RRP £4.50 APRIL 2018 ScottiSh dental ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE FOR DENTAL PROFESSIONALS IN SCOTLAND SCOTTISH DENTAL SHOW PROGRAMME IN FULL VERIFY YOUR CPD ONLINE AT SDMAG.CO.UK MARGIE TAYLOR ABID FAQIR DEREK EVOLUTION RICHARDS NIALL MCGOLDRICK NOT REVOLUTION ARVIND SHARMA MONIK VASANT Chief Dental Offi cer answers the profession’s concerns about the new oral health plan SDMAG.CO.UK @SCOTTISHDENTAL FACEBOOK.COM/ SEARCH FOR SDSHOW.CO.UK SDAWARDS.CO.UK SCOTTISHDENTAL SCOTTISH DENTAL DPL SUCCESSFUL IN EVOLUTION NOT JUDICIAL REVIEW REVOLUTION CCOONNTTAACCTT DDEETTAAIILLSS Indemnity organisation CDO Margie Taylor MMaannaaggiinngg eeddiittoorr:: DDaavviidd CCaammeerroonn wins case against moves to reassure ddaavviidd@@ccoonnnneeccttccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss..ccoo..uukk Practitioner Services the profession about EEddiittoorr:: BSarruache AOlxleleny 11 Division over recovery 32 the new Oral Health TTeell:: 00114311 556601 30005200 of payments Improvement Plan bedruitcoer@@ssddmmaagg..ccoo..uukk PHILIP PUTS BEST QUICK, AESTHETIC AAddvveerrttiissiinngg ssaalleess mmaannaaggeerr:: AAnnnn CCrraaiibb TTeell:: 00114411 556600 33002211 FOOT FORWARD RESTORATION aannnn@@ccoonnnneeccttccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss..ccoo..uukk DDeessiiggnn:: SSccootttt AAnnddeerrssoonn,, SKuabth-eedriintoer P: eNnitgneel yDonaldson Glasgow dentist raises Monik Vasant presents SSuubb-secdriiptotiro: nNsi: gAell aDsdoaniar lBdsroonwn thousands of pounds a posterior restoration TSuelb: s0c1r4ip1t i5o6n1s 0: A30la0sdair Brown for charity after taking case in a patient who 18 part in Strictly Come 50 had caries under an iTneflo: @01s4d1m 5a6g1.c 0o3.u0k0 Dancing-style event existing fi lling [email protected] SCOTTISH DENTAL ENDODONTIC SHOW 2018 DECISION-MAKING Th e 2018 Show is Th e application of shaping up to be the CBCT in endodontics biggest and best in the and its role in clinical 26 seven-year history of 52 decision making, by the event. Arvind Sharma MANAGING STAFF APPRAISALS Yes, reform is needed but Susie Anderson- ministers must tread Sharkey explains that 80 staff appraisals needn’t carefully and avoid 63 be stressful for staff the unintended or employers consequences that could destabilise ©© CCOONNNNEECCTT PPUUBBLLIICCAATTIIOONNSS 22001188 ThTh ee ccooppyyrriigghhtt iinn aallll aarrttiicclleess ppuubblliisshheedd iinn SSccoottttiisshh DDeennttaall mmaaggaazziinnee iiss the service rreesseerrvveedd,, aanndd mmaayy nnoott bbee rreepprroodduucceedd wwiitthhoouutt ppeerrmmiissssiioonn.. DAVID CROSS, 08 NNeeiitthheerr tthhee ppuubblliisshheerrss nnoorr tthhee eeddiittoorr nneecceessssaarriillyy aaggrreeee wwiitthh VVIISSIITT VICE-CHAIR BDA’S SCOTTISH COUNCIL vviieewwss eexxpprreesssseedd iinn tthhee mmaaggaazziinnee.. IISSSSNN 22004422--99776622 WWWWWW..CCOONNNNEECCTTMMEEDDIIAA..CCCC More time Free training and getting for dentistry started support package. Less time wasted on administration and compliance with our cloud accounting solutions for dental practices. Get started now maco.co.uk/cloud ©Martin Aitken & Co 2017-18 03 SCOTTISH DENTAL MAGAZINE Editorial WITH BRUCE OXLEY, EDITOR NEW FACES t saddens me greatly to www.sdshow.co.uk and you can keep up to write that this will be my date with the latest news from the show and last ever issue of Scottish the magazine by following @ScottishDental I Dental magazine. By the AND NEW on Twitter and by liking our Facebook page. time you read this article, I By the time you read this, the will have moved to pastures new after nearly nominations deadline for the Scottish a decade in the dental industry. Dental Awards 2018 will have passed and BEGINNINGS When I first took over, what was then the shortlist will have been announced. I’d Scottish Dentist, Aberdeen Dental School like to take this opportunity to wish all those was still being built and the profession shortlisted for the 2018 Awards the very best was still coming to terms with the new of luck and I’m sure it will be a great night on decontamination guidelines that were to It’s the end of the 27 April at the Glasgow Hilton. cause so much disruption to practices across an era for our editor the country. One thing that has One thing that has stayed constant is the Bruce Oxley stayed constant is the warmth of the Scottish dental profession. warmth of the Scottish From GDPs in NHS practices, to specialists in referral centres and not to mention and out an about at events and conferences. dental profession. From hospital doctors, tutors and deans of the Speaking of which, the Scottish Dental GDPs to specialists... dental schools, the profession in Scotland Show is just a few short weeks away and it has proven itself to be a very friendly place. is shaping up to be