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® Linear Algebra Fifth Edition Seymour Lipschutz, PhD Temple University Marc Lars Lipson, PhD University of Virginia Schaum’s Outline Series New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto SEYMOUR LIPSCHUTZ is on the faculty of Temple University and formally taught at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. He received his PhD in 1960 at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University. He is one of Schaum’s most prolifi c authors. In particular, he has written, among others, Beginning Linear Algebra, Probability, Discrete Mathematics, Set Theory, Finite Mathematics, and General Topology. MARC LARS LIPSON is on the faculty of the University of Virginia and formerly taught at the University of Georgia, he received his PhD in fi nance in 1994 from the University of Michigan. He is also the coauthor of Discrete Mathematics and Probability with Seymour Lipschutz. Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-07-179457-2 MHID: 0-07-179457-3 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-179456-5, MHID: 0-07-179456-5. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefi t of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. 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McGraw-Hill and its licensors do not warrant or guarantee that the functions contained in the work will meet your requirements or that its operation will be uninterrupted or error free. Neither McGraw-Hill nor its licensors shall be liable to you or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error or omission, regardless of cause, in the work or for any damages resulting therefrom. McGraw-Hill has no responsibility for the content of any information accessed through the work. Under no circumstances shall McGraw-Hill and/or its licensors be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, consequential or similar damages that result from the use of or inability to use the work, even if any of them has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability shall apply to any claim or cause whatsoever whether such claim or cause arises in contract, tort or otherwise. Preface Linear algebra has in recent years become an essential part of the mathematical background required by mathematicians and mathematics teachers, engineers, computer scientists, physicists, economists, and statisticians, among others. This requirement reflects the importance and wide applications of the subject matter. This book is designed for use as a textbook for a formal course in linear algebra oras a supplement to all current standard texts. It aims to present an introduction to linear algebra which will be found helpful to all readersregardlessoftheirfieldsofspecification.Morematerialhasbeenincludedthancanbecoveredinmost firstcourses.Thishasbeendonetomakethebookmoreflexible,toprovideausefulbookofreference,andto stimulate further interest in the subject. Each chapter begins with clear statements of pertinent definitions, principles, and theorems together with illustrative and other descriptive material. This is followed by graded sets of solved and supplementary problems.Thesolvedproblemsservetoillustrateandamplifythetheory,andtoprovidetherepetitionofbasic principles so vital to effective learning. Numerous proofs, especially those of all essential theorems, are includedamongthesolvedproblems.Thesupplementaryproblemsserveasacompletereviewofthematerial of each chapter. The first three chapters treat vectors in Euclidean space, matrix algebra, and systems of linear equations. These chapters provide the motivation and basic computational tools for the abstract investigations of vector spaces and linear mappings which follow. After chapters on inner product spaces and orthogonality and on