ZHANG WENPENG editor SCIENTIA MAGNA International Book Series Vol. 9, No. 1 2013 Editor: Dr. Zhang Wenpeng Department of Mathematics Northwest University Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R.China Scientia Magan – international book series (vol. 9, no. 1) – The Educational Publisher 2013 Scientia Magna international book series is published in three or four volumes per year with more than 100 pages per each volume and over 1,000 copies. The books can be ordered in electronic or paper format from: The Educational Publisher Inc. 1313 Chesapeake Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43212 USA Toll Free: 1-866-880-5373 E-mail: [email protected] Copyright 2013 by editors and authors ISBN: 9781599732312 Many books and journals can be downloaded from the following Digital Library of Science: http://fs.gallup.unm.edu/eBook-otherformats.htm Price: US$ 69.95 Scientia Magna international book series is reviewed, indexed, cited by the following journals: "Zentralblatt Für Mathematik" (Germany), "Referativnyi Zhurnal" and "Matematika" (Academia Nauk, Russia), "Mathematical Reviews" (USA), "Computing Review" (USA), ACM, Institute for Scientific Information (PA, USA), Indian Science Abstracts, INSPEC (U.K.), “Chinese Mathematics Abstracts”, "Library of Congress Subject Headings" (USA), etc. Scientia Magna is available in international databases like EBSCO, Cengage (Gale Thompson), ProQuest (UMI), UNM website, CartiAZ.ro, etc. Printed in USA and China i Information for Authors Papers in electronic form are accepted. They can be e-mailed in Microsoft Word XP (or lower), WordPerfect 7.0 (or lower), LaTeX and PDF 6.0 or lower. The submitted manuscripts may be in the format of remarks, conjectures, solved/unsolved or open new proposed problems, notes, articles, miscellaneous, etc. They must be original work and camera ready [typewritten/computerized, format: 8.5 × 11 inches (21.6 × 28 cm)]. They are not returned, hence we advise the authors to keep a copy. The title of the paper should be writing with capital letters. The author's name has to apply in the middle of the line, near the title. References should be mentioned in the text by a number in square brackets and should be listed alphabetically. Current address followed by e-mail address should apply at the end of the paper, after the references. The paper should have at the beginning an abstract, followed by the keywords. All manuscripts are subject to anonymous review by three independent reviewers. Every letter will be answered. Each author will receive a free copy of this international book series. ii Contributing to Scientia Magna book series Authors of papers in science (mathematics, physics, engineering, philosophy, psychology, sociology, linguistics) should submit manuscripts to the main editor: Prof. Dr. Zhang Wenpeng, Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R.China, E-mail: [email protected] . Associate Editors Dr. W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Madras, Chennai - 600 036, Tamil Nadu, India. Dr. Larissa Borissova and Dmitri Rabounski, Sirenevi boulevard 69-1-65, Moscow 105484, Russia. Dr. Zhaoxia Wu, School of Applied Mathematics, Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Urmq, P.R.China. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. Yuan Yi, Research Center for Basic Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R.China. E-mail: [email protected] . Dr. Zhefeng Xu, Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R.China. E-mail: [email protected] . Said Broumi, Hassan II University Mohammedia, Hay El Baraka Ben M’sik Casablanca, B.P.7951 Morocco. Dr. Xia Yuan, Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China. E-mail: [email protected] iii Contents G. Thangaraj and S. Anjalmose : Some remarks on Fuzzy Bairs spaces 1 S. Padmapriya, etc. : A view on ordered intuitionistic Fuzzy smooth quasi uniform basically disconnected spaces 7 Sh. Assaad : Computing the number of integral points in 4-dimensional ball 20 F. Merovci : Tur´an Type inequalities for (p,q)− Gamma function 25 J. Fergy and T. Rabago : Circulant determinant sequences with binomial coefficients 31 (e) L. Dong and Sh. Li : On the mean value of τ (n) over cube-full numbers 36 3 B. S. Mehrok and G. Singh : Fekete-Szeg¨o inequality for certain classes of close-to-convex functions 41 N. Selvanayaki and G. Ilango : On α-generalized regular weakly closed sets in topological spaces 49 S. Ye and Y. Chen : Some Properties and Generalizations of Generalized m−power Matrices 56 A. Al-Omari and S. Modak : Filter on generalized topological spaces 62 D. A. Mojdeh, etc. : On open problems on the connected bicritical graphs 72 D. O. Makinde and A. T. Oladipo : Some properties of certain subclasses of univalent integral operators 80 N. Subramanian, etc. : The semi normed space defined by entire rate sequences 89 M. Masal and N. Kuruo˘glu : Timelike parallel p -equidistant ruled surfaces i with a spacelike base curve in the Minkowski 3-space R3 94 1 D. Vidhya, etc. : Basically disconnectedness in soft L-Fuzzy V spaces with reference to soft L-Fuzzy BV open set 103 A. Cesar and F. Bueno : On right circulant matrices with Perrin sequence 116 iv Scientia Magna Vol. 9 (2013), No. 1, 1-6 Some remarks on Fuzzy Bairs spaces G. Thangaraj† and S. Anjalmose‡ † Department of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore - 632 115, Tamil Nadu, India ‡ Research scholar, Department of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore - 632 115, Tamil Nadu, India E-mail: g.thangaraj@rediffmail.com AbstractIncontinuationofearlierwork[14],wefurtherinvestigateseveralcharacterizations of Fuzzy Baire spaces. KeywordsFuzzy dense, Fuzzy nowhere dense, Fuzzy first category, Fuzzy second category, totally Fuzzy second category, Fuzzy F -set, Fuzzy G -set, Fuzzy nodec, Fuzzy regular, σ δ Fuzzy Baire spaces. §1. Introduction TheconceptsofFuzzysetsandFuzzysetoperationswerefirstintroducedbyL.A.Zadehin his classical paper [15] in the year 1965. Thereafter the paper of C. L. Chang [4] in 1968 paved the way for the subsequent tremendous growth of the numerous Fuzzy topological concepts. Since then much attention has been paid to generalize the basic concepts of general topology in Fuzzy setting and thus a modern theory of Fuzzy topology has been developed. X. Tang [10] usedaslightlychangedversionofChang’sFuzzytopologicalspacestomodelspatialobjectsfor GIS data bases and Structured Query Language (SQL) for GIS. The concepts of Baire spaces have been studied extensively in classical topology in [5], [6], [8] and [9]. The concept of Baire spaces in Fuzzy setting was