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SScceennaarriioo TThhiinnkkiinngg VViissiioonn 22002200 Copyright © 2005 by akva Scenario Creations SScceennaarriioo TThhiinnkkiinngg VViissiioonn 22002200 A hmed Abd El Ghaffar K atrin Alberding V asily Nicholsky A naken Lai St. Andrews University Press United Kingdom (cid:131) St Andrews Copyright © 2005 by akva Scenario Creations, A group operating under the supervision of the University of St. Andrews Management Institute. We encourage readers to use and share the content of this report, with the understanding that it is the intellectual property of akva Scenario Creations, and that full attribution is required. ISBN 0-X269847-1-0 EExxeeccuuttiivvee SSuummmmaarryy Today, the future seems like a puzzle to many because of growing uncertainties and an overflow of information. The scenario approach is a method used to unwind this labyrinth of information and indefinable variables, by developing a number of easily understandable concepts of possible futures. The akva team applied such a method in order to build hypothetical storylines of the future of higher education in Scotland. Various insights and new perspectives on old concepts have been the result of our study. Major findings include an understanding of the dynamic shifts from a static, to a more dynamic environment, within which political trends develop towards cross-border co-operation and liberalising democracies. Economic wealth increases and Information technology has never been so advanced. Along these trends resides the higher educational sector that interacts with this environment. In response to globalisation, the system opens doors to foreign students. In response to technological developments, online classes and virtual universities come into place. In response to a lack of specialized skills, corporations open their own universities. There is a driver to every outcome. But where do the drivers take us next? In our study, we identified three main drivers: technology, university funding and international integration. Traditional forecasters would not hesitate to calculate their future, but we have learnt better. The future, especially in the long term, is not easily predicted. There is more than one direction in which the driver can develop, and probability is difficult to attach to variables so far in advance. Left is the development of many futures – those that embrace the possibilities and allow for preparation to any scenario. By asking “What if”, we developed three of these scenarios: 1. A future with much IT at universities, a focus on public funding and little international integration 2. A scenario where IT is less widely spread, universities are funded through the public and the private sector, and international integration occurs on the EU level 3. A world where technology is least developed, face to face education remains important and private educational funding takes over; integration on an international scale occurs These scenarios form the basis of our understanding that higher education institutes will have to prepare flexible strategies to account for change, which actually appears to be the only variable that we can predict with certainty. i MMeeeett tthhee TTeeaamm The akva team was founded in September 2005. Headquartered in St. Andrews (Scotland), the group focuses on scenario research and creation. It consists of four individuals from various cultural backgrounds that contribute to the expertise of this team. Furthermore, akva Scenario Creations disposes of an excellent resource base for its studies through the support of one of the leading Scenario Thinking Centres worldwide: The Gateway Management Department of St. Andrews. Ahmed • Ahmed is a 4th year undergraduate student at the University of St. Andrews pursuing a Abd El degree in International Relations and Management. Prior to joining St. Andrews he attended the British International School in Cairo where he completed his secondary Ghaffar schooling and was awarded the International Baccalaureate Diploma. Economic • Ahmed has experience in the banking and financial services sector. He completed an Analyst internship at MIBC Group for Marketing Securities where he was a member of a team Scenario Narrator representing the seller in the privatization of a major bank. He also interned at HSBC Bank in the Trade Department, Corporate Banking, and Branch Customer Service. • Amongst other activities Ahmed enjoys horseback riding and squash. He is also a member of the Global Investment Group and was the elected Junior Honours Class Representative in 2004 in the International Relations Department Staff Student Consultative Committee. Ahmed has excellent command of both written and spoken English and Arabic. Katrin A. • Katrin is from Germany and currently a student of Management and International Alberding Relations at the University of St. Andrews. • Previous to her studies in the UK, she was educated in the USA and Germany; she Political Analyst graduated with a High School Diploma and an International Baccalaureate Degree Methodology Expert • Katrin gained relevant experiences in analysis and research throughout her internships Design & Layout in the Economics Department of the German Embassy in Washington DC (USA), in the Marketing Department of DaimlerChrysler in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and in Investment Banking (Mergers & Acquisitions) with Citigroup in London (UK) • In her extra-curricular time Katrin has taken over various leadership positions, including President of the University’s Model United Nations Society and President of the Water Polo Club, where she also played in the first team for several years • Other relevant skills include fluency in German and English as well as comfortable working knowledge with MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Lotus Notes, Datastream, SDC, Bloomberg and Factiva ii Vasily V. • Vasily is from Russia and currently a student in Management and Philosophy at the Nicholsky University of St. Andrews • Previous to his studies in the university, he was educated in England, where he had Social & Environmental graduated from one of the top mixed schools in Britain. He also holds a Russian High Analyst School Diploma for which he had studied part time Scenario • Vasily gained relevant experiences throughout various