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Scientia Horticulturae, 46 (1991) 343-345 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam Contents of Scientia Horticulturae, Volume 46 VOL. 46 NOS. 1-2 FEBRUARY 1991 Effect of non-ionic surfactants on ethylene release and leaf growth of Phaseolus vulgaris L. its Mee GID Gta SONI © IOI, BFC ILILIL, Bisvnsaccosiccnsosencsonssencicessedetcessndncesenbesentententoaneseesecs l Large-scale osmotic priming of onion seeds: a comparison of different strategies for oxygenation W. Bujalski and A.W. Nienow (Birmingham, Gt. Britain) ....................c.cccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 13 Growth, bolting and yield quality of “‘radicchio rosso” I eR ET oe Te nN UN he me 25 Response of tomato and eggplant to mulching and nitrogen fertilization under tropical conditions ene ey COs MIND disiicsiescsisericetincsicencediinpdadeibdicntisaiictibbnbebnnbahedadiabbdabiaiiiainiatabnieinanies 33 The susceptibility to Armillaria mellea of different Prunus species used as stone fruit rootstocks J.J. Guillaumin, J. Pierson (Clermont Ferrand, France) and C. Grassely FR otE N (eel AR. CNN SPE NOES OTE ae EE ee ee ee eS oR 43 Role of ethylene in the opening and senescence of citrus flowers L. Zacarias, D. Tudela and E. Primo-Millo ( Valencia, Spain) ...................ccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 55 Rootstock effects on responses of potted ‘Smoothee Golden Delicious’ apple to soil- applied triazole growth inhibitors. I: Shoot and root growth J.K. Zeller, F.E. Larsen, S.S. Higgins (Pullman, WA, U.S.A.) and E.A. Curry Re IIIT I I aa asennad ca dideadeldinembeieaiaseabebadauncbatbesiesacisadeheuenesohes 61 Rootstock effects on responses of potted ‘Smoothee Golden Delicious’ apple to soil- applied triazole growth inhibitors. II]: Mineral nutrition and carbohydrate status J.K. Zeller, F.E. Larsen, $.S. Higgins (Pullman, WA, U.S.A.), J.T. Raese (Wenatchee, WA, U.S.A.) and J.K. Fellman (Moscow, ID, U.S.A.) .............ccccceeeeeeeeeeee s 75 Effects of pre-storage carbon dioxide treatments and storage temperatures on membranosis of ‘Femminello comune’ lemons P. Bertolini,G . Tonini (Bologna, Italy )a nd G. Lanza (Catania, Italy) ........0..00..... 89 Effects of NaCl on element balance, peroxidase isozyme and protein banding patterns of Lycopersicon leaf cultures and regenerated shoots K.-B. Liu and S.-X. Li (Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China) ......................ccccceeeeeeeeeees 97 A simulation model for the growth and development of flowering rose shoots Fete ee I etek ED A, Cat, CI BPe ciidctnstcnicnctncncsncssecccdenscccnssnssnnssescsnnsnesensen 109 Landscape rose response to low moisture levels and a hydrophilic gel J.C. Henderson, F.T. Davies, Jr. and H.B. Pemberton (College Station, TX, U.S.A.) .... 129 Seasonal changes in carbohydrate/nitrogen levels during field rooting of Rosa multiflora ‘Brooks 56’ hardwood cuttings C.E. Hambrick III, F.T. Davies, Jr. and H.B. Pemberton (College Statino, TX, sient Wy iain isdic acestl ascesicdediscclhdsie bdicial le ehinssiadlsiaeeidinleih Wicdlabies tpimaiehebin inibeiiadibeidicdpaita adm dinatabbbndinhinnenesiee 137 Effects of stylar exudates collected from pollinated pistils on pollen tube growth in 344 Lilium longiflorum Fe ee, EEE 0I L, SIND Dii etciceccscesccscccsrensiesnncssvennsubbusctbasiocnnnesecsitinsbeoces 147 In vitro propagation of Cistus Xp urpureus Lam. J. M’Kada, N. Dorion and C. Bigot (Versailles, France )...................::ssccceeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeees 155 Role of ethylene and bacteria in vascular blockage of cut fronds from the fern Adiantum raddianum W.G. van Doorn (Wageningen, The Netherlands), D. Zagory and MLS. Reid (Davis, IR MRi Sine 1 aa ticstealinlindsbdnebsbiebibel deeb ntaielinbsbaniaianinhdhibuibaseennnteciathe 161 Book Reviews rr IIE... sca eesentlsaandisn dunansbeliaonssnaseakatbensndiaeabbeubiinaeddhlibhttaehnin ss 171 ee III sss sesc opisnisnnsdlasesiishalbeinineabilingdieatiianiensibainedhbanesehsbuedinsteniiaisbiablobtions 172 