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Preview Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 1994: Vol 20 Index

AUTHOR INDEX Akerstedt T: see Lennernas Me t al, p 401 Dyerassi L: see Froom et al, p 306 Aalto A: Book review of Occupational toxicology, p 149 Ekenvall L: Book review of Hand-arm vibration: a compre- Aghai E: see Froom et al, p 306 hensive guide for occupational health professionals, Aitio A: Book review of Industrial chemical exposure: guide- p 68 lines for biological monitoring, p 382 Engholm G: see Mellemgaard et al, p 160 Aitio A: Biological monitoring today and tomorrow, special Ercegovac D: see Belki¢ et al, p 73 issue: p 46 Etard JF: see Hours et al, p 322 Alfredsson L: see Olsen et al, p 184 Fabbri LM: see Maestrelli et al, p 376 Andersen A: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 Fabrizio E: see Meco et al, p 301 Andersen A: see Tynes et al, p 339 Fabry J: see Hours et al, p 322 Anttila S: see Karjalainen et al, p 243 Faval P: see Gubéran et al, p 345 Antti-Poika M: Book review of Practical occupational medi- Ferro G: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 cine, p 383 Fevotte J: see Hours et al, p 322 Anttonen H: see Hartikainen et al, p 444 Fine L: see Bernard et al, p 417 Axelson O: see Persson et al, p 371 Fonn S & Becklake MR: Documentation of ill-health effects Axelson O: Some recent developments in occupational of occupational exposure to grain dust through sequen- epidemiology, special issue: p 9 tial, coherent, epidemiologic investigation, p 13 Ayzac L: see Hours et al, p 322 Fontana V: see Gennaro et al, p 213 Becklake MR: see Fonn & Becklake, p 13 Forastiere F: see Lagorio et al, p 331 Belkié K, et al: Mechanisms of cardiac risk among profes- Frings-Dresen MHW: see Paul et al, p 153 sional drivers, p 73 Froom P, et al: Erythropoietin-independent colonies of red Bellander T: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 blood cells and leukocytosis in a worker exposed to Bergeret A: see Hours et al, p 322 low levels of benzene, p 306 Bergqvist UOV & Knave BG: Eye discomfort and work with Gemne G: Where is the research frontier for hand-arm visual display terminals, p 27 vibration?, special issue: p 90 Bernard A: Boujemaa et al, p 180 Gennaro V, et al: Pleural mesothelioma and asbestos ex- Bernard B, et al: Job task and psychosocial risk factors posure among Italian oil refinery workers, p 213 for work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Gennaro V: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 newspaper employees, p 417 Goehen M: see Choudat et al, p 48 Berrino F: see Crosignani & Berrino, p 223 Green MS: see Melamed ei al, p 294 Biocca M: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 Gubéran E, et al: Gender ratio of offspring and exposure Blair A: see Hoar Zahm & Blair, p 225 to shortwave radiation among female physiotherapists, Boffetta P: see Gennaro et al, p 213 p 345 Boffetta P: see Vainio & Boffetta, p 235 Gubéran M: see Gubéran et al, p 345 Bongers PM: see Houtman et al, p 139 Gustavsson CA: see Welinder et al, p 459 Bonifati V: see Meco et al, p 301 Hanninen H, et al: Internal load of aluminum and the cen- Boujemaa W, et al: Early indicators of renal dysfunction in tral nervous system function of aluminum welders, silicotic workers, p 180 p 279 Boulet A: see Choudat et al, p 48 Hanninen K: see Kivekas et al, p 101 Breum N: see Kolstad et al, p 272 Hark6énen H: see Kivekas et al, p 101 Burstrém L: see Nilsson et al, p 189 Harma M, et al: Effect of masking on circadian adjustment Caboor D: see de Looze et al, p 427 and interindividual differences on a rapidly rotating shift Campana A: see Gubéran et al, p 345 schedule, p 55 Cardis E: see Hours et al, p 322 Hagberg M: Nilsson et al, p 189 Carere A: see Lagorio et al, p 331 Hales T: see Bernard et al, p 417 Cassel A: see Froom et al, p 306 Hambreeus L: see Lennernas M et al, p 401 Ceppi M: see Gennaro et al, p 213 Hansen J & Olsen JH: Cancer morbidity among Danish Choudat D, et al: Respiratory symptoms and bronchial re- female pharmacy technicians, p 22 activity among pig and dairy farmers, p 48 Harrison JE: see Corvalan et al, p 364 Clarijs JP: see de Looze et al, p 427 Hartikainen A-L, et al: Effect of occupational noise on the Coenraads PJ: see Smit et al, p 113 course and outcome of pregnancy, p 444 Coggon D: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 Heederik D: see Tielemans et al, p 435 Corvalan CF, et al: Role of migrant factors in work-related Hernberg S: Book review of Principles of