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Mem.S.A.It.Vol.75,282 (cid:13)c SAIt 2004 Memoriedella S ien e with Simbol-X F.Fiore1,M.Arnaud2,U.Briel3,M.Cappi4,A.Comastri5,A.Decourchelle2,R.Della Ceca6,P.Ferrando7,C.Feruglio1,R.Gilli5,P.Giommi8,A.Goldwurm7,P.Grandi4, P.Laurent7,F.Lebrun7,G.Malaguti4,S.Mereghetti9,G.Micela10,G.Pareschi6, 8 E.Piconcelli1,S.Puccetti8,J.P.Roques11,G.Tagliaferri6,andC.Vignali12 0 0 2 1 INAF-OARoma,ViaFrascati33,I-00040Monteporzio,Italy 2 LaboratoireAIM,DAPNIA/Serviced’Astrophysique-CEA/DSM-CNRS-Universite´ n ParisDiderot,Baˆt.709,CEA-Saclay,F-91191Gif-sur-YvetteCedex,France a 3 MaxPlanckInstitu¨tfu¨rExtraterrestrischePhysik,85748Garching,Germany J 4 INAF-IASF-Bo,viaGobetti101,40129Bologna,Italy 2 5 INAF-OABo,viaRanzani1,Bologna,Italy 6 INAF-OABrera,viaBianchi46,23807Merate,Italy ] h 7 UMR7164,LaboratoireAPC&DSM/DAPNIA/Serviced’AstrophysiqueCEA/Saclay, p 91191Gif-sur-YvetteCedex,France - 8 ASIASDCc/oESRIN,00044Frascati,Italy o 9 INAF-IASF-Mi,ViaBassini15,20133Milano,Italy r 10 INAF-OAPa,PalazzodeiNormanni,90134Palermo,Italy t s 11 CESR,BP4346,31028ToulouseCedex,France a 12 DipartimentodiAstronomia,Universita´diBologna,viaRanzani1,Bologna,Italy [ 1 v Abstract. Simbol-X isaFrench-Italianmission, withaparticipation of German labora- 9 tories, for X-ray astronomy inthe wide0.5-80 keV band. Taking advantage of emerging 0 technology inmirror manufacturing andspacecraft formation flying, Simbol-X willpush 4 grazing incidence imaging up to ∼ 80 keV, providing an improvement of roughly three 0 ordersofmagnitudeinsensitivityandangularresolutioncomparedtoallinstrumentsthat . have operated so far above 10 keV. This will open a new window in X-ray astronomy, 1 0 allowingbreakthrough studiesonblackholephysicsandcensusandparticleacceleration 8 mechanisms.WedescribebrieflythemainscientificgoalsoftheSimbol-Xmission,giving 0 afewexamplesaimedathighlightingkeyissuesoftheSimbol-Xdesign. : v Keywords.BlackHoles–ParticleAcceleration–HardX–rays i X r a 1. Introduction of the isotropic, extragalactic Cosmic X-Ray Background (CXB), discovered by Riccardo AseminalresultobtainedwithHEAO-1atthe Giacconi, Bruno Rossi and collaborators dur- end of the 70’ is the precise measure of the ing one of the first rocket-borne X–ray ex- spectrum (from a few keV up to ∼ 100 keV) periments in 1962. The HEAO1 data showed thattheCXBenergydensityhasabroadmax- Sendoffprintrequeststo:F.Fiore Fioreetal.:SciencewithSimbol-X 283 imum around 30 keV, where it is about 5 most any type of X-ray source, from Galactic times higher than at 1 keV and 50% higher and extragalactic compact sources, supernova than at 10 keV. It was soon realized that remnant(SNR),youngstellarobjectsandclus- the CXB is most likely due to the contribu- tersofgalaxies,rightinthedomainwhereac- tion of many discrete sources at cosmologi- cretionprocessesandaccelerationmechanisms cal distances (Setti&Woltjer1979). Most of havetheirmainsignatures.Thispapersumma- these sourcesare activegalacticnuclei,AGN, rizesthemainscientificgoalsoftheSimbol-X implying that the CXB energy density pro- mission,puttingtheemphasisonthe coresci- vides an integral estimate of the mass accre- enceobjectives. tion rate in the Universe, and therefore of the super-massiveblackhole (SMBH) growth 2. Mainscientificobjectivesofthe andmassdensity.Unfortunately,theintegrated light fromall sourcesdetected in HEAO1 all- Simbol-Xmission skysurveycoulddirectlyexplainonlylessthan Taking advantage of emerging technology in 1%oftheCXB. Indeed,theuseofcollimated mirror manufacturing (Pareschi et al. these detectors on board first UHURU and Ariel-V, proceedings) and spacecraft formation fly- and then HEAO1 in the 1970 decade led to ing(LaMarleetal.2007),Simbol-Xwillpush the discovery of < 1000 X-ray sources in the grazing incidence imaging up to ∼ 80 − 100 wholesky. keV, providing an improvement of roughly X-ray imaging