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POLICY SPECIAL ISSUE bites “Not all that SCAN interests the public is in the public interest” Page 6 The quarterly newsletter of the Specialist Clinical Addiction Network | Autumn 2008 | Volume 5 Issue 3 | ISSN 1744-6112 Guest editors Dr Julia Sinclair and Dr Judy Myles, SCAN policy advisors In this issue As the NHS turns 60 Judy Myles - this page - reviews the proposed NHS constitution and urges all addiction specialists to respond to the consultation process. ■The main theme of this issue is policy: two reviews consider the implications for addiction services of Lord Darzi’s recent reports. On page 2 Kylie Reed and Francis Keaney review the Darzi report ‘High Quality Care for All’ and Julia Sinclair examines the role that is envisaged, in ‘A High Quality Workforce’, for the clinicians of the future. Page 3. On page 5, Colin Drummond reviews the progress on the government’s alcohol NHS AT 60 GETS A NEW CONSTITUTION strategy and sends the message SSS-SOS! Dr Judy Myles, SCAN Policy Advisor standard in considering the professional ■ Clinicians have long conduct of doctors. struggled with the tension THE DRAFT NHS Constitution, released There is much within this draft that would between patient alongside Lord Darzi’s ‘Next Stage Review’, improve treatment for our patients. It proposes confidentiality and went out for consultation on 30 June with that patients will have the right to drugs and information sharing across comments invited by 17 October. treatments recommended by NICE, something agencies. Gwen Adshead It is described as the product of a ‘wide that is still a ‘postcode lottery’ despite the discusses the ethical process of consultation and research into what current requirement on PCTs to make funding dilemmas involved on page 6, and Aideen matters for staff, patients and the public’ and available. Additionally it states ‘the NHS will O’Kane and Eilish Gilvarry consider the has consulted with various organisations to provide a universal service for all based on matter in relation to the guidance on drugs ‘identify and test the values contained’ within. clinical need’ which will challenge the and driving. Page 15. However, although RCGP, RC of Midwives, increasing demand for treatments to be offered RCN and RCP are listed as involved, RCPsych, preferentially to those within the criminal ■ Three new SpRs join the SCAN team for NTA or SCAN are not. Given the multiple justice system rather than those in greatest the year and they introduce themselves on health needs of patients suffering drug and clinical need. Two further principles about the page 9; while the current census of SCAN alcohol misuse and addiction there is a clear prioritisation of access to services for drug and members is summarised on the back page imperative for SCAN members to respond alcohol patients need consideration; first that and plans for expansion discussed by Amy within the timeframe. The Constitution will not the NHS will work across organisational Wolstenholme on page 7. be passed into law, but it will be a ‘declaratory boundaries in the interest of ‘patients, local communities and the wider population’ and A TENSION REMAINS UNADDRESSED ■ In the summer issue of SCANbites, second that the NHS has a wider social duty. Keron Fletcher outlined his concerns about document’ bringing together existing legal This means that the tension that currently the commissioning of specialist addiction rights and including one new right concerning exists, of whether to prioritise treatment services in an open letter to the NTA. On patient choice. according to clinical need or to reduce criminal page 4, One of the questions posed in this draft is behaviour, remains unaddressed, as does the What’s special about Annette ‘should all NHS bodies and NHS funded issue of health treatment funding, via the DATs, addiction specialists? Dale Perrera organisations be obliged by law to take account coming increasingly from Home Office rather A letter from Dr Keron Fletcher,Chairman of of the NTA Addictions Faculty UK Regional Representatives of of the NHS constitution?’ The proposal is that than NHS funding streams. theRoyal College ofPsychiatrists,totheNational responds… Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse the NHS Reform Bill will include such a duty The Handbook to the NHS Constitution is Dear NTA, It was a pleasure to meet up with you at the on NHS bodies. Therefore, it is probable that on www.dh.gov.uk/consultations; comments Addictions Faculty Residential Conference last week. I am grateful to you for listening carefully to some of my concerns and for the principles contained within the final NHS can be sent to [email protected] suggesting that I put pen to paper and forward my comments to you. Constitution, like the ‘Orange Guidelines’ will or to SCAN where we will collate a response on be considered by the GMC as the acceptable behalf of the membership. www.scan.uk.net REVIEW THE DARZI REPORT: ITS RELEVANCE TO DRUG AND ALCOHOL SERVICES IN JUNE2007, Professor Sir Ara Darzi was appointed enterprise organisations; and the possibility that each client as Parliamentary Under Secretary at the DOH.1 will carry a personal health budget. Holder of the Paul Hamlyn Chair of Surgery at There is a focus throughout on preventive medicine, Imperial College London, he first trod a path in and it is in this context that treatment for “tackling drug medicine in the late 70s, when he left Iraq, his country addiction” receives its only mention, alongside the first of of birth, to study at Trinity College, Dublin. A ‘prolific several references to “reducing alcohol harm”, each listed academic and devoted clinician’, he was a pioneer of as one of six key goals. Each PCT will commission keyhole surgery in London.2,3,4 “comprehensive well-being and prevention services, in REFERENCES In his political role, he declared his clinical focus partnership with local authorities… personalised to meet unaltered. “I am not a politician by profession. My working the specific needs of their local populations”. We are 1 “Brown unveils life has, is and will continue to be centred on patient informed that this will be supported by the investment of new faces”, 29 Jun care.”5His remit is to “improve the quality of patient-care, “new resources in the areas that are worst affected by 07, published on the increase the convenience and accessibility of health services alcohol-related ill health”. Mention is afforded to an official website of and build a new partnership with NHS staff and patients”.5 expectation that local PCTs will develop and expand alcohol the PM’s Office, On 30 June the product of this endeavour was unveiled: brief interventions. It might be hoped that the proposed www.number10.gov. uk/Page12225 ‘High Quality Care for All’, a report composed in CONCENTRATING ON GRAND ASPIRATIONS consultation with 2000 clinicians across the country, sets 2 “Professor Sir Ara Dr Kylie Reed, out the vision for the NHS over the next ten years.6 150 GP-led health centres (not to be confused with the Darzi”, 29 June 07, Honorary As the title enthuses, the vision for the NHS, as it London based polyclinics proposal), may provide some of www.number10.gov. Specialist marches into its sixtieth year, is no longer focused on the this care. These will provide additional access to primary uk/Page12232 Registrar, and Dr increase of supply to meet demand that has characterised care services, on a walk-in basis, 365 days a year, with Francis Keaney, the last decade; the 2008 publication calls for a honing of provision tailored locally to meet the community’s needs. 