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Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 1 Index (cid:1) Numbers in bold refer to main biographical entries This index is sorted word by word. prenatal medicine, VII:308 RU-486, VII:314, VII:316 Arabic name alphabetization: Arabic names viability, VII:295 beginning with Al-/al- are entered on the Al-/al- Abraham, Karl, VI:304 element and alphabetized by the element imme- Abruzzi, Luigi Amedeo, VI:80 diately following, per standard indexing rules. Abruzzo, Ben, VII:66,VII:72 Example: Al-Bekri will be found under B. Arabic Absolute differential calculus, VI:288 names beginning with Ibn/ibn are entered on Absolute geometry, V:202 the Ibn/ibn element and alphabetized by the ele- Abu Khatar,II:68 ment immediately following, per standard Abu Simbel temples, V:14–17,V:19, V:68 indexing rules. Example: ibn Sahl, Sabur will be Abubacer. SeeIbn Tufayl found under S. Abundant and deficient numbers, I:218 Notable exceptions (such as Ibn Rushd and Académie Royale des Sciences, III:252, IV:306 Ibn Sina) are alphabetized under I, per standard Accademia dei Lincei, III:337 indexing rules. Other exceptions are entered in Accademia del Cimento (Academy of Experiments), natural word order and alphabetized on the first III:337 element. Example: Thabit ibn Qurra will be Accidental and essential change, I:263 found under T. An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississip- pi and through the Western Parts of Louisiana(Pike), V:83 A Accountants, in trade, II:350 Accounting, Mesopotamia, I:158 Abacuses. SeeCounting and computing tools Acetyl-CoA, VI:124 Abano, Pietro d’, II:162–163 Acetylene, VI:508 Abbasid Dynasty, II:253–254 Achenwall, Gottfried, IV:261–262 Abbo of Fleury, II:233–234 Achilles and the tortoise, I:223, I:272 ABC (Atanasoff Berry Computer), VI:585 Acids. SeeMineral acids Abel, Frederick, V:574 Ackermann, Wilhelm, VI:203 Abel, John Jacob, VI:389 ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), VI:108 Abel, Niels, V:241–242 Aconcagua, VI:25 Cauchy and, V:241, V:246–247 Acoustics, IV:327–329,IV:338, V:415–417,V:497 Crelle and, V:241, V:268 Békésy, VI:341, VII:176 elliptic functions, V:239–240, V:241 Doppler effect, V:427, V:494 Fermat’s last theorem, VII:193 hearing aids, VI:340–344, VI:390, VI:609 mathematical specialization, V:236 Acquired characteristics. SeeLamarckism quintic equations, V:208–209, VI:250 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. SeeAIDS Abernethy, John, IV:182 (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Abolitionists, IV:290 Acrylic, VI:530 Aboriginal people Acta Mathematica,VI:231 Australia exploration, V:29–30, V:43, V:73 ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), VI:189, Bates and, VI:81 VII:182 Abortion Actuarial science, IV:205, IV:206 birth control, VI:319–320, VII:314, VII:316 Acuña, Cristóbal de, III:97 1 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 2 Acupuncture, I:99–101,VII:340 Baikie, V:90 Cumulative Aczel, Amir, VII:221 Baptista, V:91, V:94–95 Index Ad Vitellionem paralipomena(Kepler), III:349 Barth, V:63, V:66–67 Ada programming language, VII:575 Bombay role, V:92 Adahu, II:97 Brazza, V:92 Adams, Frank, VII:259 Caillié, V:93 Adams, George, Jr., IV:183 Cameron, V:54, V:93 Adams, George, Sr., IV:183 Capello/Ivens, V:93, V:94 Adams, Henry, VII:548 Du Chaillu, V:93 Adams, John Couch, V:459 Junker, V:95 elliptic functions, V:240 Kingsley, V:95 Neptune, discovery of, V:417, V:418–419, Krapf/Rebmann, V:95, V:98 V:459, V:477–478, V:495 Marchand, V:96 Adams, Walter Sydney, VI:500 Murphy, VII:56 Adams, William G., VII:487 Nachtigal, V:96 Addams, Jane, VI:377 Nile River source, V:44–46,V:54, V:68–69, Addison, Thomas, V:376 V:91, V:92, V:94, V:98–99 Adelard of Bath, II:221 Rohlfs, V:98 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), VI:124, VI:165, Sheldon, V:98, VI:86 VI:166 Stanley, V:53–56, V:92, V:99 Ader, Clément, V:600 star catalogs, V:429 Adhesive tapes, surgical, I:94 steamboats, V:517 Adleman, Leonard M., VII:237, VII:265 Thesiger, VI:77–78 Adler, Alfred, V:354, VI:301, VI:302, VI:376 Thomson, V:100 Al-Adli, II:234 West Africa exploration, 2000 B.C.to 699 A.D., Adrenaline, VI:194 I:17–20 Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas, VI:116, VI:117, VI:180, West