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SCHWARZ METHODS: TO SYMMETRIZE OR NOT TO SYMMETRIZE MICHAELHOLSTANDSTEFANVANDEWALLE ABSTRACT. A preconditioning theory is presented which establishes sufficient condi- tions for multiplicative and additive Schwarz algorithms to yield self-adjoint positive definite preconditioners. It allows for the analysis and use of non-variational and non- convergent linear methods as preconditioners for conjugate gradient methods, and it is appliedtodomaindecompositionandmultigrid. Itisillustratedwhysymmetrizingmay 0 be a bad idea for linear methods. It is conjectured that enforcing minimal symmetry 1 achievesthebestresultswhencombinedwithconjugategradientacceleration.Also,itis 0 shownthatabsenceofsymmetryinthelinearpreconditionerisadvantageouswhenthe 2 linear method is accelerated by using the Bi-CGstab method. Numerical examples are n presentedfortwotestproblemswhichillustratethetheoryandconjectures. a J 8 ] A CONTENTS N 1. Introduction 1 . 2. Krylovaccelerationoflineariterativemethods 2 h 2.1. Backgroundmaterialandnotation 2 t a 2.2. Linearmethods 3 m 2.3. KrylovaccelerationofSPDlinearmethods 5 [ 2.4. Krylovaccelerationofnonsymmetriclinearmethods 6 3. MultiplicativeSchwarzmethods 6 1 v 3.1. Aproductoperator 7 2 3.2. Multiplicativedomaindecomposition 7 6 3.3. Multiplicativemultigrid 10 3 4. AdditiveSchwarzmethods 13 1 4.1. Asumoperator 13 . 1 4.2. Additivedomaindecomposition 14 0 4.3. Additivemultigrid 16 0 1 5. Tosymmetrizeornottosymmetrize 17 : 6. Numericalresults 17 v 6.1. Example1 17 i X 6.2. Example2 20 r 7. Concludingremarks 22 a 8. Acknowledgments 23 References 23 1. INTRODUCTION Domain decomposition (DD) and multigrid (MG) methods have been studied exten- sively in recent years, both from a theoretical and numerical point of view. DD methods were first proposed in 1869 by H. A. Schwarz as a theoretical tool in the study of ellip- tic problems on non-rectangular domains [22]. More recently, DD methods have been Date:August7,1995. Keywordsandphrases. multigrid,domaindecomposition,Krylovmethods,Schwarzmethods,conju- gategradients,Bi-CGstab. ThisworkwassupportedinpartbytheNSFunderCooperativeAgreementNo.CCR-9120008. 1 2 M.HOLSTANDS.VANDEWALLE reexamined for use as practical computational tools in the (parallel) solution of general elliptic equations on complex domains [16]. MG methods were discovered much more recently [10]. They have been extensively developed both theoretically and practically sincethelateseventies[6,11],andtheyhaveproventobeextremelyefficientforsolving very broad classes of partial differential equations. Recent insights in the product nature ofcertainMGmethodshaveledtoaunifiedtheoryofMGandDDmethods,collectively referredtoasSchwarzmethods[5,9,27]. Inthispaper,weconsideradditiveandmultiplicativeSchwarzmethodsandtheiraccel- eration with Krylov methods, for the numerical solution of self-adjoint positive definite (SPD) operator equations arising from the discretization of elliptic partial differential equations. The standard theory of conjugate gradient acceleration of linear methods re- quires that a certain operator associated with the linear method – the preconditioner – be symmetric and positive definite. Often, however, as in the case of Schwarz-based preconditioners,thepreconditionerisknownonlyimplicitly,andsymmetryandpositive definiteness are not easily verified. Here, we try to construct natural sets of sufficient conditions that are easily verified and do not require the explicit formulation of the pre- conditioner. Moreprecisely,wederiveconditionsfortheconstituentcomponentsofMG andDDalgorithms(smoother,subdomainsolver,transferoperators,etc.),thatguarantee symmetry and positive definiteness