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EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms Ludwig Scharfenberg1, Koos B. Gubbels12, Moritz Kirste1, Gerrit C. Groenenboom2, Ad van der Avoird2, Gerard Meijer1, and Sebastiaan Y.T. van de Meerakker1 1 Fritz-Haber-Institutder Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin, Germany 1 2 InstituteforMoleculesandMaterials, RadboudUniversiteitNijmegen,Heyendaalseweg135,6525AJNijmegen,TheNether- 1 lands 0 2 Received: date/ Revised version: date n a J Abstract. We present a combined experimental and theoretical study on the rotationally inelastic scat- 5 tering of OH (X2Π3/2,J = 3/2,f) radicals with the collision partners He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and D2 as a function of the collision energy between ∼ 70 cm−1 and 400 cm−1. The OH radicals are state selected ] and velocity tuned prior to the collision using a Stark decelerator, and field-free parity-resolved state-to- s state inelastic relative scattering cross sections are measured in a crossed molecular beam configuration. u For all OH-rare gas atom systems excellent agreement is obtained with the cross sections predicted by l c close-coupling scattering calculations based on accurate ab initio potential energy surfaces. This series of - experimentscomplementsrecentstudiesonthescatteringofOHradicalswithXe[Gilijamseetal.,Science m 313,1617(2006)],Ar[Scharfenbergetal.,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.12,10660(2010)],He,andD2[Kirste t et al.,Phys. Rev. A 82, 042717 (2010)]. A comparison of therelative scattering cross sections for this set a . of collision partnersreveals interesting trendsin thescattering behavior. s c i PACS. PACS-key discribing text of that key – PACS-key discribing text of that key s y h p 1 Introduction withthespectroscopicdataoftheboundstatesofrelevant [ complexes [16,17], offers stringent tests for ab initio po- tentialenergysurfaces(PES’s)andforquantumscattering 1 The study of collisional energy transfer between simple calculations. v atomsandmoleculeshasbeenessentialforourpresentun- 8 derstandingofthedynamicsofmolecularinteractions,and Inrecentyears,newapproachestoperformhigh-precision 4 fortestingourabilitytoaccuratelycalculatepotentialen- inelastic scattering experiments involving radical species 9 ergy surfaces that governthese interactions [1]. Rotation- have become possible with the development of the Stark- 0 ally inelastic scattering is one of the simplest scattering decelerationtechnique[18].TheStarkdecelerationmethod . 1 processes,and has been studied with everincreasing level exploitstheconceptsofcharged-particleacceleratorphysics 0 of detail during the last decades. Experimental studies at to produce molecular beams with a tunable velocity and 1 a full state-to-state level are nowadayspossible, revealing almost perfect state purity [19]. The method was first 1 detailed information on the potential energy surfaces and applied to molecular scattering studies in 2006, when a v: the resulting motion on these surfaces [2,3]. Stark-deceleratedbeam of OH (X2Π3/2,J =3/2,f)rad- i Rotationally inelastic scattering of free radicalspecies icalswasscatteredwith a conventionalbeamofXe atoms X [20]. By tuning the velocity of the OH radicals between suchasOHorNOwithatomiccollisionpartnershasbeen r 33 m/s and 700 m/s prior to the collision, the center-of- a o5]f.sTpheceiasclainttteerriensgtoinftmheosleecouplaern-sschaetltlesrpinegcieesxpineraim2Πentesle[4c-, mass collision energy was varied between 60 cm−1 and 400 cm−1. This energy range encompasses the energetic tronic state involves more than one Born-Oppenheimer thresholds for inelastic scattering to the first excited ro- potential surface, resulting in rich multi-surface dynam- ics with various quantum interference effects [6]. At a tational levels of the OH radical, and the threshold be- full state-to-state level, collision induced transitions be- haviorofthe inelasticstate-to-statecrosssectionswasac- tween rotational, spin-orbit, and Λ-doublet levels have curatelydetermined. Excellentagreementwas foundwith been studied [7,8,9]. Sophisticated beam production and cross sections derived from coupled channel calculations product state detection methods have been developed to on ab initio computed potential energy surfaces. measuredifferentialcrosssections[10,11],thestericasym- Since this first proof-of-principle experiment, a new metry of the collision [12], and the alignment or orien- crossed beam scattering apparatus was developed that tation of the collision products [13,14,15]. The wealth of employs an improved version of the Stark decelerator. scatteringdatathatisavailableforthesesystems,together With this decelerator, packets of OH radicals can be pro- 2 