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Scenario Reduction Revisited: Fundamental Limits and Guarantees Napat Rujeerapaiboon, Kilian Schindler, Daniel Kuhn, Wolfram Wiesemann 7 1 Abstract The goal of scenario reduction is to approximate a given discrete dis- 0 2 tribution with another discrete distribution that has fewer atoms. We distinguish continuous scenario reduction, where the new atoms may be chosen freely, and n discretescenarioreduction,wherethenewatomsmustbechosenfromamongthe a J existingones.UsingtheWassersteindistanceasmeasureofproximitybetweendis- 5 tributions, we identify those n-point distributions on the unit ball that are least 1 susceptible to scenario reduction, i.e., that have maximum Wasserstein distance to their closest m-point distributions for some prescribed m<n. We also provide ] sharp bounds on the added benefit of continuous over discrete scenario reduction. C Finally, to our best knowledge, we propose the first polynomial-time constant- O factor approximations for both discrete and continuous scenario reduction as well . as the first exact exponential-time algorithms for continuous scenario reduction. h t a Keywords scenario reduction, Wasserstein distance, constant-factor approxima- m tion algorithm, k-median clustering, k-means clustering [ 1 v 1 Introduction 2 7 The vast majority of numerical solution schemes in stochastic programming rely 0 onadiscreteapproximationofthetrue(typicallycontinuous)probabilitydistribu- 4 tion governing the uncertain problem parameters. This discrete approximation is 0 often generated by sampling from the true distribution. Alternatively, it could be . 1 constructeddirectlyfromrealhistoricalobservationsoftheuncertainparameters. 0 7 NapatRujeerapaiboon,KilianSchindler,DanielKuhn 1 RiskAnalyticsandOptimizationChair v: E´colePolytechniqueF´ed´eraledeLausanne,Switzerland Tel.:+41(0)216930036 Fax:+41(0)216932489 i X E-mail:napat.rujeerapaiboon@epfl.ch,kilian.schindler@epfl.ch,daniel.kuhn@epfl.ch r WolframWiesemann a ImperialCollegeBusinessSchool ImperialCollegeLondon,UnitedKingdom Tel.:+44(0)2075949150 E-mail:[email protected] 2 NapatRujeerapaiboon,KilianSchindler,DanielKuhn,WolframWiesemann Toobtainafaithfulapproximationforthetruedistribution,however,thediscrete distributionmusthavealargenumbernofsupportpointsorscenarios,whichmay render the underlying stochastic program computationally excruciating. An effective means to ease the computational burden is to rely on scenario reduction pioneered by Dupaˇcova´ et al (2003), which aims to approximate the initial n-point distribution with a simpler m-point distribution (m<n) that is as close as possible to the initial distribution with respect to a probability metric; see also Heitsch and Ro¨misch (2003). The modern stability theory of stochastic programmingsurveyedbyDupaˇcova´(1990)andRo¨misch(2003)indicatesthatthe Wasserstein distance may serve as a natural candidate for this probability metric. Our interest in Wasserstein distance-based scenario reduction is also fuelled by recent progress in data-driven distributionally robust optimization, where it has been shown that the worst-case expectation of an uncertain cost over all dis- tributions in a Wasserstein ball can often be computed efficiently via convex op- timization (Mohajerin Esfahani and Kuhn 2015, Zhao and Guan 2015, Gao and Kleywegt 2016). A Wasserstein ball