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Preview Science (Vol. 306, No. 5700, November 2004)

T W HIS EEK IN edited by Stella Hurtley and Phil Szuromi Toward Optical Metamaterials suggest that meridional mixing occurs, which is contrary to Metamaterials that are engineered to exhibit negative indices of the idea that separate vortices of material,particularly at the refraction can provide a number of advantages in optics,such as poles,are driven by planetary rotation. the fabrication of a “perfect” lens, and much effort is being directed to push the Nanotube Yarns and Forests Before the Divide with the frequencies at which negative indices can Great Apes be achieved into the optical regime.Using Spinning fibers to make stronger yarns nanofabrication techniques to shrink the and ropes is an old technology.By look- The group that includes humans and great dimensions of gold nanostructures mak- ing at the fundamentals of this process apes is thought to have diverged from ing up the metamaterial, Linden et al. and scaling them down to fibers other apes (such as gibbons) in the Middle (p. 1351) show that the magnetic re- with nanometer-sized diameters,Zhang Miocene, about 10 to 15 million years sponse can be raised to 100 terahertz.On et al. (p. 1358) have developed a ago. Few relatively complete fossils are the theoretical side, Pendry(p. 1353) in- technique to spin available from this time; all troduces an alternate route to the design carbon nanotube are thought to be related to of metamaterials exhibiting negative re- yarns from mats of later great apes from Eurasia. fraction that may prove easier to prepare fibers.The twisted Moyà-Solà et al.(p.1339;see than the present structures, which are yarns can be infil- the news story by Culotta) based on tuning the electric and magnetic trated with a poly- have recovered a remarkably response.The proposed structure relies on mer to improve preserved fossil of a new ape chirality and consists of a series of heli- their strength. Un- species from Spain dating to cally folded metallic foils. Designers like larger diame- about 13 million years ago. should be able to work with the polariza- ter materials,a knot can be made in the The cranium, which is nearly complete tion of either the magnetic or the electric ropes without a loss of strength. Many and undistorted,the thorax,and bones in- field,rather than both. methods have been developed for mak- cluding the wrist show a mix of both ing single-walled carbon nanotubes,but primitive, derived, and very modern fea- there are still significant limitations to tures.The skeleton also shows that the Improving Optical Clocks making the tubes in large quantities and distinctive posture of great apes had The development of frequency-stabilized free from impurities or residual cata- evolved by this time.The fossil may be sources of laser radiation, together with lysts.Hata et al.(p.1362;see the news close to the last common ancestor of the the associated coupling of frequency cy- story by Service) modified the standard great apes and humans. cles in the optical regime,offer the poten- chemical vapor deposition synthesis by tial to exceed the accuracy set by atomic adding a small amount of water, which Understanding Mimi standards that operate in the lower fre- removes the residual carbon from the quency microwave regime.Margolis et al. catalyst particles and keeps them chem- Mimivirus is an extremely large DNA virus (p. 1355) have developed an optical fre- ically active for longer periods. The nan- that grows in amoebae. Raoult et al. quency standard based on measuring the otube forests are easily removed from (p. 1344, published online 14 October transition frequency of a trapped stron- the bed of catalyst particles,which con- 2004) have sequenced and analyzed the tium ion.The transition frequency is de- tinue to be chemically active. genome of the Mimivirus, which is 1.2 termined to nearly 1 Hertz in 1015 and megabases long—more than three times represents a fractional uncertainty within larger than any other viral genome previ- a factor of three of the primary cesium atomic-clock standards. ously sequenced.Among its 1200 open reading frames are genes not previously thought to be part of the classical definition of a vi- ral repertoire,including genes with homology to transfer RNAs (tR- The Spin on Martian Argon NAs), translation initiation factors, polysaccharide synthesis en- Argon concentration in the martian atmosphere can be used zymes, tRNA synthetases, and enzymes involved in nucleic acid to trace the planet’s rotational dynamics and seasonal pat- metabolism.Mimivirus appears to represent a new family of nucle- terns. Measurements from the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer on ocytoplasmic large DNA viruses that