introduced and studied by the authors in [14]. In this paper we study several characterizations of Fuzzy Baire spaces. §2. Definition and properties Nowweintroducesomebasicnotionsandresultsusedinthesequel. Inthisworkby(X,T) or simply by X, we will denote a Fuzzy topological space due to Chang. Definition 2.1. Let λ and µ be any two Fuzzy sets in (X,T). Then we define λ∨µ: X →[0,1] as follows : (λ∨µ)(x) = max {λ(x),µ(x)}, λ∧µ: X →[0,1] as follows : (λ∧µ)(x) = min {λ(x),µ(x)}. Definition 2.2. Let(X,T)beaFuzzytopologicalspaceandλbeanyFuzzysetin(X,T). We define int(λ) = ∨{µ/µ≤λ, µ∈T} and cl(λ)=∧{µ/λ≤µ, 1−µ∈T}. 2 G.ThangarajandS.Anjalmose No. 1 ForaFuzzysetλinaFuzzytopologicalspace(X,T),itiseasytoseethat1−cl(λ)=int(1−λ) and 1−int(λ)=cl(1−λ) [2]. Definition 2.3.[12] AFuzzysetλinaFuzzytopologicalspace(X,T)iscalledFuzzydense if there exists no Fuzzy closed set µ in (X,T) such that λ<µ<1. Definition 2.4.[13] A Fuzzy set λ in a Fuzzy topological space (X,T) is called Fuzzy nowheredenseifthereexistsnonon-zeroFuzzyopensetµin(X,T)suchthatµ<cl(λ). That is, intcl(λ)=0. Definition 2.5.[3] A Fuzzy set λ in a Fuzzy topological space (X,T) is called a Fuzzy F -set in (X,T) if λ=∨∞ (λ ) where 1−λ ∈T for i∈I. σ i=1 i i Definition 2.6.[3] A Fuzzy set λ in a Fuzzy topological space (X,T) is called a Fuzzy G -set in (X,T) if λ=∧∞ (λ ) where λ ∈T for i∈I. δ i=1 i i Definition 2.7.[12] A Fuzzy set λ in a Fuzzy topological space (X,T) is called Fuzzy first category if λ=∨∞ (λ ), where λ ’s are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in (X,T). Any other Fuzzy i=1 i i set in (X,T) is said to be of Fuzzy second category. Definition 2.8.[14] Let λ be a Fuzzy first category set in (X,T). Then 1−λ is called a Fuzzy residual set in (X,T). Definition 2.9.[12] A Fuzzy topological space (X,T) is called Fuzzy first category if 1 = ∨∞ (λ ), where λ ’s are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in (X,T). A topological space which is not i=1 i i of Fuzzy first category, is said to be a Fuzzy second category space. Definition 2.10.[1] Let (X,T) be a Fuzzy topological space. Suppose A ⊂ X and T = A {µ/ : µ ∈ T}. Then (A,T ) is called a Fuzzy subspace of (X,T). In short we shall denote A A (A,T ) by A. The Fuzzy subspace A is said to be a Fuzzy open subspace if its characteristic A function χ is Fuzzy open in (X,T). A Lemma 2.1.[2] For a family of {λ } of Fuzzy sets of a Fuzzy topological space (X,T), α ∨cl(λ )≤cl(∨λ ). In case A is a finite set, ∨cl(λ )=cl(∨λ ). Also ∨int(λ )≤int(∨λ ). α α α α α α §3. Fuzzy Baire spaces Definition 3.1.[14] Let(X,T)beaFuzzytopologicalspace. Then(X,T)iscalledaFuzzy Baire space if int(∨∞ (λ ))=0, where λ ’s are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in (X,T). i=1 i i Definition 3.2. A Fuzzy topological space (X,T) is called a Fuzzy nodec space if every non-zero Fuzzy nowhere dense set is Fuzzy closed in (X,T). That is, if λ is a Fuzzy nowhere dense set in (X,T), then 1−λ∈T. Definition 3.3.[7] AFuzzyspaceX iscalledaFuzzyregularspaceiffeachFuzzyopenset λ of X is a union of Fuzzy open sets λ ’s of X such that cl(λ )≤λ for each α. α α Definition 3.4. AFuzzytopologicalspace(X,T)iscalledatotallyFuzzysecondcategory if every non-zero Fuzzy closed set λ is a Fuzzy second category set in (X,T). Theorem 3.1.