Africa exploration, 700 to 1449, II:43–48 VI:396 See alsoEgypt, exploration of; Livingstone, Adsorption chromatography, VI:496–497 David Aedesius, I:68 African-American medical practitioners Aegean civilization. SeeCrete; Greece, ancient Augusta, V:377 Aeneid(Virgil), I:40 Barnes, VI:389 Aeolipiles, I:404 Canady, VII:375–376 Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius, IV:357 Carson, VII:350 Aerial circumnavigation Cobb, VI:391 by balloon, VII:41–43,VII:54–55, VII:57 Crumpler, V:379 Finch, VII:69 dentists, V:332, VII:309 1924 flights, VI:32, VI:84, VI:86 Drew, VI:317, VI:392 Post, VI:30, VI:85 Mahoney, V:304 Rutan/Yeager, VII:36–38,VII:60–61, Williams, V:387 VII:65–66 African-Americans Aerodynamics, IV:313, VI:509 astronauts, VII:18, VII:31, VII:53–54, VII:67, Aerosol cans, VI:612 VII:70 AES (atomic emission spectroscopy), V:443 aviation, VI:17, VI:56–57, VII:16 Aetius of Amida, I:148 explorers, V:94, V:97, VI:14–15, VI:61–62 Ibn Aflah, Jabir, II:236–237 inventors, V:597–598, V:606, V:607, V:610, Africa V:611 East African trading cities, II:59–61 life scientists, VI:156–157, VI:323, VI:324, as original population source, V:108 VI:377–378, VII:169–170 slavery, I:362, II:44, II:48, II:61, II:94 mathematicians, VI:242, VI:243–244,VI:283, See alsoAfrica, exploration and colonization of; VII:266, VII:267, VII:268, VII:269, VII:272 Imperialism/colonialism; Slavery and slave physical scientists, VI:486, VII:467 trade; Tropical medicine See alsoAfrican-American medical practitioners Africa, exploration and colonization of, III:58–60, African Association, IV:29, IV:57 III:60–62, IV:29–31,IV:57, IV:73 Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, V:181,V:459–460 Delia Akeley, VI:29, VI:49–50 Cuvier and, V:116, V:460 Mary Akeley, VI:80 Darwin and, V:109, V:460 Andersson, V:90 ecology, V:151 by automobile, VI:33–34, VI:82 Humboldt and, V:5 2 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 3 Ice Age theories, V:181, V:452–453, V:493, Aiden, Saint, I:53 V:502 AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), Cumulative Age of Enlightenment. SeeEnlightenment, Age of VII:296, VII:300–303 Index ”Age of Settlement,” II:54, II:55 epidemiology, VII:342–343 Ageism, VII:336 Harrison, VII:180 Aging. SeeGerontology public health, VII:345 Agnesi, Maria Gaëtana, IV:212, IV:243–244 vaccine search, VII:365–366 Agnodice, I:148 virus discovery, VII:301, VII:357–358, Agnosticism, V:163 VII:364–365 Agoraphobia, V:387 women, VII:305 Agramonte, Aristides, V:354 Aiken, Howard, V:510, VI:554, VI:604,VI:614, Agricola, Georgius, III:332, III:360–361, VII:560 III:435–438, III:481 Aiken, John, IV:183 Agriculture Air conditioning, II:331, V:440–441, VI:606 books, IV:388 Air pumps, III:372 Carver, VI:156–157 Air traffic control, VI:540 China, ancient, I:310, II:248–249 Airbags, VII:571 crop rotation, II:358, III:440–443 Aircraft. SeeAviation crops, domestication, I:314–316 Aircraft carriers, VI:526, VI:573 early twentieth-century development, Airplanes. SeeAviation VI:148–151 Airships, VI:518–521,VI:602–603 enclosure system, IV:378, IV:387 Airy, George, V:418, V:459 exchange of plants between Europe and North Ajza. SeeSeven climates (cartography) America, III:158–159 Akeley, Carl Ethan, VI:29, VI:49, VI:80 genetic diversity, V:128, VI:151, VII:92 Akeley, Delia, VI:29, VI:49–50 genetic engineering, VII:107–108, VII:145 Akeley, Mary Lee Jobe, VI:80 heredity, V:128, V:140 Akerblad, Johan, V:19 industrialization of, IV:386–391 Akhenaton, I:410 inventions, IV:388 Akkadian language, V:34–35 irrigation, I:332, I:333 Akkadian number symbols, I:179 late twentieth-century development, Akutsu, Tetsuzo, VII:311, VII:313 VII:106–109 Al-Andalus. SeeSpain Liebig, V:126–127, V:165–166 Al-jabr.SeeAlgebra Lysenkoism, V:321, VI:145–148,VI:167–168 Al-Kitab ar-Rujari.SeeThe Book of Roger(Al-Idrisi) Mesoamerica, II:378 Alaminos, Anton de, III:97 Middle East, II:329–330 Alaska, IV:18–19 nineteenth-century development, V:126–128 Albany Memorial Hospital, Gannon v.,VII:295 plows, I:310, II:357–359 Albategnius. SeeAl-Battani revolution, IV:377–378 Albert, Abraham Adrian, VI:280 rise of civilization, I:309–312 Albert of Saxony, II:308,V:213 soil conservation, VI:181 Albert the Great. SeeAlbertus