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Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2004: Vol 39 Index PDF

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Preview Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2004: Vol 39 Index

Author Index Aabakken L 448, 1228 Baum H 981 CacaK 1296 Delgado-Aros 3 297 Aadland E_ 145, 365, 1017 Becker JC 927 CaiH 584 Demirceken F 698 AamodtG_ 1228 Befrits R 1066 Cammarota G_ 1083 Demiroullar! B 789 Abecasis R 385 Belai A 303 Can Basaklar A 789 Desmond CP 1310 Abrahamsson H 416 Bell H 858 Candelli M 605 Devriese PP 14 AbreuN 910 Bendet M_ 650 Cantu P1304 Di Caro S_ 297 Adachi Y 1061 Bendtsen F 486 Card T 680 DiLeo A 470 Adamek A 387 Bentsen BS 938 Carlsson R- 1280 Di Pierro MR 195 Adler SN 807 Bergan A 571 Carr-Locke DL 615 Dickey W 665 AgnholtJ 238 Bergele C 1180 Caruso MG 470 Diebold J] 766 Agreus L 913, 1201, 1280 Bergqvist L 252 Casis B- 1236 Dinis-Ribeiro M 910 Aguilera-Montilla N 1236 Berndtsson I 374 Castellano G 1236 Dolara P_ 1128 AharoniD 650 Bernklev T 365 Catalano F 1215 Domschke W 927 Ainsworth AP 579 Bernshtain E 557 Cauquil E 37 Drago S_ 195 Airaghi L 702 Berstad A 717, 933, 1088 Cayuela C 1266 Drewes AM 988 Aittomaki K 694 Bertin C 336 Cedrone A_ 188 DrewsenG 891 Akuta N 53 Bethanis S_ 1180 Cermesoni L 154 Dufmats M 731 Albrechtsson E 882 Bianchi FB 405 Cesana BM _ 154, 1304 Dullemen Hv 418 Aldenborg F 864 Bianchi Porro G_ 783 Chan C-C 464 Dunel-Erb S_ 531 AlmerS 454 Biczysko W 387 Chan E-C 464 Durup J 579 Alvarez A 407 Biermann J] 60 Chang F-Y 46, 168 Dymecki D 127 Amir AI 418 Bijzet J 1141 Chao CCK 464 Amouretti M 336 Binder V_ 232 Chapman RW 961 EckerwallG 891 Anagnostopoulos GK 198 Bischoff SC 440 Chatzopoulos D 1314 Eckhardt VF 634 Andersen LP 823 Bjarnason A 807 Chau JFL 510 Economou M_ 1180 Anderson H_ 1259 Bjarnason I 87, 416, 807 Chavan A 609 Ederer F_ 1031 Andersson B_ 891 Bjork J 32 Chayama K 322 Edwin B_ 571 Andersson E1035 Bjorkkjzr T 1088 Chen JDZ 344 EgawaN_ 1154 Andersson R409, 891, 1035 Bjorneklett A 1228 Chevalier C 531 Egger J-F 89, 291 Ando T 313 Bjérnsson E864, 961 Chilcott M 291 Ehehalt R 737 Ansari A 1293 Bjérnsson ES 516 Chmielewski M 387 Eide GE 270 Anthonsen D 1219 Bladstr6m A 1259 Cho CH 3510 Eide J 1228 Anzola M_ 246 Blaker H 748 Cho M_ 1010 Ekberg O 527 Apel D 395 Blasi A 1215 Christ B 584 Ekbom A_ 158, 252, 743 Arase Y 53 Blennerhassett PA 668 Christensen IJ 674 Ekici F 698 Arendt-Nielsen L 988 Bleuming SA 93 Chrysos E 521 Ekse S_ 1000 Argov S 557 Bloch O 650 Chu C-M 778 Elsborg L 119 Arican N- 174 Bluhme C988 Church T 1031 Engstrand L 657, 913, 1280 ArioliD 981 Bobbio M_ 540 Cianci R- 1083 Erben G 737 Arkoumani E 198 Bode C 60 Cohen O- 650 Erdem L_ 174 Aro P= 1201, 1280 Bode JC 60 Collin P 27, 428 Erichsen K 801 Arslan G 1088 BodemarG 454 Coppell J 830 Ericson K_ 1259 Arvanitidis D 198 Bodin L_ 138 CorreaH 1192 Escudero A 1149 Asai Y 1054 Bogdanos D-P 405 Correa P1192 Euler K 895 Ascher H 1219 Bolling-Sternevald E Cote RL 1192 Eutamene H_ 37, 1250 Asfeldt AM 1073 1280 Coupland C 680 Evilevitch L 886 Astrup L 1025 Bommelaer G 336 Covino M_ 188 Athanasakis E 521 Bonin RP 668 Cremonini F 297, 605 Fagerhol MK 1113 Aulmann S_ 748 Boénisch A 748 Cucino C783 Falagas ME 1021 Aurich H 584 Bonnevie O 823 Cuevas N 246 Falch JA 145 Aust DE 766 Borch K_ 138 Curioni M_ 702 Falkmer S 969 Autio-Harmainen H_ 1168 BorteG 1296 Falkmer SE 621 Avgerinos A 1180 Brandao C 910 Da Costa-Pereira A 910 Falth-Magnusson K 946 Axelson J 882 Brogna A 1215 Dahl O- 1113 Fan C-W 464 Axelsson J 409 Brooks DC 615 Dahlerup JF 238 Fan H-A 464 Azpiroz F 423 Brun JG 1088 Dalekos GN 406 Farkkila M 227, 327, 544, Brunborg LA 1088 Daniels I 941 1243 Babinska D127 Bruun E 232 Danielson BG 454 Farup PG 404, 448, 645, Backman M_ 1066 BryndovaJ 549 Danielsson A 1 1033 Bailey W 500 Brynskov J 232 Danikas DD 600 Fasano A 195 Bakka A 1228 Bucceri AM 1215 Davidson GP 1015 Federspiel B 232 Bakke I 505 Bucher P 291 De Boer W 913 Fenger C 846 Bakkelund KE 919 Buéno L_ 37, 1250 de Jong KP 1141 Fernandes N 910 Bang C 119 Bueno-De Mesquita HB 359 De Torrente A 89 Ferti A 401 Barcella M 702 Buhler L 291 de Vries EGE 1141 Fidler V 1141 Bardella MT 1304 Burgos JJ 246 Dees J 1175 Finkel Y 87 Baretton GB 766 Burroughs AK 830, 981 del Olmo JA_ 1149 Fioramonti J 37, 1250 Barmada MM _ 903 Butler RN 1015 Delaney B 