is defined as the family of all distributions that are within a certain Wasserstein distance from a discrete reference distribu- tion. As distributionally robust optimization problems over Wasserstein balls are harder tosolvethan their stochastic counterparts, we expectsignificantcomputa- tional savings from replacing the initial n-point reference distribution with a new m-point reference distribution. The benefits of scenario reduction may be partic- ularly striking for two-stage distributionally robust linear programs, which admit tight approximations as semidefinite programs (Hanasusanto and Kuhn 2016). Suppose now that the initial distribution is given by P = (cid:80) p δ , where i∈I i ξi ξ ∈ Rd and p ∈ [0,1] represent the location and probability of the i-th scenario i i of P for i∈I ={1,...,n}. Similarly, assume that the reduced target distribution is representable as Q = (cid:80) q δ , where ζ ∈ Rd and q ∈ [0,1] stand for the j∈J j ζj j j location and probability of the j-th scenario of Q for j ∈ J = {1,...,m}. Then, the type-l Wasserstein distance between P and Q is defined through   (cid:80) 1/l dl(P,Q)= min (cid:88)(cid:88)πij(cid:107)ξi−ζj(cid:107)l : (cid:80)j∈Jπij =pi ∀i∈I  , Π∈Rn+×mi∈Ij∈J i∈Iπij =qj ∀j ∈J where l ≥ 1 and (cid:107)·(cid:107) denotes some norm on Rd, see, e.g., Heitsch and Ro¨misch (2007) or Pflug and Pichler (2011). The linear program in the definition of the Wasserstein distance can be viewed as a minimum-cost transportation problem, where π represents the amount of probability mass shipped from ξ to ζ at ij i j unit transportation cost (cid:107)ξ −ζ (cid:107)l. Thus, dl(P,Q) quantifies the minimum cost of i j l moving the initial distribution P to the target distribution Q. For any Ξ ⊆ Rd, we denote by P (Ξ,n) the set of all uniform discrete distri- E butions on Ξ with exactly n distinct scenarios and by P(Ξ,m) the set of all (not necessarily uniform) discrete distributions on Ξ with at most m scenarios. We henceforth assume that P∈P (Rd,n). This assumption is crucial for the simplic- E ityoftheresultsinSections2and3,anditisalmostsurelysatisfiedwheneverPis obtained via sampling from a continuous probability distribution. Hence, we can think of P as an empirical distribution. To remind us of this interpretation, we will henceforth denote the initial distribution by Pˆ . Note that the pairwise difference n ofthescenarioscanalwaysbeenforcedbyslightlyperturbingtheirlocations,while ScenarioReductionRevisited:FundamentalLimitsandGuarantees 3 theuniformityoftheirprobabilitiescanbeenforcedbydecomposingthescenarios into clusters of close but mutually distinct sub-scenarios with (smaller) uniform probabilities. We are now ready to introduce the continuous scenario reduction problem (cid:110) (cid:111) Cl(Pˆn,m) = min dl(Pˆn,Q): Q∈P(Rd,m) , Q where the new scenarios ζ , j ∈ J, of the target distribution Q may be chosen j freely from within Rd, as well as the discrete scenario reduction problem (cid:110) (cid:111) Dl(Pˆn,m) = min dl(Pˆn,Q): Q∈P(supp(Pˆn),m) , Q where the new scenarios must be chosen from within the support of the empirical distribution, which is given by the finite set supp(Pˆn)={ξi :i∈I}. Even though the continuous scenario reduction problem offers more flexibility and is therefore guaranteed to find (weakly) better approximations to the initial empirical distri- bution, to our best knowledge, the