observations, performed threeordersofmagnitudeinsensitivityandan- first by Einstein and ROSAT in the soft X- gular resolution compared to all instruments ray band below ∼ 3 keV, and then by ASCA, thathaveoperatedsofarabove10keV(Fig.3 BeppoSAX, XMM–Newton and Chandra up inFerrandoetal.,theseproceedings,compares to 8-10 keV, detected tens of thousandsof X- the predicted Simbol-X sensitivity to that of ray sources, and resolved nearly 100% of the previousexperimentsin the 1-100keV band). CXB below a few keV and up to 50% at 6- The verywide discoveryspace thatSimbol-X 8 keV. These observations increased by or- will uncover is particularly significant for the dersofmagnitudethediscoveryspaceforcom- advancementoftwolargeandcrucialareasin pact objects (both Galactic neutron stars and high-energyastrophysicsandcosmology: blackholesandAGN)andforthermalplasma sources.However,theystillleaveopenfunda- 1. Blackholephysicsandcensus mentalissues,suchaswhatismakingmostof 2. Particleaccelerationmechanisms. theenergydensityoftheCXBat∼30keV. Above10keVthemostsensitiveobserva- Thesetwobroadtopicsdefinethecoresci- tionshavebeenperformedsofarbycollimated entificobjectivesofSimbol-X. instruments, like the BeppoSAX PDS, and Because of the tight links between galaxy bycodedmasksinstruments,likeINTEGRAL bulges and their central SMBH, obtaining IBIS and Swift BAT. Only a few hundred a complete and unbiased census of SMBH, sources are know in the whole sky in the 10- through direct observations at the energies 100 keV band, a situation recalling the pre– where the Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB) Einstein era at software energies. A new win- energy density peaks, is crucial for our un- dowinX-rayastronomyabove10keVmustbe derstanding of the formationand evolution of opened,producinganincreaseofthediscovery galaxies and their nuclei. Furthermore, BH spacesimilartothatobtainedwiththefirstX- environment is the only known place in the rayimagingmissions.Thiswillbeachievedby Universewheregeneralrelativitycanbetested Simbol-X,aformationflightmissioncurrently beyondtheweak-fieldlimit. under preparation by France and Italy, with a About particle acceleration, we are still participation from German laboratories. Very lacking firm evidences of hadron acceleration much like the Einstein Observatory, this mis- in astronomical sites (despite clearly seeing sionwillhavethecapabilitiestoinvestigateal- huge electron accelerations), and we are still 284 Fioreetal.:SciencewithSimbol-X searching for the origin of the high-energy ourselvestoprovideafewexamples,highlight- photons and cosmic rays. Hard X-rays ob- ing the key issues about the Simbol-X design servations,possibly combinedwith γ–ray and with respect to possible competitors, and the TeVobservations,areinvaluabletoolstoiden- synergieswithotherlargeobservationalinfras- tifytheprocessesatworkinaccelerationsites tructuresthatarealreadyproducingdataorthat suchasSNRandjets.Toachieveitscorescien- will producedata at the time of the Simbol-X tificobjectivesSimbol-Xshould: mission(2013-2018). 1.1 resolveatleast50%oftheCXBintheen- ergyrangewhereitpeaks,thusprovidinga 2.1.ThecosmicX-raybackgroundand morecompletecensusofSMBH; thecensusofSMBHblackholes 1.2 solve the puzzle on the origin of the hard The CXB is currently regarded as the inte- X-ray emission from the Galactic centre, gratedoutputoftheaccretionprocesseswhich whichharborstheclosestSMBH; took place during the cosmic history. These 1.3 constrain the physics and the geometryof processesledtothegrowthofSMBHingalac- theaccretionflowontobothSMBHandso- ticnuclei(e.g.Marconietal.2004),whichwe larmassBH; observeinanactivephaseinAGNandinaqui- 1.4 mapthemessyenvironmentaroundSMBH escent phase through their dynamical effects characterized by the coexistence of gas components with different dynamical, on their surroundings, at the centre of nearby