913 Fitoz S 698 Bartolozzi F 1083 Bytzer P 404, 913 Delgado A 1192 Fleig WE 584 1320 Florholmen J 1073 Haglund U 657 InaK 313 Kiviluoto T 104 Florkowski CM 500 Hahn EG 791, 895 Inoue H_ 1061 Kivisaari L 67 Foltzer-Jourdainne C 531 HalavaaraJ 67 Isaji S 567 Kiyohara Y 459 Forsyth JM 1078 Halevi A 650 Ishikawa N 111 Kjellevold @ 365 Fosse E 571 Hallert C 1219 Ishiyama S 380 Klementsen B- 1088 Fossmark R 505, 919 Halme L_ 1243 Isomoto H_ 1209 Klempnauer J 609 Franceschi F 297, 605 Hammarstrém L-E 5 Isoniemi H 67 Kment M_ 549 Franco E 407, 540 HamzaogluI 613 Iwamoto H 459 Kobayashi M_ 53, 754 Franke A 638, 722 Hansen EF 486 Iwamoto K 380 Kobiela J 127 Franzen L138, 803 Hansen GH_ 1219 Kohler A 766 Frexinos J 336 Hansen L 217 Jacobsen B 267 Kohno S_ 1209 Frezza DD 1083 Haraldsen P 891 Jahnsen J 145, 365, 858 Koike T 709 Friis-Liby I 864 Harder H 638, 722 Jalan R 1000 Kojima H_ 686 Freyland L 1088 Haruma K 322 JanczewskaI 1306 Koketsu S_ 1134 Fruscalzo A 1083 Hassan H 267 Jansen JBMJ 727 Kokura S_ 816 Fuchigami T 111 Hast R_ 1306 Jansson K 434 Kolilekas L 198 Fuglsang S 629 HataJ 322 Jansson S-E_ 178 Kontula K 1243 Fukai K 478 Hatemil 613 Jardine DL 500 Koo MWL 510 Fukuda H 1209 Hausken T 933 Jarvinen H 544 Koskela R_ 1168 Fukui H 686 Hedenborg L 1066 Jarvinen TT 428 Koskela RM 837 FunahashiH 1159 Heikkinen M 227 Jensenius JC 674 Kountouras J] 1314 Funch-Jensen P 988 Helander HF 20 Jerlstad P 864 Koyama S_ 1046 Furuta R 313 Heli6 T 1243 Johansson CA 287 Krawcezynski M_ 607 Fuskevag O-M_ 1000 Hellstr6m PM 32 Johansson S-E_ 1201, 1280 Kroencke TJ 994 Fykse V 621 Helmchen B 748 Johnsen R_ 1040 Kronborg O 707, 846 Henriksen JH 486 JonesJ 119 Kruszyna T 696 Gabazza EC 1061 Henriksen M_ 365 Jones R 913 Kryszak D195 Gabrieili M 605 HeoJ 1010 Jones S 398 Kubo M_ 459 Gamme K 969 Herrmann K 953 Jorgensen OD 846 Kuijpers JHC 7 is 7 Ganser A 259 Herzig K-H 607 Jorgensen T 823 Kuipers EJ 117 5 Gao F 1119 Hill PG 1078 Junghard O 1201 KuismaJ 544 Gasbarrini A 297, 605 Hilsted L 217 Jurczyszyn D 387 Kulolu Z 698 GasbarriniG 188, 297, 605 Hindorf U 1105 Juste C 1266 Kumada H 53 Gasbarrini GB 1083 Hinz U_ 737 Kunihiro K 322 Gastanaduy M_ 1192 Hjelland IE 933 Kahri A 544 Kunnamo I! 1289 Gaudin A-F 336 Hochberger J 791, 895 Kale N 789 Kuroda M_ 816, 1054, 1061 Gervaz P 291 Hockerstedt K 67, 1168 Kaltoft K 238 Kusugami K 313 Giambra V_ 1083 Hoedemakers RMJ 1141 Kamisawa T 1154 Kusunoki M 754 Giannini L 1128 Hoff G 99, 1029 Kanazawa T 1134 Kylanpaa M-L 178 Girelli G 605 Hoffmann HJ 238 Kanda T 478 Kyr6énpalo S 428 Girgin N 698 Hollander A 164 Kandil E 870 Giufre M1083 Holland-Fischer P 1025 Kang DH_ 1010 Laake KO 1228 GladhaugI 571 Hollméen S_ 227 Kangawa K 686 Lachinski AJ 127 Glaumann H_ 164 Holme I 119 Kansu A 698 Lagergren J 1040 Glowacki J 127 Holmes GKT_ 1078 KanzlerG 634 Laippala P 27 Gokden Y 174 Holst JJ 217, 353 Karabulut R 789 Lakoumentas J 1180 Goéke B 953 Hopman WPM 727 Karcez D 696 Lamine F 37, 1250 Golan I 283 Horie S 303 Karjalainen-Lindsberg M- Lange S_ 87 Goldin E 283 Horie T 1119 L 1095. Langer F 609 Goldstein J 557 HorikiN 1061 Karlsdottir A 1113 Lannerstad O 731 Goll R 1073 Horvath K 195 Karttunen TJ] 837 Lappalainen M_ 1243 Goritsas C 401 Hosaka T 53 Kasiakou SK 1021 Larsen A 1113 Goto H 313 Hovdenak N- 1113 Kasim E 994 Larsen FS 974 GozalD 283 Howarth GS_ 1015 Kaska L127 Larsen JF 493 Gozal Y 283 Huang Y-H 46, 168 Kasprzak A 387 Larsen S 277 Graff J 629 Hughes DF 665 Kato I 459 Larsson] 74 Granné C731 Hulten L 374 Kaukinen K 27, 428 Laurin P 946 Granot E 283 Hultgren Hérnquist E 1166 Kauma H_ 1168 Lauritano EC 297 Griffith JC 500 Hultgren OH 1166 Kawase S 919 Le Maho Y 531 Gronbek H 594, 1025 Hunt R_ 668, 803 KayaS 613 Le Pen C 336 Gruca Z 127 Huo T-I 46, 168 Kazama S_ 1134 Leandro G_ 830 Grzyb K 1017, 1228 Hveem K_ 1040 Kechagias S 454 Lederer R 791 Guerra V 470 Hvinden AB_ 1228 Keiding S 594, 1025 Lee DH_ 1010 Guevara M_ 385 Keighley MRB_ 805 Lee LS 615 Guglielmi F 1128 Ibsen Study Group 365 Kelsen J 238 Lee P-C_ 168 Guldberg P 232 Ichikawa H_ 816 Kemppainen E178, 905 Lee R-C 46 Gunsar F 981 Ida K 1054 Khan WI 668 Lee S-D 46, 168 Guo JS 510 lida M_ 111, 459 Kikuchi S_ 380 Lehesjoki A-E 694 lijima K 709 Kim GH__1010 Lehmann W-D_ 737 Haapiainen R_ 178 Ikeda K 53 Kiszka-Kanowitz M 486 Lehtola J] 1168 Habold C 531 Imamura T 478 Kittang E 858 Lehtola JK 837 Haboubi N 