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Scenario Planning in Organizations: How to Create, Use, and Assess Scenarios (Organizational Performance) PDF

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More Praise for Scenario Planning in Organizations “All CEOs, university presidents, leaders of national nonprofi ts, and politi- cians face the same problem: coping with uncertainty. Scenario planning addresses this central problem. One cannot attend a planning session in any large organization without the topic of scenario planning arising. Professor Chermack puts the various approaches to scenario planning in a highly readable and useful context. For those of us who have used a variant of scenario planning for many years, there is much to learn in this approach. Professor Chermack is well on his way to becoming a major resource for this important planning tool.” —Vance Opperman, President and CEO, Key Investment, Inc.; Audit Committee Chair, Thomson Reuters; and former President, West Publishing Company “With extensive expertise, Tom Chermack spotlights scenario planning as a fundamental tool used by organizations to achieve long-term sustain- ability. This book helps me guide diverse management teams through strategic decision and problem-solving processes using a collaborative and forward-thinking approach.” —Carla McCabe, Director of Human Resources, Technicolor “Scenario planning has benefi tted our entire organization by helping us understand a volatile environment and how to move forward. Scenarios have helped us think through options, create insights, and spark innova- tive ideas. Chermack’s approach held us accountable and emphasized creative thinking as well as assessing where and how the scenarios add- ed value.” —James Steven Beck, MBA, CPA, Vice President—Administration, Eltron Research & Development, Inc. “Professor Chermack has made the mysterious process of scenario plan- ning available in a format accessible for both leaders of large corpora- tions and small business owners. Creating a common working language about the future is essential for the long-term success of any enterprise. Tom’s clear guidelines provide practical tools for organizations to create scenarios that will help them discover new ways of thinking, planning, and being.” —Kim Cermak, President and COO, KDC Management, LLC This page intentionally left blank SC E N A R IO PL ANNING IN ORGANIZATIONS A Publication in the Berrett-Koehler Organizational Performance Series Richard A. Swanson and Barbara L. Swanson, Series Editors S C E N A R I O PL ANNING IN ORGANIZATIONS HOW TO CREATE, USE, AND ASSESS SCENARIOS THOMAS J. CHERMACK Scenario Planning in Organizations Copyright © 2011 by Thomas J. Chermack All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or trans- mitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electron- ic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. 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First Edition Paperback print edition ISBN 978-1-60509-413-7 PDF e-book ISBN 978-1-60509-414-4 IDPF e-book ISBN 978-1-60509-908-8 2011-1 Production Management: Michael Bass Associates Cover Design: Irene Morris Cover Photos: © Matthias Clamer/Stone+/Getty Images Contents List of Figures vii Foreword by Louis van der Merwe xi Preface xv P A R T O N E FOUNDATIONS OF SCENARIO PLANNING 1 Introduction to Performance-Based Scenario Planning 3 2 Theoretical Foundations of Scenario Planning 29 3 The Performance-Based Scenario System 61 4 Scenario Case Study 71 P A R T T W O PHASES OF THE PERFORMANCE-BASED SCENARIO SYSTEM 5 Phase 1—Project Preparation: Understanding Purpose and Building Support 81 6 Phase 2—Scenario Exploration: Breathing In 101 7 Phase 3—Scenario Development: Digging Deeper 127 8 Phase 4—Scenario Implementation: Putting Scenarios to Use 169 9 Phase 5—Project Assessment: Documenting Results 189 vi CONTENTS P A R T T H R E E LEADING SCENARIO PROJECTS 10 Managing Scenario Projects 217 11 Human Perceptions in the Scenario System 233 12 Initiating Your First Scenario Project 241 References 247 Index 259 About the Author 271 List of Figures 1.1 Scenario Planning Definitions and Outcome Variables 1.2 Steps in Developing and Using Scenarios 2.1 A Theory of Scenario Planning 2.2 A Map of North America 3.1 The Context of Scenario Planning 3.2 Conceptual Model of the Scenario System 3.3 The Performance-Based Scenario System 3.4 The Performance-Based Scenario System—Scenario-Building Component 3.5 The Performance-Based Scenario System—Scenario Deployment Component 4.1 Technology Corporation Organization Chart 4.2 Technology Corporation’s Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Proposals Submitted 2007–2008 4.3 Technology Corporation’s Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Proposals Funded 1984–2008 4.4 Technology Corporation’s Active Projects 1984–2008 5.1 The Performance-Based Scenario System—Project Preparation Phase 5.2 Scenarios Are Like Cherry Trees 5.3 Technology Corporation’s Time Line and Scope 6.1 The Performance-Based Scenario System—Scenario Exploration Phase 6.2 The Basic Process of a SWOT Analysis 6.3 Technology Corporation’s Basic Process for SWOT Analysis 6.4 Technology Corporation’s SWOT Analysis 6.5 Technology Corporation’s Innovation-Development of Intellectual Property vii

Scenario planning helps organization leaders, executives and decision-makers envision and develop strategies for multiple possible futures instead of just one. It enables organizations to become resilient and agile, carefully calibrating their responses and adapting quickly to new circumstances in a
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