3 Desert Island Discs, Consultant this body of health care into a product of greater quality - Darzi’s report concentrates its energy on grand BBC Radio 4; first Addiction the ‘Next Stage’.6 Quality, in this context, Darzi defined as aspirations, the broad tenets being quality and equality; but broadcast 22 June Psychiatrist, South “ensuring patient safety; optimising the effectiveness of it is studded with very few practical details. There is 2008. London and healthcare outcomes; and enhancing patient experience”. perhaps sufficient mention of ‘tackling drug addiction’ and Maudsley NHS Cleanliness, infection control, and minimising drug ‘reducing alcohol harm’ to assure us that drug, and in 4 www.imperial. Foundation Trust. errors are examples of areas through which to ensure particular alcohol, services will benefit from the next ac.uk/medicine/ safety. Under the umbrella of optimising effectiveness, the decade’s refinements; and in the case of ‘alcohol-related people/a.darzi/ report includes expediting NICE reviews and ensuring harm’, investment of new resources in the areas worst approved treatments are available to all who would benefit. affected is promised. Given the emphasis on preventive 5 “Personal Patient experience, meanwhile, is given a new emphasis, medicine, we may also expect a greater involvement of Statement from with a promise to measure patients’ own assessment of the primary care in the early management of our client groups. Professor Sir Ara compassion, dignity and respect with which they were We now await each PCT’s five year plans, promised in Darzi”, 2 July 2007, www.number10.gov. treated. Healthcare providers will be legally required to Darzi’s report by Spring 2009, to learn more of how Darzi’s uk/Page12246 publish ‘Quality Accounts’ “just as they publish financial enthusiastic vision may impact drug and alcohol services at accounts”6. Clinical excellence awards for consultants will a local level. 6 www.dh.gov.uk be more focused on clinical activity and quality measures. The report lays out the direction and principles for /en/Publicationsandst In the main, the report is concerned not with mental delivery of a couture health care system equally accessible atistics/Publications/P health but with the acute sector. However, whilst Darzi to everyone. On the eve of its release, The Sunday Times ublicationsPolicyAnd does leave a great deal to our imagination, there are four commented “Darzi’s watchwords are courage, innovation, Guidance/DH_085825 suggested developments around which we have some and best practice”.7It could be argued that our services, familiarity: involvement of the commercial sector in the subject already to intense scrutiny from commissioners and 7 “Profile: Ara provision of services; resurrection of practice-based the NTA, have evolved early, ahead of the “High Quality Darzi”, The Sunday commissioning; encouragement of NHS staff to form social Care for All” template that Darzi proposes. Times, June 29 2008. 2| Supporting specialists, promoting consensus REVIEW ETHICS A HIGH-QUALITY WORKFORCE? IN THE SPRING 2008 ISSUE OF SCANBITES THE3 VIEWS PIECE CONCERNED AN IMPLICATIONS OF THE DARZI REPORT FOR ETHICAL DILEMMA INVOLVING CLINICAL AUDIT. HERE, DR JOHN DUNN PROVIDES SPECIALIST ADDICTION CLINICIANS THE NATIONAL TREATMENT AGENCY'S VIEW OF HOW THE CLINICAL SERVICE SHOULD RESPOND TO A REQUEST FOR Julia Sinclair SCAN policy advisor CONFIDENTIAL AUDIT INFORMATION. A High Quality workforce1is the accompanying policy They recognise that doctors are vitally important THENTA is strongly supportive of clinical audit, document to the main report of Lord Darzi High Quality because of their core skills in: which is an essential tool in the armamentarium Care for Alland aims to explain how the findings might (cid:129) Leadership of clinical governance. The NTA encourages translate in terms of workforce planning, training and (cid:129) Dealing with complexity and managing uncertainty DATs to establish multi-agency groups to oversee education within the NHS. (cid:129) Effective and efficient problem solving clinical governance for the whole treatment The main report is reviewed on the page (cid:129) Working with patients to take legitimate risks and system across partnerships. This may result in opposite. Here I examine the implications that the effectively managing risk by providing information system-wide clinical audit topics being agreed, implementation document may have for specialist alongside professional judgement to maximise with each provider being audited on the same addiction clinicians. patient independence and choice measures. We are aware of examples of this The document is broad in its definition of ‘clinician’ (cid:129) Grasping situations intuitively based on a deep, from around the country. In one example, case but is explicit in that it includes ‘all those who provide tacit understanding of their area of practice notes were photocopied and anonymised (all clinical care for patients and the public’. It emphasises identifiers were removed), before being the need for teams of clinicians, managers and support reviewed by an external consultant. In another staff to work together to provide effective services. A Education and training example a peer audit project was developed key concept running through the document is that the Much of the document concentrates on education and with substance misuse services within a clinician in our modern NHS has three main roles; that training pathways for different professional groups. In partnership auditing each others’ case notes of Practitioner, Partner and Leader. terms of the training for doctors, the aim is to work against set criteria. with the Royal Colleges to develop a ‘modular Practitioner, Partner and Leader credentialing’ system of accreditation at points through Service providers in the NHS have a duty to be The document clearly states that the role of the clinician the training process. For addiction psychiatrists this involved in clinical governance and undertake remains first and foremost that of a practitioner, and means that we will need to have some consensus on regular and timely clinical audits. Individual trusts more importantly it reinforces the importance of what we see as our fundamental roles and may have local audit priorities but we would professional judgement, creativity and innovation in responsibilities in order to accurately operationalise encourage substance misuse services to work that role. those into core competencies that can then be closely with other substance misuse providers However, the modern NHS clinician is also required accredited. The danger with this is that training will and their commissioners. to contribute beyond the traditional role of skilled become more rather than less prescriptive, and that if practitioner. The aim is also for us to be active ‘partners’ there is no clear career progression, or security of Sharing of confidential clinical information is in the delivery of healthcare, including the stewardship identity within the speciality, less people are likely to opt governed by central guidance from the of its resources. The authors emphasise that, where for addiction psychiatry as a specialty early on in their Department of Health. All NHS trusts must have appropriate, we should offer leadership in one or more careers. However, initiatives such as project TASk (see a Caldicott guardian, usually a senior medical of the fields of