existing stochastic programming literature has exclusively focused on the discrete scenario reduction problem. Notethatifthesupportpointsζ ,j ∈J,arefixed,thenbothscenarioreduction j problemssimplifytoalinearprogramovertheprobabilitiesq ,j ∈J,whichadmits j an explicit solution (Dupaˇcova´ et al 2003, Theorem 2). Otherwise, however, both problems are intractable. Indeed, if l = 1, then the discrete scenario reduction problem represents a metric k-median problem with k = m, which was shown to beNP-hardbyKarivandHakimi(1979).Ifl=2anddistancesinRdaremeasured bythe2-norm,ontheotherhand,thenthecontinuousscenarioreductionproblem constitutes a k-means clustering problem with k = m, which is NP-hard even if d=2 or m=2; see Mahajan et al (2009) and Aloise et al (2009). Heitsch and Ro¨misch (2003) have shown that the discrete scenario reduction problemadmitsareformulationasamixed-integerlinearprogram(MILP),which canbesolvedtoglobaloptimalityforn(cid:46)103 usingoff-the-shelfsolvers.Forlarger instances,however,onemustresorttoapproximationalgorithms.Mostlarge-scale discrete scenario reduction problems are nowadays solved with a greedy heuristic thatwasoriginallydevisedbyDupaˇcova´etal(2003)andfurtherrefinedbyHeitsch and Ro¨misch (2003). For example, this heuristic is routinely used for scenario (tree) reduction in the context of power systems operations, see, e.g., Ro¨misch and Vigerske (2010) or Morales et al (2009) and the references therein. Despite its practical success, we will show in Section 4 that this heuristic fails to provide a constant-factor approximation for the discrete scenario reduction problem. This paper extends the theory of scenario reduction along several dimensions. (i) We establish fundamental performance guarantees for continuous scenario re- ductionwhenl∈{1,2},i.e.,weshowthattheWassersteindistanceoftheinitial (cid:113) n-point distribution to its nearest m-point distribution is bounded by n−m n−1 across all initial distributions on the unit ball in Rd. We show that for l = 2 this worst-case performance is attained by some initial distribution, which we construct explicitly. We also provide evidence indicating that this worst-case performance reflects the norm rather than the exception in high dimensions d. Finally, we provide a lower bound on the worst-case performance for l=1. 4 NapatRujeerapaiboon,KilianSchindler,DanielKuhn,WolframWiesemann (ii) We analyze the loss of optimality incurred by solving the discrete scenario re- ductionprobleminsteadofitscontinuouscounterpart.Specifically,wedemon- √ strate that the ratio Dl(Pˆn,m)/Cl(Pˆn,m) is bounded by 2 for l=2 and by 2 for l=1. We also show that these bounds are essentially tight. (iii) We showcase the intimate relation between scenario reduction and k-means clustering.Byleveragingexistingconstant-factorapproximationalgorithmsfor k-medianclusteringproblemsduetoAryaetal(2004)andthenewperformance boundsfrom(ii),wedevelopthefirstpolynomial-timeconstant-factorapprox- imation algorithms for both continuous and discrete scenario reduction. We alsoshowthatthesealgorithmscanbewarmstartedusingthegreedyheuristic by Dupaˇcova´ et al (2003) to improve practical performance. (iv) Wepresentexactmixed-integerprogrammingreformulationsforthecontinuous scenario reduction problem. Continuousscenarioreductionisintimatelyrelatedtotheoptimalquantization of probability distributions, where one seeks