Draft version January 20, 2017 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 SCALING RELATIONS OF MASS, VELOCITY AND RADIUS FOR DISK GALAXIES Earl Schulz 60MountainRoad,NorthGranby,CT06060 Draft version January 20, 2017 ABSTRACT I demonstrate four tight correlations of total baryonic mass, velocity and radius for a set of nearby disk galaxies: the Mass-Velocity relation M ∝ V4; the Mass-Radius relation M ∝R2; the Radius- t t Velocity relation R ∝ V2; and the Mass-Radius-Velocity relation M ∝ RV2. The Mass-Velocity 7 t relationisthefamiliarBaryonicTully-Fisherrelation(BTFR)andversionsoftheotherthreerelations, 1 0 using magnitude rather than baryonic mass, are also well known. These four observed correlations 2 follow from a pair of more fundamental relations. First, the centripetal acceleration at the edge of the stellar disk is proportional to the acceleration predicted by Newtonian physics and secondly, this n acceleration is a constant which is related to Milgrom’s constant. The two primary relations can be a manipulated algebraically to generate the four observed correlations and allow little room for dark J matter inside the radius of the stellar disk. The primary relations do not explain the velocity of 9 the outer gaseous disks of spiral galaxies which do not trace the Newtonian gravitational field of the 1 observed matter. ] A 1. INTRODUCTION TFR which are significantly smaller than in other wave- G lengths. Sakai et al. (2000) includes a definitive study of 1.1. Background therandomandsystematicerrorsoftheTFRcalibration . h Galaxy scaling law relations of mass, rotational veloc- performed as part of the Hubble Key Project. Courteau p ityandradialsizerevealthelawswhichgovernthestruc- et al. (2014) is a recent review of the reliability of the - ture and dynamics of disk galaxies. Power-law scaling various methods used to measure galaxy mass. o r relations have been found which relate these parameters The relations of mass, radius and velocity other than t totheothersineverycombination. Duetoobservational the TFR receive less attention but are equally impor- s a constraints, scaling laws have been defined using a vari- tant in helping us to uncover the underlying physical [ etyofproxiesforthemostfundamentalproperties. Mag- processes. Saintonge & Spekkens (2011) presents cor- nitude or central brightness is used as a proxy for mass, relations among the parameters of luminosity, velocity 1 varioussizemeasures(scalelength,half-lightradius,etc.) and size equivalent to those given here but with much v are used and the rotational velocity is measured in di- larger scatter. Saintonge & Spekkens (2011) makes sev- 9 verse ways. eral findings related to the source of errors in the mea- 6 The Tully-Fisher Relation (TFR) of disk galaxies re- surements finding, in particular, that using an isophotal 2 latesluminositytocircularvelocity(Tully&Fisher1977) radius rather than a scale length reduced the scatter of 5 0 and, being a key component of the distance ladder, has theR-Lrelationbyafactorofabout3sothatanisopho- . beenthesubjectofmanystudiesoftheeffectsofdifferent tal radius is the more reliable measure. 1 wavelengths, galaxy morphology and environments(e.g., The interpretation of scaling laws is tied to the dark 0 Lagattutaetal.2013;Moczetal.2012;Neilletal.2014). matter paradigm which underpins the accepted ΛCDM 7 The fit of the TFR has been continuously improved by cosmology. Garrett&Du¯da(2011)isacurrentreviewof 1 the availability of large surveys and improved distance the subject and Sanders (2010) is a history which gives v: measures. ThescatteroftheTFRissignificantlysmaller invaluable background. The original puzzle was that the i in the (NIR) band than in the UV or FIR bands and velocityofthestellardiskisoftenflatfromtheinnermost X because near infrared luminosity is the best measure of regionstotheedgeoftheopticallyobserveddiskandthis r stellar mass this suggests that the TFR is primarily a was taken to mean prima facie that a dark matter halo a relation between mass and rotational velocity. Accord- is required to explain the kinematics. However Kalnajs ingly, the BTFR (McGaugh et al. 2000; Freeman 1999; (1983), van Albada et al. (1985) and others showed that McGaugh2005)correlatestotalbaryonicmassincluding thecombinationofacentralbulgesurroundedbyatrun- both the stellar and gas mass to Vf, the ‘flat’ rotational catedexponentialdiskresultsinaflatvelocitycurvewith velocity measured in the outer Hi regions of disk galax- areasonablestellarmass-to-lightratioandthisfindingis ies resulting in a tight relationship over a range of many consistentwithanalyticalresultsofNewtoniandynamics decades of mass. (Mestel 1963; Schulz 2012). Because of it’s fundamental importance, the TFR has Maximum disk disk models (see for example Bege- beenthesubjectofmanyevaluationsoveraperiodof40 man1987;Sellwood&Sanders1988;Palunas&Williams years. Bothun & Mould (1987) and Mould et al. (1989) 2000,amongmanyothers)findthatlittleornodarkmat- provideusedfulbackgroundandBothun&Mould(1987) ter is required to explain the rotation curve in the inner wasonethefirsttostudytheuncertaintiesoftheI-band regions of disk galaxies(i.e. the first few scale lengths) although others (e.g. Courteau & Rix 1999; Bershady et al. 2011) find that dark matter is dominant at all [email protected] 2 radii. Some investigators force the result by adjusting the Υ ratio so that the contribution from baryons is Table 1 (cid:63) RelationsofM,V&R smallenoughto‘leaveroom’foranisothermaldarkhalo. ApurelyexponentialdiskhasV at2.2scalelengths max Fundamental Relations