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SCHEDULE - VI [See clauses 3(3) & (6), 10(i),(ii) & (iii) and 11(3)] List of plants/plant materials permitted to be imported with additional declarations and special conditions Serial Plant species Category of Country of Additional declarations required to be Special conditions of import number plant material Origin incorporated into Phytosanitary Certificate (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 Abelmoschus esculentus Seeds for sowing (i) China Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. (Okra) (ii) Italy (iii) Philippines (iv) Thailand (v) Japan (vi) France Free from Phomopsis longicolla (phomopsis Free from quarantine weed seeds. seed decay) 2 Abies spp. (Firwood) (i) Wood Europe (except Free from: Fumigation with Methyl bromide at 48 with/without bark Portugal) (a) Ips typographus (Spruce bark beetle) g. per cubic metre for 24 hrs. at 21oC (b) Pityogenes chalcographus (Bark beetle, six and above or equivalent thereof or any dentated) other treatment approved by Plant (c) Tomicus piniperda (Pine beetle) Protection Adviser to the Government of India. The treatment should be endorsed on Phytosanitary Certificate issued at the country of origin or re- export. (ii) Wood without North America Free from : Fumigation with Methyl bromide at 48 bark (a) Dendroctonus rufipennis (Spruce beetle) g. per cubic metre for 24 hrs. at 21oC (b) Dioryctria abietivorella (Fir coneworm) and above or equivalent thereof or heat (c) Dryocoetes confuses (Western balsam bark treatment at 56oC (core temperature) for beetle) 30 minutes or any other treatment (d) Pityokteines sparsus (Balsam fir bark beetle) approved by Plant Protection Adviser to (e) Polygraphus rufipennis (Foureyed spruce the Government of India. The treatment bark beetle) should be endorsed on Phytosanitary (f) Tomicus piniperda (Beetle, pine) Certificate issued at the country of (g) Bursaphenchus xylophilus (Pine wood origin/re-export. nematode) 3 Abutilon hybridum Seeds for sowing (i) Asia Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. (ii) Europe (iii) USA 4 Acacia auriculiformis Seeds for sowing Australia Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. 5 Acacia mangium Seeds for sowing Australia Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. 6 Actea spp. Tissue cultured Any Country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from virus. 7 Actinidia chinensis and A. Fruits for (i) Italy Free from: (i) Pest-free area status for Ceratitis deliciosa (Kiwi) consumption (a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale) capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly) (b) Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly) as per international standards (c) Pseudomonas syringae pv. Actinidiae or (bacterial canker of kiwifruit) (ii) MB fumigation @ 32 g/cubic metre (d) Pseudomonas viridiflava (bacterial leaf for 3 ½ hrs at 21oC or above or blight of tomato (USA) equivalent thereof or (iii) Pre-shipment cold treatment at 0oC or below for 13 days; 0.55oC or below for 14 days; 1.1oC or below for 18 days plus in-transit refrigeration against Mediterranean fruit fly. (ii) Iran Free from: Nil (a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale) (b) Pseudomonas viridiflava (bacterial leaf blight of tomato (USA) (iii) New Zealand Free from: Nil (a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale) (b) Paracoccus cavaticus (mealy bug) (c) Pseudococcus calceolariae (citrophilus mealy bug) (d) Botryosphaeria dothidea (Dothierella rot) (f) Diaporthe actinidae (Phomopsis rot) (g) Diaporthe perniciosa (Phomopsis canker) (h) Phytophthora cryptogea (tomato foot rot) 2 (iv) Chile Free from: Nil (a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale) (b) Trialeurodes vaporariorum (glasshouse whitefly) (c) Brevipalpus chilensis (d) Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (bacterial canker of Kiwi fruit) (v) France Free from: MB fumigation @ 32 g/cubic metre for (a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale) 3 ½ hrs at 21oC or above or equivalent (b) Ceroplastes rusci (fig wax scale) thereof or pre-shipment cold treatment (c) Lobesia botrana (grape berry moth) at 1.11oC to 4.44oC for 4 days or 5.0oC (d) Pseudomonas viridiflava (bacterial leaf to 8.33oC for 6 days against grape berry blight of tomato) moth. (e) Phytophthora cryptogea (tomato foot rot) 8 Adiantumspp. (Adiantum) Plants for Asia Nil Post entry quarantine growing for 45 propagation days period. 