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Preview Search for clustering of ultra high energy cosmic rays from the Pierre Auger Observatory

9 0 Search for clustering of ultra high energy cosmic rays from the Pierre 0 2 Auger Observatory n a Silvia Mollerach, for the Pierre Auger Collaboration a∗ J 9 aPierre Auger Observatory,av. San Mart´ın Norte 304, (5613) Malargu¨e, Argentina 2 CONICET, Centro Ato´mico Bariloche, 8400 Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina ] E Wepresenttheresultsofasearchforclusteringamongthehighestenergyeventsdetectedbythesurfacedetector H of the Pierre Auger Observatory between 1 January 2004 and 31 August 2007. We analyse the autocorrelation function,inwhichthenumberofpairswithangularseparationwithinanangleαiscomparedwiththeexpectation . h from an isotropic distribution. Performing a scan in energy above 30EeV and in angles α < 30◦ , the most p significant excess of pairs appears for E > 57EeV and for a wide range of separation angles, 9◦ <α<22◦. An - excess like thishas a chance probability of ∼2% to arise from an isotropic distribution and appears at the same o r energy threshold at which the Pierre Auger Observatory has reported a correlation of the arrival directions of t cosmic rays with nearby astrophysical objects. s a [ 1 v 1. Introduction sources (closer than ∼200 Mpc). 9 Theseideashavemotivatedanextensivesearch 9 The identification of the sources of the ultra for clustering signals at high energies looking for 6 highenergycosmicrayshasbeenoneofthemain excesses in the number of pairs at different an- 4 open problems in astrophysics since their discov- . gular scales. Small angular scale searches essen- 1 ery. The study of their arrival directions is likely tially look for cosmic rays coming from the same 0 to provide significant insight into this question. 9 source which would be the expected signal from Ifcosmic raysare chargedparticles,protonsor 0 thestrongestnearbysources. Atintermediatean- heavier nuclei, their trajectories are expected to : gular scales, a clustering signal would be an evi- v be bent by the intervening galactic and extra- i dence of the pattern characterising the distribu- X galactic magnetic fields, and their arrival direc- tion of the nearby sources, with pairs of events tions will not point back to their sources. The r resulting from cosmic rays coming from differ- a intensity and orientation of these fields are not ent sources. The angular scale up to which we well known, but as the deflections are inversely can expect that pairs of events come from the proportional to the energy, the effect is smaller same sourcedepends onthe energyofthe events, at the largest energies. Thus, it is at the high- onthe(unknown)magnitudeofinterveningmag- estenergiesthat cosmic rayarrivaldirections are netic fields, and on the cosmic ray composition. most likely to trace their sources. Although the data from a number of experi- Ontheotherhand,thedistancefromwhichul- ments have shown a remarkably isotropic distri- trahighenergyprotonscanarrivetotheEarthis butionofarrivaldirections,therehasbeenaclaim expectedtobelimitedbytheenergylossescaused of small scale clustering at energies larger than bythe photo-pionproductionprocessesinthein- 40EeVbytheAGASAexperiment[2]. Themost teraction with the cosmic microwavebackground recent published analysis [3] reports 8 pairs (five (Greisen Zatsepin Kuzmin, GZK effect [1]), and doublets and a triplet) with separation smaller similarlynuclei canundergophoto-disintegration than2.5◦ amongthe59eventswithenergyabove processes. Hence, at energies above ∼ 60 EeV, 40EeV,while1.7wereexpectedfromanisotropic cosmic rays should mostly come from nearby flux. Theprobabilityforthisexcesstohappenby ∗[email protected]. chance was estimated to be less than 10−4. The 1 2 significance of the AGASA clustering result was, 2. The observatory and the data set however, subject of debate based on the concern The Pierre Auger Southern Observatory is lo- thatthe energythresholdandangularseparation cated in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina, at were not fixed a priori. Tinyakov and Tkachev ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 35.1 –35.5 S, 69.0 –69.6 W and 1300–1400 m [4] computed the penalisation arising from mak- a.s.l. The growing observatory has been in oper- ingascanintheenergythresholdandobtaineda probabilityof3×10−4. FinleyandWesterhoff[5] ationsince 2004: the datapresentedherereferto theperiodbetween1January2004and31August took alsointo