an m-point distribution approximat- inganon-discreteinitialdistribution.Researcheffortsinthisdomainhavemainly focusedontheasymptoticbehaviorofthequantizationproblemasmtendstoin- finity, see Graf and Luschgy (2000). The ramifications of this stream of literature forstochasticprogrammingarediscussedbyPflugandPichler(2011).Techniques familiarfromscenarioreductionlendthemselvesalsoforscenariogeneration,where one aims to construct a scenario tree with a prescribed branching structure that approximates a given stochastic process with respect to a probability metric, see, e.g., Pflug (2001) and Hochreiter and Pflug (2007). The rest of this paper unfolds as follows. Section 2 seeks to identify n-point distributions on the unit ball that are least susceptible to scenario reduction, i.e., that have maximum Wasserstein distance to their closest m-point distributions, and Section 3 discusses sharp bounds on the added benefit of continuous over discrete scenario reduction. Section 4 presents exact exponential-time algorithms as well as polynomial-time constant-factor approximations for scenario reduction. Section 5 reports on numerical results for a color quantization experiment. Unless otherwise specified, below we will always work with the 2-norm on Rd. Notation: We let I be the identity matrix, e the vector of all ones and e the i-th i standard basis vector of appropriate dimensions. The ij-th element of a matrix A is denoted by a . For A and B in the space Sn of symmetric n×n matrices, ij the relation A(cid:23)B means that A−B is positive semidefinite. Generic norms are denoted by (cid:107)·(cid:107), while (cid:107)·(cid:107)p stands for the p-norm, p≥1. For Ξ⊆Rd, we define P(Ξ,m) as the set of all probability distributions supported on at most m points in Ξ and P (Ξ,n) as the set of all uniform distributions supported on exactly E n distinct points in Ξ. The support of a probability distribution P is denoted by supp(P),andtheDiracdistributionconcentratingunitmassatξ isdenotedbyδ . ξ 2 Fundamental Limits of Scenario Reduction In this section we characterize the Wasserstein distance Cl(Pˆn,m) between an n- pointempiricaldistributionPˆn = n1 (cid:80)ni=1δξi anditscontinuouslyreducedoptimal m-pointdistributionQ∈P(Rd,m).SincethepositivehomogeneityoftheWasser- stein distance dl implies that Cl(Pˆ(cid:48)n,m)=λ·Cl(Pˆn,m) for the scaled distribution ScenarioReductionRevisited:FundamentalLimitsandGuarantees 5 Pˆ(cid:48)n = n1 (cid:80)ni=1δλξi, λ ∈ R+, we restrict ourselves to empirical distributions Pˆn whose scenarios satisfy (cid:107)ξ (cid:107) ≤1, i=1,...,n. We thus want to quantify i 2 (cid:110) (cid:111) Cl(n,m)= max Cl(Pˆn,m) : (cid:107)ξ(cid:107)2 ≤1 ∀ξ∈supp(Pˆn) , (1) ˆPn∈PE(Rd,n) which amounts to the worst-case (i.e., largest) Wasserstein distance between any n-point empirical distribution Pˆn over the unit ball and its optimally selected continuous m-point scenario reduction. By construction, this worst-case distance satisfies C (n,m)≥0, and the lower bound is attained whenever n=m. One also l verifies that C (n,m) ≤ C (n,1) ≤ 1 since the Wasserstein distance to the Dirac l l distribution δ is bounded above by 1. Our goal is to derive possibly tight upper 0 bounds on C (n,m) for the Wasserstein distances of type l∈{1,2}. l In the following, we denote by P(I,m) the family of all m-set partitions of the index set