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Preview SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Fall 2016 Semester Summer 2016 Sessions Summer internships and ...

FALL 2009 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES FIRST PUBLISHED: 3/16/16 UPDATE: 5/27/16 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Fall 2016 Semester Summer 2016 Sessions UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, SUBJECTS/DEPTS. APPEAR ALPHABETICALLY IN THE SCHEDULE ACC Accounting ECO Economics PHL Philosophy AMS American Studies EDU Education PHY Physics ART Art ENG English POL Politics BIO Biology FRN French PSY Psychology BUS Business GRM German REL Religion CCA Center for Const. Alt. HST History SOC Sociology CHM Chemistry IDS Interdisciplinary Studies SPN Spanish CHS Christian Studies JRN Journalism SPC Speech CLS Classical Studies KIR Kirby Center SSD Sport Studies COR Core Curriculum LAW Law THE Theatre CPS Collegiate Scholars Program MTH Mathematics DNC Dance MUS Music CLASSROOM BUILDING INDEX A = Sage Center for the Arts SC = Sports Complex P = Delp Hall D = Dow Science Building K = Kendall Hall PSCH = Mary Randall Preschool DS = Dance Studio HESC KIRBY = Kirby C., Wash. DC SSC = Strosacker Science C. H = Howard Music Building L = Lane Hall RANGE = Shooting Center FIT = Upper fitness HESC Pre-registration for Summer and Fall 2016 begins April 4, 2016. See the Pre-registration schedule for specific dates and times. Courses noted “Instructor Permission Required” may not be registered for online. Come to the Registrar’s Office. If a course is closed, you must obtain instructor permission to enroll, and register in the Registrar’s Office. If a cross-listed course appears closed, check its’ companion course(s) for openings. Students planning to study abroad through a Hillsdale Program must submit Study Abroad forms. Forms are available from the Registrar’s Office. Submit applications for December 2016 graduation to the Registrar’s Office before May 1, 2016. Summer internships and independent studies must be registered with the Registrar’s Office by the end of Summer Session 2 (June 24), to be accepted. In the Fall 2016 term:  Students entering Fall 2016 must take HST 104  Students entering Fall 2015/Spring 2016 must take ENG 105 COURSE # COURSE TITLE HRS DAYS TIME INSTRUCTOR ROOM (ACC) ACCOUNTING FALL SEMESTER 2016 209-01 Principles of Accounting I 3 T-Th 9:30 Ikawa L-123 209-02 Principles of Accounting I 3 T-Th 11:00 Ikawa L-123 210-01 + Principles of Accounting II 3 T-Th 1:00 Staff D-104 311-01 Intermediate Accounting I 3 T-Th 1:00 Ikawa L-123 316-01 Federal Income Tax I 3 M-W-F 1:00 Paas L-123 401-01 Accounting Information Systems 3 T 3:00-5:30 Staff L-121 431-01 Managerial Accounting 3 T-Th 11:00 Staff L-121 + Prerequsite: ACC 209 or permission. Note: Completion of Business Core required to go beyond 200 level. (AMS) AMERICAN STUDIES FALL SEMESTER 2016 IDS 575-01 American Studies Thesis 3 Arranged Arranged Portteus ENG 350-01 American Literature to 1820 3 T 7:00-10:00 pm Cline ENG 360-01 American Literature: 1820-1890 3 M-W 12:00-1:15 Somerville ENG 370-01 American Literature: 1890-present 3 T-Th 1:00 Franklin ENG 402-01 Flannery O'Connor & Walker Percy 3 T-Th 1:00 Jordan ENG 402-02 American Poetry 3 M-W-F 11:00 Busch HST 300-01 Colonial America to 1763 3 M-W-F 2:00 Raney HST 302-01 Jacksonian America 3 T-Th 9:30 Birzer HST 442-01 Economic History of the U.S. 3 T-Th 11:00 Folsom HST 484-01 U.S. Constitutional History Since 1865 3 T-Th 1:00 Negus HST 485-01 History of the U.S. Presidency 3 T-Th 1:00 Folsom POL 202-01 American Political Thought 3 T-Th 2:30 West POL 220-01 American Foreign Policy 3 T-Th 9:30 Grant POL 302-01 American Congress 3 M-W-F 1:00 Portteus POL 303-01 American Presidency 3 T-Th 11:00 Carrington POL 304-01 Constitutional Law 3 T 6:30-9:00 pm Markman POL 404-01 American Conservatism 3 M-W 11:00-12:15 Pestritto POL 405-01 Readings: Amer. Colonial Thought 3 T-Th 9:30 Slack (ART) ART FALL SEMESTER 2016 101-01 Drawing I 3 T-Th 1:00-4:00 Taylor A-246 101-02 Drawing I 3 M-W 1:00-4:00 Knecht A-246 104-01 Design I 3 T-Th 9:00-12:00 Springer A-212 120-01 Sculpture I 3 T-Th 9:30-12:30 Frudakis A-113 203-01 ** History of Art I: Prehistoric - Medieval 3 M-W-F 9:00 Bushey A-215 204-01 ** History of Art II: Renaissance - Modern 3 M-W-F 10:00 Bushey A-215 206-01 % Oil Painting I 3 T-Th 