t 1001 Pennsvrvania Avenue' t{w' washinston'Dc2ooo4'2se5 p2o2 624'2500 ' r2o2 628-5116 Cfowell6*Ofing F. Ryan Keith (2021 624-2e04 [email protected] June 16, 2003 3350:frk 099401.000L0L2 PRTVILE GED AI'.[D C ONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY-CLIENT OMMUNICATION C VIA HAND DELT\MRY Jeffrey Schmidt 3003 Van Ness Street, N.W., #W406 Washington, D.C.20008 Re: Return of Fact Documents From Your File Dear Jeff: As you requested, enclosed are copies of the various "fact documents" included in our files for your matter, which include the documents that WALA provided, as well as documents that you provided and documents that we collected ourselves, largely from your website at www.disciplinedminds.com. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may n Keith Enclosures Crowel[ & Moring LLP r www.crowell.com . Washington . Irvine . London r Brussets Jeff Schmidt Gontents of Disciplined-Minds.com Tab l rrrrrrrrr Physics Today Tab 2rrrrrrrrr Protgsts Tab 3...,.rrrr Rgadgrs, Gomments Tab 4 .rrrrrrrr From thg Book Tab 5.....rrrrr Author lntgrviews Tab 6 rrrrrrrrrr Rgvigws ,.""',h -# t { - iII, II I i I I \c ca q-i o O C{ G,} N h(.lt E&$= E EgE s*E E q:, #E:I i Ei: ^ a E-:E bx5F-Ei;F EA;sET A E-EfiEI r";'EFtii $giq._E;s -z trE gEtEE6!& iIHBlI () {En--E i=E==!BE H E d E fl€€HE E;gEEBEggg -{r) gE o ?; 1 .3E rgEE EEE* =A {J EE sEEE€P {r) aol () - iEgiig;IItlgIgtEEEiglg rd a z s H Y-rGt H () Fic0 -Eoc.>-ocE) €frSn 8E (J Fl = ETEE!i B iH:=sH -; -() F.{ a *' E B (-,) i E= $Egite E E! gi 0 EE=lE;;gEE I AiEgiE 3I .trtr H At- i E €*; ;E e; gE g;Etg E f EE*; E; =EigE;g ESrE:F€PE AE8Eg8€ a(5 o$| *7itl-(#v ry F S-rJ- )td t:O1r <t (EXf ) r:1l--?;-; l-!#, -* *E {-*9 Hrr7_ r;= E=t ' rlO(r--ll{) 0 1qqi-)5-r) { 0 .tA.)rr-+ .4rr6>{m t' rr!r-frOr{,{dCC rJlIIriJ.rdUor{d UC). r..Aafl 88 H nts<i*< r! .tr Q..r()qr E-ir5 Y dAH or;( .Xqtr)o-;. .{mil c\J 0) ru q E q a Q.-t-r t{ E L'r rrt .r.Q:El0oi-{t.r X u,cE ord .= rd (n rJ t{-{ tr t< .r.i.\s.l !, tUr]! i--(- t rr Om..l OrrC{ 'CrJn !>:" t"C|5 a --{ O dOO tr a -tr.JU{ -rC-rtI (EOI) 4li, .. OnA .>.L !.G t !r!.d -{ oEi) .FFEt( a t3r! !i3-{ !r[rDrr Xr0d)! rCd' -(t u m 0..rH YLX{ q) o oJ u (6 ca '(,):, -OOr -ol-lJCr -{uUtr J-r d O(I] a .ro:o qO{ ='t-A<" 'tt o-r -'a ro-I L{ a-d .2 t-. ruoJE ul-r{OU)rDU aOa HiE [OD Uu ] tUr OQ {-C.r C5I. Ci--.r- rO . =tO.t" \c ca q-i O o O N (\l (. C! Or', CB oi -;l H i3r? rr E a a 8t .it EI 3E : Er dr 5' *= i, f;r EoE0Eiii X;ii u> c.$i< gE {r E: Ei s c, B Es Er E, Ui E El IE E tl !i 3 ? 3 P ?b Es td. S g tr -qFo"lr) i tPEos" , i :p Z{E(-r) fHill Eq Er Z' (l<.) stEii $E E 4l rfE Ey 4Er,'Ai, !;i es .:i $; I -ao trl t*ill ra-,l' -iHl a E'r5 t i-:ril f\Er si ta Eell ssli eii i €i Ei F,s ii s SX .Ag0 Eti6!ti EZ ' B7.i3 H6i, i fqFl, s(Jr gi -o0o.) EH$ll N*r{til r .i.gaiii .ro-ii .sEg gE Esc :Eil 6bilt l Ee; f..qi(e. tisE'r E3Ei, CEEr': 5pEi 8E-,I ;EE 8*i i *iF=, ,OFo(aC0Cav0tE<.