Pelle tarii is cides a Aaa inition haprsincin nenle sitstbicinenieitla adiacaledd adbenabesielandaaldunnnsabibiniaatainiauneateiamnasionts 174 VOL. 46 NOS. 3-4 APRIL 1991 Manipulation of temperature at controlled CO; level to synchronise the flushing pattern of the mushroom Agaricus bisporus I a naman nm bbnnenagagnbere betel 177 Water vapour sorption and transmission by onion (Allium cepa L.) scale under different temperature and humidity conditions V. Thamizharasi and P. Narasimham (Mysore, India) ...................:cccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 185 Response of bean, broadbean and chickpea plants to inoculation with G/omus species A. Al-Raddad Al-Momany (Amman, Jordan) .................ccccsececceeseeeceesseecceeeseeeeeeeeecceeeeees 195 Studies on locating the signal for fruit abscission in the apple tree J. Beriiter and Ph. Droz (Wadenswil, Switzerland) ....................ccccccecsseseeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeees 201 Removal of embryonic dormancy in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) by 6- benzylaminopurine Y.X. Zhang and Y. Lespinasse (Angers, France) ............ccccccccccccccssssssssssessccsccscsccscccccccsses 215 Effects of surfactants on calcium penetration of cuticles isolated from apple fruit F.R. Harker and I.B. Ferguson (Auckland, New Zealand )....................cccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 225 Use of random cDNA probes to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms among apple clones B. Watillon, P. Druart, P. Du Jardin, R. Kettman, P. Boxus and A. Burny a i la i ela ead bache panennninnnnnannninsanenenie 235 The influence of hot benomyl dips on the appearance of cool stored lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ) L.S. Wong, K.K. Jacobi (Hamilton, Qld., Australia) and J.E. Giles (Brisbane, Qld., EE a ve a eS Or 245 High-frequency callus formation from protoplasts of Vitis labruscana Bailey and Vitis thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. by embedding in gellan gum M. Mii, Y.-M. Zou, T. Sugiyama, S. Yanagihara and M. Iizuka (Matsudo, Japan)......... 253 Pre-harvest rindstain of ‘Valencia’ orange: histochemical and developmental characterization M.L. Arpaia, T.L. Kahn, C.W. Coggins, Jr., D.A. DeMason, J.E. Pehrson, Jr. (Riverside, CA, U.S.A.), M. El-Otmani (Ait Melloul, Morocco) and N.V. O’Connell RE SeOn ee noe ee a oe 261 A growth analysis study of three Achimenes cultivars grown under three light regimes J.C. Vlahos, E. Heuvelink and G.F.P. Martakis (Wageningen, The Netherlands)........... 275 Factors affecting areole activation in vitro in the cactus Su/corebutia alba Rausch 345 M.A.A. Dabekaussen, R.L.M. Pierik, J.D. van der Laken and J. Hoek Spaans I, Be IIIT 1 sa sschitinbaeisiiscbsibuidiighniedetedbbabebesteebsbiiaigidabiisbesebbenhousbedebpnsbinseain 283 Flowering control of recently introduced F,-hybrid cultivars of Godetia Fe, er Ce re Pe Cs ED casciiscnctcinaisniccnnccicnscnciissciesisnbserscsnnrsiianeenienense 295 Effect of root-zone and air temperature on growth, ornamental value and keepability of Ficus benjamina and Schefflera arboricola ‘Compacta’ J.V.M. Vogetezang (Aalemecer, The Netherlands ) .........0.cccsccccccsossesssccssecesesscoocnsseesesssosesse 301 Post-propagation growth of cuttings from in vitro and in vivo propagated stock plants of Ficus benjamina ON EI ES NTT TTT RET OEE 315 Antagonistic effects of uniconazole and GA,, 7 on shoot elongation and flower development in ‘Nellie White’ Easter lily J. Jiao, X. Wang and M.J. Tsujita (Guelph, Ont., Camada) ..........c.ce e.ee.cc.ceeceeceeceeceeeceecee s 323 Book Reviews ES RIT a a ne er EE nN eT TO TN eT ee 333 IID ons ns csnnsncerhnseiibincnstdbiahnndblinidesdiicadabsaaaabdas babcheaunanibieaibabneteebioneubeesnibiils 334 EI Oe TES He Ee CN NT ee NL oa CR ee TOT 335 BN tin sisi cnn sealc is Alaicbasndaalamedeeaibaliaaeedeininnidiiadtic tlaingidnaaaliatbiannitbibiieaildienidbeidibiialsnaeiinattl 337 EEE AES Se ne ee ae NN CE REET aE oee ae NT TT NTO ee Te 339

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