1:00-4:00 Knecht A-116 302-01 Drawing II 3 T-Th 9:00-12:00 Knecht A-116 311-01 Oil Painting II 3 T-Th 1:00-4:00 Knecht A-116 313-01 Oil Painting III 3 T-Th 1:00-4:00 Knecht A-116 321-01 Sculpture II 3 T-Th 1:30-4:30 Frudakis A-113 322-01 Sculpture III 3 T-Th 1:30-4:30 Frudakis A-113 323-01 Artistic Anatomy 3 T-Th 1:30-4:30 Frudakis A-113 333-01 Drawing III 3 T-Th 9:00-12:00 Knecht A-116 334-01 Drawing IV 3 T-Th 9:00-12:00 Knecht A-116 353-01 # Graphic Design I 3 M-W 10:00-12:00 Springer A-253 353-02 # Graphic Design I 3 M-W 2:00-4:00 Springer A-253 355-01 # Color Theory 3 T-Th 1:00-3:00 Springer A-253 361-01 # ^ Digital Photography 3 T-Th 9:00-11:00 Coon A-253 361-02 # ^ Digital Photography 3 T-Th 3:00-5:00 Coon A-253 393-01 History of Graphic Design & Photography 3 M-W-F 1:00 Bushey A-215 393-02 Winona Yearbook Design 1 F 9:30-10:30 Springer/Servold A-253 393-03 Plaster Casting I (pre-requisite: ART 120) 1 T-Th 12:30-1:30 Frudakis A-113 420-01 Sculpture IV 3 T-Th 1:30-4:30 Frudakis A-113 THE 393-02 Computer Aided Drafting 3 Arranged Arranged Beyer TBD **Satisfies core FineArts requirement. % Prerequisite: ART 101. # Friday lab time required . ^ See Prof. Coon for equip. requirements. PAGE 2 (BIO) BIOLOGY FALL SEMESTER 2016 101-01 + CPLAB: Genetics, Reproduction & A.R.T. 3 M-W 9:00 Miller SSC-200 (Includes mandatory Friday discussion session) F 3:00-3:50 Miller D-306 101-02 + CPLAB: Man and the Microcosmos 3 M-W-F 10:00 Steiner SSC-200 101-03 + CPLAB: Species: From Plato to Molecules 3 M-W-F 11:00 York SSC-200 101-04 + CPLAB: Biology Myth Busters 3 M-W-F 2:00 Johnson SSC-200 201-01 Evolution & Biological Diversity Lecture 4 M-W-F 11:00 Cooper L-123 201-02 Evolution & Biological Diversity Lecture 4 M-W-F 1:00 VanZant L-124 201L-01 Evolution & Biological Diversity Lab A - Th 8:00-9:20 Cooper/VanZant SSC-209 201L-02 Evolution & Biological Diversity Lab B - Th 9:30-10:50 Cooper/VanZant SSC-209 201L-03 Evolution & Biological Diversity Lab C - Th 1:00-2:20 Cooper/VanZant SSC-209 250-01 General Ecology 3 M-W-F 2:00 Swinehart D-306 287-01 * Seminar: Evolution 1 T 12:00 Pytel D-206 302-01 Developmental Biology Lecture 4 M-W-F 10:00 Miller D-306 302L-01 Developmental Biology Lab A - T 1:00-2:50 Miller D-203 302L-02 Developmental Biology Lab B - Th 1:00-2:50 Miller D-203 316-01 Plant Taxonomy 3 M-W-F 9:00 Cooper D-209 360-01 Microbiology Lecture 4 M-W-F 1:00 Steiner L-125 360L-01 Microbiology Lab A - T 1:00-2:50 Steiner SSC-209 360L-02 Microbiology Lab B - T 3:00-4:50 Steiner SSC-209 364-01 Freshwater Biology Lecture 4 M-W-F 10:00 Swinehart D-303 364L-01 Freshwater Biology Lab - T 10:00-11:50 Swinehart D-303 380-01 Animal Behavior Lecture 4 M-W-F 11:00 Pytel D-206 380L-01 Animal Behavior Lab - T 3:00-4:50 Pytel SSC-204 405-01 Population Genetics 3 T 6:30-9:20 pm VanZant D-206 408-01 % Anatomy & Physiology II Lecture 4 M-W-F 8:00 York SSC-200 408L-01 Anatomy & Physiology II Lab A - T-Th 8-9:50 York SSC-211 408L-02 Anatomy & Physiology II Lab B - T-Th 10-11:50 York SSC-211 460-01 & Virology 3 M-W-F 12:00 Johnson D-206 590-01 # Junior Seminar 1 Th 12:00 York SSC-200 591-01 ## Senior Seminar 1 Th 12:00 Steiner/Johnson D-306 597-01 @ Biostatistics for Exercise Science 3 T-Th 1:00 Pytel D-113 597-02 Bioethics: Genetics, Reproduction & "A.R.T" 1 F 3:00-3:50 Miller D-306 + Satisfies Core requirement in Biology for non-majors. * IntendedforSophomore Biology majors. % Prerequisite: BIO 308. & Prerequisite: BIO 360. # Required of all Juniors in Biology. Must be taken in Fall semester of Junior year. ## Required of all Seniors in Biology. Must be taken in Fall semester of Senior year. @ Cross-listedunder SSD. (BUS) BUSINESS FALL SEMESTER 2016 215-01 Personal Finance: Investing (9/6 - 10/6) 1 T-Th 11:00 Banach L-124 215-02 Basic Excel (9/6 - 10/6) 1 T-Th 1:00 Paas L-121 215-03 Intro Financial Statement Analysis (10/11 - 11/10) 1 T-Th 1:00 Paas L-121 302-01 Business Written Communications 3 T 6:00-9:00 pm Hanson-Maier L-231 315-01 + Principles of Marketing 3 T-Th 9:30 King L-335 315-02 + Principles of Marketing 3 T-Th 11:00 King L-335 320-01 * Quantitative Analysis 3 T-Th 8:00 Bundt L-332 325-01 Management Theory & Practice 3 M-W 11:00-12:15 Johnson L-231 325-02 Management Theory & Practice 3 T-Th 1:00 Johnson L-333 330-01 Financial Management 3 M-W-F 10:00 Basterfield L-125 330-02 Financial Management 3 M-W-F 11:00 Basterfield L-125 393-01 