-d))))) i;r.:sEFl=tlllllL i j l ll F*sC:bisSt, i ti E.,o -EEt8=thi-r .l ,,il i f,eEE25sa5 qi: :, ,,, ZEZisfro-i iii Ert<;HEl,iir i ii i S.r{bi5i. 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E!;=ii i 2(1i, EL^ = :-o-.=-E I EE = ii ;l E E Oo,.o,',iE,q H !rG==-^= E'{x I3; 3 2HgeiElEl H1 HE: Ei Elil qA l*9.-lt !O,r 3 g B6 8=fr EHgEEEa .BEiEl ;!lT iil Esii ii --{r,E-= lI5J=-i '=E:-: E;ci =i =toAr, *=E ltgu',7irf E Iy, ,g5sflri Pi Pii EE=t .58 Bsi 3ri ,o tEE€j fJ..''i trI lr (o,.od .oo q3ooCE-qlodr'Od> .ou8o Eoo-H Cl .!od ui.> 3 , l!o!"' rd3 b !oag6noi 1 . 6g -q"uOOqqJi g :rmd8. ; !g iao j EI, OOOO8p .!S^r5Y gIoOO6 \ :t.gs! r- [s:tri i ,, i E o t E E q IO!io i'E6E ,!o. ri EC i.jru t; -cnt4ri EuO,. .iE9 fr!50: oEo- 'JiG f -'HEr J -;;- r :Eh qQt' : .3-ctl;L3 E :a- . l EX6 tga .ics .! :'iua.etlr ! :>* ro3 oe!.3c ' b\ Io r gf ; t3 2F ;* UEFE': I tg E E r;Eitra II ".i9gr * : r : h E .g sEil p I s g a fi ; : E I i E =e< i-.ses;fl ;i;er $ E E raH E ti g .I: dE.Epu.oBiot !..Hs!i tssEExEfHl!g g,E d; s. E-.- rE' FA .LE pcoE_S51i :F 2E'l E? ir Oat- .3q3.d5dr3r.fd:u,9rr i qaoiltr8o:u9 I -;.E *I g.!! g *I bI3 <-5 t6E6.9rq'tq,l, ets =sEr,' gE6 €ir;i o e-c \c ca (+-{ O o O .f, c.l 0.8 ",0 6I h. ...i ed F< r-. \nI @ \o ,A oe Gl st': f,a- \OA tJ., IcOr)\ Z- cHri -oEli ,ro- mZl Lqril t<l + r-r €l 9l ob -- Ha .=t = pErr "S,rftfizGld t';CYirt ) l .'=(r.rilit 7r_,-j<- , 4U 'of.r , E H g (Ji r{ /:EX\).at=. ll l i -'r€iEa:- r]!i i I -N'-i H 7 -^t3lC'-) :.lY { -.i -\' - OO E.ili a c0 r<tr| C)*P..r I Bi Sd *EAI (J! \rYion 6e=ly t - *bi s8 -t i\, -'5u Eo--Ji= 1- --.C=-2o\-n , -uA-oc O(t. e E ibo \r. 'o rH-Yv 3E !HL-r CI. ; EbE aJI* o ? () E,T; Coo\ i+. fi i o a E It 'iiiJiS-wLi.viiY - I ii s\tr 6 s= t* fii cF)r ILT 6AJ. a sEi E:rr {e1rl s-Xl}-. .oS !i I a u cu{ d \H./ s:ei,b!=S :ii r-C5I rLc< ?, Fe () a .: el I I: E \.aJ-j.Esa'xiE-':+'e\sj;^; ;9 .C3-s; :,4i-SF'=iS f i. \Yai-rJ- ;i G I S rS:r'l qU\)JIi icrrii ?e\ -JSUE;,*ir ssri ti Tiii EiS o ot'Ero: {ci :E' 'o(a) oOa? to l SNr, rE l SiJ r 5Ilr -Eo *. i S3 \€ir t- "+i(t C3= i t\ 'piii s,: sa E.9di t^ a EgNe €;{ i =Ei, x \c ca (r-( o trl .:r Crl O,B c\ o,. .,j'" ed o< E Eo 3E g :55 o 3 s Ni i o EOOEtr(r58 tt=.rrcrs O Eo 3oo oq 3 EEFSEl l gsrIr'i/ ,l EIgiP trEg6 : EE:' f-.=,Hi'2E= Ed:(Av-ro^ l(8AJ €i;* taOOl-,. 7 EE5 € € ;.z-= rEa== -ESb: 4'; 2ir'a' . tdE-? -:>iE-(.a ;'cr.:e €a yo; =);i :EEiE*r"=;, l:aJz=3 :E=s n58a ?g.!: 5*=Eeti?57E=;+o z4 iis2is2c () Xii-l x1t$ . r erii ir, EE=e 8cEE OEt.' EoJ# .3'*i8 fol*= r, !It>; 5EEiiq?€_E,gE;GE.., .fFFP== *i i oE8oOo ,I!aFfI c3geT=. ^=iX^3t1=- -XEt ;BfE H.': . Sta'=vrr'€Hai -oe-(c\). ca (r.i O o O N \ci d.rt C{ cd Rr o q 'c o ,; a .aa=')9 qi at-,. -ao *t n5=h?,s,a' ^u,.- 5u, b.\)-r s ,u\ *h :I ,aE =7r\ da- cv.) () r-ut -^'F"t-(tq.A ;O6 E .-fr O., '.-t)_ -s o-Xoo.0- .! - u8=r) €=qOo=QE >t= r .