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Preview Scanning Near-Field Optical Coherent Spectroscopy of Single Molecules at 1.4 Kelvin

Scanning Near-Field Optical Coherent Spectroscopy of Single Molecules at 1.4 Kelvin Ilja Gerhardt, Gert Wrigge, Mario Agio, Pavel Bushev∗, Gert Zumofen, and Vahid Sandoghdar Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland CompiledFebruary2,2008 7 0 We present scanning near-field extinction spectra of single molecules embedded in a solid matrix. By varying 0 themolecule-tipseparation,wemodifythelineshapeofthespectra,demonstratingthecoherentnatureofthe interaction between the incident laser light and the excited state of the molecule. We compare the measured 2 datawiththeoutcomeofnumericalcalculationsandfindaverygoodagreement. (cid:13)c 2008 OpticalSocietyof n America a OCIS codes: 270.1670, 180.5810,290.2200, 300.6250 J 9 2 ScanningNear-fieldOpticalMicroscopy(SNOM)wasin- vented about twenty years ago and has been used in a ] s widerangeofapplicationswhereasubwavelengthspatial c resolutionisadvantageousinopticalstudies.1 Oneofthe i pt highlightsofSNOMwastodeliverthefirstimagesofsin- o gle fluorescentmolecules at room temperature in 1993,2 . initiating the active and fruitful field of single molecule s c microscopy. Since then various groups have combined si SNOM with spectroscopy of single emitters3–6 by de- y tecting the inelastic fluorescence that is red-shifted with h respect to the excitation light. Developments in both p far-field7–9 and near-field10 spectroscopy of single nano- [ objectshaveshown,however,thatitis possibletostudy 1 them via the interference between the elastically scat- v tered lightand a reference beam. Very recently, we used 1 2 this approach to demonstrate the first near-field extinc- 3 tionmeasurementonsinglemoleculesandreportedadip 1 in transmission as large as 6% without using any noise 0 suppressionmethod.11 In this Letter,we presentthe de- Fig. 1. a) Schematics of the experimental setup. BS: 7 pendenceofthesinglemoleculeextinctionspectraonthe beam splitter, SP (LP): short (long) pass filter. b) 0 molecule-tip separation and compare our findings with The level-scheme of a dye molecule. c) The Stark-shift / s the outcome of numerical simulations. recorded as a function of the voltage applied to the tip. c i The experimental setup is schematically depicted in s y Fig. 1 andconsists of a combined scanning confocal and tector PD . We then varied the voltage on the SNOM h near-field optical microscope that operates at T=1.4 K. 23 p Details of this setup, the tip, the sample and the the- tiptothevaluecorrespondingtotheapexofthevoltage- : shift parabola, as shown in Fig. 1c. This procedure al- v oretical concepts of our work have been described in lowed a near to full cancellation of the Stark shift, indi- i Ref.11. In a typical experiment, we first detected sin- X cating that its originis probably charge build-up on the gle molecules via near-field fluorescence excitation spec- r troscopy,4 i.e. by recording the Stokes shifted emission sample or the oxidized surface of the tip. a on transition2→3 in Fig. 1b). We monitored the oscil- Even in the absence of an external electric potential, the presence of the tip could affect the linewidth and lation of a quartz tuning fork and used the shear-force interaction to control the tip-sample distance.12 In this positionofthe molecularresonance13 similarto the case ofamoleculeinfrontofamirror.Ourthree-dimensional manner, we could position the tip at a given axial dis- tance from the sample (thickness ∼ 50 − 100 nm) to finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) calculations show thatforadipolarresonancewithlinewidthγ ,weshould within10nm.Uponlateralscanningofthetip,wefound 0 expectabroadeningintherangeofγ to3γ (depending thatdespiteelectricalcontactingofthetiptotheground, 0 0 on the molecular dipole orientation) for a tip-molecule a substantial position dependent Stark shift was consis- separation of 30 nm. In our experiment, it turned out tently present in all experiments. In order to compen- thatwecouldnotprobetheseeffectsbecauseasshownby sate this effect, we first laterally centered the tip on the anexampleinFigs.2bandc,weoftenencounteredspec- molecule by maximizing the fluorescence signal on de- tral instabilities for tip-sample separations under about 1 100nm.ThecorrespondencebetweenthedatainFig.2b its interference with the laser field, as is the case in our and the simultaneously recorded shear force signal dis- experiment.7,11 Here ∆ denotes the detuning between playedinFig.2aindicatesthatthiseffectisduetoame- ω and the excitation laser frequency, γ is the transi- 21 chanicalperturbationofthep-terphenylmatrixandthat tion linewidth, ψ stands for the relative phase between moreover, our shear-force signal is assisted by mechani- theexcitationandscatteredlights,andV isaparameter cal contact.14 Although this phenomenon merits further that we call visibility. We remark that in these experi- investigations,inthisworkwehavechosentoavoiditby ments an iris of diameter 1 mm was used in the path of operating the tip at distances larger than about 60 nm PD to select the axial part of the beam. 21 from the sample where the tip influence is negligible. Figures4a-dsummarizetheanalysisofaseriesofspec- tra from different axial tip-molecule separations for a different tip and molecule than in Fig. 3. In order to compare our experimental data with theoretical expec- tations,wehaveperformedthree-dimensionalFDTDcal- culations.The50nm-thickmatrixwasmodelledaccord- ingtotherefractiveindicesofp-terphenylalongitscrys- tal