exposure mea- fatalities in Australia, p 364 surement in epidemiology, p 67 Crosignani & Berrino, Re: “Role of the herbicide atrazine Hernberg S: New epidemics in occupational health, p 309 in the development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma” by Hernberg S: Editorial, special issue: p 5 S Hoar Zahm, DD Weisburger, KP Kantor, FF Holmes, Heseltine E: Vainio et al, p 227 A Blair. Scand J Work Environ Health 1993;19:108— Heyblom P: see de Looze et al, p 427 14 (letter to the editor), p 223 Hoar Zahm S & Blair A: Authors’ reply, p 225 Dahl R: Book review of /ndoor allergens: assessing and Hogstedt C: Has the Scandinavian solvent syndrome con- controlling adverse health effects, p 148 troversy been solved?, special issue: p 59 Dananche B: see Hours et al, p 322 Holopainen M: see Koskela R-S et al, p 407 Davidson GK: see Lin et al, p 166 Horsmanheimo M: see Susitaival et al, p 206 De Carli M: see Maestrelli et al, p 376 Hours M, et al: Bladder cancer and occupational exposures, D’Elios MM: see Maestrelli et al, p 376 p 322 de Looze MP, et al: Effect of individually chosen bed-height Houtman ILD, et al: Psychosocial stressors at work and adjustments on the low-back stress of nurses, p 427 musculoskeletal problems, p 139 Del Prete GF: see Maestrelli et al, p 376 Huncharek M: Pleural mesothelioma in a cigarette filter Demers PA, et al: Lymphocytopenia and occupational ex- factory worker, p 146 posures among pattern and model makers, p 107 Husman K: see Kivekas et al, p 101 Demers RY: see Demers et al, p 107 Husman K: see Susitaival et al, p 206 Dewitte JD: see Choudat et al, p 48 Husman L: see Susitaival et al, p 206 Di Stefano A: see Maestrelli et al, p 376 Hutchings S: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 Djordjevic M: see Belkié et al, p 73 Huvinen M: Book review of The mining industry, p 148 Driscoll TR: see Corvalan et al, p 364 lavarone |: see Lagorio et al, p 331 James WH: Sex ratio of offspring as a criterion of occupa- 5 and interferon-gamma in bronchial mucosa of patients tional hazard, with reference to welding (letter to the with asthma induced by toluene diisocyanate, p 376 Editor), p 466 Mao Y: see Morrison et al, p 42 Jonsson BAG: see Welinder et al, p 459 Mapp CE: see Maestrelli et al, p 376 Johnsen H: see Simonsen et al, p 1 Marlow DA: see Kauppinen et al, p 262 Karhunen PJ: see Karjalainen et al, p 34 Marshall EG: see Lin et al, p 166 Karjalainen A, et al: Asbestos exposure and pulmonary fiber Martin MH: see Choudat et al, p 48 concentrations of 300 Finnish urban men, p 34 Matikainen E: see Simonsen et al, p 1 Karjalainen A, et al: Asbestos exposure and the risk of lung Matikainen E: see Hanninen et al, p 279 cancer in a general urban population, p 243 McGregor D: Vainio et al, p 227 Karlsson M: see Persson et al, p 371 McLaughlin JK: see Mellemgaard et al, p 160 Kauppinen TP, et al: Retrospective assessment of expo- Meco G, et al: Parkinsonism after chronic exposure to the sure through modeling in a study on cancer risks among fungicide maneb (manganese ethylene-bis-dithiocar- workers exposed to phenoxy herbicides, chlorophenols bamate), p 301 and dioxins, p 262 Melamed S, et al: Noise exposure, noise annoyance, use Kauppinen TP: Assessment of exposure in occupational of hearing protection devices and distress among blue- epidemiology, special issue: p 19 collar workers, p 294 Kihlberg S: Nilsson et al, p 189 Mellemgaard A, et al: Occupational risk factors for renal- Kilbom A: Assessment of physical exposure in relation to cell carcinoma in Denmark, p 160 work-related musculoskeletal disorders — what infor- Midtgard U: see Simonsen et al, p 1 mation can be obtained from systematic observations?, Minors D: see Harmaé et al, p 55 special issue: p 30 Morrison HI, et al: Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and agricul- Kirsch-Volders M: see Severi et al, p 451 tural practices in the prairie provinces of Canada, p 42 Kivekas J, et al: Seven-year follow-up of white-finger symp- Nielsen JE: see Welinder et al, p 459 toms and radiographic wrist findings in lumberjacks and Nilsson T, et al: Impaired nerve conduction in the carpal referents, p 101 tunnel of platers and truck assemblers exposed to Klockars M: see Koskela et al, p 407 hand-arm vibration, p 189 Knauth P: see Harma et al, p 55 Nordman H: Occupational asthma — time for prevention, Knave B: Electric and magnetic fields and health outcomes special issue: p 108 — an overview, special issue: p 78 Notkola V: see Susitaival et al, p 206 Knave BG: see Bergqvist & Knave, p 