=HttXsrr;i Cae) na "SgH [JJl T -qr) w oII a { o CL q, A response to Marc Brodsky Page 1 of 3 For immediate release... HUNDREDS OF PHYSICISTS AI{D OTHER SCHOLARS DEMAND REINSTATEMENT OF PHYSICIST FIRED FOR WRITING BOOK More than 750 scientists and other scholars in a wide range of fields have condemned the American Institute of Physics for firing Physics Today magazine staff editor Jeff Schmidt over his book, Disciplined Minds (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers). Among the protesters signing letters delivered on 14 January 2002 are two Nobel Prize winning scientists and rnore than 500 physicists -- the largest number of physicists ever to speak out on a freedom-of-expression issue in the United States. The protesters have written a flurry of letters demanding that the magazine reinstate Schmidt, who was fired after 19 years on the job a few days after officials at Physics Today and the American Institute of Physics, which publishes the magazine, saw his book. Disciplined Minds is about the politics of professional worko and uses the education and employment of physicists to illustrate its points. The origin of job dissatisfaction, argues Schmidt, is employersrinsistence on exclusive control over the political aspects of the work, and the subordination of the vision of those who actually do it. The details of the case are explained in an appeal to scientists by three professors of physics and in a statement by two former Physics Today staff members. (See the appeal appended below.) The appeal resulted in a protest letter signed by more than 540 individuals, mainly physicists. About 100 individuals, mainly physicists and former Physics Today staff members, drafted other letters blasting the magazine for its repressive behavior and likewise demanding Schmidt's reinstatement. Massachusetts Institute of Technology linguist and social critic Noam Chomsky helped to solicit signatures on another protest letter, which has been signed by about 150 scholars and others at institutions across the country, in a wide variety of Iields outside of the sciences. Ironically, the American Institute of Physics is governed by the American Physical Society and other physics organizations that often speak out publicly when dissident physicists outside the United States are punished for expressing their views. All of the group and individual letters, along with the names and afliliations of the more than 750 signers, are posted on the Web at http://disciplined- minds.com. The protests forced the American Institute of Physics to break its silence and issue a very revealing public statement, which is posted on the Web at http://disciplined-minds.com -- along with a response by physicists Talat Rahman of Kansas State University, George F. Reiter of the University of Houston, Michael A. Lee of Kent State University, and Denis G. Rancourt of the University of Ottawa. http : I I drscip linedminds . trip o d. com/prote sts -pre s s -releas e. htm U2U2003