determinants,thereisadetaileddiscussionofeigenvaluesandeigenvectorsgivingconditionsforrepresenting a linear operator by a diagonal matrix. This naturally leads to the study of various canonical forms, specifically, the triangular, Jordan, and rational canonical forms. Later chapters cover linear functions and the dual space V*, and bilinear, quadratic, and Hermitian forms. The last chapter treats linear operators on inner product spaces. The main changes in the fourth edition have been in the appendices. First of all, we have expanded Appendix A on the tensor and exterior products of vector spaces where we have now included proofs on the existenceanduniquenessofsuchproducts.Wealsoaddedappendicescoveringalgebraicstructures,including modules, and polynomials over a field. Appendix D, ‘‘Odds and Ends,’’ includes the Moore–Penrose generalized inverse which appears in various applications, such as statistics. There are also many additional solved and supplementary problems. Finally, we wishto thank the staff of the McGraw-Hill Schaum’s Outline Series, especially Charles Wall, for their unfailing cooperation. SEYMOUR LIPSCHUTZ MARC LARS LIPSON iii List of Symbols A¼½a (cid:2), matrix, 27 n-space, 5, 13, 227, 240 A(cid:2)¼½(cid:2)aij(cid:2), conjugate matrix, 38 P(t), polynomials, 114 ij jAj, determinant, 264, 268 P ðtÞ; polynomials, 114 n A*, adjoint, 377 projðu;vÞ, projection, 6, 234 AH, conjugate transpose, 38 projðu;VÞ, projection, 235 AT, transpose, 33 Q, rational numbers, 11 Aþ, Moore–Penrose inverse, 418 R, real numbers, 1 A , minor, 269 Rn, real n-space, 2 ij AðI;JÞ, minor, 273 rowspðAÞ, row-space, 120 AðVÞ, linear operators, 174 S?, orthogonal complement, 231 adj A, adjoint (classical), 271 sgns, sign, parity, 267 A(cid:3)B, row equivalence, 72 spanðSÞ, linear span, 119 A’B, congruence, 360 trðAÞ, trace, 33 C, complex numbers, 11 ½T(cid:2) , matrix representation, 195 S Cn, complex n-space, 13 T*, adjoint, 377 C½a;b(cid:2), continuous functions, 228 T-invariant, 327 CðfÞ, companion matrix, 304 Tt, transpose, 351 colspðAÞ, column space, 120 kuk, norm, 5, 13, 227, 241 dðu;vÞ, distance, 5, 241 ½u(cid:2) , coordinate vector, 130 S diagða ;...;a Þ, diagonal matrix, 35 u(cid:6)v, dot product, 4, 13 11 nn diagðA ;...;A Þ, block diagonal, 40 hu;vi, inner product, 226, 238 11 nn detðAÞ, determinant, 268 u(cid:5)v, cross product, 10 dimV, dimension, 124 u(cid:7)v, tensor product, 396 fe ;...;e g, usual basis, 125 u^v, exterior product, 401 1 n E , projections, 384 u(cid:8)v, direct sum, 129, 327 k f :A!B, mapping, 164 V ffiU, isomorphism, 132, 169 FðXÞ, function space, 114 V (cid:7)W, tensor product, 396 G(cid:4)F, composition, 173 V*, dual space, 349 HomðV;UÞ, homomorphisms, 174 VV**, second dual space, 350 i, j, k, 9 rV, exterior product, 401 I , identity matrix, 33 W0, annihilator, 351 n ImF, image, 169 (cid:2)z, complex conjugate, 12 JðlÞ, Jordan block, 329 Zðv;TÞ, T-cyclic subspace, 330 K, field of scalars, 112 d , Kronecker delta, 37 ij Ker F, kernel, 169 DðtÞ, characteristic polynomial, 294 mðtÞ, minimal polynomial, 303 lP, eigenvalue, 296 Mm;n;m(cid:5)n matrices, 114 , summation symbol, 29 iv Contents ListofSymbols iv CHAPTER 1 Vectors in Rnand Cn, Spatial Vectors 1 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Vectors in Rn 1.3 Vector Addition and Scalar Multi- plication 1.4Dot(Inner)Product 1.5LocatedVectors,Hyperplanes,Lines, Curves in Rn 1.6 Vectors in R3 (Spatial Vectors), ijk Notation 1.7 Complex Numbers 1.8 Vectors in Cn CHAPTER 2 Algebra of Matrices 27 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Matrices 2.3 Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplica- tion 2.4 Summation Symbol 2.5Matrix Multiplication 2.6 Transpose of a Matrix 2.7 Square Matrices 2.8 Powers of Matrices, Polynomials in Matrices 2.9 Invertible (Nonsingular) Matrices 2.10 Special Types of Square Matrices 2.11 Complex