398 Imazeki F 478 Kiuchi Y 1272 Leijonmarck C-E 1066 Hage M_ 1175 ImotoI 1061 Kivilaakso E 104 Lempinen M_ 74, 905 Lentz JJ 1192 Mathisen © 571 Nedredal GI 1000 Partanen] 428 Leon F 802 Mathus-Vliegen EMH 14 Nepveu F 37 Paulssen EJ 1073 Lepercq P_ 1266 Matsuda M 53 Neri E 195 PavlakisG 198 LeviG 870 Matsumoto N_ 1054 Nestegard O 1073 Pedersen JF 353 Levi-Schaffer F 440 Matsumoto T 111, 459 Nesvik I 270 Pedersen N 277 LevyI 1172 Matsuo H_ 686 Neumann S_ 1296 Peeters PMJG 1141 Liaw Y-F 778 Matsuo Y 1159 Niels-Christiansen L-L 1219 Pelton NS 1015 Lignot J-H 531 Maurel F 336 Nielsen HJ] 674 Pender SLF 1095 LiljaI 731 Mearin ML 359 Nielsen OH 277 Penzel R 748 Limburg PC 1141 Meier PN 259 Nielsen P 801 Peppelenbosch MP 93 Lin Y-Y 870 Meiri Ch 283 Niemela SE 837 Periaho M 27 Lind RA_ 1088 Mejhert M_ 1306 Nikolopoulou VN 600 Perez-Blas M_ 1236 Lindblad A 87 Mencia A_ 1236 Nilbert M_ 1259 Permert J 74 Line PD 1228 Mentula P_ 178 Nilsson M_ 1040 Perry D 830 Linsalata M 470 Merle U_ 737 Nilsson A 1105 Petersein J] 994 Liu JJ 615 MerraG 605 Nilsson E 773 Pierzynowski SG 886 Ljungdahl M_ 657 Messerini L 1128 Nilsson TK 287 Piironen A 81 Lobysheva I 37 Michael GJ] 303 Nishiwaki T 313 Pikarsky A 440 Lochen M-L_ 1073 MidhagenG_ 1219 Nista EC 605 Piodi LP 154, 1304 Lochs H 994 Miki C 754 NivG_ 1005 Planck M_ 1259 Lock G 389 Milionis H_ 1180 Niv Y 1005 Plauth M 994 Lodovici M1128 Milosavljevic T 222 Nobata K 313 Pless T 579 Logan RFA 680 Minamino N- 686 NordbackI 81 Plukker JThM 418 Léhrs U 766 Mitamura K 1272 NorenO 1219 Pohle T 927 Lomba-Viana H 910 Miyakawa Y 53 Norgren L 434 Pola P 605 Long RG 941 Miyazono Y_ 1119 Not T 195 Polymeros D 981 L66fL 158 Mizuno S_ 567 Notarnicola M 470 Pompili M_ 188 Loong C-C 46 Mizuta Y 1209 Numminen K 67 Poorkhalkali N20 Lopez-Martinez M_ 246 Mollen RMHG 727 Nunez-Roldan A 407 Poynard T 336 Lopez-Santalla M1236 Moller S 486 Nygaard EA 938 Premchand P 416 Loreno M_ 1215 Monge E_ 1033 Nyhlin H_ 119, 803 Priestley JV 303 LuceriC 1128 Monsbakken KW 645, Priol G 336 Luedde T 259, 609 Montes R_ 1033 Ochsenkihn T 953 Procopiou M_ 89 Lui W-Y 46 Montes-Cano MA 407 OckengaJ 994 Prosper Study Group 327 Luk JM 510 Mordechai S 557 Ofstad AP 933 Puchades MJ 1149 Lundberg JO 32 Moreira-Dias L 910 Ogawa T 567, 1054 Puolakkainen P 104, 178, Lundholm M_ 657 Morel Ph 291 Ohara S_ 709 1095 LygrenI 365 Moriyama T 111 Ohba K_ 1209 Lyrenés E 1105 Mortensen D 353 Ohlsson B- 527, 882 Quatrini M702 Mortensen MB 579 Ohman L_ 1166 Qvigstad G 505, 621, 969 MaY 981 Méssner J] 1296 Ohnita K 1209 Maaroos H-I_ 1186 Moum B= 365 Ohyama Y 1054 Rafaelsen SR 579, 761 MacDonald TT 1095 Mowinckel P_ 145 Oka S_ 1061 Rafailidis PI 1021 Madsen JL 629 Muders M_ 766 Okada T 313 Rago T 1186 MagazzuG_ 1083 Muehldorfer S 791 Okada Y_ 1159 Raknerud N- 858 Magnuson A 434 Miller C 766 Okamoto A_ 1154 Ramot Y 650 Maiss J 791, 895 Murata K 380 Okanoue T 816 Ramstad H 969 Makarewicz W127 Muratori L 405 Okubo K 459 Rapaccini GI_ 188 Maki M_ 27, 428 Muratori P 405 Okuda] 1054 Rapoport MJ 650 Makisalo H_ 1168 Murayama T 303 Oleksiewicz MB 787 Rasmussen M_ 428, 846 Mala T 571 Murray IA 941 Olsson H_ 1259 Ratge D 60 Malagelada J-R 423 Mustalahti K 27 Olsson L_ 158, 252 Redler B 434 Malfertheiner P 222, 913 Mustonen H_ 104 Olsson R 961 Reinders CI 32 Manabe N- 322 Myrelid P 731 Omagari K 1209 Reisenauer C 60 Manabe T 1159 Oona M_ 1186 Reiser MF 953 Mancuso A 830 Naegel A 895 Orefice R188 Relano P_ 1266 Mandel J 1031 Nagao K 478 Oresland T 374 Repo H_ 178, 1243 Mannick EE 1192 NagawaH_ 1134 Oshiro Y 111 Respaldiza N 407 Manns MP 259, 609 Nagell CF 353 Osterberg J 657 Reunala T 428 Manolakopoulos S_ 1180 Naito S133 Otto HF 748 Revhaug A 1000 Manzano ML_ 1236 Naito Y 816 Ozen IO 789 Riccardi L 188 Margeli A 1180 Nakagomi N- 795 Rickards O 1083 Markuszewska-Proczko Nakajima H_ 1154 Paavola-Sakki P_ 1243 Riddell A 830 M_ 127, 408 Nakamura H 459 Pacha] 549 Rieker RJ 748 Marshall B 913 Nakamura M_ 1061 PadolI 668 Riemann JF 395 Martin JA 903 Nakamura S_ 111 Pahlman L 743 Rigopoulou EI 406 Martin MT 423 Nakanishi M_ 111 Painter JN 694 Rivkind A 440 Martinez de Pancorbo M_ 246 Nakashima T 686 Palomaki M 67 Roberts DJ 93 Martinez-Labarga C 1083 Nakasho K 795 Pandolfi F 1083 Roberts SK 1310 MartiniS 540 Nakayama K 459 Papadopoulos N 401 Rodrigo JM 1149 Martinsen TC 505, 919 Nakayama T 133 Pappo O 440 Rodriguez F_ 