Magnus terracing, II:378 Alberti, Leon Battista, II:221–222,II:308,III:253, Théatre d’agriculture(Serres), III:201–202 III:454, III:481,V:199 threshing machine, IV:388 Albertus Magnus, II:154–156, II:157–159,II:180, tractors, IV:389 II:276–277, II:290 See alsoAgriculture, mechanization of; Domes- Albinus, Bernard Siegfried, IV:183 tication, animals; Hybrids Albright, Fuller, VI:111–112, VI:346 Agriculture, mechanization of Albucasis. Seeal-Zahrawi, Abul Qasim Khalaf ibn al- electricity, V:557–558 Abbas internal combustion engine, V:543–544 Albumasar. SeeMa’shar, Abu petroleum, V:541, VII:107 Albuquerque, Afonso de, III:97 reaping machine, V:523–525, V:592–593 Alchemy, II:277–281 Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius, III:387 Alchemia(Libavius), III:377–378 Ahlfors, Lars Valerian, VI:257 biotechnology, VII:96 Ahlquist, Jon E., VII:175 medical therapy, III:156–157, III:197 Ahmes, I:224 transformation into chemistry, III:329–331, Ahmes Papyrus. SeeRhind Papyrus III:363 Ahura-Mazda, I:15 vitalism, V:122 AI. SeeArtificial intelligence (AI) See alsoChemistry; Iatrochemistry 3 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 4 Alcmaeon, I:134–135 Deligne, VII:268 Cumulative Alcock, John, VI:30, VI:32, VI:66, VI:80 Enriques, VI:284 Index Alcock, Thomas, VI:440 enumerative geometry, V:274 Alcott, Louisa May, V:315 Grothendieck, VII:250 Alcuin, II:234 Kodaira, VII:253 Alderotti, Taddeo, II:163 Mordell’s Conjecture, VII:197–199, Aldrin, Eugene Edwin (“Buzz”), VII:19, VII:21, VII:249–250 VII:66,VII:68 Mori, VII:222, VII:223, VII:273 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, III:168–169, III:210,III:387 Noether, V:273 Alexander, James Waddell, VI:280 projective geometry, V:201 Alexander III, Pope, II:57 Weil conjectures, VI:277, VII:251 Alexander III of Macedon. SeeAlexander the Great Zeuthen, V:276 Alexander the Great, I:30–35,I:62–63 Algebraic topology, V:205, VII:233–235,VII:268 food preservation, V:538 Algeria, VII:244 Nearchus and, I:27–29, I:78 ALGOL, VII:196, VII:496, VII:555, VII:556 Royal Road, I:372 Algorithmic complexity theory, VII:197 Troy, V:51 Algorithms, II:202, VII:207–208 undersea exploration, III:418, VI:38 Alhazen. Seeal-Haytham, Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al- Alexander VI, Pope, III:49, III:61 Hasan ibn Alexanderson, E., VI:591 `Ali, Muhammad, V:45 Alexandrov, Pavel, VI:280 Ibn Ali Harasi, Abu Mansur Muwaffak, II:180 Alexius I Comnenus, II:12 Alighieri, Dante, I:261, II:309 Alfarabius. Seeal-Farabi, Abu Nasr Alkaloids, V:187 Alfonsine Tables, II:266, III:319, III:380–381 Alkindus. Seeal-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Ya Qub ibn Ishaq Alfonso X of Castile, II:308 al-Sabbah Alfraganus. Seeal-Farghani, Abu’l-Abbas Ahmad ibn Allee, Warder C., VI:180 Muhammad ibn Kathir ecology, VI:140–141, VI:180 Alfred of Sareshel, II:308 ethology, VI:131, VI:132, VI:133 Algae, V:188–189 Allegories, I:289 Algebra, I:168, I:191–193,II:192–193, II:200–202, Allen, Bryan, VII:66 II:298 Allen, John, V:331 algebraic topology, V:205, VII:233–235, Allen, Paul, VII:510, VII:553–554,VII:558 VII:268 Allen, Willard, VI:180–181 analysis, III:232–234, IV:232–234 Allergies, VI:365, VI:395 axiomatization of, VI:250–252,VI:271 Allosteric regulation, VII:167 Betti, V:266 Almagest(Ptolemy), I:195, I:198, I:229,I:250, I:261, computer science, VII:273 II:267–268, III:319 Darboux, V:268 Almagro, Diego de, III:97 equations, III:239–241,III:250–251 Alp, Halton Christian, VII:392 Fundamental Theorem, V:252 Alpetragius. SeeAl-Bitruji homological, VI:254–256,VI:287 Alpha helix, VI:490 mathematical logic, V:224–225, V:274 Alphabetic number system. SeeIonian number system nineteenth-century development, V:214–217 Alphabets. SeeWriting systems number theory, V:197 Alphanus, II:113 Peirce, V:273 Alpher, Ralph, VI:501 quaternion theory, V:215, V:254–255, V:268, Alpini, Prospero, III:210 VI:251 Alpinism, IV:42–44,IV:72 quintic equations, V:208–210, V:241, V:266, Alps, VI:25 V:268, V:274, VI:250 Alternative medicine semisimple, VI:294 1450 to 1699, III:141–144 Sylvester, V:275 nineteenth century, V:314–317,V:357–358, vector analysis, V:201, V:214, V:215–216 V:374 Waerden, VI:294 twentieth century, VII:339–341 Wedderburn, VI:251, VI:294 See alsoMedicinal plant