research, education and service delivery. page 14) may be one way forward. officer, who has the responsibility to oversee all There is always a danger that this kind of ‘vision’ For those of us who have completed our training procedures affecting access to person- document presents broad and bland aspirational there is also the matter of ongoing accreditation, and identifiable health data. Examination of case statements with which few would disagree, but which the development of skills (e.g leadership, business notes would involve access to such data and, are difficult to define or operationalise. So it was planning and health economics) that will be needed if therefore, the trust should seek guidance from heartening that positive and clear messages came out we are to fulfil the role envisaged for us. Although the its Caldicott guardian before a decision is made of Lord Darzi’s consultation about the features authors recognise that 60% of the staff who will deliver about allowing an external organisation to read distinctive to medical practitioners. services in the NHS in 10 years’ time are already case notes. Although identifiers can be removed At a time when, particularly within addiction employed and that there is a responsibility to skill us to this may not always be possible or practical. services, the role of the specialist appears to be fulfil those roles it is less clear on how this is to be done. marginalised it is encouraging to see in the document A High Quality Workforce1builds on Lord Darzi’s Where it is expected that clinical information will that the public and patients at least have clear ideas of consultation and so the principal theoretical driver is, be routinely shared between organisations, for the role of the doctor and what are their core skills (see correctly, the needs of the patient. The potential example between DIP boxes below). difficulty remains that the financial driver for the and a NHS specialist drug implementation remains in the hands of commissioners. treatment service, it is NHS patients and the public expect their doctors to: This means that if we, as specialist clinicians, are to be usual practice to develop (cid:129) Achieve accurate and timely diagnoses able to deliver the role that our patients still want us to an information sharing (cid:129) Ensure the safety of patients fulfil, we are going to have to ensure that protocol. Such a protocol (cid:129) Help patients navigate through the healthcare commissioners are aware of this document and of their would be vetted by the pathway responsibility to commission the high quality services it Caldicott guardian before (cid:129) Contribute appropriately as a leader of or partner in demands. implementation and An ethical dilemma the clinical team clients would be asked to involving clinical audit (cid:129) Contribute to healthcare research, development REFERENCE sign a consent form at We run a community substance misuse team in a town. The local and innovation 1 A High Quality Workforce - NHS next stage review. DAT recently demanded to audit (cid:129) Train future generations of healthcare professionals DoH (2008). www.dh.gov.uk/publications (cid:2) Page 4, column 3 our clinical notes to find out how we would react to this audit SCANbites, autumn 2008 | 3 LETTER What’s special about Some practice falls short of this aspiration, CLINICAL AUDIT: A RESPONSE FROM THE NTA and we all need to guard against any addiction specialists? “dumbing down” in specialist skills. It is not in our clients’ interests to sacrifice quality to a false economy of services with A letter from Dr Keron Fletcher,Chairman of Addictions Faculty UK Regional Representatives of poor clinical governance and low theRoyal College ofPsychiatrists,totheNational competence. Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse There is also variability in the DIt ewaars N aT pAle,asure to meet up with you at the cwoomrkpse hteanrdce t oo fp croommomties scioonmeprse.t eTnhte NTA (cid:2) previous page Addictions Faculty Residential Conference last week. I am grateful to you for listening commissioning, through the provision of the point of entry into the treatment system. carefully to some of my concerns and for guidance, national training with Oxford Even with the client’s consent, the form would suggesting that I put pen to paper and forward my comments to you. Brookes University, delivery assurance of only allow the sharing of information relevant to local treatment plans, and the the client’s care in respect of that organisation or NTA/Healthcare Commission improvement the person named on the consent form. It would reviews. We should also acknowledge not be appropriate to use this mechanism to A RESPONSE FROM THE NTA variability in the competence of all enable external agencies to view case notes for professional groups - including addiction the purposes of clinical audit. In rare In the Summer 2008 issue of SCANbites we published a psychiatrists - and accept that in some circumstances an inspection by the Healthcare letter from Dr Keron Fletcher of the Royal College of instances criticism of colleagues may be Commission could be triggered by serious ethical Psychiatrists to the NTA on growing concerns about justified as long as it leads to improvements or clinical concerns in which case clients’ case commissioning of specialist addiction services. Here in practice. notes would be inspected by an external agency, Annette Dale Perera, Director of Quality of the NTA, However, I do not agree that targets albeit a statutory body. provides a response. and re-tendering are all bad. Without the accountability of targets, drug treatment The interface between research and audit and would not have received additional the role of the Local Research Ethics Committees Dear Keron, resources or continued priority status. Re- (LREC) is another area that should be addressed. The NTA does recognise the unique and tendering is also appropriate in many There was a time when clinicians were given a valuable contribution of addiction circumstances, for example, where a local relatively free hand in undertaking clinical audits psychiatrists. The success we have all system needs re-engineering to better meet without having to pass them by LREC. achieved in doubling the numbers in drug local needs, or when efforts to improve a Increasingly LRECs have taken clinical audit under treatment has been matched by a poorly performing service have failed. It is their wing. The boundary between clinical audit massive expansion in addiction also sometimes required by European and and research is increasingly blurred - some audits psychiatrists, currently 453 in the NHS in local authority tendering directives, though use sophisticated methodologies, produce results England, according to SCAN. This I agree that all cases should be handled of general interest and there may be an a priori represents a massive endorsement of the with due care. If providers do have intention to publish the results in a report or peer contribution that addiction psychiatrists concerns about tendering process or reviewed journal. In these circumstances it would make to drug treatment, which was service specifications, they can contact the be good practice to submit proposals for clinical explicitly recognised in Models of Care for NTA. audit to the LREC so that the ethical implications Drug Misusers.1 Finally, you make some helpful can be scrutinised by a panel of experts. Having said that, I do think there is a suggestions as to how the NTA can help, lack of understanding