SCOTT ATRAN” PRE-THEORETICAL STCEPSA OF NAILETOTSIRA DEFINITION AND NOITACIFISSALC OF :SLAMINA EHT CASE FOR COMMON SENSE eW tsum :surt noitpecrep )sisehrsia( rehtar naht seiroeht )rogo/( dna ,seiroeht ,oot os gnol sa tahw yehr wohs eerga htiw eht phainomena. ,eltotsirA eD enoifareneG muilaminA .111 13b067.01 - 33 noitcudortnI SNAIROTSIH dna srehposolihp of ygoloib are, for the tsom part, ni accord htiw the weiv that ’msilaitnesse‘ has neeb the lapicnirp ecruos of nis ni ,scitametsys dna the esuac of seirutnec of .noitangats nI tsartnoc ot the cifitneics‘ ’noitulover hcihw nageb ni the larutan yhposolihp of the htneetxis ,yrutnec larutan yrotsih yldesoppus deunitnoc ot wollaw ni what Popper has debircsed as ‘the ytpme egaibrev dna nerrab ’msicitsalohcs of ‘the nailetotsirA dohtem of ’.’noitinifed gniwolloF Popper, for mohw msilaitnesse stcelfer a noisufnoc of word sgninaem htiw na noitanalpxe of how rieht atatoned yllautca emac ot ’,eb lluH seugra :taht ehT tcilfnoc neewteb ytilaer dna yroeht was ylegral derongi yb ylrae stsimonoxat htob esuaceb yeht did ton dnatsrednu the cigol of nailetotsirA noitinifed yrev ylraelc esua cedbna neve stsitneics evah a yaw of ton gniciton what stcilfnoc htiw rieht lacihposolihp ’.snoitisoppuserp It si ton so hcum that retal stsimonoxat did ton dnatsrednu what eltotsirA had ot yas tuoba ,noitinifed yeht tsuj were ton aware of the fact that eltotsirA flesmih had dednuofnoc the of the snoitidnoc-hturt for the proper noitacilppa of a mret htiw a delpicnirp tnuocca of the ecnetsixe of sti .stnerefer tI si siht lautcelletni aipoym hcihw si nekat as elbisnopser‘ for stsimonoxat .K‘ ,reppoP The Open Society and Ifs Enemies :notecnirP( notecnirP ytisrevinU ,sserP .)0591 .p .K‘ ,reppoP serutcejnoC dna snoirarufeR weN( :kroY repraH dna ,woR ,)3691 .p .02 .D‘ ,lluH ehT‘ tceffE fo msilaitnessE no ymonoxaT - owT dnasuohT sraeY fo ,’sisatS The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 .)5691( .613 elocE‘ sed setuaH sedutE ne secneicS selaicoS dna muesuM eriotsiH’d ellerutaN ed .siraP sserddA rof :ecnednopserroc 86 eur &llaH 41057 ,siraP .ecnarF devieceR 4 hcraM .3891 Stud. His. Phil. Sri., .loV ,61 .oN ,2 .pp 311 - ,361 5891 5811863-9300 00.35 + 00.0 nomagreP sserP ,.dtL detnirP ni taerG .niatirB nomagreP sserP .dtL 311 l-11 Studies m History and yhposolihP fo Science gniniater tahw si ylesool dellac a citats seiceps ,tpecnoc hcihw ni nrut si elbisnopser rof seiceps gnieb detsevid fo .’ytilaer sihT si yldesoppus os neve hguoht eht‘ seman fo taxa tonnac eb denifed ni smret fo laitnesse sretcarahc tuohtiw noitacifislaf no a elacs hcihw dluohs evah neeb tnedive neve ot the tsom lacitircnu rotagitsevni htiw ylno a detimil egdelwonk of the smsinagro gnieb ’.’deifissalc ,deednI ,nospmiS ni sih feirb yrotsih of ,scitametsys goes so far as ot nraw the reader of s’eltotsirA suoicinrep effect no the :dnim I dnet ot eerga htiw regoR nocaB taht eht yduts fo eltotsirA sesaercni .ecnarongi ,sselehtreveN eht srednuof fo ymonoxat erew sevlesmeht stneduts fo eltotsirA dna saniuq4. gnoma( ynam srehto fo taht )egaenil os taht eht tcejbus si ot emos tnetxe yrassecen rof ym S.esoprup oslA gnitic Popper, ryaM sdnetnoc that ,eltotsirA ekil otalP dna lla‘ ,’stsilaitnesse deyarteb htob nommoc esnes dna the eurt esruoc of ,ecneics yb gnirongi the suoivbo snoitairav ni erutan for the sake of gnirevocsid ‘the neddih erutan or mroF or secnesse of :’sgniht llA eseht lacigolodohtem stsilaitnesse osla deerga htiw otalP ni gnidloh taht esoht secnesse yam eb derevocsid dna denrecsid htiw eht pleh fo lautcelletni noitiutni .e.i[ ,sisylana ;]cigol taht yreve ecnesse sah a eman reporp ot ,ti eht eman retfa hcihw eht elbisnes gniht si 6.dellac ,msilaitnessE ,neht si a yhposolihp of dekram .ytiunitnocsid tI si suht tnatsiser ot egnahc htob as a snaem of :noitatneserper detneserP htiw eht