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Seagrasses of the Genus Halophila Thouars (Hydrocharitaceae) from Japan PDF

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Preview Seagrasses of the Genus Halophila Thouars (Hydrocharitaceae) from Japan

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN i346-7565 Acta Phytotax. Geobot S7 (2) 1/29-154 (2006) Seagrassesof theGenus Halophiin Thouars (Hydrocharitaceae) from Japan JOHN Kuoi *, ZIYUSEI KANAMOT02, HITOSHI IIZUMI3and HIROSHI MUKAI` iCentrefor vaerosccrp aynd Microanalysis, the (Jitivens oijt P'yPZist eArunstrali a3,5 Stirli nHgighivay Crawiqy valeste rAnustrali a6009, Austrzili ?aCe;nterfor Marine Environmental Studies ,Divisien ofAquat Biicotogy and E]colog yEhime Uhive,tsi Bouinkyo-eho, ILftttsayama, Ehime 790-8577 ,JZxpan ;3Jlripan Sea IVintiona Fllsheries Research lvstitu tFel,sherie Rseseareh Agenq" Suido-cho I,Viigat a?V,iigat a951-812i ,.lapan; ldkkes Mhltirine StationA,eldSciencCeenterfoIrVbrtherBniosphereH,bklddoUhivengi4A1kkeshi,Hbkkaiclo088-UJ3,Jlrpan A taxonomic study of the seagrass genus Hbtqphit aThouars concludes that eight distin tcatxa ,includ- ing fou rnew species, ocour in Japanese waters, Past }iteratu riendicated that the namc of Ii lovata Gaud. is illegjtima ttehu,s a new species name, H. gaudichaudi iJ. Kuo, with a descripti oins provided, Halophil amojor (Zol lMi.q), has been reinstated to a distin cttaxon, with IL etif)hlebia Mak. as a syn- onym. The other thrcc new species, HZ nipponica J, Kuo, H/ mildi J, Kuo, and HL okinawensis J ,Kuo are endemic to Japan, while HL gaudichaudi iH,/ ovalis (R .Br. )Hook.f, H/ mqior, H/ minor (Zol ld,e)n Hartog and I7 1decipien Osstenf a.re extended from Indo-Wes tPacifi cregions to Teach their northern dis- tributiona lboundari iens southcrn Japan ,If tiophil oakinawensis and H/ gaudichaudii are restricted to Ryukyu Island sand H, mikii only occurs in Tancgashima and Yakushima Island sH.dlqphil anmponi- ca is widely distribute din temperate Japan except for Hokkaido Island ,while thc tropieal H: may'or has additional colonies confined to Whkayarna Prefecture in Honshu and Tbkushima and Kochi Prefectures in Shikoku .[[Ypification mso,rphological descriptio nhsa,bita atnd biologic ailnfbrmatio ni,llustrations and distributio nmaps are presented for each taxon. Biogeographic adlistrihn toifo tnhe Japanese species is discusse din relation to the efi'ect ofcurrents. Key wordsi distributi oHny,drecharitacea Jea,panes eUalophila s,eagrasses, taxonemy The seagrass genus Halophil aThouars (180 6ha)s a tained at least eight specific synonyms and five wide geographi crange along the tropical and the subspecies, Recently t,wo of these subspccics and warm temperate coastlines, predominantly in the one of synonyms have been re-erected to species sta- Indo-West Pacifi cOceans ,and is well known as tus as Hl austratis Doty & Stone (Robert slo98n4) an extremely eurybjontic genus (de Hnartog 1970, and U hawaiian aDoty & Stone (Phil l&i Mpesfiez Kuo & denHartog2001 denHartog& Kuo 2006). 1988), Hl Doty& Stonehas , while madogascariensis According to den Hartog (1970 )Ht,xtophil ahad been recognised as lectotyp eof the genus (den ten species and IL ovalis (R .Br, )Hook,,f was the Hartog & Kuo 2006). Furthermore, since 1970, only one occurring in Japan .Den Hartog's (197 U0) thre meore Hdlophil aspecies and a new subspecies ovalis represented a `collective species' in which a ofHl ovalis have been describe dC,urrently ,up to number of closely allied taxa were united and con- fifte espnecies and three subspecies ofHdlophila in ' Correspondin gauthor. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 130 APG Vbl. 57 five sections are include idn the late ssptecies lis tI.t should be treated as `conspecific with Hl ovalis'; a is expected that more (new s)pecies will be added similar concept to the `collective species of H. when the revision ofthe genus is completed (Ku o& ovalis' by den Hartog (1970 )[l,axonomy of Il den Hartog 200 1 den Hartog & Kuo 2006), evalis, as define dby den Hartog (1970 h)a,s been a , Matsumura (1895 r)eported Hblophil aovalis problem for accurately identifyi ntghe species of from Okinawa Island ,which was the firs tscientific Halophila from Japan and also from elsewhere in seagrass publicati oinn Japan, Makino (189 6li)sted the world, because the species had a lamina that fiv especies ofseagrasses from Japan includin Ug ranged from 10-40 (-70 m)m long and 5-20 mm ovalis from Ryukyu Islands F.urthermore ,Ito (1899)wide with cross veins of 1O-25 pair sand contained found Hl ovalis from Iriomote Island .Matsumura about eight synonyms includmg ff enrphlabia andH (190 5r)ecordedU ovata Gaud, (=H lovalis) grow- mojor (Zol lM.i)q. On the other hand, Green & ing in Miura (Sagami )No,to and the Ryukyu Short' s(2003 t)reatment of Hl ovalis included Islands .In addition to ff 1ovalis, which is fbund in already established species such as H ovata, H Sagami (Misak iSa)n,uki (Koza aind) Noto (Uchi-minor, Hl hawaiiana and Hl .iohnsonii Eiseman, ura), Mak{no (1912 d)escribe da new species H but these authors did not provide a descripti oofnso euphlebia Mak. from Shikoku ,and commented that called Hl ovalis nor did they carry out a taxonomic )Hl ovata does not exist in Japan ,Miki (1934 dai)s- study ofHlxlophila. Their Hl ovatis probably will cussed the two species, I' Lovalis and H euphlebia, have a much broade rmorphological range than that in the Section Hdlophila in Japan and suggested of den Hartog's. Recently ,Uchimura et aL (2005) that there were three distin gcetographica land mor- proposed six Hdlophila species from Japan: Hl phologica lforms of H. ovalis: a. Northern, b. ovalis, ff, decipien sU,l australis, and H. minor Southem, and c. Intermediat eforrn sM,iki (1934a)and two unnamed species in thei rpresentatio ant the originally treate dH euphlehia as a Souther nform of 29th Annual Meeting of the Japanes eSociet yof U ovalis, but late r(Mik il934b) recognized that Phycology, These authors did not undertake a typi- only Hl ovalis, without differe mnotrphological and ficati oannd nomenclatural study of the species geographic aflorms ,occurred in Japan. The "New concerned, thus, thei rwotk contained serious taxo- Illustrat eFdlora of Japan" recognized two species nomic problems and incorre csctientific names were (H. ovalis and H, euphlebia) (Makin e1961, applied. Maekawa et aL 1988), while all other Japanese This work is based on a comprehensive revjew fioris ttirecatment sfo11ow eMdiki's (1934 bcl)assi- ofthe literat uonr cHdlophil aand a thoroug hexam- ficati o(ne. gO,h,wi & Kitagawa 1983, Yamashita inatio onfthe relevant specimens, includin tgypes, 1991, Kitamura et al. 1998) .Den Hartog (E970)which are housed in the princip lheerbari ain the probably alse fo11owe dMiki's (1934 bs)ince he world, as well as the freshl cyollected material from treated Hl euphlebia as a synonym of H, ovalis. various geographic localit iaends a wide range of Kuo et ai. (1995 w)erc the fir stto report that Hl habita tI.t concludes that there are eight distinct decipien Osstenf occurred in Okinawa Islan dA.ioi taxa of Hdlophil aincludin gfbur new species of & Nakaoka (2003 )liste donly two Halophiia Hdlophila occurring in Japan. Hl ILdecipiensi,nJapan. species, ovalis and Probably based on a molecular study by Material sand Methods Waycott (2002G)re,en & Short(2003li)sted et al. only ten Htilophi lsapecies in the world and pro- Hbrbarium ,specimens posed that several established Hdlqphila species More than three thousands specimens of Ilalophila NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics August 2006 KUO et aL : Japanese Halophila 131 A l")/nf<B pt/ Ili "ts.t,...Y F g k c ')tnun y x E g,' D il Ei.iii!・,lA, l;Si--.