1149 Martin-Villa JM 1236 Narushima Y 380 Parente F 783 Rodriguez-Juan C 1236 Mathe Z 291 Narvestad JK 933 Parlesak A 60 Ronkainen J 1201, 1280 1322 Rénnblom A 1 Serra MA_ 1149 Syversen U 621, 969 Vagenas KA 600 Ros A_ 773 Sferlazzas C 1083 Vagianos CE 600 Rose C_ 1000 Shannon H 398 Tabata M 567 Vakil N 913 Rosenstock SJ 823 Sheen I-S_ 778 Tacke F 259, 609 Valen M_ 1088 Roset A 1228 Shen XZ 510 Tada T 1134 Valeri AP 1236 Roseth AG. 1017 Sheu D-L 464 Taguchi Y 1061 Valtonen V 327 Rosmarakis ES_ 1021 Shibata M_ 1272 Takami T 1054 Van Dekken H_ 1175 Roy G 802 Shimosegawa T 709 Takaori K 1054 Van Den Brink GR 93 Riiegg P 119 Shortland] 941 Takemura T 816 Van der Meer R 852 Rumessen JJ 629 Siersema PD 1175 Takeshima F 1209 Van Doesburg W 852 Runarsson G_ 1306 SilvaR 910 Takeuchi K 416, 807 Van Lieshout EMM_ 852 Rundstrém K 864 Silvennoinen J 119 Takubo N 111 Vandvik PO 448, 645, 1033 Runge D 584 Simrén M_ 516, 961 Talley NJ 913, 1201, 1280 Vatn M 365 Russo F 470 Singer MV 638, 722 Tanaka A 754 Vatn MH 1228 Ruszniewski P 336 Sipponen P 327 Tanaka K 459 Ventura A 195 Sistonen P 694 Tanaka M_ 1159 Veress B_ 138, 803 Saarialho-Kere U 1095 Sjédahl R731 Tanaka S 322 VerganiD 405, 981 SaaristoR 81 Sjéstedt S 1066 TaniguchiH 1272 Vetrhus M_ 270 Sackmann M_ 953 Sjéstr6m H 1219 Taniyama K 1209 Vieth M_ 1280 Sagar M 668 Skovbjerg H 1219 Tanizaki Y 459 Villita A 605 Sahu RK 557 Sledzinski Z 127 Teahon K 807 Vilmann P 267 SaishoH 478 Slivka A 903 Tedeschi A 702 Vilstrup H 594, 1025 Saito T 380 Slooff MJH 1141 Teich N 1296 Vingerhoets A 127 Saitoh S 53 Smit CF 14 Terada N 795 Vogiatzakis E 1180 SakorafasG 198 SoederH 1296 Terg R 385 Von Blomberg BME 359 Sakuma K 816 Sokic-Milutinovic A 222 Tervahartiala P 67 Vornanen M_ 227 SakuraiS 686 Solaymani-Dodaran M_ 680 Teshima S_ 380 Voutilainen M_ 1289 Salman A 557 Solhaug JH 270 TeyssenS 638 Vuolteenaho N27 Salmela K 905 Solvig J 594, 761 Thalheimer U_ 830 Salmela MT 1095 Someya T 53 Theocharis GJ] 600 Wagenblast J 737 Saltzman JR 615 Sommer T 493 Theodorou V_ 37, 1250 Wagner A 119 Sanchez F 1236 Sondenaa K 270 Thiel S 674 Wagner H 389 Sanchez-Roman J 407 Sendergaard SB 629 Thomopoulos KC 600 Wakuda R 754 SandJ 81 Song GA_ 1010 Thorboll J 267 Waldman FM 766 Sanderson JD 1293 S6nmez K 789 Tillung T 571 Waldum HL 505, 621, 919, Sandstedt B_ 1306 Soon SY 1293 Tivey DR 1015 969 Sandvik AK 621 Soreide O 270, 571 Todorovic V 222 Walfisch S 557, 1172 Sandvik L 858 Sparen P 743 Tofteng F 974 Walkowiak J 607 Santarelli L 605 Spencer HL 941 Tomioka K 111 Walldorf J] 584 Sarna S_ 178, 327 Srivastava E 398 Tommasini A 195 Wamberg PA 579 Sategna-Guidetti C 540 Stanek A 127 Tonner Nielsen D 1025 Wang X 409 SatoJ 53 Starnino S_ 1083 Tonouchi H 754 Wassel AH 1149 Satoh H_ 686 Stawowy M_ 988 Torp SH 919 Watanabe K 303 SauarJ 365 Stefaniak T 127 Tour R 1066 Watanabe T 1134 SavanderM 694 StefanouD 198 Trautwein C 259 Weickert U 395 SawaiH 1159 Stefansson T 743, 1315 Trigidou R 401 Weiland O 164 ScapaE 650 Steigen SE 1073 Truedsson L 434 Weiss M_ 650 Schiefke I 1296 Stenhammar L 946 Trus M_= 127 Weitzberg E 32 Schmidt HH-J 994 Steyerberg EW 1175 Tsay S-H 46 Wengrower D 283 Schmidt LE 974 Stockholm United Study Tsiaoussis J] 521 Wentzel-Larsen T 1113 Schmidt M 766 Group for Helicobacter Tsimpoukas F 401 West J 680 Schmidt PT 217 pylori 1066 Tsubota A 53 Westr6m BR_ 886 Schmiegelow K 1105 Stolte M_ 1280 Tsuji M 795 Wettergren A 353 Schmitt T 634 Stordal K 938 Tsujimura T 795 Wex T 222 Schneider A 903 Storskrubb T 1201, 1280 Tsuruta K 1154 Whitcomb DC 903 Schneider HT 791 Stotzer P-O 516 Tsuzuki T 313 Wichmann I 407 Schoenberg SO 953 Strauch U 389 Turkmen S_ 174 Wiest R 389 Sch6ffski P 259 Straume B_ 1073 Turkyilmaz Z 789 WiklundI 1201 Schélmerich J 389 Strauss GI 974 Turunen U_ 1243 Wilhelmsen I 717 Schréder G 389 Stray N 365 TutarE 698 Winther KV 232 Schuetz T 994 Stremmel W737 Tzourmakliotis D 1180 Woenckhaus M_ 389 Schulz T 365 Strid H 516 TzovarasG 521 Wu J-C 46, 168 Schurr JR 1192 Strom SC 584 Wysocki J 387 Schweizer JJ 359 Strotzer M 389 Uchida M 303 ScibiliaG 1083 Sugarbaker PH 1172 Uchiyama K_ 816, 1054 Xu X 440 Sclavos P_ 180 Sugihara A 795 Uemoto S 567 Xynos E 521 Sebbag G_ 1172 Sundqvist G 527 Uemura M_ 686 Segersvard R 74 Surdyk-Zasada J 387 Ueno T 344 Yamada N 795 Seidelin JB 201, 277 Suzuki F 53 Ulivieri FM 154 Yamada Y 478 Sekine H 709 Suzuki