27 Nurminen M & Tossavainen A: Is there an association Koster M: Olsen et al, p 184 between pleural plaques and lung cancer without as- Kogevinas M, et al: Cancer mortality in a historical cohort bestosis? p 62 study of workers exposed to styrene, p 251 Nyman KG: Book review of Work and the eye, p 230 Kogevinas M: see Kauppinen et al, p 262 @rhede E: Nordic cooperation in research on the work Kolstad H: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 environment (letter to the Editor), p 65 Kolstad HA, et al: Incidence of lymphohematopoietic ma- Olsen J: Is human fecundity declining — and does occu- lignancies among styrene-exposed workers of the re- pational Exposures play a role in such a decline if it inforced plastics industry, p 272 exists?, special issue: p 72 Kompier MAJ: see Houtman et al, p 139 Olsen J: see Kolstad et al, p 272 Korobaeff M: see Choudat et al, p 48 Olsen JH: see Hansen & Olsen, p 22 Koskela R-S: Cardiovascular diseases among foundry Olsen JH: see Mellemgaard et al, p 160 workers exposed to carbon monoxide, p 286 Olsen O, et al: Etiologic fractions for physical work load, Koskela R-S, et al: Silica dust exposure and lung cancer, sports and overweight in the occurrence of coxarthrosis, p 407 p 184 Kovala T: see Hanninen et al, p 279 Ottosson HE: see Welinder et al, p 459 Kuorinka |: Book review of Ergonomics for beginners: a Pallen C: see Hours et al, p 322 quick reference guide, p 69 Pannett B: see Kauppinen et al, p 262 Kuusela T: see Kivekas et al, p 101 Partanen T: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 Laara E: see Hartikainen et al, p 444 Paul JA, et al: Work load and musculoskeletal complaints Lagorio S, et al: Mortality of filling station attendants, p 331 during pregnancy, p 153 Lalu K: see Karjalainen et al, p 34 Pauwels W: see Severi et al, p 451 Landsbergis PA, et al: Association between ambulatory Pekkarinen M: see Kivekas et al, p 101 blood pressure and alternative formulations of job Penttila A: see Karjalainen et al, p 34 strain, p 349 Perrotta A: see Gennaro et al, p 213 Langard S: Prevention of lung cancer through the use of Persson B, et al: Comparison of information sources for knowledge on asbestos and other work-related causes case-referent data, p 371 — Norwegian experiences, special issue: p 100 Perucci CA: see Lagorio et al, p 331 Laurent H: see Koskela et al, p 407 Petersen M: see Bernard et al, p 417 Lauwerys R: Boujemaa et al, p 180 Pickering TG: see Landsbergis et al, p 349 Leino T: 43rd Nordic work environment meeting, p 468 Rabinowitz S: see Melamed et al, p 294 Lennernas M, et al: Nocturnal eating and serum choles- Raki¢ L: see Belki¢ et al, p 73 terol of three-shift workers, p 401 Rapiti E: see Lagorio et al, p 331 Lin S, et al: Potential parental exposure to pesticides and Reitan JB: see Tynes et al, p 339 limb reduction defects, p 166 Riihimaki H: see Kivekas et al, p 101 Lindstr6ém K: Psychosocial criteria for good work organi- Riihimaki V: see Hanninen et al, p 279 zation, special issue: p 123 Robillard P: Roy E & Robillard P, p 393 Littorin M, et al: Acute respiratory disorder, rhinoconjunc- Romagnani S: see Maestrelli et al, p 376 tivitis and fever associated with the pyrolysis of poly- Roosels D: see Severi et al, p 451 urethane derived from diphenylmethane diisocyanate, Rothman KJ: Cancer occurrence among workers exposed p 216 to acrylonitrile, p 313 Loomis DP, et al: Effect of incomplete exposure assess- Roy E & Robillard P: Effectiveness of and compliance to ment on epidemiologic dose-response analyses, p 200 preventive measures against the occupational trans- Lund SP: see Simonsen et al, p 1 mission of human immunodeficiency virus, p 393 Lundberg |: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 Roy P: see Hours et al, p 322 Lynge E: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 Rudmo T: Associations between organizational factors and Lynge E: see Kolstad et al, p 272 safety and contingency measures on offshore petro- Martensson U: see Littorin et al, p 216 leum platforms, p 122 Maestrelli P, et al: CD8 T-cell clones producing interleukin- Rudmo T: Associations between safety and contingency measures and occupational accidents on offshore pe- wegian hydroelectric power companies, p 339 troleum platforms, p 128 Usel M: see Gubéran et al, p 345 Rylander R: Organic dusts — from knowledge to preven- Vainio H, et al: Meeting of the IARC working group on some tion, special issue: p 116 industrial chemicals, p 227 Saetta M: see Maestrelli et al, p 376 Vainio H & Boffetta P: Mechanisms