20 N O TI A D N U O F E C 14 N E CI S L A N O TI APPENDIX TABLES A N www.nsf.gov/statistics/indicators/appendix/ National Science Board Science & Engineering Indicators 20 14 APPENDIX TABLES Science & Engineering Indicators List of Appendix Tables Detailed appendix tables are available online at http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/indicators/appendix/. Chapter 1. Elementary and Secondary Mathematics and Science Education 1-1 First-time kindergarteners and their average mathematics and science assessment scores, by child, family, and school characteristics: Academic year 2010−11 ............................................... 1 1-2 Average NAEP mathematics scores of students in grades 4 and 8, by student and school characteristics: 1990–2011 ............................................................................... 2 1-3 Students in grades 4 and 8 scoring at or above NAEP’s proficient level in mathematics for their grade, by student and school characteristics: 1990–2011 ................................................... 4 1-4 Average NAEP science scores of students in grade 8, by student and school characteristics: 2009 and 2011 ... 6 1-5 Students in grade 8 scoring at or above NAEP’s proficient level in science for their grade level, by student and school characteristics: 2009 and 2011 ....................................................... 8 1-6 Average TIMSS mathematics scores of students in grades 4 and 8, by country/jurisdiction: 2011 ........... 9 1-7 Average TIMSS science scores of students in grades 4 and 8, by country/jurisdiction: 2011 .............. 11 1-8 Highest-level mathematics course in which ninth graders enrolled, by student and family characteristics: 2009 ................................................................................... 13 1-9 Highest-level science course in which ninth graders enrolled, by student and family characteristics: 2009 ... 14 1-10 Public school students in graduating class of 2012 who took AP exams in mathematics and science in high school, by sex and race or ethnicity ........................................................... 15 1-11 Mathematics and science classes taught by teachers experienced in teaching their subject, by years of experience and school and class characteristics: 2012 ............................................. 16 1-12 Middle and high school science teachers with various levels of preparation in their subject, by grade level and subject taught: 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1-13 Middle and high school mathematics teachers who completed mathematics courses in college: 2012 ....... 18 1-14 Middle and high school mathematics and science teachers with an undergraduate or graduate degree in their subject, by school and class characteristics: 2012 ............................................ 19 1-15 Elementary teachers’ self-assessment of their preparedness to teach selected mathematics and science topics: 2012 ............................................................................. 20 1-16 Middle and high school science teachers considering themselves very well prepared to teach various science topics: 2012 ....................................................................... 21 1-17 Middle and high school mathematics teachers considering themselves very well prepared to teach various mathematics topics: 2012 ................................................................... 22 1-18 School program representatives rating the effect of various school conditions on mathematics and science instruction: 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1-19 Beginning public elementary and secondary school teachers (2007−08) who had left teaching by 2009−10, by teaching level, field, and selected teacher and school characteristics ............................... 24 1-20 On-time graduation rates of U.S. public high school students, by sex and race or ethnicity: 2006−10 ....... 25 1-21 High school graduation rates, by OECD country: 2010 ........................................... 26 1-22 High school graduates enrolled in college in October after completing high school, by demographic characteristics and institution type: 1975–2011 .................................................. 27 1-23 First-time entry rates into university-level education, by OECD country and sex of student: 2010 .......... 29 Chapter 2. Higher Education in Science and Engineering 2-1 S&E degrees awarded, by degree level, Carnegie institution type, and field: 2011 ...................... 30 2-2 Degrees awarded by private for-profit academic institutions, by broad field and degree level: 2000–11 ..... 32 2-3 Degrees awarded by private for-profit academic institutions, by field and degree level: 2011 .............. 33 2-4 Average revenue per FTE by institution type: 1987–2010 ......................................... 34 2-5 Average expenditures per FTE by institution type: 1987–2010 ..................................... 36 2-6 Full-time S&E graduate students, by source and mechanism of primary support: 1997–2011 .............. 38 2-7 Full-time S&E graduate students, by field and mechanism of primary support: 2011 .................... 40 iii 2-8 Full-time S&E graduate students primarily supported by federal government, by field and mechanism of primary support: 2011 ..................................................................... 42 2-9 Full-time S&E graduate students primarily supported by federal government, by agency: 1997–2011 ....... 