T 313 Ungerstedt U 434 Yamagata H 459 Sekine I 133 Suzuki Y 53 Uzunismail H 613 Yamagiwa K 567 Semeraro D 1078 Svardsudd K 1201 Yamamoto H 303 SenS 1000 Sylvan M 74 Vadstrup S 554 Yamamoto S_ 111 Yamauchi H 380 Yokota T 380 YYYYYYooeeaaknk snoiohgWicsi e um UkaSaH 1 N 0R4O530 611 8707 4104 07 8 YYYYYYttooootrsssnihehhneibiigzoyd ka aaakH mwLi a aMN 6ATK7 _ 4 8 111063810 3120 67 2 ZZZZZZZbaaaaaajpabmbvcaenebo tlklrs aAo-uC vLn aAaMi n 6g9Ah1§63 13e 811n794n 52 84i 39g0 A 1296 ZZZZoeihnrmaiamlnsmeOga rnH m aM5n82E]7 J 0 281720 Subject Index xl-antitrypsin 1113 Autologous stem-cell transplanta- Cirrhosis 486, 830 ['*C]-acetate breath test 722 tion 1306 Clinical significance 365 {6]-gingerol 303 Clonality 246 11f-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 549 Coeliac axis compression 1310 2,4,6-trinitrobenzensulphonic acid 549 Bacteria 32 Coeliac disease 27, 359, 428, 540, 665, 24-h pH monitoring 14 Bacterial translocation 657 941, 946, 1078, 1083, 1219 3H-thymidine 20 Barrett’s oesophagus 680, 1175 Cohort study 459, 680, 1259 5-ASA enema 154 B-cell 981 Colectomy 727 92kDa gelatinase 1095 Beta-catenin 748 Colitis 89, 549 Op 1134 Bifidobacteriae 1228 Collagenous colitis 837, 1306 Bifidobacterium animalis 1266 Colon 743 Bile salt hydrolase 1266 Colon cancer 557, 743, 1134 Abdominal pain 773, 1201, 1310 Biliary 891 Coloncyte shedding 852 Accuracy 1073 Biopsy 946 Colonoscopy 837, 846, 1293 Acetic acid ulcer 20 Bleeding 259, 1180 Colorectal adenoma 846 Acetic acid 168 Blood volume distribution 486 Colorectal cancer 158, 252, 470, 674, Achalasia 527, 634 Bone mineral density 145 680, 761, 766, 846, 1259 Acid regurgitation 1040 BRAF 748 Colorectal 571 Acid-induced gastric damage 510 Budd-Chiari syndrome 1025 Colostomy 398 Acute necrotizing 178 Acute pancreatitis 74, 870, 891 Complement activation 664 Acute-phase response 1141 CagA 222, 1180 Complications 270, 1172 Adenocarcinoma 198, 795, 969, 1175 Calprotectin 1113 Composite 198 Adrenaline 60 Cancer of the Liver Italian Program Computed tomography 46 Adrenaline injection 600 (CLIP) 567 Contrast media 761 Adrenomedullin 686 Cancer of the urinary tract 1259 Cost 579 Adult 1021 Cancer risk 1259 Cost analysis 579 Adult hypolactasia 287 Capsaicin 303 Cost benefit analysis 154, 994 Ageing 584, 709 Capsaicin-sensitive neuron 1209 COX-2 1128 AL-amyloidosis 1306 Capsazepine 303 Crohn disease 145, 188, 232, 238, 322, Alanine aminotransferase 554 Capsule 1005 398, 440, 554, 650, 731, 953, 1236, ALAT 554 Carcinogenesis 478 1243, 1293 Albumin dialysis 974 Carcinoid 198, 621 Cryoablation 571 Alcohol consumption 858 Carcinoma 919 Cryotherapy 571 Alcoholic beverages 638 CARD15 gene mutation 1243 Crypt proliferation 557 Alcoholic cirrhosis 60 Cardiomyopathy 540 Culture media 584 Alcoholic liver cirrhosis 858 Case report 89 Cytokine 178, 657, 1095, 1250 Alcoholic liver disease 60 Case study 398 Alkaline phosphatase 858 Casein 398 Allantois 1021 Catecholamines 60 D cells 217 Alphal-antitrypsin 1113 CCK-receptors 886 Data analysis 14 Ambulatory pH monitoring 615 cDNA microarray 464 Decompensated cirrhosis 1149 Amino acids 974 Cell cycle 584 Deep sedation 283 Ammonia 974 Cell migration 531 Dermatitis herpetiformis 428 Ampulla of Vater tumours 291 Cell number 882 Dextran sodium sulphate 1128 Amylin 423 Cell volume 104 Dextran sulphate 549 Anaemia 259, 454 Cerebral blood flow 974 Diabetic neuropathy 423 Anal 198 Cerebral metabolism 974 Diagnosis 212, 448, 557, 1073 Angiogenesis 761 Chemotherapy 464 Diagnostics 158 Angioplasty 1025 Chest computed tomography 81 Dietary fats 74 Angiotensin II 1000 Chest roentgenogram 81 Diversion colitis 232 Animal model 919 Child 946 Diverticular disease 743 Antigens 1073 Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) 938 Antisense 870 Child-Pugh classification 1149 Diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon 743 Anti-Xa_ 830 Children 698, 938 Diverticulitis 905 Antral emptying 353 Cholangiography 579 DNA amplification 766 APC 748 Cholangiopancreatography 1154 Dopamine 60 Apoptosis 478, 531, 584 Cholecystectomy 127, 270, 773, 988 Doppler 761 Apoptosis-related genes 464 Cholecystitis 988 Double-blind 119 Arthritis 1088 Cholecystolithiasis 267 Drinking 933 Ascites 389, 994, 1272 Cholelithiasis 127 Drug monitoring 1105 Asymptomatic HBV carriers 174 Cholestasis 981 Duodenal administration 