emerged early in evolution. the Mars Odyssey spacecraft by Sprague et al. (p.1364,pub- lished online 7 October 2004; see the Perspective by Forget) Identifying the Chosen Strand suggest that non-con- GET densible argon is en- Small interfering (si)RNAs provide the sequence information that al- OR ET AL.G ;F hdaunricnegd tahte msuidm-lmateitru adneds lmowesss etnhgee rR NRNAA-isn.dsuiRcNedA ss igleennceirnagte dco bmy ptlheex e(nRzIySmC)e tDoi cdeers atrroe yd otaurbglee-t HAN decreases at more polar stranded (ds),but the “guide”RNA used by RISC needs to be a single M) Z latitudes in early autumn, stand.The stability of the base pairs at the 5´ ends of both of the OTTO even though carbon diox- siRNA strands plays an important role in distinguishing between O B ide is condensing out of them.Tomari et al. (p.1377) now provide insight into how this OP T the atmosphere onto the choice is made.The RISC loading complex,which consists of Dicer DITS:(T polar cap in the southern itself together with the dsRNA-binding protein,R2D2,can detect and CRE hemisphere. The data CONTINUEDONPAGE1257 www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 306 19 NOVEMBER 2004 1255 Published by AAAS T W CONTINUEDFROM1255 HIS EEK IN differentiate between the siRNA 5′end stabilities,with R2D2 binding to end with the most double-stranded character.As the siRNA is unwound,the guide strand would then be trans- ferred from R2D2 to RISC,while the other strand would be destroyed. Now You See It,Now You Don’t Existing fluorescent protein highlighting techniques are irreversible and preclude repeat- ed monitoring of the same protein to study its temporal regulation.Within cells,protein movement is regulated by many different factors and may be altered by changes in the cellular state. Measurements of protein dy- namics are affected by the geometry of both the cells and the highlighted regions,and any changes in movement should ideally be as- sessed using data from a single cell.Ando et al.(p.1370) describe the engineering and ap- plication of a fluorescent protein, Dronpa, which can be reversibly highlighted to study spatiotemporal protein dynamics in living cells.The authors directly visualized the influx and efflux of a key regulator of intracellu- lar signaling,mitogen-activated protein kinase,into and out of the nucleus. Virus Exploits a Serotonin Receptor JC virus (JCV) is a common human polyomavirus responsible for the fatal demyelinating disease,progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML),in immunocompromised indi- viduals—about 5% of AIDS patients develop this currently untreatable fatal disease.Typi- cal and atypical antipsychotic drugs inhibit JCV infection of glial cells. Elphick et al. (p.1380) now find that the cellular receptor for JCV on glial cells is a serotonin receptor. The findings contribute to the understanding of the pathogenesis of PML in AIDS patients and suggest that therapy based on existing serotonin receptor inhibitors may be feasible. Please Release Me During times of food deprivation or increased energy demand,mammals begin to use the in- tracellular triglycerides stored in fat tissue as a primary energy source.Mobilization of these stored lipids requires activation of enzymes that degrade them so that free fatty acids,the molecules that supply energy to most tissues,are released into the blood. Zimmermann et al.(p.1383) identify a new enzyme,adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL),that is expressed at high levels in mammalian adipose tissue and catalyzes the initial step in triglyceride degrada- tion.Because abnormalities in lipid metabolism are often associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes,ATGL could represent an important new drug target for these conditions. The Nuclear Pore,Up Close and Personal Cryoelectron tomography of intact cells or organelles has been developed to study molec- ular structures in their native environments,unaffected by isolation and purification pro- cedures which may entail the loss of components.Beck et al.(p.1387,published online 28 October 2004) studied intact nuclei from Dictyostelium discoideumby cryoelectron to- mography with a focus on the structure of the nuclear pore complexes.The images detail the components of the pore and reveal putative transport substrates. Regulating Oscillatory Calcium Signals Variation in the intensity and frequency of intracellular calcium signals impact numer- ous calcium-dependent cellular responses,but the underlying mechanisms that regu- late oscillatory calcium signaling have not been fully resolved.Launay et al.