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Spring 2015 Volume 24 • Number 1 Published Quarterly by The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia CoVer Story: INSIDE: Service you Can trust! richmond Notary Nancy Schick Skinner Publications Mail Agreement: 40010827 STG-Assyst_ad_NTL_09-13 9/25/13 4:31 PM Page 1 Efficient. Accurate. Smart. Introducing Stewart Assyst Real Estate, the electronic mortgage processing application that enables Canadian legal professionals to exchange instructing, reporting and mortgage data with top Canadian lenders. Designed for your office Stewart Assyst features a streamlined process which allows your office to manage mortgage transactions in a secure and seamless manner, providing valuable time savings and improved data accuracy. For more information on how Stewart Assyst can help your practice or to arrange a setup, contact Stewart Title today. (888) 667-5151 www.stewart.ca/StewartAssyst Keeping real estate transactions where they belong – in your office. ©2013 Stewart. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. NTL 09/13 Full page Advertiser Help your clients plant their legacy today. Be informed. Find out how at vancouverfoundation.ca/beinformed or call Kristin at 604.629.5186 vancouverfdn Strata Corporations Published by The socieTy of NoT aries Public of bc as Sports Performance Entities 26 Ian Callaway COVER STORY Service You Can Trust . . . or Can You? 30 Nancy Schick Skinner Lori McLeod m Service hy.co Insurance: Personal Economic Security p you Can hotogra oIarn a C Paellrafowramyance Flop? 32 p n trust 42 dma The Trust Factor for Mortgage Brokers in BC 35 wil w. w LAND SURVEYING w Trusting the Art of Land Surveying 38 Chuck Salmon FeAtUreS: The Future of ABCLS: New Commissions 39 Service you Can trust Creating Trust through Communications 40 Mark Smiciklas, Karen Cook thE CEo/SECREtARY of thE SoCIEtY Do YOU Have A Will? 6 Wayne Braid KEYNotE Service Pointers 7 Val Wilson The Scrivener: What’s in a Name? 5 Services a BC Notary Can Provide 21 thE PRESIDENt of thE SoCIEtY The Circle of Trust 8 A MEEtING of MINDS Akash Sablok Canadian Contract Law Course ALS 610 48 Transparency Fights Corruption 10 Morrie Baillie Nigel Atkin Communicating with Our Allied Professionals 49 Building Trust 12 Pat Wright Frank Tony Spartano BC Notary Student Job Fair 49 When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens 13 PRofILE of A BC NotARY Filip de Sagher Maureen Friesen, C.O.E. It Was Never about the Grass 14 “The Swinging Notary” 50 Rhonda Latreille WhERE ARE thEY NoW? Do “Letters” Guarantee Service You Can Trust? 16 Melody Aubin, Living Now! 52 Douglas Janzen BC Notaries Speak Your Language 56 The Most Important Part of Customer Service is the Customer! 17 Greg Dixon Build Your Reputation for Fantastic Client Service 18 Andrea Potter Turn Your Most Difficult Clients Building Better Communities, one grant at a time into Your Best Advocates 20 The Board of Governors 55 Rachelle Lee SPotLIGht oN thE NotARY foUNDAtIoN of BC Service that Ensures Repeat Business 24 Meeting a Need for Legal Services Funding 56 Pat Wright the Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia Volume 24 Number 1 Spring 2015 4 The MiX Editor’s 29 oRIGINAL RECIPE Chicken Cashew Salad 57 Lisa Shaskin Published by tRAVEL The Society of Notaries Public Driving to the Top of the World 58 of British Columbia Marilyn MacDonald BUSINESS SENSE Speak Your Purpose to Increase Engagement 60 Editor-in-Chief Val Wilson Carla Rieger Legal Editors Wayne Braid, Ken Sherk tAXES Administration Amber rooke April 1: The End of the BC Transition Tax 61 Courier lightspeed Courier & logistics Bill Rutledge Photography gary Wildman StRAtAS REIBC’s New Offering: Strata Governance Training 62 The Scrivener Brenda Southam email: [email protected] Business to Business 65 Website: www.notaries.bc.ca/scrivener CoMMUNItY How Concern Creates Change 66 the Society of Notaries Public of BC Frances Litman 604 681-4516 tAXES Foreign Properties: To Report or Not Report? Form T1135 68 To send photographs Andrea Agnoloni to The Scrivener, please see the Editor's column on page 29. ALLIED PRofESSIoNALS The Multiplier Effect of Teamwork 70 Dennis Kiffiak All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without written CAREGIVING permission from the publisher. Chronic Stress Impacts Family Caregivers 71 Barb Kirby This journal is a forum for discussion, not a medium of official pronouncement. WILLS AND EStAtES The Society does not, in any sense, endorse Greed in Sibling Estate Disputes 72 or accept responsibility for opinions Trevor Todd expressed by contributors. tRAVEL A Marvellous Party in the Land of the Midnight Sun! 74 Gillian Campbell tEChNoLoGY Spring is in the Gas Pedal 76 Akash Sablok CANAdA PoSt: PUBliCAtioNS mAil EVENtS & hoNoURS People. Where in the World Has The Scrivener Been? 78 AgreemeNt No. 40010827 Postage Paid at Vancouver, BC retUrN UNdeliVerABle CANAdiAN The Scrivener: What’s in a Name? AddreSSeS to CirCUlAtioN dePt.: “A professional penman, a copyist, a scribe . . . a Notary.” Thus the Oxford THE SOCIETY OF NOTARIES English Dictionary describes a Scrivener, the craftsman charged with ensuring PUBLIC OF BC that the written affairs of others flow smoothly, seamlessly, and accurately. Where SUITE 700 – 625 HOWE STREET a Scrivener must record the files accurately, it’s the Notary whose Seal is bond. BOx 44 We chose The Scrivener as the name of our magazine to celebrate the Notary’s VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2T6 role in drafting, communicating, authenticating, and getting the facts straight. We strive to publish articles about points of law and the Notary profession for the education and [email protected] enjoyment of our members, our allied professionals in business, and the public. Volume 24 Number 1 Spring 2015 The Scrivener 5 The CeO/ SeCReTARY OF The SOCI eTY Wayne Braid m o do yoU Have A Will? hy.c p gra oto h p matis n w.stefa w w A t a recent gathering A Simple Will? Now is the time—today! of professional people, Often, we Notaries hear, “I just need Don’t put it off. a simple Will.” i asked this question . . . • T here is no such thing as Do you have a Will? a simple Will. • f or the handling of their financial and personal affairs, in the event • E very single person has a unique It entails visiting your BC Notary of a disability or health issue that set of circumstances, assets, or lawyer to have your wishes recorded may prevent them from taking family issues, and varying in a legal document that will form an care of things. obligations. integral part of your estate papers. 1 in 5 will have a heart-related • Y our BC Notary or lawyer will I was quite amazed to see that event. spend some time with you less than 30 percent of the people in 1 in 9 will have a stroke. to obtain your information. the room indicated they had done so! 2 in 5 will have cancer. “Think of Personal Planning as A few years ago here at Many of our Scrivener readers Travel Insurance,” said Notary Laurie BC Notaries, we conducted a public are business and professional people. Salvador in an article she wrote for the survey on that question. I want to make sure this article serves Winter 2013 issue of this magazine. as a reminder to you! • T he survey had a significant So before you go, Now is the time—today! Don’t put number of participants. have these four plans in place. it off. Call your husband, wife, partner, • I t was province-wide. son, or daughter and start the process. • Will • I t was not gender-based. Here are a few reasons • R epresentation Agreement • T he survey results indicated that for getting your Will done. • Advance Directive or Health Care Directive. by far, the majority of the adult • I t will avoid uncertainty about who population in British Columbia is to benefit from your estate when • P ower of Attorney have no Will and Last Testament. you die. BC Notaries are well trained The survey went on to ask • I t will make things easier for your in the area of personal planning if they had a Power of Attorney loved ones. documents—Wills, Powers of or a Representation Agreement. • I t will avoid conflict between and Attorney, Health Care Directives, among family members. (A neutral and Representation Agreements. Few had them. executor can help.) I encourage you to consider Most of the Adult population in • I t will avoid or lessen the making a plan. If your situation is British Columbia have no personal possibility of having your estate complicated and nontraditional, it is planning documents in place and have challenged. even more important that you consult not allowed • I t will give you peace of mind, a professional to make sure your • f or the handling of their estate knowing that things will be taken assets and your loved ones are well in the event of their death, or care of when you are not here. protected. The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia Volume 24 Number 1 Spring 2015 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS KeYNOTe Val Wilson Editor-in-Chief m hy.co p hotogra p Service Pointers man d wil w. w w Trustworthy service includes When You Have Occasion to Complain care and attention to many aspects Seeing the need for people 1. K now what you would like of business. to protect their interests and their to see happen and what will rectify families’ interests by having a Will, Up-Front-and-Personal Touches or assuage the situation for you. the Provincial Government issued • Y our company name and basic 2. A t the start, ask the customer a Royal Proclamation for an annual contact information, clearly visible service person for help. “Make-A-Will Week.” This year, from the street it is April 6 to April 12. 