use; Traditional heal- See alsoAlgebraic geometry; Analytic geometry; ing Boolean algebra; Lie algebra; Mathematics; Althing, II:55 specific people Altman, Sidney, VII:177 Algebraic geometry Alvarado, Pedro de, III:97 Clebsch, V:267, V:269 Alvares, Francisco, III:97 4 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 5 Alvarez, Luis Walter, VII:416–417, VII:441–442, Anatomy, human VII:462, VII:485 animal dissection, I:125, II:126, II:158 Cumulative Alvarez, Walter Asaro, VII:416, VII:442, Bambuti people, VI:28 Index VII:462–463,VII:485 comparative, V:115–116, V:159, V:188 Alvarez de Piñeda, Alonso, III:22–24,III:72–73 Evans, VI:185 Alzheimer’s disease, VII:318, VII:335, VII:340 Gray, V:381 AMA (American Medical Association), VI:358, Henle, V:381 VII:337 His, V:185 Amazon River exploration, III:49–51,IV:6–8,IV:68 human dissection, I:125, I:141, I:144, II:118, Ambulances, V:332–333, V:362 II:126–128 Amenemhet III, I:410 Knox, V:382 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), VI:108 pathology, IV:121–123, IV:148 American Medical Association (AMA), VI:358, sculpture, I:151 VII:337 significant developments, 1450-1699, American Museum of Natural History, VI:51, VI:87, III:151–153 VI:191 tissue doctrine, IV:114–115,IV:151 American Ornithology(Wilson), V:120 See alsoIllustration, medical; Physiology American Revolution, submarines, VII:9 Anatomy, microscopic, III:196 American West, Exploration of. SeeNorth America, Anawrahta, II:97 exploration of Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, I:224,I:239, I:242, Ammonius Hermiae, I:224 I:274–276 Ammonius Saccus, I:224 Anaximander of Miletus, I:238, I:241, I:276 Amniocentesis, VII:306–307, VII:375 Anaximenes of Miletus, I:241, I:298 Amontons, Guillaume, III:387–388 And the Band Played On(film), VII:358 Ampère, André Marie, V:491 Anders, William A., VII:66 geology, VI:459 Anderson, Carl David, VI:475, VII:427 Liouville and, V:258 Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett, V:351, V:377 number theory, V:221 Anderson, Herbert L., VI:450 Oersted and, V:217, V:482, V:483 Anderson, Kristian, VII:66 wave theory of light, V:218 Anderson, Maxie, VII:66,VII:72 Amplification, VI:605 Anderson, Philip, VI:512, VII:466 Amputation, IV:140–141 Andersson, Carl John, V:90 Amundsen, Roald, VI:50–51 Andersson, Johan Gunnar, VI:80 North Pole, VI:15, VI:54 Andral, Gabriel, V:377 Northwest Passage, III:35, V:22, V:39, V:76, Andre-Deshays, Claudie, VII:18 VI:10–12 Andreesen, Marc, VII:524–525, VII:554–555 South Pole, VI:11, VI:14, VI:75, VI:86, VII:49 Andrews, Roy Chapman, VI:181 Amunirdis I, I:84 Andrews, Thomas, V:491 Amyand, Claudius, IV:183 Andronikos of Kyrrhestes, I:298 Anaerobes, VI:352 Anel, Dominque, IV:183 Analyse des Infiniment Petits four l’intelligence des lignes Anesthesiology, V:296–299,V:335–336, VI:337 courbes(L’Hospital), III:258 dentistry, V:298, V:332–333, V:335, V:373, Analysis, mathematical, III:232–234,IV:232–234 V:383, V:384, VI:321, VI:322 Analytic geometry, III:241–243,III:251, III:252, hypodermic syringe, V:336, V:385 III:390 Koller, V:298–299, V:336, V:382 See alsoAlgebra; Geometry; Mathematics Long, V:297, V:336, V:373, V:383 Analytic (Jungian) psychology, VI:302, VI:394 Simpson, V:298, V:336, V:372, V:373 Analytical Institutions(Agnesi), IV:212 Snow, V:298, V:336, V:374 Analytical Theory of Probability(Laplace), V:206 women in, VI:336, VII:347–348 Anaphylaxis, VI:328 Aneurysms, II:175, VI:394 Anarcharis of Scythia, I:410 Anfinsen, Christian Boehmer, VII:175,VII:183, Anasazi, II:364–365 VII:185 Anatoli, Jacob, II:309 Anger, Hal, VII:320 Anatomia uteri humani gravidi tabulis illustrata (The Angiography, VII:356 Anatomy of the Human Gravid Uterus Exhibited in Angioplasty, VII:294, VII:378 Figures) (Hunter), IV:165 Angiosperms, V:114 Anatomical-Pathological Researches on Phthisis(Louis), Angkor Wat temple complex, II:366–367,II:387, V:365 II:393 Anatomie hepatitis(Glisson), III:189 Angle, Edward H., VI:323, VI:389 5 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 6 Anglicus, Bartholomeus, II:180,II:309 Antergan, VI:328 Cumulative Anglicus, Richard, II:315 Anthemius of Tralles, I:411 Index Anglicus, Robertus, II:239 Anthoniszoon, Adriaen, III:301 Animal behavior. SeeEthology Anthrax, V:139–140, V:305, V:306–307, V:308–309, Animal