the biggest and best yet. So, in my last issue of the magazine I came into this role a complete novice when Our pre-registrations are still way up on last we have a feature on the new Oral Health it came to dentistry but I was made to feel year, at the time of writing they were nearly Improvement Plan as Chief Dental Offi cer very welcome and the help and support I was 25 per cent higher than this time last year. Margie Taylor moves to reassure the given over the years was fantastic. Th e 2017 Show saw more than 2,200 through profession that nothing is, as yet, set in stone. A new editor has just been appointed the doors, so 2018 promises to be even busier. Over the coming weeks and months and you will get to meet Sarah Allen, former We have a great lecture and workshop we will see if the initial fears from the director of communications at The Royal programme again covering all the major profession start to come true or if this really College of Surgeons, Edinburgh in the topics as well as a few that you may not have is the chance to help shape the future coming weeks and months, on these pages come across before. All the information is at of dentistry in Scotland for the better. WE COULDN’T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT... 1 2 3 4 MARGIE TAYLOR ABID FAQIR MONIK VASANT ARVIND SHARMA (ON THE NEW ORAL HEALTH PLAN) (ON BECOMING ADI PRESIDENT) (ON POSTERIOR RESTORATIONS) (ON ENDODONTIC IMAGIN) Margie Taylor is Scotland’s Chief Dental Abid Faqir is the new President of Monik Vasant is the keyonte speaker Arvind Sharma works in practice Offi cer, a role she has inhabited since the Association of Dental Implantology. at the Scottish Dental Show 2018. He limited to endodontics and takes 2007. She received a CBE in the Queen’s He works at SCED and is co-owner of is the director of Freshdental, with sites referrals at New Life Teeth, Edinburgh New Years Honours in 2016. the Ecco Dental Group. in London and Greater Manchester. and Philip Friel Advanced Dentistry. 05 SCOTTISH DENTAL MAGAZINE Insider HAVING HIS SAY Got a comment or question for Arthur? Email [email protected] LET’S GET TALKING A new dentist takes on the Arthur Dent persona and starts off by challenging colleagues across Scotland to get in touch and start a debate o, here begins a new era, at least for me, and perhaps for you? As I take S on the mantle of Arthur Dent, I’d like to thank my predecessor for their many interesting and informed articles from the coalface of Scottish dentistry over the last few years. I’ve been a dentist for a couple of decades or so and work in a fairly large, mostly NHS, mixed practice in Scotland. That’s as much as I’m telling you. I don’t have any great academic or research knowledge, but a whole host of practical experience as an associate and practice owner. I like to think I have a fairly balanced, forthright view on dentistry and ABOVE: As a profession we often don’t say what we truly think. Let’s have a debate that’s why I’ve offered to write for this column. I hope what I have to say is interesting and thoughtful. I may at times court controversy and I’m quite happy to admit if I’m wrong. To that end, I will ask questions and state I do have concerns about that. I don’t think probably costing about £2m. What are they opinions which are based on my experience dentistry has a good enough evidence base going to do? Practices will still have to do what and that of those I talk to. If you think I’m right to rely on. Especially for basic treatment they do with the same funding, or less, so why or wrong, I’d like to hear about it and hope types and techniques. This may be the spend money on more layers? to spark some debate. I often think we, as a first controversial thing to say. I worry Why do we need to get enhanced profession, don’t say what we truly think as that academia is leading the profession accreditation for doing stuff we already do we are always concerned about competition in and ordinary folks like me with anecdotal – domiciliary care and oral surgery? Yet, we business and can have very differing views on experience are ignored. In the absence of are going to be asked to do medical checks, the way forward. Perhaps with my anonymity anything better, let’s not ignore experience. which we are not trained for, to access ‘extra’ and the anonymity (I promise) of anyone Particularly for GDS, which is, after all, where funding because nobody wants to be a GMP. making a comment to me, we might spark an the vast majority of care happens. (Remember This seems a bit strange. Not to mention, I’m honest, open and benevolent conversation on this is opinion, not necessarily fact, but it’s not quite busy doing dentistry. these pages? just me.) On that note, do we really think caries and Anyway, enough about that. On