[14] Let(X,T)beaFuzzytopologicalspace. Thenthefollowingsareequiv- alent: (1) (X,T) is a Fuzzy Baire space, (2) int(λ)=0 for every Fuzzy first category set λ in (X,T), (3) cl(µ)=1 for every Fuzzy residual set µ in (X,T). Vol. 9 SomeremarksonFuzzyBairsspaces 3 Proposition 3.1. If the Fuzzy topological space (X,T) is a Fuzzy Baire space, then no non-zero Fuzzy open set is a Fuzzy first category set in (X,T). Proof. Suppose λ is a non-zero Fuzzy open set in (X,T) such that λ = ∨∞ (λ ), where i=1 i λ ’s are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in (X,T). Then int(λ) = int(∨∞ (λ )). Since λ is Fuzzy i i=1 i open, int(λ) = λ. Hence int(∨∞ (λ )) = λ (cid:54)= 0. But this is a contradiction to (X,T) being i=1 i a Fuzzy Baire space, in which int(∨∞ (λ )) = 0 where λ ’s are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in i=1 i i (X,T). Therefore λ(cid:54)=∨∞ (λ ). Hence no non-zero Fuzzy open set in a Fuzzy Baire space is a i=1 i Fuzzy first category set. Theorem 3.2.[14] If cl(∧∞ (λ ))=1, where λ ’s are Fuzzy dense and Fuzzy open sets in i=1 i i (X,T), then (X,T) is a Fuzzy Baire space. Proposition 3.2. Let (X,T) be a Fuzzy Baire space. If A ⊆ X is such that χ (the A characteristic function of A⊆X) is Fuzzy open in (X,T), then the Fuzzy subspace (A,T ) is A a Fuzzy Baire space. Proof. Let λ (i ∈ N) be Fuzzy open and Fuzzy dense sets in (A,T ). Now λ is a Fuzzy i A i opensetin(A,T ),impliesthatthereexistsaFuzzyopensetµ in(X,T)suchthatµ / =λ . A i i A i That is (µ ∧χ ) = λ . Since µ and χ are Fuzzy open in (X,T), λ is a Fuzzy open set in i A i i A i (X,T). Nowcl (λ )=1 impliesthatcl (λ )/ =1/ .Hencecl (λ )=1.Nowλ ’sareFuzzy A i A X i A A X i i open andFuzzydense in(X,T)andsince (X,T)isa FuzzyBairespace, cl(∧∞ (λ ))=1. Now i=1 i cl(∧∞ (λ ))/ = 1/ in (X,T) implies that cl (∧∞ (λ )) = 1 , where λ ’s are Fuzzy open i=1 i A A A i=1 i A i and Fuzzy dense sets in (A,T ). Therefore (A,T ) is a Fuzzy Baire space. A A Proposition 3.3. If(X,T)isaFuzzynodecspace,then(X,T)isnotaFuzzyBairespace. Proof. Let λ be a Fuzzy nowhere dense set in a Fuzzy nodec space (X,T). Then λ i i is Fuzzy closed, that is, cl(λ ) = λ . Now ∨∞ cl(λ ) = ∨∞ (λ ) and ∨∞ (λ ) is a Fuzzy i i i=1 i i=1 i i=1 i first category set in (X,T). Hence ∨∞ cl(λ ) is a Fuzzy first category set in (X,T). Now i=1 i int(∨∞ cl(λ )) > ∨∞ (intcl(λ )) = 0. (Since λ is a Fuzzy nowhere dense set, intcl(λ ) = 0.) i=1 i i=1 i i i Hence int(∨∞ cl(λ ))(cid:54)=0. Therefore (X,T) is not a Fuzzy Baire space. i=1 i Proposition3.4. Let(X,T)beaFuzzytopologicalspace. Then(X,T)isofFuzzysecond category space if and only if ∧∞ (λ ) (cid:54)= 0, where λ ’s are Fuzzy open and Fuzzy dense sets in i=1 i i (X,T). Proof. Let (X,T) be a Fuzzy second category space. Suppose that ∧∞ (λ ) = 0, where i=1 i λ ∈T and cl(λ )=1 then 1−(∧∞ (λ ))=1−0=1 that is i i i=1 i ∨∞ (1−λ )=1. (1) i=1 i Since λ ∈T, 1−λ is Fuzzy closed and hence i i cl(1−λ )=1−λ . (2) i i Now cl(λ )=1 implies that 1−cl(λ )=0 and hence i i int(1−λ )=0. (3) i Thenfrom (2) and (3) wegetintcl(1−λ )=0. Thismeans that 1−λ isa Fuzzynowhere i i dense set in (X,T). Hence from (1), we have ∨∞ (1−λ ) = 1, where (1−λ )’s are Fuzzy i=1 i i nowhere dense sets in (X,T). This implies that (X,T) must be a Fuzzy first category space, 4 G.ThangarajandS.Anjalmose No. 1 but this is a contradiction to (X,T) being a Fuzzy second category space. Hence ∧∞ (λ )(cid:54)=0, i=1 i where λ ∈T and cl(λ )=1. i i Conversely, suppose that ∧∞ (λ )(cid:54)=0 where λ ’s are Fuzzy open and Fuzzy dense sets in i=1 i i (X,T). Assume that the Fuzzy topological space (X,T) is not a Fuzzy second category space. Then ∨∞ λ =1, where λ ’s are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in (X,T). Then 1−(∨∞ (λ ))=0, i=1 i i i=1 i which implies that ∧∞ (1−λ )=0. (4) i=1 i Now ∨∞ λ ≤ ∨∞ cl(λ ) implies that 1−(∨∞ λ ≥ 1−(∨∞ cl(λ )) then ∧∞ (1−λ ) ≥ i=1 i i=1 i i=1 i i=1 i i=1 i ∧∞ (1−cl(λ )). From (4) we have ∧∞ (1−cl(λ ))=0. Since λ is a Fuzzy nowhere dense set, i=1 i i=1 i i 1−cl(λ )isaFuzzydensesetin(X,T). Hencewehave∧∞ (1−cl(λ ))=0where1−cl(λ )∈T i i=1 i i and 1−cl(λ ) is a Fuzzy dense set in (X,T). But this is a contradiction to the hypothesis. i Hence (X,T) must be a Fuzzy second category space. Proposition 3.5. If(X,T)isaFuzzyBairespace, theneverynon-zeroFuzzyresidualset λ in (X,T) contains a Fuzzy G set η in (X,T) such that cl(η)(cid:54)=1. δ Proof. Let λ be a Fuzzy residual set in (X,T). Then 1−λ is a Fuzzy first category set in (X,T) and hence 1−λ=∨∞ (µ ), where µ ’s are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in (X,T). Now i=1 i i 1−cl(µ ) is a Fuzzy open set in (X,T) and η = ∧∞ 1−cl(µ ) is a Fuzzy G set in (X,T). i i=1 i δ But ∧∞ (1−cl(µ ))=1−∨∞ cl(µ )<1−∨∞ (µ )<1−(1−λ)=λ. Hence we have η <λ. i=1 i i=1 i i=1 i Thencl(η)<cl(λ).Since(X,T)isaFuzzyBairespace,cl(λ)=1.Hencecl(λ)<1impliesthat cl(η)(cid:54)=1. Proposition 3.6. If λ is a Fuzzy first category set in a Fuzzy Baire space (X,T), then there is a non-zero Fuzzy F -set δ in (X,T) such that λ<δ and int(δ)(cid:54)=0. σ Proof. Let λ be a Fuzzy first category set in (X,T). Then 1−λ is a Fuzzy residual set in (X,T). Then by proposition 3.5, there is a Fuzzy G set η in (X,T) such that η < 1−λ and δ cl(η)(cid:54)=1. Then λ<1−η and 1−cl(η)(cid:54)=0. Hence we have λ<1−η and int(1−η)(cid:54)=0. Since η is a Fuzzy G set, 1−η is a Fuzzy F set in (X,T). Let δ =1−η, hence if λ is a Fuzzy first δ σ category set in (X,T), then there is a Fuzzy F set δ in (X,T) such that λ<δ and int(δ)(cid:54)=0. σ Proposition 3.7. If (X,T) is a Fuzzy Baire space and if ∨∞ (λ ) = 1, then there exists i=1 i at least one Fuzzy set λ such that intcl(λ )(cid:54)=0. i i Proof. Suppose intcl(λ ) = 0 for all i ∈ N, then λ ’s are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in i i (X,T). Then ∨∞ (λ ) = 1 implies that int(∨∞ (λ )) = int(1) = 1 (cid:54)= 0, a contradiction to i=1 i i=1 i (X,T) being a Fuzzy Baire space in which int(∨∞ (λ ) = 0. Hence intcl(λ ) (cid:54)= 0, for at least i=1 i i one i∈N. Thefollowingguarantiestheexistenceofnon-dense,FuzzyG setsinaFuzzyBairespaces. δ Proposition 3.8. If (X,T) is a Fuzzy Baire space, then there exist Fuzzy G -sets µ in δ k (X,T) such that cl(µ )(cid:54)=1. k Proof. Let λ be a Fuzzy first category set in (X,T). Then λ = ∨∞ (λ ), where λ ’s j j i=1 i i are Fuzzy nowhere dense sets in (X,T). Now 1−cl(λ ) is a Fuzzy open set in (X,T) and i µ = ∧∞ (1−cl(λ )) is a Fuzzy G -set in (X,T). But ∧∞ (1−cl(λ )) = 1−(∨∞ cl(λ )) < k i=1 i δ i=1 i i=1 i 1−(∨∞ (λ ))=1−λ .HencethereisaFuzzyG -setµ in(X,T)suchthatµ <1−λ which i=1 i j δ k k j implies that cl(µ )<cl(1−λ )=1−int(λ )=1−0=1, (since (X,T) is a Fuzzy Baire space, k j j int(λ )=0). Therefore cl(µ )(cid:54)=1. j k