accountthe penalisationfor a scan 2007,duringwhichthenumberofsurfacestations intheangularscaleandobtainedaprobabilityof 3.5×10−3. The HiRes observatory has found no was increasing from154to 1388. The surface de- tector consistsof10m2×1.2 mwaterCherenkov significant clustering signal at any angular scale ◦ tanks spacedby 1500m, coveringanareathat in up to 5 for any energy threshold above 10 EeV ◦ theperiodofinterestrangedfromabout200km2 [6]. A hint of correlation at scales around 25 to around 3000 km2. While the experiment has and energies above40 EeV,combining data from been described in detail elsewhere [13], the rele- HiRes stereo, AGASA, Yakutsk and SUGAR ex- vant featureswith respectto the presentanalysis periments has been pointed out in Refs. [7,8]. will be outlined here. ThePierreAugerObservatory,whoseconstruc- The trigger requirement for the array is based tion has recently been completed in Argentina, on a 3-fold coincidence, that is satisfied when has been taking data since January 2004. Its in- a triangle of neighbouring stations is triggered. tegratedexposure,up to the end ofAugust2007, is 9000 km2 yr sr, representing the largest one The 50%contaminationfromaccidentaleventsis obviated by an appropriate event selection [14], ever attained by an extensive air shower arrayat whose power for selecting real showers is larger ultra high energies. Thanks also to its angular than 99%. and energy resolutions it offers an excellent data The arrival directions of the showers are ob- set forstudies ofanisotropiesin the arrivaldirec- tained through the time of flight differences tions. among the triggered stations. The angular res- Weapplyheretheautocorrelationtechniqueto olution, defined as the angularradius aroundthe the events with energy above 30 EeV, scanning truecosmicraydirectionthatwouldcontain68% overenergythresholdandangularseparation(up ◦ of the reconstructed shower directions, is calcu- to 30 ), with the aim of searching for possible lated on an event by event basis and checked clusteringinthearrivaldirections. Apreliminary throughthecorrelationswiththefluorescencede- analysis has been presented in Ref. [9]. tector. Itdependsonthenumberoftriggeredsta- The most clear anisotropy signal of the arrival tions andis better than2◦ for3-foldevents(E < directions of high energy events (with E > 57 ◦ 4 EeV), better than 1.2 for 4-folds and 5-folds EeV) has been reported by the Auger collabo- events (3 < E < 10 EeV) and better than 0.9◦ ration [10,11] through a completely independent for higher multiplicity events (E > 10 EeV) [15]. method by studying their correlation with the The estimatorfortheprimaryenergyisthe re- nearbyextragalacticmatterdistribution. Theob- constructedsignalat1000mfromtheshowercore served correlation with nearby AGNs from the [16]. The conversion from this estimator to en- V´eron-Cetty and V´eron catalog [12] was shown ergy is derivedexperimentallythroughthe use of to be incompatible with an isotropic distribution a subset of showers detected by both the surface at more than 99% CL. The autocorrelationanal- and the fluorescence detectors [16]. The energy ysis discussed here does not depend on an a pri- resolution is 18% and the absolute energy scale ori selection of the possible sources location and, has a systematic uncertainty of 22% [17]. therefore, gives complementary information with In the present analysis, we apply the following respect to that analysis. cuts to the events: • zenith angle θ <60◦; 3 • core location within the array boundaries: Thefactthatthedeflectionsexpectedfromgalac- reconstructed core within a triangle of ac- tic and extragalactic magnetic fields and the tive stations and station with the highest distribution of the sources are largely unknown signalsurroundedbyatleast5activetanks; prevents us from fixing these values a priori. The significance of an autocorrelation signal at • reconstructed energy E >30 EeV. a givenangle andenergy,when these values have After these cuts there are 203 events above 30 not been fixed a priori, is a delicate issue that EeVand81eventsabove40EeV.Fortheseevents has made, for example, the significance of the the surface detector trigger efficiency is 100%. AGASA small scale clustering claim very con- The acceptance is fully saturated and is deter- troversial. We adopt here the method proposed mined by purely geometrical considerations [18], by Finley and Westerhoff [5], in which a scan thus allowing an accurate calculation of the ex- over the energy threshold and the angular