with the Things I do find a little funny (and I’m the health of the nation’s mouths is that much meat. There’s a new Oral Health Improvement going to leave the iQUAD study and perio better? I do agree it’s better than 20 years ago Plan. I guess I have to talk about that. The for another time here) are: 1 – increased but I still see a lot of caries. Every day. All day. problem is, like the consultation process, there levels of oversight/admin; 2 – enhanced Maybe I’m just unlucky. isn’t much meat on the bone. I don’t think accreditation and medical checks; and 3 – I’d love to hear from some dentists in more there’s enough detail to get really worked up caries disappearing. These are things I could private practices in those really nice areas. I about either way. go on and on about but I’ll try to keep it brief suspect it’s better, but I bet their patients still I have heard a lot of rumour and innuendo and pointed. drink (new and improved) Irn-Bru. They just among colleagues about how it’s going to In NHS dentistry, practices have to deliver get white fillings done so the NHS doesn’t work but I think I’ll wait for the detail. What services dictated by regulations and policy know they get treatment. Or perhaps they are does strike me as a general impression based on a very simple earning stream. Why all caries free and I’m just blinkered? is prevention, quality improvement and would you spend time, effort and money Well, I’ll end on that question. Please feel targeting of care seem to be the focus. I don’t (particularly when funding is tight) on free to email. I promise I’ll read it, learn from think I can complain about this. increased complexity of admin? For example, it and share it in SD Mag. Let’s have Evidence has a very prominent position. creating a dental director in each health board a debate. 07 SCOTTISH DENTAL MAGAZINE IN FOCUS ORAL HEALTH We have never had so many older PLAN ON PAGE people that are frail but have their 32 own teeth. It’s uncharted territory MARGIE TAYLOR SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT MUST TREAD CAREFULLY IN SHAKE-UP OF DENTAL SERVICES BDA concern that said the percentage of patients welcomed recognition within BDA SCOTLAND who saw a dentist within the the document for a roll-out changes to NHS care previous two years has shown of Childsmile for all child SEEK VIEWS proposed in Oral “a steady decline from around groups, provision of funding for ON OHIP 98 per cent between September occupational health services, the Health Improvement 2006 and March 2008, to 84.1 implementation of consistent Plan could undermine per cent in September 2010 and pathways for oral cancer across viability of practices now 70.7 per cent in September Scotland, addressing the care of BDA Scotland is seeking the 2017, the lowest reported rate”. the elderly in both care homes views of dentists on the Scottish Government’s recently published David Cross, vice chair of and in their own homes and Oral Health Improvement Plan he British Dental the BDA’s Scottish Council, said: the provision of local resolution T (OHIP) through an anonymous Association (BDA) “This programme represents the rather than sending cases to the online survey hosted on its has urged ministers to biggest change to NHS dentistry GDC initially. website. proceed with caution following in the last 50 years, but it will A number of issues that The survey is open to general publication of the Scottish be impossible to deliver without were of concern to BDA dental practitioners and dentists working in the hospital dental Government’s Oral Health new investment. Scotland have been removed services or in the public dental Improvement Plan (OHIP), “Yes, reform is needed, but by Scottish Government from services in Scotland and will take which could lead to the biggest ministers must tread carefully the document. Orthodontic approximately 20-30 minutes to shake-up of NHS dental services and avoid the unintended services will not be locally complete. However, there is also a shorter version of the survey, in decades. consequences that could easily commissioned, and there will which will take around five The BDA has expressed destabilise the service. not be a minimum number of minutes to complete, covering concern that changes to the range “The Scottish Government hours of clinical care required some of main key points raised of care available on the NHS is unwise to cover historically by NHS practitioners. by the proposals. could undermine the viability of low attendance figures with David added: “Many of David McColl, chairman of practices across Scotland. claims of ‘record-breaking’ our initiatives have been the Scottish Dental Practice Committee, said: “The release It has accused the Scottish registration. The patients who