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Scientist and Expert Statement of Support For Public Investment in Agroecological Research PDF

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Preview Scientist and Expert Statement of Support For Public Investment in Agroecological Research

Scientist and Expert Statement of Support For Public Investment in Agroecological Research We support greater public investment in agricultural research that applies ecological principles and relies, to the greatest extent possible, on ecological processes (“agroecology”) to address current and future farming challenges. Agroecology regards farms as ecosystems embedded in broader landscapes and society. Agroecological approaches are based on understanding and managing ecological processes and biological functions to increase and sustain crop and livestock productivity, efficiently recycle inputs, and build soil fertility, while minimizing harmful impacts on soil, air, water, wildlife, and human health.i ii Hallmarks of agroecological farming practices include increasing the types of crops rotated on fields from year to year; controlling pests and weeds with fewer chemical pesticides; enhancing soil health while reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers; and valuing non-cropped areas of farms for the services they provide. Agroecology has a proven track record of meeting farming challenges in a cost-effective manner. Research has found that applying agroecological methods, like those detailed above, can result in high yields for each crop in a rotation sequence.iii In addition, long-term studies have found that organic practices—a specific set of agroecological practices that eschew the use of all synthetic chemical inputs—typically improve soil health compared to plots where conventional practices are applied, and may produce comparable yields. This research also demonstrated that economic returns for organic crops can be greater than for conventional crops, despite higher labor costs.iv These findings indicate that additional research has the potential to increase our understanding of agroecological methods and increase their adoption. Farmers could benefit from this added knowledge to produce a wide range of crops in many different regions, with greater resilience to variation in pests, weather conditions, markets, and other factors. While other approaches may also yield promising solutions, they are more likely to already benefit from private sector support. Agroecology is less likely to be supported by the private sector since these farming methods often reduce requirements for purchased inputs. This leaves to the public sector the responsibility to fund agroecological research that serves the interests of farmers and society. At present, however, public research into agroecology is drastically inadequate. Land-grant universities were once guided by their original missions to enhance understanding of agriculture that served the public interest. But these institutions have fallen victim to budget cuts that have driven them to rely upon private dollars to fund researchv, leveraging public investment largely for the benefit of the private sector. And past analyses have found that funding for agroecology is a very small part of the federal research budget.vi vii Agroecological research can further our understanding of productive and profitable farming methods that will minimize harmful impacts on human health, the environment, and rural communities. These methods will provide resilience to both anticipated events such as climate change as well as unforeseen developments. Modest public investment can yield enormous returns for farmers and society well into the future. Signed, To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. John D. Aber, Ph.D. Joseph E. Armstrong, Ph.D. Anne Bellows, Ph.D. Professor, Natural Resources and Professor Emeritus of Botany, Biological Professor, Public Health, Food Studies, and Environment Sciences Nutrition University of New Hampshire Illinois State University Syracuse University Simon Addison, Ph.D. Dolaporn Novem Auyeung, Ph.D. Tamara Benjamin, Ph.D. National Programme Coordinator, Senior Scientist, NYC Urban Field Station Research Scientist, Botany and Plant Programmes NYC Department of Parks and Recreation Pathology Oxfam Kenya Purdue University Agustin Avila Romero, Ph.D. Alison Alkon, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Economics Elena Bennett, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Chair, Sociology Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas Associate