retlew fo esrevid smrof ot eb ,deifissalc a tsimonoxat nac yltaerg yfilpmis sih ksat fi eh sdneterp taht niatrec seitreporp era ”laitnesse“ rof ’,noitinifed dna ni regard ot what si :detneserper sihT ,yhposolihp nehw deilppa ot eht noitacifissalc fo cinagro ,ytisrevid stpmetta ot ngissa eht ytilibairav fo erutan ot a dexif rebmun fo cisab sepyt at suoirav .slevel tI setalutsop taht ail srebmem fo a noxat tcelfer eht emas laitnesse ,erutan ro ni rehto sdrow taht yeht mrofnoc ot eht emas .epyt sihT si yhw eht tsilaitnesse ygoloedi si osla derrefer ot sa .ygolopyt ,noitairaV ,yltneuqesnoc si deredisnoc yb eht tsigoiopyt .dibI‘ ‘G. ,nospmiS Principles of Animal Tuxonomy weN( :kroY aibmuloC ytisrevinU .sserP ,)1691 .p .n63 ,yllautcA nocaB thguoht eltotsirA a ,taerg fi ,dewalf .rehposolihp ehT s’etirigatS snoitseggus tuoba scitpo del nocaB sa( llew sa )etsetessorG ot tpmetta a lacitamehtam sisylana fo ;erutan ,revewoh s’nocaB larutan ,yrotsih ekilnu ,s’eltotsirA dettimda lacigam .secrof .E‘ ,ryalk Principles of Systematic Zoology weN( :kroY warGcM - ,lliH .)9691 .pp 66 - ;76 ,reppoP The Open Sociery and sti Enemies, .p 34; .fc .A ,niaC cigoL‘ dna yromeM ni s’sueanniL metsyS fo ,’ymonoxaT Proceedings of rhe Linnaean Sociery fo London 169 (1958), 146. ,lluH‘ ehT‘ tceffE fo msilaitnessE no ,’ymonoxaT .p .613 Aristotelian Definition and noitarifissalC fo Animals 115 as laivirt dna .tnavelexi ehT ycnatsnoc of avat dna the ssenprahs of the gaps gnitarapes meht dnet ot eb ?detareggaxe roF ym part, I evah so far deliaf ot dnif yna larutan nairotsih of ecnacifingis who reve adhered ot the tcirts noisrev of msilaitnesse so netfo detubirtta ot .eltotsirA Nor si yna weaker noisrev of the enirtcod hcihw has yletanimircsidni neeb detupmi ot ,yaR ,trofenruoT sueanniL dna reivuC ylekil ot raeb pu rednu resolc .sisylana tsoM ,netfo ti si dekovni tsniaga s’eno nwo lavir :loohcs the kcab pages of the lacinhcet slanruoj are dellif htiw stsicitenehp dna stsicitenegolyhp gnisucca eno rehtona of gnieb yranoitcaer skcabworht ot na nrowtuo noitidart - rieht laciteroeht egaggab dellif htiw segitsev of yllacitats devirtnoc sepyt dna yllaicifitra dexif orders. gnidnatshtiwtoN siht suoitnednet esu of ,yrotsih yraropmetnoc stnemugra are yltneuqerf dediced no tcirts cifitneics ,sdnuorg ton yb lanirtcod .ecnaigella ehT case si esiwrehto for lacirotsih serugif who yam eb ,derebmemer or ,nettogrof ylno as ’srosrucerp‘ htiw regard ot smelborp hcihw yltnerruc etatiga ;scitametsys for, the lacirotsih past netfo appears ylerem as na tcefrepmi edulerp ot the nredom .tneserp ehT smelborp were there lla the ,emit ylno yeht were deweiv deyekcoc hguorht sretlif of lanoitidart ,ecnarongi ecidujerp dna .noititsrepus nettogroF ni siht hsiggihW weiv of yrotsih are the :stcaf the noitarobale of the noitcnitsid neewteb the lacigoloib seiceps dna ,suneg the tnevda of the ylimaf tpecnoc ,dna ,yletamitlu the ycnadnecsa of the noiton of .mulyhp llA of these ,stnempoleved ,hguoht are deddebme ni the laudarg dna dnuoforp tfihs morf nommoc esnes gnidnatsrednu of ,lacol yadyreve ,ecneirepxe ot reve erom evitcelfer stpmetta ot cope htiw ediw-dlrow :ytlevon morf the s’namyal suoenatnops tnemtaert of what si rare dna egnarts ni the dlrow ni smret of the ylidaer elbisiv dna railimaf snrettap of the lanemonehp order of ,sgniht ot the s’tsilarutan evissergorp effort ot laed htiw gnisaecnu yrevocsid ni smret of the neddih sesuac dna lanemonehpnon processes of .ygoloib oT ecuder siht lla ot ‘two dnasuoht sraey of ’sisats si ot ezilaivirt a latnemunom tnemevom ni namuh thguoht - a tnemevom ,hcihw yb the htneethgie ,yrutnec was at tsael elba ot offer pu the elohw of the gnivil ,dlrow gnidulcni ,nam as na tcejbo of yduts dna .thgisni roF lla stnetni dna ,sesoprup ti was eltotsirA who nageb siht ;tnemevom hguoht ti was for others ot yrrac ti hguorht ni syaw hcihw he dluoc ton evah .denigami hcuS a tnemevom was elbissop at ,lla ,revewoh ylno esuaceb access was derussa yb a nommoc esnes noitaicerppa of the gnivil dlrow shared ton ylno yb eltotsirA dna ,sueanniL tub yb yranidro klof .erehwyreve ,ryaM‘ selpicnirP of Systematic Zoology, p. 67. 