44 2-10 Full-time S&E graduate students primarily supported by federal government, by field and agency: 2011 .... 45 2-11 Primary support mechanisms for S&E doctorate recipients, by citizenship, sex, and race or ethnicity: 2011 .. 47 2-12 Amount of undergraduate and graduate debt of S&E doctorate recipients, by field: 2011 ................. 48 2-13 Doctorate recipients with graduate education-related debt, by broad field of study: 2001–11 .............. 50 2-14 Undergraduate and total enrollment in higher education, by Carnegie institution type: 1996–2011 ......... 53 2-15 Projections of U.S. population age 20–24, by sex and race or ethnicity: 2015–60 ....................... 54 2-16 Freshmen intending S&E major, by field, sex, and race or ethnicity: 1998–2012 ....................... 56 2-17 Earned bachelor’s degrees, by sex and field: 2000–11 ............................................ 59 2-18 Freshmen intending to major in selected S&E fields, by sex and race or ethnicity: 1998–2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 2-19 Foreign undergraduate student enrollment in U.S. universities, by field and selected places of origin: November 2011 and November 2012 ......................................................... 65 2-20 Undergraduate enrollment in engineering and engineering technology programs: 1997–2011 ............. 67 2-21 Earned associate’s degrees, by sex and field: 2000–11 ............................................ 68 2-22 Earned associate’s degrees, by citizenship, field, and race or ethnicity: 2000–11 ....................... 72 2-23 Earned bachelor’s degrees, by citizenship, field, and race or ethnicity: 2000–11 ........................ 82 2-24 S&E graduate enrollment, by sex and field: 2000–11 ............................................. 92 2-25 Engineering enrollment, by enrollment level and attendance: 1991–2011 ............................. 96 2-26 First-time full-time S&E graduate students, by citizenship and field: 2000–11 ......................... 97 2-27 S&E graduate enrollment, by citizenship, field, and race or ethnicity: 2000–11 ....................... 101 2-28 Foreign graduate student enrollment in U.S. universities, by field and selected places of origin: November 2011 and November 2012 ........................................................ 111 2-29 Earned master’s degrees, by sex and field: 2000–11 ............................................. 113 2-30 Earned master’s degrees, by citizenship, field, and race or ethnicity: 2000–11 ........................ 117 2-31 Earned doctoral degrees, by citizenship, field, and sex: 2000–11 ................................... 127 2-32 Median number of years from S&E doctorate recipients’ entry to graduate school to receipt of doctorate, by field: 1981–2011 ...................................................................... 134 2-33 Earned doctoral degrees, by citizenship, field, and race or ethnicity: 2000–11 ......................... 135 2-34 Expenditures on tertiary education as a percentage of GDP: 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2009 ................ 145 2-35 Tertiary-type A, advanced research programs, and tertiary education, by age group and country: 2010 ..... 147 2-36 First university degrees, by selected region and country/economy: 2010 or most recent year ............. 148 2-37 S&E first university degrees, by selected Western or Asian country/economy and field: 2000–10 ......... 152 2-38 First university degrees, by field, sex, and region/country/economy: 2010 or most recent year ............ 156 2-39 Earned S&E doctoral degrees, by selected region/country/economy and field: 2010 or most recent year .... 162 2-40 Earned S&E doctoral degrees, by sex, selected region/country/economy, and field: 2010 or most recent year ............................................................................. 165 2-41 S&E doctoral degrees in the United States and selected European countries, by field: 2000–10 ........... 169 2-42 S&E doctoral degrees, by selected Asian country/economy and field: 1996–2010 ..................... 171 2-43 Trends in population age 20–24, by selected country and region: 2010–60 ........................... 173 2-44 Foreign S&E student enrollment in UK universities, by enrollment level, place of origin, and field: Academic years 1994–95, 2010–11, and 2011–12 .............................................. 174 2-45 Foreign S&E student enrollment in Japanese universities, by enrollment level, place of origin, and field: 2004 and 2012 .......................................................................... 177 2-46 S&E student enrollment in Canadian universities, by enrollment level, top place of origin, and field: 2000 and 2010 .......................................................................... 179 Chapter 3. Science and Engineering Labor Force 3-1 S&E occupations in the 1960 U.S. Census and 2011 American Community Survey .................... 181 3-2 Bureau of Labor Statistics projections of occupational employment: 2010–20 ........................ 183 3-3 Scientists and engineers, by occupation and degree field: 2010 .................................... 187 3-4 Employment sector of S&E highest degree holders, by level and field of highest degree: 2010 ........... 193 3-5 Scientists and engineers employed in the business sector, by employer size: 2010 ..................... 194 iv 3-6 Scientists and engineers participating in work-related training, by labor force status, highest degree level, and sex: 2010 ........................................................................... 