I, i.e., (cid:8) (cid:9) P(I,m)= {I1,...,Im} : ∅(cid:54)=I1,...,Im ⊆I, ∪jIj =I, Ii∩Ij =∅ ∀i(cid:54)=j , and an element of this set (i.e. a specific m-set partition) as {I }∈P(I,m). Our j derivations will make extensive use of the following theorem. Theorem 1 For any type-l Wasserstein distance induced by any norm (cid:107)·(cid:107), the con- tinuous scenario reduction problem can be reformulated as  1/l Cl(Pˆn,m)={Ij}m∈Pin(I,m) n1 j(cid:88)∈Jζmj∈iRndi(cid:88)∈Ij(cid:107)ξi−ζj(cid:107)l . (2) Problem(2)canbeinterpretedasaVoronoipartitioningproblemthatasksfor aVoronoidecompositionofRdintomcellswhoseVoronoicentroidsζ1,...,ζmmin- imizethecumulativel-thpowersofthedistancestonprespecifiedpointsξ1,...,ξn. Proof ofTheorem1 Theorem2ofDupaˇcova´etal(2003)impliesthatthesmallest Wasserstein distance between the empirical distribution Pˆn ∈ PE(Rd,n) and any distribution Q supported on a finite set Ξ⊂Rd amounts to (cid:34) (cid:35)1/l Q∈Pm(iΞn,∞)dl(Pˆn,Q)= n1 (cid:88)mζ∈iΞn(cid:107)ξi−ζ(cid:107)l , i∈I where P(Ξ,∞) denotes the set of all probability distributions supported on the finite set Ξ. The continuous scenario reduction problem Cl(Pˆn,m) selects the set Ξ(cid:63) that minimizes this quantity over all sets in Ξ⊂Rd with |Ξ|=m elements: (cid:34) (cid:35)1/l Cl(Pˆn,m)={ζmj}i⊆nRd n1 (cid:88)i∈Imj∈iJn(cid:107)ξi−ζj(cid:107)l . (3) One readily verifies that any optimal solution {ζ(cid:63),...,ζ(cid:63)} to problem (3) corre- 1 m spondstoanoptimalsolution{I(cid:63),...,I(cid:63)}toproblem(2)withthesameobjective 1 m value if we identify the set I(cid:63) with all observations ξ that are closer to ζ(cid:63) than j i j any other ζ(cid:63) (ties may be broken arbitrarily). Likewise, any optimal solution j(cid:48) {I(cid:63),...,I(cid:63)} to problem (2) with inner minimizers {ζ(cid:63),...,ζ(cid:63)} translates into an 1 m 1 m optimal solution {ζ(cid:63),...,ζ(cid:63)} to problem (3) with the same objective value. (cid:117)(cid:116) 1 m 6 NapatRujeerapaiboon,KilianSchindler,DanielKuhn,WolframWiesemann Remark 1 (Minimizers of (2)) For l=2, the inner minimum corresponding to the set I is attained by the mean ζ(cid:63) =mean(I )= 1 (cid:80) ξ . Likewise, for l =1, j j j |Ij| i∈Ij i theinnerminimumcorrespondingtothesetI isattainedbyanygeometricmedian j ζ(cid:63) =gmed(I )∈argmin(cid:88)(cid:107)ξ −ζ (cid:107), j j i j ζj∈Rd i∈Ij whichcanbedeterminedefficientlybysolvingasecond-orderconeprogramwhen- ever a p-norm with rational p≥1 is considered (Alizadeh and Goldfarb (2003)). TherestofthissectionderivestightupperboundsonC (n,m)forWasserstein l distancesoftypel=2(Section2.1)aswellasupperandlowerboundsforWasser- steindistancesoftypel=1(Section2.2).Wesummarizeanddiscussourfindings in Section 2.3. 2.1 Fundamental Limits for the Type-2 Wasserstein Distance We now derive a revised upper bound on C (n,m) for the type-2 Wasserstein l distance.Theresultreliesonauxiliarylemmasthatarerelegatedtotheappendix. (cid:113) Theorem 2 Theworst-casetype-2WassersteindistancesatisfiesC (n,m)≤ n−m. 2 n−1 Note that whenever the reduced distribution satisfies m > 1, the bound of Theorem 2 is strictly tighter than the na¨ıve bound of 1 from the previous section. Proof of Theorem 2 From Theorem 1 and Remark 1 we observe that  1/2 1 (cid:88)(cid:88)(cid:13) (cid:13)2 C2(n,m) = {ξmi}a⊆xRd {Ij}m∈Pin(I,m)nj∈Ji∈Ij(cid:13)ξi−mean(Ij)(cid:13)2 s.t. (cid:107)ξ (cid:107) ≤1 ∀i∈I. i 2 Introducing the epigraphical variable