9 Agapanthus spp. (i) Plants for Netherlands Nil Post entry quarantine growing for 45 propagation days period. (ii) Tissue (i) Italy Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil cultured plants (ii) New Zealand obtained from mother stock tested and (iii) UK maintained free from nerine X potexvirus (iv) France Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from: (a) Tomato spotted wilt virus (b) Odontoglossum ring spot virus (c) Impatiens necrotic spot virus (d) Cacao yellow mosaic virus (f) Arabis mosaic virus (v) Australia Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from tomato spotted wilt virus (vi) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except Italy, New obtained from mother stock tested and Zealand, UK, maintained free from virus France, Australia 10 Agave spp. Tissue cultured (i) Finland Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from cactus X virus. 3 (ii) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except Finland obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from virus 11 Agrostis stolonifera Seeds for sowing USA Free from: Free from quarantine weed seeds. (Creeping bentgrass) (a) Anguina agrostis (bentgrass nematode) (b) Monographella nivalis (foot rot: cereals) (c) Sclerotinia homoeocarpa (dollar spot: grasses) 12 Albizia lebbeck Plants for (i) Asia Nil Post entry quarantine growing for 45 (Acacia) propagation days period. (ii) USA Free from Pleiochaeta setosa (lupin leaf spot) Post-entry quarantine for a period of 45 days. 13 Alcea spp. Seeds for sowing (i) USA Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. (Hollyhock) (ii) Europe (iii) Asia 14 Allamanda spp. Plants for Any Country Nil Post entry quarantine growing for 45 (Allamanda) propagation days period. 15 Allium species (onion, (i) Seeds/bulbs for Any Country Free from: Free from soil. garlic, leek, shallot, etc.) sowing or (a) Smut (Urocystis cepulae) planting (b) Slippery skin (Pseudomonas cepacia) (c) Dry rot (Embellisia allii) (d) Marginal necrosis (Pseudomonas marginalis pv. marginalis) (e) Pod and stem blight (Phomopsis longicolla) (f) Stem and bulbs nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) (g) Onion maggot (Hylemia antiqua) (ii) Bulbs for Any Country Free from: Fumigation with Methyl bromide at 16 consumption (a) Smut (Urocystis cepulae) g. per cubic metre for 12 hrs. at 21oC (b) Dry rot (Embellisia allii) and above or equivalent or any other (c) Stem and bulbs nematode (Ditylenchus treatment approved by the Plant dipsaci) Protection Adviser to the Government (d) Onion maggot (Hylemia antiqua) of India and the treatment should be endorsed on Phytosanitary Certificate issued at the Country of Origin/re- export. (iii) Tissue (i) Israel Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil cultured plants (ii) USA obtained from mother stock tested and (iii) Netherlands maintained free from Iris yellow spot virus 4 (iv) Italy Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from leek white stripe virus (v) Argentina Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil (vi) Australia obtained from mother stock tested and (vii) New Zealand maintained free from leek yellow stripe virus (viii) Germany (ix) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except Israel, obtained from mother stock tested and USA, Netherlands, maintained free from virus Italy, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Germany 16 Allium schoenoprasum Seeds for sowing France Nil Free from soil and quarantine weed (Chive) seeds. 17 Alnus spp. (Alder) Wood (i) USA Free from Rosalia funebris (Alder banded Fumigation with Methyl bromide at 48 with/without bark borer) g. per cubic metre for 24 hrs. at 21oC and above or equivalent thereof or any other treatment duly approved by Plant Protection Adviser. The treatment should be endorsed on Phytosanitary Certificate issued at the Country of Origin/re-export. (ii) Europe Nil Fumigation with Methyl bromide at 48 g. per cubic metre for 24 hrs. at 21oC and above or equivalent thereof or any other treatment approved by Plant Protection Adviser. The treatment should be endorsed on Phytosanitary Certificate issued at the country of origin/re-export. 