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OIG OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Catalyst for Improving the Environment ydu ttSol i oPmtudneddA Science to Support Rulemaking )mudneddA( 30000-P-3002 tropeR 2002 ,51 rebmevoN ”stne m lun a cos scdoief eieD tlofdtsnpbooiUiiaCrrTCc“seD CA adiemmerdoafc rAeehpt.krow C .msinah cgenmid n eudshf eat sstaucwart nAoc AC .msinah cgenmi d d n esesuthasafntuwemee regvaitarep oaoc PNE lanr udoejer ehs fcaa,eurrsen ncaimlbup -pn nuia oolnragnre teyn xnb aseowadewi vreereP sd telrra e inyrpehrboxeeeArtPhxEte ACAF Peer review was publicly done by a Federal advisory committee, like the Science Advisory trdneneeampes irhe.vetdldeoi iapbvs c oAenhrCmucpAoorFSCa elsa endRo riratooaBN .elbiss onpe hewse hnteewt ehbsiugnits ioddtei re;twweiver G .msinahc egmnidn ue fhsdtae ss uatwna rAg I .sesne p dxsneeaira llaasre d,e.F e,.misinah cgenmid n euehf rtseewcruo seesruoh -AnPiE IAG .msinah cgenmid n eudshf eat sstaunwemee rygcanegare tnnAi II tnemsses skas ie rhyhtbc u,ssreweiv eA rPlEanret ntinedneped nyeibn os dawweiv erreeP forum or by EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) of a program office document. IO ,rsore peat pi,hr we h vDntsoRaitcOwro pseerd u.l k cs rednioheihwtmTrof rDAeRPpOE de cy ulysd rbmo,aurDedpRlnOcaromem sselnu dtarho p eethr atnhotitaci d snneaairw eht .rotc a ArdryPoet bEfrnaaop cenrepeb IP EPA program office performed the work. This includes reports with a program office cover, white ,sre ps am ypudrldeorncaauerdlooc mryepbm e hmt a,regcoirfpfo sselnu noitacid nns iaaewre ht .rotca rArydtP obenEafroacp en r edptearbho petehartht N ontosa edro odg a rhdol oetr e ewtwa h owgtnidroc c,aen osd awweiv erre etpnedneped noiN infer. O ngi e,drlno aaf,ceo tld:aeyt dbssnturf ospeedru l sc ,in .khiderrteheo dthwrontohuOFwf lat nde nm ranc ;eoilshrlanti bnoov;uoi nspit retsa; onszye eeirdnmfntaanoasrrrguteprdvonoig ts l seha;etctsrurnpe taeuthiemonttsn riiserdgwnren iva.on go o-icnntioamnield iafcfaaroF .seiti te nme eas hseychbrtae seesruoh -ynlilaci pss yai,twhmtsinah cgenmidnuf OEP hs caa,usstre plxaenre tsyxsbeec owrepi vceirl bruep het moeyo nbs sowadewi vreereP committee of the National Research Council. OF .k r eodhwetd ndrueofmrof r AesPpeEdi syecbn elgaare dreeFhtonA OG rehtO )laredeF-non( tnemnrevog ytitne demrofrep eht.krow DRO EPA Office of Research and Development funded the work. PO EPA program office funded the work. SP r dor e toArycfP abaErsp roteat rrnd .sopoeekepcmhrderto ur owslrfic orhneteTitcpaevsirP ,noitazina gerd o alrraotnoissef o,ryprts u ddynenbariap esrtpro p,renoroitazina grreohtona e thu tthiic wtr los al ann,eatti pstsn dueneecr norermierarmenlhogntrbtoneuorivp ioavgn-enon academic affiliation. U s atr,wiode ss uamwsinahc egmnidn unfwonk n,ukr oe whdtedn urdfoemrofr eyptit nnewonknU .en osd awweiv erre erapehte hnwwonknu TablOeCf o ntents egaP Case 1 Municipal Waste Combustors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Case 2 Synthetic Chemicals Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5 Case 3 