-ii.g 2tiiei 2mmburlA'ii' 2TTm) ]dMLtl Jmm FIa, 1 , Drawings ofHtilophila decipien Ossten£ A, fiowerin gplant ;B, a larnin waith an enlarged margin; C, lamina with hairs D;, thi- zorne scale (opene dE,) p;etiol escale (opene dE) o;verlapping spathal bract seoverings both ma]e and fernal feiowers G;, female f iower with extended styles. from 65 herbari awere studied. In general ,there cover the fu1 1geographic aanld habita rtange ofthe were very few Japanes especimens in the foreign Htilophil aspecies and are stored at the Centre for herbari am,ost of them from the Ryukyu Islands. Microscopy and Microanalysis ,the University of Overseasherbariathathad Japanese Hke1ophila Western Australia(CMM). specimens include Cd, GU, K, L, LD, NYI US, The most importan tJapanese herbaria for Hdlophila MdcrographM morphological studies and mea- are KYO, us TI and TNS. Other minor Japanese surements herbari ainelude dOSA, SAP, TSU, Faculty of More than 90% ofthese herbarium and fresh col- Fisheries Herbarium, Fishery Department lection swere macrographed and each specimen Herl)arium ,Kyushu Univcrsity K,agoshima (KYU); was examined under a dissecti nmigcroscope, Root and the Kagoshima Fisher yExperiment Station, length ,rhizorne diameter i,nternod ep,etiol ea,nd Kagoshima (KI FA)mo.ng these examined speci- lamina lengt hand width of each specimen were mens, only types and those collected from Japan measured; the number and nature of cross veins were discusse idn this paper. were also recoTded. Tn addition, the distanc ferom lamina intramargi nveailns to lamina margin and the Deshly collected specimens distanc ebetween two adjacent cross veins were More than 120 additional fres hcollections were also measured fo rnumerous specimens. It should be made around Japan over the las ttwenty years with noted tha tto prevent measuring `immature7 samples, the help of numerous Japanes ecolleagues. They all measurements were taken from leave sat leas tat NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics 132 APG NloL 57 the second node from the developing rhizome apex. Monoecious or dioecious .Annual or perennial When available, reproductive stmcture was mea- marine plant swith creeping, monopodial rhizomes, sured and noted. All original drawing sand photo- rooting and with erect latera lshoots at the nodes, graphi cnegatives are kept at CMM. Scale s2, one covering rhizome, another covering petiole base. Leaves in pairs ,arising from an Results lateral Lamina in extremely short shoot. variable dorsi-ventralfllyattened; shape and sjze, usually Halophila Thouars in Madag. 2: 2 (1 806) surface glabrou sor pjlose m;argins entire or serru- [IYpe :Halqphila madtigascariensis Dety & Stone late l;ongitudin vaeilns 3, a midrib and 2 intramar- [P-le sceet ,Doty & Stone (1967)], gina lveins that are connected by ascending or per- pendicul acrross-veins. Infioresce nscesesile ,spathal Key tospecies of the Japanese Ualophila la .Lamina margins serrulate, surface usually with hairs l;ater saholots distin mcotno;ecious ..............................................................................-・・-・---・--・t・・-・+・・・・・・・・・Hdecipiens lb. Lamina margins entire; surface glabrous; later ashloots indistin cdti;oeciou s """""'""""""' 2 2a, Distahce between intramargin avleins and lamina margin distinc tnalryrow, ratio between distan cferom intramargin vaeilns and to lamina margin and halfoflaminawidt h>1O "''"'''""'''"'"""" 3 2b. Distance between intramargin vaelins and lamina margin wide, ratio between distanc ferom intra- marginal yeins and to lamina margin and halfoflamina width <9.5 '・・'''"''`"'-'-"''"'-''・・・・・・ 6 3a. Lamina les sthan 12 mm long ,narrower than 4.5 mm wide; cross veins 7-l2 ,rarely or no branched, at each side ofmidrib "'"'""'''"-"'''""''"'"""'"''""'""'"'"'"''" ff 1minor 3b. Lamina longe rthan 12 mm, wider than 6.5 mm; cross veins 12-22 ,often branched at each side of -""""""''""'""""'""''""'-"-'"''"'"'"""""'"''""'''"'"'"''-"m""'-'4 midrib 4a. Lamina with cross veins (16 -1)8-22 ;112 lamina width : distanc ebetween intramargin vaeilns and lamina margin ratio 1 : 20-25 ''""""''"'"'"''"''''"'''''"''"""'"""`"" Hl may'or 4b. Lamina with cross yeins 12-1 6 (-18 )lf;2 lamina width : distanc beetween intramargin vaeilns lamina 1 12-16"'""''''""'''""'"'''"'""'''''"'""'"'"'-"-"''-5"'''' and margin ratio : 5a. Larrii novaate to elliptic n,ot spatulate; lamin aL:W ratio 1.6-2. 