Ludwig Scharfenberg et al.: Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms duced with a superior number density, a narrower ve- only 0.05 cm−1. OH radicals that reside in the energeti- locity spread, and a higher quantum state purity [21]. cally higher lying f-componentcan be focused and veloc- This apparatus enables state-to-state scattering experi- itytunedusingtheStarkdecelerator,whereasOHradicals ments as a function of the collision energy with a sen- inthee-componentaredeflectedfromthebeamaxis.After sitivity that exceeds that of conventional crossed beam passing a skimmer, the packet of OH radicals enters the scattering experiments. This was demonstrated first on 3×3 mm2 opening of the decelerator.A sequence of high the benchmark OH (X2Π)-Ar system, for which parity- voltage pulses is applied to the decelerator electrodes to resolvedintegralstate-to-statescatteringcrosssectionsfor generate time-dependent electric field configurations that in total 13 inelastic scattering channels have been deter- eitherdecelerate,guideoracceleratetheOHradicals.The mined as a function of the collision energy [22]. Recently, Stark decelerator that is used here employs the so-called thesamemethodologywasappliedtothescatteringofOH s = 3 operation mode [24,25], and has been described in radicals with He atoms and D2 molecules [23]. detail in Ref. [21]. Theseexperimentschallengethe mostaccuratepoten- The packet of OH (X2Π3/2,J = 3/2,f) radicals that tial energy surfaces and quantum scattering calculations emerges from the decelerator has a quantum state purity presentlyavailable.ForthescatteringofOHradicalswith of >99% and intersects the central axis of the secondary ArandHe atoms,excellentagreementwasfoundbetween beam under 90◦ at a distance of 16.5 mm from the de- experimentandtheory,althoughathighcollisionenergies celerator exit. Collisions take place in a field free region and for specific inelastic channels deviations were found. andtheinitiallyunevendistributionoverM -components J For the OH-He system, the almost perfect quantum state which is present inside the decelerator is assumed to be purity offeredby the Stark deceleratorenabled the obser- scrambled completely while the molecules move towards vation of the strong propensities for preferred excitation the collision region. into final states of certain parity that had been predicted A temperature controlled solenoid valve produces the for this system [7]. secondary beam of rare-gas atoms or D2 molecules. The Here we report new measurements on the rotationally meanforwardvelocityofthisbeamisinferredfromatime- inelastic scattering of OH (X2Π ,J = 3/2,f) radicals of-flight measurement using two microphone-based beam 3/2 with Ne, Kr, and Xe atoms at collision energies between detectorsthatareplaced300mmapart.Toensuresingle- 60 cm−1 and 400 cm−1. The measured cross sections for collision conditions, the intensity of the secondary beam the OH-Xe system confirm the cross sections that were is kept sufficiently low so that the decrease of the initial determined for this system in our earlier work [20]. For population in the J = 3/2,f level remains below 4 per- all three systems, excellent agreement is obtained with cent. cross sections that are derived from quantum scattering The collision products are state-selectively detected calculations based on available potential energy surfaces. via saturated laser-induced fluorescence when the most These studies complement our previous investigations intense part of the OH packet is in the center of the col- onthescatteringofOHradicalswithHeatoms,Aratoms lision region. A pulsed dye laser is used to induce various and D2 molecules, and together form a complete data set rotational transitions of the A2Σ+,v = 1 ← X2Π,v = 0 on the scattering of OH radicals with rare-gas atoms. A band.Thelaserbeamintersectsbothmolecularbeamsun- comparisonoftherelativescatteringcrosssectionsforthe der 90◦ and the off-resonantfluorescence is collected by a various collision partners is presented that reveals inter- lensandimagedontoaphotomultipliertube(seetheinset esting trends in the scattering behavior. of Figure 1). 