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Scaling Theory of Entanglement at the Many-Body Localization Transition Philipp T. Dumitrescu,1 Romain Vasseur,2,3 and Andrew C. Potter1 1Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA 2Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 3Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA (Dated: January 19, 2017) Westudytheuniversalpropertiesofeigenstateentanglemententropyacrossthetransitionbetween many-bodylocalized(MBL)andthermalphases. Wedevelopanimprovedrealspacerenormalization groupapproachthatenablesnumericalsimulationoflargesystemsizesandsystematicextrapolation to the infinite system size limit. For systems smaller than the correlation length, the average 7 entanglement follows a sub-thermal volume law, whose coefficient is a universal scaling function. 1 Furthermore, the full distribution of entanglement follows a universal scaling form, and exhibits a 0 bimodal structure that produces universal subleading power-law corrections to the leading volume- 2 law. For systems larger than the correlation length, the short interval entanglement exhibits a n discontinuous jump across the transition from fully thermal volume-law on the thermal side, to a a pure area-law on the MBL side. J 7 Recent experimental advances in synthesizing isolated ment across the MBLT requires addressing the challeng- 1 quantum many-body systems, such as cold-atoms [1–4], ing combination of disorder, interactions, and dynam- ] trappedions[5,6],orimpurityspinsinsolids[7,8],have ics. Consequently, most studies have therefore resorted n raised fundamental questions about the nature of sta- to fully microscopic simulation methods like exact diag- n - tistical mechanics. Even when decoupled from external onalization (ED)[15, 16, 32–34]. The exponential com- s sourcesofdissipation,largeinteractingquantumsystems plexity of such fully microscopic methods fundamentally i d tend to act as their own heat-baths and reach thermal limits them to small systems ((cid:46) 30 sites), preventing . t equilibrium. This behavior is formalized in the Eigen- them from accurately capturing universal scaling prop- a state Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH) [9, 10]. Generic erties. For example, critical exponents computed from m excited eigenstates of such thermal systems are highly ED violate rigorous scaling bounds [35, 36]. - d entangled, with the entanglement of a sub-region scaling A promising alternative is to eschew a microscopic de- n asthevolumeofthatregion(“volumelaw”). Thisresults scription, which is not required to compute universal o in incoherent, classical dynamics at long times. In con- scaling properties, and instead develop a coarse grained c trast, strong disorder can dramatically alter this picture [ renormalization group (RG) description of the MBLT. by pinning excitations that would otherwise propagate TworelatedRGapproaches[37,38]haveproducedacon- 1 heat and entanglement [11–17]. In such many-body lo- sistent picture of the MBLT (see also [39]). Nonetheless, v calized (MBL) systems [18–20], generic eigenstates have 7 both approaches rest on ad-hoc albeit plausible heuris- properties akin to those of ground-states. They exhibit 2 tics for computing many-body matrix elements. In this 8 short-range entanglement that scales like the perimeter paper, we develop an RG scheme building upon the ap- 4 of the sub-region [17] (“area law”), and have quantum proach of [38], whose steps are rooted in well-established 0 coherent dynamics up to arbitrarily long timescales [21– properties of matrix-elements in MBL and thermal sys- . 