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Scandinavian Journal of Management Volume 17, 2001 List of Contents, Author Index and Key Word Index @} Pergamon SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Incorporating Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies Editor STEN JONSSON Department of Business Administration, Gothenburg School of Economics and Commercial Law, Vasagatan 3, S-411 24 Gothenburg, Sweden Former Editor ROLF LUNDIN University of Umea Book Review Editor BARBARA CZARNIAWSKA-JOERGES Gothenburg University Associate Editors HENRIK GAHMBERG University of Vaasa FLEMMING POULFELT Copenhagen Business School TORGER REVE Norwegion School of Management BI English language adviser NANCY ADLER Editorial Board NILS BRUNSSON ANTHONY HoPpwooD LARS-GUNNAR MATTSSON Stockholm School of Economics University of Oxford Stockholm School of Economics CHRISTER CARLSSON ERIK JOHNSEN HENRY MINTZBERG Abo Academy The Management Research McGill University Institute, Frederiksberg JEREMY DENT JOHAN P. OLSEN London School of Economics PERTTI KETTUNEN University of Oslo and Political Science University of Jyvaskyla ANDREW PETTIGREW LARS ENGWALL PAL E. KORSVOLD University of Warwick Uppsala University Norwegian School BENT PROVSTGAARD of Management PAULSSON FRENCKNER Aarhus School of Economics University of Stockholm REWO LUOSTARINEN WILLIAM H. STARBUCK FROSTEIN GJESDAL Helsinki School of Economics New York University Norwegian School of Economics JAMES G. MARCH MASAHIRO YAMAMOTO and Business Administration Stanford University Meiji University Author enquiries For enquiries relating to the submission of articles (including electronic submission), the status of accepted articles through our Online Article Status Information System (OASIS), author Frequently Asked Questions and any other enquiries relating to Elsevier Science, please consult http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authors For specific enquiries on the preparation of electronic artwork, consult http://www.elsevier.com/locate/authorartwork Contact details for questions arising after acceptance of an article, especially those relating to proofs, are provided when an article is accepted for publication. Publication information: Scandinavian Journal of Management (ISSN 0956-5221). For 2002, volume 18 is scheduled for publication. 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PARVIAINEN Leadership and bodily knowledge in expert organizations: epistemological rethinking 1.J. PETTERSEN Hesitation and rapid action: the new public 19 management reforms in the Norwegian hospital sector D. RAvasi, G. VERONA Organising the process of knowledge integra- 4] tion: the benefits of structural ambiguity I. HOLMBERG, The production of outstanding leadership — an 67 S. AKERBLOM analysis of leadership images in the Swedish media P.N. Buku, H.T. LARSEN, Constructing intellectual capital statements 87 J. MOURITSEN T. ERICSON Sensemaking in organisations — towards a 109 conceptual framework for understanding stra- tegic change P. Furu Drivers of competence development in different types of multinational R&D subsidiaries Number 2 2001 M. KELEMEN, Ethics, morality and the subject: the contribu- 15] T. PELTONEN tion of Zygmunt Bauman and Michel Foucault to ‘postmodern’ business ethics J. SELMER Coping and adjustment of Western expatriate 167 managers in Hong Kong A. EILIFSEN, K. HENRY Earnings announcements and the variability of KNIVSFLA, F. S&TTEM stock returns P. ERIKSSON, Strategy rhetoric in city management How the H. LEHTIMAKI presumptions of classic strategic management live on? H. LANDSTROM, Theoretical foundations of Swedish entrepre- B. JOHANNISSON neurship and small-business research V. SuuTAri, K. RIUSALA Leadership styles in Central Eastern Europe: Experiences of Finnish expatriates in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland B. CZARNIAWSKA Rationality & Power: Democracy in Practice by B. Flyvbjerg D. HsorTH Entreprenerskap pa Norsk by O. Spilling Number 3 J. LUNDESGAARD The Holmstr6m—Milgrom model: a simplified and illustrated version E. SEGELOD Learning through grafting in ventures in new areas J. NILSSON Organisational principles for co-operative firms M. LINDGREN. Identity construction among boundary-crossing individuals N. WAHLIN A.-P. HAMERI, Production and supply management strategies in J.-M. LEHTONEN Nordic paper mills Book reviews B. BERNER Understanding Gender and Organizations by 397 Mats Alvesson and Yuonne Due Billing Gender, Symbolism and Organisational Cultures by Silvia Gherardi K. KREINER Res pyramiderna. Om frihedsskapande hierarkier 403 och tillplattningens slaveri by Osten Ohlsson and Bjérn Rombach S. WESTERDAHL The Employee Owner by Erik Maaloe 406 Number 4 2001 A. S. DuNK, A. KILGORE Short-term R&D bias, competition on cost 409 rather than innovation, and time to market 421 P. H. Steet, A. REINsSTEIN An exploratory study of mentor relationships in large CPA firms L. FUGLSANG Management problems in welfare services: the 437 role of the “social entrepreneur” in home-help for the elderly, the Valby case B. LARSEN, T. HAversiG Management by standards — real benefits from 457 fashion Role-bound actors in corporate combinations: a sociopolitical perspective on post-merger change processes Book reviews S. JONSSON Writing management — organization theory as 511 literary genre by Barbara Czarniawska G. SEVON The two faces of management. The Janus factor 513 by Sven-Erik Sjéstrand I. MEDINA The audit society. Rituals of verification by 516 Michael Power A. EDsTROM Moderna Organisationer trender inom 518 organisation-stankandet vid millenieskiftet (Modern organizations trends in organiza- tional thinking at the millenium shift) Kjell Arne Rovik: Liber, Malm6 2000 T. BREDENLOW An invitation to social construction by Kenneth 519 J. Gergen G. RIMMEL The New Organizational Wealth: Managing $22 and Measuring Knowledge-Based Assets by Karl Erik Sveiby Author Index Vill Keyword Index

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