611 Studies in Hisror,v and Phi1osoph.v of Science I nommoC ,esnes as here ,dootsrednu yllacisab refers ot lasrevinu aspects of lanoitisoporp .e.i( )elbaulav-hturt gnidnatsrednu of the .tnemnorivne sihT sedulcni stnemetats gniniatrep ot what si ylekil ot eb na yletanni ,dednuorg dna ,cificeps-seiceps noisneherppa of the ,laropmet-oitaps ,lacirtemoeg ,citamorhc lacimehc dna cinagro dlrow ni hcihw we, dna lla other namuh ,sgnieb evil rieht yadyreve .sevil .G E. Moore stup the rettam siht :yaw tahW si tnaem yb gniyas taht os-dna-os si a erutaef ro meti ni eht“ nommoC esneS weiv fo eht ?”dlrow gnihtemoS ekil :siht That ti si a gniht hcihw yreve ro yrev ylraen yreve enas ,tluda ohw sah eht esu fo all sih sesnes .g.e( saw ton nrob dnilb ro ,)faed seveileb ro swonk erehw( ’seveileb‘ dna ’swonk‘ era desu .)yllanoitisopsid seoD eno deen ot :dda dnA fo ,hcihw rof ynam ,seirutnec ti dluow evah neeb eurt ot yas ’?siht tuP ,ylpmis we are lla )yletanni( desopsid ot ,eveileb or wonk ot eb ,eurt that the dlrow of yadyreve ecneirepxe si desopmoc of larutan lacimehc dna lacigoloib sdnik whose sralpmexe tsefinam etinifed ,sroloc egnahc ni emit dna are yllacol dehsiugnitsid yb rieht snoitaler ni )naedilcuE( space. ehT lautca noitazilaer of these evitingoc ,snoitisopsid gnidulcni the ralucitrap stnetnoc of hcus ,sfeileb ,sdneped of ,esruoc no the ,lacol yratnemgarf ecneirepxe elbaliava ot .su tuB hcus ecneirepxe does ton so hcum shape ruo sfeileb as ,’reggirt‘ or ,noisacco the ’citamotua‘ noisnetxe of yratnemgarf secnatsni ot na detargetni set of ylxelpmoc detaler :secnatsni ot eb elba ot edivid the dlrow otni cats dna dogs, eno tsum ecneirepxe cats dna ;sgod tub ti si ruo roirp evitingoc noitisopsid ot ezirogetac slamina htiw slamina dna seiceps srebmem htiw seiceps srebmem that swolla su ot hsiugnitsid hcus secneirepxe as cats dna dogs, rather naht as mastolf dna .mastej sA ,hcus nommoc esnes si ton ot eb dednuofnoc htiw the ‘good nommoc ,’esnes or susnes communis, of the namoR ;srotaro that ,si the latnem yticapac for gniyfilpmexe proper ,tnemgduj as nehw we yas of a esiw nam that he shows good nommoc esnes ni sih ,seciohc or of a ydnah nam that he swonk sih ass morf sih .woble tahT dnik of luflliw (or )citamgarp dna yllarutluc evitaler tnemgduj si ton ni noitseuq here. tahW si of nrecnoc si yllauqe elbissecca ot the sage dna the ,sumarongi the luflliks dna the ,deniarb-erah on rettam what sih or her ;erutluc ti si part of ruo yranoitulove .egatireh No noitaluceps nac ylbissop etufnoc the sdnuorg for siht nommoc esnes weiv of ,sgniht ecnis lla noitaluceps tsum start morf .ti erehT tsuj si on other ecalp ot nigeb ot kniht tuoba the .dlrow ‘G. Moorr, The Commonplace Book fo C. E. Moore :nodnoL( nel14. dna ,niwnU ,3691 .p .082 Aristotelian Definition and noitacifissalC fo Animals 117 evitalucepS nosaer naisetraC( nob )snes si suht elbanu ot tuc the lacilibmu cord hcihw sdnib ti ot nommoc ,esnes dna so enimrednu .ti ,llitS eno nac go dnoyeb ruo yranidro syaw of gnikniht tuoba .sgniht noitalucepS nac laever the sdnuob of nommoc esnes dna ybereht tneverp nommoc esnes morf gnideecxe sti proper ;ytirohtua for, nommoc esnes sniamer dilav ylno so gnol as ti si detcirtser ot the yltsefinam elbisiv snoisnemid of the yadyreve ,dlrow that ,si ot lanemonehp .ytilaer deidutS noitcelfer dna derusaem ,noitatnemirepxe ,revewoh nac dael ot egdelwonk of ,rehtona ,lanemonehpnon dlrow - a dlrow of ,lacimonortsa cipocsorcim dna yranoitulove snoisnemid - hcihw nac ylno eb yleugav ,deviecrep fi at ,lla htiw the tnedive-fles snoitiutni