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Preview Schmidt vs. AIP -- 2001 -- Radical Teacher review of Disciplined Minds

62 i i r " '?'"" : REVIEWS JEFF Bill Bigelow Transnational SCHMIDT Minds Capital Auction Richard Peet Teaching Global Society listening Up Mary er kel 'Revteuidby 1^, Demystifying Global Economics mkMm p KRAMARA? ^SP?NDER Linda Dittmar Routledge Third World Film Encyclopedia of Women Inez Martinez A Global Syllabus also --mm Richard Oh mann Academic Freedom Today '74470"81231|! This content downloaded from on Sun, 22 Jul 2018 20:56:25 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms UVCTCVTifTVCHEU e eopegsl' leululsl eup Bp;repp lonurp ou 1;te $eorf eup drecRce p feecqlui cr v,fBPeurr,f graapour' 2000 ?IrP vusr rIvcHINe eloEvllzvtloli'duul ll g(, ulrlr?rP ogruuuu IJIH ?t";#":rrrrr?r' ronrs yuruds' ,:p EOOI) UIAIIliS v0 fas 1lsr&lfae? tmw: v )tlryr"l Jleoe ?s ,o {turr luqa?nrqqu q wls ,f:sn, as ltcez Tooq s w,fq usl"Pqry(e? dlousslourl "aF we sor- o{W"f ?ttrrlrs ife ? xou tu txtuu lanqo,#91: laopetut gaaeuut streu tlt?t slc?des weq Tlnes )poq?lrifrrou' lc?t.L1' lke?se ,4 lo vJ,ft, t wr2gn("u.s )uolaluPq yr fIPagPP'4ooo( rt19t71 !s poq?wlou* ,uttowJluu ,u tlgI' gI grr"u tlarnu e JJBrrsuBrlouE[ ,fBdlrP vnrnou:v oJ DBrrra Z+g iff;'{:;## 'f{'X,,i#;%*,:neutut I^P SnI gI SIII grtelortr )go/uloulDoo{-Haluaruuuu'200 I gI yupl N"sq DlogEI g laesqruS sopatI lrz+ SqeJls ;rBrrrurua ?gp ICBIa sdaupar' eps" g/ urrlrBrP daer wwr:iff*fr*rEuctpodayao{6otuzu I I garu(rsrt{lrI DloqEI E,fououn,fs: IfrIrHtI rqa , lro,,BifDloqP Souue,fnou gI vuu HoIPer gI tnesl Z"t.1p YL TIUCHI{ID I]OIIS lL [FrP\(/orIP {rq:JIra dBurmlBr BrrP rqa EO lirns {OU rOnCYtrOtUr nOU|IIUS DIOqP lluP" 9,7 co{lrul8nrous. tolr3 gI olllu?r zs Exdeuplut rqa Jroueadr o;DlogB[rzuBou: 30uul3tloNs:lqa rehe ^ oJNo s iep: 7os1t1ou'treeyroPe ouP lqa V SfIBqm urrp Joluutaursrl }yq6eq ctso^ oeJ]' glqDerw loa^urte t l^t orsrl l^irrs.r gqau l sqs{n e5 o9u[( ols H c(J/;aDPulipeP' u l,oq oU r's , fclooJr.lre.a pJ;o(^ FlqaeJ pou rusrPe lqe fonJuDl' gI luaz {I?rlruaz Ma rucou.ar;( oqgJe^rpep ,uoq uoss,sr uorua ou lqe co^eJ oyrssna -/9L' lr sqonlP reDP uoqeu ['s' uoss Ds !l poas !u lqe loqle ol3ouleuls' co^cr: wexlceu $twne$e exdoses pewtcF Foqp4epw' pe6ut qrf nz dolieli' uDprool loocqaJ !s dnqqqep rr;ouunol{ q[ qe ,ftuqsr ,go.ru p6legro^Dl gpnoDgou' lu5 D uoudroyr or.6oulupou' oup !s ll3l.p !u pr. yqruDpro rtre$ qper )?O gox gtt06' golsluota' nO ZlZl8.OrOt( $SN ol6lf8tl: Dqg oup W-duss rvrpaq ppoqoses )nunp;uq'ou{ gnqepdnous ora os ;p;ons: oue feoJ sn* 1oruru6' 3gg!1uro(ool snFo;u;u6'3191 ;us$O[ouol lgb erudlo{ep'our(ieoJ' 3191 eupf,ep' fnro(,.o1 lzg, dDu&!iu.'nuerud;6op'or.repr.cp'39'gu8q ;erno cra 39 )qp tolas orro11oq1e{ y; o, ereD€ s Dlrruoll snqcr;dpous sqon;p oPp ttZ: o eJs.os snr;qo snqscrldpous sqonlp Dpp 19: mqacr;dpour q CDuDpo oup ldou vrueyoo sqonlp Dpp fg' Vl doMeue sqonlp q. uDp. !u n'S' polloJs' nDlo Jtr.pc oup uouG, orpeis dO,ogq q ulplol leop$J' gg7gl 9' 9oru4;p6e' 1yy OZZt{Zgt 9'nli pUdl/mttr*r'urdnu['epn/opaop< 3p11opo;6r.ond:3u;;(,yqal joiuvuuDs'HDrolp D€ Rou )l6t{tOOS( sodqe Spt'E.ruq.$ poyr)nouo6q6 Epqt r€t$ouo 90;ur)15ja155$'quuop OD^ls' nupD OIrtuDJ' SauuI 6ndou'"losedq qrpt nolope lp? noy4u 4ouleu$e!u'SDro lraepruDu' ll3o gourDl et XeouIloueeu'11@uq foJpou' lonq O,no||eI 1y7o(,ue 9,11p' 6opp deat oou d.p$e!u'pDlra dorqJ'Bqq.B d dor,p du q;upor.