andmostopticalrotationcurvesdidnotextentoutmuch beyond that radius. It is necessary to measure the rota- Vd2 =C MtG =A tion curve beyond about 3 scale lengths (which contains Rd f Rd2 edge 90% of the disk light) to observe ‘flat’ rotation curves. Observed Correlations Observations of neutral hydrogen extending well beyond 1 the optical radii of galaxies proved beyond doubt that Mt= CG RdVd2 the rotation curves of the outer regions of spiral galax- f 1 ies cannot be explained by the observed matter (e.g.: Rd= A Vd2 Bosma 1981a,b; Freeman 1970; van Albada & Sancisi edge A 1986; Begeman 1989; Begeman et al. 1991). Mt= CedGge Rd2 HereIshowthatthedynamicsoftheinnerstellardisk f 1 caadnobmeienxapnltaianmedoubnytNoefwdtaornkiamnapthteyrs.icsTwhiitshcoountcrluosoimonfoisr Mt= CfAedgeG Vd4 robust because the uncertainties involved in the present Note. — Here R is the radius of the stellar disk, V is d d calculationofaveragequantitiesaresignificantlysmaller thevelocityattheedgeofthestellardisk,andMtisthetotal baryonicmass. TheconstantsC andA aredetermined than those associated with previous evaluations. f edge fromthecentroidofthedata. I use the parameter R which is the most meaningful d The scaling relations are defined over the log space measureofstellardisksizeforthestudyofthedynamics. (cid:10) (cid:11) log(M ),log(R ),log(V ) . The line of intersection in R is the radius at which the collapsed surface density, t d d d this log space of the planes given in Table 1 is given Υ , is small enough that it does not contribute signifi- (cid:63) perametrically as cantly to the gravitational field. The average mass den- sityofathestellardiskistypicallyabout75M(cid:12)/L(cid:12) and L=L0+wt (2) ItakeR tobetheradiusatwhichΥ decreasestobelow d (cid:63) about 5% of this value. where L0 is any point on the line, 1.2. The Thesis w= √1 (cid:0)4,2,1(cid:1) (3) 21 Power-law scaling relations define planes in log space. Elementarygeometryrequiresthatifasetofgalaxieslie is the unitary direction vector and t is the parameter. on each of two planes then all of the galaxies must lie on Any plane of rotation around L can be specified by a thelineattheintersectionoftheplanesand,indeed,sev- equationwiththeformv·w=0wherev=(a,b,c)gives eralobservershavepointedoutthatthescalingrelations the exponents of a plane ofdiskgalaxiesseemtohaveonlyonedegreeoffreedom. Ma×Rb×Vc =constant (4) Any of the planes formed by rotation around the line of intersection also define power law relations which are which must satisfy as valid as any other. Any two relations of the three variables are sufficient to define the line of intersection 4a+2b+c=0. and with this simple geometric insight I identified the EachoftherelationsgiveninTable1satisfythisequality physically meaningful relationships which define the line asdoaninfinitenumberofotherrelationsofmass,radius of intersection. and velocity. The equalities which govern the relationships of total A value of L can be found most straightforwardly by baryonic mass, rotational velocity and disk radius are: 0 noting that the least squares regression line to a set of C G M V2 data passes through the centroid of the data where the f R2 t = Rd =Aedge, (1) centroid is the point consisting of the average of each of d d thecomponents. InwhatfollowsL issettothecentroid 0 where M is the total baryonic mass and is the sum of of the data and this fully specifies the line L and the t M , thestellarmass, andM , thegasmass; Gisthethe constants C and A . (cid:63) g f edge gravitationalconstant;R istheradiusofthestellardisk; d V is the circular velocity measured at R ; and C and 1.4. Organization d d f Aedge are constants which have physical interpretations. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses Algebraic manipulation of Equations 1 produces the the radii of disk galaxies; Section 3 describes the galaxy Mass-Radius-Velocity relation, the Radius-Velocity rela- sample and motivate the definitions of the parameters tion,theMass-RadiusrelationandtheMass-Velocityre- M , V and R ; Section 4 presents the results of fit- t d d lation as given in Table 1. ting the scaling laws; Section 5 compares the results to In what follows I use a well-characterized data base to previous work; Section 6 summarizes. find the constants C and A and show that these two f edge constantsalonedeterminethefourscalingrelationswith 2. THE SIZE OF DISK GALAXIES no need for any other free parameters. Correlationsofmass,rotationalvelocityandradiusre- flectdynamicrelationshipsandthedefinitionsofthepa- 1.3. The Line of Intersection rameters should be consistent with the physics which tie 3 Table 2 DataforMcGaugh&Schombert(2015)galaxysample Galaxy D Vd Refa M(cid:63) Mg Mt R[3.6]b Rd Mpc kms−1 M(cid:12) M(cid:12) M(cid:12) arcmin kpc DDO154 4.04 53 1,2 4.35E+07 1.38E+08 1.82E+08 1.080 1.27 D631-7 5.49 53 1,2 5.84E+07 2.24E+08 2.82E+08 0.900 1.44 DDO168 4.25 53 1,2 1.13E+08 4.48E+08 5.61E+08 1.700 2.10 D500-2 17.90 68 1 2.37E+08 1.23E+09 1.47E+09 0.600 3.12 NGC2366 3.27 60 1 4.31E+08 1.01E+09 1.44E+09 2.450 2.33 IC2574 3.91 77 3 1.36E+09 2.11E+09 3.47E+09 3.200 3.64 F563-1 52.20 111 1 4.31E+08 5.03E+09 5.46E+09 0.415 6.30 NGC2976 3.58 86 1 1.91E+09 3.57E+08 2.27E+09 2.605 2.71 F568-V1 84.80 124 1 2.52E+09 5.69E+09 8.21E+09 0.300 7.40 NGC1003 10.20 114 1 3.33E+09 7.77E+09 1.11E+10 2.205 6.54 F568-1 95.50 116 3 4.23E+09 5.83E+09 1.01E+10 0.350 9.72 NGC7793 3.61 110 2 4.55E+09 1.46E+09 6.01E+09 4.310 4.53 UGC128 58.50 131 1 6.70E+09 9.70E+09 1.64E+10 0.355 6.04 NGC2403 3.16 136 1 7.28E+09 4.26E+09 1.15E+10 6.250 5.75 NGC925 9.43 114 1 9.87E+09 6.74E+09 1.66E+10 3.550 9.74 NGC3198 13.80 149 1,2 1.88E+10 2.01E+09 2.08E+10 3.510 14.09 NGC3621 6.56 152 3 1.95E+10 1.97E+10 3.92E+10 4.250 8.11 NGC3521 8.00 192 2 5.63E+10 8.58E+09 6.48E+10 4.305 10.02 NGC3031 3.65 199 1 6.11E+10 1.20E+10 7.31E+10 10.650 11.31 NGC5055 8.99 181 2 8.21E+10 1.34E+10 9.55E+10 6.840 17.89 NGC2998 68.30 212 3 9.60E+10 4.90E+10 1.45E+11 1.420 28.21 NGC6674 51.90 241 1 1.39E+11 6.65E+10 2.05E+11 1.750 26.42 NGC7331 14.90 246 2 1.56E+11 1.92E+10 1.76E+11 5.830 25.27 NGC801 75.30 219 2 1.61E+11 6.82E+10 2.29E+11 1.635 35.81 NGC5533 59.40 240 2 1.83E+11 5.24E+10 2.35E+11 1.930 33.35 UGC2885 75.90 298 1 2.82E+11 7.03E+10 3.52E+11 1.535 33.89 a References for Distance and velocity are 1)Begum et al. (2008); 2)Stark et al. (2009); 3)Trachternachetal.