18 Alocasia spp. Tissue cultured (i) Cook Island, Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants (ii) Fiji, obtained from mother stock tested and (iii) Solomon maintained free from taro bacilliform virus Islands, (iv) Vanuatu (v) Western Samoa 5 (vi) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except Cook obtained from mother stock tested and Island, Fiji, maintained free from virus Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Western Samoa 19 Aloe vera (i) Plants for (i) USA Nil Post entry quarantine growing for a propagation (ii) Europe period of 45 days. (ii) Tissue Any Country Certified that the tissue cultured plants obtained Nil cultured plants from mother stock tested and maintained free from viruses. 20 Alpinia spp. Tissue cultured (i) Taiwan Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from alpinia mosaic virus. (ii) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except Taiwan obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from virus 21 Alpinia galanga Vegetable for Thailand Free from Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi (Jack Nil (Galanga) consumption beardsley mealybug) 22 Alstromeria spp. Tissue cultured (i) Australia Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from tomato spotted wilt virus. (ii) UK Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from : (a) Arabis mosaic virus (b) Tobacco rattle virus (iii) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except UK, obtained from mother stock tested and Australia maintained free from virus. 23 Alyssum spp. Seeds for sowing (i) Asia Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. (Alyssum) (ii) Europe (iii) USA 24 Amaranthus caudatus Seeds for sowing (i) Europe Free from Strawberry latent ring spot- (i) Free from quarantine weed seeds. (Amaranthus) (ii) USA Naphovirus (ii) Crop inspection and certification for (iii) Australia Free from strawberry latent ring spot virus 6 25 Amaryllis spp. Tissue cultured (i) Netherlands Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from: (a) Tomato spotted wilt virus (b) Narcissus mosaic virus (c) Hippeastrum mosaic virus (ii) Thailand Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from hippeastrum mosaic virus (iii) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were NIL except obtained from mother stock tested and Netherlands, maintained free from virus Thailand 26 Ananas comosus (Pine (i) Plants (i) USA Free from: (i) Commercial imports permitted apple) (suckers) for (a) Aspidiotus nerii (aucuba scale) subject to prior approval of Department propagation (b) Hercinothrips femoralis (banded of Agriculture and Cooperation. greenhouse thrips) (ii) Post-entry quarantine growing for a (c) Opogona sacchari (banana moth) period of 45 days. (d) Protaetia fusca (mango flower beetle) (e) Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi (Jack Beardsley mealybug) (f) Pyroderces rileyi (corn, worm, pink) (g) Thecla basilides (fruit-borer ceterpillar) (h) Unaspis citri (citrus snow scale) (ii) Europe Free from: (i) Commercial imports permitted Opogona sacchari (banana moth) subject to prior approval of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation. (ii) Post-entry quarantine growing for a period of 45 days. (ii) Tissue Any Country Certified that the tissue cultured plants obtained Commercial impors permitted subject to cultured plants from mother stock tested and maintained free prior approval of Department of from viruses. Agriculture and Cooperation. 27 Anthium graveolens (Dill) (i) Seeds for (i) Denmark Nil Nil sowing (ii) France Free from Pseudomonas viridiflava (bacterial Free from quarantine weed seeds. leaf blight of tomato (ii) Seeds for Egypt Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. consumption (iii) Stalk (dried) Any conuntry Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. for consumption 7 28 Anthriscus spp. Seeds for sowing Denmark Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. 29 Anthurium spp. and other (i) Cuttings/ Any Country Free from Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas Post-entry quarantine for a period of 45- aroids (Anthurium, saplings for axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae) 60 days. Dieffenbachia, Caladium, planting Syngonium, Aglaonema, Spathiphyllum, Monstera Phylodendron) (ii) Cut flowers Any Country Free from Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas NIL axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae) (iii) Tissue Any Country Certified that the tissue cultured plants Nil cultured plants produced from stock tested and maintained virus-free. (i) Philodendron spp. Tissue cultured (i) Egypt Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from virus (ii) Japan Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from konjak mosaic virus (iii) Denmark Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from tobacco necrosis virus (iv) Czech Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil Republic obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus (v) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except Czech obtained from mother stock tested and Republic, maintained free from virus Denmark, Japan, Egypt (ii) Spathiphyllum spp. Tissue cultured (i) Slovenia Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from : (a) Tomato spotted wilt virus (b) Impatiens necrotic spot virus (ii) Italy Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil (iii) Czech Republic obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from impatiens necrotic spot virus 8 (iv) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except Italy, obtained from mother stock tested and Czech Republic, maintained free from virus Slovenia (iii) Syngonium spp. Tissue cultured (i) USA Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil plants (ii) Europe obtained from mother stock tested and maintained free from (a) Impatiens necrotic spot virus (b) Tomato spotted wilt virus (iii) Any country Certified that the tissue cultured plants were Nil except USA, obtained from mother stock tested and Europe maintained free from virus 30 Antirrhinum majus Seeds for sowing (i) Australia Free from: Free from quarantine weed seeds. (Antirrhinum) (a) Colletotrichum antirrhini (Anthracnose) (b) Puccinia antirrhini (Rust) (ii) Europe (except Free from Colletotrichum antirrhini Free from quarantine weed seeds. UK) (Anthracnose) (iii) Guatemala Nil Free from quarantine weed seeds. (iv) U.K. Free from: Free from quarantine weed seeds. (a) Heteropatella antirrhini (Leaf spot) (b) Phyllosticta antirrhini (Stem root) (c) Pseudomonas ananas (Bacterial leaf spot). (v) USA Free from : Free from quarantine weed seeds. (a) Colletotrichum antirrhini (Anthracnose) (b) Heteropatella antirrhini (Leaf spot) (c) Phyllosticta antirrhini (Stem root) (d) Puccinia antirrhini (Rust) 31 Aphelandra squarrosa Plants for USA Free From Phytonemus pallidus (strawberry Post-entry quarantine growing for a propagation mite) period of 45 days. 32 Apium graveolens (Celery) (i) Seeds for Any country Nil Free from soil and quarantine weed consumption seeds (ii) Seeds for (i) Denmark Free from Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem and bulb (i) Free from soil contamination sowing nematode) (ii) Seed crop inspection and certification for free from Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem and bulb nematode) by a competent authority at the country of origin 9 (ii) France Free from: (i) Free from quarantine weed seeds. (a) Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem and bulb (ii) Crop inspection and certification for nematode) free from Arabis mosaic virus, Peanut (b) Pseudomonas viridiflava (bacterial leaf stunt virus and Strawberry latent blight of tomato) ringspot virus (c) Arabis mosaic virus (d) Peanut stunt virus (e) Strawberry latent ringspot virus (iii) Italy Free from: (i) Free from soil contamination (a)Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem and bulb (ii) Seed crop inspection and nematode) certification for free from (d) to (i) by a (b) Sclerotinia minor (Sclerotinia disease of competent authority at the country of lettuce) origin (c) Pseudomonas viridiflava (d) Arabis mosaic virus (e) Celery latent virus (f) Celery mosaic virus (g) Chicory yellow mottle virus (h) Peanut stunt virus (i) Strawberry latent ringspot virus (iv) Japan Free from: (i) Free from soil contamination (a)Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem and bulb (ii) Seed crop inspection and nematode) certification for free from (c) to (e) by a (b) Pseudomonas viridiflava competent authority at the country of (c) Arabis mosaic virus origin (d) Celery mosaic virus (e)Peanut stunt virus (v) Korea DPR free from Peanut stunt virus Seed crop inspection and certification for free from Peanut stunt virus by a competent authority at the country of origin (vi) Korea ROK Free from: Seed crop inspection and certification (a) Pseudomonas viridiflava (bacterial leaf for (b) blight of tomato) (b) Peanut stunt virus 10

(g) Onion maggot (Hylemia antiqua). Free from soil 26. Ananas comosus (Pine apple). (ii) Tissue cultured plants. Any Country. Certified that the
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