1088 Atopic disorders 731 Chromogranin A 969 Duodenal distention 344 Atrophic gastritis 969 Chromosome 20 766 Duodenal tumours 291 Audit 158 Chronic diarrhoea 837 Duodenal ulcer 717 Autoantibody 981 Chronic hepatitis C 401 Duodenitis 702 Autoimmune disease 981 Chronic pancreatitis 395 Duodeno-pancreatectomy 291 Autoimmune pancreatitis 1154 Chronic renal failure 516 Duodenum 138 Autoimmunity 981 Circulation 493 Dyspepsia 222, 327, 933, 1201, 1280 Early-stage disease 754 Gastric intrinsic factor 1192 HOMA 650 Echo-enhancers 188 Gastric mucosa 104 Hormone-associated receptor 1159 ECL cell 621 Gastric outlet obstruction 791, 1010 Hospitalization 1289 Elective 252 Gastric slow waves 344 Host DNA 852 Electrogastrography 344 Gastric ulcer 1066, 1306 Human volunteers 645 EndoCinch 1296 Gastrin 510,919 Hunger 353 Endometrial cancer 1259 Gastritis 227, 1054 Hyperalgesia 988 Endomysial antibodies 941, 1078 Gastroduodenal lesion 111 Hypergastrinaemia 621 Endoscopic anti-reflux therapy 1296 Gastroesophageal reflux disease 615 Hypermethylation 246 Endoscopic hemostasis 600, 895 Gastrointestinal disease 988 Hypertriglyceridaemia lipopoly- Endoscopic laser Doppler flow- Gastrointestinal motility 344, 1209 saccharide 74 metry 1228 Gastrointestinal symptoms 961, 1280 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy 698 Endoscopic retrograde 57 9 Gastro-oesophageal reflux 14, 680, 1040, Endoscopic stenting 395 1201, 1280 Endoscopy 283, 327, 615, 895, 1005, Gastropharyngeal reflux 14 IBD 731, 1095 1054, 1175 Gender 516, 709 IBD symptom severity 365 Endosonography 267, 579 Gene expression 1192 IBS 119 Endothelial cells 313 General anaesthesia 283 IgGl 668 Endotoxin 74, 657 General practice 227, 448 IgG4 1154 Enteral nutrition 398 Genetic factors 823 THb 1054 Enteric neuromuscular function 1209 Genetic predisposition 1083 IL-6 259 Enterochromaffin-like cells 919 Genotype 53, 164 IL-8 1054 Entero-pancreatic reflex 886 Gerbils 668 IL-8 816 Enteroscopy 1005 GERD 212, 521, 1296 Ileal pouch 1228 Enzymatic analysis 1219 Ghrelin 1209 Ileal-pouch anal anastomosis 374 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent GIST 133, 609 Ileorectal anastomosis 727 assay 1073 GLP-1 650 Ileoscopy 1293 Eosinophils 440, 668 Glucagon-like peptide 1 353 Epidemiology 359, 680, 1259, 1280 Glucagon-like peptide 2 353 Ileum 665, 953 Imaging 267 Epithelialization 1095 Glucocorticoid metabolism 549 Immune dysregulation 1243 EPO 259 Glucose 650 Immune response 1046 Erythropoietin 259 Gluten enteropathy 359 Immune system 540 ESEM 531 Goblet cells 668 Immunoglobulin dysregulation 1083 Esophageal, see Oesophageal GORD, See GERD Immunoglobulin enhancer Ethanol 277, 638, 722 Growth factors 1141 HS1,2-A 1083 Ethyl alcohol 104 GSTP1 246 Immunogold electronmicroscopy 1219 EUS 267 Gut transit 423 Exercise 60, 1310 Immunohistochemistry 133, 138, 303 Exfoliation 852 Immunologic 178 Exhaled 32 Haemodynamic 1000 Immunosuppressive agents 1105 Exocrine pancreas 886 HBV 778 In situ hybridization 1095 Extra pulmonary tuberculosis 702 HBV genotype 478 Incidence 459, 946, 823, 1175 Extrahepatic biliary atresia 698 HBV-HCYV coinfection 778 Indigestible solids 1215 Extraintestinal manifestations 544 HBx 478 Inducible heat shock protein 70 510 Extra-oesophageal malignancies 680 HCV antibody profiles 778 Infection 830 HCV 778 Infectious complications 664 HCV genotype 778 Inferior vena cava syndrome 1025 Faecal occult blood test 846 Health-related quality of life Inflammation 32, 37, 816, 953, 1228, Faeces 852 (HRQOL) 365 1250 Familial cancer 1259 Heartburn 212, 1040 Inflammatory bowel disease questionnaire Family history 158 Helicobacter pylori 111, 222, 227, 313, (IBDQ) 365 Fibrin glue 927 327, 516, 709, 717, 823, 1046, 1054, Inflammatory bowel disease 145, 232, Fibroblasts 440 1061, 1066, 1073, 1180, 1186, 1192 365, 454, 554, 737, 837, 961, 1088, Fibrosis 440 Heparinoids 830 1105 Fluorescence in-situ hybridization 766 Hepatic encephalopathy 974 Infusions 454 Follow-up 227, 858 Hepatic fibrosis 1168 Insulin 650 Follow-up studies 773 Hepatitis 981 Insulin growth factor 277 Fourier transform infrared microspectro- Hepatitis Be antigen 53 Insulin growth factor-binding scopy 557 Hepatitis B surface antigen 53 protein-3 277 Frequency of antral contractions 629 Hepatitis B virus 53, 174 Insulin resistance 650 Functional