galaxiesandindeedinourown. physicalandgeometricalproperties; AGN making most of the CXB below a 2.1 constrainaccelerationprocessesintherel- ativisticJetsofblazarsandGRB; few keV have a spectrum much softer than the CXB energy density spectrum, implying 2.2 probe acceleration mechanisms in the thatthemaximumat30keVwouldbemissed strong electromagnetic and gravitational fieldsofpulsars; by a factor about 3. A simple solution of this “paradox” was proposed again by Setti and 2.3 measure the maximum energy of electron Woltjer (1989), and requires a population of accelerationinsupernovaremnantsshocks, andsearchforhadronaccelerationinthese AGN highly obscured in soft X-rays by pho- sites; toelectric absorption. The size of this pop- 2.4 search for and map the non-thermalemis- ulation should be 2-3 times that of the un- sion in clusters of galaxies, and if con- obscured AGN to reproduce the CXB spec- trum (see Comastri et al. these proceedings). firmed,determineits originandits impact onclustersevolution. ChandraandXMM-Newtonsurveyshavebeen able to detect many obscured, Compton-thin In addition to these top priorityobjectives AGN(N <1024cm−2).However,duetotheir H Simbol-Xwillbecapableofperformingbreak- limitedbandpass,ChandraandXMMdiscov- throughstudiesonseveralotherareaslike: ered only a handful of Compton-thick AGN (CT; N > 1024 cm−2). Therefore,at present, 1. theequationofstateandthemagneticfield H onlyafewCTAGNareknownbeyondthelo- ofneutronstars; cal Universe (see Della Ceca et al. these pro- 2. nucleosynthesisinyoungSNR; ceedings). 3. theformationofstarsandplanets; According to both the most up-to- 4. non-thermalemissionofactivestars; date AGN synthesis models for the CXB 5. shocks in the intracluster medium pervad- (Gillietal.2007), the volume density of CT inggroupsandclustersofgalaxies; AGN should be of the same order of magni- 6. extended thermal plasmas in Galactic and tudeofthatoftheunobscuredandmoderately extragalacticsources. obscured AGN. High sensitivity, hard X-ray Of course we cannot discuss here in de- observations like those that Simbol-X will be tailallabovetopics,theseareexhaustivelypre- abletoperforminthe10-60keVbandholdthe sented in all papers in this volume. We limit key to uncover, and study in detail, this long Fioreetal.:SciencewithSimbol-X 285 Fig.1. The combined CZT+SDD 1M sec image of the CDFS in the 10-40 keV band (the exposure in the SDD camera is half of the total elapsed time to account for dead time). Red contours are Chandra countrates,circlesidentifythehighlyobscured,infraredselectedsources.FortheChandrasourceswehave computed the10-40keV fluxesextrapolating the2-10keVfluxesusingaspectralmodel consistentwith theChandrahardnessratios.FortheIRselectedsourcesweconvertedtheir24µmfluxesusingtypicalIRto X-rayunabsorbedfluxratios,α =0.8andN intherange1024−1025cm−2. E H soughtpopulationof CT AGN, thusdetecting tional biases. To these purposesthe following directly most SMBH accretion luminosity in observationalstrategiescanbeenvisaged: the Universe. Obtaining a complete census of accreting SMBH through the cosmic epochs [1.] A spectral survey of local CT Seyfert is a crucialstep to constrainnuclearaccretion 2 galaxies and moderately obscured QSOs efficiency and feedbackson the host galaxies, previously discovered by BeppoSAX, XMM, which are key ingredients toward the under- INTEGRAL, Swift and Suzaku. This may be standing of galaxy formation and evolution. accompanied by a survey of infrared bright The Simbol-X main contributionsin this field galaxies which have not shown strong X-ray will be the discovery and the characterization emission below 10 keV, to search for highly ofthesourcesmakingthemaincontributionto CT objects. These observationswill allow the the peak of the CXB. Simbol-X will allow us precisemeasureoftheabsorbingcolumnden- toevaluatetheluminosityfunctionofobscured sity,andthereforethedeterminationoftheN H AGN and its