Leadership 3 T-Th 9:30 Jennings L-338 393-02 Negotiation (9/7 - 11/11) 2 W-F 2:00-3:30 Norton K-235 393-03 Trading Stocks Using Technical Analysis I 1 M 2:00 Basterfield/Paas L-123 410-01 ** Investments I 3 T-Th 11:00 Bundt L-331 418-01 Readings in Power, Leadership & Responsibility 3 T-Th 9:30 Blackstock L-232 418-02 Readings in Power, Leadership & Responsibility 3 T-Th 11:00 Blackstock L-232 418-03 Readings in Power, Leadership & Responsibility 3 T-Th 1:00 Jennings L-232 419-01 Business Ethics 3 M-W 11:00-12:15 Blackstock L-232 431-01 Case Studies in Finance 3 T-Th 9:30 Basterfield L-126 432-01 ** International Finance 3 T-Th 1:00 Bundt L-236 434-01 Risk Management 3 T-Th 1:00 Basterfield L-126 440-01 Operations Management 3 M-W 2:00-3:15 Johnson L-124 PAGE 3 (BUS) BUSINESS, continued 441-01 Strategic Management 3 T-Th 9:30 Johnson SSC-200 452-01 ++ Marketing Management 3 M-W-F 10:00 King L-335 453-01 International Business 3 T-Th 9:30 Snider D-112 516-01 $ Marketing Research 3 M-W 11:00-12:15 King L-335 BUS 215 classes are only for studentswho have not declared a business major, or who has completed more than two ACC or BUS courses at the 300 level. + Prerequisite: ACC 209, ECO 202 & ECO 203. * Prerequisite: ECO 206 or permission. ** Prerequisite: BUS 330 or permission. ++ Prerequisite: BUS 315. $ Prerequisite: BUS 315 & 452. (CCA) CENTER FOR CONSTRUCTIVE ALTERNATIVES FALL SEMESTER 2016 101-01 Democrats and Republicans (10/2 - 10/5) 1 4-5:00 & 8-9:00 pm Bell TBD 102-01 Mises, Hayek & the Austrian School (11/13 - 11/16) 1 4-5:00 & 8-9:00 pm Bell TBD (CHM) CHEMISTRY FALL SEMESTER 2016 Note: General Chemistry I has been renumbered as CHM 201. 201-01 General Chemistry I - Lecture 1 4 M-W-F 9:00 VanOrman SSC-300 201-02 General Chemistry I - Lecture 2 4 M-W-F 10:00 Nussbaum SSC-300 201L-01 General Chemistry I Lab A - T 9:00-12:00 VanOrman SSC-309 201L-02 General Chemistry I Lab B - T 1:00-4:00 VanOrman SSC-309 Note: Organic students must register for a lab and a recitation 303-01 Organic Chemistry l - Lecture 4 M-W-F 9:00 Meyet SSC-304 303-02 Organic Chemistry l - Lecture 4 M-W-F 11:00 Baron SSC-300 303L-01 Organic Chemistry I Lab A - Th 8:00-12:00 Baron/Meyet SSC-309 303L-02 Organic Chemistry I Lab B - Th 1:00-5:00 Baron/Meyet SSC-309 303R-01 Organic Chemistry I Recitation A - T 10:00-10:50 Staff SSC-304 303R-02 Organic Chemistry I Recitation B - T 11:00-11:50 Staff SSC-304 303R-03 Organic Chemistry I Recitation C - T 1:00-1:50 Staff SSC-304 406-01 Inorganic Chemistry Lecture 3 M-W-F 1:00 VanOrman D-304 406L-01 Inorganic Chemistry Lab A - Th 9:00-12:00 VanOrman D-300 415-01 Analytical Chemistry Lecture 4 M-W-F 11:00 Nussbaum SSC-304 415L-01 Analytical Chemistry Lab A - T 8:00-12:00 Nussbaum D-307 415L-02 Analytical Chemistry Lab B - T 1:00-5:00 Nussbaum D-307 415L-03 Analytical Chemistry Lab C (instructor permission) - Th 8:00-12:00 Nussbaum D-307 452-01 Biochemistry 3 M-W-F 10:00 Hamilton SSC-304 452-02 Biochemistry 3 M-W-F 2:00 Kazmier SSC-304 475-01 * Junior Seminar 1 T 12:00-12:50 Meyet SSC-300 501-01 Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences 3 M-W-F 9:00 Young SSC-100 502-01 Physical Chemistry I Lecture 4 M-W-F 10:00 Young D-304 502L-01 Physical Chemistry I Lab - Th 1:00-5:00 Young D-301 570-01 % Senior Seminar 1 T 12:00-12:50 Meyet SSC-300 590-01 Chemical Research 1 Arranged Arranged Young 590-02 Chemical Research 2 Arranged Arranged Young 590-03 Chemical Research 3 Arranged Arranged Young 597-01 Professional Practices in Medicine 1 W 12:00 Hamilton SSC-300 597-02 # Chemistry of Cooking 1 M 12:00 Baron SSC-300 598-01 Lab Assistantship (Instructor permission) 1 Arranged Arranged Young 598-02 Lab Assistantship (Instructor permission) 2 Arranged Arranged Young 598-03 Lab Assistantship (Instructor permission) 3 Arranged Arranged Young * Required of all Junior Chemistry & Biochemistrymajors (1 sem. credit, either fall or spring). % Required or all Senior Chemistry & Biochemistry majors (1 sem.credit, either fall or spring). # Prerequisite: CHM102 or permission. (CHS) CHRISTIAN STUDIES FALL SEMESTER 2016 IDS-575-02 Christian Studies Thesis 3 Arranged Arranged Bauman Office ENG 320-01 Renaissance British Literature 1500-1660 3 M-W-F 1:00 B. Whalen HST 393-03 History of Christianity & Politics 3 T-Th 2:30 Hart HST 452-01 The Reformation 3 M-W-F 1:00 Maas REL 101-01 Introduction to World Religions 3 T-Th 2:30 