(p.1374) report that generation and maintenance of the calcium oscillations that control the production of the cytokine interleukin-2 in stimulated T cells involve a calcium-activated nonselective cation channel called TRPM4.In response to a rise in intracellular calcium, ET AL.DO TwRhPicMh4 s uips parcetsisveast efudr tahnedr ccaolcniturmib uinteflsu xt.oS udbespeoqluareinzat trieopno loafr iztahteio mn eclmosbersa nTeR PpMo4te cnhtaianl-, N DIT:A nels and reestablishes conditions for further calcium influx. CRE www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 306 19 NOVEMBER 2004 Published by AAAS E DITORIAL Science in the South T he International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, turned 40 this October. It is an occasion for some reflection. The scientists who created ICTP, notably the Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam of Pakistan, were motivated by a goal that is simple to proclaim but difficult to fulfill: to advance the level and role of science in the Southern world by overcoming the debilitating isolation of scientists who work there. This goal is more important now than ever before. No country today can survive and prosper in isolation, and economic prosperity is tied to scientific development. The building of scientific capacity needed everywhere is thus in our collective interest and is a shared responsibility. Forty years on, however, we still live in a world in which a majority of scientists, scientific discoveries, publications, and patents come from developed countries. So, what has ICTP accomplished? ICTP has been involved, to different degrees, with the careers of some 100,000 visiting scientists. They have come from nearly every country in the world, about half from developing countries. According to physics professor Edmund Zingu of Mangosuthu Technikon in South Africa, “Nearly every Ph.D. in East Africa has had an association with ICTP.” The cadre of ICTP associates has established programs in their home countries, including Brazil, Benin, China, India, and Mexico. Some have turned to public service as ministers of science, members of parliaments, ambassadors, and in one case, the president of a republic. ICTP thus exemplifies that the best investment Building scientific one can make is in human capital: the individual scientists. But ICTP is keenly aware that its efforts are small relative to the needs. These capacity world- needs are tremendous even in countries that have made some strides (at least progress has been spotty). Regrettably, countries in Africa and the Middle East have wide is a shared either stood still in scientific progress or actually regressed. The challengesremain daunting. The critical question is how to proceed. responsibility. We can draw one lesson: Among the diverse ways in which ICTP has attempted to fulfill its mission, the key ingredient for success has been the followthrough. Where we have been able to keep sustained contact with our associates, the success has been greater. Because ICTP is small, large-scale success requires similar commitment from more people and institutions. Greater exchange within the South between the more and less scientifically proficient countries is a case in point. ICTP has established such links by creating networks, cooperative programs, regional schools, and affiliate centers in the South. Recent efforts by Brazil, China, and India to provide fellowships to promising scientists under a program administered by ICTP’s sister organization, the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), suggest that programs for South-South cooperation are finally taking off. The involvement of scientific institutions in the North is the next crucial element. Here the goal should not be the transfer of technology, but the creation of scientific capacity in each country for generating appropriate solutions for problems involving public health, energy sources, agriculture, ecology, the proper use of environmental resources, and basic education. Other international institutions in Trieste have been working for this goal in diligent partnership with ICTP. Lasting changes can occur if nations, not just individual scientists, choose to embrace science as an essential part of their national agenda. We must thus move beyond the scientist-to-scientist strategy and become more involved in changing institutions in the developing world. ICTP is increasingly engaging ministries of science and technology in policy discussions, encouraging governments to provide sustainable funding for science. At the same time, we are working in partnership with science institutions in the developing world. This October, ICTP signed an agreement with Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) to fund four scientific workshops each year in Latin America. Building scientific capacity is different from instilling a sense of quality. Anchoring quality by providing a well of excellence from which to draw upon will continue to