0cr;oss veins 1 2- 1 6 (- 81) <wide- ly distributed siubntropical regions) ''""''""''"'""'""'"""-'-"-"'"''''"' H ovalis 5b, Lamina distin cstpaltyulate ;lamina L:W ratio 3-4 ;cross veins 14-17 (endem tio c[[lanegashima- YakushimaIslands) """"'"''""'""''""'-''-"-'""''-""'"''"''""''"'"'・" Hl mildi 6a. Lamina 15-30 mm long ,5-13 mm wide; cross veins (6 -7)-9 (-l O()endem tioc Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku ) '"''""'"'''""''"''"'-""''""''"'""'""''" Il nipponica 6b. Lamina les sthan 16 mm long .Ies sthan 4.5 mrn wide; cross veins les sthan 8 (distrlbuted in subtropica1 regions) ''""'''""""'""""'''"''''"''"'"'''""'"""'"'""''"" 7 7a. Lamina distinct lliynea rto spatulate, base narrowed; lamina L:W ratio (2.5 3-,)5-4 (-7); (5-6)-7 H, cross veins "'''"'-'''"'"'""'""''""''"''"''"''' okinawensis 7b. Lamina usually ovate to obovate, base rounded; larnina L:W ratio (1.6 2--)2. 4(-7); cross veins (3- 4)-8 ''""'-"""'-""'"'"''''""''""'・"""''"" Hl gaudichaudii NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics August 2006 KUO et al, :Japanese Hdliij)hila 133 bract sin pairs covering either one fiower or two between adjacent cross veins l ,5-2 rnrn wide. Spathe fiower osfdifferent sex. Male flower wsith peduncle with two overlapping bracts ;bracts ovate, trans- extending at anthesis, tepal s3, stamens 3; anthers parent, 3-4 × 2-3 mm, apex acuminate to sessile, polle ngrain sunited int omoniliform chains. mucronate, keeled, outside sparse hairs ;keels and Female fiower swith 1 ovary extending to hypan- margins finel yserrulate, enclosing one male and thium, styles 3, filifbr umn,divided. Frui tovoid or one female flower (.Mal efiower )tepal soblong to globose p,erica rmpembranous and decay sto release elliptic, convex, 1.5-2 mm long, pedice rlather thick, seed. Seeds variable number, ovoid or globose, to 5 mm long at anthesis, anthers ca. 1 mm Iong. test amostly reticulated. (Fema lfeiower) ovary ovoid, ca 1-1.5 × 1 mm; IVbtes :Halophila is widely distribut iend all hypanthiu m1.5 mm iong ;styles 4-6 mm long .Fruit tropical seas, extending also int osubtropical and broadl yellipsoid to ovoid, yellewish to brownish ,5 warm-temperate waters. Five Section shave been × 4 mm, with persiste hnytpanthium. Seeds, 20-30, recognized but only Sectio nHalophila occurs in ovoid, cream white to pale yellow ,O.55 × O.5 mm; Japanese waters (de nHartog 1970, Kuo & den ends bluntl byeaked ;tegta reticulate. Hartog 2001, den Hartog & Kuo 2006) ,The descrip- Distributi aondn habita tH:kelophil aciecipiens tion above applies only to the Japanese species. is the most widely disuibut esedagrass species in the world. In Japanese waters it is on]y known to occur Descriptio nof Japanese IIalophila in several localit iien slriomote lslan dand Okinawa species Island and the latt eirs the northcrn distributional limi tofthe species, In Japanese waters, Hl clecipiens Halophil adecipiens Ostenf, Bot. Tidsskr .24: 260, only grows sparsely in deep clear water from about with fig .(1902 K)u;o et aL, Aquat, Bot. 51:329-334, 5.5 m down to 38 m on coral sand as mono-specifi wnh fig s(1995 ()F,ig 1s, ,9) .Type :GulfofThailand,ic patches or occasionally mixed with II ,oki- off Koh Kahdat, on coral sand, 5 fathoms dccp, nawensis and H gaudichaudii Februar y1900, .L Sthmidt 540 (C-hol Lo-;iso). Bielqgl JH:atophil aclecipiens is the only mono- HdtophilainJapan is ecious and an annual species, Monoecious. Annual, Rhizome slender, internodesThe seedling appears in February to March; fiowers (1O -1)5-2 5(-3 5mm) long ,O.5-0. m8m in diamete4 and seeds occur in May to July and plant sdisap- root to 50 mrn long .Lateral shoot 3-5 mm long, 1 pears from the sites by September to November mm wide. Scales 2, transparent, obovate, apex (se Keuo et aL 1995). mucronate, base subtruncate, keeled ,3-5 X 2-3 Afiinit Tyh:is is the easiest species to be dis- mm, margins entire, outside hairy ,Leaves petio- tinguished from other