(2009). b Linearlyprojectedangularsizeasdescribedinthetext. them together. The parameters of total baryonic mass the truncation radius was associated with a drop in ro- and “final velocity” are unequivocal and result in the tational velocity and with large Hi warps, starting at Baryonic Tully-Fisher relation with very small disper- about 1.1 truncation radii. These truncations were pre- sion. dictedbyCasertano(1983)whoshowedthatatruncated Definingaphysicallymeaningfulradiusofadiskgalaxy exponential disk could reproduce the rotation curves of hasproventobemoredifficultbecausethemassivedark most disk galaxies. matter halo is thought to be entirely dominant in the Variousstudiesofinclinedgalaxieshavenotconfirmed outerregionsandbecausethesurfacemassdensityof Hi the complete truncations seen for edge-on galaxies. In- gasoftendecreasesexponentiallytodistancesfarbeyond stead, the stellar mass distribution follows a smooth the visual boundary of the stellar disk making it seem exponential to a breakpoint where: 1) Some galaxies that disk galaxies do not have unique radii. continued exponentially with the same scale factor; 2) It was long thought that stellar disks extended great Some(calledtruncated)continuebutwithasmallerscale distanceswithasingleexponentialscalelength(Freeman factor; and 3) Some(called anti-truncated) continue but 1970)andthisunderstandingleadtothefrequentlyused with a larger scale factor (see e.g., Erwin et al. 2005; “maximum disk” methodology to fit rotation curves. Pohlen & Trujillo 2006; Pohlen et al. 2008). Mart´ın- Bigiel et al. (2010); Dessauges-Zavadsky et al. (2014) Navarro et al. (2014) has now resolved the dichotomy found that the stellar disk extends outward far beyond between the observations of edge-on and inclined galax- R but at very faint integrated magnitude. Star for- iesbyshowingthatthestellarhaloesofdiskgalaxiescan 25 mationefficiencyismuchlowerintheouterdiskandthe outshinethebrightnessofinclinedgalaxiesneartheedge Kennicut-Schmidtrelationdisplaysachangeofexponent of the disk. Not surprisingly, the density of the stellar near R . The most accurate observations use sensitive halofallsoffexponentiallybutthescalefactoris,ingen- 25 wide-area star counts to determine surface mass density eral, different from the scale factor of the disk proper. and find large scale structure extending as far as 3 to 4 times the R radius. It could be argued that the ob- 25 served size of the stellar disk is determined by measure- 3. THE DATA ment sensitivity and harassment by companions rather 3.1. Recent Measurement Improvements than being a fundamental property of the galaxy. Recent work has reduced the dispersion of the scaling vanderKruit(2007)studied23edge-onspiralgalaxies laws of mass, size and velocity dramatically so that the in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the STScI Digital waythatthescalingrelationarerelatedcannowbeseen. Sky Survey and found that the majority of the galaxies The improvements are the result of refinements to the show clear evidence for complete truncation, consistent measurement of each of the variables, including changes with previous findings in other samples. In many cases, to the definition of what is measured. 4 • Distance measurements using the Hubble law are affectedbypeculiarmotionswhichresultsinerrors of as much as 2 for nearby galaxies. Doppler inde- pendent measurements now provide distance mea- sures which are accurate to a range of about 5 to 10%. • Themass-to-lightratiousedtoconvertvisualmag- nitude to mass was uncertain by about a fac- tor of about 2. The corresponding uncertainty for recently available NIR measurements is much smaller. • The error due to absorbtion by dust in the visual bands can be as large as a factor of 2 to 3 in the case of an edge-on spiral. The corresponding un- certainty for NIR measurements is negligible. • The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation (McGaugh 2005) uses total baryonic (stellar mass plus gas Figure 1. Flux trace along the major axis of DDO 168. Blue mass) mass rather than only stellar mass and this lines are symmetric bounds projected linearly to find the limit at modification to the definition of the TFR reduces whichthefluxdecreasestothelocalbackgroundlevel. Thelinearly the the dispersion of the Tully-Fisher relation by projected edge can be determined to within about ±10% despite ∼2 for low-mass galaxies. anextremelynoisyfield. • The error in measuring circular velocity from Hi 3.3. Circular Velocity bandwidths can be as large as 40% and this er- ror translates to an error as large as a factor of a The Tully-Fisher relation originally used Hi band- few in the Tully Fisher relation due to the V4 de- width, defined to be full width at 20% maximum flux pendence. McGaugh&Schombert(2015)usedthe corrected for inclination, as a measure of circular veloc- ‘flat’asymptoticoutergasvelocityfittotiltedring ity. Tully&Fisher(1977)notedthattheslopeandscat- model rather than the velocity derived from a line ter of the relation are sensitive to the exact definition width and the dispersion of the resulting velocity of the velocity term. Courtois et al. (2009) and Cour- measurement is less than 10%. toisetal.