electricity, IV:158 V:359 Animal experimentation, IV:113, IV:117–118 Anthropic principle, VII:472 Animal magnetism. SeeMesmerism Anthropology Animal organ transplants (xenotransplantation), Bambuti people, VI:27–29 VII:287, VII:312, VII:313 Bates, VI:81 Animal species, exchange of, III:158–160 Blumenbach, IV:151–152 See alsoZoology Boas, VI:142, VI:143, VI:144, VI:145, Animalcules, IV:97, IV:99, IV:173 VI:155–156 Animals cultural, V:189, VI:143–144, VI:155 anatomy and dissection, I:125, II:126, II:158 cultural diffusion, VI:62–63 animal oils, I:354 evolutionary theory, V:107, V:189, barnacle geese, II:160 VI:142–143, VI:156 bestiaries, II:157 genetics, V:107, V:108, V:321 Bucephalus, I:62 Mead, VI:144, VI:156, VI:168–169 cats, II:131 psychology, VI:144, VI:301 ”Celestial Horses,” I:37–38 racism, V:106, V:107–108, V:153–154, disease, spread from, I:311 VI:142–143 domestication, I:311, I:312–314 twentieth century developments, VI:142–145 falconry, II:159–162 See alsoPaleoanthropology; Physical anthropol- gorillas, I:19 ogy Hebrew dietary laws, I:105–106 Anti-Semitism, II:382–383, VII:244 Historia animalium(Aristotle), I:118 See alsoNazi impact on science horses, I:312–314,II:357–358, III:28 Anti-vivisectionists, IV:113, IV:118 llamas, I:342 Antibiotics, VI:310–313,VI:366–367, VI:373–375 mummification of, I:95 biotechnology, VII:143, VII:144 rats, II:129, II:131 Domagk, VI:365, VI:391–392 whales, I:56–57 epidemiology, VII:342 See alsoZoology military influences, VI:354 Animism, IV:113, IV:119, V:129 public health, VII:345 Annales de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées,V:200, syphilis, VI:315, VI:370–371 V:226, V:227, V:229, V:269 Waksman, VI:149–150, VI:398 Annapurna, VI:83 Antibodies, VII:178, VII:181, VII:183, VII:184 Anne of Bohemia, II:396 See alsoImmunology Anning, Mary, V:455 Anticoagulants, VI:394, VI:395 Anno Domini(in the year of our Lord) (A.D.), Antihistamines, VI:328–329,VI:364, VI:365 I:278–279 Antimatter, VII:407 Anothomia(Mondino dei Liucci), II:177 Antiochus the Great, I:84 Anson, George, IV:77 Antiphon the Sophist, I:224 Antagonist therapies, VI:333, VI:388 Antipyretics. SeeAspirin Antarctic exploration Antisepsis, V:299–301,V:335, V:336–337, Bellinghausen, V:31, V:32, V:91 V:363–364, VI:335–336 Byrd, VI:54, VII:67 germ theory of disease, V:138, V:172, V:299, Charcot, VI:81 V:336–337 Dumont d’Urville, V:32, V:72 military influences, VI:353 Drygalski, VI:82 public health, V:344–345 Fuchs, VII:49–50, VII:53, VII:440 Watson, V:387 International Geophysical Year, VII:438–439, Antiseptics, IV:141 VII:440 Antitoxin, V:307, V:347, V:348, V:386, VI:389 Mawson, VI:75, VI:84 Anza, Juan Bautista de, IV:77 meteorites, VII:417 Apeiron,I:241 Ross, V:22, V:86 Aperture synthesis, VII:396–397, VII:398, VII:453 Shackleton, VI:15, VI:75–76, VI:78 Apgar, Virginia, VII:347–348 Steger, VII:74 Apian, Peter, III:388 Wilkes, V:31–33,V:63, V:72, V:89, VI:14 Apollo Program. SeeMoon landings See alsoSouth Pole, exploration of Apollonius of Perga, I:203,V:198 6 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 7 Apothecaries and herbalists, II:113, II:152, Petra, V:67–68 III:124–125, III:142–143, III:194, IV:181 Petrie, V:97, VI:22, VI:55 Cumulative Appel, Kenneth I., VII:196, VII:225, VII:265 prehistoric tools, England, IV:44–47 Index Appell, Paul, V:467 Reisner, VI:85 Appert, Nicolas, III:453, V:514, V:575–576 Rosetta Stone, V:16, V:17–20, V:69 Apple Computer, Inc., VII:510, VII:538, Tennessee Valley Authority, VI:563 VII:561–562, VII:570–571 Troy, V:49–51, V:86–87 Appleton, Edward Victor, VI:500 Tutankhamen’s tomb, VI:22–24,VI:55–56 Appliances. SeeHousehold work Ubar, VII:67 Appropriate technology movement, VII:545–547, Ur, VI:87 VII:567–568 Arches, Roman, I:327, I:328 APT computer language, VI:241 Archimedes, I:225,I:276–277,I:363–365,I:388 Aqalim. SeeSeven climates (cartography) biographies, VII:220 Aqua regia,II:280 calculus, VI:212, VI:213 Aqualung, VI:607, VI:608, VII:47 ”cattle of the sun” problem, VII:275 Aqueducts. SeeWater management nineteenth-century study of, V:198 Aquinas, Thomas. SeeThomas Aquinas, Saint number theory, V:222 Arabic cultures. SeeMiddle East; Middle East, explo- pi, III:265, IV:209 ration of squaring the circle, I:184 Arabic numbers. SeeHindu-Arabic