Japanese HLilophil bay having late .Petiol eslender, transparent, 5-10 mm long. lamina with serrulated margins and hairy surfaces. Lamina pale green ,elliptic, to 20 mm long ,4-6 It is also the only monoecious Ila1ophi lspaecies in mm wide, L:W ratio ca, 2.5-3 ;apex obtuse; base Japan. attenuate to cuneate; margins finel syerrulate; sur- Selecte sdpecimens examined: JAPAN: Okinawa face swith dense stiff unicellular hairs ;distance Pre£: Iriomot eIsl ,A,miter iBay ,20-30 m, Dec 1993 ,fl1 M)kochi(CMM);loc. 38 7June1999,H/fokochi between intramargin avelins and lamina margin & Z.Kd namote( CM Mci)t..,O ki nm,a wa Isl, N,akagu su ku BaM O.25-3 mm wide; 1/' 2lamina width: distance 18 m, 23 June 1994, Z 7bma & Z . Ka nanioto (CM M); between intramarginal veins and lamina margin Kin BaM 19 m, with H. oldnawensis and H/ gaudichaudii, ratio ca. 1:2-3 ;cross veins 6-9 ,unbranehcd, asccnd- 29 June 199g, Z 1(dnamot o(CMM) ;Scsoko lsland ,20 m, ing ,joini ntghe intra-margin avleins; distance sparse grQwth ,7 Ju]y 1994, S. Nakamura (CMM); loc. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 134 APG Vol. 57 B // / VX/Il N fi- 3Tmm ' ) x 1 E D C 1crn F (IS) t/ttt・L.・tL.. LFmmm " - L-ut 1rm lmm 1"m 1mm FiG. 2. Drawings ef Ftitophit taninor (Zoll d.e)n Hartog .A, female fioweTin gplant; B, lamina ;C, fema]e flowe rwith 3 elongated styles attached; D, femal eflewe writh styles detache dE;, maturing frui Ft, ;tepals. cit. ,24 m, sandy bottom ,with H. oldnawensis and HL ga'u- Latera lshoots invisibl Lee.aves petiolate .Scales dichaudi i2,6 Aug 1994, M ?Vishihir (aCMM); Ikei Jima, 2, surface glabrous ,margins entire, one scale near Iight house ,17 m, 4 May 2001, S 7lrnahava tprivatemebracing the base of the petioles o,vate to oblong, collection); Awase, 6.5 m, sand, with HZ okinawensis, 9 base 3 1.5-2 May 2003, S, 7bnahara (priv acotlelectien); same but apex retuse, subtrucate, × mm, con- 5.5 U 15June2003, volute, transparent ,the other embracing the rhi- m, with minor, zome, oblong, apex retuse, base truncate ,3-4 × 1- Halophil aminor (Zol ]de,n) Hartog ,Fl .Males .I, 5: l.5 mm, convolute, hyalin eP,etiol efslesh yt,rans- 410,f 17b (l957),(Figs2.,1O) parent 5,-1O mm long .Lamina brigh tgreen ,ovate, Lemnopsis minor Zoll. ,in Zoll, Syst, Verz. 1: te IO mm long, 4-5 mm wide, L:W ratio 1.8-2.2; 75(1854H)a;lophilatemnqpsisMiq.,Fl,Ind,Bat. apex acutc or acuminate; base cuneate to attenuate, 3: 230 (1855 )ba,sed on Lemnqpsis minor Zoll., symmetrical; margin entire; surface glabrous d;is- nom, iUag, Halophila ovalis var. minor (Zoll,)tance between intramargi nvaeilns and lamina mar- Asche,,Linnaea 35: 173 (1868r)f.ype:Indonesia, gin O,15-O, m4m wide; 112 lamina width: distance betweenintramarginal lamina Lesser Sunda lsland sF,lores ,near Bari ,12 July veins and margin 1847,UlZbllinge3r334(BM-holRoL;-iso). ratio l:11.5-16 .c3ro;ss veins 7-12 .rarely branched; distanc ebetween adjacent cross veins O.65-O.85 Dioeciou sP.erennia Rlh,izome slende4 fiesh ytr,ans- mm wide. (Mal eflower) two overlappcd spathal parent ,intcrnod etos 30 mm long ,O,5 mm diameter.bract sglabrous, 2.5- 4X 1-1,5 mm; tepal s2-3.5 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics August 2006 KUO et at,: Japanese Halophila 135 mm long ;anthers three, fused ,oblong, 2.5-3 × Sachet & Fosberg (1973 )retreated H madagas- 1,2-1. 5mm, (Fema lfleower s)pathal bract gslabrous,cariensis as a synonym of Hl minor instea dof Hl 3.5-4 mm long; ovary elliptic to ovoid to elliptical, ovalis as describ ebdy den Hartog ( 1970) .Currently, white; 1-1. 