of the combined effect Saracci R: see Kogevinas et al, p 251 of asbestos and smoking in the etiology of lung can- Sauter S: see Bernard et al, p 417 cer, p 235 Savié C: see Belkic¢ et al, p 73 Vainio H: see Karjalainen et al, p 243 Savitz DA: Loomis et al, p 200 Valkonen S: see Hanninen et al, p 279 Schnall PL: see Landsbergis et al, p 349 van Bree E: see de Looze et al, p 427 Schwartz JE: see Landsbergis et al, p 349 van Rijssen A: see Smit et al, p 113 Semenciw RM: see Morrison et al, p 42 van Dijk FJH: see Paul et al, p 153 Severi M, et al: Urinary mandelic acid and hemoglobin Van Hummelen P: see Severi et al, p 451 adducts in fiberglass-reinforced plastics workers ex- van Pelt W: see Tielemans et al, p 435 posed to styrene, p 451 van Roy P: see de Looze et al, p 427 Shade WJ: see Demers et al, p 107 Vanacore N: see Meco et al, p 301 Simonsen L, et al: Methodological approach to the evalu- Vanacore N: see Lagorio et al, p 331 ation of neurotoxicity data and the classification of Vandenbroucke JP: see Smit et al, p 113 neurotoxic chemicals, p 1 Vanhala E: see Karjalainen et al, p 34 Sj6holm AG: see Littorin et al, p 216 Vanhala E: see Karjalainen et al, p 243 Skarping G: see Littorin et al, p 216 Veulemans H: see Severi et al, p 451 Skotte JH: Exposure to power-frequency electromagnetic Vingard E: Olsen et al, p 184 fields in Denmark, p 132 Warren K: see Landsbergis et al, p 349 Smit HA, et al: Susceptibility to and incidence of hand der- Waterhouse J: see Harma et al, p 55 matitis in a cohort of apprentice hairdressers and Welinder H: see Littorin et al, p 216 nurses, 113 Welinder HE, et al: Exposure-response relationships in the Smulders PGW: see Houtman et al, p 139 formation of specific antibodies to hexahydrophthalic Sorri M: see Hartikainen et al, p 444 anhydride in exposed workers, p 459 Susitaival P, et al: Prevalence of hand dermatoses among Wennberg A: see Simonsen et al, p 1 Finnish farmers, p 206 Wennberg A: Neurotoxic effects of selected metals, spe- Sweetnam PM: see Gubéran et al, p 345 cial issue: p 65 Theorell T: see Belki¢ et al, p 73 Wigle DT: see Morrison et al, p 42 Tielemans E, et al: Changes in ventilatory function in grain Wilkins K: see Morrison et al, p 42 processing and animal feed workers in relation to ex- Ylikoski JS: see Ylikoski & Ylikoski, p 93 posure to organic dust, p 435 Ylikoski ME: Prolonged exposure to gunfire noise among Tola S: see Kivekas et al, p 101 professional soldiers, p 87 Tossavainen A: see Karjalainen et al, p 34 Ylikoski & Ylikoski, Hearing loss and handicap of profes- Tossavainen A: see Nurminen M & Tossavainen A, p 62 sional soldiers exposed to gunfire noise, p 93 Toussaint HM: see de Looze et al, p 427 Zenz, C: Book review of Under the influence? Drugs and Truedsson L: see Littorin et al, p 216 the American work force, p 384 Tuimala R: see Hartikainen et al, p 444 Zinzen E: see de Looze et al, p 427 Tuyn JWN: see Gubéran et al, p 345 Zitting AJ: see Kivekas et al, p 101 Tynes T, et al: Incidence of cancer among workers in Nor- INDEX OF KEY TERMS chlorophenols, 262 etiologic fractions, 184 hypersensitivity, 216; special issue: chromates, special issue: 100 etiology, 235 116 chronic bronchitis, special issue: 116 evaluation, 1 hypertension, 286, 349 chronic exposure, 301 event-related potentials, 73 IARC working group, 227 chronobiology, 401 exposure, 132, 262, 345, 435; special ill-health effects, 13 cigarette filter factory worker, 146 issue: 30, 9 immune complexes, 216 circadian adjustment, 55 exposure assessment, 19, 200, 371; immune system, 107 circadian rhythms, 55 special issue: 108 impaired nerve conduction, 189 Classification, 1 exposure control, special issue: 108 impulse noise, 87 coherent invest, 13 exposure index, special issue: 19 impulse noise exposure, 93 cohort, 331, 339; special issue: 9 exposure determination, 13 incidence, 113, 272, 339 cohort study, 22, 213, 272 exposure levels, 459 incomplete exposure assessment, 200 cohort studies, 42 exposure-response, 262; special issue: independent colonies, 306 combined effect, 235 19 industrial chemicals, 227 company safety systems, 468 exposure-response relationships, 459; industrial hygiene, 468 comparison, 371 special issue: 90 industry, 364 compliance, 393 eye discomfort, 27 inflammation, special issue: 116 confounding, special issue: 9 farming, 166 information sources, 371 contact sensitization, 113 fatalities, 364 inks, 322 contingency measures, 122, 128 female, 22, 345 interaction, 235 control, special issue: 123 fertility, special issue: 72 