(2011)investigatedvariousmeasuresandfound thattheirparameterW reducedthermsdispersionby max • A contribution of the current work is to use R , about half. W is based on the Hi bandwidth at 50% d max the linearly projected edge of the stellar disk seen maximumwithinthebandenclosing90%ofthetotalin- in the 3.6 µm band, as the measure of galaxy size tegratedflux,excludingtheproblemof‘wings’causedby and this results in dramatically smaller dispersion high velocity in the central regions of some bright galax- of the relations involving galaxy size. ies. Here I adopt the McGaugh & Schombert (2015) ter- 3.2. The Galaxy Sample minal velocity V values without change where V is the f f asymptotic, nearly constant, velocity of the outer Hi gas Iusethesetofwell-observednearbygalaxieschosenby corrected for inclination and rejecting galaxies which do McGaugh&Schombert(2015)whichconsistsofgalaxies not rise smoothly to a constant velocity. The scatter in- with photometry in the optical and in the Spitzer Space volvedinmeasuringV issmallerthanforW although Telescope 3.6 µm band and which have an high quality f max at the cost of limiting the sample selection. extendedrotationcurvesfrom21cminterferometermea- For these galaxies, the change from an increasing to a surements. The selection included only galaxies which flat velocity occurs occurs at approximately the optical have ‘flat’ rotation curves in the outer HI disk and an radius so that the maximum velocity, the ‘flat’ velocity accurate velocity curve which increases to a constant ve- V, and the velocity at edge of the stellar disk V are locity. Galaxies which showed a significantly decreasing f d equal to within the uncertainties of the data. velocity at any radius were rejected. Also, the selection was limited to galaxies with ‘consistent’ velocity curves byrejectinggalaxiesforwhichtheHicurveshowedexces- 3.4. Total Baryonic Mass sive turbulence or for which the Hi disk was misaligned The total mass of the stellar disk, M , is the sum of t relative to the stellar disk. The sample consists of 26 the gas mass M and the stellar mass M . Hi mass g (cid:63) galaxies. Of these, the smaller galaxies are almost en- is taken from McGaugh & Schombert (2015) where it tirely Sd and Sm spirals and irregulars with rotation ve- is determined from the integrated 21 cm line flux as locitiesVd <90km s−1andthelargergalaxiesareearlier MHi =2.36×105D2FHI andtotalgasmassisMg =ηMHi typeswithV aslargeas450km s−1. Thesmallergalax- where the factor η = 1.4 accounts for helium and H2 d (Gurovich et al. 2010). Stellar mass was found by multi- iesaredistinctlygasdominatedsuchthatthefractionof plying the value of [3.6] luminosity given in McGaugh gas M /M is as large as 80% whereas the fraction is in g t & Schombert (2015) by the stellar mass-to-light ratio therangeofapproximately10%<M /M <30%forthe g t larger galaxies. Υ[3.6]=0.6 recommended by Meidt et al. (2014). Note (cid:63) 5 Figure 2. Flux trace along the major axis of NGC 936. The Figure 3. Flux trace along the major axis of NGC 300. The linearly projected edge is a more meaningful measure of the size linearlyprojectededgemeasurestheboundaryatwhichthegravi- ofthestellarcomparedtothanR1 oranexponentialscalefactor tationalcontributionofbaryonicmassbecomesnegligibleandthis 2 isthesizemeasurementwhichminimizesthescatterofthescaling which measures the size of the innermost galaxy. Although NGC relations. The disk of NGC 300 is observed to extend far beyond 936isnotpartofthecurrentdatasetitispresentedforcomparison thisboundary. toFigures1and6ofMun˜oz-Mateosetal.(2015). that this differs from the value of Υ[3.6]=0.47 used by (cid:63) sizeofadiskgalaxyintermsofthehalf-lightradiusora McGaugh&Schombert(2015)whichwasdeterminedby scale length also cause difficulties because these quanti- requiring “photometric self-consistency” of the popula- ties are difficult to measure and are only proxies for disk tionsynthesismodels. Meidtetal.(2014)foundthatthe size. errorinM resultingfromaconstantvalueofΥ[3.6]=0.6 (cid:63) (cid:63) After some trial and error, I fixed on a simple way to is less than about 0.1 dex (∼15%). Norris et al. (2014) measure the radius at which the linearly projected sur- independently confirmed this result which is a great im- face brightness drops below the local background. The provement compared to B-band observations for which projection uses the outermost region of the disk where the error caused by an uncertain Υ can be on the order (cid:63) the drop in surface brightness is approximately linear. of a few. The Meidt et al. (2014) results are compelling The intent of defining disk size in this way is to find but contrary results should be kept in mind. Table 4 the boundary of the gravitationally important baryonic of McGaugh & Schombert (2015) compiles various val- matter. Beyondthelinearlyprojectedradiusthesurface ues of Υ[3.6]ranging from 0.14 to 0.6 and also Querejeta massdensitysosmallthatthedisknolongercontributes (cid:63) etal.