( nooo do$,F1 lgD UDup'uoqcu uo3eu' tqorDq uoserEl uDprp 1nqru' dDupro 5ore[' 1y7p1I5poudm'gop 6od4og' CDo4u soJu.r !Ie' nouo gneeuG,'y&epe1 5qpquos' goouoe lo6or' norpro tlpunS lrouoJp 1061 lD$qloeu A eller,oup guQ,6a;sqou lyounecpdq oup dr-odosolsgr.opPes sqonlP qasautlouoP,muew/'r' d'o'8oxtrozOf'rffar 5ouapq nvoz1?r'gool5rorrL,!.lrsqoFp q.s.ur0o{gnpp'l oup 1Drqp unqlu' [Ol 1eep5rael Couqyp6e'IWOZ[1g'Vl ruounspdqssqonlf qeooudourp Qrlonr.opp;poup o$etoddroduoq rpnru dosqit orp sqpp NnHg3U gT . UVOIM'I3VCHIU DTSCIPLINED MTNDS: A about distant social issues, but in the survive quite a[ right in their jobs, as CRITIGAL LOOK AT SAIARIED workplace-and in the work itself - long as they have the right attitudes. PROF:ESSIONAI"S AND THE professional amitudes prevail, and they A k y to creating docile professionals SOUL.BATTERTNG SYSTEM are uncritical. Specifically, they are is professional uaining. Thro"gh their THAT SHAPES THEIR LIVES against democ ratization in their o\Mn uaining, budding professionals learn to ByJeffSchmidt.304 pages: Rowman 6c work. Indeed, do you know many orient their intellectud effort to tasks Litdefield, 2000. lawyers who support free training for asslgned to them. Schmidt has a won- litigants to represent themselves, doc- derful expression for this: "assignable By BNIAN MnRTIN tors who favor making it sasier for peo- curiosity." Children are naturally curi- ple without medical qualifications ous about all sorts of things. Along the (such as er(perienced nurses) to practice road to becoming professionals, they \\f Thy arent there more radical medicine or indeed many teachers who learn how to orient this curiosiry to W:fr*':?J:,tJ:;,Hifl suppoft opening jobs in schools to tasks assigned by others. anyone, with or without degrees or Consider, for orample, a t)"i.al essay qxstem built around compulsion, disci- teacher training----or letting students in a university class. The teacher sets pline, conformiry, and reproduction of run classes without teachers? the topic and the srudenm write on it. the class structure? Or is part of the Schmidt argues that what really makCI To do really well, studena need to fig- problem the way that people become an individual a professional is not tech- ure out what will please the teacher. If teachers? Indeed, why is it that so nical knowledge, but rather "ideologiol the teacher had assigned a completely many educational radicals were ne\rer discipline": "Those who employ teach- different topic, the conscientious stu- formally trained as teachers? ers see them as mor€ than workers who dent would have directed effort to that J.ff Schmidt provides an answer in present the official curriculum to the topic. \7ell-trained students do not his book Disciplined Mind.r. profession- students. A computer or telenision qFs- e\ren think about writing about topics als, including teachers, ore selected and tem could make such a presentation. that are not assigned. Th.y wait to be molded to have politically and intellec- An important role of the schools is told where to direct their curiosity. tually subordinate attitudes, thereby socialization: the promulgation of an Schmidt has a teaching credential and making their creative energies available outlook, attitudes and values. ... The has mught junior high school math in to the system. In short, "professional professional is one who can be uusted Pasadena, California and in El Salvador. education and employment push peo- to CIcrapolate to new situations the ide- However, it is his eirperiences pursuing ple to accept a role in which they do olory inherent in the official school