evolution, and to measure the distributionofalargesampleAGNsample,in- fraction of obscured AGN as a function of cludingCTobjects(DellaCecaetal.thesepro- luminosity and redshift with little observa- ceedings).Theywillalso allow usto putcon- 286 Fioreetal.:SciencewithSimbol-X straintsonthephysicalstatusoftheabsorbing Main key issue in this field is the sharp gasandonitscoveringfraction. image quality of the Simbol-X mirror (a [2.]Deepobservationstosearchforhigher Point Spread Function, PSF, with half power redshiftCTAGN. diameter, HPD< 20 arcsec, Pareschi et al. theseproceedings).Otherimportantfactorsare [3.] A serendipitous survey over a large the relatively large field of view (∼ 12 ar- areatosearchforhighluminosityCTAGN. cmin diameter) and the low internal back- [4.] A survey of candidate CT AGN ground(see Laurentet al. these proceedings). selected using their infrared emission and Alreadymentionedsynergiesarewithmidand Spitzer/Herschel surveys, see Feruglio et al. far infrared space observatories like Spitzer, theseproceedings. HerschelandJWST. These observations will quantify the ob- scured AGN volume density as a function of the Cosmic time and univocally confirm and 2.2.AGNmassiveoutflows:AGN identifytheIRselectedCTAGNashardX-ray feedbackatwork AGN,contributingtotheCXB. In addition of obtaining a complete census of SMBH, the other key observational ingredi- 2.1.1. TheCDFS:acasestudy ent to obtain a better understandingof galaxy formation and evolution is the quantification AsanexampleofwhatSimbol-Xcanachieve of the effects of AGN feedbackson their host in the field extragalactic deep survey, Fig. 1 galaxies. showsa simulationofa 1Msecobservationof AGNcaninteractwiththeinterstellarmat- the Chandra Deep Field South area in the 10- ter of their host galaxies through at least two 40 keV band. We have included in the sim- main channels: radiation field and outflows. ulation two source populations: 1) the X-ray Winds and jets, both non-relativistic and rel- sources detected by Chandra below 10 keV; ativistic, are common in AGN, see Cappi et 2)thecandidateCTAGNselectedinthemid- al.andTavecchioetal.theseproceedings.The infraredby Fioreetal. (2007).Forthe former two key parameters are the mass outflow rate sources we extrapolated their flux in the 10- and the velocity structure of the outflow, be- 40 keV band using a spectral model consis- causetheygivetheenergyandthemomentum tent with the Chandrahardnessratios. For the involved in the flow. Blue-shifted X-ray ab- IRselectedCTAGNweconvertedtheir24µm sorptionlinesdetectedbyChandraandXMM fluxes to X-ray unobscured fluxes using typi- indicate very high velocities, up to a fraction caltemplates(Fioreetal.2007).Wethancom- of the speed of light, in a few sources. A putedobserved10-40keVfluxesbyassuming comprehensive survey of absorption features α =0.8andN intherange1024−1025cm−2. in sizeable AGN samples in different bins of E H Note as a few IR selected AGN are detected redshift and luminosity is however still lack- alsobyChandra,butseveralotherscanbede- ing. Furthermore,the sensitivity of XMM de- tectedonlybySimbol-Xabove10keV.Asin- creasessharplyabove9-10keV,hamperingthe gle Simbol-X 1Msec observationwill be able possibility of detecting highvelocityoutflows to resolve about 50% of the CXB in the 10- innearbyAGN.Simbol-Xwillbe2to5times 40 keV band.We will be able to probenearly moresensitivetoironabsorptionfeaturesthan all kind of AGN, from unobscured to moder- XMM-Newton below 10 keV, and will open ately obscuredto CT AGN.Sincethefraction thewindowabove10keV.Thiswillallowthe ofCTAGNrisessteeplybelow10−14 ergcm−2 characterizationofoutflowsofanyvelocityin s−1(10-40keVband)pushingthefluxlimitjust statisticalsamples.Thestudyofthevariability below this value would strongly increase the of the absorptionlines will set a scale for the chance to discover relativaly large samples of sizeandlocationoftheabsorbinggas,andfor