Acid Rain Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-15 Case 4 Land Disposal Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-19 Case 5 Reformulated Gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30 Case 6 Great Lakes Water Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-35 Case 7 Municipal Solid Waste Landfills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50 Case 8 Biotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-55 Case 9 Pulp and Paper (Air) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66 Case 10 Pulp and Paper (Water) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-71 Case 11 Disinfectants and Byproducts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-75 Case 12 Polychlorinated Biphenyls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84 Case 13 Regional Ozone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88 Case 14 Nonroad Diesel Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-102 Case 15 Plant-Incorporated Protectants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-105 Cas1e CombustorsWaste Municipal srotsubm oeCts alWapicin u;Msecru oySranoita tw Ser Noefcnamrofr efsPodradna t:Selt ieTluR )19 9, 11y1raurbe F8(8 4r5etsig elRared e6:F5el ulRan ir FonfoitatiC APE tratS noitcA :ecitoN4242 e nlefouhoirttpirc sfeedirB reosu a)cCW Ms(rotsubm oects alwapicin ummo rsfnoissi mtea hdtenimret erdotartsinim deAhT cilb urpegnad n oedtetapicit n eayblbanosa eyr atma hntoitull orp i oaytltnacifing iestubirtnoc e 9fhn2oto1it c de tns rcaniAaA e el)fhCbot( 1n1o1it crees d,nuerof e.re erhaTf lhretowlaeh .C WmMo rsfnoissi mre itaim i oldtetaglumo rsp aewl usri h,t09 9 f1sotnemdne mtA crA inAaelC suounitn o fcmoets ydsetartsnom etds eeb h yteblbaveih csalev e tlta eesr eswtim inloissi meehT d n,astcap mliatnemnoriv nde nhatla eyhtila urqian o,nsts ogcniredisn o,cnoitcud enroissime C W;Mses adgi cCa W;Mscinag rCo W:Mdedulc ndietalug esrnoissi m ee. hsTtnemeriuq eyrgrene .sedi xnoegort idn n;aslatem tsubm ooycttica p gaanciv athi nC uWdMetcurtsnoc erdroeifid o,mw ehnc aodeteilp peal uerhT -curtsn ohcci hr woefz issi hfstoti nC uW, Ms.u )hy Tar despn o0t5 2y s(aamdargag e5 m2r2evo .e l euhhr ttyilwp mho cc,u9m 8 ,9r01e2bme creeD tdfeatr antositcurtsno c,renoroitacifi d,onmoit fnooitacifitr er cosfnoisivo rd pn,asdradna tgsnitare prootsubm odcedulc neil ue rh,tnoitid dnaI .lennosr eCp WrMeh t fogoninia rdt nlaennosr eCp WyMek trev i,dslairet aemlbasu eertarap e: soltasopo re phnstinoisivo repl ue rhmto rdfedulc xAePE .seirett aeblcih edvica-da e flgoninr ueb httibiho rdp n,anoitarenic neirof esbeirett adblohesuoh nteouc ipnfotne otpiieie chrlfstcuesrierdB mo rdfetti mse atwa hgwnirusa edm nganiyfitne d nidoeretn eecl uer h ftsotcep scaifitnei ceshT -noriv nee hdt nhatla enham u nhsonoissi meese h fttocef fee hdt n,asrotsubm oects alwapicinum ylralucitr a,pdetaula vd endaeifitne d eoidb tasheigolonhc edtetartsnom etds ee bh,t o.s tlnAem .snoissi mdeetcef fyae hw tod hntas orcie hodttrag ehrtiw stnem ulcaoc din tofiiortcpircseD noitamrof neilbalia ve a hfntooitalip m so