about the and we would welcome the opportunity to Separate from clinical audit is the question of contributions of different doctors discuss this with you, SCAN and the performance management and it may be that working in addiction. More could be College. The NTA is working with key the two issues have become confused in the done to promote awareness among stakeholders to develop new example. Commissioners need to monitor the commissioners and providers of the commissioning guidance, and you performance of local service providers, usually potential contribution of addiction represent the College on that group. In against a mixture of nationally and locally agreed psychiatry. The NTA sees the College and addition the NTA will look at how it can performance indicators. Performance SCAN as playing key roles in this. promote the role of the profession in its management should be explicit. Service level Historically, some areas have not had workstreams on enhancing the workforce agreements and contracts should detail the type addiction psychiatrists, and unfortunately and promoting better clinical governance. of indicators against which service delivery will be so far our data has not allowed us to say We also hope to continue and strengthen measured and judged. Poor performance needs whether this made a difference to the joint work between the college to be identified and addressed through regular Annette Dale- treatment outcomes, although the regional representatives and the NTA contract monitoring meetings between Perera, forthcoming outcome-focused data of regional teams that has been very commissioners and providers. But performance Director of TOP may change this. beneficial to both sides. management and clinical audit are distinct Quality, NTA You raise increasing reports of entities. commissioning hostility to addiction Yours sincerely, psychiatrists. Other providers have made (The NTA has published a guidance document on similar complaints, so this may not be Annette Dale-Perera, Director of Quality clinical governance, which is currently being particular to addiction psychiatry. There National Treatment Agency for Substance revised following consultation and which is due will always be some tension between Misuse for publication in September 2008.) commissioners and providers, but we need them to work together in mature REFERENCE John Dunn relationships to design and operate local 1 NTA (2006) ‘Models of Care for Drug Misusers’ Consultant Psychiatrist and NTA Clinical Team treatment systems that meet client needs. London Leader 4| Supporting specialists, promoting consensus Comment SSS - SoS... A consultation on the shape of the emerging alcohol strategy in England has been launched by the Department of Health. Prof. Colin Drummond, SCAN lead, explains why we should engage with this exercise. LOOKING BACKto 2004 it is clear that the fruition of many of the initiatives envisaged drivers of alcohol related harm and the need Government did not feel there was a strong by SSS in the form of a series of chunky for tougher strategies to tackle price, enough case to be made for the tougher reports which went out for public availability, promotion and sale of alcohol. alcohol strategy measures recommended by consultation in July. The ministerial foreword Although the shift in Government thinking their health advisers. Nor did it feel that there states that “this consultation is aimed at on whole population measures is something was enough public concern about alcohol or gathering views about how far Government of a minor triumph for reason over belief, public support to introduce whole population action should go and what is the legitimate the picture for early intervention and measures to tackle alcohol misuse. Hence we and necessary balance between individual treatment appears more stuck. The latest ended up with an edentulous Alcohol Harm responsibility, consumer choice and restricting idea is to target the PCT areas in the country Reduction Strategy for England, and soon after, harmful retailing practices… There is no with the highest level of alcohol related relaxation of the alcohol licensing laws. dispute that current levels of harm need to be admissions to provide additional funding tackled.” Much of the impetus behind this and support to develop more treatment and The problem with alcohol was largely recast as appears to be revised estimates of the scale early intervention services. While this is a a criminal justice issue, predominantly affecting of the problem, including increased costs to start, the national alcohol needs assessment young people. Many of the more controversial the NHS through increasing hospital (ANARP) showed that even in the better or costly measures were either deferred for admissions due to alcohol: an increase of served areas of the country, we still have a further research or piloting, or ruled out of the 80,000 admissions per year. relatively low level of treatment access by strategy altogether. You could imagine the international standards. sound of corks popping in the boardrooms of Importantly there is recognition that the the alcohol industry when AHRSE was increase in hospital admissions is directly Fortunately this is not the end of the story. launched! linked to the increasing affordability of The National Audit Office is due to publish a alcohol, as well as a shift towards higher report on the value for money of current Since then, not surprisingly perhaps, the NHS spending on alcohol related harm. One FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THIS SAGA, statistics on alcohol related harm have hopes that this will emphasise the A WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY continued their upward trend, and public importance of local investment in early concern about alcohol has increased. Even strength drinks. The consultation paper also intervention and treatment services as a sectors of the press that were previously critical notes that 76% of the alcohol consumed in means of reducing alcohol related harm. of “nanny state” approaches to alcohol began the UK is imbibed by the 23% of the Then there is a raft of NICE alcohol to change their position in favour of firmer population drinking above the recommended guidelines under development. These will action. levels. cover public health strategies, screening and brief interventions, and treatment of alcohol Three years after the AHRSE was launched, A review of alcohol pricing and promotion dependence. Although they are not due to along came Safe, Sensible, Social. Where conducted for the Department of Health by report until 2010 they are likely to have a AHRSE was lacking in teeth, SSS could best be Sheffield University has shown that price has crucial impact on the shape of alcohol described as flaccid. As reported previously in the greatest impact on young people and treatment services. SCAN is a stakeholder in SCANbites, SSS again deferred many of the heavier drinkers, and evidence of a link these consultations and will continue to key decisions about price and promotion of between advertising and drinking in young emphasise the importance of alcohol alcohol, and treatment for people with more people. Further, a report by KPMG treatment as part of the full range of serious alcohol problems, in favour of tougher commissioned for SSS showed continuing measures needed to help people with enforcement, more research, public poor industry practice in relation to promotion alcohol problems. information campaigns, and further of cheap alcohol