theseelusiveobjects(seeComastrietal.these its density, thus providing information on the proceedingsforfurtherdetails). massinvolvedintheoutflow. Fioreetal.:SciencewithSimbol-X 287 Keyissue inthistopicisthe highSimbol- to estimate the expected IC emission through Xthroughputbetween7an20keV.Otherim- theirsynchrotronemission observedin the X- portant issues are the good energy resolution rayrange.CombininghardX-rayandγ-rayob- provided by the MPC detector and the broad servationsholdsthekeytouncoverpiondecay band coverage, allowing a good constraint on emission. thesourcecontinuum. Key issue in this field is a broad energy band, extendingfrom ∼ 1 keV to ∼ 100 keV. This will allow the separation of thermal and 2.3.Accelerationmechanismsin non-thermalemissionandthemeasureofE . cut supernovaremnant Extremely important here is to have a large field of view,to coverlargefractionsofSNR. Non-thermal emission was originally discov- Obvious synergies are with TeV Cherenkov eredbyASCAintheshell-likesupernovarem- telescopesandwithGLASTandAgile. nant(SNR)SN1006(Koyamaetal.1995).We knowtodaythatmostoftheyoungSNRshow non-thermalemissionatsomelevel.Theseare 3. Conclusions the bestcandidatesites forthe accelerationof Thanks to the emerging technology in X-ray Cosmic Rays up to 1015 eV or even higher mirrors (e.g. multilayer coating, see Pareschi energies. Indeed, if the maximum energy of etal.theseproceedings)andspacecraftforma- electron (E ) is of this order, a strong syn- max tionflying,Simbol-Xwillprovidealargecol- chrotron emission is expected in the X-rays lecting area (of the order of 100-1000 cm−2) band,with a cut-offatanenergyE depend- cut from a fraction of keV up to ∼ 80 keV, thus ing on E and on the strength of the mag- max overcomingthe “10keV limit” forhighaccu- netic field. The magnetic field necessary for racyimagingandspectroscopyof allpastand theirscatteringmaybegeneratedorincreased current X-ray observatories. This, together to by the accelerated particles themselves (the the good image quality (PSF HPD< 20 arc- socalledstreaminginstability).Evidencesthat sec,FWHM< 10arcsec),relativelylargefield this effect is at work were claimed thanks to of view (12 arcmin diameter), good detector Chandra observations of the thickness of the quantum efficiency, resolution and low inter- X-rayrimsaroundthe SN shockin the Tycho nalbackground,willallowbreakthroughstud- SNR(Cassam-Chena¨ıetal.2007).Thebright- iesonblackholephysicsandcensus,andpar- nessprofileoftherimsisconsistentwithmag- ticleaccelerationmechanisms. neticfieldsafewhundredtimeslargerthanthe ISM field. However, this interpretation of the Acknowledgements. Weacknowledgesupportfrom Chandra data is not unique. The direct mea- ASI-INAF contracts I/023/05/0, I/088/06/0 and sure of E willthenhelp understandingboth PRIN-MURgrant2006-02-5203 cut whichisthemaximumenergyofelectronand themechanismofdiffusiveshockacceleration References in SNR shells (see Decourchelle et al. these proceedings). Aharonian,F.A.etal.2006,A&A,449,223 Although we have plenty of evidences of Cassam-Chena¨ı, G., Hughes, J. P., Ballet, J., electronaccelerationincosmicsources,direct &Decourchelle,A.2007,ApJ,665,315 proofs of proton and ion acceleration are still Fiore, F. et al. 2007, ApJ in press, astro- lacking. A direct signature of proton acceler- ph/0507.2864 ation is GeV-TeV emission due to pion de- Gilli,R.,Comastri,A.,&Hasinger,G.2007, cay. HESS and MAGIC have revealed TeV A&A, emissionfromafewsupernovaremnants(e.g. Koyama,K.etal.1995,Nature,378,255 Aharonian et al. 2006). A large fraction of LaMarleetal.2007,SPIE6686 the TeV photons are probably due to Inverse Marconi,A.etal.2004,MNRAS,351,169 Compton (IC) emission. To disentangle be- Setti,G.,Woltjer,L.,1979,A&A,76,L1 tween pion decay and IC emission one needs Setti,G.,Woltjer,L.,1989,A&A,224,L21

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