195 3-7 Most important reason for scientists and engineers to participate in work-related training, by labor force status: 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 3-8 Unemployment rates of scientists and engineers, by level of highest degree and broad occupational category: 2003–10 ....................................................................... 197 3-9 Alternate rates of labor underutilization for S&E and all occupations: March 2008–April 2013 ........... 198 3-10 Labor market indicators for recent S&E degree recipients up to 5 years after receiving degree, by degree level: 2010 ....................................................................... 200 3-11 Postgraduation plans of doctorate recipients with definite commitments, by broad field of study: Selected years, 1991–2011 ................................................................. 201 3-12 Age profile of employed scientists and engineers, by sex and field of highest degree: 2010 .............. 202 3-13 Employed scientists and engineers, by sex and occupation: 2010 ................................... 204 3-14 Employed S&E highest degree holders, by sex and field of degree: 2010 ............................ 208 3-15 Employed S&E highest degree holders, by sex, race, ethnicity, field of highest degree, and broad occupational category: 2010 ............................................................... 210 3-16 Employed scientists and engineers, by race, ethnicity, and occupation: 2010 ......................... 212 3-17 Employed S&E highest degree holders, by race, ethnicity, and field of degree: 2010 ................... 217 3-18 Estimate and median salary of full-time workers with highest degree in S&E field, by sex and occupation: 2010 ........................................................................ 220 3-19 Estimate and median salary of full-time workers with highest degree in S&E field, by race, ethnicity, and occupation: 2010 ............................................................. 224 3-20 Race and ethnic distribution of workers in S&E occupations, by nativity: 2010 ....................... 229 3-21 Occupations of new H-1B visa recipients: FY 2011 ............................................. 230 3-22 Plans of foreign recipients of U.S. doctorates to stay in the United States, by field of doctorate and place of origin: 2000–11 .................................................................. 231 3-23 R&D personnel in selected regions/countries: 1995–2011 ........................................ 237 3-24 Researchers as a share of total employment in selected regions/countries/economies: 1995, 2003, 2011 .... 238 Chapter 4. Research and Development: National Trends and International Comparisons 4-1 Gross domestic product, R&D, and ratio of R&D and gross domestic product: 1953–2011 .............. 239 4-2 U.S. R&D expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2011 ....................... 241 4-3 U.S. basic research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2011 ................ 245 4-4 U.S. applied research expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2011 .............. 249 4-5 U.S. development expenditures, by performing sector and source of funds: 1953–2011 ................. 253 4-6 U.S. R&D expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2011 ....................... 257 4-7 U.S. basic research expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2011 ................ 261 4-8 U.S. applied research expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2011 .............. 265 4-9 U.S. development expenditures, by source of funds and performing sector: 1953–2011 ................. 269 4-10 R&D expenditures of federally funded R&D centers, by FFRDC and source of funds: FY 2010 and FY 2011 ............................................................................... 273 4-11 U.S. R&D expenditures, by state, performing sector, and source of funds: 2010 ....................... 275 4-12 U.S. R&D and gross domestic product, by state: 2010 ........................................... 277 4-13 Gross expenditures for R&D and expenditures for R&D as share of gross domestic product, for selected countries: 1981–2011 ..................................................................... 279 4-14 Gross expenditures on R&D, by performing and funding sectors, for selected countries: 2010 ............ 281 4-15 Domestic business R&D by major funding source, by industry and company size: 2008–11 ............. 283 4-16 Domestic R&D performed by the company and paid for by others, by source of funds, industry, and company size: 2010 ................................................................... 288 4-17 Domestic R&D paid for by sources located outside the United States and performed by the company, by source of funds, industry, and company size: 2010 ........................................... 292 4-18 Domestic R&D paid for by others and performed by the company, by source of funds, industry, and company size: 2011 ...................................................................... 295 v 4-19 Domestic R&D paid for by sources located outside the United States and performed by the company, by source of funds, industry, and company size: 2011 ........................................... 299 4-20 Domestic R&D paid for by the company and others and performed by the company, by business activity: 2011 ........................................................................... 303 4-21 Federal research and experimentation tax credit claims, by NAICS industry: 2001–09 .................. 