2 Experiment 2.2 Measurement procedure and data analysis The collision energy range between 60 and 400 cm−1 is 2.1 Experimental setup covered using two measurement intervals with overlap- ping energy, as described in Ref. [22]. For these intervals, The experiments are performed in a crossed molecular molecular beams of OH radicals are produced using Kr beam apparatus that is schematically shown in Figure 1. and Ar as seed gases,resulting in OH radical beams with A detailed description of this machine, as well as of the mean initial velocities of 430 m/s and 615 m/s, respec- production, Stark deceleration, and detection of OH rad- tively. Within each interval, the collision energy is varied icals can be found in Ref. [21,22]; only the most essential by tuning the velocity ofthe OHradicalspriorto the col- aspects of the experiment are described here. lision using the Stark decelerator. For collisions with Ne, ApulsedsupersonicbeamofOHradicalsiscreatedby Ar, Kr and Xe atoms, the mean velocity of the rare-gas photolysisofnitricacidseededineitherkryptonorargon. atom beam is kept constant for all measurements. The After the supersonic expansion nearly all OH radicals re- meanspeedandcorrespondingvalvetemperaturesforthe side in the lowest rotational (J = 3/2) and vibrational differentrare-gasbeamsare:445m/s(Ne,93K),400m/s level of the X2Π electronic ground state. The two Λ- (Ar,110K),330m/s(Kr,163K)and300m/s(Xe,220K). 3/2 doubletcomponentsofthislevel,labeledeandf,arepop- For collisions with He atoms and D2 molecules, the small ulatedequally in the beamsince their energydifference is reduced mass makes it inconvenient to vary the collision Ludwig Scharfenberg et al.: Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms 3 to probe the individual levels, as well as the excitation rates that are used to convert measured fluorescence in- tensities to populations, are specified in [22]. The experimental scattering signals are most easily compared with theoretical calculations when relative in- elasticscatteringcrosssectionsarederivedfromtheobser- vations.The relativescattering crosssectionfor a specific channel is proportional to the total number of molecules thatisdetectedinthecorrespondingquantumstate.How- ever, the detection volume is necessarily limited and in general not all molecules can be detected. A density-to- fluxtransformationisrequiredto relatethe measuredrel- ativepopulationsinfinalstatestorelativescatteringcross sections.Underourexperimentalconditions,theresulting correctionis small[22]. Forthe scatteringofOHwithNe, Ar,KrandXe atoms,we haveperformedthe transforma- Fig. 1. Scheme of theexperimental setup. A pulsed beam of tion using the differential cross sections determined from OHradicalsisproducedbylaserphotolysisofHNO3seededin theory. For He and D2, the density-to-flux correction can eitherKrorAr.Theradicalspassa2.6mlongStarkdecelera- be safely omitted due to the small mass of the collision torandarescatteredbyapulsedbeamofrare-gas(Rg)atoms partner compared to the mass of the OH radical. orD2molecules.TheOHradicalsarestate-selectivelydetected using a laser-induced fluorescence scheme. The fluorescence is imagedontoaphotomultipliertubebyalens.Theupperright 3 Theory insetshowsaphotographofthebeamcrossingregionwithlens holder, light baffle, and the exit of the Stark decelerator. The The theory for the scattering of 2Π-state molecules with secondary beam source is protruding from thetop. 1S-stateatomsiswellestablished[26].Inparticular,colli- sionstudies betweenOH molecules and rare-gasatoms at low collision energies have received a lot of attention over energybysolelytuningthespeedoftheOHpacket.There- the last years [20,27,28,29]. In this section we only give fore, the speed of the secondary beam is varied in com- a brief summary of the relevant theory. A more extensive parativelylarge steps by changing the temperature of the account can be found in Ref. [30]. valve. For a given valve temperature, the OH velocity is TheHamiltonianthatdescribesthescatteringofground then tuned from 168 to 741 m/s. The D2 molecules are state OH (X2Π) with rare-gas atoms is given by assumed to be distributed between ortho and para rota- tional levels according to the statistical weights, i.e., 67% −¯h2 ∂2 Lˆ2 ofthemoleculesareexpectedtopopulaterotationallevels Hˆ = 2µR∂R2R+2µR2 +X|Λ′iVΛ′,Λ(R,θ)hΛ|+HˆOH, with J even and 33% levels with J odd. Λ′,Λ The Stark deceleratorprovidespackets ofOH radicals (1) atarateof10Hz.Thesecondarybeamisoperatedat5Hz where R is the length of the vector R that connects the and collision signals are inferred from the fluorescence in- center-of-massoftheOHmoleculeandthe rare-gasatom, tensity difference between alternating shots of the exper- µ is the reduced mass of the atom-OH complex, Lˆ is the iment. The collision energy dependence of the scattering angular momentum operator corresponding to end-over- channels is measured via a quasi-continuous cycle, as ex- endrotationoftheOH-raregasatomcomplex,andHˆOHis plainedinRef.