinε . reco an approximate trigger efficiency of 70%. We define ε as the number of signal events that reco pass all selection criteria (including the trigger requirement) divided by the number of signal events that stop within the barrel region of the calorimeter. The reconstruction efficiency de- pends principally on the energy of the visible daughter particle of the R-hadron decay, which we denote by E (E) if the daughter is a gluon (top quark). The reconstruction efficiencies g t obtained for gluinos and top squarks are plotted as a function of this energy in Fig. 1. Above theminimumenergythresholdfortheSMdecayproducts,whereε becomesapproximately reco constant, Eg > 120GeV (Et > 150GeV), we obtain εreco ≈ 45% (32%) for g(cid:101)((cid:101)t) decays. The top squark efficiency is lower than the gluino efficiency primarily because of t → bµν decays that yield less visible energy in the calorimeter and are rejected by the muon vetoes. When E is t belowmt,whichcanhappenincaseswhenthemasssplittingbetweenthe(cid:101)tandχ(cid:101)0issmall,the topquarkisoffthemass-shell. Thesignalefficiencyisgivenbytheproductofε andε . stopping reco 6 Backgrounds It is possible for halo muons to escape detection in the endcap muon system. Escaping detec- tion is uncommon, but owing to the high rate of halo production in the 2012 data collection period,theexpectedhalobackgroundisnon-negligible. Weestimatethehalovetoinefficiency usinga“tag-and-probe”method[27]thatanalyzesahigh-puritysampleofhalomuonstode- terminetheratesatwhichwerecordhitsonbothendsoftheendcapmuondetectors,compared totherateatwhichweseeonlythe“incoming”or“outgoing”portionsofthehalomuontrack. Becauseoftimingandtriggereffects,wemayonlyobservetheoutgoinglegofthehalomuon, with the incoming leg recorded in a previous BX. When the reverse occurs, we see only the 6 7 Sourcesofsystematicuncertainties incomingleg. Additionally,itispossibleforthemuontoloseallofitsenergywithintheCMS detector before reaching the opposite side CSC chambers, which also results in an incoming- only event. We classify these events as to whether the halo originates from the clockwise or counterclockwisebeam,andbinthembytheirgeometriclocationintheendcapmuonsystem. After integrating these distributions, we measure a halo veto inefficiency of 1×10−5. This in- efficiency is multiplied by the number of halo events vetoed from the search sample yielding anaveragehalobackgroundestimateof8.0±0.4events,wheretheuncertaintyintheestimate isowingtothelimitedsizeofthedatasamplesused. To determine the rate at which cosmic ray muons escape detection by the cosmic muon veto, we generate a sample of 300 million simulated cosmic events using CMSCGEN [28], which is basedontheairshowerprogramCORSIKA[29],andhasbeenvalidatedin[30]. Afterrequiring asubstantialenergydepositinthecalorimeterandtheabsenceofanyhitsinthemuonendcap systemthatwouldcausetheeventtobeclassifiedasahalomuon,weestimatetheinefficiency of the cosmic muon veto by dividing the number of events that escape this veto by the total number of events. The inefficiency obtained in this manner is roughly 0.5%. After multiplica- tionbythenumberofcosmicraymuoneventsvetoedfromthesearchsample,thiscorresponds to a predicted cosmic background of 5.2±2.5 events, where the uncertainty in the estimate is owingtothelimitedsizeofthedatasamplesused. Finally,thebackgroundowingtoinstrumentalnoiseisestimatedbyconsideringdatarecorded in 2010. Figure 2 shows the measured noise rates in both periods. In these plots all selection criteria except those that are designed to reject noise are applied. Additionally, only events at least 5 BX from a bunch are considered. This is done to reduce halo contamination in the distributions, which is abundant directly after a bunch crossing. There is a greater variation in the 2012 noise rate because of increased halo background, which can mimic HCAL noise if noCSChitsarepresent. Thesmallvariationseeninthe2012data, while largerthanthatseen in2010,isneverthelesssmallcomparedtothesystematicuncertaintyinthenoiseeventcount. The larger variations observed in the 2012 data are attributed to residual halo contamination arisingfromnon-standardLHCbeamconditions. Becausetherateofinstrumentalnoiseisapproximatelyconstantbetweenthetwoperiods,and the data recorded in early 2010 were delivered with very low instantaneous luminosity, this sample is unlikely to contain either halo events or signal events. After applying the same se- lectioncriteriatothe2010datasampleasusedinthisanalysis,twoeventsremain. Weestimate the cosmic ray muon contribution to this sample to be 4.8±3.6 events. Because the cosmic raybackgroundestimateexceedsthenumberofobservedevents,weassumeacentralvalueof zero events for the instrumental noise contribution to the 2010 sample, and allowing for Pois- son fluctuations in both the noise and cosmic ray muon contributions, set a 68% confidence level(CL)upperlimitonthiscontributionof2.3events. Thisestimateisthenscaledbythera- tioofthe2012and2010livetimes,resultinginanexpectednoisecontributionof0.0+2.6 events −0.0 inthe2012dataset. 