1 27], even at high energy densities [17, 26, 28–31]. tems. UsingthisRGscheme,wecomputethefullscaling 0 A transition between MBL and thermal regimes re- structureofentanglementacrossthetransition,bysimu- 7 quiresasingularrearrangementinthestructureofeigen- latinglargesystemssizeswithalargenumber(105 106) 1 − : states from area-law to volume-law entanglement. This of disorder realizations, that allow systematic extrapo- v many-body (de)localization transition (MBLT) repre- lation to the infinite size limit. The resulting scaling i X sents an entirely new class of critical phenomena, out- propertiesdepartdramaticallyfromthoseofconventional r side the conventional equilibrium framework of either equilibrium critical points, highlighting the unusual na- a thermal- or quantum- phase transitions. Developing a ture of the MBLT. systematic theory of this transition promises not only to RG approach – Our RG approach builds a coarse- expand our understanding of possible critical phenom- grained picture of eigenstates by identifying collective ena, but also to yield universal insights into the nature many-body resonances that destabilize the MBL phase. of the proximate MBL and thermal phases. Although this approach is not tied to a particular mi- The eigenstate entanglement entropy can be viewed croscopic model, for concreteness, we picture a chain of as a non-equilibrium analog of the thermodynamic free spinless fermions with Hamiltonian energy for a conventional thermal phase transition, and (cid:88) plays a central role in our conceptual understanding of H = ( c†c +h.c. µ ρ +Vρ ρ ), (1) − x x+1 − x x x x+1 the MBL and ETH phases. Describing the entangle- x 2 Here we have set the hopping strength to unity, ρ = x c†c is the fermion density on site x, and µ is a ran- x x x dom chemical potential drawn from a uniform distri- bution on [0,W]. The non-interacting system (V = FIG. 1. Schematic of an RG step. – Clusters connected 0) is Anderson localized with localization length x 2/log(cid:0)1+W2(cid:1) [40]. Interactions (V > 0) can d0riv≈e byaresonantpath(Γij >∆Eij)(dashedsquares)aremerged | | intobiggerclusters. Couplingsbetweenclustersareturnedoff multi-particle collective resonances. For weak interac- or renormalized (see text). tions, V W, the system remains MBL and these reso- (cid:28) nancesrestructurethelocalintegralsofmotion(LIOMs) from weakly dressed single-particle orbitals to local few- ETH behavior (Fig. 1). If two clusters are not modified bodyLIOMs[41–44]. Forsufficientlystronginteractions, during a RG step, the coupling between them is set to MBLbreaksdownasalldegreesoffreedombecomeinter- Γ =0reflectingtheemergenceofdecoupledLIOMsin i(cid:48)j(cid:48) resonant. an MBL system [41, 42]. If at least one of the clusters is While finding the true resonances is tantamount to modified during the RG step, the new coupling between solving the many-body Hamiltonian, close to the con- two clusters is tinuousMBLT,oneexpectsascale-invariantstructurein (cid:20) (cid:21) whichresonancesareorganizedhierarchicallyandcanbe Γi(cid:48)j(cid:48) = max Γij e−(ni(cid:48)+nj(cid:48)−ni1−ni2)sth/2. (3) constructed via an iterative procedure [38]. Since large i1∈{i},i2∈{j} many-fermion resonances will drive the MBLT, it is nat- This form approximates the resonating clusters as small ural to consider an effective model in terms of resonant locally thermal sub-systems with entropy s =log2 per clusters, i.e. groups of inter-resonating single-particle or- th site,asappropriateformatrixelementsoflocaloperators bitals, characterized only by coarse grained information: in a finite-size, infinite temperature ETH system. We the effective bandwidth Λ and typical level spacing δ . i i note that a similar form of inter-cluster couplings was Tocharacterizeclusterinteractions,weretainonlythe recently used to analyze the stability of the MBL phase typicalamplitude, Γ , ofmatrixelementsfortransitions ij in various contexts [46]. changing the states of clusters i and j, and compare this Intuitively, this procedure describes the state at a to the corresponding typical energy mismatch ∆E be- ij given RG step as consisting of a series of fully thermal- tweenthosestates. ForΓ ∆E ,thestatesofiandj ij ij (cid:29) ized or localized clusters. Approximating Γ by these willresonantlyadmix, whereasforΓ ∆E , theclus- ij ij ij (cid:28) limiting forms becomes self-consistently justified since terswillremaindecoupledapartfromweakvirtualdress- the width of the distribution of resonance parameters ing. We draw a sharp line between these regimes and g =Γ /∆E [37, 38, 47] increases with each RG step. define a resonant coupling if Γ >∆E . The ambiguity ij ij ij ij ij In an infinite critical system, the width of the distribu- of this partition becomes unimportant for the large clus- tion of g increases