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Scientific Keys, Volume 2: The Key Poses of Yoga PDF

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Preview Scientific Keys, Volume 2: The Key Poses of Yoga

wee ee ee ow wo ol elellelieeeelialel Pr ice to inecenal Anatomie vera ‘Lo, Mav Dacac — «The Key Poses Ray Long MD FRCSC SCCCCCCCCULEVuUUsUysyIIIIIIIIII SELLE LiLUe Eee eed d Om a given das, a given crcumstance, you think you awe a lei, nd yas then go fo this iit and you touch this bil, an you ink, “Oki, his i emit” As sone ‘as you Louch this hat, something happens and yau suddenly can goa ita bit rhe. With yous mind power, ‘your dserminatnn, you instinct, ant the eqerence ae veel. you fh ver ih” Ayrton Senna Jd be we ewe dew we we bee rome re rtsuana auf naa ig sw mau About the author Fay srg MI BEC aru the asthe af “he Key Muses of Psa Yoga. Ray Sz ucard cried ttiopedicsingeon Macca Shoo! a8 fraduste from The Univrsty OF Meh “coed ta ing athe Un verst st Want wa Spciang i shower ane boar surgery atthe Onhepedic institute Ray has stusies Haths yoga for over sonata, rewnling to ae on nunesek arasing Ta Sens intersted B.S yeagor ana ether kneing eqn meastee About the il ustrator ‘Cis Kavu as te ial th eld of gta eartent years Heisa gracuate of Eobicoie Seon of ve hts, Shersdan Collage ana Seneca college. Chris considers hirseb 20 cechavca i nature As suet his weve hs spanned any gore fo hn ane Working crenton fer wll ever squalls artic 2 lwlesior te voeagoInes aro urdenstr race agen the "Sent endeased 0 gualy wpesi.ee the Remwenanca pect on ‘of the uma es th 2 keen eye asson tsi eral iti ae, Civ rove srs Aobring hit ag with 3 book sere sub ignt ng area te ite Table of Contents Invvosuaven He a de Ths Book Fert Oe. Sueuhanes of Selig Pays ology of Susie we, Musse Saincle Je 9"96 Ins tor Golgi “erdan organ. contig Biarechani ard Fysiology viscle Kecening| The Ten dal Pa Part Toa Preparatory Poses Sun Sultans Stare ng Poses Hin rene Forwaré Sere ils face Bere ‘Dae, rwisors Fesoralvs Apgendces Gude wo Boxy Movement Inox nator Ingoe sf Pes, Introduction Figure tT aap and reas oy fas orstaltescer author and mc Raber A, shen stag me ou alah fs” fe was song abu Hi vyenesl ara his adsce apoles tothe price el Hata yaga as se Triouohout ou st book in the sries, “The Key Muscles of ata Yous” we stale Ke rebstshio Bese on an fuseon fer thebones, ons, tqaments ane sles. Salar ‘ooking atthe fur or stare of any eke” vee pose reveals it niga fining deeua! jens ave « number of ‘ewe, Look at div tna ils ade: flexes te e ew and lanarers she thehark of he muscles hc jue I 10 580 ma setting Te ie su seles at apace tie atin tha se ss, the Hie via’ yoga soses have secte rans at Muscles that ors together te create he oe mal arm, eal z-es2 muscle aruas the synergic of she pour You con devann aad canine a pee ay echaairg hese munces Lowi at Fite 2 tosee bis cancel in seen with the standing row PrasatitaPadatenesana, This mage ilustanes how nuscls a the fant a thigh, hip ane toro the quadncans, poss ans tec aadomaus deepens ‘he pase ang sterches the op aosing muscles st =" ek the tvgh, utzcks and along the saine This snow carbrag the sjrysts fr « veqa pose works :0 cea th spl furctions Dene ee the practi CORHCACHRERAR RR RRO HaAAa WANES AOR Yoga poses. like “keys” that unlock aur conscious awareness of the baey Fotsand rss slete> andl release the structures on back of the body he stesethenng He rakes on she rant of he od. Reck bencs have ar opvasite elf, and sz on the ciferent 2505 Krew ode of te ‘anon asm of yoo hn sn: ein se press cotenor es sonal the 4 he Fey Posteo ane You fn tandet wo he a vbulttereres tne precitione te adn cor het iu journey, ostrates tty five ofthe Fandaretl poses af Mata yoga, the sucgested positions lof the ao: jemts and the muscles that conte 19 este these key pasitons, as nal asthe muscles that seth in “he varios poses, Pt ‘One st "The Key Poses Hatha You" dasiates the scence benine she tloecharic: aval joysie ay oF eet 4G muses. Fart Ty i bree tothe various catagoroe cl aes te lack the applies berets, Practicing yoga ic ar ealovation of eur nabiéus| bods, Bear n rd Bt thes te many interpreta cs athe ose, Tee are sho ‘varnors for he noses depending on the system of Hatha yous and theexnenonce af she prac anet. Enjoy your practice ands sour as “gest” Interpretations Hrd aul wa wares fr yr 9 ane the 0 to your nial expe sont in y29a dane! oy ona, MD FE Figure 2-hesiraaes darnooe fern sr oe approached i wie Le wy. For aermpl, looking 3 the Fem of mor 90 Doweratd ba Ptse eels tha Ure ws and legs ee straght and the h ps re Maze hake our o4sn rene cl this pase by aeatlsg the muses thas hess create tis frm. this ave we contisct the Viceps ta seigntan te eas, he quadiceps to sraghter the krces fal te fg leeers 2 bend the terse, Ths process can be ap ied "9 ary ys pes hroush How To Use | SUSRORNISNEMaa attrac THIS*BOOK RY) cnccoomstnane rp esses nee ped ust y ‘ae actieteel ar aged so dzcaen eng imme yoga poses. stake 2 "Geste aptaaen ant senply enjoy the images, alin se we : pemaste your urcorsciewsnind. then bagi 4 break them ’ by loving st specitc saw exprirenting with te moses Suutouran9 am Practicing yoga using the right side of the brain vie Sint word or focusis “Dh, Use yourknndedge vinua ertats oer approaeh ihe sch eets use aan to ane muscle grOLo 9: = time right se af 2a rai, Tas fs Because te igh eit cow ‘eres, When ‘on atst unds rakes te drat at luo, for example, ne oF Sie water eral preen pose Focis on 7 large munces ot fst slic avert ard than ase the sm 2 Increatnty and soat the movement Ga slowiy and ch aneniy srt, oreoiseung your eno ideas of haw 2 einows {a ysus mole of eught. Ati sp ime. Rerrember tha dio ris thinking ies of for, nes, ight ane your rein vill acanscicas Integrate You learn dara he ie belize yout ard irio ho ack sna such shadows What emerges 3 unieue erage. Tis corvect nards n her careskny werk "Drawwrige” te Rig Sk the Is well descived iy author Br. Baty races, bone ell nove an ane practi sale > ) ) > > 2 > 2 2 2 2 2 ) ) 2 2 part one: theory Use Fart One te lean abnut the sence bet the biomechen ean physio ay 0 yc part two: practice Jue Par Tne to Ina cba te specie po doses ako haw’ an aset mage detallng sare ase: SF he musuulasletl ere in tat sar EELS) | appendix A; appendix B. guide to body moverrent Index of anatomy

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