7 Sources of systematic uncertainties The model-independent results of the counting experiment described in this paper have rel- atively few systematic uncertainties. There is a 2.5% uncertainty in the integrated luminos- ity[31]. Thereisa13%uncertaintyinthereconstructionefficiencyresultingfromthepossibil- itythatevenabovetheminimumvalueofE (E),thisefficiencyisnotcompletelyindependent g t of the energy of the daughter particle as is assumed. This uncertainty is determined by con- sidering the difference between the individual values of ε in Fig. 1 and the average value reco 7 z] 0.2 H e [ 0.18 CMS 2010 e rat 0.16 ois 0.14 al n 0.12 ent 0.1 m u 0.08 nstr 0.06 I 0.04 0.02 0 1134 1225 1251 1262 1283 1299 z] 0.2 H e [ 0.18 CMS 2012 e rat 0.16 ois 0.14 al n 0.12 ent 0.1 m u 0.08 nstr 0.06 I 0.04 0.02 0 2692 2870 2929 3033 3200 3279 Figure2: Thenoiseratesfrom2010data(top)and2012data(bottom). for all points above the minimum value of E (E). The shaded bands in the figure depict this g t uncertainty. Becausetheenergydepositsresultinginreconstructedjetsarenottheresultofjets originatingfromthecenterofthedetector(asisthecaseforjetsoriginatingfromppcollisions), theyarenotnecessarilydirectedradially,andstandarduncertaintiesinthejetenergyscale(JES) do not apply. Instead, we determine the JES uncertainty by referencing a study performed on the HCAL during cosmic ray data taking in 2008 [32]. This study compares the reconstructed energy deposits in the HCAL for simulated cosmic ray events and cosmic ray events in 2008 data. Thesecomparisonsleadtoanestimateduncertaintyof∼2%onthesimulation. Asimilar study comparing data and simulation for dijets originating at the interaction point conducted with 2012 data yielded an uncertainty of <2% for jets striking the HCAL barrel with angles ofincidencefrom0to60degrees[33]. WhilethestudydemonstratesthattheHCALresponse is well simulated with an uncertainty of about 1%, we take a conservative JES uncertainty of 3% to compensate for any effects of stopped particle decays that these studies cannot test be- cause of the potentially large angles that could sometimes be expected in the signal decays. This value for the JES uncertainty leads to an uncertainty in the search results of about 2% at theminimumvalueof E . Thevalueof3%issomewhatpessimisticsincetheuncertaintyfalls g rapidly as E increases. Variations in the reconstructed jet energy are only important for de- g posits with energies close to the jet energy threshold, which typically correspond to events in which E issmall. g In obtaining constraints on a particular model, however, more substantial uncertainties arise since the signal yield is sensitive to the stopping probability. While the GEANT4 simulation used to derive the stopping probability very accurately models both the electromagnetic and nuclear interaction energy-loss mechanisms, the relative contributions of these energy-loss mechanisms to the stopping probability depends significantly on unknown R-hadron spec- 8 8 Results troscopy. We do not consider this dependence to be a source of error, however, since given a particularmodelforthespectrumtheresultantuncertaintyinthestoppingprobabilityissmall. Inadditiontotheseuncertaintiesinthesignalefficiency, thereisalsoasystematicuncertainty inthebackgroundestimatedescribedinSection6. Thissystematicuncertaintyarisesfromthe limited size of the data control samples that were used to estimate the contribution of each of thebackgroundprocessestothesearchsample. ThesystematicuncertaintiesaresummarizedinTable1. Table1: Summaryofsystematicuncertainties. Systematicuncertainty Fractionaluncertainty JESuncertainty ±3% Luminosityuncertainty ±2.5% ε uncertainty ±13% reco Backgrounduncertainty +27%,−19% 8 Results The total and individual background estimates for both the 2012 search period and the 2010 controlperiodusedtodeterminethebackgroundfrominstrumentalnoise,aresummarizedin Table2,togetherwiththenumberofobservedevents. Table 2: Background predictions and observed events for the 2010 control and 2012 search samples. Period Triggerlivetime(h) Nbkg Nbkg Nbkg Nbkg Nobs noise cosmic halo total 2010 253 0.0+2.3 4.8±3.6 — 4.8+4.3 2 −0.0 −3.6 2012 281 0.0+2.6 5.2±2.5 8.0±0.4 13.2+3.6 10 −0.0 −2.5 With the assumption that the backgrounds listed in Table 2 are uniformly distributed in time, whichisvalidevenforthehalobackgroundfortimesatleastoneBXawayfromthecollisionas our selection requires, we perform a counting experiment in equally spaced log(time) bins of gluino(topsquark)lifetimehypotheses,τ (τ),from10−7to106seconds. Forlifetimehypothe- g(cid:101) (cid:101)t sesshorterthanoneorbit(89µs),wecountonlycandidateswithinasensitivity-optimizedtime windowof1.3τ (τ)fromanyppcollision. Thisrestrictionavoidstheadditionofbackgrounds g(cid:101) (cid:101)t for time intervals during which the signal has a high probability to have already decayed. In ordertoresolveanytimestructureinthedatawithinasingleorbit,wetesttwoadditionallife- time hypotheses for each observed event for these counting experiments: the largest lifetime hypothesis for which the event lies outside 1.3τ (τ), and the smallest lifetime hypothesis for g(cid:101) (cid:101)t whichtheeventiscontainedwithin1.3τ (τ). Table3showstheresultsofthecountingexper- g(cid:101) (cid:101)t imentsforselectedlifetimehypotheses. Theobservednumberofeventsisconsistentwiththe backgroundexpectationforalllifetimehypothesestested. 8.1 Limits on gluino and top squark production WeobtainupperlimitsonthesignalproductioncrosssectionusingahybridCL method[34, S 35] to incorporate the systematic uncertainties [36]. These limits are presented in Fig. 3 as a function of particle lifetime τ. The two left-hand axes of Fig. 3 are production cross section times branching fraction (σ×B) for top squarks and gluinos, assuming the total visible en- ergy in the decay satisfies either E > 120GeV or E > 150GeV for the gluino and top squark g t

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