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SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SCHIZOPHRENIA INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY Vol. 87, Nos. 1-3 CONTENTS October 2006 Cited in: Current Contents/Life Sciences, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Psychological Abstracts, PsychINFO, PsychALERT, Index Medicus Research papers Mutation analysis of DARPP-32 as a candidate gene for schizophrenia C.-H. Li, H.-M. Liao, T.-W. Hung and C.-H. Chen 1 Evidence of altered neurogranin immunoreactivity in areas 9 and 32 of schizophrenic prefrontal cortex K. Broadbelt, A. Ramprasaud and L.B. Jones 6 No association of G72 and bD-amino acid oxidase genes with schizophrenia Y.-L. Liu, C.S.-J. Fann, C.-M. Liu, C.C. Chang, J.-Y. Wu, S.-l. Hung, S.-K. Liu, M.H. Hsieh, T.-J. Hwang, H.-Y. Chan, J.-J. Chen, S.V. Faraone, M.T. Tsuang, W.J. Chen and H.-G. Hwu 15 Analysis of ProDH, COMT and ZDHHC8 risk variants does not support individual or interactive effects on schizophrenia susceptibility B. Glaser, V. Moskvina, G. Kirov, K.C. Murphy, H. Williams, N. Williams, M.J. Owen and M.C. O’Donovan 21 COMT genotype and manic symptoms in schizophrenia P. DeRosse, B. Funke, K.E. Burdick, T. Lencz, T.E. Goldberg, J.M. Kane, R. Kucherlapati and A.K. Malhotra 28 Project among African-Americans to explore risks for schizophrenia (PAARTNERS): Recruitment and assessment methods M.H. Aliyu, M.E. Calkins, C.L. Swanson Jr, P.D. Lyons, R.M. Savage, R. May, H. Wiener, B. Devlin, V.L. Nimgaonkar, J.D. Ragland, R.E. Gur, R.C. Gur, L.D. Bradford, N. Edwards, J. Kwentus, J.P. McEvoy, A.B. Santos, S. McCleod-Bryant, C. Tennison, R.C.P. Go and On behalf of the PAARTNERS study group 32 No evidence for an association between the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and schizophrenia or personality traits M. Tochigi, T. Otowa, M. Suga, M. Rogers, T. Minato, H. Yamasue, K. Kasai, N. Kato and T. Sasaki 45 Differential effects of haloperidol and olanzapine on levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and angiogenesis in rat hippocampus A. Pillai and S.P. Mahadik 48 Small-world networks and disturbed functional connectivity in schizophrenia S. Micheloyannis, E. Pachou, C.J. Stam, M. Breakspear, P. Bitsios, M. Vourkas, S. Erimaki and M. Zervakis 60 Impairment on the hippocampal-dependent virtual Morris water task in schizophrenia F.M. Hanlon, M.P. Weisend, D.A. Hamilton, A.P. Jones, R.J. Thoma, M. Huang, K. Martin, R.A. Yeo, G.A. Miller and J.M. Canive 67 Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in subjects at risk for schizophrenia F. Jessen, H. Scherk, F. Traber, S. Theyson, J. Berning, R. Tepest, P. Falkai, H.-H. Schild, W. Maier, M. Wagner and W. Block 81 Reduced anterior internal capsule and thalamic volumes in first-episode psychosis D.J. Lang, B. Khorram, V.M. Goghari, L.C. Kopala, R.A. Vandorpe, Q. Rui, G.N. Smith and W.G. Honer 89 A volumetric MRI and magnetization transfer imaging follow-up study of patients with first-episode schizophrenia G. Price, M. Cercignani, M.S. Bagary, T.R.E. Barnes, G.J. Barker, E.M. Joyce and M.A. Ron 100 Left superior temporal gyrus activation during sentence perception negatively correlates with auditory hallucination severity in schizophrenia patients M. Plaze, D. Bartrés-Faz, J.-L. Martinot, D. Januel, F. Bellivier, R. De Beaurepaire, S. Chanraud, J. Andoh, J.-P. Lefaucheur, E. Artiges, C. Pallier and M.-L. Paillere-Martinot 109 Temporal lobe gray matter in schizophrenia spectrum: A volumetric MRI study of the fusiform gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, and middle and inferior temporal gyri T. Takahashi, M. Suzuki, S.-Y. Zhou, R. Tanino, H. Hagino, L. Niu, Y. Kawasaki, H. Seto and M. Kurachi 116 Deficit in schizophrenia to recruit the striatum in implicit learning: A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation J.P. Reiss, D.W. Campbell, W.D. Leslie, M.P. Paulus, \..N. Ryner, J.O. Polimeni, B.J. Foot and J. Sareen 127 White matter fractional anisotropy and outcome in schizophrenia S.A. Mitelman, R.E. Newmark, Y. Torosjan, K.-W. Chu, A.M. Brickman, M.M. Haznedar, E.A. Hazlett, C._Y. Tang, L. Shihabuddin and M.S. Buchsbaum 138 (Contents continued on last page of this issue) 0920-9964 (200610)87:1-3;1-L (contents continued from outside backcover) Functional magnetic resonance imaging of internal source monitoring in schizophrenia: Recognition with and without recollection J.D. Ragland, J.N. Valdez, J. Loughead, R.C. Gur and R.E. Gur 160 More severe sustained attention deficits in nonpsychotic siblings of multiplex schizophrenia families than in those of simplex ones H.