of nommoc .esnes nommoC ,esnes ,neht si na elbatibudni ecruos of hturt for egdelwonk of the ylidaer decneirepxe lacol ,dlrow tub elbillaf as a snaem of thgisni otni the cifitneics .esrevinu ,sihT senipo ,ecrieP si what hcus htneethgie yrutnec nommoc esnes srehposolihp as dieR dna Stewart did ton ylluf :etaicerppa ehT hctocS deliaf ot ezingocer . . taht eht lanigiro sfeileb ylno niamer elbatibudni ni rieht noitacilppa ot sriaffa taht elbmeser eht evitimirp edom fo .efil tI ,si rof ,elpmaxe etiuq nepo ot elbanosaer tbuod rehtehw eht snoitom fo snortcele era denifnoc ot eerht ,snoisnemid hguohtla ti si doog cituedohtem ot emuserp yeht era litnu emos ecnedive ot eht yrartnoc si .gnimochtrof . . ehT hctocS loohcs sraeppa ot evah on hcus noitcnitsid gninrecnoc eht snoitatimil fo eht ytilibatibudni dna eht tneuqesnoc snoitatimil fo eht noitcidsiruj fo lanigiro .feileb . nredoM ecneics . . . htiw sti yleritne wen secnailppa fo ,efil sah tup su ni etiuq rehtona ;dlrow tsomla sa hcum os sa fi ti dah detropsnart our ecar ot rehtona .tenalp emoS fo eht dlo sfeileb evah on noitacilppa detpecxe ni dednetxe ,sesnes dna ni hcus dednetxe sesnes yeht era semitemos elbatibud dna tcejbus ot 0‘.msicitirc deredisnoC ni siht ,yaw nommoc esnes does ton ,edulcerp tub rehtien does ti ,edulcni yna ,lacigam ,suoigiler-ocihtym lacirohpatem or other ’cilobmys‘ noitarobale of the laciripme .dlrow hcuS cilobmys noitarobale si yb erutan -non ;lanoitisoporp that ,si ti nac eb dengissa on dexif gninaem ton( neve a txetnoc evitaler )eno hcihw nac eb desiarppa for sti yllacigol tnetsisnoc ;stnemliatne rehtien nac ti eb debircsa a etanimreted lautcaf tnetnoc htiw elbaifirev secneuqesnoc that ecneirepxe yam rehtie ylidaer mrifnoc or yletinifed .mrifnocsid cilobmyS snoitarobale of nommoc esnes are ot eb accepted no .htiaf yllaretiL yeht are ton ,lufgninaem tub .eugav riehT esoprup si ot eticni noitacove rather naht ot enimreted the facts. tuB ni order ot eb ,evitceffe yeht eriuqer a lautcaf ,sisab ,yleman nommoc .esnes yehT are, as tnaK dluow ,yas dezitamehcs-isauq cilobmys‘ ’snoitingoc for hcihw on‘ noitiutni etarusnemmoc htiw meht nac eb ”.’nevig tahW sneppah here ,si ,ylhguor that eno seeks emos yllaciripme ‘Tollecred srepaP jo Charles Sanders .ecrieP .loV 5, .C enrohstraH dna .P ssieW ).sde( ,egdirbmaC( :sttesuhcassalkl dravraH ytisrevinU ,sserP ,)4391 pp. 834 - ;75 505 - .52 ,tnaK“ Critique of Judgment, noitces .95 811 Studies IW History and yhposolihP fo Science elbatiutni noitautis hcihw nac evres as a ledom yb ecnerefer ot hcihw the aedi nac eb edam elbisneherpmoc (e.g. doG gnittup erutaN ni order no the ledom of a father gninilpicsid sih ;)ylimaf tub the fact that the ledom si denimretedrednu htiw respect ot sti erutcurts sevael ynam of sti serutaef ni the :krad ‘No msihpromosi neewteb the ledom dna the delledom nac eb yltnegoc desoppus dna ecneh the noitseuq of hturt does ton ,esira ton neve ”.’ylsuoiraciv sihT does ton naem that there nac eb on preferred enil of ,noitaterpretni or that there thgim ton eb greater lautcaf tnetnoc ni eno noitaterpretni naht ni .rehtona tI ylno snaem that there si on tnetsisnoc ecneuqes of lanoitisoporp stnemliatne of the mrof fi‘ p, neht q’ ylpmis esuaceb on cilobmys ,ecnarettu s, si reve yletelpmoc delian .nwod esuaceB hcus secnarettu are reven yletelpmoc dexif as ot lanoitisoporp ,tnetnoc yeht nac eb deniatretne as lanrete‘ ’shturt hcihw are sselehtenon elbatpada ot a gnignahc noitaicerppa of the dlrow of facts.” hcuS cilobmys slaurtsnocer of the ,dlrow ,revewoh are yb on snaem snoitanalpxe of the facts. tI si siht ,thgisni seugra .R.E.G ,dyolL hcihw sehsiugnitsid the keerG physiologoi morf the magoi, dna the citarcoppiH doctors morf the sreifirup (katharfai): lacigolohtyM ’seigoloitea‘ are snoitanalpxe ylno ni a etiuq detcirtser .esnes To etubirtta sekauqhtrae ot