dyspepsia 227 Hepatitis C virus 164 Integrin 1159 Functional gastrointestinal disorders 933 Hepatocellular carcinoma 46, 53, 168, Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 313 246, 1272 Interferon-x 401 Hepatocyte growth factor 754 Interleukin 178 GABA receptors 521 Hepatocytes 584 Interleukin-1f 313 Gallstones 267, 791 Herbal medication 1168 Interleukin-6 277 Gamma delta cells 428 Herpesvirus saimiri 1236 Interleukin-8 313 Gastric acid secretion 709 Hiatal hernia 1061 Intermittent therapy 154 Gastric acidity 510 High-grade dysplasia 1175 Intestinal inflammation 1128 Gastric cancer 380, 459, 754, 795 Histology 164 Intestinal nutrients 423 Gastric dysrhythmia 344 Histology review 557 Intracellular calcium 104 Gastric emptying 353, 423, 516, 629, HLA-DR antigens 178 Intraductal papillary-mucinous 638, 722, 933, 1209, 1215 HNPCC 1259 tumour 1159 1326 Intraepithelial lymphocytes 138, 428, Mesenchymal tumour 609 Organ failure 891 665 Metabolic syndrome 864 Osteoporosis 145 Intrahepatic 994 Metallothionein 1192 Otolaryngology 14 Intraperitoneal IL-10 434 Metastasis 761 Outcome 891 Intraperitoneal lactate/pyruvate ratio 434 Methods 493 Outcome assessment 773 Intraperitoneal microdialysis 434 Methotrexate 1119 Oxalate 554 Intraperitoneal TNF-z 434 Microarray 1192 Oxidative stress 1119 Intravenous 454 Microdialysis 493 Oxyntic epithelium 20 Intrinsic neural pathway 1209 Microsatellite instability 1134 Intussusception 500 Microscopic colitis 554, 837 Iron deficiency 454 Migration 313 pl4a®F 246 Irritable bowel syndrome 119, 336, 448, Milk hypersensitivity 645 ple'NK =2 46 645, 938, 961, 1202, 1280 Mimicry 981 plo 1134 Ischaemia 493 Minimally invasive 571 p53 mutation 470 ISI 650 Mitosis 531 Paediatric 283 MMP-2_ 1046 Pain 270 MMP-7_ 1046 Pain assessment 988 Jejunal diverticulosis 905 MMP-9_ 1046 pANCA 544 Jejunum 953 Monitoring 178 Pancreatic cancer 882 Joint pain 1088 Monoclonal antibodies 1073 Pancreatic head tumour 81 Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 277 Pancreatic neoplasm 1159 Monocyte function 1243 Pancreatitis 178, 277 K-ras mutation 470 Mortality 74, 459, 858, 891, 1175, 1289 Pancreatitis-associated protein 870 KRAS 748 MT1-MMP_ 1046 Pancreatobiliary fistula 395 Mucin 795 Paracrine effects 217 Mucinous cystic tumour 1159 Paraganglioma 291 Lactobacilli 1228 Mucosa barrier 737 Parietal cells 20 Lactobacillus farciminis 1250 Mucosal atrophy 111 Partial gastrectomy 919 Lactoferrin 1113 Mucosal blood perfusion 1228 Partial sleep deprivation 510 Lactose intolerance 287, 645 Multiple organ failure 178 Patient satisfaction 773 Lafutidine 303 Mutagenesis 478 PDGF 927 Lansoprazole 816 Myelofibrosis 389 Peptic ulcer bleeding 600 Laser 791 Peptic ulcer disease 823 Latency 428 Peptic ulcer 1180, 1289 LES 521 N-acetylcysteine 1119 Peptide YY 727 Lesion characterization 67 NanoESI MS/MS_ 737 Percutaneous injection therapy 168 Leukotriene B4 1113 Nausea 344 Perforation 905 Lewis blood group antigens Neuroendocrine differentiation 795 Perfused antrum 217 Limited surgery 380 Neuroendocrine tumour 919, 969 Perianal fistula) 1172 Lipid-soluble vitamins 882 Neuropathy 527 Peritonitis 657 Lithotripsy 791 Neuroticism 717 Permeability 1250 Liver 67, 761 Neutrophil infiltration 1119 Pharmacology 1105 Liver assist 974 Neutrophils 313, 816 Phenols 1128 Liver cirrhosis 46, 259, 594, 686, 994, Nitric oxide 37, 629, 686, 941 Phosphatidycholine 737 1272 Nitric oxide synthase 32, 941 Pigs 886, 1266 Liver failure 698, 974 Nitrite 32 Plasma concentration 60 Liver metastases 571, 1141 Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis 864 Plasma nitrate and nitrite 941 Liver regeneration 1141 Non-bleeding visible vessel 600 Ploidies 584 Liver steatosis 864 Non-erosive GERD 816 PLP 554 Local recurrence 761 Non-HLA factors 1083 Polyamine levels 470 Longitudinal ulcer 322 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Polyarteritis nodosa 89 Los Angeles classification 816 drugs 111 Polymorphism 1083 Loss of heterozygosity 1134 Noradrenaline 60 Population-based 158, 252, 1040, 1259, Low-grade dysplasia 1175 Nordic region 119 1280 Lymph node metastasis 380 Norepinephrine 1000 Population study 846 Lymphadenitis 702 NSAID 1066, 1180 Portal hypertension 389, 486, 594, 994 Lymphadenopathy 609 Nuclear factor-*B 313 Portal vein bile acids 1266 Lymphocytes 657 