number system Architecture Arago, Dominique François Jean, V:460–461 advances, 1700 to 1799, IV:408–411 astronomy, V:419, V:461 Angkor Wat temple complex, II:366–367, Cauchy and, V:247 II:387, II:393 ether theories of light, V:400–401 building materials, Middle East, II:330 Liouville and, V:258 Byzantine, I:405–406 number theory, V:221 castles, II:368–370 photography, V:520 cathedrals, Gothic, II:370–373,II:394 wave theory of light, V:395, V:461, V:466 cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde, II:364–365 Arakelov theorem, VII:198 Corinthian columns, I:35, I:409 Aral Sea, exploration of, II:30–31 Doric columns, I:409 Aranzio, Giulio Cesare, III:210 Eiffel Tower, V:603 Aratrum,II:357 elevators, V:534 Arber, Werner, VII:175,VII:183, VII:185 Empire State Building, VI:544–546 Arbogast, Louis François Antoine, IV:262, geodesic domes, VI:288 V:265–266 Great Wall of China, I:340–342,I:399, I:412 Arbuthnot, John, IV:183,IV:262 Hadrian’s Wall, I:403 Arc lamps, V:492, V:553, V:610 India, ancient, I:335–337 Archaeology Ionic columns, I:409 Abu Simel temples, V:14–17, V:19, V:68 lighting systems, V:555 Bell, VI:81 masonry, II:379, II:394 Boucher de Crevecoeur de Perthes, V:151, Mayan Empire, I:337–340 V:182 muqarnas,II:216–218 carbon-14 dating, VI:6, VI:506, VI:610–611, Offa’s Dyke, II:389 VII:544 Palace of Versailles, III:457–459 cave paintings, VI:41–43,VII:39–41 Palladio, Andrea, III:453–456,III:476 China, VII:25–28 Paxton, V:608 Crete, VI:4–6,VI:58–59, VI:85, VII:3–6, Roman Empire, I:326–332 VII:64–65 Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Dead Sea Scrolls, VI:6, VI:7–9 I:323–326,II:7 epochs, V:186–187 steel production, V:537 geodesic domes, VI:288, VII:557 Sullivan, V:609 Herculaneum and Pompeii, IV:39–42,IV:66 See alsoBridges; Houses; Pyramids Inca Empire, VI:20, VI:21, VI:52–53 Archytas of Tarentum, I:204–205,I:411 Lepsius, V:70, V:96 Arcolani (Arculanus), Giovanni, III:210 Mayan Empire, VII:71, VII:73 Arctic exploration, IV:27–29,IV:66–67 Mesopotamia, V:33–35, V:67, V:95–96, Boyd, VI:81 V:97–98 Ellsworth, VI:15, VI:51, VI:78, VI:82 North America, V:99, VI:83 Franklin, V:75–76 Olmec civilization, VI:87 Hall, V:94 7 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 8 Herbert, VII:52 paleontology, V:115 Cumulative International Geophysical Year, VII:438, photography, III:423, V:520 Index VII:440 physics, I:272–274 Kane, V:95 planetary motion, III:319, III:342–343 McClure, V:38–40, V:80–81 Plato and, I:135 Nansen, V:96 rainbows, II:272 Nobile, VI:15, VI:51, VI:84 scientific method, III:369 North Pole, magnetic, V:20–22, V:85, V:86, terrestrial events, observation of, I:266–267 VII:49, VII:63–64 theory of substance, III:354 Northeast Passage, V:61–63, V:81–82 See alsoMotion Parry, V:85, V:97 Arithmetica(Diophantus), I:177, I:209, III:259 Payer, V:97 Arithmetica Infinitorum (Infinitesimal Arithmetic)(Wal- Peary, V:97, VI:62, VI:69 lis), III:255 Rasmussen, VI:71–72 Arkell, William, VII:463 Steger, VII:74 Arkwright, Richard, IV:423–424 Wilkins, VI:78 Armat, Thomas, V:569 See alsoNorth Pole, geographic Armati, Salvino degli, II:396 Arctic Zoology(Pennant), V:120 Armillary spheres, II:258 Ardha-Magadhi Prakrit,I:246 Armor. SeeBody armor Ardinghelli, Maria Angela, IV:357 Armour, Philip, V:515 Ardrey, Robert, VII:125 Arms race. SeeCold War Aretaeus of Cappadocia, I:149 Armstrong, Edwin H., VI:604 Arezzo, Ristoro d’, II:315 Armstrong, Henry Edward, VI:484 Argand, Aimé, IV:440 Armstrong, Karl, VII:244 Argand, François Ami, V:553 Armstrong, Neil, VII:15, VII:19, VII:21, VII:46–47, Argand, Jean-Robert, V:215, V:266 VII:62, VII:66, VII:68 Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August, V:429–430, Armstrong, William George, V:600–601 V:491 Arnarson, Ingólfur, II:54, II:70 Arguin Island slave-trading center, II:43, II:44, II:94 Arnold, Edward, V:546 Aristaeus the Elder, I:205 Arnold, Henry H. (“Hap”), VI:601 Aristarchus of Samos, I:194, I:225,I:260, I:277–278 Aromatherapy, VII:341 Aristophanes, V:222 Around the World in Eighty Days(Verne), V:64 Aristotle ARPAnet, VII:523–524, VII:539 aging, VII:334 Arrhenius, Svante August, V:434–435, V:443, V:483, Alexander the Great and, I:30, I:136 V:491 astronomy, II:260 Arrian, I:28 atomic theory, V:430 Arrow, Kenneth J., VII:265 