Matrices 2.12 Block Matrices CHAPTER 3 Systems of Linear Equations 57 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Basic Definitions, Solutions 3.3 Equivalent Systems, Elementary Operations 3.4 Small Square Systems of Linear Equations 3.5 Systems in Triangular and Echelon Forms 3.6 Gaussian Elimination 3.7 Echelon Matrices, Row Canonical Form, Row Equivalence 3.8 Gaussian Elimination,MatrixFormulation 3.9MatrixEquationofaSystemofLinear Equations 3.10 Systems of Linear Equations and Linear Combinations of Vectors 3.11 Homogeneous Systems of Linear Equations 3.12 Elementary Matrices 3.13 LU Decomposition CHAPTER 4 Vector Spaces 112 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Vector Spaces 4.3 Examples of Vector Spaces 4.4 LinearCombinations,SpanningSets 4.5Subspaces 4.6LinearSpans,Row Spaceof aMatrix 4.7LinearDependence andIndependence 4.8Basisand Dimension 4.9 Application to Matrices, Rank of a Matrix 4.10 Sums and Direct Sums 4.11 Coordinates CHAPTER 5 Linear Mappings 164 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Mappings, Functions 5.3 Linear Mappings (Linear Transformations) 5.4 Kernel and Image of a Linear Mapping 5.5 Singular and Nonsingular Linear Mappings, Isomorphisms 5.6 Operations with Linear Mappings 5.7 Algebra A(V) of Linear Operators CHAPTER 6 Linear Mappings and Matrices 195 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Matrix Representation of a Linear Operator 6.3 Change of Basis 6.4 Similarity 6.5 Matrices and General Linear Mappings CHAPTER 7 Inner Product Spaces, Orthogonality 226 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Inner Product Spaces 7.3 Examples of Inner Product Spaces 7.4 Cauchy–Schwarz Inequality, Applications 7.5 Orthogonal- ity 7.6 Orthogonal Sets and Bases 7.7 Gram–Schmidt Orthogonalization Process 7.8 Orthogonal and Positive Definite Matrices 7.9 Complex Inner Product Spaces 7.10 Normed Vector Spaces (Optional) v vi Contents CHAPTER 8 Determinants 264 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Determinants of Orders 1 and 2 8.3 Determinants of Order3 8.4Permutations 8.5Determinantsof ArbitraryOrder 8.6Proper- ties of Determinants 8.7 Minors and Cofactors 8.8 Evaluation of Determi- nants 8.9 Classical Adjoint 8.10 Applications to Linear Equations, Cramer’s Rule 8.11 Submatrices, Minors, Principal Minors 8.12 Block Matrices and Determinants 8.13 Determinants and Volume 8.14 Determi- nant of a Linear Operator 8.15 Multilinearity and Determinants CHAPTER 9 Diagonalization: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 292 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Polynomials of Matrices 9.3 Characteristic Polyno- mial, Cayley–Hamilton Theorem 9.4 Diagonalization, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 9.5 Computing Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalizing Matrices 9.6 Diagonalizing Real Symmetric Matrices and Quadratic Forms 9.7 Minimal Polynomial 9.8 Characteristic and Minimal Polyno- mials of Block Matrices CHAPTER 10 Canonical Forms 325 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Triangular Form 10.3 Invariance 10.4 Invariant Direct-Sum Decompositions 10.5 Primary Decomposition 10.6 Nilpotent Operators 10.7 Jordan Canonical Form 10.8 Cyclic Subspaces 10.9 Rational Canonical Form 10.10 Quotient Spaces CHAPTER 11 Linear Functionals and the Dual Space 349 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Linear Functionals and the Dual Space 11.3 Dual Basis 11.4 Second Dual Space 11.5 Annihilators 11.6 Transpose of a Linear Mapping CHAPTER 12 Bilinear, Quadratic, and Hermitian Forms 359 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Bilinear Forms 12.3 Bilinear Forms and Matrices 12.4 Alternating Bilinear Forms 12.5 Symmetric Bilinear Forms, Quadratic Forms 12.6 Real Symmetric Bilinear Forms, Law of Inertia 12.7 Hermitian Forms CHAPTER 