of the preconditioning operator which is (explicitly orimplicitly)definedbytheresultingSchwarzmethod. We examine the implications of these conditions for various formulations of the stan- dardDDandMGalgorithms. Thetheorywedevelophelpstoexplaintheoftenobserved behavior of a poor or even divergent MG or DD method which becomes an excellent preconditioner when accelerated by a conjugate gradient method. We also investigate the role of symmetry in linear methods and preconditioners. Both analysis and numer- ical evidence suggest that linear methods should not be symmetrized when used alone, and only minimally symmetrized when accelerated by conjugate gradients, in order to achieve the best possible convergence results. In fact, the best results are often obtained when a very nonsymmetric linear iteration is used in combination with a nonsymmetric systemsolversuchasBi-CGstab,eventhoughtheoriginalproblemisSPD. Theoutlineofthepaperisasfollows. Webeginin§2byreviewingbasiclinearmeth- ods for SPD linear operator equations, and examine Krylov acceleration strategies. In §3 and §4, we analyze multiplicative and additive Schwarz preconditioners. We de- velop a theory that establishes sufficient conditions for the multiplicative and additive algorithms to yield SPD preconditioners. This theory is used to establish sufficient con- ditions for multiplicative and additive DD and MG methods, and allows for analysis of non-variational and even non-convergent linear methods as preconditioners. A simple lemma, given in §5, illustrates why symmetrizing may be a bad idea for linear methods. In §6, results of numerical experiments obtained with finite-element-based DD and MG methodsappliedtosomenon-trivialtestproblemsarereported. 2. KRYLOV ACCELERATION OF LINEAR ITERATIVE METHODS In this section, we review some background material on self-adjoint linear opera- tors, linear methods, and conjugate gradient acceleration. More thorough reviews can befoundin[12,18]. 2.1. Background material and notation. Let H be a real finite-dimensional Hilbert spaceequippedwiththeinner-product(·,·)inducingthenorm(cid:107)·(cid:107) = (·,·)1/2. H canbe SCHWARZMETHODS:TOSYMMETRIZEORNOTTOSYMMETRIZE 3 thought of as, for example, the Euclidean space Rn, or as an appropriate finite element space. The adjoint of a linear operator A ∈ L(H,H) with respect to (·,·) is the unique operator AT satisfying (Au,v) = (u,ATv), ∀u,v ∈ H. An operator A is called self- adjoint or symmetric if A = AT; a self-adjoint operator A is called positive definite or simply positive, if (Au,u) > 0, ∀u ∈ H, u (cid:54)= 0. If A is self-adjoint positive definite (SPD) with respect to (·,·), then the bilinear form (Au,v) defines another inner-product onH,whichwedenoteas(·,·) . Itinducesthenorm(cid:107)·(cid:107) = (·,·)1/2. A A A The adjoint of an operator M ∈ L(H,H) with respect to (·,·) , the A-adjoint, is the A uniqueoperatorM∗satisfying (Mu,v) = (u,M∗v) , ∀u,v ∈ H. Fromthisdefinition A A itfollowsthat M∗ = A−1MTA. (2.1) M iscalledA-self-adjointifM = M∗,andA-positiveif(Mu,u) > 0, ∀u ∈ H,u (cid:54)= 0. A If N ∈ L(H ,H ), then the adjoint of N, denoted as NT ∈ L(H ,H ), is defined as 1 2 2 1 theuniqueoperatorrelatingtheinner-productsinH andH asfollows: 1 2 (Nu,v) = (u,NTv) , ∀u ∈ H , ∀v ∈ H . (2.2) H2 H1 1 2 Since it is usually clear from the arguments which inner-product is involved, we shall often drop the subscripts on inner-products (and norms) throughout the paper, except whennecessarytoavoidconfusion. We denote the spectrum of an operator M as σ(M). The spectral theory for self- adjointlinearoperatorsstatesthattheeigenvaluesoftheself-adjointoperatorM arereal andlieintheclosedinterval[λ (M),λ (M)]definedbytheRayleighquotients: min