Professor, Natural Resource University of the Pacific Sciences Bradford Barham, Ph.D. McGill University Patricia Allen, Ph.D. Professor, Agriculture and Applied Chair, Food Systems and Society Economics Jim Bentson, Ph.D. Marylhurst University University of Wisconsin, Madison Retired Professor, Mechanical Engineering Polytechnic University, Brooklyn Miguel Altieri, Ph.D. David A. Barnes, Ph.D. Professor, Environmental Science, Policy Professor, Geosciences Alan Berkowitz, Ph.D. and Management Western Michigan University Head of Education University of California, Berkeley Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Linda J. Barnes, Ph.D. Molly D. Anderson, Ph.D. Professor, Biology Jim Bever, Ph.D. Partridge Chair, Food and Sustainable Marshalltown Community College Professor, Department of Biology Agriculture Systems Indiana University College of the Atlantic Jill Baron, Ph.D. Research Ecologist, Ecosystem Dynamics Felix Bianchi, Ph.D. Georg K.S. Andersson, Ph.D. US Geological Survey Assistant Professor, Farming Systems Researcher, Centre for Environment and Ecology Climate Research Andrea Basche, Ph.D. Wageningen University Lund University Kendall Science Fellow, Food and Environment Program Alan Biggs, Ph.D. David Andow, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences Distinguished McKnight University West Virginia University Professor, Entomology Ricky Bates, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Professor, Horticulture George Bird, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University Professor Emeritus, Entomology Carol Anelli, Ph.D. Michigan State University Professor and Associate Chair, Entomology Janna Beckerman, Ph.D. The Ohio State University Associate Professor, Botany and Plant Robert Blanchette, Ph.D. Pathologist Professor, Plant Pathology Cynthia Annett, Ph.D. Purdue University University of Minnesota Research Scientist, Center for Hazardous Substance Research Julia Ann Bell, Ph.D. Patrick Bohlen, Ph.D. Kansas State University Assistant Professor, Large Animal Clinical Professor, Biology Sciences University of Central Florida J. Gordon Arbuckle, Jr., Ph.D. Michigan State University Associate Professor, Sociology Randall Boone, Ph.D. Iowa State University Michael Bell, Ph.D. Professor, Ecosystem Science and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Sustainability William Scott Armbruster, Ph.D. Community and Environmental Sociology Colorado State University Principal Research Scientist, Institute of University of Wisconsin, Madison Arctic Biology Thomas Borch, Ph.D. University of Alaska Fairbanks Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences Colorado State University Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. Branden Born, Ph.D. Bryan Brunner, Ph.D. Angie Carter, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Urban Design and Horticultural Researcher, Crops and Assistant Professor, Sociology Planning Agroenvironmental Sciences Augustana College University of Washington University of Puerto Rico David Carter, Ph.D. Victoria A. Borowicz, Ph.D. Mary Ann Bruns, Ph.D. Academic Coordinator, Botany and Plant Assistant Professor, Plant Ecology, School Associate Professor, Soil Microbiology Sciences of Biological Sciences The Pennsylvania State University University of California, Riverside Illinois State University Mark Brunson, Ph.D. Martin Carver, Ph.D. Jason Bradford, Ph.D. Professor, Environment and Society Senior Hydrologist Managing Director Utah State University Aqua Environmental Associates Farmland LP Alexander Bucksch, Ph.D. Antonio Castilla, Ph.D. Kathryn Brasier, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Scientist, School of Biology Postdoctoral Fellow, Integrative Biology Associate Professor, Rural Sociology and School of Interactive Computing University of Texas The Pennsylvania State University Georgia Institute of Technology Claudia Catalanotti, Ph.D. John Brauner, Ph.D. Jesse Burkhardt, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow, Plant Biology Professor Emeritus, Biology Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Carnegie Institution Jamestown University Resource Economics Colorado State University Jeffrey Catchmark, Ph.D. Mark Brick, Ph.D. Professor, Agricultural and Biological Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences Eric Burkhart, Ph.D. Engineering Colorado State University Program Director, Plant Science The Pennsylvania State University The Pennsylvania State University Lindsay Brin, Ph.D. Richard L. Cates, Jr., Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher, Potato Research Robyn J. Burnham, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer, Soil Science Centre Associate Professor, Ecology and University of Wisconsin, Madison Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Evolutionary Biology University of Michigan Barney Caton, Ph.D. Kirk Broders, Ph.D. Agroecologist Assistant Professor, Bioagricultural Sciences David Burress, Ph.D. and Pest Management Lead Economist Michael Jahi Chappell, Ph.D. Colorado State University Kansas Progress Institute Director, Agroecology and Agricultural Policy Amy Brown, Ph.D. John T. Bushoven, Ph.D. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Professor, Entomology Professor, Plant Science University of Maryland California State University, Fresno Allison Chatrchyan, Ph.D. Director, Cornell Center for Climate Change Cheryl Brown, Ph.D. Liz Carlisle, Ph.D. and Agriculture Associate Professor, Resource Economics Lecturer, School of Earth, Energy, and Cornell University and Management Environmental Sciences West Virginia University Stanford University Marta Chiappe, Ph.D. University of the Republic, Uruguay Kathleen Brown, Ph.D. Deborah L. Carr, Ph.D. Professor, Plant Stress Biology Assistant Professor, Biology Jill Clark, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University Texas Tech University Assistant Professor, John Glenn School of Public Affairs Sandy Brown, Ph.D. John Carroll, Ph.D. Ohio State University Faculty Director, Master’s Program in Professor of Environmental Conservation, Public Affairs Natural Resources and Environment E. Ann Clark, Ph.D. University of San Francisco University of New Hampshire Associate Professor, Plant Agriculture University of Guelph Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. David Cleveland, Ph.D. Steve Culman, Ph.D. Carolyn Dimitri, Ph.D. Professor, Environmental Studies Assistant Professor, Soil Fertility, Associate Professor, Department of University of California, Santa Barbara Environment and Natural Resoures Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health Ohio State University New York University Anne-Marie Codur, Ph.D. Research Fellow, Global Development and Alan Cunningham, Ph.D. Raymond Drapek, Ph.D. Environment Professor Emeritus, Chemistry Researcher, Pacific Northwest Research Tufts University Monterey Peninsula College Station USDA Forest Service Jerry Cohen, Ph.D. William Curran, Ph.D. Gordon and Margaret Bailey Professor, Professor, Weed Science Michael Duffy, Ph.D. Horticultural Science The Pennsylvania State University Professor, Economics University of Minnesota Iowa State University Luise Davis, Ph.D. Roseanna Cohen, Ph.D. Freshwater Ecologist Luis Duque, Ph.D. Executive Director Research Associate, Plant Science Community Agroecology Network Franck Dayan, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University Professor, Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Janet I. Collett, Ph.D. Management Leslie Duram, Ph.D. Associate, Museum of Comparative Colorado State University Professor, Geography and Environmental Zoology Studies Harvard University Kathryn De Master, Ph.D. Southern Illinois University Assistant Professor, Environmental Science, Martha H. Conklin, Ph.D. Policy and Management Michael Dwyer, Ph.D. Professor, School of Engineering University of California, Berkeley Postdoctoral Fellow University of California, Merced Center for International Forestry Research Mick DeGraeve, Ph.D. Daniel Cooley, Ph.D. Science Director, Environmental Sciences Neal Eash, Ph.D. Professor, Stockbridge School of Great Lakes Environmental Center Professor, Biosystems Engineering and Soil Agriculture Science University of Massachusetts, Amherst Marie-Helene Delmestre, Ph.D. University of Tennessee Retired Professor, Biology Lyle Craker, Ph.D. University of Puerto Rico Sanford Eigenbrode, Ph.D. Professor, Stockbridge School of University Distinguished Professor, Plant, Agriculture Marcia DeLonge, Ph.D. Soil, and Entomological Sciences University of Massachusetts, Amherst Agroecologist, Food and Environment University of Idaho Program Nigel Crawford, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists Eric Elton, Ph.D. Professor, Biology STEM Director University of California, San Diego Lisa Coffield Depaoli, Ph.D. The Bryn Mawr School Research Associate, Department of Nancy Creamer, Ph.D. Anthropology Morrissey Ember, Ph.D. Director, Center for Environmental Farming University of Pittsburgh Assistant Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences Systems; Distinguished Professor, West Virginia University Sustainable Agriculture and Community Adam Diamond, Ph.D. Based Food Systems Professorial