Bambuti people, VI:27 Ars magna(Llull), II:300 ban on study of, II:286–287, II:290 Ars Magna lucis et umbrae(Kircher), III:429–430 biology, I:116–119 Ars Magna (The Great Art)(Cardano), III:239, III:245, catastrophe theory, VII:231 III:246, III:282 chemical theory, I:262–265 Art cosmology, I:258–259 cave paintings, VI:41–43, VII:39–41 Earth, shape of, I:393 China, ancient, II:19 ecology, VI:139 forgeries, VII:544 ethics, I:136 geometry, V:198–199 four elements (air, earth, fire, water), I:115, Gupta Dynasty, I:336 I:263–264, II:269–270 Hellenistic Era, I:35 grand unified theories, VII:435 Maurya Dynasty, I:335, I:336 heredity, V:140 Mesoamerica, II:380 Ibn Rushd’s commentaries of, II:170 mosaics, I:406 infinite quantities, VII:199 ornithology, V:120, V:154, VII:73 influence on the sciences, I:135–136,I:298 popular, IV:398, IV:399 logic, I:181–182 sculpture and anatomy, I:151 mammalian reproduction, V:117 suspension bridges, V:560 mathematical logic, V:211, V:224, V:233 tuberculosis, V:309 microbiology, V:136 ART (assisted reproductive technologies), natural philosophy, III:314–315 VII:354–355, VII:367, VII:371–372, VII:375 neurology, VII:133 Artaxerxes II, I:22–23 8 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 9 Artedi, Peter, IV:147 life scientists, VI:189, VI:194, VII:182 Artemidorus Daldianus, I:149 mathematicians, VI:282, VII:222, VII:267, Cumulative Artemisia of Caria, I:149 VII:270, VII:271, VII:276 Index Arthur, Chester A., V:346 medical practitioners, VI:320, VII:367–368, Artificial hearts, VII:311–314,VII:352–353, VII:376, VII:379 VII:362–363, VII:378 physical scientists, VII:407–408, VII:422, Artificial insemination, VI:149 VII:461–462, VII:468, VII:470, VII:472, Artificial intelligence (AI) VII:473 Feigenbaum/Feldman, VII:573 Askey, Richard, VII:265 future of, VII:550 Al-Asmai, II:180 mathematics, VII:195 Asoka, I:63–64 McCarthy, VII:565 Aspartame, VII:471 Minsky, VII:577 Aspdin, Joseph, V:601 Newell, VII:578 Asphyxiation, VI:347–348 robotics, VII:502, VII:503 Aspirin, V:497, VI:359–362 Simon, VII:580 Assassins (radical group), II:232 Turing, VI:275 Assembly lines, VI:557, VI:594 Artificial limbs, VI:384 Assisted reproductive technologies (ART), Artificial radioactivity, VI:447–450, VI:478, VI:480, VII:354–355, VII:367, VII:371–372, VII:375 VI:505 Associationism, IV:119–120, IV:162 Artificial respiration, VI:348–349, VII:329 See alsoEmpiricism See alsoCardiopulmonary resuscitation Associations for the Advancement of Science, V:458 Artillery. SeeMilitary technology Assyria, V:33–35,V:67, V:95–96 Artin, Emil, VI:251, VI:280,VI:294 Astadhyayi(Panini), I:228 Aryabhata II, II:234 Asteroids, V:252, V:420–422,V:484–485, VII:421 Aryabhata the Elder, I:163, I:195–196, I:205–206, Asthma, VI:323, VI:324, VI:325, VI:329 I:246–247, I:298,II:196 Aston, Francis William, VI:500 Aryabhatiya(Aryabhata the Elder), I:206, I:246 Astrolabes, II:46, II:69, II:258–259 Aryans, I:13, I:335 Astrology, I:248–250,I:251, II:280 Arzachel. Seeal-Zarqali, Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Yahya See alsoMedical astrology Asclepiades of Bithynia, I:115, I:136–137 Astronauts. SeeSpace exploration Asclepius, I:108, I:111, I:113, I:145 Astronomical clocks, II:250, II:258 Ascoli, Cecco d’, II:309 Astronomical unit, VI:505 Ascoli, Saladin di, II:152 Astronomy Aselli, Gaspere, III:211 asteroids and meteorites, V:252, V:420–422, Asepsis, V:299–301,V:371–372 V:484–485, VII:415–418, VII:442, See alsoAntisepsis VII:462–463 Ashburn, Percy, VI:389 astrology, I:248–250,I:251 Ashley, William Henry, V:90 astronomical tables, II:259, II:264–266 Ashurbanipal, I:388 astronomical unit, VI:505 Asia. SeeAsia, exploration of; specific countries ballooning, VI:37–38, VII:438 Asia, exploration of Bhattacharyya, VII:463 automobile expedition, VI:33–35,VI:82 Blaaue, VII:463 Cheesman, VI:81–82 Bond, V:492 Indonesia, V:97 chaos theory, VII:415 Japan, V:98 China, I:256–257, II:248, II:250 Maillart, VI:84 comets, II:249, III:342–345,III:345, III:381, New Guinea, V:58–60, V:71–72 IV:279–282,IV:343, V:494, V:495, V:499, Northeast Passage, V:61–63, V:81–82 V:500, VII:451–452, VII:467 Russian expansion, V:56–58, V:83–84 cosmic rays, VI:37–38, VI:489, VII:438, 700 to 1449, II:24–29 VII:470 Silk Road, VI:33–35 dynamics and