cur- a Ph.D. in physics that come through not make a significant difference, a riculum that she teaches" (32). most strongly in Disciplined Minds. politically subordinate role" (2). Professionals do "political work" but "Assignable curiosity" has a special sig- Schmidt's critique covers all profession- in a way that is not seen as political. nificance for researchers. Milit^ry fund- als and is worth examining before Being "professional" is, in essence, ing of science, for example, worLs well returning to the specific challenge fac- accepting this hidden political role: 'hs to direct research into military-relevant ing radical teachers. a professional, the teacher is bbjective' directions because scientists are willing The first step in Schmidt's argument when presenting the school curricu- to take up whatever prorect is offered or 'When is the claim that professionals-includ- lum: She doesnt 'take sides,' or 'g.t supported. scientists put in irg police, doctors, lawyers, teachers political.' Houre\rer, the ideolory of the research proposals to military funders, and many others-think less indepen- stanrs quo is built into the curriculum. they anticipate what will be most trseful dendy than nonprofessionals. He cites The professional's objectivity, then, and attractive for military purposes, opinion polls taken during the boils down to not challenging this while maintaining the illusion that thqf Vietnam W'ar showing that support for built-in ideolory" (321. are directing the research. the war was greater among those with Vhen teachers are fired, it is seldom Nearly half of Disciplined Minds is more higher education. But what for being incompetent teachers. de\roted to selection of professionals, a about the widespread perception that Usually, it is for challenging th. ryttem process that weeds out most of those professionals have more progressive in some way, such as not teaching the whose attitudes are not appropriate views on issues ranging from crime to curriculum. Schmidt provides exam- and molds the sunrivors into a narro\M capitalism? Schmidt says that profes- ples of doctors and other professionals political mind set. On entering profes- sionals may have progressive views with fake credentials who are able to sional training, Schmidt says, studens 40 RADICAL TEACHER o NUMBER 62 era odnurrsn,f urrp lpaB[rsnr' Ou leE^- oJ rqa bnpyrgcenou ksraru rueds onl B promerrp d*dq' ruulrruS rr oua oJ rqa ru8 ptad *, ,,dlassnlap urrp rJonqlap,. PoutEIu oJ plotr/ap ucrtn& rqBt pp- ler8asr ]l^[ rr8qrs paurouslJBlrous ru gjcensa. ,qr/ JE^a 8repneJ1/ snqluartap ut"la1/ qa,fouras rqa d1e(rdau oJ rqa vureJrmu grsroufz' 1aro(, yelous' rqa rqelr lpaB{ uup gerouta l,r,rttru8 ro folu uourupI,fel trapeupelap ac:dau errp lqa 8rond.s drasrpaur' crdlpuap r1ter uraur- rqe orcndeuoup lFarercqd' go p[garaur reta oJ lqe lupl^rpnF ,^r/or{rut 3or qars plpu.r a^eul lo aupeuSar rqarr ura rgal ou oorudlanou oJ npput rqur drotrass tu rqa sopp snnctma* )1Lg(' ,,freprgr[& q rqa qpnslr(r,,. )ZOg(' ,,rq, duruerl top Jor ueu(, qaroruas' lqe tf,,sreut JBrses rqa esdr rnuncolDusr so-J lup{lpnel drogssroups tr,qo srad ont ru assause' 8auruS oorudauselap snU- ruuu(, gnr dJollpas .4lluuru8 og 1rua' oJ .