Nutrition 14 Portosystemic shunt 389, 994 Lymphocytic colitis 837 Potassium ion channels 104 Pouch surgery 374 Oats 27 Pouchitis 544 Magnetic resonance imaging Obesity 74, 864 Power Doppler sonography 188 Magnetic resonance imaging Occlusion 905 Predictors 858 sequences 67 Occult blood test 158 Prevalence 222, 1040 Maintenance treatment 154 ODC activity 470 Primary sclerosing cholangitis 961 Mannan-binding lectin complement path- Oesophageal cancer 680 Probiotics 37, 1266 way 664 Oesophageal motility 521 Productivity 336 Mast cells 440, 731 Oesophageal neoplasms 634 Prognosis 227, 858, 1141 Matrix metalloproteinase 1046 Oesophageal perforation 418 Prognostic index 1272 Median arcuate ligament 1310 Oesophageal varices 594 Prognostic score 567 Medical cost 336 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy 1280 Proliferation 1236 MELD 1149 Oesophagus 212 Prostaglandin E2 1113 Membranous obstruction 1025 Omphalitis 1021 Proton-pump inhibitor 816, 969 Pseudoachalasia 634 Short stenosis of the hepatic veins 1025 TP53 232 Pseudomyxoma peritonei_ 1172 Short-term treatment 1088 Training 895 Psychological distress 717 Signet-ring cell 795 Transferrin 1113 Psychology 127 Sildenafil 629 Transforming growth factor-[}1 277 Psychology of surgery 127 Similarity 981 Transglutaminase 1219 Psychometrics 1201 Single nucleotide polymorphism Transjugular 994 Psychosomatics 127, 717 Slow transit constipation 727 Treatment 615 PTH/PTHrP-R_ 133 Small intestinal adenocarcinoma Treatment criteria 164 PTHrP 133 Small intestine 531, 953 Trichinella spiralis 668 Public health 1280 Small-bowel barium follow-through 1293 TRPV1 303 Pyourachus 1021 Small-bowel endoscopy 1005 Trypsin 886 Pyridoxal-5-phosphate 554 Smoking 544 TTV 174 Pyrosequencing 287 Socio-economic factors 823 Tumour 198 Sodium valproate 4521 Tumour marker 754, 969 Somatization 127 Tumour necrosis factor 1243 Quality of life 27, 270, 961 Somatostatin analogue 621 Quality of life seeking care 336 Soy oil 1088 Quantitative PCR 852 Splanchnic 493 Ulcerative colitis 145, 154, 232, 374, QUEST score 816 Splanchnic haemodynamics 594 554, 737, 1236, 1306 Questionnaires 1201 Sprue 359 Ultrasonography 322, 634, 722, 761, Stage 252 933 Staging 81 Ultrasound 46 Radiation proctitis 1113 Steatosis 74 Urachal cyst 1021 Radiopaque markers 516, 1215 Stent 1010 Urachal sinus 1021 Randomized clinical trial 270, 846 Steroid 1154 Urea breath test 327 Rats 20, 74 Stomach 303, 927, 933 Urinary excretion 60 Real-time PCR 852 Superantigens 238 Real-time RT-PCR 929 Superior mesenteric artery 188 Rebleeding 600 Surgery 81 VacA Rectal stump 232 Surveillance 1175 Vagus 52 Recurrence 46, 891, 1186 Survival 74, 252, 858 Validation 493 Recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) 938 Sydney system 1054 Reflux oesophagitis 816, 1061 Sympathetic nerve activity 500 Validation study 212 Regression analysis 365 Symptom 252 Validity 1201 Reinfection 1186 Symptom duration 252 Variegate porphyria 500 Reliability 1201 Symptomatic gallstones 270 Vascular hyporeactivity 686 Renal failure 1149 Systemic haemodynamics 486 Vascular physiology 1000 Renal infarction 500 VEGF 927 Reproducibility of results 1201 Villous atrophy 428, 665 Resiniferatoxin 303 Tcell 981 Visceral ischaemia 434 Resistance index 188 T-cell culture 238 Vitamin A 882 Restorative proctocolectomy 374 TCRVB 238 Vitamin D 882 Retrograde gastric electrical stimula- Tegaserod 119 Vitamin E 882 tion 344 Terlipressin 486 Vitamin K 882 Rheumatoid arthritis 111 Terminal ileal biopsy 1293 Vitelline duct 1021 Rome II criteria 448 Th-2 668 Vomiting 344 Ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma 567 Therapeutics 454 VRI 303 Ruthenium red 303 Therapy 1186 Thromboelastography 830 Thromboxane B2 1113 Web 1025 Sarcoidosis 401 TIMP 1095 Scales 212 TIMP-2 1046 Scintigraphy 629 TIMP-4 1046 Xanthine oxidase 1119 Screening 846 TIPS 1025 XTT 882 Seal oil 1088 Tissue transglutaminase antibodies 540, Selective individualized treatment 418 1078 Sensitivity and specificity 1073, 1078 T lymphocytes 1236 Yersinia enterocolitica 609 Serum creatinine 1149 TNF-x 731, 1113 Yersiniosis 609 Serum free 584 TNM staging system 567 Young 1134 Serum titres of HCV RNA 778 Tolerance 981 Sexual life 374 Topography 227 Sexuality 374 Toxic hepatitis 1168 Zelmac 119

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