sep- posure even with a changing array configuration. aration is performed. For each value of E and 2 Theexposureis flatasafunctionofsin θ, where α, we compute the fraction f of simulations hav- θ isthezenithangle,anditisnearlyuniformasa ing an equal or larger number of pairs than the functionofthe azimuthangleφ. There is a small data by generating 106 simulated isotropic data modulation of the flux in right ascension due to sets modulated by the exposure. The fraction f the dead times and the growth of the array dur- takes here the role of the distance between the ingthedatatakingperiod,butthiseffectissmall, experimental and expected distributions as used below1%,andcanbeignoredinthepresentanal- in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The most rel- ysis. evant clustering signal corresponds to the values of α and E that have the smallest value of f, re- 3. The autocorrelation function analysis ferredheretoasf . Toestablishthestatistical min significanceofthisdeviation,itisnecessarytoac- 3.1. The method count for the fact that the angular bins, as well Astandardtoolforstudyinganisotropiesisthe as the energy ones, are not independent. To do two-pointangularcorrelationfunction. Inthefol- that, we perform 105 isotropic simulations with lowing we will use the correlation function given thesamenumberofeventsasthedataandcalcu- by the number of pairs separatedby less than an late for each realisation the most significant de- angle α among the N events with energy larger viation fi . The statistical significance of the than a given threshold E, min deviationfromisotropyis the integralofthe nor- N i−1 malised f distribution above fdata. We can min min np(α)=XXΘ(α−αij), (1) then estimate the probability that such cluster- i=2j=1 ing arises by chance from an isotropic distribu- where α is the angular separation between tion just from the fraction of simulations having ij eventsiandj andΘisthestepfunction. Theex- fi ≤fdata. min min pectednumberofpairsandthe90%CLerrorbars are obtained by generating a large number (106) 3.2. Results of Monte Carlo simulations with the same num- Tostudytheautocorrelationfunctionusingthe ber of events as in the real data set, isotropically scantechniquewehavetofixtherangeofthepa- distributedandmodulatedbytheexposureofthe rameter space that we explore. We scan up to ◦ detector. The chance probability for any excess 30 in the angular scale, what includes the range of pairs at a fixed angle α and energy threshold where small scale signals from point sources and is found from the fraction of simulations with a intermediateangularscalesignalsfromclustering largerorequalnumberofpairsthanwhatisfound ofthesourcesareexpectedtoappear. Wescanon in the data at the angular scale of interest. energiesabove30EeV:thisrangeprobesthehigh Theresultoftheautocorrelationfunctionanal- energy region where anisotropies are expected in ysis depends on the chosen values of α and E. theastrophysicalsourcesscenario,andgoesdown 4 60 50 40 p 30 n 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 α 1 0.1 — f 0.01 Figure 1. Autocorrelation scan for events with 0.001 ◦ energy above 30 EeV and angles up to 30 . The fraction ofsimulations with more pairs than that 1e-04 observed in the data is plotted for each angular 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 scale and number of events (or energy). α Figure2. Upperpanel: Autocorrelationfunction enough to cover the energy range where past for the 27 events with energy largerthan 57 EeV anisotropyclaimswithdatafrompreviousexper- as a function of the angle (dots) and autocorre- iments using a similar technique were made, al- lation function for an isotropic distribution with lowingforapossibleenergycalibrationdifference 90% confidence level band. Lower panel: Frac- ofupto30%betweentheexperiments. Wethere- tion of isotropic simulations with larger or equal forecomputethenumberofpairsasafunctionof number of pairs than the data. ◦ ◦ ◦ theseparationanglefrom1 to30 instepsof1 , and as a function of the number of events start- ing fromthe10highestenergyeventsandadding events one by one in decreasing energy order up for the 27 highest energy events (corresponding to 100 events, and in groups of ten up to 200 to E > 57 EeV), for α = 11◦ (18 observed pairs events, correspondingto a thresholdenergyof30 against 5.2 expected). EeV, and then compare them with isotropic dis- InFigure2theautocorrelationfunction(upper tributed simulations. panel) and the fraction of isotropic simulations In figure 1 we present the