max (Mu,u) (Mu,u) λ (M) = min , λ (M) = max . (2.3) min max u(cid:54)=0 (u,u) u(cid:54)=0 (u,u) Similarly, if an operator M is A-self-adjoint, then its eigenvalues are real and lie in the interval defined by the Rayleigh quotients generated by the A-inner-product. A well- known property is that if M is self-adjoint, then the spectral radius of M, denoted as ρ(M), satisfies ρ(M) = (cid:107)M(cid:107). This property can also be shown to hold in the A-norm forA-self-adjointoperators(or,moregenerally,forA-normaloperators[1]). Lemma2.1. IfAisSPDandM isA-self-adjoint,then ρ(M) = (cid:107)M(cid:107) . A 2.2. Linear methods. Given the equation Au = f, where A ∈ L(H,H) is SPD, con- sider the preconditioned equation BAu = Bf, with B ∈ L(H,H). The operator B, the preconditioner, is usually chosen so that a Krylov or Richardson method applied to the preconditioned system has some desired convergence properties. A simple linear iterativemethodemployingtheoperatorB takestheform un+1 = un −BAun +Bf = (I −BA)un +Bf, (2.4) where the convergence behavior of (2.4) is determined by the properties of the so-called errorpropagationoperator, E = I −BA. (2.5) The spectral radius of the error propagator E is called the convergence factor for the linearmethod,whereasthenormisreferredtoasthecontractionnumber. Werecalltwo well-knownlemmas;seeforexample[17]or[20]. Lemma 2.2. For arbitrary f and u0, the condition ρ(E) < 1 is necessary and sufficient forconvergenceofthelinearmethod(2.4). 4 M.HOLSTANDS.VANDEWALLE Lemma 2.3. The condition (cid:107)E(cid:107) < 1, or the condition (cid:107)E(cid:107) < 1, is sufficient for A convergenceofthelinearmethod(2.4). We now state a series of simple lemmas that we shall use repeatedly in the following sections. Theirshortproofsareaddedforthereader’sconvenience. Lemma2.4. IfAisSPD,thenBAisA-self-adjointifandonlyifB isself-adjoint. Proof. Note that: (ABAu,v) = (BAu,Av) = (Au,BTAv). The lemma follows since BA = BTAifandonlyifB = BT. (cid:3) Lemma2.5. IfAisSPD,thenE isA-self-adjointifandonlyifB isself-adjoint. Proof. Notethat: (AEu,v)=(Au,v)−(ABAu,v)=(Au,v)−(Au,(BA)∗v)=(Au,(I− (BA)∗)v). Therefore, E∗ = E if and only if BA = (BA)∗. By Lemma 2.4, this holds if andonlyifB isself-adjoint. (cid:3) Lemma2.6. IfAandB areSPD,thenBAisA-SPD. Proof. ByLemma2.4,BAisA-self-adjoint. Also,wehave(ABAu,u) = (BAu,Au) = (B1/2Au,B1/2Au) > 0, ∀u (cid:54)= 0.Hence,BAisA-positive,andtheresultfollows. (cid:3) Lemma2.7. IfAisSPDandB isself-adjoint,then(cid:107)E(cid:107) = ρ(E). A Proof. ByLemma2.5,E isA-self-adjoint. ByLemma2.1theresultfollows. (cid:3) Lemma2.8. IfE∗ istheA-adjointofE,then(cid:107)E(cid:107)2 = (cid:107)EE∗(cid:107) . A A Proof. TheprooffollowsthatofafamiliarresultfortheEuclidean2-norm[12]. (cid:3) Lemma2.9. IfAandB areSPD,andE isA-non-negative,then(cid:107)E(cid:107) < 1. A Proof. ByLemma2.5,E isA-self-adjoint. AsE isA-non-negative,itholds(Eu,u) ≥ A 0, or (BAu,u) ≤ (u,u) . By Lemma 2.6, BA is A-SPD, and we have that 0 < A A (BAu,u) ≤ (u,u) , ∀u (cid:54)= 0,which,by(2.3),impliesthat0 < λ ≤ 1, ∀λ ∈ σ(BA). A A i i Thus,ρ(E) = 1−min λ < 1.Finally,byLemma2.7,wehave(cid:107)E(cid:107) = ρ(E). (cid:3) i i A Wewillalsohaveuseforthefollowingtwosimplelemmas. Lemma2.10. IfAisSPDandB isself-adjoint,andE issuchthat: −C (u,u) ≤ (Eu,u) ≤ C (u,u) , ∀u ∈ H, 1 A A 2 A forC ≥ 0andC ≥ 0,thenρ(E) = (cid:107)E(cid:107) ≤ max{C ,C }. 1 2 A 1 2 Proof. By Lemma 2.5, E is A-self-adjoint, and by (2.3) λ (E) and λ (E) are min max boundedby−C andC ,respectively. TheresultthenfollowsbyLemma2.7. (cid:3) 1 2 Lemma2.11. IfAandB areSPD,thenLemma2.10holdsforsomeC < 1. 