$/qo squd1/ rB{e soura soJl naup(, 3or slpalluruS rqarr orr8rup ror,arap droJessloup (ogs-ro ou1(, e oJ ere Je8perl/ dauellzepi lulnenrza( 8ops.. )lzl(' Ja\n' N/lr?r oJ rqa prs8rnupap losarsi ,lheeurrrqpa' rqb,, saa rqsr 'OrtroJlaJs [0/lrBl PrrAas lqls rJBusJorurBnoui 61rq(, rs rqala uol rrroJe drorasr egonr rtrIT tyra-rqa-ruoual-errp-rnu ?u1urpas oua JBrloJ rs prsrJrurtuullou' v uesrl rqe nuJelruass oJ qlarercq(, uup dutu- ?ra qstsslap lass,. )ZI0(' Pruausrou $ saxnP ErrP JB]IP lrBJEss- 1ata; gpnulpt er8nas rqer Wt t/tlaru' to 1u panalodruS grs prlbna o3 dro;as- uraul ru tJeruruS 3or ,fEJaaJs ru rqa radropnco l$aIJ a5ecnr,p(r' lrBs to ,@1,. srous' g3qrurpr pJE\ s ou {rq o{\/u axda- dolrra uup auSruaauuS' JoJ exeudla' losaJs oJ' oua .uru(r to eo,foludyrq lIFs q Jreu,fas eup nses arueusrle bnoras goru go*rar,at lIFs rlda oJ ,,selaprou dras- fo frra ?Phra to sUIPau$' V Je,fE[rIlJBuf corrasdoupauls' snrq es tJepnera sln- snra(( qes rqa prsep eure8a og qaruS )uuutp/' salf-plracrap( srnpaur utt8qr qa pau$ t,r,qo ga urrra E{r/?r.a oJ rqa d[p- mrpald raroBulztp Es lueddrodrreral(,, rolp llrBl' lo snccaap' sqa , rgI qE^a lo 38[ uernra oJ rqalr lferurut' IIFS luyras prs,fJrunuetord' {Br uroJa E,f,fadrap rs ,1.r/oJ{ ItBrpaJ Er urestaJluS rqa rabmra- JoJ Eu au8e8rut er,fonul rqer laals rqa Jola oJ axBurruBnous' alrlrl3lt BJa ruau$ sar po(/u Jor qar: darqeds mrpar- Bnlqauns JBlI.raJ rlrBu raurole Iu rqa saeu Bs uanlJF qnr l,lgrcq' slqrurpr sreuprut 1al rqeoues' soqrut sreupurp L:ff#HT5;:Ll'1lijl"" elSnas' era enrng/ bnrra do1rl E[' droqlalus or loorruS er pq8s $our E n Ie o u yrertd surpauls BJa reJJri5ap oJ prErus' ,gp?u,fep.. llaradorul V srnpeur trlau rqa sorrolo8l o3 droJassrous eup rqa asdacrpl(, bnett{lr.S ex?urs tlrer oeu sn,fq BP lsa ruu(, rqau ,Re,fIPa Jor qer- so,froloSl o3 epnrenou rue(, qa snr- PelaJunua rrqafqeJ oJ uol surPau$ EII saIJ, rqur sqe poasyr ,aeJ4 r/urrt lo dnr- drrsap ptBI sllrrpPl lrss ;ar/ ,rletrous eutaJ WaIJ ooondenou oJproroe' {rU t sna rqe n€ pluS roep oJ raprrapruS ltar lo 11' Ha IuE{Bs uo utaullou oJ alroJq ls qnrurlrenut ertp radlasaU$ B .r/r/Bsra OJ lulalas$ Iu larqadsdacrgep mE(rs' ou rqe droJassrouel-uuue8arrp c1ess' auoJurons agou' go urosl surpeu$ dnr slqrulpr uolas lqer ,,roolru8-ont sn,fIL Es V[^Iu DonIPuarE rttrP1{uo,A u dlaurl oy agou qro luernuS snra pal nroyr'* to ga agaentra' uaeps ro qa IFp- Jlca lniiffe oI yrtelqrturls "up tqe ,f?se mrn dess' Jlrer uraur$ pur ptal qE^e ro pau' 11te ar,uru hvrau at,oJq axnalua{,, oI tqa Nem pass )16L6(' uor oJ rrl- sar esrpa ,4r/1rer W&p arif IJ[>e ro laeru nrali Iu lIFs qarensa lr eddaers to ga rrbnas o; droSassrous sn,fq ps {EuppI uup wslaep ro dradera rulausrrra{, 3or uouderllseu rtaqlla uornelll qdosruS JoIIIus( Jlca )tep"ufp sopa& liGLG(' lt{rl(l bnasnous' rqa Pnas oJ wa slE- ycrnpl/' srqrurpl I>uar/ eqonr sn,f1r llyr q uluI,rar nBru- , ,$/oJls gnr PalrPaP uol lo uraunou A/ uaa ra?rtcaiJs ota l'8 Iu ,sslSueqla lrrlr.lr.t rs ou1/ palu ge,fema 1ra Jonup rqer ,{.r/ ar/are cnrrosrif,'srL'bo^ sal?o,urIcr" ^{rr?t ?t ?s lqa rurnel sre8a ru uol uaeasseuf, ro lns crBnrueut' Jlrls ##3sHifiI,. qaTut ,acourdataat eduror pdnJonJuaSss rroourpusd' lVr- rsuoserlP r sa,rfrlaaurnr sql l,s$/ odFgPds urcesrn lrrpe{rru qruaoSo' uVa saur resl,s prer era ?t Jalir, rEpI,fels tlld JBrIIIIIEJ uyw ,,rqa [raJBlnJa(( BrrP JaJaJ qwqah"s'nsnoltt :JE1 iffj'l}j]l lqron8q rqa rreruruS exlausltra{, to 1t' lu oJPaJ ro sI,ro*/ qoty/ ?s In cqpqut*t1t Wa dtocass' eup orlraJs rqelJ @ulJrqnnou JaIBlas lo 11' v rqao- oliJ:, E,, :d'0rof3f,aifsfr:rJo,r,,Jri.: sif$aeu la solua nrptt lqqae,f o[oug,r'e g JnErP TuToBt Ir qoeur lruoBrrlr psl Bduq [o,snrlc rnsrrlP' ro Bu rr{qlaaol aorrIq,faBJl UlrPeIuupa-' :ncq ?s ap uwg?t1t uteu(r' {oJ B drogas- nloyr. sn,fIL Es seqrpru8a;s abnenou ru u,rrorr/. usnnureu- Wa on,llronlrTm' sIouEI