without bound along the RG flow so ters determining the transition, since both Γ and ∆E ij ij that one asymptotically encounters only the cases g 1 dependexponentiallyonfluctuatingextensivequantities, (cid:28) (MBL) or g 1 (ETH) andalmostnever facesmarginal and are rarely comparable. (cid:29) cases where g 1. This flow to infinite randomness of g The RG procedure for a chain of L sites with peri- ≈ justifies the RG approximations in an analogous fashion odic boundary conditions proceeds as follows. Initially, to other microscopic RG approaches for quantum phase each cluster corresponds to a localized single-particle transitions in disordered spin chains [30, 48–51]. orbital with bandwidth Λ = ε µ (ε the non- i i i i ≈ Rooting the Γ renormalization rules in well- interactingsingle-particleenergy), ∆E = µ µ , and ij ij i j Γij = V(e−|i−j|/x0 +e−|i−j−L|/x0). During|an−RG|step, established asymptotic properties of MBL and ETH sys- tems more accurately captures the competition between all clusters connected by a path of resonating bonds are merged into a new cluster i i(cid:48). The coarse grained theabilityforalocallythermalregiontoactasabathfor { } → its surroundings, versus the tendency for a locally MBL parametersofthenewlyformedclusterarechosenasfol- region to isolate neighboring thermal regions. In par- lows [45]: ticular, turning off non-resonant couplings cleanly pre- (cid:115)(cid:88) (cid:88) vents unphysical “avalanche” instabilities of the MBL Λ = Λ2+ Γ2 , i(cid:48) i ij phase [46, 52] in which an atypically large resonant clus- i ij ter becomes increasingly thermal as it grows, enabling it δi(cid:48) =Λi(cid:48)/(2ni(cid:48) 1), to thermalize an arbitrarily large MBL region [53]. − ∆E =δ δ /min(Λ ,Λ ) (2) The RG terminates if no resonant bonds remain or i(cid:48)j(cid:48) i(cid:48) j(cid:48) i(cid:48) j(cid:48) the system fully thermalizes. Like [38], our approach where ni(cid:48) is the number of sites in cluster i(cid:48). allows for a distribution of various cluster sizes in the The effective inter-cluster couplings are changed ac- final configuration. This feature is physically important, cording to two distinct rules, locally mirroring MBL or as typical configurations at criticality are predominantly 3 100 400 1500 102 100 N /N 10−1 101−010 sˆ(L/2) 6810000000 234000000000 ogram 101 1100−−42 th tot 10 2 t 10 6 ˆs(L/2) 10−2 100−−.43 σsˆ(L/2) zedHis 100 − −2(W−−1 W0c)L11/ν 2 0.2 mali 10−1 10−3 0.0 or 2 1 0 1 2 N 10 2 400 800 1500 3000 −(W− W)L1/ν − 600 1000 2000 4000 10 4 − c − 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 10 2 10 1 100 − − Disorder Bandwidth W Entanglement Entropy sˆ(L/2) FIG. 2. Universal scaling of bipartite entanglement FIG. 3. Bipartite entanglement at criticality – Nor- – Normalizedbipartiteentanglementsˆ(L/2)asafunctionof malized histogram over different disorder realizations of the disorderbandwidthW fordifferentsystemsizesL. Inset:scal- bipartite entanglement entropy near criticality (W = 2.04), ingcollapseofsˆ(L/2)[upper]andfluctuationsσ [lower], using 100 linearly spaced bins. Inset: scaling collapse of frac- sˆ(L/2) with W = 2.05 and ν = 3.2. Data with L ≤ 1000 have at tionoffullythermalizeddisorderconfigurationsN /N ;er- c th tot least 2.5·105 disorder realizations, and as many as 106 near ror bars are 95% confidence intervals expected for binomial W ; those with L ≥ 1500 at least 105. Error-bars were cal- distribution. c culated using Jackknife resampling, but are not shown when smaller than marker sizes. small value of the crossing entanglement, and deviation ofaverageandtypicalexponentsdemonstratethetransi- MBL with few large clusters [38] – a picture supported tionisdrivenbyrarethermalclustersseparatedbylarge by recent ED numerics [34]. In contrast, the approach MBL regions. of [37] allowed both MBL and thermal blocks (clusters) To go beyond the average value, we consider the full to grow until the system is one large block that is either distribution of entanglement over disorder realizations. thermal or MBL. Figure 3 shows the histogram of the normalized entan- Half-system Entanglement at Criticality – For glement entropy at the MBLT. The distribution has a each disorder realization, the RG produces a