internships in retail, marketing, Narrator management, investment banking and private equity • Other relevant skills include fluency in Russian and English as well as comfortable working knowledge with MS Office, Apple Works, Bloomberg and Reuters Anaken • Anaken is an international student from Hong Kong and currently reading (M.A. Hons) Lai Single Management at University of St Andrews • Before furthering his studies in the U.K, Anaken was educated in Hong Kong and he Technological & Legal Analyst finished the Hong Kong A-level in 2002. Also, he achieved the “Investment Scenario Administrative Qualification” award by Securities and Investment Institution (United Literature Expert Kingdom) in August, 2005 • Anaken gained working experience in various field range from financial investment (HSBC, HK), research assistant (Lingnan University of Hong Kong) and management consultant (Legal Engineering Group, Hong Kong) • Other relevant skills include fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English and intermediate level on both Japanese and Russian. Also, he gains comprehensive skills on MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Java, Java-script, C programming, Macro-media Flash and Dreamweaver. iii AAcckknnoowwlleeddggeemmeennttss AA FFeeww WWoorrddss ooff AApppprreecciiaattiioonn Prof. McKiernan & Dr. MacKay We would like to thank Professor McKiernan and Dr. MacKay, alongside with the Management Department, for their support and guidance on this project. Their expertise and willingness to share their knowledge with us has been a true help to us and proved vital in keeping our thoughts directed at the matter. St. Andrews University Postgraduates The two Postgraduates Ryan Parks and Gary Bowman deserve mention at this point for their constant availability and great advise they gave throughout this course. Our Fellow Group We would also like to mention our fellow group of students participating in this class with us. Although their project differed from our own, their opinion and knowledge on many matters has been highly valuable to us. Not at least, it was enjoyable to experience the work between two groups in collaboration, rather than competition. The Publishing House Furthermore, much appreciation goes to the publishing House (The St. Andrews University Press), locally also known as “Reprographics”. Thank you for your excellent work! iv TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Executive Summary i Meet the Team ii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents v Introduction 1 Chapter 1: Methodologies for Building Futures Chapter Summary 3 Introduction 4 Outlining Key Methods: • Forecasting 5 • The Delphi Method 9 • Scenario Thinking 14 - Morphological Analysis 16 - Intuitive Logics 20 - The French School 24 - The St. Andrews Approach 27 Analysis and Discussion: A Comparison of Methods 30 Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter Summary 36 Analysis of Scenario Literature • Definition of Scenarios 37 • Scenario Building as a Strategic Planning Tool 39 • Potential Fields of Interest for Future Research 45 Chapter 3: The akva Approach Chapter Summary 47 Our Approach: The St. Andrews Method 48 • Scoping and Diagnosis 49 • Data Collection 50 v • Environmental Analysis: Drivers & Trends 55 • Ranking of Key Drivers 60 • Projection of Key Drivers 62 • Building the Scenario 64 • Selecting Signposts and Indicators 65 • From Scenarios to Strategies 66 Chapter 4: Scenarios for Vision 2020 Chapter Summary 67 • City of the Sun 68 • Megauniversities 70 • Elitist Society 72 Chapter 5: Analysis and Evaluation of Scenarios Chapter Summary 75 Analysis • Internal Analysis 76 • External Analysis (Gestalt) 90 Chapter 6: From Scenarios to Strategy Porter’s Methods 92 Strategic Recommendations • City of the Sun 94 • Megauniversities 96 • Elitist Society 99 Conclusion 102 Bibliography 104 Appendix 110 Workbook Research Papers vi Scenario Thinking Introduction IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn This Report is a result of the course work conducted as part of the Scenario Thinking Course MN4225. The project task of “Vision 2020” was to develop scenarios for the future of higher education, with special reference to the University of St. Andrews. The objectives of this study were to: • Create a minimum of two and a maximum of four scenarios on higher education in St. Andrews in 2020 • Provide information to understand the macro-dynamics within which higher education institutions operate today and possibly in the future • Establish new insights and assist the client in identifying new opportunities • Advise the client on moving from established scenarios to the most suitable strategy • Gain a deeper understanding of the underlying scenario methodology by applying it Report Outline In order to achieve these objectives we have opted for a rather uncommon order of this report. Instead of starting with our own approach straight away, we decided to begin with a very general overview on methodology and a literature review on scenario thinking, in order to generate an understanding of the methodologies available and the basics of the scenario approach. After having defined and justified the basic methodological assumptions we chose to work with, we ventured into the details of our own approach in the second part of the report. Chapter 1: Methodologies for Building Futures In this chapter we give a general overview of the main methods that exist for future building. We outline their origin, their respective advantages and shortcomings. Finally, we compare the various methods with each other and explain why we a) opted for the Scenario approach and b) chose to follow the St. Andrews approach to scenario building. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter gives an overview of the main scenario literature available. It outlines the major issues addressed in the appraised literature and provides ideas for further literature expansions. 1 Copyright © 2005 by akva Scenario Creations

Anaken gained working experience in various field range from financial investment . methodologies, ranging from pure intuition, over social analysis to quantitative methods This reflects the close networks within which forecasters . to avoid the disadvantages of open group discussions, such as in
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