2 Proof. ByLemma2.6,BAisA-SPD,whichimpliesthattheeigenvaluesofBAarereal and positive. Hence, we must have that λ (E) = 1 − λ (BA) < 1, ∀i. Since C in i i 2 Lemma2.10boundsthelargestpositiveeigenvalueofE,wehavethatC < 1. (cid:3) 2 SCHWARZMETHODS:TOSYMMETRIZEORNOTTOSYMMETRIZE 5 2.3. KrylovaccelerationofSPDlinearmethods. Theconjugategradientmethodwas developed by Hestenes and Stiefel [13] as a method for solving linear systems Au = f with SPD operators A. In order to improve convergence, it is common to precondition thelinearsystembyanSPDpreconditioningoperatorB ≈ A−1,inwhichcasethegener- alizedorpreconditionedconjugategradientmethodresults([8]). Ourgoalinthissection is to briefly review some relationships between the contraction number of a basic linear preconditionerandthatoftheresultingpreconditionedconjugategradientalgorithm. Westartwiththewell-knownconjugategradientcontractionbound([12]): (cid:32) (cid:33)i+1 2 (cid:107)ei+1(cid:107) ≤ 2 1− (cid:107)e0(cid:107) = 2δi+1 (cid:107)e0(cid:107) . (2.6) A (cid:112) A cg A 1+ κ (BA) A The ratio of extreme eigenvalues of BA appearing in the derivation of the bound gives rise to the generalized condition number κ (BA) appearing above. This ratio is often A mistakenly called the (spectral) condition number κ(BA); in fact, since BA is not self- adjoint, this ratio is not in general equal to the usual condition number (this point is discussed in great detail in [1]). However, the ratio does yield a condition number in the A-norm. ThefollowinglemmaisaspecialcaseofCorollary4.2in[1]. Lemma2.12. IfAandB areSPD,then λ (BA) κ (BA) = (cid:107)BA(cid:107) (cid:107)(BA)−1(cid:107) = max . (2.7) A A A λ (BA) min Remark 2.13. Often a linear method requires a parameter α in order to be convergent, leading to an error propagator of the form E = I − αBA. Equation (2.7) shows that the A-condition number does not depend on the particular choice of α. Hence, one can usetheconjugategradientmethodasanacceleratorforthemethodwithoutaparameter, avoidingthepossiblycostlyestimationofagoodα. The following result gives a bound on the condition number of the operator BA in terms of the extreme eigenvalues of the error propagator E = I −BA; such bounds are oftenusedintheanalysisoflinearpreconditioners(cf. Proposition5.1in[26]). Wegive ashortproofofthisresultforcompleteness. Lemma2.14. IfAandB areSPD,andE issuchthat: −C (u,u) ≤ (Eu,u) ≤ C (u,u) , ∀u ∈ H, (2.8) 1 A A 2 A forC ≥ 0andC ≥ 0,thentheabovemustholdwithC < 1,anditfollowsthat: 1 2 2 1+C 1 κ (BA) ≤ . A 1−C 2 Proof. First, since A and B are SPD, by Lemma 2.11 we have that C < 1. Since 2 (Eu,u) = (u,u) −(BAu,u) ,itisclearthat A A A (1−C )(u,u) ≤ (BAu,u) ≤ (1+C )(u,u) , ∀u ∈ H. 2 A A 1 A ByLemma2.6,BAisA-SPD.Itseigenvaluesarerealandpositive,andlieintheinterval definedbytheRayleighquotientsgeneratedbytheA-inner-product. Hence,thatinterval isgivenby[(1−C ),(1+C )],andbyLemma2.12theresultfollows. (cid:3) 2 1 Remark 2.15. Even if a linear method is not convergent, it may still be a good precon- ditioner. If it is the case that C << 1, and if C > 1 does not become too large, then 2 1 κ (BA) will be small and the conjugate gradient method will converge rapidly, even A thoughthelinearmethoddiverges. 6 M.HOLSTANDS.VANDEWALLE IfonlyaboundonthenormoftheerrorpropagatorE = I−BAisavailable,thenthe following result can be used to bound the condition number of BA. This result is used forexamplein[27]. Corollary2.16. IfAandB areSPD,and(cid:107)I −BA(cid:107) ≤ δ < 1,then A 1+δ κ (BA) ≤ . (2.9) A 1−δ Proof. ThisfollowsimmediatelyfromLemma2.14withδ = max{C ,C }. (cid:3) 1 2 The next result connects the contraction number of the preconditioner to the contrac- tionnumberofthepreconditionedconjugategradientmethod. Itshowsthattheconjugate gradientmethodalwaysacceleratesalinearmethod(iftheconditionsofthelemmahold). Lemma2.17. IfAandB