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Digitized by the Internet Archive 2015 in https://archive.org/details/schoonerernestin1001scho /o°-M'NW/7NA 5* ni:wslitimt:k e r 3 . Volume 100 Issue 2H (mid-summer update) August 1995 2 -MASSACHUSETTS SCHOONER ERNESTINA COMMISSION ~ August ~M Public Afternoon & Evening Sails"2^ lpm-4pm,5WpmrR.10pm,CharJc.stown.NavyYnrd Tickets&infocall MassOfficeofTravel&Tourismat f6171727-3201 5 MembeSrT/EPuLbLlWicATGrEanN.siBtA~NCNKY^to Gloucester ® ~ DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL via MANAGEMENT (Public@25/pcr) funded + MemberSailOpportunity fulldaytrip;exacttimeTBA callofficeforinfo/sign-up 6 Member/Public Transit ~Gloucester ft ~MASS. OFFICE ofTRAVEL & TOURISM (Public@25/pcr) to CNY LOGISTICALSUPPORT + MemberSailOpportunity 7 PublicAfternoon & EveningSails w IpnMpm,530pm-830pm,CharlestownNavyYard VERNMENT DOCUMENTS TicketsftinfocallMassOfficeofTravelftTourismat COLLECT! ' (617)727-3201 8 Daysail, BeaverCountry Day School SummerProgram and Meadowcroft Camp 9:30am-2:30pm,HayPointeMarina,Quincy 9 Public Afternoon & EveningSails Massachusetts IpnMpm.530pm-R:30pm,CharlestownNavyYard lory Copy TicketsAinfocallMassOfficeofTravelftTourismat (617)727-3201 ^ 10 Transit CNY to Fall River # MemberSailOpportunity 11 Fall RiverCelebratesAmerica TamdcofSail,2pm Mayor'sReception,7:30pm ^ Transit Fall Riverto New Bedford * MemberSailOpportunity ^ Transit New Bedford toCNY MemberSailOpportunity tS-(7 Mam. Dtpt. ofYoiifh IwvImi II M«il. Dept. ofEnvironmental Management® Boiton Harbor Islands Sail, * ~ MpivfBf.it OPPORTUNITIES Ijmvlpm,RayPoint*Marina,Qulnoy II tH«rt»f Mtmiwwt«MIC|nInUrnnr*wlumilnitintuitu, tpmJpifl,BayPslRiiMarini,Quifley HflClpeHcfiteBeccessaK, limited' iioli 20-21 Coastal Passage,Quincy, MA to Bridgeport,CT CALL ERNESTINA OFFICE for seeenclosedinfo -callofficefordetailsftreservations INFO/SIGN-UP (508) 992-4900 H DbysbIIs, Southern Conn, Univ. 7am-t2am, lpm-6pm,Hridgeport,CT W-24 Coastal Passage, Bridgeport, CTto Vineyard Haven, MA seeenclosedinfo -callofficefordetailsftreservations alsoavailable: fullfive-daycoastalpassageaboardERNESTINA! DOHT MISS IT! 2145 EFvireenwionrgkSsaiSlaiwl/wP/orMtVugMuuelsteicGuelnteuarlaolgiCclaulbSociety PCROMOE CVUE!IDCEOMENACLL!E WATERFRONT FESTIVAL Transit Vineyard Haven to New Bedford Ilamto3pm,NB-MVferryboatfacilitates"roundtrip" SEPT.9-10 * MemberSailOpportunity IndiaPointProvidence.RI callofficeforinfo/sign-up featuringyourfavoritetaliship 27-29 Mass. Dept. ofYouth Services fa*Moved U 'tiniMit Nest Mrilfiinl It* lilitiuMln ^ Schooner i;kni:niina calltuttolmlulaAhittl m m in if in »t> •# *i it* J..i-SfJt•'4J. Crew Member(Individual) $10 Corporate Membership $500 Hrni'lvaSiI im rllMSilNI Mmv.Imih All |,|,.y<.«I...p|v.I'."!,ill. I* HlUl.lil,. ti Iirnlllp' pnuyonMl Mill ItSAILS IIsiedaslimine**Vartnrrandsuppoilerof Each(rowMemhet willsailfoiS3 SchoonerERNESTINA BringguestsonMRMUERSAILS@$15each OrganizationalMembership $125 "BatdhgeelsovoeflMye"mEbeRrNsEhSipV"h-'A-189-I"scrimshawpin ALlilstmeedmabseOrrsgarneiceziavteio2n5a%lPdairstconuenrtaonndmseupmpboerrtsehriopf SchoonerERNESTINAautowindowdecal SchoonerERNESTINA Crew Members (Family) $60 CorporateSponsorship $5000 EntirefamilyenjoysCrewMemberstatus Specialacknowledgmentofsponsorship andbenefitslistedabove inprintandelectronicmedia ERNESTINA Shipmates $200 Choiceofschoolororganizationtoreceivehalfday EntirefamilyenjoysCrewMemberstatus sailprogram andbenefitslistedabove Eveningsailordocksidereceptionforcompanyuse FreeadmissiontoMEMBERSAILS ListedasCorporateSponsor«ndBusinessFanner (Shipmatesguestssailfor$10each) n inn. iii'iii Sail Aboard Legend! a. make a coastalpassage on ERNESTINA Schooner Tlinkce FlahtxlEnFFgIESM.chHWoRRoInSSeBrY Renomm off Fnmoui BxplorationVessel JLft-otlo At Veternnof04AtlanticOrosalnga In BervicenaaCapeVerdesui Packet Many