MDC Resource Science The Timing of Autumn Rail Migration in Missouri s e t o N Yellow Rail e c n e i c S Sora Virginia Rail Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) 2017 VOLUME 12 NO. 3 The Timing of Autumn Rail Migration in Missouri By Auriel M.V. Fournier, University of Arkansas and Doreen C. Mengel, Missouri Department of Conservation Background Information: We do not have population estimates for the three Monitoring and conserving waterbirds in Missouri, study species so it is difficult to speculate if the including Sora (Porzana carolina), Virginia Rail (Rallus difference in number of detections is related to limicola), and Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis), population size, survey methodology, habitat are constrained by the lack of information on migration selection decisions, or differences in migration phenology. Understanding the timing of a species’ ecology. This question is worthy of future evaluation. migration is as important as knowing the species’ habitat needs and stopover ecology. Awareness regarding the time of year that habitat is needed is vital to inform habitat management, especially in highly ephemeral Figure 1 – Comparision of autumn migratory timing of habitats such as palustrine emergent wetlands. Public Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola), Yellow Rail (Coturnicops wetlands across the central United States, including noveboracensis) and Sora (Porzana carolina) from 2012 Missouri, are typically managed as migratory bird -2016 in Missouri USA. Virginia Rail and Yellow Rail stopover habitat, with a focus on waterfowl; other graphs represent the proportion of counts of individuals. wetland-dependent bird species, including rails, also use The Sora graph represents a smoothed spline of the these habitats although the timing of their need is less formal density estimates. well known. I Methods: of 0 o W We performed nocturnal distance sampling based ATV ns surveys across 11 state and federal managed wetlands iont0 oN ( ienn Mabislesdo uursi, tUo SeAst ifmroamte 2 S0o1r2a- 2d0e1n6s.i tTy,h beuset, sduurev etoy slo w portCou0 o _. o numbers of Virginia Rail and Yellow Rail detections, Pr 0 o 0 ! density estimates were not possible for these species. Instead, we used relative counts as an alternative means of to estimate density. n s 0 0W ont 0 Result: rtiu0 N ( We detected 8,070 rails, including 7,905 Sora, 114 poCo0 0_. o 0 Virginia Rails and 77 Yellow Rails. Sora migration in r P 0 0 Missouri began in the first week of August, peaked around 25 September, and continued through the last CJ) ... 0 II) week of October (Figure 1). Yellow and Virginia Rail a e )000 ~ migration started in early September, and peaked in mid- orar 00 September (Figure 1). All three species migrate earlier in n Sect j:,.0 the autumn than most migratory waterfowl. We found the aH N. start and end of Sora migration did not vary annually in dir 0 ee four of five years. Mp 0 M anSrYreeaoeplgarlloeaotirm owtaen reda ent n oimtnd sI impVgorrriperaagvlt imiiicnnoagiiugat sr eiRo aawtnarioolsiilren :km r,. iai ng n rtdah tetiho aenur setut aamrrtens ftleahwtaener ri n August 10 August 15 August 20 August 25 August 30 September 4 September 9 September 14 September 19 September 24 September 29 October 4 October 9 October 14 October 19 October 24 individuals observed. For more information, contact: Keywords: rails, sora, Virginia rail, yellow rail, autumn mi- Missouri Department of Conservation gration, migration chronology, phenology Resource Science Division 2901 West Truman Blvd. Jefferson City, MO 65109 573-751-4115 2017 VOLUME 12 NO. 3 [email protected]