Lecturer, School of Paul English, Ph.D. North Carolina State University International Service Environmental Epidemiologist American University California Department of Public Health Jeffery Creque, Ph.D. Agroecologist, Rangeland and Tim Dichiara, Ph.D. A. Ercelan, Ph.D. Agroecosystem Management Farmer Advisor, Research and Documentation Carbon Cycle Institute Davis Creek Farm Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum Tim Dickinson, Ph.D. Senior Curator Emeritus Royal Ontario Museum Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. Richard Y. Evans, Ph.D. Heather Gall, Ph.D. Miguel Gómez, Ph.D. Specialist in Cooperative Extension, Plant Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Associate Professor, Applied Economics Sciences Biological Engineering Cornell University University of California, Davis The Pennsylvania State University Robin Gómez, Ph.D. Joshua Farley, Ph.D. Ryan E. Galt, Ph.D. Professor, Weed Science and Cropping Professor, Community Development and Associate Professor, Human Ecology Systems Applied Economics University of California, Davis University of Costa Rica, San José University of Vermont Richard H. Gammon, Ph.D. Enrique Gomezdelcampo, Ph.D. Richard S. Feldman, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Chemistry and Associate Professor, Environment and Associate Professor, Environmental Science Oceanography Sustainability Marist College University of Washington Bowling Green State University Tracy S. Feldman, Ph.D. Amy Ganguli, Ph.D. David Gonthier, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor, Animal and Range Post-Doctoral Fellow, Biology St. Andrews University Science University of California, Berkeley New Mexico State University Ted R. Feldpausch, Ph.D. Noel Antonio González Valdivia, Ph.D. Lecturer, Life and Environmental Sciences Brad Gaolach, Ph.D. Agronomist, Adaptación Humana y Manejo University of Exeter Associate Professor, Extension de Recursos Washington State University ECOSUR Margaret Fitzsimmons, Ph.D. Professor, Environmental Studies John Gay, Ph.D. Sharon Gourdji, Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz Life Member, Clare Hall Agricultural Modeling Scientist, Decision Cambridge University and Policy Analysis Mark Flynn, Ph.D. Centro Internacionál Agricultura Tropical Software Developer David Geiser, Ph.D. HydroBio Inc. Professor, Plant Pathoogy and Garrett Graddy-Lovelace, Ph.D. Environmental Microbiology Assistant Professor, School of International Steven Fonte, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University Service Assistant Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences American University Colorado State University John Gerber, Ph.D. Professor, Sustainable Food and Farming Elizabeth Graser-Lindsey, Ph.D. Rick Foster, Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Amherst Agricultural and Soil Scientist W. K. Kellogg Chair for Food, Society, and Sustainability Cristy Getz, Ph.D. Claudio Gratton, Ph.D. Michigan State University Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist, Professor, Entomology Environmental Science, Policy and University of Wisconsin, Madison Chuck Francis, Ph.D. Management Professor, Agronomy and Horticulture University of California, Berlekey Tim Griffin, Ph.D. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Associate Professor and Director, Bob L. Gillespie, Ph.D. Agriculture, Food and Environment Ed Frederickson, Ph.D. Coordinator, Agriculture and Natural Tufts University Associate Professor, Agriculture Resources Eastern Kentucky University Wenatchee Valley College Julie Grossman, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Soil Agroecology William Friedland, Ph.D. Marian Glenn, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Professor Emeritus, Sociology Professor,Biology and Environmental University of California, Santa Cruz Studies Kulbhushan Grover, Ph.D. Seton Hall University Assistant Professor, Plant and Phillip Fujiyoshi, Ph.D., Environmental Sciences Biological Science Technician Stephen R. Gliessman, Ph.D. New Mexico State University USDA Agricultural Research Service Professor Emeritus, Agroecology University of California, Santa Cruz Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. Vernon Grubinger, Ph.D. Cyd Hamilton, Ph.D. John Holland, Ph.D. Professor, Agricultural Extension Visiting Scientist, Biological Sciences Head of Farmland Ecology University of Vermont Division Game and Wildlife Conversation Trust Oak Ridge Associated Universities Daniel Gruner, Ph.D. Eric Holt-Gimenez, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Entomology Michael