interferon-gamma, 376 controversy, special issue: 59 fever, 216 interindividual differences, 55 coronary—prone behavior, 73 fiberglass-reinforced plastics, 451 interleukin-5, 376 cost-effectiveness, 393 fibers, 213 internal load, 279 coxarthrosis, 184 filling station attendants, 331 ischemic disease, 286 criterion, 466 Finland, 34, 243 ISO 5349, special issue: 90 crocidolite, 34, 146, 243 Finnish farmers, 206 isocyanate, 216 cross-sectional study, 189 follow-up, 101 isocyanate specific IgE and IgG, 216 cross-sectional, special issue: 9 food intake, 401 Italy, 213 cumulative trauma disorders, 417 formation, 459 job-exposure matrix, special issue: 19 cutting fluids, 322 foundries, 286 job redesign, special issue: 123 cytokines, 376 foundry workers, 286 job strain, 349 cytotoxicity, 407 fungicide, 301 job stress, special issue: 123 dairy farmers, 48 gas chromatography-mass spectrom- job task, 417 decline, special issue: 72 etry, 451 knowledge, special issue: 100, 116 Denmark, 22, 132, 160 gasoline exhausts, 331 language, 364 development, special issue: 9 gasoline vapors, 331 late effects, 213 diagnostics, special issue: 90 gender, special issue: 123 lead, special issue: 65 dioxins, 262 gender ratio, 345, 466 leukemia, 251, 272, 339 diphenylmethane diisocyanate, 216 general population, 34 leukocytosis, 306 displaced eating, 401 general urban population, 243 lifting, 184 distress, 294 glare, 73 limb reduction defects, 166 dithiocarbamates, 301 grain dust, 13, 435 limb reduction malformation, 166 dose-response, 262; special issue: 19 grain processing workers, 435 local fault, special issue: 90 driving, 73 grain related conditions, 13 longitudinal study, 101 drugs, 22 guidelines, 1 low-back pain, 153 dry skin, 113 gunfire noise, 87, 93 low-back problems, 427 dynamic work load, 184 hand-arm vibration, 189, 101; special low-back stress, 427 early indicators, 180 issue: 90 low exposures, 306 effectiveness, 393 hand der—matitis, 113 lumberjacks, 101 electric fields, 132; special issue: 78 hand dermatoses, 206 lunatomalacia, 101 electromagnetic fields, 132, 339 handicap, 93 lung, 235 electromagnetic radiation, 345 hazard assessment, 1 lung burden, 34 electron microscopy, 34, 243 health behavior, 139 lung cancer, 62, 243, 235, 313, 407; electrophysiology, 189 health care worker, 393 special issue: 100 employment, 213 health outcomes, special issue: 78 lung disorder, 216 endotoxin, special issue: 116 hearing handicap, 93 lung function, 435 environmental exposure, special issue: hearing loss, 93 lung function change, 13 78 hearing protection, 87 lymphocytes, 107 enzymuria, 180 hearing protection devices, 294 lymphocytopenia, 107 epidemiologic dose-response analy- hearing protectors, 294 lymphohematopoietic malignancies, ses, 200 hemoglobin adducts, 451 272 epidemiologic investigation, 13 hepatitis B, 393 lymphoma, 251, 272 epidemiologic methods, 200 hepatitis C, 393 magnetic fields, 132; special issue: 78 epidemiologic studies, 62, 313 herbicide, 223 male embryo, 345 epidemiology, 48, 189, 206, 262, 345; herbicides, 42 malformation, 444 special issue: 30, 59, 72 hexahydrophthalic anhydride, 459 malignant melanoma, 339 epoxy resin, 459 high-power lines, 132 management commitment, 122, 128 epoxy resins, 107 hip, 184 management involvement, 122, 128 equal energy principle, 87 historical cohort study, 251 maneb, 301 ergonomic conditions, 27 Hodgkin’s disease, 272, 371 manganese, 301; special issue: 65 ergonomics, 153, 417, 427 human fecundity, special issue: 72 manganese ethylene-bis-dithiocarba- erythroid colonies, 306 human immunodeficiency virus, 393 mate, 301 erythropoietin, 306 hydrocarbons, 160 manual handling, special issue: 30 ethics, special issue: 9 hydroelectric power companies, 339 masking effects, 55 meal order, 401 occupational diseases, 376 pulmonary diseases, special issue: 116 measurement error, 200 occupational epidemiology, special is- pulmonary fiber concentrations, 34 measurements, 132 sue: 9, 19 pulmonary tumors, 62 mechanical loading, 427 occupational exposure, 13, 272, 339; pyrolysis, 216 mechanism, 73, 235 special issue: 78 pyrolysis products, 322 men, 34 occupational exposures, 107, 322; quality assurance, special issue: 46 mercury, special issue: 65 special issue: 72 quantitative electroencephalography, mesothelioma, 146 occupational hazard, 466 279 methodological approach, 1 occupational hazards, special issue: 72 quartz, 407 methodology, 13 occupational health, 122, 128, 309 questionnaire study, 206 microwave diathermy, 345 occupational noise, 444 radiographic translucencies, 