areSPD,and(cid:107)I −BA(cid:107) ≤ δ < 1,thenδ < δ. A cg Proof. Anabbreviatedproofappearsin[27],amoredetailedproofin[14]. (cid:3) 2.4. Krylov acceleration of nonsymmetric linear methods. The convergence theory of the conjugate gradient iteration requires that the preconditioned operator BA be A- self-adjoint (see [2] for more general conditions), which from Lemma 2.4 requires that B be self-adjoint. If a Schwarz method is employed which produces a nonsymmetric operator B, then although A is SPD, the theory of the previous section does not ap- ply,andanonsymmetricsolversuchasconjugategradientsonthenormalequations[2], GMRES [21], CGS [23], or Bi-CGstab [25] must be used for the now non-A-SPD pre- conditionedsystem,BAu = Bf. The conjugate gradient method for SPD problems has several nice properties (good convergence rate, efficient three-term recursion, and minimization of the A-norm of the error at each step), some of which must be given up in order to generalize the method to nonsymmetric problems. For example, while GMRES attempts to maintain a minimiza- tion property and a good convergence rate, the three-term recursion must be sacrificed. Conjugate gradients on the normal equations maintains a minimization property as well as the efficient three-term recursion, but sacrifices convergence speed (the effective con- ditionnumberisthesquareoftheoriginalsystem). MethodssuchasCGSandBi-CGstab sacrifice the minimization property, but maintain good convergence speed and the effi- cientthree-termrecursion. Forthesereasons,methodssuchasCGSandBi-CGstabhave becomethemethodsofchoiceinmanyapplicationsthatgiverisetononsymmetricprob- lems. Bi-CGstab has been shown to be more attractive than CGS in many situations due to the more regular convergence behavior [25]. In addition, Bi-CGstab does not require the application of the adjoint of the preconditioning operator, which can be difficult to implementinthecaseofsomeSchwarzmethods. In§6,weshallusethepreconditionedBi-CGstabalgorithmtoacceleratenonsymmet- ric Schwarz methods. In a sequence of numerical experiments, we shall compare the effectivenessofthisapproachwithunacceleratedsymmetricandnonsymmetricSchwarz methods,andwithsymmetricSchwarzmethodsacceleratedwithconjugategradients. 3. MULTIPLICATIVE SCHWARZ METHODS We develop a preconditioning theory of product algorithms which establishes suffi- cient conditions for producing SPD preconditioners. This theory is used to establish sufficientSPDconditionsformultiplicativeDDandMGmethods. SCHWARZMETHODS:TOSYMMETRIZEORNOTTOSYMMETRIZE 7 3.1. Aproductoperator. Consideraproductoperatoroftheform: ¯ E = I −BA = (I −B A)(I −B A)(I −B A), (3.1) 1 0 1 ¯ where B ,B and B are linear operators on H, and where A is, as before, an SPD 1 0 1 ¯ operator on H. We are interested in conditions for B ,B and B , which guarantee that 1 0 1 the implicitly defined operator B is self-adjoint and positive definite and, hence, can be acceleratedbyusingtheconjugategradientmethod. Lemma 3.1. Sufficient conditions for symmetry and positivity of operator B, implicitly definedby(3.1),are: (1) B¯ = BT ; 1 1 (2) B = BT ; 0 0 (3) (cid:107)I −B A(cid:107) < 1; 1 A (4) B non-negativeonH . 