W. Hamm, Ph.D. Executive Director University of Maryland C.S. Mott Professor of Sustainable Institute for Food and Development Policy Agriculture; Director, Center for Regional Steve Guldan, Ph.D. Food Systems Steven Lee Hopp, Ph.D. Professor, Plant and Environmental Michigan State University Adjunct Associate Professor, Environmental Sciences Science New Mexico State University Andrew Hammermeister, Ph.D. Emory and Henry College Assistant Professor and Director, Organic Doug Gurian-Sherman, Ph.D. Agriculture Centre of Canada Philip Howard, Ph.D. Director, Sustainable Agriculture, Dalhousie University Associate Professor, Community Sustainable Agriculture Program Sustainability Center for Food Safety Herman B. Hartman, Ph.D. Michigan State University Emeritus Professor, Biological Sciences Julie Guthman, Ph.D. Duquesne University Robert Howarth, Ph.D. Professor, Division of Social Sciences The David R. Atkinson Professor, Ecology University of California, Santa Cruz Catherine H. Haustein, Ph.D. Cornell University Professor, Chemistry Andrew P. Gutierrez, Ph.D. Central College Casey Hoy, Ph.D. Professor in the Graduate School, Kellogg Endowed Chair, Agricultural Environmental Science, Policy and Emily Heaton, Ph.D. Ecosystems Management; Professor, Management Assistant Professor, Agronomy Entomology University of California, Berkeley Iowa State University Ohio State University Jessica Gutknecht, Ph.D. Herbert R. Heinicke, Ph.D. Ruth Hufbauer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Soil, Water, and Independent Technical Consultant Professor, Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Climate Management University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Chad Hellwinckel, Ph.D. Colorado State University Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics Iago Hale, Ph.D. University of Tennessee Joseph M. Hunt, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Senior Visiting Scientist, Center for Health University of New Hampshire Daniel Herms, Ph.D. and Global Environment Professor and Chairperson, Entomology Harvard University Scott Haley, Ph.D. The Ohio State University Professor and Wheat Breeder, Soil and John Idowu, Ph.D. Crop Sciences Hans R. Herren, Ph.D. Extension Agronomist and Associate Colorado State University President and CEO Professor, Extension Plant Sciences Millennium Institute New Mexico State University John E. Hall, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Microbiology- Clare Hinrichs, Ph.D. Alastair Iles, Ph.D. Immunology, School of Medicine Professor of Rural Sociology, Agricultural Assistant Professor, Environmental Science, West Virginia University Economics, Sociology & Education Policy and Management; Faculty Co- The Pennsylvania State University Director, Berkeley Food Institute Steven Hall, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley Assistant Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Peter Hobbs, Ph.D. Organismal Biology Adjunct Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Ph.D. Iowa State University Cornell University Senior Scientist, Grassroots Science Program Steve Hallett, Ph.D. Elisabeth Hoinacki, Ph.D. Pesticide Action Network North America Associate Profesor, Horticulture and Owner/Operator Landscape Architecture Goodfoot Farm Purdue University Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. Laura Jackson, Ph.D. Jay Jones, Ph.D. Linda Kinkel, Ph.D. Director and Professor, Tallgrass Prairie Professor of Biology and Biochemistry, Professor, Plant Pathology Center Department of Biology University of Minnesota University of Northern Iowa University of La Verne Fred Kirschenmann, Ph.D. Louise E. Jackson, Ph.D. Kristal Jones, Ph.D. Distinguished Fellow, Leopold Center for Professor and Extension Specialist, Land, Assistant Research Scientist, SESYNC Sustainable Agriculture Air and Water Resources University of Maryland Iowa State University University of California, Davis Nicholas Jordan, Ph.D. Gerald E. Klonglan, Ph.D. Randall Jackson, Ph.D. Professor, Agroecology Emeritus Professor, Sociology Professor, Agronomy University of Minnesota Iowa State University University of Wisconsin, Madison Peter C. Kahn, Ph.D. Karlheinz Knickel, Ph.D. Johanna Jacobi, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Independent Researcher and Consultant, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Microbiology Sustainability Strategies and Innovation Environmental Science, Policy, and Rutgers University SD Innovation Management University of California, Berkeley Anne Kapuscinski, Ph.D. Randy Kolka, Ph.D. Professor, Sustainability Science, Research