Thanksfrom Schooner ERNESTINA 2W0h,ebonunAdoWvehreCraep:eCSocdhoDoanye,rthErRoNugEhStThIeNCAapleeaCvoidngCQauntanlcyIn,toMaBuizlz,arodnsSBuanyd.ayP,asAtuign.g BayPolnteMarina,Qulncy,MA throughtoLongliiandSound, ihewillputlitatBridgeport,Conn MondayPM, Aug 21. USSConstitutionMuseum EOnRNTEuSesUdaNy,AAwiulgtle2a2v,etBhreirdegewpiolrltbWeetdw,oAduagysa2l)l,sloonpaInonbgacIkslaalnodngSotuhneds.oundS,chiocornoenr BoslonNCahfalrointaslloHwinstNoarivcyalYPaarrdk, Buuardi Bay and Into Vineyard Sound, putting In al Vineyard Haven on the Island of Martha'!VineyardonThutday,Aug. 24. MarineBiologicalLaboratory, WoodiHole,MA Two Day Passage~OniwirdBound BobCook,EmilyJnhnsA allIhe • loinshipatBayPolnteMarina,Qulncy,Mass Sun.,Aug 20earlyAM TonnessenParkVolunteers , a SailSchoonerERNESTINAitHillyInvolvedcrew(2600sqft. malns'l) WoodiHoleOcranographlcInslltutlo • 2dayi&2nightsaboard,bunkftallmeatiIncluded MarineDept. • IeaveshipInBridgeport,Conn,Ti.ei Aug32earlyAM a Price-$200 , HieCofTreJungleIttslamant, TravelmrmnjOTCTUmlcolttoQulncy,Min andbmBridtetat,Conn,anAxraponstblUty . NewBedford ofparticipant)mlanDotIncludedfarERNESTINApatute TWO Day Passage~HomewardBjjjiind • loinahlpInBridgeport,Conn.WwtTevenlng, Aug 22 • SailERNESTINAufljflyInvokedcrewloMirthi'iVlneyird • LeavashipalVineyardHaven,**afternoon, Aug 24 Mm-** • 2dayift2nlghtiaboard,bunkftallmealsincluded • Price-$200 m pTrtarvUedlnturiraunanedmeraintinaotndbceohAdtetdohBrHEiReNpEorSlTItnNdAfpruomnatshe.Vineyard thereajjonrfMUtrof .mm- Full Five Day Passage-Qulncy toBridgeporttoMartha*!Vineyard • JointhlpatBayPointeMarina,Qulncy,Mala.,Sun,Aug 20erriy AM • Fullpassageasp«tiafsr.lp'icompany • LeaveshipitVineyardHaven,Thuri eTeTilng,Aug 24 FerryservicetoWoodsHolefroroVbieytrdIttven. • 3dayift4nlghtiaboard,bunkftallmealiIncluded • Price-$450 TvarralvleclfpnaraitinjtcntdraumnUnaon)dInmciluldeldoQbulEnRcNyEaSnTdIfNroAmptahaesaVftan.eyvadand*MxaurbUHyof ForInformaHon and reservationspleasecall, faiorwrite! SchoonerERNESTINAOffice P.O.Boi2010 New Bedford, MA02741-1010 Phono(508)992-4900 Fait (508)984-771* 55. V3. SE/: S/teO/i ICHOONER V DOCUWEKTS ANIENT LLECTION NEWSLETrER 8 1995 The Log of a Record Rim' Massachusetts Mume 100 Issue 2 SpriEnTCg'V/iJSummer 1995 -MASSACHUSETTS SCHOONER ERNESTINA COMMISSION- IN THIS ISSUE ERNESTINA: / A NEW FORCE IN EDUCATION ~ ERNESTINA's SCHEDULE FOR THE COMMONWEALTH ~PROGRAM EXPANSION for'95 Education is at the core of ERNESTINA's ~COASTAL CONNECTIONS mission and her development as an accessible ~ERNESTINA's YESTERYEARS educational and cultural resource was central to this ~ 1995 CREW PROFILES winter'swork. As the big schooner slept at her berth in ~MEMBER/VOLUNTEER UPDATE New Bedford harbor, shoreside activity all Uirough the AND MUCH MORE! winter was insuring a full schedule for ERNESTINA's 1995 teaching season. Energy, talent and effort drawn from many quarters was coordinated through the ERNESTINA siaff and Commission during these last Winter Among PALMS formative months. Many ofERNESTINA's connections with other Massachusetts state agencies were ~ on Buzzards Bay strengthened and completely new associations were formed as the"offseason" provedtobe an extraordinary Collaboration with New Bedford area educators periodofdevelopmentandexpansion. and National Science Foundation (NSF) teacher "We're building from the center and working enhancementprograms inthesoutheastern NewEngland outward .." is a phrase often used by Ernestina's region helped launch ERNESTINA on a very important Executive Director. Gregg Swanzey, and that describes passage this year. This is a passage in company with what happened throughout the fall and winter months as Commonwealth teachers and students from elementary Gregg and Tom Goux, ERNESTINA's Program through university level and though it began in New Coordinatorbegan meeting and planning with a number