and bulk purchasing, and consultation. It appeared the Government limited adherence to voluntary social So if you have not done so already, I would recognised that much more needed to be responsibility codes. As a result the urge you to take part in the Department of done to tackle the alcohol problem, but SSS Government is considering statutory Health consultation on SSS which closes on bought some more time. Only a small amount enforcement of industry standards. Also there 14 October. There is for the first time in this of new money was set aside for early is the issue of public health considerations saga a window of opportunity to influence interventions and treatment, some of which becoming a mandatory part of licensing Government policy in favour of introducing did not even reach its intended destination: decisions, which was notably absent from the effective public health alcohol strategies. the result of devolved decision making on local 2003 Licensing Act. SSS is sending you a message: SSS-SOS! health spending. So four years on from AHRSE, there is now (cid:2)Details of consultation: www.dh.gov.uk/en/ So now, a further year on, we have the some recognition by the Government of the Consultations/Liveconsultations/DH_086412 SCANbites, autumn 2008 | 5 ETHICS Sharing and withholding information Gwen Adshead considers ethics and anxieties ETHICS ISthe discourse of ‘ought’ and social aggression). Respect for that them to take part in risk assessment, ‘should’. In clinical practice there are vulnerability generates the principle we may feel compelled to disclose the many occasions when we can take a of confidentiality, and the ethical results to others with or without their course of action, but are unsure duty not to disclose without consent. consent. Second, the Department of whether we should. Ethical dilemmas Note that there is no breach of Health policy oscillates between a are recognisable by (a) the tension confidentiality when the patient is rigidly protective approach to patient between two value sets or principles, informed and has consented. information and an anxiously open or two sets of anticipated It is ironic that clinicians usually stance, when it comes to risk consequences, and (b) the anxiety only have a problem with management. this tension causes. confidentiality when they want to On the one hand, increasingly When, how and if to share breach it! Furthermore, clinicians also elaborate and complicated strategies patients’ personal information with find that they want to do this either are required to prevent third parties third parties is currently a particular (a) without informing the patient, (including clinicians not directly source of ethical tension in mental which is a type of deceit or (b) in the involved in a patient’s care) from health work. External inquiries into face of the patient’s flat refusal, getting access to patient data. Patient clinical tragedies have repeatedly which is disrespectful and may be information is to be treated as Dr Gwen suggested that failures in private property, over which the ELABORATE STRATEGIES REQUIRED Adshead communication contribute to patient has complete rights, Consultant disasters. At the same time, clinicians experienced as aggressive. It is supported by article 8 of the Human forensic recognise the need to respect professionally accepted that the duty Rights Act. psychiatrist. patients’ privacy, and are uneasily of non-disclosure is not the same as a On the other, the moment that Broadmoor aware that patients may not realise duty of absolute secrecy. Clinicians anyone perceives the patient’s case to hospital, West how much information is shared with usually justify breaching involve some issue of risk, the patient London Mental others. confidentiality in the name of risk can kiss goodbye to any claims to Health Trust The ethical arguments for not reduction or harm prevention; which privacy. Clinician anxiety about risk sharing patient information without is a meaningful justification for (not even the risk itself) appears to be the patient’s consent are based on information disclosure. This is enough to justify disclosing anything the principle of respect for patient codified in the GMC guidance on about the patient in the name of risk. autonomy. Our autonomy is based on confidentiality, and the NHS code of Section 30 (Annex B) of the NHS our personal identity, and our practice on confidentiality. code of confidentiality for all staff1 personal information is part of that There are a number of problems states that clinicians are permitted to identity. with the current situation. First, it is breach confidentiality in the Sharing that information makes not at all clear that patients ‘detection, investigation and us vulnerable to gossip (a form of understand that, when we invite punishment of violent crime’ (my 6| Supporting specialists, promoting consensus SCAN SCAN EXPANDING SCAN italics). It is not clear what the time scale for the anticipated violence could be, or should be. Putting expansion into context… constituency as the Royal College teams – considering the important Addiction specialists face the issue of Psychiatrists. Early on we roles of clinical psychologists and of information disclosure acutely MOST SCAN members, particularly negotiated the status of affiliate specialist nurses, and perhaps the because of the link between substance the “originals”, will be familiar membership for our colleagues in more specialised end of specialist misuse and risk. with how SCAN came into being, Scotland, Wales and Northern GPs. We recently held an informal It is well known that substance and why. Ireland as well as the Republic of meeting with representatives misuse substantially increases the risk Ireland. We established from the Addiction Faculty of the of violent offending, such that any Commissioned in 2003 by the agreements with the appropriate British Psychological Society, patient with a substance misuse Department of Health in England UK devolved administrations where areas of common ground history and a history of violence and (DH), the principal aim of SCAN beyond the English border to and potential closer working have an Axis 1 disorder is, actuarially at was “to provide support and ensure that their specialists were been identified. least, at much greater risk of violent training to enable specialists to able to benefit from subsidised offending than others. Who is the maximise treatment attendance to our conferences, in The possibilities will be addiction specialist to tell, and to effectiveness” – maintained by addition to having automatic investigated over the coming what purpose? And what does it objectives such as encouraging access to the website and receipt months, after which more mean for a service if all the users pose best practice and knowledge- of the newsletter; however, the information will be available on this type of risk? sharing, providing support and focus of work has continued to how such links might proceed. The other complex issue in advice on policy issues and local reflect the main funding source in Any such expansion would have relation to risk relates to child concerns, disseminating key points England. Earlier this year SCAN an obvious impact on the focus of on legislation, new guidance and was delighted to be invited by the SCAN’s work, but embracing this AS LORD DENNING SAID... current research, encouraging Chair of the Golden Lion Group diversification promises to be very protection. Substance misusing mentoring, supporting the role of (the Scottish forum for addiction positive. Other similar methods of parents pose a real risk of emotional specialists; communicating specialists) to attend their gradual and specifically defined abuse and neglect to their children; specialists' issues and concerns to quarterly meeting to discuss incorporation would apply to and in a minority of cases also pose a policymakers - and acting as a formalising this relationship. non-psychiatrists as before, to physical threat. The children of many resource for training including Although some scoping work had ensure the level of specialism of our patients would be better off workshops, seminars and previously been carried out, remains. with non-addicted parents; and might conferences. resources and SCAN business had have a better chance in local authority not permitted us to embark upon Many readers will have been care. However, being separated from It was generally observed that the such an official expansion prior to involved in preliminary discussions your parents, however neglectful, may longer-standing SMMGP* this. We are now in a position to about this issue at national SCAN be more risky to child development in provided a network for GPs with discuss further proposals with the events, and some of the regional the long term. an interest in the treatment of Scottish Government later this network meetings we have The emphasis might be better addiction, but those year. Perhaps this will also be attended. Further consultation placed on helping parents to stop psychiatrists** heading up possible in Wales, N. Ireland and will be carried out, but it is hoped using drugs and alcohol, not to stop specialist Tier 2-4 treatment the Republic of Ireland in due that these early-stage them being parents. services were thus far without course. developments demonstrate a In summary, psychiatrists still have such support. SCAN was to be positive move for the specialty of a duty to protect patient privacy and jointly supported by the DH, the We have already extended full addiction, and an enhancement not disclose information without Royal College of Psychiatrists and membership to Staff Grade of a strong representative consent. In my experience, it is always the National Treatment Agency doctors in England for whom organisation which will continue a good idea to involve the patient in for substance misuse (NTA). What addiction makes up the entirety to respond to the needs of the discussion about disclosure to third has developed is a highly of their work. This has tested the professionals on the ground. We parties; even if this makes for an specialised group of proactive manageability of expanding welcome your thoughts on this uncomfortable conversation. It is also professionals, many of whom without diluting the specialist matter, and invite you to write to my experience that, when it comes to contribute to core SCAN activities nature of the network. We now [email protected] to log your risk, reduction is more likely to be (national conference, SCANbites have 50 staff grades onboard at opinions and suggestions as to achieved by providing help and quarterly newsletter and website) last! We will be taking the how you see this best achieved. support than disclosure. in return for opportunities as relevant steps to effect this Finally, as Lord Denning famously outlined above. change, which includes full Amy Wolstenholme, SCAN said, “not all that interests the public website access. Coordinator is in the public interest”. We have a Reflecting on the success of duty to be sensitive about details of meeting the original remit does Further, we have often received * Substance Misuse Management personal information and not confuse not mean that we are afraid of comments and suggestions that for General Practitioners judicious disclosure with gossip. change – quite the contrary. The SCAN’s psychiatry-only approach is **consultants, specialist registrars, SCAN team has always firmly too exclusive, and that the associate specialists and staff REFERENCE considered that the organisation organisation ought to echo the grades 1 Confidentiality: NHS Code of Practice DoH should aspire to being UK-wide; multidisciplinary nature of ■A summary of the current SCAN (2003) www.dh.gov.uk/publications to logically serve the same community drug and alcohol membership is on page 16. SCANbites, autumn 2008 | 7 SPRS HEROIN PRESCRIBING IN HOLLAND Dr Jasdev Grewal goes to find out more... In August 2007 I visited Holland on a SCAN travelling fellowship to learn more about the treatment of dependent heroin users with co-prescribed methadone and heroin. During my five days I visited treatment centres in different cities and spoke to Fons Kok, the minister responsible for addictions. HEROIN WASintroduced as a street drug in with only four choosing to inject. All of the the Netherlands in the autumn of 1972. The patients are prescribed oral methadone in total number of heroin addicts in the addition to the heroin. The average daily Netherlands is currently estimated to be dose is between 80mls and 90mls. This is approximately 25,000. Most of these ‘chase’ always supervised. None of the patients is the heroin. using the maximum dose of heroin allowed Heroin prescribing is only considered - 1g - most used 400mg to 600mg per day, for chronic users who have not benefited usually in two divided doses, and always from conventional treatments. This is supervised. supported by the Central Committee on the Knowledge of the centre is spread by Treatment of Heroin Addicts (CCBH). word of mouth among the local heroin- I spoke to the Minister responsible at using population. All referrals are self- the Health Care Inspectorate in The Hague. referrals. Following an assessment, there is He explained that there are currently about a four week trial period where the patient 300-400 patients receiving heroin is prescribed methadone by supervised CONFERENCE prescriptions in Holland in six different consumption with weekly drug testing. REFLECTIONS cities. Government expansion plans will see Most drop outs occur during this four week the initial six centres expand up to 20, with trial period. After this, heroin is prescribed. 15 expected by the end of the year, with a The heroin dose is titrated up and the Memoirs from the 7th capacity of 815 patients. methadone dose adjusted by mutual Annual SCAN Conference Initially there was some opposition consent between the doctor and patient. for trainees and newly from the general public about heroin The Rotterdam centre is located only a prescribing. There was a lot of debate short walk from the city centre. The appointed consultants, before the prescribing started. This debate location took two years to find and Bath, 12-13 June. was rational and balanced, with the media arrange. There was considerable opposition Dr Bhaskar Punukollu taking a neutral stance. The public caution from residents and the city authorities. and Dr Zarrar Chowdary, Jasdev Grewal, has now been replaced with a general However, since the centre has opened there SCAN SpRs Specialist acceptance. ALL REFERRALS ARE SELF-REFERRALS; Registrar, There is now very little coverage in the KNOWLEDGE IS BY WORD OF MOUTH Coventry national press about heroin prescribing and Primary Care even about illicit drug use. Over the past have been very few problems. Trust five years the national interest has been The centre has 80 patients in total. THE FIRSThalf-day of the conference was directed towards the increasing levels of There is little aggressive or hostile on “management