306 4-22 Corporate tax returns claiming the federal research and experimentation tax credit, by NAICS industry: 2001–09 ............................................................................... 308 4-23 R&D performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in the United States, by region/country/economy of ultimate beneficial owner: 1997–2010 ................................. 310 4-24 R&D performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in the United States, by NAICS industry of affiliate: 2002–06 ............................................................... 312 4-25 R&D performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in the United States, by NAICS industry of affiliate: 2007–10 ............................................................... 314 4-26 R&D performed abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by region/country/economy: 1997–2010 ........................................................ 316 4-27 R&D performed abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate: 2004–08 ........................................................ 319 4-28 R&D performed abroad by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. parent companies, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate: 2009 and 2010 ................................................... 321 4-29 R&D performed in the United States by U.S. multinational company parent companies, by NAICS industry: 2004–08. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 4-30 R&D performed in the United States by U.S. multinational company parent companies, by NAICS industry: 2009–10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 4-31 Business expenditures for R&D, by industry and selected country/economy: 2010 or most recent year ..... 327 4-32 Federal budget authority for R&D and R&D plant, by budget function: FYs 2000–13 .................. 329 4-33 Federal budget authority for R&D, R&D plant, and basic research, by budget function: FYs 2000–13 ..... 331 4-34 Federal obligations for R&D and R&D plant, by character of work: FYs 1953–2012 ................... 333 4-35 Federal obligations for R&D and R&D plant, by agency, performer, and character of work: FY 2011 ...... 336 4-36 Differences in federal R&D support, as reported by performers and federal agencies: 1985–2011 ......... 340 4-37 Federal obligations for research, by agency and S&E field: FY 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 4-38 Federal obligations for research, by detailed S&E field: FYs 1991–2011 ............................ 343 4-39 Government budget appropriations or outlays for R&D, by socioeconomic objectives and selected countries: 2011 .......................................................................... 346 4-40 Federal technology transfer activity indicators for U.S. agencies with federal laboratories: FYs 2001–10 ... 348 4-41 SBIR and STTR awards, by type of award: FYs 1983–2011 ...................................... 352 4-42 SBIR award funding, by type of award and federal agency: FYs 1983–2011 .......................... 353 4-43 STTR award funding, by type of award and federal agency: FYs 1995–2011 ......................... 354 Chapter 5. Academic Research and Development 5-1 Higher education R&D expenditures, by R&D field: FYs 2005–12 ................................. 355 5-2 Total and federally financed higher education R&D expenditures, by character of work: FYs 1953–2012 ... 356 5-3 Sources of S&E R&D funds at private and public academic institutions: Selected years, 1990–2012 ....... 358 5-4 Federally financed higher education R&D expenditures, by federal agency and R&D field: FY 2012 ...... 359 5-5 Higher education R&D expenditures, by source of funds and R&D field: FY 2012 .................... 360 5-6 Top 100 academic institutions in S&E R&D expenditures in S&E fields, ranked by FY 2012 R&D expenditures: FYs 2005–12 ................................................................ 361 5-7 Expenditures for academic R&D passed through to and received by subrecipients: FYs 2000–09 ......... 364 5-8 S&E research space in academic institutions, by field: FYs 1988–2011 .............................. 365 5-9 Source of funds for new construction of S&E research space in academic institutions, by year of project start and type of institution: FYs 2002–11 ............................................... 367 5-10 Costs for repair and renovation of S&E research space in academic institutions, by field and time of repair and renovation: FYs 2010–13 ....................................................... 368 5-11 Current fund expenditures for research equipment at academic institutions, by S&E field: Selected years, 1985–2012 ................................................................. 369 vi 5-12 Federal share of current funding for research equipment at academic institutions, by S&E field: Selected years, FYs 1985–2012 ............................................................. 372 5-13 Centrally administered high-performance computing in academic institutions, by type of institution and computing architecture: FY 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 5-14 SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position and degree field: 1973–2010 .......... 374 5-15 SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position, sex, and degree field: 1973–2010 ...... 377 5-16 SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position, degree field, race, and ethnicity: 1973–2010 ............................................................................. 