13 Linear Operators on Inner Product Spaces 377 13.1 Introduction 13.2AdjointOperators 13.3Analogy BetweenA(V)and C, Special Linear Operators 13.4 Self-Adjoint Operators 13.5 Orthogonal and Unitary Operators 13.6 Orthogonal and Unitary Matrices 13.7 Change of Orthonormal Basis 13.8 Positive Definite and Positive Operators 13.9 Diagonalization and Canonical Forms in Inner Product Spaces 13.10 Spectral Theorem APPENDIX A Multilinear Products 396 APPENDIX B Algebraic Structures 403 APPENDIX C Polynomials over a Field 411 APPENDIX D Odds and Ends 415 Index 422 CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 n n Vectors in R and C , Spatial Vectors 1.1 Introduction Therearetwowaystomotivatethenotionofavector:oneisbymeansoflistsofnumbersandsubscripts, and the other is by means of certain objects in physics. We discuss these two ways below. Here we assume the reader is familiar with the elementary properties of the field of real numbers, denotedbyR.Ontheotherhand,wewillreviewpropertiesofthefieldofcomplexnumbers,denotedby C. In the context of vectors, the elements of our number fields are called scalars. Although we will restrict ourselves in this chapter to vectors whose elements come from R and then from C, many of our operations also apply to vectors whose entries come from some arbitrary field K. Lists of Numbers Suppose the weights (in pounds) of eight students are listed as follows: 156; 125; 145; 134; 178; 145; 162; 193 Onecandenoteallthevaluesinthelistusingonlyonesymbol,sayw,butwithdifferentsubscripts;thatis, w ; w ; w ; w ; w ; w ; w ; w 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Observe that each subscript denotes the position of the value in the list. For example, w ¼156; thefirstnumber; w ¼125; thesecondnumber; ... 1 2 Such a list of values, w¼ðw ;w ;w ;...;w Þ 1 2 3 8 is called a linear array or vector. Vectors in Physics Many physical quantities, such as temperature and speed, possess only ‘‘magnitude.’’ These quantities can be represented by real numbers and are called scalars. On the other hand, there are also quantities, such as force and velocity, that possess both ‘‘magnitude’’ and ‘‘direction.’’ These quantities, which can be represented by arrows having appropriate lengths and directions and emanating from some given reference point O, are called vectors. Nowweassumethe readeris familiarwith thespace R3 whereall thepointsinspace arerepresented byorderedtriplesofrealnumbers.SupposetheoriginoftheaxesinR3 ischosenasthereferencepointO for the vectors discussed above. Then every vector is uniquely determined by the coordinates of its endpoint, and vice versa. There are two important operations,vector addition andscalar multiplication,associated with vectors in physics. The definition of these operations and the relationship between these operations and the endpoints of the vectors are as follows. 1 2 CHAPTER 1 VectorsinRnandCn,SpatialVectors (a+a′, b+b′, c+c′) z z (a′,b′,c′) u+v (ka,kb,kc) v ku (a,b,c) u u (a,b,c) 0 0 y y x x (a)VectorAddition (b)ScalarMultiplication Figure 1-1 (i) VectorAddition: Theresultantuþvoftwovectorsuandvisobtainedbytheparallelogramlaw; that is, uþv is the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by u and v. Furthermore, if ða;b;cÞ and ða0;b0;c0Þaretheendpointsofthevectorsuandv,thenðaþa0; bþb0; cþc0Þistheendpointofthe vector uþv. These properties are pictured in Fig. 1-1(a). (ii) ScalarMultiplication: Theproductkuofavectorubyarealnumberk isobtainedbymultiplying the magnitudeof u by k andretaining the samedirection if k >0 orthe oppositedirection if k <0. Also, if ða;b;cÞ is the endpoint of the vector u, then ðka;kb;kcÞ is the endpoint of the vector ku. These properties are pictured in Fig. 1-1(b). Mathematically, we identify the vector u with its ða;b;cÞ and write u¼ða;b;cÞ. Moreover, we call the ordered triple ða;b;cÞ of real numbers a point or vector depending upon its interpretation. We generalize this notion and call an n-tuple ða ;a ;...;a Þ of real numbers a vector. However, special 1 2 n notation may be used for the vectors in R3 called spatial vectors (Section 1.6). 