-C. Tsuang, S.-H. Lin, S.K. Liu, M.-H. Hsieh, T.J. Hwang, C.-M. Liu, H.-G. Hwu and W.J. Chen 172 Ziprasidone-induced cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia: Specificity or pseudospecificity? A.K. Malhotra, K.E. Burdick, K. Razi, J.A. Bates, M. Sanders and J.M. Kane 181 Transient and executive function working memory in schizophrenia E.W. Twamley, B.W. Palmer, D.V. Jeste, M.J. Taylor and R.K. Heaton 185 Neural correlates of verbal and nonverbal working memory deficits in individuals with schizophrenia and their high-risk siblings S.B. Brahmbhatt, K. Haut, J.G. Csernansky and D.M. Barch 191 The incidence of schizophrenia in European immigrants to Canada G.N. Smith, J. Boydell, R.M. Murray, S. Flynn, K. McKay, M. Sherwood and W.G. Honer 205 Global visual scanning abnormalities in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder P.E.G. Bestelmeyer, B.W. Tatler, L.H. Phillips, G. Fraser, P.J. Benson and D. St.Clair 212 Visuospatial working memory deficits in adolescent onset schizophrenia A. Vance, N. Hall, M.A. Beligrove, M. Casey, F. Karsz and P. Maruff 223 An analysis of categorical perception of facial emotion in schizophrenia K.S. Kee, W.P. Horan, J.K. Wynn, J. Mintz and M.F. Green 228 Reading impairment and visual processing deficits in schizophrenia N. Revheim, P.D. Butler, |. Schechter, M. Jalbrzikowski, G. Silipo and D.C. Javitt 238 Neurocognitive performance and negative symptoms: Are they equal in explaining disability in schizophrenia outpatients? V. Villalta-Gil, M. Vilaplana, S. Ochoa, J.M. Haro, M. Dolz, J. Usall, J. Cervilla and NEDENA Group 246 Verbal fluency impairments among middle-aged and older outpatients with schizophrenia are characterized by deficient switching 254 D.J. Moore, G.N. Savia, S.P. Woods, D.V. Jeste and B.W. Palmer Impact of intellectua! status on response to cognitive task training in patients with schizophrenia J.M. Fiszdon, J. Choi, G.J. Bryson and M.D. Bell 261 Neurocognitive profile in 22q11 deletion syndrome and schizophrenia E.W.C. Chow, M. Watson, D.A. Young and A.S. Bassett 270 Impaired hemispheric communication in schizophrenia: A study using the consonant—vowel—consonant task J.B. Lohr, J.B. Hellige, B.J. Cherry, L. Lulow, W. Kwok and M.P. Caligiuri 279 Mixed handedness is associated with the Disorganization dimension of schizotypy in a young male population N.C. Stefanis, S. Vitoratou, N. Smyrnis, T. Constantinidis, |. Evdokimidis, |. Hatzimanolis, |. Ntzoufras and C.N. Stefanis 289 Classification of adolescent psychotic disorders using linear discriminant analysis P.J. Pardo, A.P. Georgopoulos, J.T. Kenny, T.A. Stuve, R.L. Findling and S.C. Schulz 297 A preliminary study of the effects of cigarette smoking on prepulse inhibition in schizophrenia: Involvement of nicotinic receptor mechanisms T.P. George, A. Termine, K.A. Sacco, T.M. Allen, E. Reutenauer, J.C. Vessicchio and E.J. Duncan 307 Learning proficiency on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in people with serious mental illness: What are the cognitive characteristics of good learners? M. Rempfer, E. Hamera, C. Brown and R.J. Bothwell 316 Cognitive Remediation Therapy for outpatients with chronic schizophrenia: A controlled and randomized study R. Penadés, R. Catalan, M. Salamero, T. Boget, O. Puig, J. Guarch and C. Gasto 323 Letters to the Editors Efficacy and safety of zotepine for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia K. Hashimoto, T. Sudo, M. Hirano, H. Motomura, K. Tagawa, S. Nashiro, K. Uemura and S. Yoshimoto 332 Association of elevated free T, levels with depressive symptoms in patients with psychotic disorders R.A. Philibert, T. Gunter, D.W. Black, N. Hollenbeck, D. Secrest, A. Barkhurst and W. Adams 334 Catatonic syndrome related to acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) S. Bachmann and J. Schréder 336 Community re-entry program training module for schizophrenic inpatients improves treatment outcomes D.A. Wirshing, L.H. Guzik, T.S. Zorick, J.M. Pierre, S.A. Resnick, D. Goldstein and W.C. Wirshing 338 Remediation of emotion perception deficits in schizophrenia: The use of attentional prompts D.R. Combs, A. Tosheva, J. Wanner and M.R. Basso

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