[22].Thecollisionsignalsareobtainedfrom theHamiltonianoftheOHmoleculeinthe(X2Π)ground typically 1000 runs of the experiment, and quoted error state.TheX2Π electronicgroundstateoftheOHradical bars represent the statistical fluctuation of the measured has two degenerate components with projections Λ= ±1 mean values. Both photon counting and analog detection of the orbital electronic angular momentum on the inter- are used in the data acquisition [22]. nuclearrˆ-axis.The OH-raregasinteractionisrepresented Our experiment is not sensitive to elastic scattering; by the operators |Λ′iVΛ′,Λ(R,θ)hΛ| that couple different only scattering events that change the internal quantum electronic states Λ and Λ′. The angle θ defines the an- state of the OH radicalcanbe detected. Within the stud- gle between the unit vector Rˆ and the OH bond direc- iedcollisionenergyrange,collisionalexcitationtoatmost tion rˆ, with θ = 0 corresponding to collinear atom-HO. 13 rotational levels can occur. These levels are labeled as The Hamiltonian of OH includes rotation,spin-orbitcou- Fi(Je/f), where i=1 denotes the X2Π3/2 and i=2 the plingandΛ-doubling,whereweusetheOHrotationalcon- X2Π spin-orbit manifolds, and the parity labels e and stantB =18.5487cm−1,the spin-orbitcouplingconstant 1/2 f correspond to the two Λ-doublet components of each A=−139.21cm−1,andΛ-doublingparametersp=0.235 rotationallevel.Anenergyleveldiagramwithallrelevant cm−1 and q =−0.0391cm−1 [31]. FromEq. (1) it follows rotational levels is shown in Figure 3. Note that the Λ- thatdifferences in the collisionsbetween OHand the var- doublet splitting is largely exaggerated in this figure for ious rare gas atoms originate from the differences in the reasonsofclarity.Therotationaltransitionsthatareused interaction potential and the reduced mass. 4 Ludwig Scharfenberg et al.: Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms When the rare-gasatomapproachesthe OHmolecule, motion of the OH molecule was performed [22]. For the the electronic degeneracy of the Π state is lifted. The re- other systems, the OH molecular geometry was assumed sultingmatrixelementsVΛ,Λ′ ofthepotentialarenonzero frozen at its equilibrium bond length (OH-He, Ne, Kr) or for Λ′−Λ=0,±2, and two potential energy surfaces are at its vibrationally averageddistance (OH-Xe). involved in the scattering process. The potential energy In order to calculate the OH monomer eigenfunctions surfaces can be expanded in Racah normalized spherical it is convenient to use a parity adapted Hund’s case (a) harmonics basisset,labeledby|Ω,J,M ,piwithJ thetotalangular J momentumoftheOHmolecule,ΩandM theprojections V1,1 =V−1,−1 = VA′ +VA′′ =Xvl,0(R)Cl,0(θ,0), on the molecular and space-fixed quantiJzation axes, and 2 p the parityunder inversion.For the exactOHeigenfunc- l tions,|Ω|isnearlyagoodquantumnumber.Thetotalan- VA′′ −VA′ V1,−1 =V−1,1 = =Xvl,2(R)Cl,2(θ,0),(2) gular momentum of the OH-atom complex is represented 2 l by the operator Fˆ = Jˆ+Lˆ, whose eigenfunctions are ob- tained by coupling the monomer basis with the spherical where A′ and A′′ refer to the reflection symmetry of the harmonics |L,M i=Y (ϑ,ϕ), where ϑ and ϕ are the electronic states. The surfaces V1,1 and V1,−1 are often space-fixedspherLicalcoLo,rMdLinates ofthe vectorR. Assum- referred to as the sum Vsum and difference Vdiff potential ing that the OH bond length is fixed, we write the scat- energy surface, respectively. tering wave functions as products of radial and angular Ab initio calculationsfor the OH-atominteractionen- functions, ergycanbeperformedusingtheMOLPROprogrampack- a[3g3e],[3O2H],-Nwhei[c3h3,h3a4s],rOesHul-tAedr [i2n2]p,oOteHn-tKiarls[3f5o]ratnhde OOHH--XHee ΨβF,,LMF,P = R1 X χβF′,,MLF′←,Pβ,L(R)ψβF′,,ML′F,P(Rˆ,rˆ), (3) [20]complexes.Themostrelevantpropertiesofthevarious β′,L′ interacting systems, such as the reduced mass of the OH- rare gas atom complex, the polarizability of the rare gas where β is a shorthand notation for the monomer quan- atom, the minima of the potential energy surfaces in the tum numbers (Fi,J) with i to distinguish betweenthe F1 two different linear configurations of the complex (θ =0◦ and F2 spin-orbit manifolds of the OH eigenstates. Note and θ = 180◦), as well as the position and energy of the that the total angular momentum F, its space-fixed pro- minimum of the A′ potentialata nonlinear geometry,are jection MF and the parity of the complex P = p(−1)L listed in Table 3. areconservedin the collisionprocess.The experimentally The potential energy surfaces vary in the quality of relevant scattering properties, i.e. the cross sections, are the basis set used, and the quality of the method. All conveniently expressed in terms of the scattering matrix, potentials used the counterpoise procedure to correct for which can be obtained using standardasymptotic match- the basis setsuperpositionerror[36].The OH-He andthe ingprocedures[37].TheobtainedS-matrixisthenrelated OH-Ne potentials of Lee et al. were both calculated with to the scatteringamplitudes,which inturndetermine the a spin-restricted coupled-cluster method with single and differential cross sections [38]. double excitations and