Soil Scientist, Center for Research Edward Jaenicke, Ph.D. Dartmouth College of Ecosystem Change Professor, Agricultural Economics US Forest Service Northern Research The Pennsylvania State University Heather Karsten, Ph.D. Station Associate Professor, Plant Science David Paul Janos, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University James Kotcon, Ph.D. Professor and Cooper Fellow, Biology Associate Professor, Plant Pathology University of Miami Jason Kaye, Ph.D. West Virginia University Professor, Ecosystem Science and Meghann Jarchow, Ph.D. Management Claire Kremen, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Biology University of Minnesota Professor, Environmental Sciences Policy University of South Dakota and Management; Faculty Co-Director, Diana Kearns, Ph.D. Berkeley Food Institute David Jenkins, Ph.D. Entomologist, Plant Program Area University of California, Berkeley Department, Biology Oregon Department of Agriculture University of Central Florida Sara Kross, Ph.D. Tom Kelly, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Wildlife, Fish David C. Johnson, Ph.D. Director, UNH Sustainability Institute and Conservation Biology Project Specialist, Senior University of New Hampshire University of California, Davis Research Scientist/Molecular Biologist Institute for Sustainable Agriculture Amber Catherine Kerr, Ph.D. Janet Kubler, Ph.D. Research Postdoctoral Researcher, John Muir Senior Research Scientist, Biology New Mexico State University Institute of the Environment California State University, Northridge University of California, Davis Lucille Lewis Johnson, Ph.D. Sunil Kumar, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Anthropology and Andre Kessler, Ph.D. Research Scientist II, Natural Resource Environmental Studies Associate Professor, Ecology and Ecology Laboratory Vassar College Evolutionary Biology Colorado State University Cornell University Lucinda B. Johnson, Ph.D. Subbu Kumarappan, Ph.D. Center Director, Natural Resources Colin Khoury, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Agricultural Technical Research Institute Researcher, Decision and Policy Analysis Institute University of Minnesota, Duluth International Center for Tropical Ohio State University Agriculture Hugh M. Lacey, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Philosophy Swarthmore College Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. Jonathan Latham, Ph.D. Jennifer M. Lorang, Ph.D. Belinda Martineau, Ph.D. Executive Director Research Associate Grant Writer, Institute for Social Sciences The Bioscience Resource Project Oregon State University University of California, Davis Johannes Lehmann, Ph.D. Philip Loring, Ph.D. Alejandro Nicolas Martinez-Garcia, Ph.D. Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences Assistant Professor, School of Environment Professor Doctor, Ingenierias Cornell University and Sustainability Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Morel Universiy of Saskatchewan Eric Lehnhoff, Ph.D. Caroline Masiello, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Entomology, Plant Paulo E. Lovato, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Earth Science and Pathology and Weed Science Rural Engineering Chemistry New Mexico State University Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Rice University Laura Lengnick, Ph.D. Carolyn Lowry, Ph.D. Avraam Mavridis, Ph.D. Owner and Lead Scientist Post-Doctoral Researcher, Natural Researcher, GIS and Agroenvironment Cultivating Resilience, LLC Resources and Environment Aristotle University of Thessaloniki University of New Hampshire Deborah Letourneau, Ph.D. Bruce Maxwell, Ph.D. Professor, Environmental Studies Jonathan Gary Lundgren, Ph.D. Professor, Agroecology, Land Resources University of California, Santa Cruz Research Entomologist and Environmental Sciences USDA - Agricultural Research Service Montana State University Joel S. Leventhal, Ph.D. Research Geochemist Jonathan Lynch, Ph.D. Michael Mazourek, Ph.D. US Geological Survey Professor, Plant Science Assistant Professor, Plant Breeding and The Pennsylvania State University Genetics David LeZaks, Ph.D. Cornell University Senior Specialist, Ecosystems Practice Jennifer MacAdam, Ph.D. Delta Institute Associate Professor, Plants, Soils and Robert Mazur, Ph.D. Climate Professor, Sociology William C. Liebhardt, Ph.D. Utah State University Iowa State University Retired Program Director, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Graham MacDonald, Ph.D. Kathleen Mcafee, Ph.D. University of California, Davis Assistant Professor, Geography Professor, International