(2015)investigatestheeffectofdustcontamination to the gravitational attraction. This definition is more which increases the uncertainties associated with Υ[3.6] robustthantheradiusofafaintisophotalbecauseitdoes (cid:63) not depend on determining the exact global background for dusty galaxies. level and is not sensitive to contamination by stars or 3.5. The size of a Stellar Disk background galaxies. The dispersion in finding the lin- earlyprojectededgeisabout10–15%whichissmallcom- The size of stellar disks can be approximated by the paredtousingforinstanceR , the25 mag arcsec−2 B- radius of the µ = 25 isophote corresponding to a mass 25 B band isophote, for which independently determined val- surface density of ∼9 M pc−2 or by the µ =27 (cid:12) [3.6µm] ues can vary by 50% or more. isophote which corresponds1 to a surface density of ∼1 Figures1-3providethreeexampleswhichillustratethe M(cid:12)pc−2. However defining the radius to be some faint advantages of using, Rd, the linearly projected edge as a isophotal is problematic because the measurement then measure of disk size. depends critically on an accurate determination of the Figure 1 shows the flux trace along the major axis of background and because it’s difficult to account for the dwarf irregular DDO 168. In this case Hi gas outweighs effect of a stellar halo. The alternatives of defining the stellar mass by a factor of ∼4 and stellar surface mass density is lower than for larger spirals by approximately 1 Here brightness in magarcsec−2 is converted to surface the same factor. Even so, the linearly projected edge is brightnessI inunitsofL0pc−2withtheequation: welldefinedandfindsthelimitbeyondwhichNewtonian 2.5log(I)=−µ+M(cid:12)+Csb physics fails to explain the rotation curve. whereM(cid:12) istheabsolutesolarmagnitudeinthesamebandasµ Figure 2 shows the flux trace along the major axis of and Csb=5log(180×60×60/(10π))=21.572 is independent of the barred lenticular NGC 936. The radial extent of wavelength and distance. Surface mass density is then found by NGC 936 in the 3.6 and 4.5 µm band is analyzed in de- multiplyingbyΥ. FortheB-band: M(cid:12)=5.48(BMag)andΥ(cid:63) = tailinMun˜oz-Mateosetal.(2015)whereitisshownthat 1.39(Flynnetal.2006). Forthe[3.6]band;M(cid:12)=6.019(ABMag) based on M(cid:12)= 3.24(Vega) per Oh et al. (2008) and Υ(cid:63)=0.6 as the3.6surfacebrightnessdeclinessmoothlytoaradiusof above. almost 200(cid:48)(cid:48) where the brightness is only µ ∼28(AB) 3.6 6 mag arcsec−2. As shown in Figure 2, the linearly pro- jectededgeisR =122(cid:48)(cid:48). Beyondthisradiusthecollapsed d surface density is too small to contribute appreciably to Mass-Velocity Relation therotationcurvebutislargeenoughtoaccountforsome M ~ V4 star formation. Figure 6 of Mun˜oz-Mateos et al. (2015) E+12 plots surface brightness versus radius out to the limit of detectionandthisplotmakesitobviouswhyscalelength E+11 isapoormeasureofdisksize. Becauseoftheinfluenceof the central bulge, scale length is small in the central re- gisioang,aminuscmhallalregreirnitnhtehoeurteegrimonosftrormegitohne.bTuhlgeevtaoriRatdi,onanind M) 0 E+10 scalelengthbetweenregionsisafactorofapproximately M( tot 2-4 for this typical case. E+9 Figure 3 shows the flux trace along the major axis of NGC 300, a nearby very well observed Sc galaxy. Hillis et al. (2016) recently presented the results of star counts E+8 whichshowthattheyoungstellardiskofNGC300isan 40 400 unbroken disk extending for 8 or even 10 scale lengths, V (km s-1) consistent with Bland-Hawthorn et al. (2005). NGC 300 may present a counter-example to the idea that disk galaxies are universally truncated but it does not invali- Figure 4. TheMass-VelocityRelation: Mt=55.8Vd4. date the procedure to find R given here. d which is 3.6. The Data M =55.8V4 t d Table 2 presents the data used used in the present in units of M and km s−1. analysis: Column 1 gives the most common name (cid:12) This is the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation and figure of each galaxy; Column 2 is D, the distance to the 4 is identical to that given in McGaugh & Schombert galaxy(Mpc); Column 3 is the circular velocity, adjusted (2015) except for a small offset due to using an updated for inclination(km s−1); Column 4 gives the original sourcesforthevelocitydata;Column5isM(cid:63),thestellar Υ(cid:63)[3.6]. mass(M ); Column 6 is M , the gas mass(M ); Column (cid:12) g (cid:12) 4.2. The Mass-Radius Relation 7isM ,thetotaldiskmass(M );Column8isR[3.6],the t (cid:12) angularsizeofthestellardiskasdescribedinSection3.5 The Mass-Radius relation is shown in Figure 5: and Column 9 is R , the radius of the stellar disk(kpc). d A M = edgeR2 (11) 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION t CfG Thecentroidofthedataisthevectoroftheaveragesof which is theparametersandthisvectorisusedtosolvethesystem M =2.35×108R2 t ofequationsgiveninTable1andfindtheconstantA : edge in units of M and kpc. (cid:12) log(A )=2∗log(V )−log(R ) (5) The Mass-Radius relation is the same as the edge d d Luminosity-Diameter relation of disk galaxies (Heid- which evaluates to : mann 1969; Giuricin et al. 1988; Gavazzi et al. 1996), a tight scaling relationship between the magnitude and A =2,052 km2 kpc−1 sec−2 edge the diameter of the stellar disk, usually taken to be the =6.65×10−11 m sec−2 (6) A isophote. MorerecentlyvandenBergh(2008)found 25 that the relation is independent of environment or local =0.665 ˚A sec−2 (7) mass density, consistent with the conclusions of Girardi etal.(1991). vandenBergh(2008);Mun˜oz-Mateosetal. and the constant C: f (2015);Saintonge&Spekkens(2011),didshowadefinite log(C)=2∗log(V )+log(R )−log(M G) (8) morphologicaldependanceinthatearly-typegalaxiesare f d d t more compact than late-type galaxies at the same lumi- which evaluates to : nosity. C =2.03. (9) f 4.3. The Radius-Velocity Relation ThetwoconstantsA andC aresufficienttogener- edge f The Radius-Velocity relation shown in Figure 6: ate the four scaling relations given in Table 1 as demon- strated by Figures 4 through 7 below. 