101 migrant factors, 364 occupational pesticide exposure, 166 radiographic wrist findings, 101 military noise, 87 occupational risk, 313 radon daughters, special issue: 100 mineral fibers, 34 occupational risk factors, 160 reactive oxygen species, 407 misclassification, 200 occupational stress, 73 recall bias, 371 misclassification model, special issue: occupational transmission, 393 red blood cells, 306 19 office automation, 417 reference values, special issue: 46 model, 1; special issue: 19 offshore, 122, 128 register linkage, 371 modeling, 262 offspring, 345, 466 registers, special issue: 108 model makers, 107 oil refinery workers, 213 regulatory toxicology, 1 models, 153 oncogene, special issue: 9 reinforced plastics industry, 272 modified Edman degradation, 451 organic dust, 435 renal-cell carcinoma, 160 molecular biology, special issue: 9 organic dusts, special issue: 116 renal dysfunction, 180 morbidity, 22, 286, 407 organic solvents, special issue: 59 repetitive motion disorders, 417 mortality, 213, 251, 286, 331, 407 organizational factors, 122 repetitive work, special issue: 30 mucosal atopy, 113 osteoarthrosis, 101, 184 report, 65, 227, 309, 468 multistage carcinogenesis, 235 overview, special issue: 78 reproductive hazard, 345 multivariate analysis, 435 overweight, 184 research, 65 musculoskeletal, special issue: 30 parental exposure, 166 research frontier, 90 musculoskeletal complaints, 153 parkinsonism, 301 residential, 132 musculosceletal disorders, 417, 468; pathogenesis, special issue: 90 residential pesticide exposure, 166 special issue: 30 pathology, 435 respiratory cancer, 313 musculoskeletal problems, 139 pathophysiology, special issue: 90 respiratory symptoms, 13, 48 musculoskeletal system, 153 patients, 376 restriction, 371 mutation, special issue: 9 pattern makers, 107 restriction of exposure, special issue: N-alkylated valine, 451 pesticides, 166 78 neoplasms, 251, 272 petroleum, 42 retinol-binding protein, 180 nephrotoxicity, 180 petroleum platforms, 122, 128 retrospective assessment of exposure, nerve load, 184 petroleum workers, 213 262 neurobehavioral reactions, special is- pharmaceutical workers, 22 retrospective, 19 sue: 78 pharmacy technicians, 22 review, 1, 13, 73, 153, 235, 313; spe- neurocardiological model, 73 phenoxy herbicides, 262 cial issue: 9 19 30 46 59 65 72 78 neurocardiology, 73 physical exposure, special issue: 30 90 100 108 116 123 neuropathy, 189 physical work load, 184 rhinoconjunctivitis, 216 neurophysiology, 189 physiotherapists, 345 risk, 189, 243 neuropsychiatric function, special is- pig farmers, 48 risk assessment, 62, 393 sue: 59 pleural mesothelioma, 146, 213 risk identification, special issue: 108 neuropsychological effects, 279 pleural plaques, 62 roles, special issue: 123 neurotoxic chemicals, 1 pleural tumor, 213 rotating shift schedule, 55 neurotoxic effects, special issue: 65 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, spe- safety, 122, 128, 364 neurotoxicity criteria, 1 cial issue: 100 sampling, 468 neurotoxicity data, 1 polyurethane, 216 Scandinavia, special issue: 59 neurotoxicity testing, 1 population nutrition, 4014 screening test, 1 new epidemics, 309 posture, special issue: 30 seamen, special issue: 100 newspaper employees, 417 power frequency fields, 132 secondary prevention, special issue: nickel, special issue: 100 prairie provinces, 42 108 nocturnal eating, 401 pregnancy, 153 secular changes, special issue: 72 noise, 93 pregnancy course, 444 selected metals, special issue: 65 noise annoyance, 294 pregnancy outcome, 345, 444 semen quality, special issue: 72 noise exposure, 294, 444 pregnancy outcomes, special issue: 78 sequential invest, 13 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 22, 42, 223, prematurity, 444 serum aluminum, 279 262, 371 prevalence, 206 serum cholesterol, 401 nonmelanoma skin cancer, 22 prevention serum lipids, 401 Nordic, 468 prevention, 153, 184; special issue: sex ratio, 345, 466 Nordic cooperation, 65 100, 108, 116 shift work, 55 Norway, 339; special issue: 100 preventive measures, 393 shooting noise, 93 nurses, 427 primary prevention, special issue: 108 shortwave radiation, 345 nursing, 427 professional drivers, 73 silica, 407 nutrients, 401 professional soldiers, 87, 93 silica dust exposure, 407 nuirition survey, 401 prolonged exposure, 85 silicosis, 180 observation methods, special issue: 30 proteinuria, 180 silicotic workers, 180 occupation, 184, 213, 349, 364 psychological distress, 294 smoking, 235 occupational, 132, 216 psychosocial, 417; special