aactwa h7t8 9e1n unsJisergn ootCtro p deaeRus sAiPE ,seigolonhc eltortn o,csks ihrtla e,hat andoissi m,escitsiretcara hycrtsud nginidulc n,isC WnMo ycnegre md Eneats adWil ofeSocif fA OPe Ehydtberape rs patwrop es.ri lhoTrtn ofscots odcna feocif feO hdt nnaoitaid adR nra i fAeocif feO hhtt inwoitcnujn o nceisnopseR 1-A 30000-P-30 0t2ropeR strop elracinhc etthg imeo refm a tc ninioitamrof nei h ftho c. utMnempolev edD nhacraeseR sr eiolhsfatacbin hdecehedtti vsosr e p.rt sgro rno tsoop itCedhc R eTayArr b PatrsEpnoteoircp ] .e1cneref ee Re. Ss[C WmMo rsfnoissi meetalug e orntoisiced dse edn oduo tewili,rht scts otten asd prBieleeoe ohurttRrptggaopeng furolesCuhmtorp tcap mciimono cd enyarotalug edretad pe uhs tae wn;oecif fmoargo re phydtberape rsptnemucod desopo re p hndtoeviec esrtnemm oe chdteziramm urseh te ohd tnnaoitalug ee r hfstoisylana r osfis asb’ycne geA hdt ndaeredisn oscevitanret lea hdtetaula vseisyla neas e. hnToitaluger sis ae bhs taswtnemm ofycoram m .ue dsheTtaglumo rd pndaesopo rs patwa he tne ohgtnitceles ]s d.e2n3canere f.een eRoSi[taglum o drlnpaasop onrepew tderbadn a etsnhseitgn arhocf er esweigolodoht egmnits ee ts.e ghnTits eetcnamrofr ed pneacnailpm oecriuq esrnoitalug eerhT kr o yw rb,o)EMS As(reenig nlEacinahc e fMyoteic onSacire meA h yt,bA P yEdbepoleved -ifice pe.sr dolMe ie fhndtiets ed tn,asnoitazinag reose hfhtot ore bonmoo rfffa thst iswpuorg feom odsepolev eydrotarob atLnemsses seArusop xd Enhacraes ecRirehpsom tsA’D R,Oyllac s ]e2d.c1n5na1 e.rs ed efoee hSRet[seemht nia tsobdtooh teeem rdh e tAs,PusEtro pte sreectr ucoisfic e dpensrautare tdielhsil bsuepdiseB .at asdnoissi md en,anoitare pd onnagis eydtilic a,fgninia rrtotare ptouo bnaoitamrof ntinerruc os tadwno c ]ee . sh3eT1cneref ee.Re sSe[itilic amfo rnfoitamrof nhic utsseuq eos rtatwsr iefhT ]. 4e1cneref e eR.e tSi[s ie v hnAt oPdEetneserp eerv ay harmotcartn oA c Pn;Easeitilic atfisiv ydbedn uyfltni osj atwa hytdu ttSnatullopitl unMoitsubm oeCts alWapicin ueM hst adwri hethT A P,Eydu tss i .hr atodFan atCnemnoriv nshEac ussreh tsloal es,waD Rd Oneacif fmoargo repht ytil a. usQeitilic arfotsubm oects alwapicin u t6msamargo rgpnits entoissi m 0ed1etcudnoc gnits ee thfytotiroj ae mhetrof edberape repr eswna ltPcejo rlPortn oyCtil a eu/cQnarussA ]e.c5n1 e.rd ee efteecSRu[ dmsnaaorwc gCo Qrl/paAnQ r, e en t teta;xr sniseotaosmfaealrgorp eziretcar ado h etecrssouab ao t ta atnrduieph t sieaevw odbeabirc sneoditamro fdneitcel leohcT fsoei r eearsape rosptrotcartn orfcofa tyscne gydAbe seur e,wnr un,tie s.e sheTitilic a”fledom“ yr o stt sar de loreroupongtgeoneRiortCnem-y l sds t teuearndor hoee ieetfmervwhuneetchrotpdo ]. 