axes, and the molecule was taken to be a dispersive Lorentz material along its dipole moment. The tip was taken to be 700 nm long and buried 50 nm into con- Fig. 2. Shear-force amplitude (a) and simultaneously volutional perfectly-matched-layer absorbing boundary recorded fluorescence excitation spectra (b) as a func- conditionstoavoidfinite-sizeeffects.15 Thetotalelectric tion of tip-sample separation. c) Three exemplary spec- field of the tip and the molecule was recorded on a ref- tra from the indicated tip-sample distances. erence sphere of radius 1.2 µm centered at the molecule position.Weverifiedthatthisfieldistransversetowithin The signals on the two detectors PD and PD 23 21 99%.Thefrequencydependentsignalsobtainedwerefit- have been described in Ref.11 and its Supplementary ted in the same fashion as the experimental data. Material. In short, while PD23 records the conventional Figure4aplotstheexcitationintensityI determined bg StokesshiftedfluorescenceI ,thesignalonPD isthe 23 21 fromtheoff-resonanttailofeachfrequencyscanrecorded result of the interference between the transmitted laser on PD while Fig. 4e shows the corresponding FDTD 21 light through the tip and the light that is coherently results. As sketched by the inset in Fig. 4e, the oscil- scattered by the molecule. Thus, a change in the posi- latory behavior of I is caused by the interference be- bg tionofthe tipwithrespecttothemoleculecanleadtoa tween the part of the laser light that exits the tip and change in the relative accumulated phase and a change directly propagates to the detector and a second part inthe resonanceshape.Figure3showsexamplesofsuch that is firstreflected fromthe sample andthen from the spectra at three different tip-molecule positions. tip (i.e. twice π reflectionphase shifts) before traversing the detection path. This oscillatory behavior has been also reported previously in conventional SNOM experi- ments.16 The FDTD calculations also clearly reproduce this effect. Figure 4b displays I extracted from Lorentzian fits 23 to the fluorescence excitationspectra (see Fig. 3). A 30- fold increase of the molecular fluorescence upon the de- creaseofthetip-sampledistancefrom600nmto100nm provides the expected signature of near-field excitation. Furthermore,acarefulscrutinyofI alsorevealsanos- 23 cillation as displayed by the zoom in the inset. As indi- cated by the upper inset in Fig. 4f, this is causedby the interference between the part of the molecular fluores- cence that is directed toward the detector and another part that is reflected from the aluminum tip. The loca- tion z ∼ 330 nm for the first minimum is in fair agree- Fig. 3. Simultaneously recorded fluorescence signal ment with a simple ray optics picture that considers a (PD23) and extinction measurement (PD21) for three phaseshiftofπ atthetip.AgaintheFDTDcalculations differentheightsfromthetiptothesample.Solidcurves in Fig. 4f agree well with the data. show fits as discussed in Ref. 11 Figures 4c and d show experimentally determined V and ψ as a function of the tip-molecule separation. As The coherent spectra recorded on PD21 can be fit- the molecule gets closer to the tip, it is excited more ted by I −I V (∆cosψ+γ2sinψ) if the intensity of the strongly and the visibility is increased. However, since bg bg ∆2+γ2/4 molecular emission is much smaller than the strength of V is proportional to the field of the molecular emission 2 and therefore to the field of the excitation beam at the position of the molecule,11 its growth is slower than the fluorescence signal displayed in Figs. 4b and f. In addi- tion, V is inversely proportional to the field of the laser atthe detector11 sothatitis affectedbythe behaviorof I . Finally, we note that the reflection of the molecular bg emission from the tip manifests itself also in oscillations of V and ψ which correlate with those of I and I . 23 bg Figures 4g and h display the results of the FDTD cal- culations whichreproduce allfeatures ofthe experimen- tal data. We emphasize, however,that despite an excel- lentsemiquantitativeagreementwiththemeasurements, predictingthe absolutemagnitudes ofquantities suchas phase and visibility require more precise knowledge of the geometry than has been possible in this work. Fig. 5. Fluorescence (a) and extinction (b) spectra recorded during a lateral scan with a 100 nm aperture above a molecule. Fluorescence peak intensity (c), visi- bility(d)andphase(e)ofthespectrafromonelinescan. showverygoodagreementwiththeexperimentalresults and reproduce all their central features. We thank A. Renn and C. Hettich for fruitful dis- cussions. This work was financed by the Schweiz- erische Nationalfond (SNF) and the ETH Zurich ini- tiative on Quantum Systems and Information Tech- nology (QSIT). V. Sandoghdar’s email address is [email protected]. ∗ Present address: Abteilung Quanten-Informations- Verarbeitung,Universit¨atUlm,D-89069Ulm,Germany. References 1. M.A.Paeslerand P.J.Moyer, Near-Field Optics: The- ory, Instrumentation, and Applications (Wiley & Sons, 1996). 2. E.BetzigandR.J.Chichester,Science262,1422(1993). Fig.4.Experimental(a-d)andFDTD (e-h)data forthe 3. H. F. Hess, E. Betzig, T. D. Harris, L. N. Pfeiffer, and thenonresonanttransmission(BG),thefluorescencesig- K. W. West,Science 264, 1740 (1994). nalI23 (Fluo),thevisibilityV andphaseψoftheextinc- 4. W. E. Moerner,et al, Phys.Rev. Lett. 73, 2764 (1994). tion signal on PD as a function of the separation be- 5. K. Matsuda, et al, Phys.Rev.Lett. 91, 177401 (2003). 21 tween the sample surface and a tip of 200 nm aperture. 6. J. 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