1 R= V2 (12) A d edge 4.1. The Mass-Velocity Relation which is The Mass-Velocity relation is R=4.87×10−4 V2 d 1 M = V4. (10) in units of kpc and km s−1. t CA G d f edge 7 Mass-Radius Relation Radius-Velocity Relation M ~ R2 R ~ V2 50 E+12 E+11 MM() to0t E+10 )cpk(R 5 E+9 E+8 0.5 0.5 5 50 40 400 R (kpc) V (km s-1) Figure 5. TheMass-RadiusRelation: Mt=2.35×108R2. Figure 6. TheRadius-VelocityRelation: R=4.87×10−4 Vd2 large and can be avoided by reducing all measurement 4.4. The Mass-Radius-Velocity Relation errors to a negligible size. The Mass-Radius-Velocity relation is shown in Fig- Here I use the orthogonal standard deviation in log ure 7: space, σ , as the error measure which is a common 1 orth Mt = CfGRVd2 (13) cdoamtaptroomeaisceh.oσfortthheisfotuhreprlmansevsadlueefinoefdthiendTiastbalnec1eaonfdthies which is found using the elementary formula for the distance of a M =1.15×105 RV2 point (p1,p2,p3) to a plane aX+bY+cZ+d=0: t d ap +bp +cp +d in units of M(cid:12), kpc and km s−1. Distance= 1√ 2 2 The Mass-Radius-Velocity relation implies that the a2+b2+c2 centripetal acceleration at the edge of a galaxy disk is and converting to the natural log so that σ is close orth proportional to the acceleration due to gravity. This is to the relative error δY/Y. In a 2-D plane the formula the “fundamental” relation L∝V2R given in Han et al. d reduces to the formula for the orthogonal distance from (2001)whosearchedseveralgalaxysamplesconsistingof a point to a line. Defined this way, the value of σ is orth more than 500 spiral galaxies in several optical bands to independent of the assignment of variables as (X,Y). findtherelationwhichhasthesmallestdispersionofany Table 3 gives fitting statistics for each of the four re- relation of L, V and R (see also Tully & Fisher 1977; lations. The Pearson r coefficient is a measure of how Koda et al. 2000; Courteau et al. 2007; Pizagno et al. well the data can be fit by a straight line where a value 2005; Saintonge & Spekkens 2011; Williams et al. 2010). of 1.0 signifies a perfect fit and a value of 0.0 implies Using the isophotal radii in NIR or optical wavelengths no correlation. The values found here indicate a very resultedinmarkedlysmallerdispersionthanusingadisk good linear fit is available with little need to look for scale length. The Han et al. (2001) galaxy sample in- secondary corrections.2 Table 3 gives the scatter σ orth cludedonlylate-typespiralsandcoveredasmallerrange using the integer slopes given in Table 1 and also for of galaxy size than the present work. No morphological optimized slopes which minimize σ . The optimized orth effects were noted in their relatively homogeneous sam- slope of the M-RV relation is the optimal coefficient γ ple. of the relation M ∝ (cid:0)V2R(cid:1)γ. The optimized slopes do reduce the scatter slightly but at the cost of introducing 4.5. Uncertainties a new free variable. Akritas & Bershady (1996) discuss the complications The expected dispersion of each of the four relations involved in the linear regression analysis of astronomical due to random independent variation of the measured data. Inprincipleordinaryleastsquares(OLS)fitsdonot variables is: allow for measurement uncertainties on both the X and u2 =c2 u2(M )+c2 u2(V )+c2 u2(R ) (14) Yvariablesandinaddition,OLScannotaddressthecase i 1,i t 2,i d 3,i d where correlated uncertainties affect both measurements where u2 is the square of the dispersion; the sensitivity sothattheslopeofthelinedeterminedbyOLScanvary i coefficientsc arethecoefficientsofM ,Vd,andR for significantly depending on the choice of (X,Y). Finally, n,j t d OLS does not allow for “intrinsic scatter” in the data 2Noteagainthatthisisaselecteddatabasewhichpredominantly which is the case when some of the data points are true includes gas-rich late-type galaxies so that morphological effects outliers or follow some undiscovered rule. These prob- aren’texpectedherebutdoseemtobepresentinbroadersamples lemsaremosttroublesomewhenmeasurementerrorsare suchasCourteauetal.(2007)discussedbelow. 8 Table 4 TheFlatnessFactorC forSeveralDisks Mass-Radius-Velocity Relation f M ~ RV2 E+12 Name SurfaceMassDensity FlatnessFactor (cid:113) Maclaurindisk Σ= 3Mt 1−r2/R2 C = 3π =2.356 2πR2 d f 4 d E+11 (cid:16) (cid:17) FiniteMestelDisk Σ= Mt arccos r C = π =1.571 M) 0 2πRd2 Rd f 2 ( to E+10 tM ExponentialDisk Σ= Mt exp−r C =0.83 2πh2 h f E+9 Theoreticalflatnessfactors(C)forthreemodelsofgalaxydisks f whichdescribefortheincreasedgravitationalforceduetoaflat- tened mass distribution versus a point mass vary by a factor 2 E+8 to3intheimpliedmass. SeeMestel(1963);Binney&Tremaine E+3 E+4 E+5 E+6 E+7 (2008);Schulz(2012). RV2 (kpc km2 s-2) The Exponential Disk Binney & Tremaine (2008) is often used to model the kinetics of disk galaxies. The model assumes that the disk is infinite in extent with a Figure 7. The Mass-Radius-Velocity Relation: Mt = 1.15× 105 RV2 exponential surface mass distribution. The increase of d force for this disk at the radius of maximum velocity is much smaller than for a finite disk; C=0.83 because the each of the four scaling relations; and u(M ),u(V ) and f t d mass of the disk beyond the point of maximum counter- u(R )arethedispersionsofthevariables. It’spossibleto d balances the effect of the mass of the inner disk. usetheobserveddispersionsrelativetothefourobserved The Finite Mestel disk(Mestel 