5× O.5 mm; hypanthiu m4-6 mm long; H madogascariensis has been restored as the lec- styles 8-20 mm long .Fruit ovoid, covered by keeled totype of the genus Hblophii a(de nHartog & Kuo yellowis hto brownish spathes; 2.5 × 2-3,5 mm, 2006). Seeds 15-30 ,ovoid, O.5 mm diamete re,nds bluntly Afiin iBetcyau:se the size ofHt IQphil mainor is beakcd ;testa reticulate. very similar to that of Hl ovata (now H. gau- Distributio nand habita tT:he species is dis- dichaudii )they have been considered to be con- junctiv deilstyribut ien dthe tropica lWestern Pacific specific under either species names (e. gd.en, Hartog Ocean and southern subtropical Japan northward to 1957, 1970, Sachet & Fosberg 1973) .However, Amami-oshirna lsland .delqphila minor normally characters such as the distanc beetween the lamina grows on coral sand or muddy sand tegethe rwith H margin and the intramargin avelins and between ovalis or H. may'or and with other tropica lsea- adjacent cross veins, and the number of cross veins grasses in shallow water. It also extends int edeep- all c]early demonstrat ethat they are two distinct er water down to 7 m where it forms sparse patches species (se Keuo 2000) .Furthermor et,he size ofthe or with other species such as H okinaivensis and plant sand lamina as well as the number of cross HLitodulepinijblia, veins can also easily separate Hl mtnor from Hl Biology: Flowering is frorn June to September ovalis and it sallies, and fruiti nigs in August and September, Selecte dspecimens examined: JA?AN: Okinavva Nbmenclature notes: Lemnopsis minor was Pret:: Ryukyu (Loo-Cho Ios)l. ,no loealit UyS,A Pacific Expedition1853-56,C PM'igh3t27(US71272I)ri.omote transferred to the genus Hblophita by Miquel (1855 )b,u t un der thc na me of Hl lem nopsis. IOshLa ,rnao, lseancda lsiut b7sy t,Aruatge, 1 9213 9A, Sp.r K a1w9a5g8o, eZ (AUmSa2n0o7 17431194); Ascherson ( 1868) recognized the species L. minor as (TNSI1640 2US;2156298); Shirahama ,sandy at ebb- rlttketomi one of three `yarieties' along with var. mcu'or and tide, 15 Mar 1968, Z lhmashit a(TI) ; Cho, var. ovata of H. ovatis. However, Ascherson in his Hoshidate, 27 Mar 1979, T Ktibo (TI )Am;itori Bay, O m, lateprublicatio(nse.gA,sc,hcrson1888,1906)did Dec 1993, H. )bkochi (CMM); loc, cit.,l m,7june 1999,Z Kbnamoto & ,11(iio(CMM).IshigakiIsl.K,abira not mention this taxon presumabl ybecause he con- Bay, O ,5 m, 14 Nov 19 9 3, IC Shimamur a (CMM ); Nagura sidered this taxon to be Hl ovalis. Den Hartog Bay, e,5 m, 14 Nov 1993, KL Shimamuva (CMM) Jloc ,cit., (1957 )transferred the species L. minor fi:o rtnhe ] m, 4 June l999, Z. Kanamoto & X Ktzo (CMM). genus Lemnopsis to Hlxlophi taand considered it Okinawa Isl .I,toman, on coral reef, iO June 1955, S. to be a distin csptecies with H. ovata (no wHl gau- Hlztsusim a18I33 (TI U,S2243444); Yagachi Island ,O dichaudii a)s a synonym. However, den Hartog m, 24 June ]966, E. H. PFUIke r8421 (L63161254; US2619565);ShinzatoM,LLW, 26Jan1990,R.Z 7lsudu (sy1no9ny7m0 r)e voefrsHed o vtahtea o rwdheirch an dhe prelcaogcneizd eHd m ianso rha vasi nag 9T0 7-l4s7 u(dG 9uU0)- 7 ;H4e (noGkUo) , S;O .of5C-a 1pmc, ( BMis LeL-Wz a)k , 9iM L,ML aWrI 1 92900 J ,Ran. priorit yS.achet & Fosberg (1973 f)bllowe dden 1990,R, T TSuda 90-36(GU),Amami-oshima Isl,, Harteg's concept and treated H, minor and U ovata Atetsu ,8 rn, white sand; Doren, 3 m, en coral sand, with as conspecific, but concluded that the name Hl linlop)hil aovalis, Hdlodt{te spp.; Ankyaba, 10 m, on ovata (Gaudich a1u8d26 ,1827, 1829) was illegiti-white sand, adjacerrt to corals, 13 June 1999, J KLto & Z mcaltaerif i(eds e tmheoer eco nufnudseiron H. agnadu dreiccoghraiiuzeddi iK )uH.ol (mi2no0r00)KHCbaClnMoadMmu)ot;te o Ka sps(pa.Cr,i M,1 Mw4i) tJ; huM nHaLee h1oa9vda9ta9i,,s ,Z 2.3 -0K3 aOmn,cat m owi1tt9oh6 7 H, &/c e lJolve. acltKiosri,to and Il lovata as two distinc tspecies. Furthermore, unknown (KYU) ;Sumiyo, June 1991, collector unknown NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 136 APG Xlo1S,7 B ,i// ff Y f ""11."1 "G/',・ /i sj '"'ti/"ii lil k .a{k, f ttts//ti'l't>"i]yjimSf' '・l, i'iil・ f' #" "tult..y 5mm - tmm t C rii 2mRil D E rv -i-/" '-"1l.:SIL e;l I,E:-:-,IJ:-illl i1 woLI・EIm=m - 3mrt1 - 3mm FiG. 3, Drawings ofHatophila mqior (Zol ]Mi.q). A, female fiowerin gplant ;B, laniina C;. pctiot cscale (opene dD), ;rhizome scale (opened )E,; spathal bracts ;F, femal cfiowe writh 3 elongated styles; G, maturing fru iwtith a persisted hypanthium, (KF). mm. Leaves petiola tPee,tiole sfleshM purpl eto red, (1O -1)5-30 (-3 5mm) long .Lamina brigh tto dark Halophila major (Zol lM.iq)., Fl. Ind .Bat .3: 230 green, ovata, Qblong to elliptic, (13 -1)5-25 (-30) (1855 )(,Fig 3s, .11) mm long, (7- 9)-1 1 (-13 m)m wide, L:W ratio 1,4 - LemnQpsis mcu'or Zoll. ,Syst. Verz. 1: 75 3: 1; apex acute or acuminate; base cuneate to (1854 H)d;lophila ovalis var mqior (Zoll A.s)ch¢., attenuate, symmetrical; margins entire; surface Linnaea 35: 174 (l868 H)t;ilophil aeuphlebia Mlik,, glabrou sd;istanc ferom intramargin vaeilns to lam- Bot. Mag. Tbkyo 26: 208, fig X.V(1912) .Lectotype:ina margin O.16-O. 5mm wide; 1!2 lamina width : Indonesia ,Sumbawa, Kambing in the Bay ofBima, distance between intramargina lveins and Iamina October1847,HlZbltinger3430 (Rlectotypheere 1:20-25; distinc(t1,6-1)8- margin ratio cross-veins designate BdO;; L59 90515349 ;L60 9051701OO; U; 22, often branched (up to 3 branches) ,distance Z-iso). between ad.jacent cross veins O.7-1,2 5mm wide. (Mal felawers )spathal bract s5-6 rnm long; tepals 3- Dioecious P.erennial .Rhizomes slender to robust, 4 mm long ;anthers, 2.5- 3× 1,2-1. m5m, (Female fieshy t,ransparent, internode s(20 -2)5-40 (-50)flowers s)pathal bract s5.5- 6mm long ;ovary ovoid, mm long ,1.5-2 mm diameter r;oots up to 50 mm white, 1,5- 2× 1.5 mm; hypanthium 10-13 mm long ,1,5 rnm diamete Lra.teral shoots invisible,long ;styles 25-40 mm long, Scales 2, glabrous ,margins entire, petiol escale Distributio nand habita tf:idlophi lmaay'or has 3.5-4. ×5 1.5- 2mm, thizome scale 4-5, 5X 1.5-2.5 two distin cptopulation sin Japanes ewater. The NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics August 2006 KUO et at, : Japanese Hdlqphita 137 southern populatio onccurs to the south ofAmami- ff 1euphlebia as a distin csptecies. After examining oshima Island w,hich is widely distribut eidn the globa ltype materials ofU may'or and other related Caroline Island sGroup in the Micronesi aand West specimens, it is concluded that reinstating taxon Pacifi rcegjons includin tghe Philippin eTsh,ailand, status to H mqior is warranted and IL euphiebia is Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Viet Nam. recommended to be a synonym ofH. mojor. While the northern isolate dpopulatio (ntemperate ) 4ptnit Myo:rphological characters ofHtilophila is restricted to Kii Channel (Tokushi amnda Kochi mojor are similar to those ofHl ovalis, both species Prefectur iens Shikoku and Wakayama Prefectur ein normally have a distin cotvate to elliptic Iamina Honshu) .The subtropical H mojor occurs as small and branchin gcross veins, However, H. m(Vor usu- patche sor mixed with H. ovalis andror H. minor as ally has a large lramina with (16 -1)8-22 cross veins well as with other tropical seagrasses such as and reprcscnts the ratie of20-25: 1 fbr the distance Hbilo[t hsptpl.,e C ymodocea spp., Syringod iisuoemti- between the intramargin vaeilns and lamina margin foliu(mAschersD.a)ndy 711!aiasshieanzprichii halfof1amina fi1 has Iamina or : width, while ovalis a (Ehren bA.sc)hers. in the shallow water of coral with 12-16 (-18 c)ross veins and a ratio of 1O- 16: sands. On the other hand, the temperate popula- 1 . AIthough these two species may occur together in tion has been fbund to form rather large meadows tropica lIndo-Wes tPacifi rcegions, HZ mojor has a (u pto 20 m2) from 2-7 m in mud to muddy sand narrower distribut iraonnge than FL ovalis. substratum in sheltered bays ,It oftcn co-exists with Slelect espdecimens examined: TAIWAN: Puratasu other temperate seagrass species, panicularl Hyl Isl (.Peng- HIus. )J,une I908, T Ktiwaha,n (iTI p,aratype nmponica and Zbsteraj'aponic Aaschcrs, & Graebn. of H/ euphlebia by Tanaka 2005) .JAPAN: Okinftwa At the Kochi Prefectu riet grows with Z, marina L. P1r8e9f4l ,L:ZucIhtuo 1I4s5l5 .S,(eKa )of.I YraiyoemyoatmcIas Alr.Sc,hhiirpaehlaamg ao1,,62 AAuugg and Z J'aponi cian a large meadow about 5 m deep, 1968,ll)2imashita(TI)I.shigakIisl.O,ohama, 30Oct and with H. nmponiea patches (1- m22) at 7 m. 1969, T }kemashi t(aTI )O.kinawa Isl. ,Onoshima, Oct Biolagy: Flowering is from June to September 1901, JC .Ando (MAK226967 n)o; exact locali tKy, Ando and imitin gis in August and September, (MAK226968 A)w;ase, 5 m, 27 Sept2003, S. 7tinahara L e m n?oVposmie snmocjloartu (reZ bnoltlesi: n3T4gh3e0e)r thyapge b meaetne rfioauln d oifn (ITsoplkr,u i,Asuhv giacmo tal1l ceP9cr1te1ioL, n: )cK.ola liKefacttg Logorusnh ,u inSmkhanio wsPnhriefki u M: (iuAMrmaAam Ki(2-to2ys6hp ile9mo6ac6al)-, several herbari aan,d that at P has been selected as it yof H/ euphlebia Mak.), 7 m, with Zostera marina, lectotyp eand those at other herbaria including BO, 10 June 1998, Z 1(anamoto & L Fuhai (CMM) .Kochi L, U, and Z as isotype sM.iquel (1855 t)ransferred Prefi Tibyo TIbwn ,Kannoura, 6-7 m, with Z.fqponica ancl L. mcv'or from the genus Lemnqpsis to the genus H. nilu)onica, 9 June 1998, Z. Kanamoto (CMM). Wakayama Pref.:fanabe,Shiraha]naA,ug 1902,K. Hdlophila.Ascherson (18681,882) originally rec- Minqgata{MAKI96340T)a;nabeBay,26Sept1924,K. ogriized thi staxon as var. mojor ofHl ovalis, but this imtsushi ma(TNS37494 [)Ib;nab eBaM Hat akeji ma,Se pt- was not mentioned in his other publicatio n(se.g,,Oct 1924, T IVdkcu'i m(aTI S,AE KYO); toc .cit., with H/ Ascherson 1888, 1906), Makino (191 2d)escrib eHd. nmponica, 1924, T Mdkino (MAK226960 )io;c .cit,, no euphlebia based on the specimen collected from datc ,K, Morimoto (MAK226962 T)h;nabe Bay, 26 Sept Shikoku by Juro Nikai 1613 (hol oat. TI, see also 1926 ,U Miiio (KYO) 1;atiab eK,ashima ,6 Aug 1963; off Tanaka 2005). Miki (1934b )considered H. S2e0t0o3 ,MTBLK,tx tOo(.5 CtMo M1 )m;,K uwsithhi mHo/t enC,3pu)onica, Z21-23 Aug m, with J'aponica, euphlebia as a synonym ofEl ovalis and den Hartog 22 Sept1995,L Ftthada(CMM);loc. but1Aug cit,, (1970 l)iste dboth Hl mcu'or and H, euphlebia Mak, 1997, L Fletkzt d(aCMM); but 3 Scpt 1997, t Fletkuc l&a Z as synonyms of H. ovaUs, On the other hand, Kanameto (CMM); with Z, y'aponica, 9 June 1998, J Makino (1961 a)nd Maekawa et aL (198 8t)reated Kuo, Z/ Kanamoto & L FI{kudd (CMM); i5 July 1998, L NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ]38 APG Vbl.57 -・"f B x< in -------- wh 4 ma m S m m 2 mm 3m m 4mm FIG, 4. Drawings of Hdlophila ovalis (R ,Br. )Hook. fl A, female flowerin gplant ;B, petiol escale (opened )C;, rhizomc scale (opene dD}, ;spathal bract Es,; tepal swith a short pedicel F;, tepal swith slightly extended pcdicel G;, maturing imits with a per- sisted hypanthium. Rikucl a(CMM); June 1999, Z Kanamoto & L Fukudo glabrous m,argins entire, petiol escale 4 × 1,5-2 (CMM). mm, rhizome scale 3,5-4 × 1.5-2 mm. Lateral shoots invisibl eL.eaves petiolat Pee.tiole sfleshy, Halophila ovalis (R .Br.) Hook. f, Fl. Ilasman ,2: 45 purpl eto red, (5- 1)O-25 mm long .Lamina bright (1858()F,ig4s,,12) green ,ovate, elliptic, (10 -12)-] 8 mm long ,4-8 ( -1O) CZiulini oavalis R. Brown, Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl, mm wide, L:W ratio (1.3 1-.)6-2. 0: 1; apex acute or 1:339 (1810H)d;lophila Gaud., Bot,Vby, ovata acuminate; base cuneate to attenuate, symmetrical; Uranie65 (1826P)l,.40 (1827)42,9-430(1829) margin entire; surface g]abrous d;istan cbeetween nom. iileg .b,ased on C ovalis; H. ovalis var. ovata intramargin avelins and lamina margin O.25-O.4 Aschers,L,innaea35:173(1868) illegb.a,sed non. mm wide; 1!2 lamina width : distanc ebetween on H] ovalis. Type: Australia Q,ueensla tnhde S,trait intramargina lveins and lamina margin ratio 1 : lO- south of Townshend Island ,Shoalwater Bay, 24 16; cross veins 12-I6 (-18 )of,ten branched ,dis- September1802,RobertBrown 58I6(the number tance between adjacent cross veins O.8-1. 1mm was added by Bennett) (BM-ho lK-oi;se), wide, (Mal feiower )spathal bract s3-4 mm; tepals 2.5-3, m5m long ;Pedice lto 20 mm long at anthesis; Dioecious. Perennial ,Rhizomes internod etso ( 15-) 2-2,5 Iong.(Femalfieower) anthers mm spatha] 25-40 mm long ,O.8- lmm diameter .Scale s2, bract s3,5- 4mm long ;ovary ovoid, white, 1-1.5 NII-Electronic Library Service

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