Relations McGill University San Francisco State University Matt Liebman, Ph.D. Professor, Agronomy; H. A. Wallace Fred Magdoff, Ph.D. John F. McClelland, Ph.D. Endowed Chair for Sustainable Agriculture Emeritus Professor, Plant and Soil Science Research Associate Iowa State University University of Vermont Iowa State University Noa Lincoln, Ph.D. Frank Mangan, Ph.D. Nathan McClintock, Ph.D. Assistant Researcher, College of Tropical Extension Professor, Stockbridge School of Assistant Professor, Urban Studies and Agriculture and Human Resources Agriculture Planning University of Hawaii, Manoa University of Massachusetts, Amherst Portland State University Ben Lockhart, Ph.D. Satvinder Mann, Ph.D. Earl McCoy, Ph.D. Professor, Plant Pathology Dean, Post-Graduate Studies Professor, Integrative Biology University of Minnesota Punjab Agricultural University University of South Florida Joanne Logan, Ph.D. Teresa Mares, Ph.D. Gordon McCurry, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Biosystems Assistant Professor, Department of Senior Hydrogeologist Engineering and Soil Science Anthropology Geomega Inc. University of Tennessee University of Vermont Carl N. McDaniel, Ph.D. Ann A. Lopez, Ph.D. Emily Marquez, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Biology Director, Environmental Science Staff Scientist Rensselaer Polytecnic Institute Center for Farmworker Families Pesticide Action Network Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. Marc McDill, Ph.D. Michelle Miller, Ph.D. Joji Muramoto, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Forest Management Associate Director, Center for Integrated Associate Researcher, Environmental The Pennsylvania State University Agricultural Systems Studies University of Wisconsin, Madison University of California, Santa Cruz Devan McGranahan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Range Science Bruce Milne, Ph.D. Colin Murphy, Ph.D. North Dakota State University W. K. Kellogg Endowed Chair, Sustainable Science and Technology Policy Fellow Environmental Systems; Professor, Biology California Council on Science and Mary A. McKenna, Ph.D. University of New Mexico Technology Associate Professor, Biology Department Howard University Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern, Ph.D. Kevin Murphy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Food Studies Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Sciences Michael McManus, Ph.D. Syracuse University Washington State University Emeritus Scientist USDA Forest Service Kirk A. Moloney, Ph.D. Helene Murray, Ph.D. Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Executive Director, Minnesota Institute for Mohammad Reza Mehrvar, Ph.D. Organismal Biology Sustainable Agriculture Cereals Agronomist Iowa State Universty University of Minnesota Seed and Plant Improvement Institute Alfonso Morales, Ph.D. Gary Paul Nabhan, Ph.D. Margaret Mellon, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Urban and Regional W. K. Kellogg Endowed Chair, Sustainable Consultant Planning Food Systems; Professor, Biology Mellon Associates University of Wisonsin, Madison University of Arizona Joan P. Mencher, Ph.D. Emily Moran, Ph.D. Ed Nater, Ph.D. Emerita Professor, Anthropology Assistant Professor, Life and Environmental Professor, Soil, Water, and Climate City University of New York Sciences University of Minnesota University of California, Merced V. Ernesto Mendez, Ph.D. David Newburn, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Agroecology Carlo Moreno, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Agricultural and University of Vermont Postdoctoral Fellow, Agroecology and Resource Economics Biology University of Maryland Kristin Mercer, Ph.D. University of Texas—Pan American Assistant Professor, Horticulture and Crop Elizabeth A. Newell, Ph.D. Science Katlyn Morris, Ph.D. Professor, Biology Ohio State University Lecturer, Plant and Soil Science Hobart and William Smith Colleges University of Vermont Doug Merrey, Ph.D. Donna R. Newman, Ph.D. Independent Consultant David Mortensen, Ph.D. Research Associate, Molecular Biomedical Professor, Weed and Applied Plant Ecology Sciences Laura Merrick, Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University North Carolina State University Lecturer, Agronomy Iowa State University Gerald Moser, Ph.D. Duy Nong, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow, Plant Ecology Postdoctoral Fellow, Agricultural and Thomas Michaels, Ph.D. Justus-Liebig-University Giessen Resource Economics Professor, Horticultural Science Colorado State University University of Minnesota