Studebaker REL 105-01 Western Theological Tradition 3 T-Th 9:30 Studebaker PAGE 4 (CHS) CHRISTIAN STUDIES, continued REL 105-02 Western Theological Tradition 3 T-Th 11:00 Studebaker REL 105-03 Western Theological Tradition 3 M-W-F 2:00 Westblade REL 105-04 Western Theological Tradition 3 T 6:30-9:30 pm Bauman REL 105-05 Western Theological Tradition 3 M-W-F 10:00 Wales REL 105-06 Western Theological Tradition 3 M-W-F 11:00 Wales REL 105-07 Western Theological Tradition 3 M-W-F 8:00 Snyder REL 105-08 Western Theological Tradition 3 M-W-F 8:00 Snyder REL 211-01 Old Testament History & Literature 3 T-Th 9:30 Westblade REL 213-01 History of Christian Thought I 3 M 6:30-9:30 pm Bauman REL 352-01 Roman Catholic Theology 3 M-W-F 11:00 Schlueter REL 390-01 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 3 M-W-F 9:00 Westblade REL 493-01 Theology of Karl Barth 3 T 2:30-5:00 Bauman REL 493-02 Christianity & Modern Science 3 M-W 2:00-3:15 Burke (CLS) CLASSICS FALL SEMESTER 2016 101-01 Beginning Latin I 4 M-T-W-F 1:00 Jones K-231 101-02 Beginning Latin I 4 M-T-W-F 2:00 Jones K-231 101-03 Beginning Latin I 4 M-W-F/T 9:00/8:30 Staff K-231 102-01 Beginning Latin II 4 M-W-F/T 10:00/9:30 Staff K-231 103-01 Beginning Greek I 4 M-W-F/T 9:00/8:30 Garnjobst K-235 104-01 Beginning Greek II 4 M-W-F/T 9:00/8:30 Ward K-236A 200-01 # Greco-Roman Literature & Culture 3 M-W-F 8:00 Weaire K-235 200-02 # Greco-Roman Literature & Culture 3 M-W-F 10:00 Hutchinson K-335 201-01 Intermediate Latin 4 M-W-F/T 10:00/9:30 Ward K-236A 201-02 Intermediate Latin 4 M-T-W-F 11:00 Hutchinson K-231 201-03 Intermediate Latin 4 M-T-W-F 12:00 West K-231 202-01 Introduction to Greek Prose 4 M-W-F/T 10:00/9:30 Garnjobst K-235 301-01 Greek Civilization 3 T-Th 1:00 Staff K-335 314-01 Readings in Patristic Greek 1 T 3:00-3:50 Hutchinson K-232 320-01 Introduction to Virgil's Aeneid 3 M-W-F 10:00 West K-411 321-01 Literature of the Roman Republic 3 M-W-F 9:00 Weaire K-232 321-02 Literature of the Roman Republic 3 M-W-F 10:00 Weaire K-232 350-01 Greek Literature: Homer - Herodotus 3 M-W-F 11:00 Ward K-232 401-01 Greek Literature in Translation 2 MW 8:00 Garnjobst K-232 404-01 Roman Historians 3 M-W-F 3:00 Jones K-232 411-01 Latin Prose Composition 1 W 12:00 Weaire K-232 493-01 Seminar in Latin Literature 3 M-W-F 2:00 West K-232 494-01 Seminar in Greek Literature 3 M-W-F 1:00 Garnjobst K-232 #Satisfies core WesternLiterature requirement. (CSP) COLLEGIATE SCHOLARS PROGRAM FALL SEMESTER 2016 101-01 The Liberal Arts Tradition 1 W 2:00 B. Whalen K-411 250-01 Rebellion & Reaction: Social Critique in Goethe, 1 Th 1:00 Naumann L-339 Salinger & Plenzdorf 251-01 Socratic Virtue: Xenophon's Memorabilia 1 Th 3:00 Grant K-411 252-01 Music in Film 1 M 11:00 Schmidt H-209 253-01 Immortal Life: The Story of Henrietta Lacks 1 Th 1:00 S. Johnson D-206 254-01 Molecules of Murder 1 W 11:00 Meyet D-304 255-01 From Ancient Israel to Chicago's South Side: Jews 1 F 1:00 Hart L-338 and American Identity 256-01 The Voice & Vision of T.S. Eliot 1 W 7:00-7:50 pm Condict L-232 257-01 C.S. Lewis' Narnia 1 W 1:00 Coupland L-332 258-01 Legends in the American Experience 1 Th 11:00 Stewart L-235B 259-01 Hamilton: The Musical & the Man 1 T 2:00 Carrington K-411 260-01 # Science & the Founding Fathers 1 T 1:00 Hosmer SSC-120 261-01 Ideas, Individuals, & Institutions of the Conservative Movement 1 Arranged Arranged Fuelner KIRBY 401-01 Honors Thesis 1 Arranged Arranged Hutchison OFFICE Note: Studentssign-up for Seminarsin the Registrar's Office. Priority is given to Honors and Collegiate Scholar program participants. PAGE 5 (COR) CORE CURRICULUM FALL SEMESTER 2016 150-01 Classical Logic & Rhetoric 3 M-W-F 10:00 Kiledal A-248 150-02 Classical Logic & Rhetoric 3 T-Th 2:30 Kiledal A-135 150-03 Classical Logic & Rhetoric 3 M-W-F 1:00 Beier K-236A 150-04 Classical Logic & Rhetoric 3 M-W-F 2:00 Beier K-236A (DNC) DANCE FALL SEMESTER 2016 150-01 % Social Dance I 1 M 3:30-4:50 Spangler A-142 150-02 % Social Dance I 1 F 3:30-4:50 Spangler A-142 160-01 Ballet I 1 T 12:30-1:50 Hobbs A-138 170-01 Pilates I (Faculty & Staff only) 1 F 5:00-6:30 Post A-138 170-02 Pilates I 1 F 3:30-4:50 Post A-138 170-03 Pilates I 1 F 2:00-3:20 Post A-138 180-01 Folk Dance (Highland Dance) 1 W 5:30-6:50 Plemmons A-142 190-01 Modern Dance I 1 M 12:30-1:50 Post A-138 210-01 Dance Repertoire (Instructor permission) 1 Arranged Arranged Hobbs A-138 