nodiesoP ,si morf eht tniop fo weiv fo na gnidnatsrednu fo eht erutan fo ,sekauqhtrae ton ot ecuder eht nwonknu ot eht ,nwonk tub ot egnahcxe eno nwonknu rof .rehtona elihW s’nodiesoP sevitom nac eb denigami ni namuh smret . . woh na ekauqhtrae srucco si ton ybereht denialpxe ron deedni at .eussi fI ereht si on noitseuq fo gningissa na lacirotsih nigiro ot na tseretni ni lasuac snoitanalpxe fo emos ,dnik eht etarebiled noitagitsevni fo woh ralucitrap sdnik fo natural anemonehp rucco ylno snigeb htiw the :srehposolihp ti was yeht who tsrif detpmetta ot nialpxe what ,rednuht ,gninthgil sespilce dna eht ekil era ni smret fo erom railimaf anemonehp dna 41.sessecorp True, keerG cifitneics ,noitaluceps ekil cilobmys ,laurtsnocer saw )llanoisacco deripsni yb lanoitavresbo seigolana hcihw yllaitini dluoc ton eb deifislaf yb ;ecneirepxe tub the gninaem of hcus noitaluceps was dexif hguone for the tnemugra ot eb yllacigol tneuqesnoc dna suht tcejbus ot cificeps egnellahc yb a lavir .noitaluceps gnidroccA ot Popper, for ,elpmaxe s’selahT noitanalpxe of sekauqhtrae ni smret of the tnemevom of the earth nopu the water ti yldesoppus sedir si ‘at tsael deripsni yb lanoitavresbo ”.’ygolana ,sselehtreveN hcus seigolana are ton A“ ,tilagraM, nepO‘ ,’erutxeT ni Meaning ond ,esU .A tilagralh (ed.) :melasureJ( sengalLI ,sserP ,)9791 .p .541 .D“ rebrepS setangised hcus cilobmys snoitingoc lanoitisoporpimes‘ ’snoitatneserper ni eL riovaS des Anrhropologues :siraP( .nnamreH .)2891 .p .96 .G“ E. .R .dyolL Magic. Reason and Experience: Sfudies in rhe Origins and Developmen, of keerC Science ,egdirbmaC( :.K.U egdirbmaC ytisrevinU ,sserP .)9791 .pp 25 - 53. .K“ ,reppoP kcaB‘ ot eht .’scitarcoS-erP Proceedings of rhe Arisrorelian Socier.v 59 (1958 - 1959). Aristotelian noitinijeD and noitacifissalC fo Animals 119 a lacigol tnemeriuqer of ylrae cifitneics snoitaluceps hcihw netfo evah‘ gnihton ot do htiw .’noitavresbo ,suhT sreva Popper, s’rednamixanA yroeht of the earth’s free noisnepsus ni space sniatnoc on‘ ygolana reveostahw ni the elohw dleif of elbavresbo facts’. ,ylgnidroccA Popper sedulcnoc that lanoitavresbo ecneirepxe dna nommoc esnes tonnac eb deredisnoc yllacigol yrassecen sources of (the growth of) cifitneics .egdelwonk sihT hcum smees thgir ni Popper’s .sisylana tuB he goes no ot eugra that nommoc esnes nac yllautca eb a ecnardnih ot the progress of .ecneics ekaT the case of :rednamixanA sih noitaluceps no the free noisnepsus of the earth was ylbamuserp a ylreporp cifitneics yroeht ni that ti was htob a tcerid msicitirc of a suoiverp yroeht )s’selahT( dna a tcerid tnednecetna of nredom cifitneics ;sgnidnif ,revewoh he was delsim yb esnes-nommoc‘ ’yroeht otni gnisoppus that the earth was talf ekil a .murd-nmuloc ,yldettimdA snoitressa hcus as ‘the earth si ’talf or ‘the earth sedir no water ekil a ’pihs are elbitapmoc htiw nommoc ,esnes ni that sheer noitiutni tuoba what si yltnedive-fles eurt ,tonnac yb ,flesti yfislaf hcus .smialc Yet, hcus snoitressa are ton smialc of nomm oc ,esnes ron are yeht yllacigol desab‘ ’no nommoc ;esnes for, fi nommoc esnes nac edivorp on snoitiutni ot yfislaf hcus ,smialc rehtien nac ti edivorp the snoitiutni ot yfirev .meht hcuS snoitiutni eil dnoyeb the ,larutan yletanni ,denimreted lanemonehp sdnuob of nommoc .esnes ,revoeroM rehtien the noisnepsus-eerf yroeht ron the yroeht that the earth si a sphere are incompatible htiw nommoc ;esnes ,deedni ni de Caelo eltotsirA stniop ot the ylidaer tnerappa character of the noziroh ni esnefed of the earth’s ,yticirehps elihw the aedi of noisnepsus-eerf ni rednamixanA si detroppus yb the ylbisiv dexif ecnatsid of the stars.16 nevE erom tnacifingis si the fact that the noituloser of smelborp detcennoc htiw the laropmet-oitaps noitisop of the ylnevaeh seidob sdneped nopu a correct noitaicerppa of the scope dna stimil of nommoc .esnes ehT shape of the earth, the noitisop of the ,nus etc. are denimreted yb ;noitaluclac ,revewoh hcus snoitaluclac hcihw( were yltrap depoleved as sdia ot )noitagivan are desab no the noitpmussa that suoirav other stcejbo are how dna where yeht yllacisnesnommoc appear ot .eb tI si ylno esuaceb we start yb gnitauqe the lacisyhp snoitisop of the sgniht dnuora su htiw the devresbo snoitisop of dezidradnats stnerefer that ruo erom detacitsihpos sdohtem of gnitacol stcejbo ekil the ,nus dna gnitcejorp the erutavruc of the earth, nac dael ot elbamrifnoc .stluser dnA hcus dezidradnats ,stnerefer nekat together htiw rieht tnerappa laropmet-oitaps ,noitisop are ylesicerp those sgniht dnuora su htiw hcihw we sA61 ot s’reppoP noiton taht ereht‘ si eht tsom tcefrep elbissop ’ytiunitnoc neewteb selahT dna rednamitnA dna nredom ,ecneics siht smees hsiggihW ta tseb - ta tsael litnu ti si nwohs taht eht tnaveler seigolotno dna elbawolla secnerefni fo eseht srekniht era elbicuder ot esoht fo nredom ecneics tuohtiw ssol fo .ytilareneg 120 Studies ni History and yhposolihP fo Science are tsom ylevitiutni ”.railimaf roF Popper, the ssensuoicinrep of too hsivals a noitoved ot nommoc esnes si neve erom tnerappa ni the episteme of eltotsirA dna‘ lla other ’stsilaitnesse nierehw the tnedive-fles snoitinifed of the smret of yranidro egaugnal nac eb ylbamuserp nekat as eurt selpicnirp of the noitazinagro of Sl.ytilaer tI si siht gnitanimircsidnu weiv of nommoc esnes dna msilaitnesse hcihw I hsiw ot ,egnellahc as ti seilppa ot s’eltotsirA .ygoloib II nailetotsirA noitaluceps tuoba erutan nageb htiw na yriuqni otni the lareneg aspects of the yranidro s’keerG yadyreve egdelwonk of the yldrow sgniht dnuora :mih of those tnedive-fles sorts tsefinam ni nommoc ,ecnalrap dna ylsuoenatnops accepted yb tsom .enoyreve ,suhT for yna ralucitrap state of ,sriaffa eno thgim :ksa tahW si ?ti ekil-tahW si ?ti tahW ezis si ?ti erehW si ?ti How does ti ?kool How does ti ?eil nI what si ?ti etc.19 ehT set of smret hcihw dluow edivorp elbisnes ton( ylirassecen )eurt srewsna ot these dna other ralimis latnemadnuf snoitseuq are dias ot gnoleb ot the emas .’yrogetac‘ roF ,elpmaxe lamina dna :egdelwonk ,detoof ,degniw ,citauqa ,detoof-owt era eaitnereffid fo ,lamina tub enon fo eseht si a aitnereffid fo ;egdelwonk eno tros fo egdelwonk seod ton reffid morf rehtona yb gnieb 0*.detoof-owt nI“ ylper ot ,reppoP .G .S kriK stressa :taht ssorg‘ serutraped morf nommoc esnes erew ylluferac dediova yb eht .scitarcoserP yllarutaN ynam fo eht snoisulcnoc fo eht ylrae scitarcoserP erew yrartnoc ot nommoc ;esnes tub yeht erew ton suotiutarg serutraped morf ti . . . ecnis yeht deraeppa ot eb deliatne yb stnemugra hcihw sevlesmeht dedneped no noitavresbo dna nommoc :’esnes reppoP‘ no ecneicS dna eht ,’scitarcoserP ,dniM 96 .)0691( redisnoC :selahT gnidroccA ot ,kriK s’selahT aedi fo a detroppus-retaw htrae saw ’deworrob‘ morf eht shtym fo eht enirevir .snoitazilivic esehT ,shtym ni ,nrut erew larutan‘ ’saedi hcihw erew ylmrif‘ desab nopu noitavresbo dna ’ecneirepxe .p( .)723 tahT ,si yeht devired morf nommoc esnes snoiton hcihw erew sevlesmeht ’evitcudni‘ ni eht esnes fo gnieb desab‘ no na etinifedni rebmun fo ,’sralucitrap hguohtla eht snoitcudni dluoc eb ’evitiutni‘ dna ’suoicsnoc-bus‘ .p( .)123 morF siht ti swollof taht s’selahT yroeht dna( ecneics ni )lareneg si yletamitlu .’evitcudni‘ ,yletanutrofnU hcae enil ni siht niahc fo gninosaer si .dewalf ehT evitiutni snoitcudni fo nommoc esnes dluoc ton eb desab no na etinifedni rebmun fo ralucitrap ,snoitavresbo eromyna naht ruo evitiutni noitcudni fo selgnairt dluoc eb desab‘ ’nopu sralucitrap hcihw era ton yllaitini dedneherppa sa .selgnairt ecneirepxE ylerem snoisacco eht noisulcnoc fo na evitiutni ,noitcudni ti seod ton - dna yllacigol tonnac - ecudorp ro yfitsuj .ti roN si s’selahT