be ICTP’s mission and responsibility. That’s a full agenda for the next 40 years. K.R.Sreenivasan K.R.Sreenivasan is the Abdus Salam Honorary Professor and director of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste,Italy. www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 306 19 NOVEMBER 2004 1259 Published by AAAS E C DITORS’ HOICE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE RECENT LITERATURE edited by Gilbert Chin Cyclization strategy and products (chloride,green). CHEMISTRY Catenane Closure via Chloride a single chloride ion by these four amides holds the precursor onto the macrocyclic ring;this interaction is also stabilized The assembly of interlocking molecular rings,or catenanes, by π-π stacking interactions between hydroquinone groups normally relies on some sort of templating mechanism to on both molecules. Ring-closing metathesis cyclizes the hold the components together while chemical reactions precursor,either as a monomer to form two interlocked rings complete the cyclization.Sambrook et al. report on the use or as a dimer to form a [3]catenane.The [2]catenane product of anions as templating agents.They use a catenane precursor selectively binds chloride anions over acetate and dihydrogen and a macrocyclic ring, each of which bears a cleft region phosphate.— PDS that brings two amide groups into close proximity.Binding of J.Am.Chem.Soc.10.1021/ja045080b (2004). DEVELOPMENT distant target cells,whereas explored which characteristics BIOPHYSICS Restricting activating endocytosis of early CTL responses to Unraveling the Knitted Morphogens had the opposite affect, HIV corresponded with the Sleeve restricting the effective subsequent ability to control During embryonic development, range of Fgf8. the viral load. The surroundings in which gradients of morphogens and Belenkaya et al.looked In an individual showing membrane proteins reside signaling molecules help to at the movement of another good viral control,the number consist of a hydrophobic define how development growth factor–related and breadth of epitopes interior (the fatty acid tails proceeds.Scholpp and Brand morphogen,Drosophila recognized by CTLs were of phospholipids),a polar examined how the gradient Decapentaplegic (Dpp),during relatively large,in contrast interfacial zone (the phospho- of a member of the fibroblast anteroposterior patterning to the strong focus of CTLs lipid head groups),and the 1834 (2004) ggtheroenw enrtaahst cefeadnc atto nnrde fumarmoaieinlcytt,aoFidngeef8rdm, iins omfafco ttvhoeerm wweainnst gr oe.Isfn ttr hticheti esgd rs oybwsyt tebhmi nd,ing odinondm iav iihndaaunnadtl sfe ueplx iothofi pbimietsimn ignu nptwoo-oor aeRqiatuthheeeorr us tsidh ceao nom fa pntaharelty mbziinelangy ttesh ro.en L4, of living zebrafish embryos. to extracellular proteoglycans viral control.In these two energetics and dynamics of BIOL. By looking at fluorescently rather than by endocytosis, people,new viruses with membrane protein insertion URR. tagged Fgf8 as it leading again to a numerous CTL epitope in the midst of such hetero- C ND, spread from its site gradient of morphogen mutations appeared soon geneity,Ganchev et al.have D BRA of origin through response.— SMH after infection,suggesting resorted to extracting peptides OPP AN taaurtgheotr st isosbutea,inthede Curr.Biol.14,1181394, 2(23010 (42)0;0C4e)ll. tfrhoamt eCaTrLlys hseadle cbteievne cporuensstuerreed iAn sah morotedre pl empetmideb raannde asystem. HL OM) SC erevsidtreicntciev ef ocrle aa rance IMMUNOLOGY sthuec coetshsefur lhlya nbdy, tthhee vinirduivsi.dOunal lwoenrgee rp roenveio,ubsoltyh s ohfo wwhni ctoh 10.1021/JA045080B (2004);(BOTT mtfetcsraheynoerqetvgmco uiefrhsea otiatncs nhnc ttmaeeoi sdn lremile dmsing s btsmi rn cyuaal e dberwedoa-anhituradieinotcodednh-. TC(apinCsayhfsTtteaehoLcuost tl)Coigt oxe bonoinec ns go s tCicton Dhcoo uet8nfh r H sTeaE, iIfrcasVt enecldral spe wvmtotphhihfiru eetaunht ssrmea eeegwt lsooiaoo notewfnit dsvisihc nte,vsahflci yep raofa cefasnltt l rismoec oiforwsneu ntt w.teteharnemenotr tl ea wscrc gauiinterthrneiecde acagmf(oaoedntirlnodx c-af epletoi dtk wrrm ae maaon ian csgapndiretnohd i opgoso olcnrfseo on ps-ibpenhspeyp oefmd.aelluiP ndpbeiu sdiymαdl),l si-abrwn,hetrgooeeas unrnlmielecetiasec,ld SOC. When endocytosis the efficiency with Early control thus appears in extraction of the peptide, M. HE was blocked,Fgf8 which they achieve early to be determined by broad at forces of about 90 pN C AM. accumulated control is a deciding factor recognition of multiple viral applied to the gel-like mixture ET ALJ.OK ., eaxntdr aaccetlilvualtaerdly gene itna ktehse. Ccoonuvresres einlyf,etchteion ethpeit ooppepso,ritnucnrietays ifnogr vbiorathl aflnudid o mnleym 6b0r apnNe .fAo rc tlohsee mr looroek DITS:(TOP) SAMBRO eF1xg hfp8or ue(rsr