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w »«i*- . - B- __«»___ (t*>| l'imersit\ ofAlbertaI.ihran ^Mfcift«*u»* * «» 1620 1668 8960 « w»f vim**** Mr*. , is* ^Sbi 7 %» a '^W . -: .Wtf '.i^ low I ~J®;f ft-] « BP -Ukfcf . HriWii * <i-mi i^stu *4 * jSfr* '523 ****« Iff ||5 ^yfi #^*E#.t. Q 181.5 G797 2002 gr.12 CURRGDHT fr Ex LIBRIS UNIVERSITATIS ALBERTENSIS : li Science 30 Course Outcomes Resource Development Draft August 2002 The Resource Development Draft incorporates revisions based on the November 1999 and May 2000 validation drafts. Further minor adjustments to the course outcomes may be made following field testing in September-December 2005. Unit Organization In Grades 7-9, five units ofstudy are outlined at each grade level. At grades 10-12, fourunits ofstudy are outlined for each grade level. Each unit includes the following components. Unit Overview Each unit ofstudy begins with an overview that introduces the contents ofthe unit and suggests an approach to its development. Focusing Questions These questions frame a context for introducing the unit and suggest a focus for investigative activities and application ofideas by students. Key Concepts Key concepts identify major ideas to be developed in each unit. Some ofthe key concepts may be addressed in additional units at the same grade/course level, as well as at other grade/course levels. The intended scope oftreatment ofthese concepts is indicated by the learneroutcomes. Outcomes Two levels ofoutcomes are provided in the draft program and courses ofstudy: • General Outcomes: These are the major outcomes for each unit. For STS and knowledge, the outcomes are combined and unique to each unit. For skills and attitudes, the outcomes are common to all units. • Specific Outcomes: These are detailed outcomes that flesh out the scope ofeach unit. They are shown in bulleted form. Examples Many ofthe outcomes are supported by examples. The examples do not form part ofthe required program but are provided as an illustration ofhow the outcomes might be developed. Illustrative examples are written in italics and separated from the outcomes bybeing placed in parentheses. Unit Emphases Each unit ofstudy in secondary science beginswith an overview and a set offocusing questions that identify a context for study. In defining the context, one ofthe following areas ofemphasis is identified for each unit. • Nature ofScience emphasis: In these units student attention is focused on the processes by which scientific knowledge is developed and tested, and on the nature ofthe scientific knowledge itself. Skills emphasized in these units are the skills ofscientific inquiry. • Science and Technology emphasis: In these units students seek solutions to practical problems by developing and testing prototypes, products and techniques to meet a givenneed. The skills emphasized are those ofproblem solving, in combination with the skills ofscientific inquiry. • SocialandEnvironmental Contexts emphasis: In these units student attention is focused onissues and decisions relating to how science and technology are applied. Skill emphasis is on the use of research and inquiry skills to inform decisions; students seekand analyze information and consider a variety ofperspectives. August 2002 Resource Development Draft UnitOrganization ©AlbertaLearning,Alberta,Canada UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA . Unit A: Living Systems Respond to their Environment (Nature ofScience emphasis) Overview: The human body continually interacts with the external environment. In this unit, students leam that the circulatory system assists in this interaction between the blood cells and the external environment and, with the immune system, defends the body against disease-causing organisms. Students apply the principles ofheredity and moleculargenetics to explain human disorders and to assess the risks and benefits ofgenetic technologies. Focusing Questions: What is the structure and function ofthe human circulatory system in maintaining human health? What are the defence mechanisms ofthe human body? How have the principles of genetics been applied to treat genetic diseases, and what are the related ethical issues? Key Concepts Thefollowingconcepts are developedin this unitandmayalso be addressedin other units atother grade levels. The intendedlevelandscope oftreatment is definedby the learningoutcomes below. ft structure and function ofthe circulatory ft functioning ofcellular and noncellular system components ofthe immune system ft cellularcomponents ofhuman blood ft principles ofgenetics tissue, and the role ofblood ft genetic technology and resulting ethical ft defense mechanisms and immunity to issues disease organisms STS and Knowledge Outcomes Students will: 1 Analyze how the circulatory system facilitates interaction between the human body's blood cells and the external environment, and investigate cardiovascularhealth • describe the structure and function ofthe circulatory system, including the heart, arteries, arterioles, venules, veins and capillaries, and the path ofblood circulation • describe and investigate the structure and function ofthe vessels and chambers ofthe mammalian heart, i.e., ventricles, atria, aorta, vena cava, pulmonary arteries • explain, in general terms, the functions ofthe main components ofhuman blood tissue, including red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma • describe, in general terms, the role ofblood as a transporting medium fornutrients, hormones, gases, wastes, toxins, and medications • investigate and describe how harmful substances in the environment enterthe circulatory system and may have an adverse influence on health (e.g., mosquito-borneparasites or bacteria through breaks in theskin) • explain and investigate the relationship between regularexercise, lifestyle, diet, gender and cardiovascularhealth (e.g., normalbloodpressure, heartrate andcholesterol levels). 