Maria Mueller-Lindenlauf, Ph.D. Agriculture, Economics and Management Joseph Norman, Ph.D. Albie Miles, Ph.D. University of Applied Science Nurtingen Senior Postdoctoral Fellow Assistant Professor, Sustainable New England Complex Systems Institute Community Food Systems Kranti Mulik, Ph.D. University of Hawai'i Agricultural Economist, Food and Edwin Nuijten, Ph.D. Environment Program Senior Researcher Neville Millar, Ph.D. Union of Concerned Scientists Louis Bolk Institute Senior Research Associate Michigan State University Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement. Suzanne O'Connell, Ph.D. Stephen Pearce, Ph.D. DeAnn R. Presley, Ph.D. Asstistant Professor, Horticulture Assistant Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences Associate Professor, Agronomy University of Georgia Colorado State University Kansas State University Jeffrey O'Hara, Ph.D. Gregory Peck, Ph.D. Daniel Press, Ph.D. Agricultural Economist, Food and Assistant Professor, Horticulture Executive Director, Center for Agroecology Environment Program Cornell University University of California, Santa Cruz Union of Concerned Scientists Ivette Perfecto, Ph.D. Linda Prokopy, Ph.D. Megan O'Rourke, Ph.D. Professor, Natural Resources and Associate Professor, Forestry and Natural Assistant Professor, Horticulture Environment Resources Virginia Tech University of Michigan Purdue University John O'Sullivan, Ph.D. Dan Petersen, Ph.D. John Quinn, Ph.D. W. K. Kellogg Endowed Chair, Sustainable Professor, Horticulture Assistant Professor, Biology Agriculture, Local and Community Food University of Cincinnati Furman University Systems; Director, Center for Environmental Farming Systems Larry Phelan, Ph.D. Shankar Raman, Ph.D. North Carolina A&T State University Professor, Entomology Senior Scientist, Rainforest Research Ohio State University Station Patty Oikawa, Ph.D. Nature Conservation Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, Environmental Jennifer G. Phillips, Ph.D. Science, Policy, and Management Assistant Professor, Bard Center for Mark Rassmussen, Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley Environmental Policy Director, Leopold Center for Sustainable Bard College Agriculture Sherry L. Olson, Ph.D. Iowa State University Atmospheric Chemist Stacy Philpott, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Environmental Studies; Bill Raun, Ph.D. Todd Ontl, Ph.D. Heller Chair, Center for Agroecology and Regents Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Forest Sustainable Food Systems Oklahoma State University Resources and Environmental Science University of California, Santa Cruz Michigan Technological University Martha K. Raynolds, Ph.D. Valentin Picasso, Ph.D. Research Scientist II, Institute of Arctic Damian Parr, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Agronomy Biology Research and Education Coordinator, University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Alaska Fairbanks Center for Agroecology University of California, Santa Cruz Leslie Pick, Ph.D. John Reganold, Ph.D. Professor and Department Chair, Regents Professor, Soil Science Bob Parsons, Ph.D. Entomology Washington State University Professor, Community Development and University of Maryland Applied Economics Clarilton Ribas, Ph.D. University of Vermont Christopher Pollock, Ph.D. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Professor Emeritus, Institute of Biological, Raj Patel, Ph.D. Environmental and Rural Sciences David B. Richman, Ph.D. Research Professor, Lyndon B. Johnson Aberystwyth University College Professor Emeritus, Entomology, School of Public Affairs Plant Pathology and Weed Science University of Texas, Austin Christine M. Porter, Ph.D. New Mexico State University Assistant Professor, Public Health; Food Lucas Patzek, Ph.D. Dignity Project Director and Principal Linda K. Riebel, Ph.D. Agriculture Extension Faculty Investigator Adjunct Faculty, Transformative Social Washington State University University of Wyoming Change Saybrook University Bryce F. Payne, Jr., Ph.D. Ana Prados, Ph.D. Independent Consulting Soil Scientist Research Assisstant Professor, Joint Center Hugh Roberts, Ph.D. for Earth Systems Technology Vice President University of Maryland, Baltimore County The Sustainability Fund Titles and affiliations are for identification purposes only. To add your name to this statement, please visit www.ucsusa.org/agroecologystatement.

Professor, Plant Pathology. University of Minnesota Assistant Professor, Plant Ecology, School of Biological .. David B. Richman, Ph.D. College
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