configura- bimodal structure consisting of a power-law tail, P(s) tion of decoupled locally thermal clusters. We calculate s−α with α = 1.4 0.2, which we fit over the interva≈l the entanglement of a subinterval by summing the ther- s [0.1,0.8], and ±a distinct sharp peak near the fully mal volume law contribution from each cluster spanning th∈ermal value s = 1. Away from criticality, the weight the interval boundaries. Namely, a cluster partitioned of the thermal peak scales like a universal function of into m and n sites by the entanglement cut contributes L/ξ, reflected in the fraction of fully thermalizing dis- Sm,n =min(m,n)sth [54]. order realizations (Fig. 3 inset). Indications of such a Figure 2 depicts the normalized entanglement entropy bimodal structure were observed in small-scale ED sim- ulations [56]. Our RG approach allows an extensive ex- S(x,L) ploration of this structure. sˆ(x)= (4) xsth Atcriticality,thethermalpeakgivesavolumelawcon- tributiontothebipartitecriticalentanglementwithaco- for x=L/2, where (...) denotes averaging over disorder efficienta=(0.8 0.3) 10−2 farbelowthethermalvalue. realizationsandintervallocation. Itshowsthetransition ± · The power-law component gives a universal sub-leading from a fully thermal system consisting of a single large contribution to the entanglement intermediate between cluster to the localized system made from many small area- and volume law clusters, indicated by a crossing in the curves for differ- seanttisLfyaatsacacrliintigcafolrdmisosˆr=derf(W[Wc =2W.05]±L10/.ν0)1,.wTithheccruitrivceasl S(x=L/2,L,W =Wc)≈ax+bx1−α+... (5) c − exponent ν = 3.2 0.3 (Fig. 2 upper inset). This indi- Wenote,thattheseresultsdifferfromthoseof[37],whose ± catesthepresenceofasingledivergingcorrelationlength proxy for half-system entanglement showed a smaller ξ W W −ν. A variety of observables give the same power-law (P(s) s−0.9) and lacked a thermal peak. c ≈| − | ≈ estimates of W and ν and our extracted ν lies within Non-local influence of system size – We next in- c error-bars of those obtained in [37, 38]. Notably, we find vestigatethebehaviorinaninfinitesystemslightlyaway two distinct values of ν for average and typical correla- from the critical point. Near a conventional continuous tion length exponents ν 2.1 0.2 [55], consistent phase transition, observables (including entanglement) typ ≈ ± withaflowtoinfiniterandomness. Wereiteratethatthe measured over distance x exhibit critical behavior over 4 1.0 400 (a) 0.8 600 0.8 800 sth 0.6 1000 / ) 1500 x) 0.4 10 0.6 2000 S( = 3000 0.2 ˆs(x 0.4 4+000 0.0 2.22 2.24 2.26 2.28 2.3 2.4 2.5 ∞ 0 100 200 300 400 0.2 Interval Size x (b) 1.0 (c) 0.0 1/2 15 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 0.8 1/4 Disorder Bandwidth W 1/6 h L) 0.6 1/8 /st 10 FIG. 4. Infinite system thermal entanglement – The ˆs(f 0.4 1/10 (x) normalized entanglement entropy for an interval length x = S 5 10 develops a non-analytic step on the thermal side of the 0.2 MBLT as L → ∞. Points labeled +∞ are extrapolations in 0 L,assumingtheleadingscalingform∝L1/ν forcutsoffixed 2 1 0 1 2 0 200 400 sˆ, where cubic spline interpolations were used to fill in the − − (W W )L1/ν Interval Size x curves between data points. The error bars reflect the effect c − ofuncertaintyinν =3.2±0.3. ThetransitionW =2.05±0.1 c is indicated by the the dashed line and gray shaded region. FIG. 5. Entanglement finite-size crossover – (a) En- tanglemententropyasafunctionofintervalsizexforsystem size L=1000 and various values of W >W . The error bars c correspond to the vertical thickness of the curves. The black an extended “critical fan” x ξ extending across both points are lower bounds on the estimate of ξ taken from the (cid:28) sides of the transition. Moreover, they become indepen- clustersizehistograms. (b)Normalizedentanglemententropy dent of system size as L , since critical fluctuations for L = 4000 for different fractions of system size f = x/L. →∞ are determined by local physics. Entanglement at the (c) Plot as in (a) zoomed out for disorder values W = 1.4 MBLT departs dramatically from this conventional be- (yellow, linear volume law) and 1.96 ≤ W ≤ 2.3 in steps of havior, andinsteadshowsastrongnon-localdependence 