381 5-17 SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by type of position, degree field, and citizenship: 2010 ..... 385 5-18 Age distribution of SEH doctorate holders in full-time faculty positions at research universities and other academic institutions: 1973–2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 5-19 SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by research priority, type of position, and degree field: 1973–2010 ............................................................................. 388 5-20 Early career SEH doctorate holders employed in academia, by Carnegie institution type, years since doctorate, and type of position: 1997–2010 .................................................... 391 5-21 Academic SEH doctorate holders with federal support, by degree field, research activity, and type of position: 1973–2010 ...................................................................... 392 5-22 SEH doctorate holders and full-time faculty with federal support, by degree field and Carnegie classification of employer: 2010 ............................................................ 394 5-23 Early career SEH doctorate holders employed in academia with federal support, by degree field, years since doctorate, and type of position: 1973–2010 .......................................... 395 5-24 Regions and countries/economies in S&E publications data ....................................... 400 5-25 Fields and subfields of S&E publications data ................................................. 401 5-26 S&E articles in all fields combined, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ......................... 402 5-27 S&E articles in agricultural sciences, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ........................ 408 5-28 S&E articles in astronomy, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ................................ 414 5-29 S&E articles in biological sciences, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ......................... 420 5-30 S&E articles in chemistry, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ................................ 426 5-31 S&E articles in computer sciences, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ......................... 432 5-32 S&E articles in engineering, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ............................... 438 5-33 S&E articles in geosciences, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ............................... 444 5-34 S&E articles in mathematics, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 .............................. 450 5-35 S&E articles in medical sciences, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ........................... 456 5-36 S&E articles in other life sciences, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 .......................... 462 5-37 S&E articles in physics, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 .................................. 468 5-38 S&E articles in psychology, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ............................... 474 5-39 S&E articles in social sciences, by region/country/economy: 1997–2011 ............................ 480 5-40 U.S. S&E articles, by field and sector: 1997–2012 .............................................. 486 5-41 S&E articles in all fields combined, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ... 489 5-42 S&E articles in engineering, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ........ 495 5-43 S&E articles in astronomy, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ......... 501 5-44 S&E articles in chemistry, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 .......... 507 5-45 S&E articles in physics, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012. . . . . . . . . . . . 513 5-46 S&E articles in geosciences, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ........ 519 5-47 S&E articles in mathematics, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ....... 525 5-48 S&E articles in computer sciences, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ... 531 5-49 S&E articles in agricultural sciences, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ............................................................................. 537 5-50 S&E articles in biological sciences, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ... 543 5-51 S&E articles in medical sciences, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 .... 549 5-52 S&E articles in other life sciences, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ... 555 5-53 S&E articles in psychology, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ........ 561 5-54 S&E articles in social sciences, by coauthorship attribute and selected country/economy: 1997–2012 ...... 567 5-55 Indexes of internationally coauthored S&E articles, by selected country/economy pairs: 1997 and 2012 .... 573 5-56 Internationally coauthored S&E articles, by selected country/economy pairs: 1997 and 2012 ............. 580 vii 5-57 Share of all S&E articles, top 1% of cited articles, and index of highly cited articles, by field and selected country/economy: 2002 and 2012 ........................................................... 587 5-58 S&E articles, by field, citation percentile, and country/economy of institutional author: 2002 and 2012 .... 