Bedford it will eventually connect ERNESTINA with of New Bedford area educators, laying the groundwork dozensofcommunitiesthroughoutthestale. fortheactiveseasonthat hasnowarrived. NewBedford Public School District is an active Newsletter segments that follow explain the center for the Partnership for the Advancement of substanceandbreadthofthisactivity: engagementofthe Learning Mathematics and Science (PALMS Project), a schoonerbyelementaryteachers,special needseducators, NSF-fundcd program of in-service training aimed at high schools, teacher enhancement workshop programs, improving math and science learning and teaching. and adjudicated youth programs. ERNESTINA is PALMS activities are a perfect setting for the natural reaching out to connect with her homeport community, application of the resources of Schooner ERNESTINA. first of all, and then to offer service and opportunity A solid and mutually beneficial relationship began beyond her home harbor to learners and teachers up and through preliminary talks with Eileen Kenny, New downthecoastlineandthroughouttheregion. Bedford Public School District's Director ofCurriculum Also included in this issue is the schooner's and PALMS Project leader, and is expanding through schedule forthe months ofJune and July. At press time regional PALMS Project meetings and workshops. This August activities are being finalized and an August- involvement has led to the designation of Schooner September schedule will be mailed out later, as ERNESTINA as a provider ofProfessional Development arrangementsarefinalized. Points(PDP's)throughtheMass. Dept. ofEducation. This turn of events has an interesting two-way ERNESTINA: effect: The discovery ofERNESTINA (or in some cases rediscover,) by individual teachers, science departments The Mass Bays Connection and school systems coincides with and complements the reformation of ERNESTINA curriculum as it is Cosponsorship by the Department ofEducation broadened to make it more useful and relevant to the and DepartmentofEnvironmental Management provided educators of the 1990's. ERNESTINA staff, along with fora seriesofmeetingsonthedecks ofthe ERNESTINA these area colleagues, have started an ongoing this June bringing educators, teachers, institutions and reexaminationoftraditional onboardteachingin thelight agencies together through the Mass Bays Program and ofthe PALMS philosophy and constructivist educational Massachusetts BaysEducation Alliance. The ship sailed theory, emphasizing problem solving, visualization, from Quincy at Bay Pointe Marina, Boston at the critical and creative thinking and cooperative learning . Charlestown NavyYardandGloucesterat theGloucester There is a powerful convergence as these current State Fish Pier for three hour sails designed to highlight educational thrusts meet the "built-in" challenges that local activities in education and action and to set the await the receptive mind of both student and teacher stage for connection, networking and coordination to aboard SchoonerERNESTINA. enhancefutureactivities. ERNESTTNA's crew/educators operate at the The Massachusetts Bays Program is a federal, interface of these elements - colleagues and their slate and local partnership established to protect the students in an unconventional learning place to use natural resources ofMassachusetts and Cape Cod Bays unique materials for exploration; unusual ways of The MBP is funded under the Clean Water Act through investigating physics, orientation and navigation, the the Environmental Protection Agency and administered natural world, the impact of humankind on the by the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management office. environment; the complexity of the vessel, her The MBP's primary focus is to provide research, remarkable history and sociology. The educational planning and management