τ, this problem can be expressed as 2 1 C2(n,m) = max τ τ∈R,{ξi}⊆Rd n (cid:88)(cid:88)(cid:13) (cid:13)2 s.t. τ ≤ (cid:13)ξi−mean(Ij)(cid:13)2 ∀{Ij}∈P(I,m) (4) j∈Ji∈Ij ξ (cid:62)ξ ≤1 ∀i∈I. i i For each j ∈ J and i ∈ I , the squared norm in the first constraint of (4) can be j expressed in terms of the inner products between pairs of empirical observations: (cid:13)(cid:13)ξi−mean(Ij)(cid:13)(cid:13)22 = |I1j|2(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)|Ij|ξi− (cid:88) ξk(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)22 k∈Ij (cid:32) (cid:33) = |I1|2 |Ij|2ξi(cid:62)ξi−2|Ij| (cid:88) ξi(cid:62)ξk+ (cid:88) ξk(cid:62)ξk+ (cid:88) ξk(cid:62)ξk(cid:48) . j k∈Ij k∈Ij k,k(cid:48)∈Ij k(cid:54)=k(cid:48) ScenarioReductionRevisited:FundamentalLimitsandGuarantees 7 Introducing the Gram matrix S=[ξ1,...,ξn](cid:62)[ξ1,...,ξn]∈Sn, S(cid:23)0 and rank(S)≤min{n,d} (5) then allows us to simplify the first constraint in (4) to (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:88) 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) τ ≤ |I |2 |Ij|2sii−2|Ij| sik+ skk+ skk(cid:48) . j j∈J i∈Ij k∈Ij k∈Ij k,k(cid:48)∈Ij k(cid:54)=k(cid:48) Note that the second constraint in problem (4) can now be expressed as s ≤ 1, ii and hence all constraints in (4) are linear in the Gram matrix S. Our discussion implies that we obtain an upper bound on C (n,m) by refor- 2 mulating problem (4) as a semidefinite program in terms of the Gram matrix S 1 max τ τ∈R,S∈Sn n (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:88) 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) s.t. τ ≤ |I |2 |Ij|2sii−2|Ij| sik+ skk+ skk(cid:48) j j∈J i∈Ij k∈Ij k∈Ij k,k(cid:48)∈Ij k(cid:54)=k(cid:48) ∀{I }∈P(I,m) j S(cid:23)0, s ≤1 ∀i∈I, ii (6) wherewehaverelaxedtherankconditioninthedefinitionoftheGrammatrix(5). Lemma 1 in the appendix shows that (6) has an optimal solution (τ(cid:63),S(cid:63)) that satisfies S(cid:63) = αI+βee(cid:62) for some α,β ∈ R. Moreover, Lemma 2 in the appendix shows that any matrix of the form S = αI+β11(cid:62) is positive semidefinite if and only if α≥0 and α+nβ ≥0. We thus conclude that (6) can be reformulated as 1 max τ τ,α,β∈R n (7) s.t. τ ≤(n−m)α, α+β ≤1 α≥0, α+nβ ≥0, where the first constraint follows from the fact that for any set I in (6), we have j (cid:32) (cid:33) 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) |I |2(α+β)−2|I |(α+|I |β)+ (α+β)+ β =(|I |−1)α, |I |2 j j j j j i∈Ij k∈Ij k,k(cid:48)∈Ij k(cid:54)=k(cid:48) (cid:80) and (|I |−1)α=(n−m)α since |I|=n and |J|=m. The statement of the j∈J j theorem now follows since problem (7) is optimized by τ(cid:63) = n(n−m), α(cid:63) = n (n−1) n−1 and β(cid:63) = −1 . (cid:117)(cid:116) n−1 (cid:113) TheproofofTheorem2showsthattheupperbound n−m ontheworst-case n−1 type-2 Wasserstein distance C (n,m) is tight whenever there is an empirical dis- 2 tribution Pˆn ∈PE(Rd,n) whose scenarios ξ1,...,ξn correspond to a G√ram matrix S=[ξ1,...,ξn](cid:62)[ξ1,...,ξn]= n−n1I−n−11ee(cid:62), which implies (cid:107)ξi(cid:107)2 = sii =1 for all i∈I. We now show that such an empirical distribution exists when d≥n−1. 