3. S how kindness, respect, • A clean, tidy, comfortable, and courtesy, even if things get Last year, BC Notaries partnered and welcoming office, testy. Rise above the urge to with the BC Ministry of Justice to tastefully decorated “let ‘em have it!” promote Make-A-Will Week. Many • Appropriately dressed and of our Notaries presented at workshops 4. I f the dialogue reaches an courteous staff and community seminars and sessions impasse, thank the person for his to help make people aware of the • P ositive attitudes and a genuine or her time, then ask to speak to issues around drafting a Will. willingness to assist a supervisor about the matter. BC Notaries support the Province • R espect for people and punctuality It is in our families of origin of BC to encourage residents who • Excellent product knowledge where we first understand people don’t have a Will to create one—to sometimes become agitated. ensure their final wishes are clear and Behind the Scenes Training A man I know tries to quit the carried out after their death. • W ritten policies that train your conversation when women present staff about the way you want him with a problem. Why? Raised by In many cases, that requires the situations handled/managed his mother, 2 sisters, and 4 widowed creation of a new Will. For others, it in your business aunts, he learned long ago he means updating an existing Will and couldn’t win! But there is hope making sure it reflects their current • C ontinuing education for you for him . . . through courage and circumstances and instructions. and your staff counselling! Creating a Will and a Health Care • Time-management training, Directive takes less time than most including how to prioritize Please enjoy the articles! s people think. The documents can usually be completed in 1 or 2 short Why do We Say “BC Notaries”? meetings. A good way to start the process People who move to BC are surprised to learn that a Notary in BC can is to identify a legal professional in assist with myriad noncontentious legal processes . . . a lot more than your community—someone you trust simply witnessing documents. Please see page 21 for the list of services who can assist you to prepare a proper a BC Notary can provide. and legal Will. Thus, to set our Notaries apart from other Notaries in Canada, we specify I sincerely hope you will take the BC Notaries. So now you know! time to do it! s Volume 24 Number 1 Spring 2015 The Scrivener TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 The PReSIDeNT OF The SOCI eTY Akash Sablok the Circle of trust orne h T n dit: Jasly oto cre h P “trust is the glue of life. Service is defined as “a valuable Trained professionals, action, deed, or effort performed to it’s the most essential BC Notaries provide excellent satisfy a need or fulfill a demand.” ingredient in effective service in the types of Trained professionals, BC Notaries communication. it’s the provide excellent service in the types noncontentious legal matters of noncontentious legal matters in foundational principle that in which they are trained. which they are trained. Many go holds all relationships.” beyond the level of basic service, Stephen Covey treat others as we expect to be treated providing additional services . . . little extras . . . value-added service. and that is the way we should behave Trust takes time. It is built over I know Notaries who will meet with as adults. a long period and confirmed by their clients early in the morning, late actions. If someone has consistently Respect people you know. at night, and even on weekends. Some been there for you, for professional or Respect those you have just met and make house calls, hospital calls, care personal reasons, you will trust that they will become people you know. home calls, even airport calls, for person to be there for you in the future. example, regarding a Will for a client Our clients visit our Notary offices, who is about to leave on vacation! trusting us to handle one of the most T R U ST RE important events in their life—a real S BC Notaries care about their P estate purchase or sale. Buying or E E clients’ needs. Small personal touches R C selling a house is a major milestone. A help build trust. Trust, respect, care, T Whether it’s a first-time purchase C respect, trust: A full circle. or the fifth, people want to work C We say that a Notary’s with someone they trust and who T A word is golden and that a have their best interests in mind C R commitment or promise made and at heart. E E by 1 Notary is equal to that P Trust can be transferred T of 2 ordinary witnesses: S from one person to another. E UR Unus notaries equipellet First-time home buyers ask their R S duobus testibus. family and friends to recommend T the BC Notary who helped them T I never forget that I am in my with their home purchase. A word- S R office every day because of my U E ocfo-mmfoourtth d urerfinergr aal sgtirveesss fau sl epnesreio dof. RT ERAC T C E P S mcel ibeunstsy,. aTnhde yw ien sopfitreen m laeu, gthh etyo gkeetehpe r! Respect is an important partner I trust that I add special value with trust. We teach our children to to their lives as they do to