1.2 Vectors in Rn Thesetof all n-tuplesof real numbers,denoted by Rn, is called n-space. A particularn-tuple in Rn, say u¼ða ;a ;...;a Þ 1 2 n is called a point or vector. The numbers a are called the coordinates, components, entries, or elements i of u. Moreover, when discussing the space Rn, we use the term scalar for the elements of R. Twovectors,uandv,areequal,writtenu¼v,iftheyhavethesamenumberofcomponentsandifthe corresponding components are equal. Although the vectors ð1;2;3Þ and ð2;3;1Þ contain the same three numbers, these vectors are not equal because corresponding entries are not equal. The vector ð0;0;...;0Þ whose entries are all 0 is called the zero vector and is usually denoted by 0. EXAMPLE 1.1 (a) The following are vectors: ð2;(cid:10)5Þ; ð7;9Þ; ð0;0;0Þ; ð3;4;5Þ The first two vectors belong to R2, whereas the last two belong to R3. The third is the zero vector in R3. (b) Find x;y;z such that ðx(cid:10)y; xþy; z(cid:10)1Þ¼ð4;2;3Þ. By definition of equality of vectors, corresponding entries must be equal. Thus, x(cid:10)y¼4; xþy¼2; z(cid:10)1¼3 Solving the above system of equations yields x¼3, y¼(cid:10)1, z¼4. CHAPTER 1 VectorsinRnandCn,SpatialVectors 3 Column Vectors Sometimes a vector in n-space Rn is written vertically rather than horizontally. Such a vector is called a column vector, and, in this context, the horizontally written vectors in Example 1.1 are called row vectors. For example, the following are column vectors with 2;2;3, and 3 components, respectively: 2 3 2 3 (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) 1:5 1 1 ; 3 ; 4 55; 64 275 2 (cid:10)4 3 (cid:10)6 (cid:10)15 We also note that any operation defined for row vectors is defined analogously for column vectors. 1.3 Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication Consider two vectors u and v in Rn, say u¼ða ;a ;...;a Þ and v ¼ðb ;b ;...;b Þ 1 2 n 1 2 n Theirsum,writtenuþv,isthevectorobtainedbyaddingcorrespondingcomponentsfromuandv.Thatis, uþv ¼ða þb ; a þb ; ...; a þb Þ 1 1 2 2 n n The product, of the vector u by a real number k, written ku, is the vector obtained by multiplying each component of u by k. That is, ku¼kða ;a ;...;a Þ¼ðka ;ka ;...;ka Þ 1 2 n 1 2 n Observe that uþv and ku are also vectors in Rn. The sum of vectors with different numbers of components is not defined. Negatives and subtraction are defined in Rn as follows: (cid:10)u¼ð(cid:10)1Þu and u(cid:10)v ¼uþð(cid:10)vÞ The vector (cid:10)u is called the negative of u, and u(cid:10)v is called the difference of u and v. Now suppose we are given vectors u ;u ;...;u in Rn and scalars k ;k ;...;k in R. We can 1 2 m 1 2 m multiply the vectors by the corresponding scalars and then add the resultant scalar products to form the vector v ¼k u þk u þk u þ(cid:6)(cid:6)(cid:6)þk u 1 1 2 2 3 3 m m Such a vector v is called a linear combination of the vectors u ;u ;...;u . 1 2 m EXAMPLE 1.2 (a) Let u¼ð2;4;(cid:10)5Þ and v ¼ð1;(cid:10)6;9Þ. Then uþv ¼ð2þ1; 4þð(cid:10)6Þ; (cid:10)5þ9Þ¼ð3;(cid:10)2;4Þ 7u¼ð7ð2Þ;7ð4Þ;7ð(cid:10)5ÞÞ¼ð14;28;(cid:10)35Þ (cid:10)v ¼ð(cid:10)1Þð1;(cid:10)6;9Þ¼ð(cid:10)1;6;(cid:10)9Þ 3u(cid:10)5v ¼ð6;12;(cid:10)15Þþð(cid:10)5;30;(cid:10)45Þ¼ð1;42;(cid:10)60Þ (b) The zero vector 0¼ð0;0;...;0Þ in Rn is similar to the scalar 0 in that, for any vector u¼ða ;a ;...;a Þ. 1 2 n uþ0¼ða þ0; a þ0; ...; a þ0Þ¼ða ;a ;...;a Þ¼u 1 2 n 1 2 n 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 (cid:10)9 (cid:10)5 (c) Let u¼4 35 and v ¼4(cid:10)15. Then 2u(cid:10)3v¼4 65þ4 35¼4 95. (cid:10)4 (cid:10)2 (cid:10)8 6 (cid:10)2

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