8 NapatRujeerapaiboon,KilianSchindler,DanielKuhn,WolframWiesemann Proposition 1 For d ≥ n−1, there is Pˆn ∈ PE(Rd,n) with (cid:107)ξ(cid:107)2 ≤ 1 for all ξ ∈ (cid:113) supp(Pˆn) such that C2(Pˆn,m)= nn−−m1. Proof Assume first that d = n and consider the empirical distribution Pˆn = 1 (cid:80)n δ defined through n i=1 ξi (cid:114) n−1 −1 ξ =ye+(x−y)e ∈Rn with x= and y= . (8) i i n (cid:112)n(n−1) A direct calculation reveals that S=[ξ1,...,ξn](cid:62)[ξ1,...,ξn]= n−n1I− n−11ee(cid:62). To prove the statement for d = n−1, we note that the n scenarios in (8) lie on the (n−1)-dimensional subspace H orthogonal to e∈Rn. Thus, there exists a rotation thatmapsH toRn−1×{0}. Asthe Gram matrixis invariantunder rota- tions,therotatedscenariosgiverisetoanempiricaldistributionPˆn ∈PE(Rn−1,n) satisfying the statement of the proposition. Likewise, for d > n the linear trans- formation ξ (cid:55)→ (I,0)(cid:62)ξ , I ∈ Rn×n and 0 ∈ Rn×(d−n), generates an empirical i i distribution Pˆn ∈PE(Rd,n) that satisfies the statement of the proposition. (cid:117)(cid:116) Proposition1requiresthatd≥n−1,whichappearstoberestrictive.Wenote, however, that this condition is only sufficient (and not necessary) to guarantee the tightness of the bound from Theorem 2. Moreover, we will observe in Sec- tion 2.3 that the bound of Theorem 2 provides surprisingly accurate guidance for theWassersteindistancebetweenpractice-relevantempiricaldistributionsPˆ and n their continuously reduced optimal distributions. 2.2 Fundamental Limits for the Type-1 Wasserstein Distance In analogy to the previous section, we now derive a revised upper bound on C (n,m) for the type-1 Wasserstein distance. l (cid:113) Theorem 3 Theworst-casetype-1WassersteindistancesatisfiesC (n,m)≤ n−m. 1 n−1 Note that this bound is identical to the bound of Theorem 2 for l=2. Proof of Theorem 3 Leveraging again Theorem 1 and Remark 1, we obtain that 1 (cid:88)(cid:88)(cid:13) (cid:13) C1(n,m) = {ξmi}a⊆xRd {Ij}m∈Pin(I,m)nj∈Ji∈Ij(cid:13)ξi−gmed(Ij)(cid:13)2 s.t. (cid:107)ξ (cid:107) ≤1 ∀i∈I. i 2 WeshowthatC (n,m)≤C (n,m)forallnandm=1,...,n,whichinturnproves 1 2 thestatementofthetheorembyvirtueofTheorem2.Tothisend,weobservethat 1 (cid:88)(cid:88)(cid:13) (cid:13) C1(n,m) ≤ {ξmi}a⊆xRd {Ij}m∈Pin(I,m)nj∈Ji∈Ij(cid:13)ξi−mean(Ij)(cid:13)2 (9) s.t. (cid:107)ξ (cid:107) ≤1 ∀i∈I i 2  1/2 ≤ {ξmi}a⊆xRd {Ij}m∈Pin(I,m)n1 j(cid:88)∈Ji(cid:88)∈Ij(cid:13)(cid:13)ξi−mean(Ij)(cid:13)(cid:13)22 (10) s.t. (cid:107)ξ (cid:107) ≤1 ∀i∈I, i 2 ScenarioReductionRevisited:FundamentalLimitsandGuarantees 9 where the first inequality follows from the definition of the geometric median, which ensures that (cid:88)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:88)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)ξi−gmed(Ij)(cid:13)2 ≤ (cid:13)ξi−mean(Ij)(cid:13)2 ∀j ∈J, i∈Ij i∈Ij andthesecondinequalityisduetothearithmetic-meanquadratic-meaninequality (Steele 2004, Exercise 2.14). The statement of the theorem now follows from the observation that the optimal value of (10) is identical to C (n,m). (cid:117)(cid:116) 2 In the next proposition we derive a lower bound on C (n,m). 1 Proposition 2 For d ≥ n−1, the worst-case type-1 Wasserstein distance satisfies (cid:113) C (n,m)≥ (n−m)(n−m+1). 