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INDEX to SCIENCE COMMUNICATION Volume 26 Number | (September 2004), 1-124 Number 2 (December 2004), 125-240 Number 3 (March 2005), 241-344 Number 4 (June 2005), 345-464 Authors: AMARA, NABIL, MATHIEU OUIMET, and REJEAN LANDRY, “New Evidence on Instru- mental, Conceptual, and Symbolic Utilization of University Research in Government Agen- cies,” 75. BARBAGALLO, FIONA, and JILL NELSON, “UK GM Dialogue: Separating Social and Sci- entific Issues” [Report], 318. BESLEY, JOHN C., and JAMES SHANAHAN, “Media Attention and Exposure in Relation to Support for Agricultural Biotechnology,” 347. BIELAK, ALEX T., “Reporting the Future—Journalism Meets Emerging Science: The 4th World Conference of Science Journalists” [Report], 445. BIRD, NORA, see McInerney, C. CORBETT, JULIA B., “Altruism, Self-Interest, and the Reasonable Person Model of Environ- mentally Responsible Behavior,” 368. CORBETT, JULIA B., and JESSICA L. DURFEE, “Testing Public (Un)Certainty of Science: Media Representations of Global Warming,” 129. DAVIS, TINSLEY H., “Engaging the Public With Science As It Happens: The Current Science & Technology Center at the Museum of Science, Boston” [Report], 107 bE SEMIR, VLADIMIR, and GEMMA REVUELTA, “Scientific Knowledge From, For, and Through Cultural Diversity: The 8th International Conference on the Public Communication of Science and Technology” [Report], 211. DeESILVA, MALINI, MARC A. T. MUSKAVITCH, and JOHN P. ROCHE, “Print Media Cover- age of Antibiotic Resistance,” 31] DUNWOODY, SHARON, see Kahlor, L. DURFEE, JESSICA L., see Corbett, J. B. FOX, CLAIRE, see Hartley, J. GRIFFIN, ROBERT J., see Kahlor, L. HARTLEY, JAMES, ERIC SOTTO, and CLAIRE FOX, “Clarity Across the Disciplines: An Analysis of Texts in the Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities’ 188. HWANG, KUMJU, “The Inferior Science and the Dominant Use of English in Knowledge Pro- duction: A Case Study of Korean Science and Technology,” 390. Science Communication, Vol. 26 No. 4, June 2005 461-464 © 2005 Sage Publications 462 SCIENCE COMMUNICATION KAHLOR, LEEANN, SHARON DUNWOODY, and ROBERT J. GRIFFIN, “Predicting Knowl- edge Complexicy in the Wake of an Environmental Risk,” 5. KORSMO, FAE L., “Shaping Up Planet Earth: The International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and Communicating Science Through Print and Film Media,” 162. KRAMER, DESRE M., and RICHARD P. WELLS, “Achieving Buy-In: Building Networks to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer,’ 428. KYVIK, SVEIN, “Popular Science Publishing and Contributions to Public Discourse Among University Faculty,” 288. LANDRY, REJEAN, see Amara, N. LARSON, BRENDON M. H., BRIGITTE NERLICH, and PATRICK WALLIS, “Metaphors and Biorisks: The War on Infectious Diseases and Invasive Species,” 243. McINERNEY, CLAIRE, NORA BIRD, and MARY NUCCI, “The Flow of Scientific Knowl- edge From Lab to the Lay Public: The Case of Genetically Modified Food,” 44. MUSKAVITCH, MARC A. T., see DeSilva, M. NELSON, JILL, see Barbagallo, F. NERLICH, BRIGITTE, see Larson, B. M. H. NORLIN, GABRIELLA, “EuroScience Open Forum 2004: Independent Arena for Dialogue on Science in Europe” [Report], 312. NUCCI, MARY, see McInerney, C. OUIMET, MATHIEU, see Amara, N. PARROTT, ROXANNE, “Perceived Levels of Health Risk Associated With Linguistic Descriptors and Type of Disease Celeste Condit,” 152. PRIEST, SUSANNA HORNIG, “Biotechnology: The Untold Stories?” [Review Essay], 326. REVUELTA, GEMMA, see De Semir, V. ROCHE, JOHN P., see DeSilva, M. ROGERS, CAROL L., “Book Review: Science in the Private Interest: Has the Lure of Profits Corrupted Biomedical Research?” [Book Review], 230. ROGERS, CAROL L., “Excerpts From Science and Engineering Indicators 2004” [Report], 219. SCHMIERBACH, MIKE, “Method Matters: The Influence of Methodology on Journalists’ Assessments of Social Science,’, 269. SHANAHAN, JAMES, see Besley, J. C. SOTTO, ERIC, see Hartley, J TOSSEY, LISA D., “Museum Review: Marian Koshland Science Museum” [Museum Review], 7 VALENTI, JOANN MYER, “Acquainted With the Night: A Parent’s Quest to Understand Depression and Bipolar Disorder in His Children by Paul Raeburn” [Book Review], 451. VALENTI, JOANN MYER, “Environmental Justice in America: A New Paradigm by Edwardo Lao Rhodes” [Book Review], 333. VALENTI. JOANN MYER, “Race: The Reality of Human Differences by Vincent Sarich and WALLIS, PATRICK, see Larson, B. M. H. WELLS, RICHARD P., see Kramer, D. M. WILSON, KRIS M., “Movie Review: The Day After Tomorrow” |Movie Review], 227. Articles: “Achieving Buy-In: Building Networks to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer,” Kramer and Wells, 428. “Altruism, Self-Interest, and the Reasonable Person Model of Environmentally Responsible Behavior,” Corbett, 368. INDEX 463 “Clarity Across the Disciplines: An Analysis of Texts in the Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities,” Hartley et al., 188. “The Flow of Scientific Knowledge From Lab to the Lay Public: The Case of Genetically Modi- fied Food,” McInerney et al., 44. “The Inferior Science and the Dominant Use of English in Knowledge Production: A Case Study of Korean Science and Technology,” Hwang, 390. “Media Attention and Exposure in Relation to Support for Agricultural Biotechnology,” Besley and Shanahan, 347. “Metaphors and Biorisks: The War on Infectious Diseases and Invasive Species,” Larson et al., 243. “Method Matters: The Influence of Methodology on Journalists’ Assessments of Social Sci- ence,” Schmierbach, 269. “New Evidence on Instrumental, Conceptual, and Symbolic Utilization of University Research in Government Agencies,” Amara et al., 75. “Perceived Levels of Health Risk Associated With Linguistic Descriptors and Type of Disease,” Condit and Parrott, 152. “Popular Science Publishing and Contributions to Public Discourse Among University Faculty,” Kyvik, 288. “Predicting Knowledge Complexity in the Wake of an Environmental Risk,” Kahlor et al., 5. “Print Media Coverage of Antibiotic Resistance,” DeSilva et al., 31. “Shaping Up Planet Earth: The International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) and Communicat- ing Science Through Print and Film Media,” Korsmo, 162. “Testing Public (Un)Certainty of Science: Media Representations of Global Warming,” Corbett and Durfee, 129. Book Reviews: “Acquainted With the Night: A Parent's Quest to Understand Depression and Bipolar Disorder in His Children by Paul Raeburn,” Valenti, 451. “Book Review: Science in the Private Interest: Has the Lure of Profits Corrupted Biomedical Research?” Rogers, 230. International Conference: “Ath World Conference of Science Journalists—Reporting the Future: Journalism Meets Emerg- ing Science,” 114. Movie Review: “Movie Review: The Day After Tomorrow,” Wilson, 227 Museum Review: “Museum Review: Marian Koshland Science Museum,” Tossey, 223. Reports: “Engaging the Public With Science As It Happens: The Current Science & Technology Center at the Museum of Science, Boston,” Davis, 107. 464. SCIENCE COMMUNICATION “EuroScience Open Forum 2004: Independent Arena for Dialogue on Science in Europe,” Norlin, 312. “Excerpts From Science and Engineering Indicators 20047 Rogers, 219. “Reporting the Future—Journalism Meets Emerging Science: The 4th World Conference of Sci- ence Journalists,” Bielak, 445. “Scientific Knowledge From, For, and Through Cultural Diversity: The 8th International Confer- ence on the Public Communication of Science and Technology,” de Semir and Revuelta, 211. “UK GM Dialogue: Separating Social and Scientific Issues,” Barbagallo and Nelson, 318. Review Essay: “Biotechnology: The Untold Stories?” Priest, 326.

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