perturbative triples [RCCSD(T)]. Inordertoachieveconvergenceofthecalculatedcross- Theaugmentedtriple-zetacorrelation-consistentbasisset sections, we used a basis set that included all OH rota- (aug-cc-pVTZ) was used with an additional (3s, 3p, 2d, tional states up to an angular momentum of J = 21/2, 2f, 1g) set of bond functions centered in the midpoint andtookintoaccountallpartialwavecontributionsupto of the vector R [33]. The Ne-OH potential was also cal- a total angular momentum of F = 241/2. For the prop- culatedmorerecentlybySumiyoshietal.,whousedanex- agation of the wavefunction, the renormalized Numerov plicitlycorrelated,spin-unrestrictedapproach[UCCSD(T)- method was used, starting at 4a0 and continuing to 35a0 F12b]withalargerquintuple-zetabasisset(aug-cc-pV5Z) with a0 the Bohr radius. The cross sections were evalu- [34]. Although we calculated the cross sections for both ated on an energy grid with a 5 cm−1 interval spacing, Ne-OHpotentials,weonlyshowtheresultswiththemost wellbelowtheexperimentalenergyresolutioninallcases. recent potential, which gave a clearly better agreement It is noted that this energy grid is too sparse, however, with experiment. This is probably due to the larger basis to identify individual scattering resonances that occur at set and the improved calculation method, which includes collision energies around the energetic thresholds. explicitelectroncorrelationsthatparticularlyenhancethe In Fig.2 the totalintegralinelastic crosssections (the accuracy of the short-ranged behavior of the potential. sum of the integral cross sections over all inelastic chan- For the Xe-OH potential, RCCSD(T) was used with a nels)areshownfor collisionsofOH (X2Π ,J =3/2,f) 3/2 qaudruple-zeta basis set (aug-cc-pVQZ) and with a set radicals with the five different rare-gas atoms. In this fig- of (3s, 3p, 2d, 1f, 1g) mid-bond orbitals with geometry- ure,thecontributiontothetotalcrosssectionofcollisions dependent exponents [20]. For the Kr-OH potential, the thatpopulate levelswithinthe F1 manifoldareindicated. UCCSD(T)-F12bapproachwasusedwiththeaug-cc-pVQZ The total inelastic cross section is seen to rise with in- basisset[35].Finally,theAr-OHpotentialsurfacewascal- creasingreducedmass,increasingatompolarizabilityand culated with a spin-unrestricted approach [UCCSD(T)], increasing well depth of the potential. The total inelas- where the basis set was extrapolated to the complete ba- tic cross sections as presented in Figure 2 can be used to sis set limit, and where also an averaging over the v = 0 deduceabsolutestate-to-stateinelasticcrosssectionsfrom Ludwig Scharfenberg et al.: Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms 5 atom µ α E R θ PES 60 He 3.24 0.21 -27.1 6.54 0 A′, A′′ -21.8 6.09 180 A′, A′′ 50 Xe ′ -30.0 5.69 68.6 A Ne 9.22 0.40 -59.34 6.53 0 A′, A′′ Kr 2 40 Å -45.18 6.14 180 A′, A′′ n / Ar -59.60 5.82 67.6 A′ ctio 30 e Ar 11.9 1.64 -141.7 7.01 0 A′, A′′ s s s -92.4 6.70 180 A′, A′′ cro 20 ′ -137.1 6.18 74.8 A Ne Kr 14.14 2.48 -172.5 7.2 0 A′, A′′ 10 He ′ ′′ -110.3 6.8 180 A, A ′ -177.0 6.25 78 A 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Xe 15.05 4.04 -202.3 7.6 0 A′, A′′ -117.9 7.3 180 A′, A′′ collision energy / cm-1 ′ Fig.2.Thecalculatedtotalintegralcrosssectionsforinelastic -224.4 6.45 84 A scattering of OH (X2Π3/2,J = 3/2,f) radicals with He, Ne, Table 1. Properties of the Rg-OH interaction. Values for Ar,Krand Xeatoms (solid lines). The contribution of transi- thepotentialminimaadaptedfrom [20,22,33,34,35].Reduced tionsintotheF1 spin-orbit manifold are shown bythedashed mass µ in u, polarizability α in 10−24cm3, potential energy E lines. in cm−1, coordinate R in a0, coordinate θ in degree. cm−1 the scatteringisdominatedbyrotationalexcitation theexperimentallydeterminedrelativestate-to-statecross to the F1(5/2e) state. For spin-orbit manifold conserving sections. These are presented in the next section. transitions, there is a strong propensity for final states of e parity. For spin-orbit manifold changing collisions, a strongΛ-doubletpropensityisonlyobservedforexcitation 4 Results and discussion into the F2(1/2) states.Note the little bump that is mea- suredin the crosssection for scattering into the F1(5/2f) channel at a collision energy just below 200 cm−1. This 4.1 Scattering of OH radicals with Ne, Kr, and Xe bump is also measured for the OH-He system, and possi- atoms bly resultsfromscatteringresonancesassociatedwiththe In this section, we first describe our new results on the opening of the F1(7/2) channels at a collision energy of 200 cm−1. Pronounced scattering resonances are indeed scattering of OH radicals with Ne, Kr, and Xe atoms. A predictedfromthetheoreticalcalculationsforOH-Heand detailedcomparisonofthescatteringbehaviorforthevar- OH-Ne at