0 Proof. By Lemma 2.5, in order to prove symmetry of B, it is sufficient to prove that E isA-self-adjoint. Byusing(2.1),weget E∗ = A−1ETA = A−1(I −ABT)(I −ABT)(I −AB¯T)A 1 0 1 = (I −BTA)(I −BTA)(I −B¯TA) 1 0 1 ¯ = (I −B A)(I −B A)(I −B A) = E, 1 0 1 whichfollowsfromconditions1and2. Next, we prove that (Bu,u) > 0, ∀u ∈ H, u (cid:54)= 0. Since A is non-singular, this is equivalenttoprovingthat(BAu,Au) > 0. Usingcondition1,wehavethat (BAu,Au) = ((I −E)u,Au) = (u,Au)−((I −BTA)(I −B A)(I −B A)u,Au) 1 0 1 = (u,Au)−((I −B A)(I −B A)u,A(I −B A)u) 0 1 1 = (u,Au)−((I −B A)u,A(I −B A)u)+(B w,w), 1 1 0 where w = A(I − B A)u. By condition 4, we have that (B w,w) ≥ 0. Condition 3 1 0 impliesthat((I −B A)u,A(I −B A)u) < (u,Au)foru (cid:54)= 0. Thus,thefirsttwoterms 1 1 in the sum above are together positive, while the third one is non-negative, so that B is positive. (cid:3) Corollary3.2. IfB = BT,thencondition3inLemma3.1isequivalenttoρ(I−B A) < 1 1 1 1. Proof. ThisfollowsdirectlyfromLemma2.1andLemma2.5. (cid:3) 3.2. Multiplicativedomaindecomposition. Giventhefinite-dimensionalHilbertspace H, consider J spaces H , k = 1,...,J, together with linear operators I ∈ L(H ,H), k k k null(I ) = {0}, such that I H ⊆ H = (cid:80)J I H . We also assume the existence k k k k=1 k k of another space H , an associated operator I such that I H ⊆ H, and some linear 0 0 0 0 operatorsIk ∈ L(H,H ),k = 0,...,J. Fornotationalconvenience,weshalldenotethe k inner-products on H by (·,·) (without explicit reference to the particular space). Note k thattheinner-productsondifferentspacesneednotberelated. In a domain decomposition context, the spaces H , k = 1,...,J, are typically as- k sociated with local subdomains of the original domain on which the partial differential equation is defined. The space H is then a space associated with some global coarse 0 mesh. The operators I ,k = 1,...,J, are usually inclusion operators, while I is an k 0 8 M.HOLSTANDS.VANDEWALLE interpolation or prolongation operator (as in a two-level MG method). The operators Ik,k = 1,...,J, are usually orthogonal projection operators, while I0 is a restriction operator(again,asinatwo-levelMGmethod). The error propagator of a multiplicative DD method on the space H employing the subspacesI H hasthegeneralform[9]: k k E = I −BA = (I −I R¯ IJA)···(I −I R I0A)···(I −I R IJA), (3.2) J J 0 0 J J ¯ where R and R , k = 1,...,J, are linear operators on H , and R is a linear operator k k k 0 on H . Usually the operators R¯ and R are constructed so that R¯ ≈ A−1 and R ≈ 0 k k k k k A−1, where A is the operator defining the subdomain problem in H . Similarly, R is k k k 0 constructed so that R ≈ A−1. Actually, quite often R is a “direct solve”, i.e., R = 0 0 0 0 A−1. The subdomain problem operator A is related to the restriction of A to H . We 0 k k say that A satisfies the Galerkin conditions or, in a finite element setting, that it is k variationallydefinedwhen A = IkAI , Ik = IT. (3.3) k k k Recallthatthesuperscript“T”istobeinterpretedastheadjointinthesenseof(2.2),i.e., withrespecttotheinner-productsinH andH . k In the case of finite element, finite volume, or finite difference discretization of an elliptic problem, conditions (3.3) can be shown to hold naturally for both the matrices and the abstract weak form operators for all subdomains k = 1,...,J. For the coarse spaceH ,often(3.3)mustbeimposedalgebraically. 0 Propagator(3.2)canbethoughtofastheproductoperator(3.1),bychoosing 1 J (cid:89) (cid:89) I −B¯ A = (I −I R¯ IkA), B = I R I0 , I −B A = (I −I R IkA), 1 k k 0 0 0 1 k k k=J k=1 ¯ where B and B are known only implicitly. (Note that we take the convention that the 1 1 first term in the product appears on the left.) This identification allows for the use of ¯ Lemma 3.1 to establish sufficient conditions on the subdomain operators R , R and R k k 0 toguaranteethatmultiplicativedomaindecompositionyieldsanSPDoperatorB. Theorem 3.3. Sufficient conditions for symmetry and positivity of the multiplicative do- maindecompositionoperatorB,implicitlydefinedby(3.2),are: (1) Ik = c IT , c > 0, k = 0,··· ,J ; k k k (2) R¯ = RT , k = 1,··· ,J ; k k (3) R = RT ; (cid:13)0 0 (cid:13) (4) (cid:13)(cid:81)J (I −I R IkA)(cid:13) < 1; (cid:13) k=1 k k (cid:13) A (5) R non-negativeonH . 