lo ertna JoJ bnertulur uracgurpcs' eup parl a toFcp IEI eddroerq lo PauorJBlrzellov et cousabnau,fas ;roru 1r' ,4r/rplonr getyuS 1aerurut' ,arror1' asdapp/ IJ ll ,"*#,tli:':: ;I;],: JHj ,r*ryr srnPaurs nrqo draJar lo Jollort'/ welr utaeus nupauururut W, drlpla8a eup qsts or/u mrlosrrl era ruora ITrl/ ro ga dnr st?lns oJ dro3asstouels' rs founuoul(, poua ru evndqua? WlW' lqa qoo{.s og q/ pta axeru $,sraru Br,rp yrod om' saeu Es qaratfr' JBrqeJ H)a B nuroulst uup(rsrs lr bnrla Jr8orons ou rls oar/u oJ ro Po doorl, lqose ,^r/go ?Ja urosl er8muS yor lo{L/aJ detr' laru$' sprrrFpl lres sar lurrom prplau€ wBo; ro po \xeli uor opl srnp(, tllrt(^ srqIurpr ttrras saAaJBI axerudlas oJ lr8 yrrpurueurp bnasnous Jor qlutsalJ bnasnous qrausrrra{, qnr Pso Po $/qBr dro;asslouel esso,flenous rqer qE^e sn,f1r Bs ^q/ p.aor{, s urore drasrlpom wr(/ ,fBrr to ruSrenera rqausal^as r,pw B^olpap ,,dollrlcul., ecrlprl {or axuru- rquu drecrrcp nror1's(rsrauerrcpll la?3qaJs BUP ro ganaJ nuPaJsrWP ,4r/I,rBr dlr' ,lga NErlouBI Tasgreu eup Dr/ exeutruap dossrqla eusr/eJs eup rqau rs ar:dapap oJ llraur' gxerus Wm JE oJ fonruprsn yrsoslellou pappap uol lo utupa B ,ou,flnsrou qusap ou lofc uup lqosa laesr ,JrnsEI oJ rqe slulns bno' dernrtdeta Iu rqe urBssrla 79 ydt.y 3^rPau,fa' Hls lutaliarrnBl yrBrua{ oJ{ JoJ ,Jqa sorrp yrBrrraaror{ ludosap ql Wa IG6e get uSqrs utur,flr ou .,S/esqrutlou' pFs rus{ ceu 8auarp{ qe ,qereuuasp axerrruenou droqlau$ errp q/ Wa raN Bu a^aul lqBr Plaal/ sa^erP qnuPraP Es B ,frlnbna o3 pourruulrou errp luebnp- NnH83U gZ o UVOlCVI lSVCH3U iT ity coupled $rith support f"t .S*litarian- at the characteristic features of totalisdc that make a difference, by connecting ism and democruatation. The result is organizations, such as big promises, to opposition groups and working on bold and refrCIhirg. \0hile Disciplined conuol of the milieu, no questioning the inside. For rnost teachers, then, Min^ missCI the more elaborate struc- of authoriry and shaming. He gives doing things that make a difference turd theories and empirical evidence examples from professional training would mean working in radical ways from works in the sociolog of educa- reflecting each of these features. within a mainstr€am school. tion and professions, it redresses a key For example, Schmidt says that the Schmidt Sro a list of 33 sugesdons shortcoming in these wor[<s, narnely leaders of totalistic organizations for radical professionals working in concern for analysis without ideas fo^r 'would rather have total conuol of a establishment institutions, such as change. Schmidt's voice has the authen- gtroup that does a poor iob of fulfilling helping on politically progressive pro- ticity of experience and concern, and im all-impoftant mission than be rank- jects during working hours, expositg thtrs has a much more subversive qtnlity. and-file members of a democratic but the organizationt flaws to outsiders, So while there are some sections in more effective organizatiori' Q27) urd and taking collective action to main- the book where an engagement with then quotes a sociology graduate stu- tain the digniry of individuals. These other literatures, such as critiques of dent's experience of an indmidadng are dl eminendy practical suggestions. credential qretems or analyses of hege- faculry member. Schmidt does not present a grand plan mony, might have added insight or How to survive? 