and leadership in the alcohol consumption. The country as a behaviour. Patients sometimes try to steal changing world of the NHS”. Dr Haitham whole is concerned to make alcohol less the heroin but are rarely successful. They Nadeem and Dr Prunwat Bijral, recently available. Mr Kok said the alcohol/brewing only ever try to steal their own heroin, appointed consultant psychiatrists, gave us industry would not be able to influence this usually because they want to smoke it later insights into their experiences of working process. at home. Urine drug screening is no longer as new consultants in the NHS and the I was shown around the Hague used, as patients tend to be very honest changes they experienced in moving from treatment centre by their resident doctor. about their drug use. The staff estimate specialist registrar to consultant roles. They Nearly all of these heroin users are smokers, that of the 80 patients only five use street discussed the importance of working with heroin. They can ask for an increase in the commissioners toward common goals, the prescribed heroin if they want, but choose importance of doing meaningful audit as not to. Street heroin costs €40 per gram. part of clinical governance, and not taking Heroin has become much cheaper over the on more than you can handle in your past 5-10 years. workload. My visit to Holland has been an invaluable experience. I was struck Ms Annette Dale-Perera from the NTA particularly by the attitude of tolerance enlightened us on the NTA’s view on and open-mindedness that prevails in consultant’s role in providing leadership of Holland. I would like to express my thanks addictions services. She explained the to Prof. Drummond and Dr Ash Kahn in the relationship between central government, UK and Prof. van den Brink and Mrs Ineke the National Treatment Agency, strategic Huijsman in Holland. health authorities, drug action teams, local 8| Supporting specialists, promoting consensus Introducing the new SCAN SpRs Following the changeover in August for SpRs, we say goodbye and thank you to Bhaskar Punukollu and Zarrar Chowdary and welcome to our three new SpRs who will spend their special interest session with us for the next year. Dr Aideen O’Kane I am a Specialist Registrar in addiction psychiatry currently working with Dr Eilish Gilvarry in the addiction service at Plummer Court in Newcastle. My areas of particular interest are: improving services for patients with alcohol misuse problems; and improving the integration of services for patients with complex co-morbidities. I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with SCAN as my special interest session this year. I hope to use the role to gain a clearer understanding of the policy and commissioning agenda driving the future development of addiction services. I would also hope to develop my writing and editorial skills through involvement with SCANbites. commissioners and consultants. management of these. Dr Andrea Hearn gave us an understanding of contingency Dr Julian Henry Ms Robyn Doran, service director for management (CM) and explained some of I am an ST5 trainee in general adult psychiatry on the Charing Central and North West London NHS the potential advantages and pitfalls Cross and St Mary’s Rotation in London. I am foundation trust (CNWL) substance misuse associated with it. She explained that at currently working in an early intervention services, discussed the value of shadowing present most research on CM is from the post in West London, and have been using my a chief executive or medical director. She USA and that services throughout the special interest sessions to get clinical also said that consultants need to be country have been invited by the NTA to experience in the Kensington and Chelsea aware of the ever changing policy context take part in a trial of CM acting as pilot Opiate Treatment Clinic, with a particular in which they work, share knowledge and centres. interest in injectable opiate prescribing. I am skills and be a “part of the solution rather delighted to be joining the SCAN team as my than the problem”. The last part of the conference was on special interest session. Over the last year and a half I have “the future for addiction psychiatrists and experienced at first hand the many challenges that trainees are Dr Marian De Ruiter, lead consultant in career development”. We gave a talk on now facing following the introduction of MMC. I am particularly Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust, our experiences of working as SCAN SpRs concerned about the effect that the reconfiguration of training spoke about the role of addiction and the special interest survey we posts has had on the availability of addictions training for junior psychiatrists as leaders and gave an conducted, the results of which are now doctors, and I am keen to use my time in SCAN to explore this overview of how to develop an addictions available on the SCAN website. Prof. Colin further. I believe that SCAN is a hugely important resource for service. She explained the importance of Drummond discussed the challenges for trainees, and I am really looking forward to making the most of my understanding one’s own leadership style, the future of alcohol treatment services in year with the team. and how she had gained insight about her the context of the distribution of funding own from asking her team to undertake a resources between drug and alcohol Dr Caroline Cooper 360 degree appraisal. treatment. Dr Michael Farrell told us what I am a Specialist Registrar on the mid-Trent Training Scheme – I the future holds for addiction psychiatrists would like to use my SCAN session to develop The first part of the second day of the and explained the importance of my knowledge of the addiction field, and to conference was on “evidence based care developing prison addiction services, new gain experience of how other addiction and new clinical guidelines”. We had services for older people with addictions, services across the country work. I feel this fascinating talks in the first section by and other areas of addiction care. Dr Arifur role would also provide me with a better Dr Judy Myles, Prof. David Nutt and Dr Rahman talked about the possibilities for understanding of psychiatrists’ relationships Andrea Hearn. Dr Myles discussed the new developing a career in adolescent with our commissioners, policy advisors, and clinical guidelines from the Department of addictions and his own experiences during the changes all of us in this field may face. It Health. She explained the importance of his training. will enable me to support the trainees who are faced with trainees and consultants performing difficulties in gaining the addiction experience they want in light of clinical audit to ensure that clinical The conference was well received by those the changes in the ST curriculum. standards set out in the document are who attended and the feedback was very I am also keen to be involved in the planning and running of met. We were also very fortunate in positive. We welcomed staff grades and conferences, something in which I was involved as a medical having Prof. David Nutt speak on the associate specialists working in addictions student, and having thoroughly enjoyed the SCAN conferences neurochemical underpinnings of alcohol this year and the conference had a good which I have attended this year! and opiate dependence and recent representation from this group. We look advances in the pharmacological forward to the 2009 conference. SCANbites, autumn 