0.02. onsystemsize,sinceaninfinitethermalsystemcanactas Thisdiscontinuousjumpestablishesthattheentangle- abathforanyfinitesubsystem,nomatteritslocalprop- mentontheMBLsideissub-thermalforallx. However, erties. Therefore, all subintervals of an infinite system many functional forms are consistent with this require- mustexhibitfullythermalentanglementsˆ(x,L= )=1 ∞ ment, including sub-thermal volume laws, area-law, or for W < W and L ξ [57]. The conventional scal- c (cid:29) even logarithmic or power-law growth with x. Unlike ingpicturewouldthensuggestfullthermalentanglement the thermal behavior for L = and W < W , which also on the MBL side (W > W ) for x ξ [57]. In- c c ∞ (cid:28) follows from analytic constraints [57], determining the stead, ED simulations in [34] give evidence that this re- entanglement scaling for W > W requires a quantita- gion actually has sub-thermal entanglement, consistent c tive exploration of S(x,L) with a three-fold hierarchy of with the picture of [38] that the critical regime contains scales 1 x ξ L (Fig. 5). This hierarchy requires predominately large MBL regions. Together with [57], (cid:28) (cid:28) (cid:28) large systems with at least (103) sites, making our RG thisimpliesthattheentanglementjumpsdiscontinuously O approach uniquely suited to address this question. from fully thermal to sub-thermal across the MBLT for L ξ [34]. Having an objective measure of the correlation length (cid:29) ξ is vital to clearly identify the desired scaling regime Our RG approach can directly demonstrate this pre- andseparateitfromthedistinctcrossoverbehaviorwhen dicted discontinuity by systematically extrapolating to ξ L. Tothisend,weexaminethedistributionofcluster the limit L with x ξ L. Figure 4 shows ≈ → ∞ (cid:28) (cid:28) sizes [55]. Like the bipartite entanglement histograms, the normalized entanglement for a fixed interval x = 10 they exhibit power-law decay up a scale that we iden- and various system sizes L. The black points in the fig- tify as ξ, beyond which they decay exponentially [55]. ure represent extrapolations in system size for constant For L ξ, the entanglement curves show a small non- sˆ. While one can never observe a true discontinuity in univers(cid:29)al rise over x(cid:46)1 10 and then remain perfectly a finite size system, we observe a clear finite size flow − flat as x crosses through ξ, indicating that the entan- towards a non-analytic jump with increasing L. Similar glement follows a pure area-law everywhere on the MBL L extrapolations are obtained for all x and the x → ∞ side of the transition, even for x ξ. dependence is negligible on the thermal side of the tran- (cid:28) sition. The results for L = scaling properties of entangle- ∞ 5 ment are succinctly summarized by: law divergences. (cid:40) Finally, we remark on an open question of the stabil- 1, W <W lim lim sˆ(x,L)= c (6) ity of MBL in higher dimensions. Our RG rules closely x→∞L→∞ 0, W >Wc. mirror the principles used to argue that MBL was un- stable to thermal avalanche processes in more than one Full scaling form of S(x,L,W) – Forinfinitesystems, spatial dimension and for longer than exponential range we have seen that the entanglement jumps discontinu- interactions[46]. ThereforeourRGwouldyieldthesame ously at the MBLT. For finite L, this jump becomes a conclusions. There are suggestive reasons to suspect the smooth crossover. What universal data can we extract dichotomy between fully MBL and fully thermal behav- from this crossover? One complication is that entangle- iormaybreakdown[61]. Ourcurrentapproachdoesnot ment is generically not itself a scaling variable and iden- shed light on this issue, but does suggest that if higher- tifyinganappropriatescalingformisnotstraightforward dimensional MBL does exists, the corresponding MBLT (e.g.for1DCFTsoneneedstoconsiderthelog-derivative may not have the infinite randomness properties found ∂S/∂logx [58, 59]). in 1D. For the MBLT, sub-additivity [57] demands that S in- Acknowledgements – We thank David Huse and Tarun crease with both x and L, which is impossible with S Grover for insightful discussions, and acknowledge the being a universal function of x/ξ and L/ξ – physically Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the Uni- increasing disorder (decreasing ξ) must decrease entan- versity of Texas at Austin for providing computational glement [60]. 