2. Analyze the defence mechanisms used by the human body to protect itselffrom disease-causing organisms found in the external environment • describe, in general terms, the functions ofthe various mechanisms, including skin, body secretions and stomach acid, that prevent disease-causing organisms from entering body tissues • describe, in general terms, how immunity to disease-causing organisms develops, how the human immune system responds to a foreign antigen and the roles ofmacrophages, helperT cells, B cells, killerT cells, suppressorT cells, memory T cells and antibodies August2002 Resource Development Draft Science 30/1 ©AlbertaLearning,Alberta,Canada UnitA: Living Systems Respond to their Environment • explain the interrelationship ofautoimmune diseases and the human immune system (e.g., multiplesclerosis, arthritis) • analyze how vaccines defend against disease-causing viruses and bacteria • describe how improvements to sanitation, personal hygiene and the availability ofpotable water have greatly reduced the incidence ofcommunicable diseases; and discuss the ongoing need for vigilance and research into modes oftransmission (e.g., tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera, gastrointestinaldiseases). 3. Apply the principles ofheredity and moleculargenetics to explain how human diseases can arise from inherited traits, the risks and benefits ofgenetic technology, and the need for ethical considerations in the application ofscientific knowledge • trace the development ofplant and animal breeding techniques from Mendel's work on inheritance, to the discovery ofthe molecular structure ofDNA by Watson and Crick, to DNA recombinant technology • explain the inheritance ofsingle traits, using the unit ofinheritance (gene), segregation, and dominance/recessiveness (e.g., constructPunnetsquares) DNA • describe the structure of by: - identifying the structure ofDNA as a double helix - listing the essential building block components ofDNA as nucleotides - identifying the base pairings between the strands ofthe double helix • explain the need fora replication mechanism for DNA DNA • describe the function of by: - explaining that proteins are composed ofamino acids - describing how an amino acid sequence is determined by the sequence ofDNA triplet codes; i.e., use a table ofDNAtriplets matched with amino acids to construct an amino acid chain DNA from a strand of • describe the role ofproteins in the human body; i.e., regulate chemical reactions in the cell, control passage ofmatter in and out ofthe cell, and provide the shape and structure ofthe cell membrane • describe how mutations in DNA affect the proteins produced • describe the effects ofmutations resulting in human diseases (e.g., hemophilia, Huntington 's, cysticfibrosis, sickle-cellanemia) • describe, in general terms, gene therapy (e.g., the use ofvectors in cysticfibrosis) • describe the development ofresistance in bacteria and viruses, based on the concepts ofmutation and natural selection • assess the risk and benefits ofgenetic technology and the need forethical considerations (e.g., genetically-engineeredplants to resist bacteria, access togeneticscreening). Skill Outcomes (focus on scientific inquiry) Initiating and Planning Students will: Ask questions about observed relationships, and plan investigations ofquestions, ideas, problems and issues • define and delimitproblems to facilitate investigation (e.g., what is the interrelationship between environmentandgenetics in diseasessuch as diabetes) • design an experiment, identifying manipulated, responding and controlled variables (e.g., design an experiment to determine the effect ofexercise on bloodpressure) August 2002 Resource Development Draft Science 30/2 ©AlbenaLearning,Alberta,Canada UnitA: Living Systems Respondto theirEnvironment • state a prediction and a hypothesis based on available evidence and background information (e.g., investigate the relationship between chance andinheritance) • develop appropriate sampling procedures (e.g., investigate thepresence ofsinglefactor, inheritedtrait in apedigree). Performing and Recording Students will: Conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables, and use a broad range oftools and techniques to gatherand record data and information • implement appropriate sampling procedures (e.g., conductan investigation into the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases in Canada's biogeographic regions) • carry out procedures, controlling the major variables, and adapt orextend those procedures where required (e.g., perform an experiment to test the effect ofsimulatedstomach acidon bacterialgrowth) • use