210-02 Dance Repertoire (Instructor permission) 1 Arranged Arranged Hobbs A-138 210-03 Dance Repertoire (Instructor permission) 1 Arranged Arranged Post A-138 260-01 * Ballet II 1 Th 9:00-10:20 Hobbs A-138 290-01 * Modern Dance II 1 W 12:30-1:50 Hobbs A-138 320-01 * Choreography & Improvisation II 2 W 2:00-4:00 Hobbs A-138 360-01 * Ballet III 1 T 2:30-3:50 Hobbs A-138 360-02 * Ballet III 1 Th 2:30-3:50 Hobbs A-138 390-01 * Modern Dance III 1 M 2:00-3:20 Post A-138 393-01 Elements of Jazz Dance 1 M 5:30-6:50 Post A-138 THE 393-01 ++ Alexander Technique for Actors, Musicians & Dancers 3 T-Th 9:30 T. Matsos A-142 * 200 and 300 level courses require completion of the corresponding 100 level course,or instructor permission. % It is strongly recommended that you have a dance partner when registering for a Social Dance course. (ECO) ECONOMICS FALL SEMESTER 2016 105-01 Introduction to Political Economy 3 M-W-F 9:00 Wolfram L-337 105-02 Introduction to Political Economy 3 M-W-F 10:00 Wolfram L-337 202-01 Principles of Microeconomics 3 M-W-F 10:00 Pongracic L-331 202-02 Principles of Microeconomics 3 M-W-F 11:00 Pongracic L-331 202-03 Principles of Microeconomics 3 M-W-F 9:00 Martin K-332 202-04 Principles of Microeconomics 3 M-W-F 10:00 Martin K-332 203-01 * Principles of Macroeconomics 3 T-Th 9:30 Butters D-104 203-02 * Principles of Macroeconomics 3 T-Th 2:30 Butters K-237 206-01 Business & Economics Statistics 3 T-Th 8:00 J. Blackstock L-331 206-02 Business & Economics Statistics 3 T-Th 9:30 J. Blackstock L-331 206-03 Business & Economics Statistics 3 T-Th 1:00 J. Blackstock L-331 303-01 ** + Intermediate Microeconomics 3 M-W-F 9:00 Clark L-124 303-02 ** + Intermediate Microeconomics 3 M-W-F 10:00 Clark L-124 323-01 Industrial Organizational 3 M-W-F 1:00 Pongracic L-331 328-01 Labor Economics 3 M-W-F 2:00 Martin K-333 330-01 % Economic History of the U.S. 3 T-Th 11:00 Folsom L-333 355-01 ** History of Economic Thought I 3 T-Th 1:00 Steele L-125 355-02 ** History of Economic Thought I 3 T-Th 2:30 Steele L-125 412-01 ** Austrian Economics I 3 M-W 11:00 Clark L-124 415-01 Public Choice 3 M-W-F 11:00 Wolfram L-337 460-01 International Trade 3 T-Th 1:00 Butters K-237 464-01 Mathematical Economics 3 T-Th 9:30 Steele L-121 575-01 Political Economy Thesis 1 Arranged Arranged Wolfram Office * Prerequisite: ECO 202. ** Prerequisite: ECO 202 & 203. + Prerequisite: MTH113/120. %Cross-listedunder HST. PAGE 6 (EDU) EDUCATION FALL SEMESTER 2016 101-01 English Grammar 3 T-Th 2:30 Coupland L-337 106-01 Introduction to Early Childhood Education 1 T 11:00 Bindus L-336A 206-01 Child Development & Early Childhood Education 3 T-Th 9:30 Bindus L-339 301-01 Classical Quadrivium 3 M-W-F 3:00 Lehman L-335 306-01 * ECE Instructional Programs 3 M-W 9:30-10:45 Rumler PSCH 360-01 ** Philosophy of Education 3 M-W-F 10:00 Beier L-232 393-01 Augustine the Teacher 3 T-Th 1:00 Lehman L-336B 401-01 Liberal Arts Teaching Apprenticeship 3 T-Th 11:00 Coupland L-337 401-02 Liberal Arts Teaching Apprenticeship 6 T-Th 11:00 Coupland L-337 404-01 Classic Children's Literature 3 T-Th 1:00 Coupland L-337 476-01 ++ Assessment & Screening in ECE 3 T-Th 1:00 Pitts L-338 506-01 $ Early Childhood Directed Teaching 7 M thru F 8:15-11:45 am Pitts PSCH 506-02 $ Early Childhood Directed Teaching 7 M thru F 12:15-3:45 pm Rumler PSCH 599-01 Assistantship (by permission) 1-3 Arranged Arranged Bindus Arranged * Prerequisite: EDU 206. ** Cross-listedunder PHL. ++ Prerequisite: EDU 306. $Prerequisite: EDU 476 (ENG) ENGLISH FALL SEMESTER 2016 105-01 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 8:00 Bart L-337 105-02 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 9:30 Bart L-337 105-03 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 8:00 Whalen K-335 105-04 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 9:30 Whalen K-335 105-05 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 10:00 Jordan K-333 105-06 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 11:00 Jordan K-333 105-07 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 12:00 Franklin L-235A 105-08 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 1:00 Franklin L-235A 105-09 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 1:00 Busch L-236 105-10 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 2:00 Busch L-236 105-11 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 1:00 