1 n(n−1) Proof Assume first that d = n, and consider the empirical distribution Pˆn with scenarios defined as in (8). Let {I } ∈ P(I,m) be an arbitrary m-set partition j of I and note that gmed(I ) = mean(I ) for every j ∈ J due to the permutation j j symmetry of the ξ . This is indeed the case because 0 ∈ ∂f (mean(I )) for each i j j (cid:80) f (ζ)= (cid:107)ye+(x−y)e −ζ(cid:107) , j ∈J. Thus, we have j i∈Ij i 2 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)ξi−mean(Ij)(cid:13)2 (cid:34)(cid:18) x+(|I |−1)y(cid:19)2 (cid:18) x+(|I |−1)y(cid:19)2(cid:35)1/2 = x− j +(|I |−1) y− j |I | j |I | j j (cid:20)|I |−1(cid:21)1/2 (cid:20)n(|I |−1)(cid:21)1/2 = j (x−y) = j ∀i∈I , |I | (n−1)|I | j j j wherethelastequalityfollowsfromthedefinitionsofxandyin(8).ByTheorem1 and Remark 1 we therefore obtain C1(Pˆn,m) = {Ij}m∈Pin(I,m)n1 j(cid:88)∈Ji(cid:88)∈Ij(cid:13)(cid:13)ξi−mean(Ij)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 1 (cid:88)(cid:113) = min |I |(|I |−1). (cid:112) j j {Ij}∈P(I,m) n(n−1)j∈J By introducing auxiliary variables z = |I |−1 ∈ N , j ∈ J, we find that deter- j j 0 mining C1(Pˆn,m) is tantamount to solving   C1(Pˆn,m) = (cid:112) 1 min (cid:88)(cid:113)zj(zj+1): (cid:88)zj =n−m. n(n−1) {zj}⊆N0j∈J j∈J  Observethattheobjectivefunctionofz1 =n−mandz2 =...=zm =0evaluates to(cid:112)(n−m)(n−m+1),whichimpliesthatC1(Pˆn,m)≤(cid:113)(n−mn()n(n−−1m) +1).Hence, 10 NapatRujeerapaiboon,KilianSchindler,DanielKuhn,WolframWiesemann it remains to establish the reverse inequality. To this end, we note that (cid:34) (cid:35)1/2 (cid:88)(cid:113) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:113) zj(zj+1) = zj(zj+1)+ zjzj(cid:48)(1+zj)(1+zj(cid:48)) j∈J j∈J j,j(cid:48)∈J j(cid:54)=j(cid:48) (cid:34) (cid:35)1/2 (cid:88) (cid:88) ≥ zj(zj+1)+ zjzj(cid:48) j∈J j,j(cid:48)∈J j(cid:54)=j(cid:48) (cid:32) (cid:33)2 1/2 (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:112) =  zj + zj = (n−m)(n−m+1), j∈J j∈J andthustheclaimfollowsford=n.Thecasesd=n−1andd>ncanbereduced to the case d=n as in Proposition 1. Details are omitted for brevity. (cid:117)(cid:116) Proposition 2 asserts that C (n,m) (cid:38) n−m = C2(n,m) whenever d ≥ n−1. 1 n−1 2 TogetherwithTheorem3,wethusobtainthefollowingrelationbetweentheworst- case Wasserstein distances of types l=1 and l=2: 2 C (n,m)≤C (n,m)≤C (n,m). 2 1 2 Weconjecturethatthelowerboundistighter,butwewerenotabletoprovethis. 2.3 Discussion √ Theorems 2 and 3 imply that C (n,m) (cid:46) 1−p for large n and for l ∈ {1,2}, l where p = m represents the desired reduction factor. The significance of this n result is that it offers a priori guidelines for selecting the number m of support pointsinthereduceddistribution.Toseethis,consideranyempiricaldistribution Pˆn = n1 (cid:80)i∈Iδξi,anddenotebyr≥0andµ∈Rd theradiusandthecenterofany (ideally the smallest) ball enclosing ξ1,...,ξn, respectively. In this case, we have (cid:32) (cid:33) Cl(Pˆn,m)=r·Cl n1 (cid:88)δξi−µ,m ≤r·Cl(n,m)(cid:46)r·(cid:112)1−p, (11) r i∈I wheretheinequalityholdsbecause(cid:107)(ξ −µ)/r(cid:107) ≤1foreveryi∈I.Notethat(11) i 2 enables us to find an upper bound on the smallest m guaranteeing that Cl(Pˆn,m) falls below a prescribed threshold (i.e., guaranteeing that the reduced m-point distribution remains within some prescribed distance from Pˆ ). n Eventhoughtheinequalityin(11)canbetight,whichhasbeenestablishedin Propositi√on 1, one might suspect that typically Cl(Pˆn,m) is significantly smaller than r · 1−p when the points ξ ∈ Rd, i ∈ I, are sampled randomly from a i standarddistribution,e.g.,amultivariateuniformornormaldistribution.However, while the upper bound (11) can be loose for low-dimensional data, Proposition 3 below suggests that it is surprisingly tight in high dimensions—at least for l=2.

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