fraction of simula- withequalorlargernumberofpairsthanthedata tions withmorepairsthanthe dataasa function (lower panel) is shown for these 27 events as a of the angular scale α and the number of events function of the angular scale. The broad region N (or equivalently the energy threshold). of low values of f (< 10−3) is visible between 9◦ ◦ ◦ Abroadregionwith an excessof pairsappears and 22 , with the minimum at 11 . for energies above around 50 EeV, at angular The chance probability of a f ≤1.5×10−4 min ◦ ◦ scalesbetweenabout9 to22 . Inparticular,the to arise from an isotropic distribution was esti- minimum value off (f ≃1.5×10−4)is found mated by performing the same scan to 105 simu- min 5 tions showing a larger or equal number of pairs). Duetoapossibledifferenceintheenergycalibra- tion between AGASA and Auger, the clustering signalreportedbyAGASAcouldappearinAuger data at a lower energy scale. For energies above 30 EeV the observednumber of pairs is 23, while the isotropic expectation is 16 (f = 0.05). This excess is much smaller than the one reported by AGASA. 4. Conclusions Using the events recorded by the surface de- tector of the Pierre Auger Observatory between January2004andAugist2007wehaveperformed a scan to search for possible clustering using the autocorrelation technique. The scan has been performed in energy (above 30 EeV, 203 events ◦ detected) and angular separation (between 1 ◦ and 30 ). The most significant excess of pairs is found for E > 57 EeV (corresponding to 27 Figure 3. Arrival directions of the 27 events events) and α = 11◦, with a chance probabil- with energy larger than 57 EeV in equatorial co- ity of P = 1.6×10−2 to arise from an isotropic ordinates centered in the south pole. The circles distribution. Above this energy we observe, in aroundeacheventhavea5.5◦radius. Thedashed fact, a broad region of low probabilities, for an- linerepresentsthe galacticplane (withthe galac- gularscalesbetween9◦and22◦. Athigherenergy tic center identified by a cross)and the solid line thresholdsthechanceprobabilitiesbecomelarger, represents the supergalactic plane. howeverthenumberofeventsbecomesratherlim- ited. At lower energies the autocorrelation func- tionbecomesprogressivelyclosertothatexpected from an isotropic flux. lations, and it is P ≃1.6×10−2. It should be noted that the energy threshold Figure 3 shows the arrival directions of the 27 that maximises the significance is the same one events with E > 57 EeV in equatorial coordi- as the energy at which the Pierre Auger collab- natescenteredinthesouthpole. Thegalacticand oration has observed a departure from isotropy supergalactic planes are displayed by the dashed using the correlation of the arrival directions of andsolidlinesrespectively. Circlesof5.5◦around events with nearby AGNs. It is also the energy each event guide the eye to identify pairs sepa- at which the cosmic ray flux at ultra high ener- ◦ ratedbylessthan11 . Thearrivaldirectionsand gies reported by the Pierre Auger collaboration energies of the 27 events are listed in the Ap- [16] is suppressed by 50% compared to a power pendix of [11]. law extrapolation of the flux measured at lower The analysis of the autocorrelation function energies. This suppression, if interpreted as due shows in particular no significant clustering sig- to the GZK horizon[1], wouldimply that nearby nal at the small angular scales corresponding to sources dominate the flux at these energies. As the AGASA claim. At energies above 40 EeV, the matter distribution in the nearby Universe with81detectedevents,weobserve4pairswithin becomes increasingly anisotropic for smaller dis- 2.5◦, while 2.5 were expected from an isotropic tances, it is to be expected that the ultra high flux (witha fractionf =0.24ofisotropicsimula- energy cosmic raysky shouldbecome anisotropic 6 attheseenergies,reflectingthepatternofthedis- Proc. 29th ICRC, Pune, India, 7 (2005) 71. tribution of the sources. REFERENCES 1. K. Greisen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 (1966) 748; G. T. Zatsepin and V. A. Kuzmin, JETP Lett. 4 (1966) 78. 2. N. Hayashida et al. [AGASA Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1000. 3. M. Teshima et al. [AGASA Collaboration], Proc 28th ICRC, Tsukuba, Japan (2003), 437. 4. P.G.TinyakovandI.I.Tkachev,JETPLett. 74 (2001) 1 [Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 74 (2001) 3], arXiv:astro-ph/0102101. 5. C. B. Finley and S. Westerhoff, Astropart. Phys. 21 (2004) 359. 6. 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