1963; Schulz 2012) in- scaling relations to back out estimates of the scatter (cid:2) (cid:3) cludesacentralsingularitywheretherotationcurvesteps of the individual variables. A set of u(M ),u(V ),R t d d toavaluewhichisthenconstanttotheedgeofthedisk. which is roughly consistent with the measured disper- This behavior is typical of many Sc and Sd galaxies, in- sions are: u(M )=0.04 cluding the Milky Way. The analytical value of the in- t u(V )=0.02 crease of force for this disk relative to a point mass is d u(Rd)=0.12 Cf=1.6. Thesequantitativemeasuresofthescatterareusefulin The Maclaurin disk(Mestel 1963; Schulz 2009) is the understanding thescaling relations and to comparedata most appropriate model for the Table 2 sample because sets. These dispersions do not include not systematic thevelocitycurveriseslinearlytotheedgeofthediskfor errors which are difficult to quantify but might be sig- the galaxies in the sample. The analytical value of the nificant or even dominant. For example, an error in the force increase for this disk is Cf=2.4 which is not too far distance ladder or in Υ[3.6] would affect all of the mea- from the measured value of the flatness factor, Cf= 2.03 (cid:63) found in section 4. Note that the Maclaurin disk model surements of M and V without increasing the observed t d is basically the same as the truncated exponential disk scatter. model described by Casertano (1983). In summary, the value of C derived from observations 4.6. The C Constant f f is close to what is expected from theory. Newtonian potential theory predicts that the gravita- tional force of a flattened disk is greater at the edge of 4.7. The A Constant and MOND edge the disk than the force due to a point mass. The size The idea that the acceleration at the edge of the stel- of the increase depends on the the details of the mass lar disk is roughly constant is not new. Tully & Fisher distributionandTable4givesanalyticalvaluesforafew (1977) introduced the scaling relation between the full simple models. width of the Hi velocity profile measured at 20% of the maximumintensityversustheHolmbergdiameterwhere the exponent of the relation R∝Vγ is close to 2.0. The Table 3 FittingStatisticsforTable2Data form of this relation implies that V2/R, the centripetal accelerationattheedgeofdiskgalaxies,isapproximately Description M-V M-R R-V M-RV constant. More recently, Donato et al. (2009) and Gen- tileetal.(2009)havecometothesameconclusion. This PearsonrCoefficient 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.99 characteristicofgalaxieshasnotyetbeenexplainedcom- IntegerSlope 4 2 2 1 pletely although Gentile et al. (2009) suggests possible IntegerSlopeσorth 0.099 0.233 0.137 0.144 explanationswithinthecontextoftheΛCDMparadigm. The constant A is clearly associated with the a OptimizedSlope 4.22 2.20 1.98 1.06 edge 0 constant predicted by the Modified Newtonian Dynam- OptimizedSlopeσ 0.095 0.216 0.137 0.137 orth ics (MOND) hypothesis (Milgrom 1983b,a; Sanders & Thesquareofthercoefficientisameasureofhowmuch McGaugh 2002; McGaugh 2012). MOND proposes an ofthevariationinthedatacanbeexplainedbyalinear fit. “effective”forcelawtoexplaintheobservedflatrotation 9 curvesofdiskgalaxies. Accelerationsgreaterthana are 2. The SCII sample of cluster galaxies (Dale et al. 0 governed by Newtonian physics so that and V2/R∝a 1999), N but accelerations a < a are governed by an “effective” 0 force law 3. The Shellflow study (Courteau et al. 2000), and √ a = a a for a <a (15) eff N 0 N 0 4. The UMa survey citepTul96 (Verheijen 2001). where a is thought to be a universal constant with 0 a value of a ≈1.2 ˚A s−2 and a is the acceleration I-band disk scale length was used as a measure of disk 0 N sizesizeandwasmeasuredsomewhatdifferentlyforeach calculated using classical theory. At large distances sample. Most of the measurements determine the scale from the galaxy, a approaches the Keplarian solution N length in the outer disk well away from any bulge or a =MG/R2 anda canbefoundfrommeasuredbary- N 0 bar although “erratic fits” were reported for some of the onic mass and terminal velocity: UMa measurements. Disc scale lengths were corrected √ V2 for inclination using the formula a = √ f for a →0 (16) 0 MtG N R = RI,obs . (18) I [1+0.4log(a/b)] Inpractice,a isfoundbyfittingaselectionofgalaxies 0 to the BTFR (i.e.,the M-V) relation: CircularvelocitywasmeasuredfromresolvedHαrota- λ tion curves, corrected for inclination and redshift broad- Mt = a GVf4 (17) ening and was evaluated at 2.2 scale lengths except that 0 for the SCII sample(about 40% of the total) the circular and as discussed in McGaugh (2012), the parameter λ is velocity was evaluated at the optical radius. introducedtoaccountforthefinitesizeandnon-spherical I-band absolute magnitudes were calculated using geometry of galaxies measured at a finite radius. Equa- M = 4.19 and were corrected for both internal and I,(cid:12) tion 16 has the same form as equation 10 where C is external extinction and a small k-correction was ap- f equivalent 1/λ and A to a . plied. Distance was determined from the Hubble flow edge 0 ThevaluesoftheconstantsC,1/λ,A anda differ with H0=70h. f edge 0 becauseMcGaugh(2012)adoptedavalueof1/λ=1.125 In order to perform a meaningful comparison it was which is smaller than the expected value of 1.5<1/λ< necessary to convert the Courteau et al. (2007) data to 2.5 as given in Table 4. the units used in the present work. The I-band luminos- OneoftheargumentsinfavorofMONDhasbeenthat ity and the radial scale length were multiplied by con- iteliminatesthetroubling‘disk-haloconspiracy’implicit