issue: 123 social hearing, 93 occupational accidents, 128 psychosocial criteria, special issue: social support, 122, 128, 349 occupational airborne exposure, 48 123 soft-tissue sarcoma, 262 occupational asthma, special issue: psychosocial risk factors, 417 solvent syndrome, special issue: 59 108 psychosocial stressors, 139 specific antibodies, 459 occupational cancer, 331 psychosociology, 73 specific immunoglobulin E, 459 occupational disease, 107 psychosomatic complaints, 139 specific immunoglobulin G, 459 spectacles, 27 toxic pneumonitis, special issue: 116 white fingers, special issue: 90 sports, 184 transepidermal water loss, 113 women, 22, 153 static work load, 184 triglycerides, 401 work, 27, 139, 153 364 statistical inference, 62 truck assemblers, 189 work area dust, special issue: 100 stress, 27, 349 tunnel of platers, 189 work environment, 65, 444, 468 study design, 13 universal precautions, 393 worker, 306 styrene, 251, 272, 451 urban, 34 workers, 251, 262, 272, 313, 339, 451, surveillance systems, special issue: urinary aluminum, 279 459 108 urinary mandelic acid, 451 work load, 153, 184 susceptibility, 113 validity, 371 work organization, special issue: 123 sympathetic hyperactivity, special is- vasodilatory mechanisms, special is- work posture, 153 sue: 90 sue: 90 work-related, 206, 417; special issue: systematic observations, special issue: VDT, 27, 417 30 30 ventilatory function, 435 work-related causes, special issue: systemic reaction, 216 video display terminals, 417 100 three-shift workers, 401 visual display terminals, 27 work-related fatalities, 364 time window, special issue: 9 visual signals, 73 work-related health effects, 468 tinnitus, 93 welding, 466 work stress, 73, 417 tobacco smoking, 235 well-being, special issue: 123 work stressors, 139 toluene diisocyanate, 376 white-finger symptoms, 101 meal order, 401 occupational diseases, 376 pulmonary diseases, special issue: 116 measurement error, 200 occupational epidemiology, special is- pulmonary fiber concentrations, 34 measurements. 132 sue: 9, 19 pulmonary tumors, 62 mechanical loading, 427 occupational exposure, 13, 272, 339; pyrolysis, 216 mechanism, 73, 235 special issue: 78 pyrolysis products, 322 men, 34 occupational exposures, 107, 322; quality assurance, special issue: 46 mercury, special issue: 65 special issue: 72 quantitative electroencephalography, mesothelioma, 146 occupational hazard, 466 279 methodological approach, 1 occupational hazards, special issue: 72 quartz, 407 methodology, 13 occupational health, 122, 128, 309 questionnaire study, 206 microwave diathermy, 345 occupational noise, 444 radiographic translucencies, 101 migrant factors, 364 occupational pesticide exposure, 166 radiographic wrist findings, 101 military noise, 87 occupational risk, 313 radon daughters, special issue: 100 mineral fibers, 34 occupational risk factors, 160 reactive oxygen species, 407 misclassification, 200 occupational stress, 73 recall bias, 371 misclassification model, special issue: occupational transmission, 393 red blood cells, 306 19 office automation, 417 reference values, special issue: 46 model, 1; special issue: 19 offshore, 122, 128 register linkage, 371 modeling, 262 offspring, 345, 466 registers, special issue: 108 model makers, 107 oil refinery workers, 213 regulatory toxicology, 1 models, 153 oncogene, special issue: 9 reinforced plastics industry, 272 modified Edman degradation, 451 organic dust, 435 renal-cell carcinoma, 160 molecular biology, special issue: 9 organic dusts, special issue: 116 renal dysfunction, 180 morbidity, 22, 286, 407 organic solvents, special issue: 59 repetitive motion disorders, 417 mortality, 213, 251, 286, 331, 407 organizational factors, 122 repetitive work, special issue: 30 mucosal atopy, 113 osteoarthrosis, 101, 184 report, 65, 227, 309, 468 multistage carcinogenesis, 235 overview, special issue: 78 reproductive hazard, 345 multivariate analysis, 435 overweight, 184 research, 65 musculoskeletal, special issue: 30 parental exposure, 166 research frontier, 90 musculoskeletal complaints, 153 parkinsonism, 301 residential, 132 musculosceletal disorders, 417, 468; pathogenesis, special issue: 90 residential pesticide exposure, 166 special issue: 30 pathology, 435 respiratory cancer, 313 musculoskeletal problems, 139 pathophysiology, special issue: 90 respiratory symptoms, 13, 48 musculoskeletal system, 153 patients, 376 restriction, 371 mutation, special issue: 9 pattern makers, 107 restriction of exposure, special issue: N-alkylated valine, 451 pesticides, 