Lindley L-335 105-12 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 2:00 Lindley L-335 105-13 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 9:30 Somerville L-336B 105-14 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 1:00 Somerville L-335 105-15 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 11:00 Belt K-335 105-16 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 2:30 Belt K-335 105-17 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 1:00 Jackson K-235 105-18 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 2:30 Jackson K-235 105-19 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 1:00 Kearney L-336A 105-20 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 2:30 Kearney L-336A 105-21 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 M-W-F 9:00 Coonradt L-231 105-22 Great Books in the British & American Traditions 3 T-Th 4:00-5:15 Brown L-235A 201-01 * Great Books in Continental Lit: Renaiss-Modern 3 M-W-F 9:00 Eadie L-126 201-02 * Great Books in Continental Lit: Renaiss-Modern 3 M-W-F 10:00 Eadie L-126 201-03 * Great Books in Continental Lit: Renaiss-Modern 3 T-Th 9:30 Whalen, D K-233 310-01 Anglo Saxon & Medieval British Literature 3 T-Th 6:00-7:15 pm Bart L-337 320-01 Renaissance British Literature 1500-1660 3 M-W-F 1:00 B. Whalen K-235 330-01 Restoration/Romantic British Literature 1660-1830 3 M-W-F 2:00 Eadie L-233 340-01 Victorian and Modern British Literature 3 T-Th 9:30 Lindley L-125 350-01 American Literature to 1820 3 T 7:00-10:00 pm Cline L-331 360-01 American Literature: 1820-1890 3 M-W 12:00-1:15 Somerville L-337 370-01 American Literature: 1890-present 3 T-Th 1:00 Franklin L-332 401-01 + The Pearl Poet 3 M-W-F 2:00 Jackson L-232 401-02 @ With Mortal Voice: Milton's Major Poetry 3 T-Th 2:30 Smith L-232 402-01 # Flannery O'Connor & Walker Percy 3 T-Th 1:00 Jordan L-235A 402-02 Willa Cather: Stories & Novels 3 M-W-F 11:00 Busch K-411 404-01 Contemporary Literarcy Criticism 3 M-W-F 11:00 Belt K-421 404-02 % Poetry Workshop 3 M 6:30-9:30 pm Kauffman L-235B 404-03 @ Shakespeare, Keats & Stevens: Lyric Worlds 3 W 6:00-9:00 pm Kearney L-235A * Satisfies core Western Literature in Context requirement. + Prerequisite: ENG 310 or 2 classes beyond 201. # Prerequisite: ENG 370. % Department Chair permission. @ Prerequisite: At least one 300 level course or permission. PAGE 7 (FRN) FRENCH FALL SEMESTER 2016 101-01 Beginning French I 4 M-T-W-F 9:00 Morellec L-235A 101-02 Beginning French I 4 M-T-W-F 10:00 Morellec L-235A 102-01 Beginning French II 4 M-T-W-F 9:00 Theobald L-235B 201-01 Intermediate French 4 M-T-W-F 9:00 Rose L-336A 201-02 Intermediate French 4 M-T-W-F 10:00 Rose L-336A 300-01+ Introduction to Literary Texts 3 M-W-F 10:00 Theobald L-235B 302-01 French Civilization & Culture II 3 M-W-F 11:00 Morellec L-235A 410-01 Speaking & Writing French 3 M-W-F 1:00 Rose L-234 418-01 Phonetics I 1 W 3:00-3:50 Theobald L-234 421-01 * French Literature: Middle Ages to 18th C. 3 T-Th 1:00 Theobald L-234 + Minimum grade of B-in 201 or permission. * Satisfies the core Humanities requirement for literature. (GRM) GERMAN FALL SEMESTER 2016 101-01 Beginning German I 4 M-W-F 9:00 Naumann L-236 T 8:30 101-02 Beginning German I 4 M-T-W-F 10:00 Naumann L-236 102-01 Beginning German II 4 M-T-W-F 11:00 Naumann L-236 201-01 Intermediate German 4 M-T-W-F 10:00 Geyer L-234 201-02 Intermediate German 4 M-T-W-F 11:00 Geyer L-234 202-01 + Intensive Intermediate German 3 T-Th 11:00 Bollen L-235A 304-01 Composition, Conversation & Grammar II 3 T-Th 2:30 Bollen L-234 412-01 ++ Classical German Literature 3 M-W-F 2:00 Geyer L-234 + Minimum grade of B-in 201 or instructor permission. ++ Satisfies the core Humanities requirement for literature. (HST) HISTORY FALL SEMESTER 2016 104-01 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 8:00 Maas L-233 104-02 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 8:00 Stewart L-333 104-03 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 9:00 Stewart L-333 104-04 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 9:00 Rahe K-333 104-05 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 9:00 Gaetano L-336B 104-06 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 10:00 Gaetano L-336B 104-07 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 10:00 Birzer L-233 104-08 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 11:00 