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White Rose cammaunity + supporters: We Gothen r Peginne + Our tile ene of the wogid oe Qucagol AS the days begin -b lengtin and the cin gual ti Oy binseings 3 4 ch Weather Pet shel, we, fal hope Gr the cemaing of ew (eke, includiny Cod wlilengy. | miraele o€ our €iteh child this suinme: Th the northeast rural commer of Misecury C) et Marche shart a new bhi in cespense lo the invitation o e other big neue is Our Move tiles eran fir esvile Jab ie. on: Pose Qnthatic, (uncer Farm, The move core A Our compofiero © Possibility Ali ance CYA} partner with them as ot netghtoriny project. The eet OEY i, AKO joy Cul communtiy fatwa dedicated to Tiategral nonvicience! inode iy clectrleity and petra um five ivr y February Dear Family, Ertend Gnd QE F Somer, Sreouraged and chaltcnged buy tute. Luctting hie fo put deaper racts fowares de ever Sion antl ¢ eroge-bared cacery built an low. Our main reacen Gr wiiting you foduy Ie that we reatiy heed Your hulp ih Groen @ create He. new pryjedt ue. Neel ( raice £93,000 4 Hey the (and, rust howelny dnd! cover olor up operating. 6 tela Et co: 2014 Goal: | Ruste 2x20 Cabinewit With ii Weed “bier $7,000 pit ee PONSA the yar Hospht al tye programe, heat hy aides Locd, Havel eho $3,000 Would you consider helping? By making a donation, you cupport the continued wore-t Values ot “the White Rose. Our ministries have, iw clucteds 2 PRAYER, + FAITH: Leading community prayer and Grit sharing, Spe eGal Telfeate, houce liturgies, annual tadventt Leen Wee: Sediol Justice Statens of He Crozs, spirtual guicance © compar SHOSPI TALITY: welcoming peorle in need to eta Provide Frendentp,me als, cle-ciee! abil often aprovelagi Fleve. 413,000 Yy OF our home aed and presence. Qunning a >} “Wwapitality network of eriende who open Hani eave icest 2 CARE FOR CREATION + SIMPLICITY’: converting 10 acte. Farm | Ran conventional corm/acy a diverse organic farm ine iting vege doles eruitsr€ anitale, Converting 2 Chicaye yards imo esnic fond pied ganizing ctorene of Cee markete (ite o Cree gorge sale lin meng handmade cratis out o€ racycled Metal 2EDU TION s hosting hundreds of uisiterc AnnUaliy, ireseedlin “ BSchooté, Chur ch greups 2h ees ee communi fe S. LeBdling wor eebops, giving tolee at“echbols and clutches, gad Putsigning a qual tert. peice ner COO cea g)and ctgahizing rounamile heed PNONVIOLENT RESISTANCE oF Nonviolence 4aininge peace, delegations Cs Reale “4 Rg itee (on depleted araniui contamination) ana oe porate tent Ade eboewen cdc onmenee| destruction sup: ace /. Con€ronting the issue oC -fer pute supper bing portuun sur esions. oozes Turiicrpating in of eicyor Goin tire E ivore With overnight hi pi fecléty anct oo een er ANE organiatng butte actiots, campal qncond fate 4 US Sponcobed? torture gi Micon in Cuba, Gnd close Guairtanamd Bay A Stiryeoe we asta cot} ! & Wig h ke cpcartm ig fe Find atrailar low cwdthore Abed from pace dn Su Salled. them te see how 1Aae i é Money and places #6 stan ted tel nowhere fo op. They were now sleeping in al pcre, oe rowktre To o¢ ey cautd etal, wath Wsy tye wide exhuberant and Gull OC ralier "Ch, that: areatitl Mast nigh 4 tained on ugatd we word eee Sea oe OE HELE Go Je hold on and have eaidy aie foviole| "AEE ng: Wei ae, ek Ge & be Bad,” YoU Enews, Gou been a friend 8 us, a real FRIEN ES Unter te Bop beds ee YOU allt don’ have. (hte hours tater we uel coming out of eistn pore. TL aot it, aetta’ ai © te quett: with not a penny fe their Mame, 4 A request... | We hope Mat (67 you'got it” £4 with us; as we star dOae nity fo be a reat Eviend to Une et mak yout Will concider shoring Ie peaject and continue dur woe feos! marginal and forgotten: PSR Donations of check, cash or a order can be made ork to fee Kose Catholic Worker” with “Missourt land" in the memo and lent to; (Before Tune 1) | PWhite Rose Catholic Worker | dA: Tohin4 Regina Bamborick- Rust 2408 Frontier Ln. La Plata, Me 62544 After Tune 41) White ose Cathidlic Worker BUe+ Ferrier Ln. La Plata, MO e25dq | We thank you for your prayers, support and ostty! TP you Ihave any questions, i ate or eh estions for our neve eft “give us a call at @60- 332-4044 (befbre Tune 1) or 660"320-4ihg '@Fter Sune 1). i Blessings of Coace, | Tolin + Fejina + baby Bambrick-Pust + Michael Henes et challenge of coatest, «nears a rey he day fe. ane, YO ee rele ton Va . + oF one Fe ain OH cabiok led sae af t 2 fe va ring about & ee 2 star} i each fi ¢, Haters tage wash the the Chy movenen ity and farms to Yeratn commilbed 40 neny ity. There ic 2 i Zon ge, cormmuntty im th + Up. Our partners in Missouri... 2 22.0) The Possibility Altance | Gietres Carers mur. we LAr, apirest ky Sanghi noe sriving fo integers Ricca ‘ a oa See ») of ving ky aga | pte have LF Gaon EI {earned that Ck love comes witt 4 Lenclinese anck we SRT latron ig LOVE « d Thad) 1 | sy te | | H

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