'Well, how can cap- to transform professions or society. nuance, in other sections Schmidt tive soldiers survive what is commonly Rather, his sugesdons, like his analy- tackles areas that are neglected else- called "brainwashing'? The LJ.S. fu*y sis, are grounded in day-to-day reali- where, such as "cooling-out work." has a manual on resisting indoctrina- ties. That is what makes Disciplined fuSu"bly, working out his own frame- tion when e prisoner of war. As Minds a really subversive book, much work was what enabled him to make Schmidt amusirgly notes, this manual more so than other books that may his most original contributions. wasnt written for students, but "stu- seem more radical in theoretical terns Another limitation of Disciplined dents in graduate or professional but lack dght connection to practice. " Minds is its restriction mainly to the school should be able to put such resis- How far to pursue eny subversive US experience. \7hile much of the tence techniques to good tsd' (239). A step is a matter of iudgment, and here analysis applies to other countries and person who maintains an independent, Schmidt cannot provide much guid- cultures, there are also significant dif- nonconforming oudook in any institu- ance since so much depends on an ferences. For example, old-fashioned tion, includirg e prisoner-of-war individual's circumstances, oppoftuni- patrona$e plays a much larger role in camp, is seen as deniant and threaten- ties, understanding, skills and alterna- some European countries, making an irg. The kqxs to resisance are knowing tives. It is trsually safer to be an activist oram-based qrstem seem .Srliarian by what you're up against, preparing to about distant issues than confront the comparison. The enistence of powerful take action, working *i*t others (org.- local po\ilrer sffucture? Is this a cop-out? left-wing parties in many Going too far mcans risking qtioounn fuoler sr "ct:-n*alnigge sp u'loer sol'liu""a-- Tbe patb of tbe radical ptofessional is o"pneps" r,oi*Di .iyu rq- pP,orsrsrr,D,.r y fu*le- afs, otre.rqrg both oppomrni- not iasr. but at least Scbm,idt makes ther change, but treading .ua.lellssi lya no oange$ tnina tt haerE u n.Sot. it seemr ,l_ik _e a lat offun, Reuealing tfogol ssro.rrudyir ars- l[a bPr.e"soc*rliP'guo n crcs"sp-pc'uorltneuda r'**'*'"## fy " tbe ptwesses of sulfuina,tion r: 3ffifi:::*H:f":'i; themes aovered n Discil be Mirdr areneeded. t4"yn s"r' |:*' bim a Playful eXpOSe, He UtOuld err on the side of action for wthaitth th etrhee a rein rcelwin atior dctisbted for ofibs tu join utitb birn ffi,.. worked for re oppornrnitytowritethem! SAr yincp," "Tbe et1An baS fm ClOtbeS!" )cars as an editor at Pbyia 'Where the book most obvi- Tbday, doing work on criti- ously goes bryond usual Disciplined Minds on the cal analpes of professions is in the final nization!), resisting at all levels, and side. In his provocative opening to the part, "Resistance." Schmidt begins by dealing with collaborators by cutting book, he states, "This book is stolen. drawing an analory bennreen profes- them off from k y information and W'ritten in part on stolen time, that is" sional training and ideological indoc- affemptirg to win them over. Schmidt (l). In other words, he spent part of his trination in cults. He recognizes that gives a revealirg account of his own work time investigating and writing it. students have many more oppoftuni- difficulties in graduate school and how The book was too much for his ties to organize and resist than q"ical he survived as a radical. employers to stomach: Schmidt was cult members. Nevertheless, he argues Finally, Schmidt describes what is fired when it was published (Shea, that "life in graduate or professional involved in being a radical professional: 2000 l0 1 ; http://www.disciplined- school can be very much like life in a identifying primarily as a radical, hav- minds.com). However, his ordeal will cult-and that for students who arent ing a critical perspecdve on the profes- be well worth it if others learn from his careful, it will b€' (218). He then looks sion and institution, and doing &itgp analysis. 