stantfactorstoconverttounitsofstellarmassandradial inassumingaCDMhalo(Bahcall&Casertano1985;van size. The multipliers were chosen so that the centroid of Albada&Sancisi1986). However,atransitionisalsore- the data lays on the line of intersection given by Equa- quired for MOND models and three forms of the empiri- tion 2. This procedure resulted in multipliers which are calµjoiningfunctionarecurrentlyused(Bugg2015). A quite close to expected values: largevalueof1/λwouldbeaproblemforMONDtheory • The I-band luminosity was converted to disk mass because it would be difficult to find a reasonable way to bymultiplyingbythefactorΥ =1.32. Thisisclose join the results for a>>a and a<<a . I 0 0 to the value of Υ =1.2±0.2 given in Flynn et al. Most importantly, Newtonian physics seem to fail at a I (2006), especially considering that the Flynn et al. certain radial breakpoint, R , where the acceleration is d (2006)multiplierdoesnotincludeanallowancefor approximately a . Regarding this breakpoint as an ac- 0 gas. celeration threshold a < a leads to a search for a new 0 physical laws which apply at low accelerations. Consid- • Scalelengthwasconvertedtodiskradiusbymulti- ering the equivalent threshold, R > R , suggests that d plying by a factor of 4.05. The conversion of scale we don’t understand what governs the behavior of the length to radius is very uncertain, especially for diffuse mass beyond the stellar disk and directs us to this heterogeneous sample. A value of about 3.2 reconsider that region. is appropriate for an infinite exponential disk and 5. COMPARISON TO PREVIOUS WORK larger value is expected for early type galaxies but depends on the details of the measurement. TheTable2sampleusedherecomprisesonly26galax- iesandsoit’sappropriatetocomparethecurrentfindings Renormalizing the luminosity and scale factor data with with the Courteau et al. (2007) study. Courteau et al. these constant multipliers offsets the data in log space (2007) is a comprehensive study of the scaling relations but doesn’t affect the slope or scatter of the scaling re- of I-band luminosity, disk size, and rotational velocity lations. in a sample of 1303 field and cluster disk galaxies and investigates the effect of color and morphological type 5.2. Evaluation and also includes a comparison to K-band results for a Figure 8a-d overlays Figures 4-7 above onto the sub-sample of brighter galaxies. Courteau et al. (2007) data. As before, the solid lines 5.1. Description of the Data show the Table 1 relations with integer slopes and the dashed lines are ±1σ limits. Figures 8a-c correspond Courteau et al. (2007) used I-band luminosity from to Figure 3 of Courteau et al. (2007) where I have sup- 1. TheMATsampleoffieldgalaxies(Mathewsonetal. pressed the fitting lines and type information and trans- 1992), posed the axes of the M-V and M-R plots. Figure 8-d 10 Mass-Velocity Relation Mass-Radius Relation Vs. Courteau et al, 2007 Vs. Courteau et al, 2007 E+12 E+12 E+11 E+11 M) 0 E+10 M) 0 E+10 M( tot M( tot E+9 E+9 E+8 E+8 40 400 0.5 5 50 V (km s-1) R (kpc) (a) TheM-VrelationoverlayedonCourteauetal.(2007)data. (b) TheM-RrelationshowninoverlayedonCourteauetal.(2007) data. Radius-Velocity Relation Mass-Radius-Velocity Relation Vs. Courteau et al, 2007 Vs. Courteau et al, 2007 50 E+12 E+11 )cpk(R 5 M( totM) 0 E+10 E+9 0.5 E+8 40 400 E+3 E+4 E+5 E+6 E+7 V (km s-1) R V2 (kpc km2 s-2) (c) TheR-VrelationshowninoverlayedonCourteauetal.(2007) (d)TheM-RVrelationshowninoverlayedonCourteauetal.(2007) data. data. Figure 8. Comparison of the M, V, & R Relations to Courteau et al. (2007). The solid red line are the integer slopes given in Table 1 andthedashedredlinesarethe±1σ boundariesoftheTable2data. shows the MVR relation which was not discussed in the random uncertainties of M , V and R . The implied t d d Courteau et al. (2007) analysis. The agreement is good dispersions are: showing a successful prediction of the Table 1 model. 0.10<u(M )<0.15 t Table 5 gives fitting statistics for each of the four rela- 0.02<u(V )<0.03 d tions. The Pearson r coefficient indicates that the M-V 0.15<u(R )<0.20 d andM-RVdatacanbefitquitewellwithalinearrelation Theseuncertaintiesaresmallerthanforpreviouslarge in log space. The r coefficient for the M-R relation(0.70) surveys but are significantly larger that the scatter of and especially for the V-R(0.58) relation indicate that the Table 2 data. As expected, the scatter of R is d the fits are expected to be poor, which is the case. the the largest while the implied scatter of the Hα ro- Table 5 gives the scatter σ of each of the relations tational velocity is comparable to that of the McGaugh orth usingtheintegerslopesgiveninTable1andalsoforopti- & Schombert (2015) Hi data without the need to probe mizedslopeswhichminimizeσ . Theoptimizedslopes the outer gaseous disk. orth doreducethescatterslightlybutatthecostofintroduc- The Courteau et al. (2007) data shown in Figure 8 inganewfreevariable. TheoptimizedslopeoftheM-RV does show a deviation from the curve M ∝ V4 in that relation is the coefficient γ of the relation M ∝ (cid:0)V2R(cid:1)γ early-type galaxies fall on a line with a shallower slope. whichminimizesσ . Thereductionsinσ whichre- The shallower slope might be due to the way that the orth orth sult from introducing additional free variables are small circular velocity was measured. That is, Courteau et al. and parsimony rejects the optimized coefficients. (2007) measured rotational velocity at an interior point Equation 14 can be used to approximate values of the of the disk(2.2 scale lengths) and the velocity is higher