aedi fo a detroppus-retaw htrae ’deworrob‘ morf eht enirevir shtym fo Greece dna ,tpygE eromyna naht eseht shtym sevlesmeht era larutan‘ ’saedi hcihw era ylmrif‘ desab . no noitavresbo dna ’ecneirepxe .p( .)723 tahW sekam s’selahT yroeht tnereffid morf htym si taht ti nac eb dezicitirc dna( yletamitlu )detufer esuaceb fo sti etinifed lanoitisoporp .tnetnoc ,shtyM ,revewoh evah on etinifed lanoitisoporp .tnetnoc esuaceB yeht evah on etinifed lanoitisoporp tnetnoc yeht nac ni on esnes eb ylmrif‘ ’desab rehtie no ,nosaer deiduts noitavresbo ro nommoc .ecneirepxe ,reppoPa‘ Conjectures and Refutations, .p 20. .fC“ .G ,elyR ,’seirogetaC‘ Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 38 (1938 - .)9391 981 - .602 .taT‘ .6lbl :etoN( lla seltit ot s’eltotsirA skrow era detaiverbba ni ecnadrocca htiw eht lleddiL - ttocS - senoJ .)nocixeL Aristotelian Definition and noitacifissalC fo Animals 121 tahW nac eb ylbisnes dias of slamina tonnac eb ylbisnes dias of ,egdelwonk dna eciv ,asrev esuaceb slamina dna egdelwonk gnoleb ot tnereffid .seirogetac ,suhT revetahw nac eb yllufhturt dias of eno dnik of lamina nac eb ylbisnes detaciderp of lla other sdnik of ,slamina neve fi the noitaciderp si eslaf (e.g. ti sekam esnes ot ask whether or ton ,hsif ,sdepurdauq stcesni are degniw neve hguoht tsom are .)ton tuB ton gnihtyreve that nac eb ylbisnes detaciderp of slamina nac eb ylbisnes detaciderp of stnalp (e.g. ti si laretil - hguoht perhaps ton lacirohpatem - esnesnon ot ask whether slamina evah roots dna ,sevael or whether stnalp peels dna evah .)seibab ,llitS there are setaciderp hcihw nac eb ylbisnes deilppa ot stnalp as llew as ,slamina hcus as ’evil‘ dna .’eid‘ sihT snaem that stnalp dna ,slamina hguohtla yeht evah tnereffid lacigolotno ,sutats sselehtreven tsum gnoleb ot the emas lacigolotno yrogetac eno( hcihw nac eb ,debircsed ni part, yb the setaciderp hcihw nac ylbisnes eb deilppa ot htob stnalp dna .)slamina ehT ,seirogetac ,neht tneserper those lacigolotno sniamod hcihw ylbisnes share on ,setaciderp dna on rennam of ,ecnetsixe htiw eno ,rehtona hcus as ,ecnatsbus ,ytilauq ,ytitnauq ,ecalp ,emit etc. ehT tsom tnatropmi yrogetac ni the nailetotsirA emehcs si that of ecnatsbus (ousia). ehT stnetnoc of siht yrogetac are ton decudorp yb a iroirp ,gninosaer tub yb na tsinoitcartsba esu of nommoc esnes .snoitiutni Here, eno snigeb htiw the elbisnes phainomena of yadyreve ,ecneirepxe yllaicepse elbisiv 12.anemonehp ehT yramirp stcejbo of egdelwonk are those elbisnes sgniht hcihw can eb deman ni yranidro speech. hguohtlA tnereffid segaugnal thgim evah tnereffid sdnuos for gnitoned ,sgniht the sgniht ,detoned as llew as the latnem snoitatneserper of those ,sgniht are ytterp hcum nommoc ot :dniknamuh woN nekops sdnuos are slobmys fo snoitceffa ni eht ,luos dna nettirw skram slobmys fo nekops .sdnuos But tahw eseht era ni eht tsrif ecalp sngis fo - snoitceffa fo eht luos - era eht emas rof ;lla dna tahw eseht snoitceffa era sessenekil fo - actual sgniht - era osla eht 22.emas gniwO ot ruo etanni latnem ,pu-ekam these sgniht are detneserper ot su tsrif as esnes ,snoisserpmi neht as seiromem .23 fI the ecneirepxe si ,deniatsus a gniht si deman dna detneserper ni ruo sdnim as a lairetam-non ;mrof that ,si the esnes nagro seviecer the mrof of the tcejbo deviecrep tuohtiw sti .rettam ehT esnes ,nagro hcihw syawla has the laitnetop for yllautca gnimussa the smrof of ,stcejbo ybereht semoceb the .tcejbo ,suhT egdelwonk‘ that stsixe ni ytilautca si lacitnedi llA‘“ nem erised yb erutan ot .wonk nA noitacidni fo siht si eht thgiled ew ekat ni ruo ;sesnes rof neve trapa morf rieht ssenlufesu yeht era devol rof :sevlesmeht dna evoba lla srehto eht esnes fo .thgis . ehT nosaer si taht ,siht tsom fo lla eht ,sesnes sekam su wonk dna sgnirb ot thgil ynam secnereffid neewteb .’sgniht .hpafeM( 12a089 - .)72 .tnI“ .3a61 .oPA“ b99 - .a001 122 Studies ni History and yhposolihP fo Science htiw sti ”.’tcejbo ,oS ot wonk the eurt erutan of na tcejbo si ot evah that tcejbo detneserper ni the ;dnim for, the lairetam-non lautcelletni mrof of the tcejbo yllautca si of the ecnesse of the .tcejbo nI the gnitimil case, that ,si at tsrif ,thgis the mrof )ehprom( si ylpmis the roiretxe lacigolohprom aspect of the tcejbo (e.vterna figura ac forma).25 sihT si the ,lausu citarcoS-erp esnes of the mret eidos. 