589 5-59 U.S. utility patents citing S&E literature, by patent assignee sector, article author sector, and patent issue year: 2003–12 ...................................................................... 595 5-60 Citation of S&E articles in USPTO patents, by cited field and cited country/sector: 2003–12 ............ 596 5-61 U.S. utility patents in clean energy and pollution control technologies citing S&E literature, by patent assignee sector, article author sector, and patent issue year: 2003–12 ............................... 600 5-62 U.S. utility patent awards, by selected characteristics of patent owner: 1997–2012 ..................... 601 5-63 U.S. university patent awards, by technology area: 1992–2012 .................................... 606 5-64 Academic patenting and licensing activities: 2001–11 ........................................... 608 Chapter 6. Industry, Technology, and the Global Marketplace 6-1 Regions/countries/economies in world industry data ............................................ 609 6-2 Value added of KTI industries, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ............................. 610 6-3 Nominal GDP, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ............................. 613 6-4 Value added of commercial KI services, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ..................... 616 6-5 Value added of education services, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ......................... 619 6-6 Value added of health and social services, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 .................... 622 6-7 Value added of HT manufacturing industries, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ................. 625 6-8 Value added of financial services, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 .......................... 628 6-9 Real GDP per employed person, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1995–2012 ............... 631 6-10 Real GDP per capita, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1995–2012 ........................ 635 6-11 Value added of business services, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 .......................... 639 6-12 Value added of telecommunications services, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ................. 642 6-13 Value added of computer programming and related services, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ..... 645 6-14 Value added of all manufacturing industries, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 .................. 648 6-15 Value added of semiconductor industry, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ..................... 651 6-16 Value added of computers and office machinery, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 .............. 654 6-17 Value added of communications, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ........................... 657 6-18 Value added of pharmaceuticals industry, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 .................... 660 6-19 Value added of testing, measuring, and control instruments industries, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ............................................................................. 663 6-20 Value added of aircraft and spacecraft, by region/country/economy: 1997–2012 ...................... 666 6-21 Exports and imports of HT products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ........... 669 6-22 U.S. trade in R&D services, by affiliation and by selected region/country/economy: 2011 ............... 673 6-23 U.S. trade in research, development, and testing services, by affiliation and by selected region/country/ economy: 2006–10 ....................................................................... 675 6-24 Exports and imports of all manufactured products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ............................................................................. 677 6-25 Exports and imports of ICT products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ........... 681 6-26 Exports and imports of communications products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ............................................................................. 685 6-27 Exports and imports of computer products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ....... 689 6-28 Exports and imports of semiconductor products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ............................................................................. 693 6-29 Exports and imports of pharmaceutical products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ............................................................................. 697 6-30 Exports and imports of aircraft products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ........ 701 6-31 Exports and imports of measuring, testing, and control instrument products, by region/country/economy: Selected years, 1997–2012 ................................................................. 705 6-32 Regions and countries/economies in world trade data ............................................ 709 6-33 U.S. trade in AT products, by region/country/economy: 2000–12 .................................. 711 6-34 U.S. trade in ICT products, by region/country/economy: 2000–12 .................................. 716 6-35 U.S. trade in aerospace products, by region/country/economy: 2000–12 ............................. 721 6-36 U.S. trade in electronics products, by region/country/economy: 2000–12 ............................ 726 viii