recognised within the strategy. of the OHIP has caused concern Government of spin, launching need us most might be getting We will continue working with among many practitioners; the OHIP off the back of statistics on the books, but they are Ministers and the Scottish many of whom have taken parts claiming ‘record-breaking’ not making it to the dentist’s Government to take forward of the aspirational plan and catastrophised some outcomes. numbers of registered patients. chair. Our nation’s oral health sensible policies contained in The BDA quotes actual challenges remain profound, the document and to deal with “There is little detail in the OHIP and we look forward to working attendance at NHS dentists and will not be solved by spin.” the opportunities and challenges with Scottish Government to has “reached a record low”. It BDA Scotland has facing the profession.” develop the implementation of some of the themes alluded to in the plan. GDC LAUNCHES CONSULTATION ON MECHANISM FOR SETTING FEES “The profession needs reassurance that NHS dental practices will be viable under any changes and that regulation by The General Dental Council (GDC) • Decisions on the allocation of costs Strategy, said: “We’ve been listening to Scottish Government, PSD, NSS has launched a consultation on a new should not lead to undesirable our stakeholders and have worked hard and the GDC is fair, transparent approach to setting fees. outcomes (e.g. in the form of to develop a set of proposals which and understood.” The new proposed policy is based unacceptably high or variable we think provides a greater level of around three main principles: costs for some groups of transparency. We really want to hear the The information gathered from views of all our stakeholders, so I hope the survey will be used to inform registrants). • Fee levels should be determined everyone will read the consultation and on-going discussions that BDA primarily by the cost of regulating The consultation is about the respond before the closing date.” Scotland has with the Scottish each registrant group mechanisms for setting fee levels rather Government about proposed The consultation is available at gdc-uk. • The method of calculating fee levels than about the fee levels themselves. org/about/what-we-do/consultations changes to dentistry in Scotland. should be clear Matthew Hill, GDC executive director, and is open until 15 May 2018. SCOTTISH DENTAL MAGAZINE 08 HOT OFF THE PRESS: THE LATEST NEWS FOR DENTAL PROFESSIONALS IN FOCUS IAN MILLS TO BE NEXT DEAN OF FGDP(UK) FGDP announces Glasgow through a crucial period in its history. I graduate and north Devon thank my colleagues for the faith they have placed in me, and look forward to working GDP as its new dean with them in delivering GDP-focused education, guidance and representation over the next three years.” an Mills has been elected as the next He qualifi ed as a dentist from Glasgow I dean of the Faculty of General Dental University in 1987 and spent the early part of Practice UK (FGDP(UK)). his career working in maxillofacial surgery. Ian, who works in general dental In 1994 he moved to Devon and three years practice in north Devon, previously held later set up Torrington Dental Practice, the post of Academic Clinical Fellow at where he continues to work as a partner. Plymouth University Peninsula School of He is currently the Faculty’s Dentistry, and is a Fellow of the Faculty. He representative on the Care Quality is currently senior vice-dean of FGDP (UK) Commission Dental Reference Group and will be inaugurated as dean on 15 June and has previously been an Assessor 2018, taking over from Dr Mick Horton. for FGDP(UK) Fellowship and chaired Ian said: “It will be an enormous its Examinations Committee. He was privilege to lead the UK’s only professional previously an elected member of the body dedicated to general dental practice British Dental Association’s General Dental since it was established and has recently Practice Committee, a member of Devon submitted his doctoral thesis to Plymouth LDC, and on the Professional Executive University on ‘Th e delivery of person- “I THANK MY COLLEAGUES Committee of North Devon Primary Care centred care in general dental practice’. Trust. He is a fellow of both the Higher Dr Mick Horton, Dean of FGDP(UK), FOR THE FAITH THEY HAVE Education Academy and the Faculty of added: “Many congratulations to Ian on Dental Surgery of the Royal College of his well-deserved election as Dean. He is a PLACED IN ME” Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. highly experienced, respected and rounded In addition to his clinical practice, Ian practitioner, and I’m delighted the Faculty IAN MILLS has worked at Peninsula Dental School will be in such good hands.” 09 SCOTTISH DENTAL MAGAZINE