166 78 neoplasms, 251, 272 petroleum, 42 retinol-binding protein, 180 nephrotoxicity, 180 petroleum piatforms, 122, 128 retrospective assessment of exposure, nerve load, 184 petroleum workers, 213 262 neurobehavioral reactions, special is- pharmaceutical workers, 22 retrospective, 19 sue: 78 pharmacy technicians, 22 review, 1, 13, 73, 153, 235, 313; spe- neurocardiological model, 73 phenoxy herbicides, 262 cial issue: 9 19 30 46 59 65 72 78 neurocardiology, 73 physical exposure, special issue: 30 90 100 108 116 123 neuropathy, 189 physical work load, 184 rhinoconjunctivitis, 216 neurophysiology, 189 physiotherapists, 345 risk, 189, 243 neuropsychiatric function, special is- pig farmers, 48 risk assessment, 62, 393 sue: 59 pleural mesothelioma, 146, 213 risk identification, special issue: 108 neuropsychological effects, 279 pleural plaques, 62 roles, special issue: 123 neurotoxic chemicals, 1 pleural tumor, 213 rotating shift schedule, 55 neurotoxic effects, special issue: 65 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, spe- safety, 122, 128, 364 neurotoxicity criteria, 1 cial issue: 100 sampling, 468 neurotoxicity data, 1 polyurethane, 216 Scandinavia, special issue: 59 neurotoxicity testing, 1 population nuirition, 401 screening test, 1 new epidemics, 309 posture, special issue: 30 seamen, special issue: 100 newspaper employees, 417 power frequency fields, 132 secondary prevention, special issue: nickel, special issue: 100 prairie provinces, 42 108 nocturnal eating, 401 pregnancy, 153 secular changes, special issue: 72 noise, 93 pregnancy course, 444 selected metals, special issue: 65 noise annoyance, 294 pregnancy outcome, 345, 444 semen quality, special issue: 72 noise exposure, 294, 444 pregnancy outcomes, special issue: 78 sequential invest, 13 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 22, 42, 223, prematurity, 444 serum aluminum, 279 262, 371 prevalence, 206 serum cholesterol, 401 nonmelanoma skin cancer, 22 prevention serum lipids, 401 Nordic, 468 prevention, 153, 184; special issue: sex ratio, 345, 466 Nordic cooperation, 65 100, 108, 116 shift work, 55 Norway, 339; special issue: 100 preventive measures, 393 shooting noise, 93 nurses, 427 primary prevention, special issue: 108 shortwave radiation, 345 nursing, 427 professional drivers, 73 silica, 407 nutrients, 401 professional soldiers, 87, 93 silica dust exposure, 407 nutrition survey, 401 prolonged exposure, 85 silicosis, 180 observation methods, special issue: 30 proteinuria, 180 silicotic workers, 180 occupation, 184, 213, 349, 364 psychological distress, 294 smoking, 235 occupational, 132, 216 psychosocial, 417; special issue: 123 social hearing, 93 occupational accidents, 128 psychosocial criteria, special issue: social support, 122, 128, 349 occupational airborne exposure, 48 123 soft-tissue sarcoma, 262 occupational asthma, special issue: psychosocial risk factors, 417 solvent syndrome, special issue: 59 108 psychosocial stressors, 139 specific antibodies, 459 occupational cancer, 331 psychosociology, 73 specific immunoglobulin E, 459 occupational disease, 107 psychosomatic complaints, 139 specific immunoglobulin G, 459 spectacles, 27 toxic pneumonitis, special issue: 116 white fingers, special issue: 90 sports, 184 transepidermal water loss, 113 women, 22, 153 static work load, 184 triglycerides, 401 work, 27, 139, 153 364 statistical inference, 62 truck assemblers, 189 work area dust, special issue: 100 stress, 27, 349 tunnel of platers, 189 work environment, 65, 444, 468 study design, 13 universal precautions, 393 worker, 306 styrene, 251, 272, 451 urban, 34 workers, 251, 262, 272, 313, 339, 451, surveillance systems, special issue: urinary aluminum, 279 459 108 urinary mandelic acid, 451 work load, 153, 184 susceptibility, 113 validity, 371 work organization, special issue: 123 sympathetic hyperactivity, special is- vasodilatory mechanisms, special is- work posture, 153 sue: 90 sue: 90 work-related, 206, 417; special issue: systematic observations, special issue: VDT, 27, 417 30 30 ventilatory function, 435 work-related causes, special issue: systemic reaction, 216 video display terminals, 417 100 three-shift workers, 401 visual display terminals, 27 work-related fatalities, 364 time window, special issue: 9 visual signals, 73 work-related health effects, 468 tinnitus, 93 welding, 466 work stress, 73, 417 tobacco smoking, 235 well-being, special issue: 123 work stressors, 139 toluene diisocyanate, 376 white-finger symptoms, 101

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