0 0 Proof. WeshowthatthesufficientconditionsofLemma3.1aresatisfied. First,weprove that B¯ = BT, which, by Lemma 2.5, is equivalent to proving that (I − B A)∗ = 1 1 1 ¯ (I −B A). Byusing(2.1),wehave 1 (cid:32) (cid:33)∗ (cid:32) (cid:33)T J J 1 (cid:89) (cid:89) (cid:89) (I −I R IkA) = A−1 (I −I R IkA) A = (I−(Ik)TRT(I )TA), k k k k k k k=1 k=1 k=J ¯ which equals (I −B A) under conditions 1 and 2 of the theorem. The symmetry of B 1 0 followsimmediatelyfromconditions1and3;indeed, BT = (I R I0)T = (I0)TRT(I )T = (c I )R (c−1I0) = I R I0 = B . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCHWARZMETHODS:TOSYMMETRIZEORNOTTOSYMMETRIZE 9 Bycondition4ofthetheorem,condition3ofLemma3.1holdstrivially. Thetheorem followsbyrealizingthatcondition4ofLemma3.1isalsosatisfied,since, (B u,u) = (I R I0u,u) = (R I0u,ITu) = c−1(R I0u,I0u) ≥ 0, ∀u ∈ H . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (cid:3) Remark 3.4. Note that one sweep through the subdomains, followed by a coarse prob- lem solve, followed by another sweep through the subdomains in reversed order, gives rise an error propagator of the form (3.2). Also, note that no conditions are imposed on the nature of the operators A associated with each subdomain. In particular, the theo- k rem does not require that the variational conditions are satisfied. While it is natural for condition(3.3)toholdbetweenthefinespaceandthespacesassociatedwitheachsubdo- main, these conditions are often difficult to enforce for the coarse problem. Violation of variational conditions can occur, for example, when complex coefficient discontinuities donotliealongelementboundariesonthecoarsemesh(wepresentnumericalresultsfor such a problem in §6). The theorem also does not require that the overall multiplicative DDmethodbeconvergent. Remark 3.5. The results of the theorem apply for abstract operators on general finite- dimensional Hilbert spaces with arbitrary inner-products. They hold in particular for matrix operators on Rn, equipped with the Euclidean inner-product, or the discrete L2 inner-product. In the former case, the superscript “T” corresponds to the standard ma- trix transpose. In the latter case, the matrix representation of the adjoint is a scalar multipleofthematrixtranspose;thescalarmaybedifferentfromunitywhentheadjoint involves two different spaces, and in the case of prolongation and restriction. This pos- sible constant in the case of the discrete L2 inner-product is absorbed in the factor c in k condition 1. This allows for an easy verification of the conditions of the theorem in an actual implementation, where the operators are represented as matrices, and where the inner-productsdonotexplicitlyappearinthealgorithm. Remark 3.6. Condition 1 of the theorem (with c = 1) for k = 1,...,J is usually k satisfied trivially for domain decomposition methods. For k = 0, it may have to be imposedexplicitly. Condition2ofthetheoremallowsforseveralalternativeswhichgive rise to an SPD preconditioner, namely: (1) use of exact subdomain solvers (if A is a k symmetric operator); (2) use of identical symmetric subdomain solvers in the forward and backward sweeps; (3) use of the adjoint of the subdomain solver on the second sweep. Condition 3 is satisfied when the coarse problem is symmetric and the solve is an exact one, which is usually the case. If not, the coarse problem solve has to be symmetric. Condition 4 in Theorem 3.3 is clearly a non-trivial one; it is essentially the assumption that the multiplicative DD method without a coarse space is convergent. ConvergencetheoriesforDDmethodscanbequitetechnicalanddependonsuchthings as the discretization, the subdomain number, shape, and size, and the regularity of the solution [5, 9, 