these collision energies, although their specific ious systems is given in section 4.2. structureissmearedoutintheexperimentduetothe col- The measured relative state-to-state cross sections for lision energy spread. the scattering of OH radicals with Ne, Kr, and Xe are shown in Figures 3 and 4. The theoretically computed The scattering behavior of OH with Kr is observed to cross sections, convoluted with the experimental energy be very similar to the scattering of OH with Xe atoms, resolution,are includedas solidcurves.For completeness, and dominated by the Λ-doublet changing F1(3/2f) → the experimental and theoretical cross sections from our F1(3/2e)channelatallprobedcollisionenergies.Forrota- previousworkfortheOH-He,OH-D2,andOH-Arsystems tional excitation, the cross sections generally rise sharply [23,22] are also shown in these figures. The fine structure from the energetic threshold, reach a maximum, and be- conserving(transitionswithinthe F1 spin-orbitmanifold) come rather insensitive to a variation of the collision en- andfinestructurechangingcollisions(transitionsfromthe ergyathigherenergies.Forspin-orbitmanifoldconserving F1 into the F2 manifold) are summarized in Figure 3 and collisions, there is a small propensity for excitation into Figure 4, respectively. In both figures, the state resolved final states of e parity. For spin-orbit changing collisions, scattering channels are labeled following the color codes noclearpreferenceforexcitationintooneoftheΛ-doublet as indicated in the rotational energy level diagrams. components of a final rotational state is observed. For the scattering of OH(F1(3/2f)) with Ne, the Λ- For all three scattering systems, the measured cross doublet changing F1(3/2f) → F1(3/2e) channel domi- sectionsarecomparedtothecrosssectionsdeterminedby nates at low collision energies; at energies above ∼ 150 quantumclose-coupledcalculations basedon highquality 6 Ludwig Scharfenberg et al.: Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 15 100 % /n 80 5/2f o He secti 60 10 ss 5/2e o cr 40 5 7/2e e v relati 20 5/2f 3/2e 97//22ef 0 0 9/2f 15 100 % /n 80 7/2e Ne ctio 5/2e 10 e 60 s 5/2f s s cro 40 5 relative 20 5/2f 3/2e 0 7/2f 0 100 15 % /n 80 5/2f o Ar secti 60 3/2e 10 s s cro 40 5/2e 5 7/2e e ativ 20 5/2f 7/2f 9/2e rel 0 0 9/2f 15 % 100 5/2f /n 80 o 3/2e Kr secti 60 10 s s o cr 40 5 7/2e ve 5/2e elati 20 5/2f 7/2f r 0 0 15 100 5/2f % /n 80 Xe ectio 60 3/2e 10 s s e cros 40 5/2e 5 77//22ef ativ 20 5/2f 9/2e rel 0 0 9/2f 100 15 % 5/2f /n 80 D ectio 60 3/2e 10 2 s s 7/2e os 40 5 e cr 5/2e 7/2f ativ 20 9/2e el 5/2f 0 9/2f r 0 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 mean collision energy / cm-1 Fig. 3. Relative state-to-state inelastic scattering cross sections for spin-orbit conserving (F1 → F1) collisions of OH (X2Π3/2,J = 3/2,f) radicals with He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms and D2 molecules as a function of the collision energy. The theoretically calculated cross sections are included as solid curves. In the energy-level scheme, the splitting between both parity components of each rotational level is largely exaggerated for reasons of clarity. Ludwig Scharfenberg et al.: Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms 7 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 8 2 30 3/2f % 1/2e He /ection 6 1/2e 20 s s 4 1 s 5/2f o 10 cr e 5/2e 3/2f relativ 2 1/2f 0 3/2e 0 0 100 200 300 400 8 2 3/2f % 1/2e /n 6 o 3/2e Ne cti ss se 4 1 5/2f o cr ve 2 5/2e relati 1/2f 0 0 8 2 3/2f % /n 6 Ar ctio 1/2e 3/2e e s s 4 1 5/2f s o cr e 2 ativ 1/2f 5/2e el 0 r 0 8 2 3/2f % /n 6 o 3/2e Kr cti e s 1 s 4 5/2f s o cr 1/2e ve 2 relati 1/2f 0 5/2e 0 8 2 % /n 6 3/2f Xe ctio 3/2e e 1 s s 4 5/2f s o cr 1/2e e 2 5/2e v elati 1/2f 0 r 0 8 1/2e 2 3/2f 3/2e 3/2f /n % 6 5/2e 4 D ctio 3/2e 2 ss se 4 1/2f 1 2 5/2e o 5/2f cr e 2 v elati 0 0 5/2f r 0 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 mean collision energy / cm-1 Fig.4.Relativestate-to-stateinelasticscatteringcrosssectionsforspin-orbitchanging(F1 →F2)collisionsofOH(X2Π3/2,J = 3/2,f) radicals with He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms and D2 molecules as a function of the collision energy. The theoretically calculated cross sections are included as solid curves. 