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The normalization (cid:96)ˆ = ((cid:96) −1)/(L−1) subtracts the contribution of single site clusters. Insets: scaling x x collapseswithν =3.2andW =2.05[ave]andν =2.1andW =1.99[typ]. Thetypicalplothaslargefinitesizecorrections c typ c and the crossing points drift to higher W; the typical and average crossings should agree with the true transition as L→∞. Nonetheless,thepowerν =2.1±0.3isconsistentwithextrapolationsalongcutsofconstant(cid:96)ˆawayfromthecrossingpoint typ itself. The difference in average and typical scaling is characteristic of a broad distribution and indicates that the transition is rare events driven; this is necessary at an infinite randomness transition. 100 100 10 1 10 1 − 400 − 400 ) ) 4 600 6 600 / / L 800 L 800 ˆs( 10−2 1000 ˆs( 10−2 1000 1500 1500 2000 2000 10 3 3000 10 3 3000 − − 4000 4000 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 − − − − (W W)L1/ν (W W)L1/ν − c − c 100 100 10 1 10 1 ˆs(L/8) 10−−2 4681000000000 ˆs(L/10) 10−−2 4681000000000 1500 1500 2000 2000 10 3 3000 10 3 3000 − − 4000 4000 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 − − − − (W W)L1/ν (W W)L1/ν − c − c FIG.7. Scalingcollapseofentanglementsˆ(Lf)fordifferentsystemfractionsf =x/L. HereW =2.05andν =3.2,indicating c a universal form of the volume law coefficient (7). The f = 1/2 scaling collapse is shown in Fig. 2 (inset). As expected, the L curves start separating due to finite size corrections sooner for smaller f. Nonetheless, even for f = 1/10, the collapse of L=3000,4000 persists somewhat for W >W . The L=4000 data are those shown in Fig. 5(b). c 8 100 W=1.40 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=1.70 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=1.80 400 800 1500 3000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−4 10−4 10−4 10−6 10−6 10−6 10−8 10−8 10−8 10−10 10−10 10−10 102 103 102 103 102 103 100 W=1.84 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=1.88 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=1.92 400 800 1500 3000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−4 10−4 10−4 10−6 10−6 10−6 10−8 10−8 10−8 10−10 10−10 10−10 102 103 102 103 102 103 100 W=1.96 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=2.00 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=2.04 400 800 1500 3000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−4 10−4 10−4 10−6 10−6 10−6 10−8 10−8 10−8 10−10 10−10 10−10 102 103 102 103 102 103 100 W=2.08 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=2.12 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=2.16 400 800 1500 3000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−4 10−4 10−4 10−6 10−6 10−6 10−8 10−8 10−8 10−10 10−10 10−10 102 103 102 103 102 103 100 W=2.20 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=2.24 600 800 1000 100 W=2.28 600 800 1000 600 1000 2000 4000 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−4 10−4 10−4 10−6 10−6 10−6 10−8 10−8 10−8 10−10 10−10 10−10 102 103 102 103 102 103 100 W=2.30 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=2.40 400 800 1500 3000 100 W=2.50 400 800 1500 3000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 600 1000 2000 4000 10−2 10−2 10−2 10−4 10−4 10−4 10−6 10−6 10−6 10−8 10−8 10−8 10−10 10−10 10−10 102 103 102 103 102 103 FIG. 8. Normalized histogram over all cluster sizes realized at a given disorder bandwidth W for different system sizes L. Deep in the thermal phase (e.g. W =1.4), each disorder realization consists of one thermal cluster spanning the system. Near the critical point the distribution is bimodal – there is a finite thermal peak and a universal power law. As we move away fromthecriticalpointthepowerlawchangestoanexponentialdecayatalength-scalewhichwecanidentifyasthecorrelation length ξ. As we care to establish the asymptotic regime 1(cid:29)x(cid:29)ξ(cid:29)L, extracting lower bounds on ξ is sufficient. These are given as vertical dashed lines for those W marked in Fig. 5(a). The histograms use L/20 bins.

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