27]. However, since variational conditions hold naturally between the fine space and each subdomain space for nearly any formulation of a DD method, very general convergence theorems can be derived, if one is not concerned about the actual rate of convergence. Using the Schwarz theory framework in any of [5, 9, 27], it can be shown that Condition 4 in Theorem 3.3 (convergence of multiplicative DD without a coarsespace)holdsifthevariationalconditions(3.3)hold,andifthesubdomainsolvers R are SPD. A proof of this result may be found for example in [14]. Condition 5 is k satisfiedforexamplewhenthecoarseproblemisSPDandthesolveisexact. 10 M.HOLSTANDS.VANDEWALLE Consider now the case when the subspaces together do not span the entire space, ex- cept when the coarse space is included. The above theorem can be applied with R = 0, 0 and by viewing the coarse space as simply one of the spaces H , k (cid:54)= 0. In this case, the k errorpropagationoperatorE takestheform: I−BA = (I−I R¯ IJA)···(I−I R¯ I1A)(I−I R I1A)···(I−I R IJA). (3.4) J J 1 1 1 1 J J Thisleadstothefollowingcorollary. Corollary 3.7. Sufficient conditions for symmetry and positivity of the multiplicative domaindecompositionoperatorB,implicitlydefinedby(3.4),are: (1) Ik = c IT , c > 0, k = 1,··· ,J ; k k k (2) R¯ = RT , k = 1,··· ,J ; (cid:13)k k (cid:13) (3) (cid:13)(cid:81)J (I −I R IkA)(cid:13) < 1. (cid:13) k=1 k k (cid:13) A Remark 3.8. Condition 3 is equivalent to requiring convergence of the overall multi- plicativeSchwarzmethod. Thisfollowsfromtherelationship (cid:107)E(cid:107) = (cid:107)E¯∗E¯(cid:107) = (cid:107)E¯(cid:107)2 < 1, A A A whereE¯ = (cid:81)J (I −I R IkA). k=1 k k Remark3.9. If,inadditiontoconditionsofthecorollary,itholdsthatR = (I1AI )−1, 1 1 i.e., it corresponds to an exact solve with a variationally defined subspace problem op- eratorinthesenseof(3.3),then (I −I R¯ I1A)(I −I R I1A) = I −I R I1A, 1 1 1 1 1 1 since I −I (I1AI )−1I A is a projector. Therefore, space H (for example, the coarse 1 1 1 1 space)needstobevisitedonlyonceintheapplicationof(3.4). 3.3. Multiplicative multigrid. Consider the Hilbert space H, J spaces H together k with linear operators I ∈ L(H ,H), null(I ) = 0, such that the spaces I H are nested k k k k k and satisfy I H ⊆ I H ⊆ ··· ⊆ I H ⊆ H ≡ H. As before we denote the H - 1 1 2 2 J−1 J−1 J k inner-products by (·,·), since it will be clear from the arguments which inner-product is intended. Again, the inner-products are not necessarily related in any way. We assume alsotheexistenceofoperatorsIk ∈ L(H,H ). k In a multigrid context, the spaces H are typically associated with a nested hierarchy k of successively refined meshes, with H being the coarsest mesh, and H being the fine 1 J mesh on which the PDE solution is desired. The linear operators I are prolongation k operators, constructed from given interpolation or prolongation operators that operate between subspaces, i.e., Ik ∈ L(H ,H ). The operator I is then constructed (only k−1 k−1 k k asatheoreticaltool)asacompositeoperator I = IJ IJ−1···Ik+2Ik+1, k = 1,...,J −1. (3.5) k J−1 J−2 k+1 k ThecompositerestrictionoperatorsIk,k = 1,...,J −1,areconstructedsimilarlyfrom somegivenrestrictionoperatorsIk−1 ∈ L(H ,H ). k k k−1 The coarse problem operators A are related to the restriction of A to H . As in the k k case of DD methods, we say that A is variationally defined or satisfies the Galerkin k conditions when conditions (3.3) hold. It is not difficult to see that conditions (3.3) are equivalenttothefollowingrecursivelydefinedvariationalconditions: A = Ik A Ik+1, Ik = (Ik+1)T, (3.6) k k+1 k+1 k k+1 k whenthecompositeoperatorsI appearingin(3.3)aredefinedasin(3.5). k

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