1h1guor hs4tecneref ee Re. Ss[isyla ntacap mciimono cdena stnemu cloadci t eiflrobcaT Ref. ydutS/tnemucoD Who Performed Who Funded gnidnuF reeP )yro gteItaC( )yro gteItaC( msinahceM ?weiveR 1 ,APE.S .eUnuJ ,l7a8p9i1cinuM" IP PO I ACAF ntyordiout ptseoeSuttRbsmaoWC ,,CnDotgnih s,a"WssergnoC a120-78-WS-035/APE 2 U.S. EPA, November 1990, "Air Pol- IP PO I U -ed idsundGaradn antoSiss itmnEatul lines for Municipal Waste Combustors: Revision and Update of Economic Impact Analysis," RTP, NC, 300-19-3/054-APE 2-A 30000-P-30 0t2ropeR Ref. ydutS/tnemucoD Who Performed Who Funded gnidnuF reeP )yro gteItaC( )yro gteItaC( msinahceM ?weiveR 3 .S.U , AyPrEla au,pn1ia9cJ9i1nuM" IP PO I U e: tndsonaiuWtosrug-bkrmcooafCBnI noitam rof detaglusmdorraPdnatS and Guidelines -- Summary of Public ,P T,R"sesnops ed RnsatnemmoC 400-19-3/054-A P,ECN 4 ,APE.S .eUnuJ ,l7a8p9i1cinuM" IP PO, ORD I PNE tnemsse sysdA untoSitsub meotCsaW fo htlaeH sk sdieRtaicos shAtiW-uM nicipal Waste Combustion Emissions", Washington, DC, g120-78-WS-035/APE 5 la p,t iAs,cPu9iEg8n.u9uSA1M."U SP DRO C U :tnemsse snsoAitsub meotCsaW noitsu b dmsroo iooClsFGaacBinhceT Practice", RTP, NC, 360-98-8/006-APE 6 la p,t iAs,cPu9iEg8n.u9uSA1M."U SP DRO C N :tnemsse snsoAitsub meotCsaW nlooirttsnu obtCm,ao"Cse iwteiNlicaF 750-98-8/006- A,,PCPENTR 7 la p,t iAs,cPu9iEg8n.u9uSA1M."U SP PO C U -dnnIuor gsk rc-oatBsub meotCsaW :sdr a ddneno sairottopSafomrrPof Control of NOx Emissions", RTP, NC, d72-98-3/054-APE 8 la p,t iAs,cPu9iEg8n.u9uSA1M."U SP PO C U -dnnIuor gsk rc-oatBsub meotCsaW :sdr a ddneno sairottopSafomrrPof -r oyfgroelPo nnhocietTsubmoC-tsoP c72-98-3/ 0,,5" P4e,T-cCRAnNPaEm 9 la p,t iAs,cPu9iEg8n.u9uSA1M."U SP PO C U -dnnIuor gsk rc-oatBsub meotCsaW :sdr a ddneno sairottopSafomrrPof dnnoaitpirc sten Dalle Pd)obM(111 ,,,PC"TNtRr otpseoRC b72-98-3/054-APE 01 .S.U , AyPrEla au,pn1ia9cJ9i1nuM" SP PO C U e: tndsonaiuWtosrug-bkrmcooafCBnI mation for Materials Separation," 120-09-3/054- A,,PCPENTR 11 Memorandum from Rayburn M. Morri- IP PO I U soitsyl akn sAeinRile s,a)BA PnEo(s tr olpappuiSci neutMsraoWtsubmoC dradn aetcSnamrof reecPr uwoeSN and Emission Guideline Development, to The Files, dated November 22, . 9891 21 se n.r iSo,l .F AeeU,Pdn8Eiu8uJ9G1" IP, IO, OG PO, ORD, O U U Stack Testing Of Municipal Waste Combustion Facilities", 60-88-8/006-APE 3-A 30000-P-30 0t2ropeR Ref. ydutS/tnemucoD Who Performed Who Funded gnidnuF reeP )yro gteItaC( )yro gteItaC( msinahceM ?weiveR 31 Information provided by industry in SP O U U 4 1n1oitc et scr AinAae loeCtsnopser letters from EPA. 41 Information obtained during site visits SP PO C U to MWCs. 51 .S.U ,APE rebmetpeS ,9891-icinuM" SP PO, ORD C U pal Waste Combustion Multipollutant ,"ydutS ,PTRCN Methodology eh ty bdeifitned iyllacificep sr odebircse dere wlacitir cs adeifitned istnemuco deh tf oytiroja mehT srebm ehmt iswnoitasrevn oecnohpel edt n,aweivret n ni,asliam -ae isvi hdt i. edtHcatn oycramirp .m ayedt uttos l eifhpot .s tnneImu cedohnd t ud)on8fa0-98 -tAe(k c r teo oi,nhdetanetwowitamro fs nihihttiW yrami re phtta httekc oe dhmto rlfaciti rdceredisn oescwtnemuc ow pddeauefkc ie,pwnoitidda .tekc oe dhmto refm asctnemuc oldaciti re chl tl,anoitpec xe e nh.ot dieWifitne dt iod nathcatnoc noitamro frne IhstuOoenallecsiM noit c: udt denaese r oc 5 tprsn2daoeteahrpnehtpebmeri ue qedererht ttedilemutoraglu meohrTp ;seirett adblohesu o fhnooitarap e;sgnilcyc e freosuac edbetsubm olcairet aemts a fwtohgi eew hnti yrotadn aemd atm osn agwnilcyc enrosa e er. hsTeirett