42 RADICAL TEACHER. NUMBER 62 \1rq.pa rqosa llqo lprrn.$ rqau$el as ,-t4 ooludlauau$ rqe ooururou do+ Es TEPITBI laB3qers {Fli uuP lunllr oJ onsn.uli!sNrNr^cr sn dv:s u lrlll'N!c^HtllNlulsllie ne(ry' q/ lqa uraprB ?up tqa lrlare& eyc&qua? W?uy nusnrdusruS' r{lare vlio srnolNls asruqlrsqutaur' o3 rqasa epn1rs es pfr- era sn.11 ueu(r ruslSqu r/oJlq annulmtS' yru,fnouel-luclrrut lu ,,salJ-astaaur'(( soute {r(, oues JoJ uta era rqa sngpa gl Eqrqal [^I?rrlu' go(rurou/3oo{ luputrpcrop q/ Wa rraopp' ?up nuB\ ?ra nre(rs rqBr ruB{a droSassroup rJcrurut Heluaruruu' 2001' oJ rqelr olir/u [tu1lsnous' )Iu lGGl' Jor eu lurausal/ oousaurerrznrS drooass errp lfr vNor {lvsH axerudla' pre N"nouEI vppt lrrare& rga dorur rqer drogssroups ?Ja uroJe S*& lNfnft pararruluap prer Bqonr lpaolopceif p$ndquap prerr uoudro- ZZo/o oJ rqa epn{ ddpepou leddrop- JassrouPs' qILqq qoo{ ls Bqom rqa 3^olnnou wa1{r VTr un11rou daodla[ scorep Br rq a" {or B droSassroup {\,llq droSrassura oJ oua laerqa;s dapu8oSl' uup lorre$ lrralab lmp ,u/qere "rqal IBp) rrraurs' rt ]Bu qa IrBJp lo uccadr rqer r1re T uqonr rqe relunousqrd gat&aau snu,fraul JonuPBrlou oJ qBsr,f sIP{ ro raB[ lpaolofcp ,ouJouurif, rs ercad- lsrauruS eup repl]B[ raupnuS' gesap ou yrurnou snJ,fassyrl{ q onJ soora&',. luu,fe oJ sr"uperp lpas eqonr dro;as- fE]qal J4Icrnu(s .$/orl> r.r/lrq eluarSruS Jqa JeD rqEl 6eo/o oJpI Bpn[$ Bssassap poup gaqB ror'Vu asdacrp{ uaiI:n/urp rapars urrp \!rllaJs lu B rauarl oS ppl rqausalAas Bs JeepruS ,,.$/all( oJ ,,^r& Jola ls lqcr oJE,f?peurss $rqo nmu dro- EuP leeu droSruurs' lqa qoo{ Jollor,r/s aall.. al/ES uol @USIPaJaP r)EsoU lO IBII Sassroups' qpnpruS raB,f1raJs' IJ seler- qar SrorruuS PlsrourJorl alrllq drarJrBu rqa snr"rral ,fou,flmrous turo bnasnou'( lrou uup lJeruruS rs ,fouseJA?nzru8' daPr8o8(, es sqa ogsauas rqBr Ir Poas lAIBuru pas,frrqas pra agous q/ qotq rqau e)ePeurr,fs BJa ,JnrrBI lo lqls uol upebn a1(, pasrrrga 1rar o{r/rr oc:daF- r?Pr,fBls BUP ,fousaJ^Bn^as lo Pauua drooass' grqru1yr racoSuavs eup eddra- au,f] or lqa surPau$ sqa laBpras''.|(la Jol- ,drq?r lqe ruertruBlrzaP uaeP Es 1.^r/o ,fr?tas lqosa tuplppnps ,4\rto ogar snd- lo.rrr qaJ ou p tt lonrual Bs sqa erurllfuas slPes oJrqa sBrua ,foru' rqa rpaes rqur lu1pp{ $pap qer 'r,r,oyr Iu ?pprnou lo e Sro.r,ruut rou,faJu do1su l pJoaJo ulooufcopou pJ1osupudr1u1Sur suu8r poe3u t$a'sqars prron€ lqa laus oJ qar rc&arrauoa Brrp sqonr rls ,outJspr,fnous' [hBJlru {\/Es 8anruS ruoJa oJ lass slJrpi 3erreru1(, rqronSg rqa dosl$rnrrnrprsr ?up ds/- pso qacoruruS ruraJasrap u bnasnous rqeJe saaurs ro qa uroJa oJ ll' es qr8qp ,lrouup( nc r{raorras rqut qaldap qer rqer .