6l nI effect, the stneutitsnoc of siht laitini level of sisylana dnopserroc ot what stsigolohcysp llac cisab‘ ’tcejbo .smret hcuS smret yltnerappa tneserper the laitini laitnerefer sgnipuorg of yrev gnuoy ,nerdlihc the deman sgnipuorg ot hcihw stluda yliramirp ngissa stcejbo dna the tsrif sgnipuorg ot eb dengissa a lacixel elbal ni a nevig citnames )lacirogetac( niamod ni the noitulove of a .egaugnal ehT stcejbo hcihw llaf rednu the noisnetxe of these smret mees ot share gross lautpecrep ro/dna lanoitcnuf .serutaef esehT smret ylbamuserp edivid the dlrow of stcejbo otni yllamixam elbahsiugnitsid sets of ,seititne dna etutitsnoc the tsom evisulcni sgnipuorg for hcihw a etercnoc egami of a ssalc of stcejbo nac eb .demrof nI siht esnes dogs dna ,sriahc for ,elpmaxe are erom cisab ot the sniamod of gnivil sdnik dna ,stcafitra ,ylevitcepser ,naht ,yas slammam )sdepurdauq( or snoitamlad dna erutinruf or .sriahc-hgih tcejbo-cisaB smret suht tneserper the tsom ylevitiutni elbissecca level of tcejbo 72.noitazirogetac morF siht sisab eno seunitnoc the sisylana of ecnatsbus yb :’noitcudni‘ there si a evitimirp lasrevinu ni the dnim rof( hguoht eno seviecrep eht ,ralucitrap noitpecrep si fo eht lasrevinu - .g.e fo nam tub ton fo sailiaC eht ;)nam niaga a dnats si edam ni ,eseht litnu tahw sah on strap dna si lasrevinu sdnats - .g.e hcus andsuch na lamina ,sdnats litnu lamina .seod . . Thus ti si raelc taht ti si yrassecen “de An. III. 5. 15.Meraph. .6lb999 eeSK .A ,rolyaT ehT‘ sdroW SODIE dna AEDI ni cinotalP-erP ,’erutaretiL ni airaV Socratica :drofxO( ,rekraP 191 I). eltotsirA sesu eht termsschema, idea dna morpheas lacinhcet-non smynonys fo eidos; ni 4.P ,82-42b046 rof .elpmaxe eh sesu lla ruof smret ot etoned eht epahs fo a .deb gnidroccA ot .L ,yegruoB ti si siht ’ralupop‘ noitpecnoc fo eidos hcihw si tneserp ni eht citarcoppiH :suproC Observation et exp&ience chez sel rnPdecins de la collecrion hippocrarique :siraP( ,nirV ,)3591 .p .43 .E‘* .hcsoR .C ,sivreM .W ,yarG .D nosnhoJ dna .P ,mearB-seyoB cisaB‘ stcejbO ni larutaN ,’seirogetaC Cognirive Psychology 8 (1976). 382 - 439. s’eltotsirA noitaicerppa fo level-cisab snoitiutni si yllautca erom decnaun naht taht fo hcsoR et al. hcumsani sa eh sekam a lacirogetac noitcnitsid neewteb noisneherppa fo level-cisab arrefacra dna level-cisab larutan‘ ,’sdnik elihw hcsoR re al. od .ton It si ton ylerem taht ereht‘ si hcum retaerg ytilanif dna ytuaeb ni eht snoitcudorp fo erutan naht ni esoht fo ’tra AP( .)12b936 ytilaniF si rehtegotla tnereffid rof stcafitra dna gnivil :sdnik ni eht ,remrof ytilanif si detcerid yb eht tnednecsnart esoprup fo eht nasitra (Metaph. 52a1401 - ;)03 ni eht ,rettal ytilanif si ylerem evitcerid dna tnenammi ni eht lairetam erutan fo eht .msinagro roF ,stcafitra eht tneiciffe tnega fo siseneg si eht lliks fo eht ;nasitra rof gnivil ,sdnik ti si eht noitom detrapmi ot elamef eudiser yb elam .nemes eroM yltnacifingis rof eht nredom tsigolohcysp dna tsigolometsipe si s’eltotsirA lained fo gniylrednu‘ ’serutan ot stcafitra .hP( .)1.11 stcafitrA era eht yaw yeht era yb eutriv fo eht snoitcnuf yeht evres ni eht s’nasitra dnim (Melaph. ;)lb2301 tub gnivil sdnik era sa yeht era yb‘ ’erutan @hysen, taht ,si ni eutriv fo na laitnesse dna gniylrednu lacisyhp noitutitsnoc (physis) hcihw si depahs dna depoleved yb na cisnirtni ’luos‘ AP( 42b046 .).f