mine. s The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia Volume 24 Number 1 Spring 2015 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPEED. EXPERTISE. RESULTS. Accelerate your deals with the best crew in the business If you’re looking for speed, expertise and results, along with friendly, responsive service, make FCT your title insurer. We pioneered the concept of title insurance in Canada and still know it best. When you team up with FCT, we work harder to ensure each and every one of your deals is simple and secure with the following tools: u SPEED Get policies and quotes quickly and easily u CHOICE Submit deals by phone, fax, email or online u EXPERTISE Benefit from the best underwriting in the business u SUPPORT Get help when you need it by phone or with Live Help online chat To get a quote visit FCT.ca/quote uFCT.ca I 1.866.804.3122 Insurance by FCT Insurance Company Ltd. Services by First Canadian Title Company Limited. This material is intended to provide general information only. For specific coverage and exclusions, refer to the policy. Copies are available upon request. Insurance brokerage services by FCT Insurance Services Inc. ® Registered Trademark of First American Financial Corporation. ™ Trademark of First American Financial Corporation. FCT Pit crew_fina;.indd 1 14-06-20 3:56 PM SeRVICe YOU CAN TRUST Nigel Atkin transparency Fights Corruption Watching the playoff in government, in the management evaluated, managed, and accessed of charities and foundations, in as required through organizational games leading up academia, and in all levels of business. policy or law. That both reinforces to the American Super accountability and creates factual The first lesson is that Bowl, i‘ve been increasingly transparency fights corruption. material for public information. The second is that transparency needs An individual who works with any impressed with the transparency to be communicated openly. institution is a prime representative of play afforded by advancing of that institution to his or her family, friends, community, and the general technology each year. When leadership public. demonstrates committed Every play is scrutinized by From the initial engagement with numerous cameras, some “tethered” transparency through the organization, from pre-hiring drones, to see if a knee touched the practice, the institution can activities through hiring, orientation, ground before a fumble, if both feet evolve into a culture and ongoing staff development, the were clearly planted in bounds during reinforcement of service, transparency, a spectacular catch near the sidelines, of open communication. and accountability must be paramount or if indeed a part of the ball crossed to all parties. the plane for a goal before the whistle. Building Trust To build public trust, organizations The brain follows the eye. In Making institutions trust-worthier should post all jobs, job qualifications, repetitive multiple views, consumer trust requires leadership, at all levels, hiring processes, and terms of in the game builds. An esoteric and to repeatedly voice leadership’s references—even a wide variety evolving rulebook is often cited and the intention to create an open and of sample interview questions. images confirm the rules were followed. transparent institution, fully That is part of basic public information. The multiple perspectives give accountable to all stakeholders— It builds clarity of purpose in applicants officials, players, coaches, and many shareholders, employees, community, and educates the wider public who millions of viewers confidence in the the environment, and all forms of continue to consume an organization’s game, in the entertainment, and in customers. products and services. the gaming industries. Viewers rely on the pictures, well communicated When leadership demonstrates One Lie? on television and on massive screens committed transparency through Another tactic for building a culture for fans in the stands. The technology practice, the institution can evolve into of communication where transparency helps ensure there is no apparent a culture of open communication. fights corruption and builds trust is corruption in the sport. To further this practice, personal to hold meetings where organizational There are analogous lessons here and departmental reporting builds members have only one rule— for many other aspects of society . . . records that can be monitored, “to speak the truth.” The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia Volume 24 Number 1 Spring 2015 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS

KEYNotE. Service Pointers. 7. Val Wilson. thE PRESIDENt of thE SoCIEtY. The Circle of Trust. 8. Akash Sablok. Transparency Fights Corruption. 10 dōTERRA. Beyond organic, the oils are highly beneficial for promoting health. My husband Ruben and I use the oils daily. I believe they've been.
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