$/eu] nuepprassap q/ ]rlrlrBl $eo- gulus E uaarr dalsdaclura' ifr -bnasnous snrq Bs' ,sluce rqa dao- pa8raas era axda,frap JoJ u,roJa raecqruS lgu{ ftorqosu su uEps raeer Iu,rtaersu usasa l{o a u8rear b unqyargulsp-' npot{\uu qu aaeaBrupar rapoJrJ cA{p aJeJosmJIo tuuS uo qJrFt /W.r fsaa ur euJ(sDp'n ql{as Etas, pf?qn,acfuJBrs-- drou1Jea r '1q {ueo lnuur(utr e e36lqs t'rs ts'f rP's o$ eIctBRru Sla aoeduus np cpteprarif r,rurru'l lnl"rusBpqI [4leupurorl ,fourlunruS epn,fenou nausnla po8-aurap'tlprp Sauerunou lDro{\fap8ap ' ' ' N/IrBt E,foonu$ JoJ rqa rpusqrqldl lqruaa sie eNu /Ellsq olupr 8nuurrolarlr srprnaaoslo'lfqcap xaJox oodras oJ e uruumcudr rq {ut roo{ ,oulJBPrrnous qai4^aau rqarJ ,fou- rau (raurs lo ra?pt dnqllrenou' ls Wa srromuess uup rqalJ E,frlous-uup ur(, rlaup ro{AEJps lueuu8aJlellsru eup oJr- ra,foturnou lqur rFprp daputoEl qes o{r/rric )yZ( /qp aaqer' pasdlra paer eF- oeru^tuen Joour rluo opJre l purauoJl{oatrr rcsp ru prdlsolstrdulStu rars' aunoqlo BoPnarb nrnerpaal(u, lussuaP t aqru/grO q ,e$s/a p?Jaaa OdJ{ appau l,ufal ylors r q)eaq ooonur nrEe,rffa'' lca1aedsss' pnaca'd(- Bsa[le^ra- appr rueu(, geoptf, galut bpra nygqS lasouelap {AIrq so u rrau(uu(, droSJessrla srrP r/alli to essrSu rqalJ fnJrosr0, ro \dql,fqa^aJ ?Pn[r 3Pn,f?roJs-ePn,fsloJs ,ou,faJuaP grupruS lrer olp yralrlprr yruurali/or{ drofarrs osar pra qrlffasr qnrq' Ou We tqut ptat, luul ga rutdosuS u uert, ,,JFll- ruupabnera' sqa loolup ro orqar rqeo- foq q scqools' lqe drassnras era alar E[,. rae5& ur1rtr r{rurr au8r6uS surpau$ ranrp axdleu?nous lo qauar epprass Slaelar' laerrruS less sdeoa JoJ larlemou oJ lu lqa uroJe tJurrsJorrrrellla drorass qar arro1*rruS bnasllous' uup oddoprlouel ecnr,rrl ugacnuS ou a'/lrur pral gallaae errp ^q/ dos$nnpnrpqlu'3or axerudla'rulJo- 11ta delq oJrqa replrp droyasslouel ls drelpurt da@o3l qpps pter epnrB- PnreP rqe uonou lqBr r/a aB,fIr ll^e uol aes{ gnr er laesr sslnr1pr uruI>as rr nou Is uol uanlJP-rr prqaJ leerqes ,lrlrlFu lltpndla'so,frEll(r-eouslrnpeP saeur [l:a E lot oJ yru' Aar,apruS lqa daodla ro epedr lo so,frp JelBnous Es lpauprle$ alrlprq luuf, oo-exr$ mtaup{ drooasses oJ snqoJpruunou ls JoJ lmu e tf ax1sr )to gr 1u( or ro ?rrequ r1ta or e^eu ga Er oPPs nylY oua BuolqeT dqliqf ar:dose' Ha anopp qa ppgqlap sorlel Joroes rq"r Bre sqrdqS rqa{ pu11/ lqq 1up8qr qpres m to saa onrsallas Jor oprers lo foru ryllr IFru sulruS' rayrif, )eup arrIFrII 3Bu ge rqeutap(' lu ? alraq oJ lalunous( uarlqaJ srrud1(, ,,L[re olsru q?s uo Porqesi.( Hls urost {JaIJIETI laBrqaJlJe?tlttBloJs JosraJ rqa oddlassor or oddrassap' urrp r,arl tll t(, rrudorlerrt urasse8a'rqontq' ,fouraJus leuar q(, drorudnuS surpau$ ro drog- erugllelaul ugont luelruS so,freI ras$lsura: lauretrzl r{LaIJ roifarrl a axdauau,fa so cqertta' [ luulu uolas pter pase lpr* ,.Jqa s(rstau oJ aPnrBllou BuP rlret rgb, ouu err .aryrq 8raular so3r?I qpd m 8ar qaloup lqa ludossrqla lus{ aludlo(rruaur .4r/oJl$ lo laPaJlua a lto E{r/elauass eup eBauol ru tqa Jntnla' oJ drorrruS rqa ,oJla,fluass oJ onJ (ron era q rqa paadasr sausa' dmgruS yruulps rrlllbna s rqer sn,fq B dape- qe[a;$ ro q$acp paoousnnenut ,lroa (ron etnet^ yrout parrpodruS eup ecnuS ?olfl doslpous rqa raTqelfr"o111lulor Bs ,4\/a ooura to lntorA .^r/lrul r/a qot'., urrp ndou donr oar/u lrsrou eup 8nrpruS e qaruS alrq Eu ulraepJrersap ,ou- lo ,ousrpar ^q(l' w rqa JE,fa oJ ,fla"J rpaEs' Hauca' 13 (ron rrawl lo SlUrrP JOJ s,flomuess a'/qo $ qpdqS less-apqqr- 1u(mpoa',$/e ur.a slp1 droua ro luE nou' sourannuS uup B^orp rreusqruS Bs urr aueP surPeu$ rBlsa PrarJs' JqonSq 1u wls aer{, sa,fnou oJ rqe rupadaupaur JoJD lu soparl' lon qE^a g(r naenuS nuapncerep deopa es less qoo1l [AIErnu $ spli q/u8 rqa rqeorarI- uo ,flroroe qnr ro raslsJ )ZgO(' ,pe alodap'.. cunrp dapeSo8l nuar/rt- cp 8ronupr oyr Jor qar lerar pascrrd- NnngIU 97 . UVOICVI IIVC{IIU ne

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