Birzer L-233 104-09 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 11:00 Maas L-336A 104-10 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 11:00 Raney L-332 104-11 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 12:00 Raney L-332 104-12 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 1:00 Moreno L-233 104-13 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 1:00 Negus L-336A 104-14 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 2:00 Negus L-336A 104-15 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 2:00 Hart L-336B 104-16 The Western Heritage 3 M-W-F 3:00 Hart L-336B 104-17 The Western Heritage 3 T-Th 8:00 Conner L-233 104-18 The Western Heritage 3 T-Th 8:00 Moye L-333 104-19 The Western Heritage 3 T-Th 9:30 Moye L-333 104-20 The Western Heritage 3 T-Th 9:30 Kalthoff L-233 104-21 The Western Heritage 3 T-Th 1:00 Kalthoff L-233 104-22 The Western Heritage 3 T-Th 2:30 Conner L-233 206-01 Western Heritage Since 1600 3 M-W-F 10:00 Stewart L-333 300-01 Colonial America to 1763 3 M-W-F 2:00 Raney L-331 302-01 Jacksonian America 3 T-Th 9:30 Birzer L-124 315-01 Nineteenth Century Europe 3 M-W-F 9:00 Conner L-125 393-01 * The Second World Wars 2 M-W-F 2:30-5:30 Hanson L-333 393-02 Soft Despotism: Democracy's Drift 3 M-W 1-2:15 Rahe K-421 393-03 History of Christianity & Politics 3 T-Th 2:30 Hart L-235B 393-04 # Scholasticism & Early Modernity 3 M-W-F 2:00 Gaetano L-235A 393-05 Introduction to Public History 1 T 11:00 Stewart L-235B 401-01 Ancient Greece 3 T-Th 2:30 Calvert L-333 406-01 Medieval England 3 M-W 11-12:15 Moye K-335 PAGE 8 (HST) HISTORY, continued 414-01 French Revolution & Napoleon 3 M-W-F 11:00 Stewart L-333 442-01 % Economic History of the U.S. 3 T-Th 11:00 Folsom L-333 452-01 The Reformation 3 M-W-F 1:00 Maas L-333 484-01 U.S. Constitutional History Since 1865 3 T-Th 1:00 Negus L-124 485-01 History of the U.S. Presidency 3 T-Th 1:00 Folsom K-421 500-01 History & Philosophy of History 3 T-Th 9:30 Moreno SSC-120 *Dr. Hanson's class will meet 8/31 to 9/19. # Seminar:Instructor permisison required. % Cross-listed as ECO 330-01. (IDS) INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES FALL SEMESTER 2016 393-01 Marriage & Family 3 T-Th 11:00 C&M Johnson K-333 393-03 Criminal Justice System (9/5 to 9/9) 1 M-F 4-5:30 Judge Rogan K-411 393-04 Ethics, Nature and Tyranny 3 M 2:30-5:00 Arnn K-233 597-01 Law & Society 1 Th 2:30-3:20 Schlueter K-233 (JRN) JOURNALISM FALL SEMESTER 2016 301-01+ Introduction to Journalism I 3 M-W-F 1:00 Servold K-332 312-01 ++ Editing (Cancelled 4/25) 3 M-W-F 12:00 Servold 315-01 Political Journalism 3 T-Th 2:30 Miller K-332 380-01 # The Collegian 1 Arranged Arranged Servold 393-01 Radio Programming & Production 3 T-Th 1:00 Bertram D-306 393-02 Visiting Jouralist (9/11-9/23) 1 Arranged Arranged Habeeb 393-03 WRFH Radio (Instructor permission) 1 Arranged Arranged Bertram TBD 404-01 ++ Advanced Writing 3 11:00 T-Th Miller K-232 ART 393-02 Winona Yearbook Design 1 F 9:30-10:30 Springer/Servold A-253 + Sophomoreor higher standing. ++ Instructor permission. # JRN 380 "The Collegian" is not open to first-semester freshmen. Note: ART 393, ART 353 & EDU 101 count as electives for the Journalism minor. KIRBY CENTER - WASHINGTON, DC FALL SEMESTER 2016 Study at Hillsdale College's Kirby Center. Permission required to register for any Kirby Center course. Contact Sophia Carr. CSP 261-01 Ideas, Individuals, & Institutions of the Conservative Movement 1 Arranged Arranged Fuelner KIRBY ECO-493-01 Developmental Economics 3 TBD TBD Boudreaux Kirby ENG 201-04 Great Books in Continental Literature 3 TBD TBD Mehan Kirby HST 483-01 Constitutional History of U.S. to 1865 3 TBD TBD Watson Kirby IDS 393-02 American National Security Studies 3 TBD TBD Carafano Kirby POL-393-01 Statesmanship & Public Policy 3 TBD TBD Spalding Kirby WHP 385-01 Washington-Hillsdale Internship 6 Arranged Arranged Spalding Kirby (LAW) LAW FALL SEMESTER 2016 320-01 Business Law I 3 M-W-F 9:00 Paas L-123 320-02 Business Law I 3 M-W-F 10:00 Paas L-123 320-03 Business Law I 3 T-Th 11:00 Paas L-126 393-01 Criminal Justice System (9/5 to 9/9) 1 M-F 4-5:30 Judge Rogan K-411 (MTH) MATHEMATICS FALL SEMESTER 2016 105-01 Mathematics & Deductive Reasoning 3 M-W-F 9:00 Gaebler D-306 105-02 Mathematics & Deductive Reasoning 3 M-W-F 10:00 Murphy D-104 105-03 Mathematics & Deductive Reasoning 3 M-W-F 11:00 Murphy