2008 | 9 HOW TO GET STARTED IN RESEARCH Qualitative research in addictions Julia Sinclair considers the practicalities QUALITATIVE RESEARCH is an umbrella term These questions need alternative methods to The false divide that includes a broad range of different research provide the ‘best evidence’. However, that is One of the dangers with qualitative research is methodologies that have their roots in the social not to say that all research using qualitative that it sometimes falls between the chasm of sciences. These disparate methods are methods is good research; it is very easy to the medical positivist approach that does not frequently bunched together as a single entity poorly design and execute a study using see it as true science and the lay community within health services research in an attempt to qualitative methods and then draw spurious who are not trained in critical appraisal and differentiate them from the range of conclusions from it! see it as appealingly ‘real’. quantitative methods also used (randomised To illustrate this... Consequently, qualitative and quantitative controlled trials - RCT, cohort studies, etc). A local DAT commissioned research to research methods are sometimes presented as Often, the aim of labelling research investigate the needs of women requiring a dichotomy with opposing sides believing in methods into one of these two groups is to try treatment for substance misuse. The study used the validity of their methods alone. However, to contrast the differences between them. semi-structured interviews with 20 women and they work best in conjunction, and the need However, this is analogous to dividing the many focus groups with 16 who had answered an to combine different methods of research kinds of antipsychotic drugs available into advert inviting them to “air your views on drug enquiry to study complex behaviours and ‘typical’ and ‘atypical’; and by the same analogy, treatment and other related services” in interventions is increasingly recognised.1,2 it would be better to consider the aim of each exchange for a £15 ASDA voucher. The This is due in part to the discrepancy research project and then use the most authors describe the sample as ‘purposive’ between the efficacy of treatments shown in appropriate method to study it. (which means chosen to test a particular clinical trials, and the reduced effectiveness of That said, the fundamental difference theoretical premise) but they should have called these same interventions in routine clinical between the two groups of research methods is it ‘opportunistic’ (i.e. those people they could practice.3In addition there are some that quantitative methods tend to be concerned get), as there was no particular theoretical interventions that are not easily (or ethically) with the measurement of phenomena (e.g. perspective being explored. evaluated by RCTs, and so alternative, questions asking “how much”, or “how The women interviewed were highly critical methodologically robust designs are needed.2 many”?); whereas qualitative methods are more of aspects of medical treatment including “(that) There are several ways in which qualitative concerned with the nature of the phenomena the daily collection of medication is experienced and quantitative methods of enquiry can be under investigation (e.g Why did this happen? by some women as degrading and used together within a plan of research: How did this occur?). humiliating… leading to continued illegal use”, (cid:129) Qualitative methods may be used as a without any reference to the safety aspects that precursor, to define concepts which are later But what about the ‘quality’ of qualitative might be the driving force behind this policy used to inform a quantitative study (e.g. in research evidence? with individual women. the design of questionnaires, or deciding on Unfortunately the hierarchical structure used to Yet from these interviews they made 13 the components of a complex intervention); grade research evidence (see SCANbites 15, recommendations including: (cid:129) Qualitative inquiry may be used at the p12) was designed to evaluate the efficacy of (cid:129) ‘Improved facilitation of empowerment by end of a study to help interpret the results. pharmacological treatments within clearly working alongside women’s own harm (cid:129) The ideal situation may be to combine defined patient populations. Within these reduction strategies to ensure maximum the use of qualitative and quantitative and confines, there is no doubt that a well engagement’ investigations in a way where each can be conducted double blinded RCT - or ideally a (cid:129) ‘Availability of crèche or childcare facilities to used to inform the other, and enhance our meta-analysis of several RCTs - is the best form enable women to avail themselves of understanding of the results found.4,5,6 of evidence. intervention opportunities. Provision must take For example, one may take the results of RCTs However, this ranking of levels of evidence account of school and nursery times’ of contingency management conducted has since been applied more generally, and now within the US, and then use qualitative forms the basis of the ‘strength’ of The DAT have now required the local specialist methods to investigate the feasibility of recommendations that are given in treatment services to respond to these recommendations implementation within a UK setting. This guidelines. Research carried out using one of the (with no increase in budget). would allow an investigation of the likely Dr Julia Sinclair, qualitative methods fits a different scientific Whilst the study itself is not bad, there are impact of context on the efficacy of the SCAN Consultant Psychiatrist Policy paradigm and therefore ranks low down within two fundamental flaws: results. Advisor and a hierarchy designed to evaluate treatment (cid:129) There is a huge leap between data and More commonly, qualitative methods are used Senior Lecturer in efficacy. recommendations without any caveats that the after a policy has been implemented to Psychiatry at the sample is not representative. There is no investigate why it did not have the impact University of However, RCTs cannot easily answer questions evidence that if the recommendations were predicted by the quantitative studies Southampton such as: implemented, there would be any behavioural conducted in a different context. “What are the barriers that prevent hard to change. They confuse people’s opinions about reach groups (e.g. sex workers) from accessing services with an assumption of causality (i.e. that So what does qualitative research involve? services?” they would actually change their behaviour if As has already been discussed it is important to “Why have specific guidelines not been the things they did not like were altered). have a specific aim for the research. This is not implemented despite evidence of efficacy?” (cid:129) The commissioners have read the report as if it necessarily a hypothesis to be tested, but the “Why does a new intervention not have the were a hyper authentic view of reality. They are aims of the research, together with a clear effectiveness that was anticipated?” unable to critically appraise the limitations of the understanding of the nature of the phenomenon “What are the active components of a complex study design and the lack of generalisability of under investigation, will determine the design intervention?” the findings. chosen. 10| Supporting specialists, promoting consensus

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