8 Ludwig Scharfenberg et al.: Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms ab initio PES’s. For the scattering of OH with Ne and be estimated from the rotational energy level structure Kr atoms, excellent agreement is found between the ex- of the OH radical and the different expansion coefficients perimentallydeterminedandtheoreticallycomputedscat- vl,0(R) and vl,2(R) of the sum and difference potential tering cross sections. The cross sections for all scatter- energy surfaces, respectively. ingchannels,bothforspin-orbitconservingandspin-orbit A close inspection of the nature of the interaction po- changing collisions, and for all collision energies are per- tential and the relevant coefficients that determine the fectly reproduced by the calculations. state-to-state cross sections can yield a satisfying under- For the scattering of OH radicals with Xe atoms, the standing of the physical origin of general scattering fea- measured cross sections confirm the cross sections that tures [40]. As outlined in Ref. [23], for instance, the pro- weredeterminedinourpreviousworkonthis system[20]. founddifferenceinthescatteringbehaviorthatisobserved It is noted that both experiments were performed in dif- for the inelastic scattering of OH with He atoms or D2 ferent apparatuses and with different levels of sensitiv- moleculescanbe explainedbythemuchlargeranisotropy ity. For the present experiment, in which state-to-state of the OH-D2 PES’s compared to the OH-He PES’s. In cross sections for a larger number of final states are mea- general,asmallF1(3/2f)→F1(3/2e)Λ-doubletchanging sured,excellentagreementisobtainedbetweenexperimen- crosssection,astrongpropensityforrotationalexcitation tal and theoretical cross sections. The relative scattering into the e parity component of the F1(5/2) state, and a cross sections, as well as the threshold behavior of indi- strong cross section for scattering into the F2(1/2e) level vidual channels, are reproduced well. Also the increase in indicates that the scattering is dominated by the sym- the relative scattering cross section for the F1(3/2f) → metric l = even terms, whereas the opposite scattering F1(5/2e) channel at collision energies just above the en- behavioris expectedfor systemsinwhichthe asymmetric ergetic threshold is perfectly reproduced. The only pro- l = odd terms play a large role. The former is the case nounced difference between experiment and theory is ob- forthe weaklyinteractingOH-He systemthatresults ina served for the F2(1/2f) channel at energies just above potential energy surface with small anisotropy; the latter threshold. This discrepancy could possibly be explained applies to the strongly interacting OH-D2 system. bysmallimperfectionsinthedifferencepotential.Wehave Thesequalitativeargumentscanalsobe usedtoratio- observed in the calculations that the cross sections for nalizethetrendsthatareobservedforthescatteringofOH scattering into the F2(1/2) channels are particularly sen- with the series of rare-gasatoms He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe. sitivetosmallvariationsofVdiff.Atlowcollisionenergies, Indeed,withincreasingpolarizabilityofthecollisionpart- there appears to be a small shift of a few cm−1 between ner,thescatteringisgovernedbypotentialenergysurfaces the experimental and the theoretical values for the col- with increasing well depth and larger anisotropy.This re- lision energy. The origin of this shift is not known, but sults in more dominant l = odd expansion coefficients, could well be the result of an uncertainty in our Xe beam and hence in a larger F1(3/2f) → F1(3/2e) Λ-doublet velocity measurements. cross section, smaller e over f propensities for excitation into the F1(5/2) state, and reduced cross sections for the F1(3/2f)→F2(1/2e) spin-orbit changing channel. 4.2 Comparison between the various collision partners The trends that are observed are thus consistent with what may be expected from the nature of the OH-rare Interesting trends are observed when the general scatter- gas atom interaction potential. However, for the series of ing behavior for the various OH-rare gas atom systems collision partners also dynamic effects that are related to arequalitativelycomparedwitheachother.Forthe series the increasing mass of the collision partner may play a OH-He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe it is observed that the role of the role.Itisnotapriori clearwhichfeaturesinthescattering F1(3/2f)→F1(3/2e) channel gradually increases. At the behavior are due to the nature of the PES’s, and which same time, propensities for preferredscatteringinto the e features result from the atomic and molecular motion on parity state of the other rotational states of the F1 man- these PES’s. ifold tend to get weaker. Finally, the contribution of the spin-orbit changing F1(3/2f) → F2(1/2e) channel to the Tostudytheinfluenceofbothparametersonthescat- scatteringisgraduallyreducedfrom∼20%forOH-Heto tering, we have performed calculations for two hypothet- ∼ 2 %for OH-Xe.We note that these qualitative changes ical OH-rare gas atom systems. In the first system, we are strongest when the collision partner He is replaced have used the OH-He PES’s, but performed the scatter- by Ne, and when Ne is replaced by Ar. When Ar is