celestial mechanics, 2000 B.C.to 699 A.D., I:59–61,II:24–29 IV:222–224,IV:279, IV:347 Younghusband, VI:88 Earth’s circumference, I:196–198,I:210, I:268 See alsoChina, exploration of; Middle East, eclipses, I:255–257 exploration of; Tibet, exploration of; specific epicycle hypothesis, I:294 countries extrasolar planets, VII:45, VII:421–423 Asian-Americans Gauss, V:252, V:420, V:421, V:422, V:484–485 computer scientists, VII:580 gravitational constant, IV:313–315 9 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8 Science Times cum index 8/8/01 12:03 AM Page 10 Great Barringer meteor crater, VI:456–459, x rays, VII:470–471 Cumulative VI:500–501 See alsoCelestial mechanics; Cosmic back- Index Greek, III:339–340 ground radiation; Cosmology; Extraterres- Hubble, V:427, VI:417, VI:422–423, VI:428, trial life; Geocentrism; Geometry; Heliocen- VI:482–483 trism; Hubble Space Telescope; Navigation; instruments, III:335, III:340–341, III:367–368 Ptolemy (Greek mathematician); Radio interstellar matter, VI:421, VI:504, VI:511, astronomy; Spectroscopy; Star catalogs; VII:452 Stellar evolution; Stellar measurement; Kuiper, VI:506 Trigonometry; Women astronomers Laplace, V:220, V:239, V:257, V:258 Astrophysics Maanen, VI:507 Eddington, VI:423, VI:502 Fourier analysis, V:195 Maragha Observatory, II:232–233, II:268–269 Hale, VI:421, VI:422, VI:428, VI:504 measurement, III:364–365, III:379–380, III:382 Saha, VI:446 meteorites, IV:338–339 See alsoAstronomy; Big Bang theory; Stellar evolution Middle East, 700 to 1449, II:267–269 Aswan High Dam, V:14, V:16–17 Möbius, V:272 Atahuallpa, III:47–48, III:90–91, III:93 nebular hypothesis, IV:285–287,IV:348, V:257, V:421, VI:512 Atalla, M. M. (“John”), VII:479 Neptune, discovery of, V:417–419,V:421, Atanasoff, John V., VI:554, VI:584–585,VI:605, V:459, V:461, V:477–478, V:495 VII:564 observatories, III:351–353,III:364, Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC), VI:585 III:366–367 Atheism, IV:285–286 Oort, VII:451–452 Atiyah, Michael Francis, VII:259–260 photography in, V:425,V:426,V:454, V:494, Atlantic Ocean, myths, II:44 V:500, VI:503 Atlas(Mercator), III:89–90 physics, IV:222, IV:224 Atmospheric study. SeeMeteorology planetary equatorium, II:293 Atomic bomb. SeeNuclear weapons planetary motion, III:319, III:328–329, IV:223, Atomic clocks, VII:482 IV:280–281 Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES), V:443 planets, discovery of, IV:283–284 Atomic Energy Commission, VI:153 planets, origin of names, I:252 Atomic models, V:408–410,VI:432–434 plate tectonics, VII:389–390 Bohr, VII:464, VII:468–469 Pons, V:500 quantum mechanics, VI:418–419, VI:433–434, probability theory, IV:223 VI:443, VI:470 professionalization of science, V:457 Sommerfeld, VI:419, VI:511 pulsars, VII:393–396,VII:397, VII:398, Thomson, V:488, VI:433, VII:426 VII:442–443, VII:466, VII:467 See alsoParticle physics quadrants, II:259 Atomic structure. SeeAtomic models; Atomic theory quasars, VII:390–393,VII:397, VII:398, Atomic theory, V:430–433,V:442, V:468–469 VII:455, VII:456, VII:471 chemotherapy, VI:313 radar, VI:429, VI:466–468 crystallography, V:445 religion, II:259–262,IV:277–279,IV:285–286 Henry, V:431, V:469, V:475, V:476 Russell’s methodology, VI:509–510 importance of, V:414–415 Samarkand Observatory, II:307 metabolism, V:122–123 Shapley, VI:422, VI:510 periodic table, V:436–437, V:464 solar observation, V:426, V:444, V:486–487, subatomic particles, VII:426 V:493, V:497, VI:417, VI:504 See alsoAtomic models; Quantum mechanics solar system, I:250–252 Atomic transmutation solar wind, VII:469 Cockcroft/Walton research, VI:498, VI:502 stellar, III:339–342,III:362, III:366–367, Ramsay/Soddy research, V:486, VI:495 III:373 Rutherford/Soddy research, V:407, V:463, text translations, II:256 VI:487, VI:493, VI:495 thermal ionization equation, VI:446 Atomic weight, V:464, VI:500 Tombaugh, VI:512 See alsoPeriodic table trigonometry, impact on, III:267–269 Atomism, I:239, I:243, I:258, I:266, I:282 Uranus, discovery of, IV:282–285 Aristotelean theory v.,III:354–355 Van Allen belts, VII:43, VII:439, VII:469, Christianity, III:316–317 VII:472 Gassendi, Pierre, III:368–369 10 S C I E N C E A N D I T S T I M E S (cid:1) V O L U M E 8

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