adbi cdaa eglninr u nbnooitibiho rdapna ts olcaicnan itf een httuo bnaiatrec nsu aywcne ge.A heTcnei cnsa hrteht atrs oyclirami rspaw to nere wsllifdna l,tnemnrevo glaco lf oytilibixel feh tdecude reva hdluo wgnilcyce r,etamitse stifen elbatnemnoriv nd enyagre ntea hetcnedi vheguo nt eos naewre hd tn,aelcyc eodrteriuqer yret tta abwh ot thdosln uyoccn e eg,hAsteiret tdalbohes ugohninr e.cd neovCei hdeclbauoc da e nlnooitibiho r ep. hsTnoissi myerucr e fmtonuo mea httcef fyeltnacifing idslu onwoitarapes yrotalu ggenr oy rdatase r sleaarw edhetdi cyecdn e egehAstua cdeebpp o srsadewiret tdaibca .seirett adba e flnooitsubm oecgaruocs i odetca l npmisinahcem 4-A 30000-P-30 0t2ropeR 2esaC gnirotino Mslacimeh CcitehtnyS d nsalacime hcCinag rcOitehtn y -Ss-noitalug erRet agWnikni ryDrami rlPanoi t: aeNlt ieTluR gnikni ryDrami rlPanoit a;Nstnanimatn odCetaluger nrU ogfnirotin o;Mslacime hcCinagronI .snoitalug erRet agWnikni ryDradnoc elSanoit a;Nnoitatnemelp msInoitalug erRetaW )19 9, 10y3rauna J6(2 5r3etsig e lR:a erle udl Rea6Fn5 ir FonfoitatiC n w: AoentPncorEkiiantttUocSNA e nlefouhoirttpirc sfeedirB gniknir Dyramir Planoita Ndn a)sGLCM (slao gleve ltnanimatno cmumixa mdetaglumor pAPE cinagro nd7 in)asCO Ss(lacime hccinag rcoitehtn y 6sr2 o)fsRWDP Ns(noitalug erRetaW tnemtae r rt)osLC Ms(lev etlnanimatn omcumix a fmtosisn oscRWD PeN h.T)sCO Is(lacimehc noitacifit ocnilb udp n,agnitrop e,rgnirotin oemdulc ndi nsaC OdI nsaC OeS hrt osfeuqinhcet no p)uTA By(golonhc eetlbalia vtas eeb hstedulc neil usri h.Tsdnuopm oecse hrt osftnemeriuqer -lumo rops l.A asPeEcnair agvnius sfeiosopr ue phr toT fAe Bhd tndaes ae brsaL Ce Mhhtcihw r osftnemeriuq egrnirotin oemmit-e nd onsatnanimatn oo cwr to)fsLCM Ss(L CyMradnoc edsetag .sRW DdyPebNtalu g te eortrn aash Ct dOsnI Cay0Ol3Setamixorppa mumixa mh"silb u opAt PsEeriuq e,r6891 ndiedne m sa,a)AWD St( crAet agWnikni reDf aeShT ,rotartsinim deA h fttonemgd uej h nt,ihci hswtnanimatn orc o)fsGLC M"(sla olgev etlnanimatnoc odtetapicit nrnaowo n]ker ah[ci hd wnsanosr efhpotla ee h hnttocef feesrev dneaav ayham" hc ilth eaw tt v eoeeaaesrtbslGa L.C)M)A()3()b(2 1n4o1itc e"ss(met sryes tcaiwl brnuuipcco nsawol lhaci hd wnrauc csonosr efhpotla ee hhnstotcef feesrev ddaetapicit nrnaowo nokn" ,GL CnsMaehsilb uA pPeEm ietm ae. s h)tt)A4()b(21 4n1oitce s"(ytef afnsoigr aemtauqeda gnikni ryDrami rlPanoit aeaNtaglumo rops ltas u tm,ila ohgtla eehlbaecrofne-n o sanhicihw r,o)LC Ml(ev etlnanimatn omcumix a)am 1r(eht iseedulc nhici h)wRWDP Nn(oitalug erRetaW ) 2. (),)) A 3 s(, (e n) )t)u ao7d1naqdi(e(Ae(int)r1m2nacbi0t1he(u4a4cs2q1e1e(1ert4rt1 o t"elbisae fyllacigolonhce tr oyllacimonoce "to ns it if iyln ote se bya meuqinhce ttnemtaert t eetsbs uL mCn.MA))A()7()b(21 4d 1n)a1(10 4s1noitce st(nanimat n floaoecv ee lhntiatrecsa feo seu hhtt iewlbisae fs"na e"melbisa e. 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Case 5 Reformulated Gasoline . and finalized an SMCL to protect against skin discoloration or argyreia from lifetime exposure. Science issues with
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