D-104 105-04 Mathematics & Deductive Reasoning 3 M-W-F 2:00 Gaebler D-112 112-01 Integrated Calculus A 3 M-W-F 8:00 Abram D-112 112-02 Integrated Calculus A 3 M-W-F 9:00 Abram D-112 112-03 Integrated Calculus A 3 M-W-F 10:00 Treloar D-112 112-04 Integrated Calculus A 3 M-W-F 1:00 Treloar D-306 120-01 * Calculus I 4 M-T-W-F 9:00 Panaggio D-113 120-02 * Calculus I 4 M-W-F 11:00-12:05 Webster D-113 120-03 * Calculus I 4 M-T-W-F 1:00 Panaggio D-112 220-01 ** Calculus II 4 M-W-F 11:00-12:05 Hutchinson D-112 220-02 ** Calculus II 4 M-W-F 12:45-1:50 Hutchinson D-104 310-01 # Linear Algebra 3 M-W-F 10:00 Webster D-113 PAGE 9 (MTH) MATHEMATICS, continued 320-01 # Multivariable Calculus 4 M-W-F 2:00-3:05 Treloar D-113 370-01 % Theory of Probability 3 M-W-F 1:00 Gaebler D-113 380-01 & Mathematical Modeling 3 M-W-F 10:00 Panaggio D-110 390-01 & History of Mathematics 3 M-W-F 2:00 Murphy D-104 405-01 &% Complex Analysis 3 M-W-F 8:00 Webster D-113 410-01 $ Abstract Algebra 3 M-W-F 11:00 Abram D-110 415-01 & Topics: Advanced Linear Algebra 3 M-W-F 9:00 Hutchinson D-104 458-01 Teaching Elementary Mathematics 1 M 12:00 Gregg D-306 * Prerequisite: Students must be in their first two years of college AND have an ACT math score of 27or higher. ** Prerequisite: MTH 113 or 120 with a C-or better . # Prerequisite:MTH 220. % Prerequisite: MTH 320. & Prerequisite: MTH 310. $ Prerequisite: MTH 310 and senior standing, or permission. . (MUS) MUSIC FALL SEMESTER 2016 110-01 = Introduction to Music Studies 1 Th 2:30-3:20 Holleman H-220 111-01 = Fundamentals of Music 1 T 2:30-3:20 Gewirtz H-220 204-01+ The Understanding of Music 3 M-W-F 1:00 Sprung H-220 204-02 + The Understanding of Music 3 M-W-F 10:00 Stauff H-209 221-01 = Theory II Lecture 3 M-W-F 10:00 Fuerst H-220 221L-01 = Musicianship Lab II 1 T-Th 10:00-10:50 Gewirtz H-220 322-01 = $ History and Literature of Music I 3 M-W-F 9:00 Stauff H-220 324-01 = Beginning Conducting 2 Arranged Arranged Holleman H-220 393-01 History of Handel's Messiah 1 W 7:00-8:15 pm Stauff H-209 404-01 = Music Hst Special Topics 3 T-Th 1:00 Stauff H-209 425-01 Music of the 20th Century 3 M-W-F 11:00 Fuerst H-220 THE 393-01 ++ Alexander Technique for Actors, Musicians & Dancers 3 T-Th 9:30 T. Matsos A-142 +Fulfills Humanities Core requirement. = Required for the Major and Minor $ Prerequisite:MUS 201 or permission. 120-01 Beginning Guitar Class 1 Arranged Arranged Palmer A-133 120-02 Beginning Guitar Class 1 Arranged Arranged Palmer A-133 130-01 Beginning Voice Class 1 W 12:00 Osmond H-209 130-02 Beginning Voice Class 1 Th 12:00 Matson H-209 135J-01 Jazz Piano Harmony (by permission) 1 Arranged Arranged McCourry H-121 100 level lessons are for non-Music majors/minorsand incur an $85.00 per credit fee. 200 level lessons = music minors (all semesters) & Freshman /Sophomore music majors 300 level lessons =Juniors majors. 400 level lessons = Senior majors. 030-01 Composition 1 Arranged Arranged Fuerst H-205 033-01 Private Conducting (by permission) 1 Arranged Arranged Holleman H-222 040-01 Composition 2 Arranged Arranged Fuerst H-205 131-01 Voice Private 1 Arranged Arranged Osmond H-206 131-02 Voice Private 1 Arranged Arranged Schmidt 131-03 Voice Private 1 Arranged Arranged Matson 131-04 Voice Private 1 Arranged Arranged Bahr 231-01 Voice Private 1 Arranged Arranged Osmond H-206 231-02 Voice Private 1 Arranged Arranged Schmidt 231-03 Voice Private 1 Arranged Arranged Matson 231-04 Voice Private 1 Arranged Arranged Bahr 232-01 Voice Private 2 Arranged Arranged Osmond H-206 232-02 Voice Private 2 Arranged Arranged Schmidt 232-03 Adv Voice Private 2 Arranged Arranged Matson 332-01 Voice Private 2 Arranged Arranged Osmond H-206 332-02 Voice Private 2 Arranged Arranged Schmidt 432-01 Voice Private 2 Arranged Arranged Osmond H-206 432-02 Voice Private 2 Arranged Arranged Schmidt 141-01 Piano Private 1 Arranged Arranged Blackham H-120 141-02 Piano Private 1 Arranged Arranged Wyse H-119 141-03 Piano Private 1 Arranged Arranged Chesson 141-04 Piano Private 1 Arranged Arranged Smith 142-02 Piano Private 2 Arranged Arranged Wyse 241-01 Piano Private 1 Arranged Arranged Blackham H-120 241-02 Piano Private 1 Arranged Arranged Wyse H-119

Marketing Management. 3. M-W-F . 320-01. Introduction to Virgil's Aeneid .. 104-14. The Western Heritage. 3. M-W-F. 2:00. Negus. L-336A. 104-15.
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