es(idtoo)n ps )pi nrae nmadd o1sr 24e cceellllss daiwstaayn ta fatfetrer avmtanirur ugatseat tttdeeienmdfg epb ntythd tetsoh ei eteps sCiectlToafL ppbseey sin dpmfioetunttteeeacnsttstii.iooa—nnl s c b oStyoJs St Ci noTtfLr sien sascniacdp vetih rael asfruto gtmghe ets htrsee s teihsnateat rnigtc yea r rtiesoeq seu xiprtreridmac fatorioirlyn CRE 3 hours (bottom). recognition.Jones et al. J.Exp.Med.,200,1243 (2004). CONTINUEDONPAGE1263 www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 306 19 NOVEMBER 2004 1261 Published by AAAS EDITORS’ CHOICE CONTINUEDFROM1261 unwinding the first turn of the helix field that stimulates photon emission and dragging these residues from the from the nanowires,in a process that is hydrophobic interior into the interfacial reminiscent of surface-enhanced Raman region.— GJC scattering. This effect is not due toindi- Biochemistry 10.1021/bi048372y (2004). vidual nanoparticle-nanowire interactions but instead to the collective effect of the MATERIALS SCIENCE aggregated metallic nanoparticles.— MSL A Brighter Future by Working Nano Lett.10.1021/nl048669h (2004). Together GEOLOGY Both metal nanoparticles and semicon- Residence Time ducting nanowires have interesting optical and electrical properties,but what happens Agricultural and industrial activity has when they are coupled together? increased the amount of N added to rivers Lee et al.try to answer this question for far above natural levels. This N,added a collection of CdTe nanowires that are mostly as nitrate,is a major pollutant that complexed with Au nanoparticles using contributes to eutrophication and produces the biotin-streptavidin ligand-receptor anoxia in water bodies of all sizes;it also is pair to connect the two together. a source of the greenhouse gas nitrous When these components were mixed in oxide (N O).The magnitude of the impact 2 solution,the authors observed a fivefold of riverine N is hard to judge,however, increase in the peak luminescence intensity because of large gaps in our knowledge and a blue shift of the spectra that about its removal during transport through developed gradually with the river system. time.Surprisingly,as the Donner et al.use an aquatic transport intensity increased,the model to investigate in-stream N removal photoluminescence and N O emissions in the Mississippi River 2 lifetime decreased, system and how they may be affected by which is in contrast interannual climate variability.Their results to normally observed show that the fraction of N removed in trends.The authors the river system can vary by nearly a factor interpreted their of 2,with a threefold range in the associated observations within a N O emissions,depending on precipitation. 2 model in which the Au The lowest fraction of N removal and Cross-section nanoparticles form a the greatest N2O emissions occur in the (with diameters in nm) coaxial shell around the wettest years,when river flow is greatest showing the nanowire, nanowires.They find that and the residence time of the water in streptavidin-biotin the gold particles generate the rivers is shortest.— HJS linker,and nanoparticle. an electro-magnetic Geophys.Res.Lett.31,L20509 (2004). HIGHLIGHTED IN SCIENCE’S SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION KNOWLEDGE ENVIRONMENT Calcium Signals from the Mitochondria Xu et al.used human cell lines that expressed inducible nitric oxide synthase under the control of regulated promoters to investigate the effects of inhibiting mitochondrial respiration with nitric oxide (NO).NO,acting independently of soluble guanylate kinase activity, stimulated expression of glucose-regulated protein 78 (Grp78),an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–resident chaperone protein whose expression is enhanced as part of H (2004) tshcrei pEtRio snt rfeascst orer spp5o0n sAeT.FN6O,w phriocdhu ics egde naenr aintcerde athsero iung thh ea acmalcoiuunmt -odfe ptheen dseonlutb plero tcreasns- NL048669 iAnTvFo6lv pinrog druecgtuiolant eadn din torfa Gmrepm78b reaxnper epsrsoitoeno wlyasiss .aNttOen-udaetpeedn dine ncte lslst imdeupllaettieodn ooff ipn5tr0a- 10.1021/ cinetlelurlfaerr ecsa lwciiuthm m,aintodc bhootnhd rainal icnatrlcaicuemllu slaigrn caalilncigu)m re cdhuecleadto Nr Oan-dd ecpyecnlodsepnotr AinT AF6 (which O LETT. cleavage and prevented the NO-dependent increase in Grp78.Thus,the authors N propose that NO-dependent inhibition of mitochondrial respiration affects calcium NA ET ALLEE ., spi5g0n aAlTinFg6 baentdw teheen etxhper emsistioocnh oofn gderinae as nindv tohleve EdR i,nt htehree bEyR ssttirmesusl aretisnpgo npsroed.—uc tEioMnA of DITS: Nature Cell Biol.6,1129 (2004). CRE www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 306 19 NOVEMBER 2004 Published by AAAS

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