ofwater resources in order to community is excited to find that all these elements can protectlivingresourcesandtheirhabitats. and do meet on the decks ofERNESTINA and that all TheMassachusettsBaysEducation Alliancewas teachers and learners, in the New Bedford region and established to connect the MBP to teachers throughout throughouttheCommonwealth, arewelcomeaboard. theBaysand toprovideavehicleforsharingeducational resources on watershed and Bays issues. Through Boston Schools, teacher workshops, quarterly newsletters, a telecommunications network and sponsored events, the Boston Marine Society MBEAservesteachersandeducatorsfromenvironmental education organizations and agencies in the 161 towns Programs Start Season and cities located within the Massachusetts Bays watershed. The 1995 sailing and teaching season began Formoreinformationontheseprograms: with a flourish as the Boston Public Schools hosted a very important first program ofdockside and underway • MassBaysProgram,call 1-800-447-BAYS • Massachusetts Bays Educational Alliance, programs underwritten by a generous grant from the Boston Marine Society. Cher 650 Boston Public school callFaithBurbankat 1-617-740-4913. students (grades 3 -12) and their teachers came aboard Envirothon Winners Sail from from Monday, May 15, through Friday, May 19. The programs ranged from two hour dockside sessions to Gloucester to Buzzards Bay half-day sails out among the Harbor Islands. Two more fulldaysofprogramming followedonMay 30and31. The Massachusetts Envirothon is a natural resource competition that prepares high school students These programs were most appreciated by the for their role as future leaders in careers in the participants, with "rave reviews" coming in by phone, environmental sciences. Teams of students represent fa.x and through the mail from delighted Boston teachers and administrators. Special commendation arc frequent their school at a one-day, statewide challenge in May. fdToehrliisveEirnRytNenEosfSeTstIchehNeAdsuilxec-srwteaawt/sifoatnchuelEtaRyusNpEaiScnidToIusNthAbeeigrciunrnerininecrgugleoutfmi.ca TREehRgeNioEnwSaiTlnnIeNrHAsSaotfitnhtehiGOslroayunecgaeres',tsercMSotmAapteetiFctiaismohenPiefarrboaomnarddMsaahitlaherde number ofschool programs and teacher workshops that seventy miles to Buzzards Bay through the Cape Cod continuethroughtheseason. Canal. Congratulations! (Other winning teams willjoin theshiplaterintheseason,) programs together or participate in colorful festival eventswith SchoonerERNESTINAfrontandcenter. From Ask your neighbor, business or organization the toget involved! Aft Cabin Oursatisfactionwill come in thefeastenjoyed by all of us, by our children and our larger community! This column nill carry a message from ERNESTINA ExecutiveDirectorGreggSwanzey, whoserved as both Captain and Director last year. This season he is "hardaground" tending toshoreside matters: administrative, legislative, logistical,financial, etc. ERNESTINA Finds Haven ERNESTINA is well underway in this first full season ofa new era. She is ship shape, her mission is on Vineyard expanding, she's vital, she's active, she forges on in her May 23-26 Schooner ERNESTINA docked at fashion - a survivor, an explorer, timeless and seemingly Packer's Marine in Vineyard Haven for two very full indestructible. But, without her people, without support days ofinvolvement with the educational community of and commitment from her community ERNESTINA is theislandofMartha'sVineyard. Discussionsbeganwith justanemptyvessel. Anne Allen, volunteer Director of the Community There is an old story called "Stone Soup" that History Project (CHiP) and advisor to the Martha's goes something like this: Long ago, in a village hit by Vineyard H.S. Multicultural Club, and expanded to famine, people were at a loss to see a way out of their involve Sam Sawyer of the Martha's