instruments effectively and accurately forcollecting data (e.g., use computersoftware or videoprograms to viewthe internalstructure ofthe heartandto view bloodflow; observe the effects ofvalves on venous bloodflow; observepreparedslides orelectronic images ofhuman blood, using differentfields ofview) • estimate quantities (e.g., determine the number ofheartbeatsperyear or the volume ofblood flowcirculated in ayear) • compile and organize data, using appropriate formats and data treatments to facilitate interpretation ofthe data (e.g., collect data on the relationship oflifestylefactors such as diet, exercise andsmokingon heart attack rates). Analyzing and Interpreting Students will; Analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible explanations • analyze and discuss limitations ofa given classification system, and identify alternative ways of classifying to accommodate anomalies (e.g., investigate various ways the human bodyprotects itselffrom diseases) • compile and display evidence and information, by hand or computer, in a variety offormats, including diagrams, flow charts, tables, graphs and scatterplots (e.g., relate the bloodflow, structures andfunction ofthe mammalian heart in aflowchart; simulate an immune response or the body'sproduction ofproteins, usingmodels; trace the developmentoftheories about human circulation anddisease transmission) • identify a line ofbest fit on a scatterplot, and interpolate orextrapolate based on the line ofbest fit (e.g., plot the relationship between heart rate andsize oforganism) • apply and assess alternative theoretical models for interpreting knowledge in a given field (e.g., evaluate the hypothesis that bloodflowcan be explainedon the basis oftidalforces; or that AIDSis not causedby theHIVvirus) • provide a statement that addresses the problem or answers the question investigated, in light of the linkbetween data and the conclusion (e.g., consider the effectofantibacterialsoaps on the characteristics ofbacterialpopulations) • explain how data support or refute the hypothesis orprediction (e.g., use a commercially- availablesimulation to compare a healthyperson, an athlete andaperson with cardiac disease in terms ofoxygen demand, cardiac outputandvesselblockage) August 2002 Resource Development Draft Science 30/3 ©AlbertaLearning,Alberta,Canada Unit A: Living Systems Respondto theirEnvironment • identify newquestions or problems that arise from what was learned (e.g., 'Whydosome individuals refuse to use vaccinations?" 'Why is the incidence oftuberculosis rising?") • identify and evaluate potential applications offindings (e.g., relategenetic engineering and its applications with health andagriculture, 'What are the implications ofintroducinggenetically alteredfoods into thefoodchain? "). Communication and Teamwork Students will: Work as members ofa team in addressing problems, and apply the skills and conventions ofscience in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results • select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical and linguistic modes ofrepresentation to communicate ideas, plans and results (e.g., selectand use multimedia capabilitiesfor presentation;presentfindings on the roles ofvariousfactors, such as lifestyle andgenetics, influencingbloodpressure; drawandlabela dissectedmammalian heart to showstructure and function as they relate to bloodflow; relatesources ofmutagensfoundin the environment with rate ofmutation) • synthesize information from multiple sources or from complex and lengthy texts, and make inferences based on this information (e.g., recordrelevantdataforacknowledgingsources of information, andcitesources correctly; use integratedsoftware effectivelyandefficiently to reproduce work that incorporates data, graphics andtext; research mutagensfoundin daily life, andinvestigate ifthere is an "acceptable level"ofa mutagen in the environment) • evaluate individual and group processes used in planning, problem solving and decision making, and completing a task (e.g., devise an experimentalprocedure to investigategenetically- engineeredcanola and, as a class, evaluate theprocedure). Attitude Outcomes Appreciation ofScience Students willbe encouragedto: • value the role and contribution ofscience and technology in ourunderstanding ofphenomena that are directly observable and those that are not (e.g., consider thesocialandculturalcontexts in which a theory developed; recognize the usefulnessofhavingskills in mathematics and problem solving; appreciate howscientificproblem solvingandthe developmentofnew technologies are related). Interest in Science Students willbe encouragedto: • show a continuing and more informed curiosity and interest in science and science-related issues (e.g., research the answers to theirown questions; explore anduse a varietyofmethods and resources to increase theirown knowledge andskills; be criticalandconstructive when considering newtheories andtechniques) • acquire, with interest and confidence, additional science knowledge and skills, using a variety of resources and methods, including formal research (e.g., usescientific vocabularyandprinciples in everydaydiscussions) August 2002 Resource Development Draft Science 30/4 ©AlbertaLearning,Alberta,Canada UnitA: Living Systems Respondto theirEnvironment . • consider further studies and careers in science- and technology-related fields (e.g., maintain interestorpursuefurtherstudies in science; explore wherefurtherscience- andtechnology- relatedstudies in biotechnologyor the healthfieldcan bepursued). Scientific Attitudes Students willbe encouragedto: • evaluate evidence confidently, and consideralternative perspectives, ideas and explanations (e.g., insiston evidence before acceptinga newidea or explanation; criticallyevaluate inferences and conclusions, beingcognizantofthe many variables involved in experimentation) • use factual information and rational explanations when analyzing and evaluating (e.g., insist that thecriticalassumptions behindany line ofreasoningbe made explicit, so that the validityofthe position taken can bejudged) • value the processes fordrawing conclusions (e.g., ask questions anddo research to ensure they understand; recognize the importance ofreviewingthe basic assumptionsfrom which a line of inquiry has arisen; expendthe effort andtime neededto make validinferences; seek newmodels, explanations andtheories when confrontedwith discrepantevents). Collaboration Students will be encouragedto; • work collaboratively in planning and carrying out investigations, as well as in generating and evaluating ideas (e.g., work willinglyandcooperatively with classmates to completegroup assignments;provide thesame attention andenergy to thegroup'sproduct as they wouldto a personalassignment). Safety Students willbe encouragedto: • show concern forsafety, and accept the need for rules and regulations (e.g., considersafetya positive limitingfactor in scientific andtechnologicalendeavours; assume responsibilityfor the safetyofall those who share a common working environment, bycleaning up afteran activity anddisposingofmaterials in a safeplace) August 2002 Resource Development Draft Science 30/5 ©AlbertaLearning,Alberta,Canada UnitA: Living Systems RespondtotheirEnvironment Unit B: Chemistry and the Environment (SocialandEnvironmental Contexts emphasis) Overview: Society is becoming increasingly reliant upon chemical substances in maintaining quality of life. However, these chemicals and theirby-products can also adversely affect the environment and living systems. Knowledge ofchemistry is essential to fully understand the benefits and risks of chemicals to humankind, and in monitoring the emission ofthese substances into the environment. In this unit, students examine the impact ofacids and bases, organic compounds and air pollutants, on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Focusing Questions: What are some ofthe important effects ofacids and bases, and synthetic organic compounds, on the environment and living systems? What are the chemical principles and perspectives involved in assessing the technologies designed to produce and reduce the release ofthese compounds into the environment? How do we look beyond a "technological fix" in deciding how to best meet human needs and yet sustain the environment? Key Concepts Thefollowingconcepts are developedin this unitandmay also be addressedin otherunits atother grade levels. The intended levelandscope oftreatment is definedby the learningoutcomes below. ft definition ofacids and bases ft sources and environmental impact ofSOx, ft pH and hydronium ion concentration NOx, acid rain and photochemical smog ft stoichiometry and titration ofstrong ft sources, uses and environmental effects of (monoprotic) acids and bases selected hydrocarbons (3-carbon limit) ft buffers and buffering capacity ft biomagnification, lethal dose and persistence ft changes to biotic and abiotic environment by ft risks and benefits ofreducing environmental acid deposition damage due to chemical processes STS and Knowledge Outcomes Students will: 1. Analyze the sources and the effect ofacids and bases on the biotic and abiotic components ofthe environment identify and explain how human activities and natural events contribute to acid deposition in the environment outline the chemical reactions that produce airpollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide, that in turn produce "acid rain" (e.g., combustion reactions) describe the technologies used to reduce the incidence ofacid rain describe, in general terms, the uses ofacids and bases in industry (e.g., hydrochloric acid[used to extract metalsfrom ores] sulphuric acid[usedto makefertilizers,paints, plastics, dyes and , detergents] andsodium hydroxide [usedto make drain andoven cleaners, soaps]) , define acids and bases in terms ofproton donors and acceptors, respectively use diagnostic tests to differentiate among acids, bases, neutral and ionic solutions, neutral molecular compounds, and strong and weakacids measure the pH ofcommon substances, using a pH meter and/or pH paper and indicators predict the concentration ofstrong (monoprotic) acids and bases, using stoichiometry and titration data calculate pH from hydronium ion concentration, and hydronium ion concentration from pH explain, qualitatively, howbuffersmaintain a relatively constant pH when a small amount ofacid orbase is added to an aqueous system August 2002 Resource Development Draft Science 30/6 ©AlbertaLearning,Alberta,Canada Unit B: Chemistry andthe Environment

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