re- ing calculations with the He atom mass replaced by the placed by Kr, smaller changes are observed, while hardly Xe atom mass. In the second system, we have used the anychangesoccuringoingfromKrto Xe.The scattering OH-Xe PES’s, but performed the scattering calculations of OH radicals with D2 molecules does not fit entirely in with the Xe atom mass replaced by the He atom mass. this trend; the overall scattering behavior for this system These model systems thus yield information on the scat- resemblesthatoftheOH-Ar,OH-KrandOH-Xesystems. teringofOHradicalswithaweaklyinteractingbutheavy A qualitative understanding of the inelastic scattering collisionpartner,andwithastronglyinteractingbutlight of OH radicals with rare-gas atoms can be obtained from collision partner. The resulting inelastic scattering cross a general analysis given by Dagdigian et al. [39]. Accord- sections for both systems are shown in Figure 5. ing to this analysis, the relative strength of the various FortheOH-Heinteractionpotential,significantchanges scattering channels (in particular for low values of J) can in the cross sections are observed upon replacement of Ludwig Scharfenberg et al.: Scattering of Stark-decelerated OH radicals with rare-gas atoms 9 100 10 2 80 F1 15 F1 8 F2 F2 1/2e 5/2e 3/2f 60 6 10 % 1 /on 40 5 5/2f 4 3/2e ecti 20 5/2f 3/2e 7/2e 2 1/2f 5/2f s 7/2f 5/2e s 0 0 9/2e 0 0 s 9/2f ve cro 10800 3/2e F1 15 F1 108 F2 6 F2 ati 1/2e el 5/2f 4 3/2f r 60 6 10 40 4 2 5/2e 5 20 7/2e 9/2e 2 1/2f 3/2e 5/2f 0 5/2f 0 7/2f 9/2f 0 0 5/2e 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 collision energy / cm-1 Fig. 5. Calculated relative state-to-state inelastic scattering cross sections for twohypotheticalOH (X2Π3/2,J =3/2,f)-rare gas atom systems. Top row: calculations are based on the OH-He PES’s from Ref. [33], but the scattering calculations are performed with the He atom mass replaced by the Xe atom mass. Bottom row: calculations are based on the OH-Xe PES’s from Ref. [20], but thescattering calculations are performed with theXeatom mass replaced by theHe atom mass. the He atom mass with the Xe atom mass. In particular, an independent variation of the relevant parameters [41, the relative cross section for scattering into the F1(3/2e) 42]. state increases, while the contributions of the F1(5/2e) and F2(1/2e) channels to the scattering decrease. Note thatalsothethresholdbehaviorofvariouschannelschanges 5 Conclusions significantly;thecrosssectionsriselesssharplyatcollision energies above threshold. The resulting state-to-state rel- We have presented new measurements on the state-to- ativeinelasticcrosssectionscloselyresemblethoseforthe state rotational inelastic scattering of Stark-decelerated OH-Ne system,i.e., ofa weaklyinteracting systemwith a OH (X2Π ,J = 3/2,f) radicals with Ne, Kr, and Xe larger reduced mass compared to OH-He. 3/2 atoms. For each collision system, a total of 13 inelastic Forthe OH-Xeinteractionpotential,oppositechanges scattering channels is studied at collision energies in the inthescatteringcrosssectionsareobserveduponreplace- 70−400 cm−1 range. The collision energy dependence of mentoftheXemasswiththeHeatommass.TheF1(3/2f)→the relative inelastic scattering cross sections, the thresh- F1(3/2e)channelbecomeslessdominant,andtheF1(5/2e) old behavior of inelastic channels, and the energy depen- andF2(1/2e)channelsgainimportance.Theresultingrel- denceofthe state-resolvedpropensitiesareaccuratelyde- ative state-to-state cross sections resemble those that are termined. Excellent agreement is found with the inelastic measured for the OH-D2 system, i.e., of a strongly inter- scattering cross sections determined from quantum close- acting system with a smaller reduced mass compared to coupled scattering calculations based on ab initio poten- OH-Xe. tial energy surfaces. These model calculations indicate that the nature of Thesemeasurementscomplementourrecentstudieson the potential energy surface and the reduced mass of the thescatteringoftheOHradicalswithHeatoms,Aratoms, system can both have a profound and qualitatively simi- andD2molecules,andconfirmthemeasuredcrosssections larinfluenceonthescatteringcrosssections.Thissuggests ofouroriginalworkonthe scattering ofOHradicalswith that the interesting trends that are observedfor the scat- Xeatoms.Together,thesestudiesrepresentthemostcom- tering of OHwith He, Ne, Ar,Kr,and Xe are in partdue plete combined experimental and theoretical study of the to the increasing interaction strength of the OH radical inelastic scattering of an open shell radical in a 2Π elec- with the collision partner, and in part due to the increas- tronicstatewithrare-gasatoms.The excellentagreement ing mass of the rare-gas atom. 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