Vineyard Public predicament. Onedayavillagerhadan idea. Shetooka Schools' Educational Resources Center. A schedule large pot and set it up in the village square with fire developed that included two mornings of dockside stoked underneath and waterboiling. She threw a large programs with the elementary level Bridges Program stoneinto the bottom and stirred. She stirred and tasted coordinated by Director Susan Phelps, and two late and cooked some more as everyone's curiosity grew. At afternoon sails with high school students, faculty, firstan occasional passerby might stop and ask what she administrators, PTOandSchool Committeemembers. wascooking. Shewouldsay"Stonesoup." After several Highlightsofthevisit included the participation hours of stirring and tasting a crowd gathered and she of two men who have been crucial to the survival and proclaimed "Tastes pretty good but something is progress of ERNESTINA: Joli Gonsalves and Fred missing." Someone in the village stepped forward and Littleton. Both are former Chairmen of the Schooner said "I've got some carrots we can throw in." Another ERNESTINA Commission and are primary sources had some potatoes, another some spice. Soon the soup regardingthehistoryofthevessel. wasthickand rich. Everyonefeasted. Mr. Gonsalves is a leading member ofthe Cape ERNESTINA's story is one ofstone soup: both Verdean-American community and founder ofthe Cape talcs begin with a vessel (in the case ofERNESTINA a Verdean-American Cultural Centerin New Bedford. As schoonerinsteadofapot)andboth storiesworkout from a recognized authority on the history ofthe vessel who that central object to include the community until the knew Capt. Henrique Mendes during his working life in "village" hasproducedsomething"thickandrich." the Cape Verdean packet trade, Joli spoke ofthis era of If stakeholders in ERNESTINA each throw the ship's life, commented on the culture ofthe islands something into the pot, others will have a clear message andofferedauthenticCapeVerdeansongs. of commitment All of the Commissioners, staff and Mr. Littleton resides on Martha's Vineyard volunteers have done so. Agencies in the where he builds boats and recently retired from the post Commonwealth have done so. Cities, Chambers of of harbormaster at Menemsha.. His connection to Commerce and schools are doing so. We are building ERNESTINAreachesbackoverfiftyyears- Fredwason partnerships in business and with private foundations to the 1941 crew as a "Bartlett Boy" for a summer provide sponsorships for programs to make them expedition to Greenland. He hasoften shared his stories affordable. But still, it will happen only with individual of adventure aboard the EFFIE M. MORRISSEY with membership,contributionandsupport. Vineyardschoolchildren. Join ERNESTINA today! Please notice that, Both Joli and Fred have given years ofdevoted asamemberyoucansignupforaberth onERNESTINA efforttothepreservation andsuccessoftheschoonerand transitsanddaysails. Youcanmakeyourmarkasweput theycontinueto"pullwithawill" thisseason! From the Commission This column will regularly carry news regarding the work of the Massachusetts Schooner ERSEST1SA Commission, profiles ofits membersandmessagesfromthem. Initially,wehearaboutandfromthe Chairman.JimDrown: II. James Brown isProfessorofcityandregional planning at Harvard University'sJohn F. KennedySchool of Government. HeisalsodirectorofHarvard'sjointCenterfor HousingStudies. He was appointedto the Commission in the Volunteers spiing by Governor Held. Initialmeetings ofthe Commission Make MerepresidedoverbyDeputyCommissionerPeterSmith ofthe the Difference! DepartmentofEnvironmentalManagement, servingas interim Volunteer involvement with Schooner Chairman. At the June 23, 1994 meeting Dr. Browi was electedChairmanbyunanimousvote. ERS'ESTIXA has been extraordinary. Resources for AmessagefromChairmanBrown: professional staff and crew are stretched to the limit "It is an honor and a challenge lo accept our makingvolunteerparticipation absolutely essential tothe charge as Commissioners. We are champions of the success oflast year's "restart" program and the dynamic cause and must lead the effort in guiding the course of progressof1995. this cultural treasure that is ERS'ESTIXA. Her rich, Last spring, as the ship began to "come to life" historicpast and her important mission for today and the at the D.N. Kelley and Sons Shipyard in Fairhaven, so future inspires each and every one of us on the loo did that unexplainable energy that is the heart and Commission. The ship, the program, fund-raising, soul ofERXESTINA: people ~ people who come out to operations and maintenance: all fall under the help, to contribute, to invest their own time and labor in governance the Commission. The tasks are formidable. the project. Some were long-time supporters of the Be assured this team of Commissioners brings effort, others were discovering ERS'ESTIXA for the first enthusiasm, an assortment of talents and a variety of time. From five to ten of the ship's company were resourcesandexperiencelothejob. volunteer crew members during each of the transit We on the Commission, along with dedicated voyages last summer. These folks not only served as ERS'ESTIXA crew and staffers, plunged into this past deckhands and important team members of a ship sailing season determined to see ERS'ESTIXA regain her underway,but, alsowereon hand for the activitiesofthe unique stature as an historic coastal schooner with the shipwhile shewas dockside inNew Bedford, Fall River. ability to inspire the public ofall ages and all walks of Gloucester, Boston and Vineyard Haven during August life. With careful allocation of modest financial and Septemberof1994. resources, coupled with the significant assistance of a Again this year volunteers have pitched in. As small army of volunteers, the ship was proudly and thesailingseasoncommencesvolunteeractivityincreases properly returned lo her rightful position here in the and expands to include participants from around the Commonwealth ~ a cultural treasure to be used and state. Citizens from not only the New Bedford area, but preservedforfuturegenerations. from Fail River and Providence, the Cape, the Boston With the payment ofpasl debt, the refitting of area and from Gloucester can find themselves "joining thevessel, theestablishmentofnewand vital educational the crew" of their state's tall ship. The goal of staffing programs and there-emergence ofthe schoonerupon the ERNESTIXA with knowledgeable, congenial, informative cultural scene all along the New England coast, it is a crew members as she accommodates the visiting public, new and promising day for ERS'ESTIXA Careful dockside, can onlybe attainedwith the development ofa planningandeffectiveexecutionwaswellbegun in 1994. committed volunteer contingent. (See the schedule for The official Business Plan wascompletedthis spring and AfeinberA'olunteerOpportunities) 1995 will be a time when all Commissioners will be The example ofthe hundredsofvolunteer hours giving redoubled effort to laying the fiscal groundwork contributed last season sets the tone for an expanding for the future. We must cultivate all our resources: volunteer program in 1995. The actual total ofhours of public, privatesector, individual andcorporate. labor the dollar amount represented by this effort would The season is offto a great start; ERNEST1NA be hard to quantify. However, and more importantly, it isin servicetothecitizensoftheCommonwealthandwe, is the spirit of community, cooperation and connection themembersoftheERNESTINACommission, areatour that makes this such a significant part of the stations. ERNESTINA picture.

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