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SCALAR GENERALIZED VERMA MODULES HELGEMAAKESTAD 1 1 0 Abstract. In this paper we study the Verma module M(µ) associated to a 2 linearformµ∈h∗ wheresl(E)=n−⊕h⊕n+ isatriangulardecompositionof sl(E). TheSL(E)-module M(µ) has acanonical simplequotient L(µ) witha n canonicalgeneratorv. Westudytheleftannihilatoridealann(v)inU(sl(E)). a J WealsostudyscalargeneralizedVermamoduleM(ρ)associatedtoacharacter ρofpwherepisaparabolicsubalgebraofsl(E). WeproveM(ρ)hasacanon- 7 ical simple quotient L(ρ). This simple quotient is in some cases an infinite 1 dimensional SL(E)-module. We get a class of mutually non-isomorphic irre- ducibleSL(E)-modulescontainingtheclassofallfinitedimensionalirreducible ] T SL(E)-modules. As aresultwegivean algebraicproofof aclassicalresultof Smoke on the structure of the jet bundle as P-module on any flag-scheme R SL(E)/P whereP isanyparabolicsubgroup. . h t a m [ Contents 1 1. Introduction 1 v 2. Scalar generalized Verma modules 2 4 3. Classical Verma modules and annihilator ideals 6 3 1 References 14 3 . 1 0 1 1. Introduction 1 : We study the scalar generalized Verma module M(ρ) associated to a character v i ρ of p where p is a parabolic subalgebra of sl(E). We prove M(ρ) has a canonical X simple quotient L(ρ). This simple quotient is in some cases an infinite dimen- r sionalSL(E)-module. We get a construction of a class of mutually non-isomorphic a irreducible SL(E)-modules containing the class of finite dimensional irreducible SL(E)-modules. This class contains many infinite dimensional SL(E)-modules. Let V ba an aritrary finite dimensional irreducible SL(E)-module. In this note λ we give a construction of V using the enveloping algebra U(sl(E)) and the Verma λ modules M(µ). We study the annihilator ideal ann(v) in U(sl(E)) where v is the highest weight vector v in V We prove the class of simple modules L(ρ) may be λ constructed using classical Verma modules M(µ) as done by Dixmier in [1]. As a Date:March2010. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 20G15,17B35,17B20. Key words and phrases. annihilator ideal, irreducible representation, highest weight vector, canonical filtration, canonical basis,generalized Vermamodule, semisimplealgebraicgroup, Lie algebra,envelopingalgebra. SupportedbyaresearchscholarshipfromNAV,www.nav.no. 1 2 HELGEMAAKESTAD result we give an algebraic proof of a classical result of Smoke on the structure of the jet bundle as P-module on SL(E)/P (see Corollary 3.19). 2. Scalar generalized Verma modules In this section we construct any scalar generalizedVerma module M(ρ). Here ρ is a character of p where p is any parabolic subalgebra of sl(E). We prove M(ρ) has a canonical simple quotient L(ρ). When L(ρ) is finite dimensional we get a construction of all finite dimensional irreducible SL(E)-modules. Let G= SL(E) where E is an n-dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic zero and let g=sl(E). Let h be the abelian subal- gebra of sl(E) of diagonal matrices. It follows (sl(E),h) is a split semi simple Lie algebra and determines a root system R = R(sl(E),h). Let B be a basis for R. Thisdetermines the positive rootsR andthe negativerootsR . This determines + − a triangular decomposition sl(E)=n ⊕h⊕n of sl(E). − − Let 1 ≤ n < n < ··· < n ≤ n−1 be integers where dim(E) = n and let 1 2 k l ,..,l ∈ Z. Let d = n , d = n −n for i = 2,..,n−1 and d = n−n . Let 1 k 1 1 i i i−1 n k l = (l ,..,l ) and n = (n ,..,n ). Let e ,..,e be a basis for E as K-vector space 1 k 1 k 1 n and let E =K{e ,..,e }. Let P in SL(E) be the subgroup fixing the flag i 1 ni E :06=E ⊆···⊆E ⊆E • 1 k in E. Let p=Lie(P). It follows p consists of matrices on the form A ∗ ··· ∗ 1   0 A ··· ∗ 2 x= ..   0 . ··· ∗     0 0 ··· Ak+1 where A is a d ×d -matrix and tr(x) =0. Let L =Kw be a rank one K-vector i i i ρ space on the element w. Define the following character ρ =ρ l ρ:p→End(L ) ρ by k ρ(x)=η(x)w = l (tr(A )+···+tr(A ))w. X i 1 i i=1 Lemma 2.1. The pair (L ,ρ) is a rank one p-module. All rank one p-modules ρ arise in this way. Proof. The proof is an exercise. (cid:3) Let U (sl(E))⊆U(sl(E)) be the canonical filtration of U(sl(E)). l Definition 2.2. Let M(ρ)= U(sl(E))⊗ L be the generalized Verma module U(p) ρ associatedtoρ. LetM (ρ)=U (sl(E))⊗ L bethecanonical filtration ofM(ρ). l l U(p) ρ Since U(sl(E))⊗ L is a P-submodule of M(ρ) where p=Lie(P) it follows l U(p) ρ {M(ρ)} is a filtration of M(ρ) by P-modules. l l≥0 Since dim (L )=1 wereferto M(ρ)asa scalar generalized Verma module. By K ρ definition this construction give all scalar generalized Verma modules for SL(E). SCALAR GENERALIZED VERMA MODULES 3 Define the following sub Lie algebra of sl(E): n is the subalgebra of matrices x on the form A 0 ··· 0 1   ∗ A ··· 0 2 x= ..   ∗ . ··· 0     ∗ ∗ ··· Ak+1 where A is a d ×d -matrix with zero entries. It follows there is an isomorphism i i i n⊕p∼=sl(E) asvectorspaces. Let sl(E)=n−⊕h⊕n+ be the standardtriangular decomposition of sl(E) as defined in the previous section. It follows there is an inclusion n ⊆ n of Lie algebras. Let R = R(sl(E),h) be the roots of sl(E) with − respect to h. Let B′ ={α ,..,α } be a subset of R such that the set 1 m X ,..,X −α1 −αm is a basis for n. LetP =(p ,..,p )andletXP =Xp1 ···Xpm . Letα =−p α −···−p α . 1 m −α1 −αm P 1 1 m m Lemma 2.3. The following holds: The set {XP ⊗w:p ,..,p ≥0} 1 m is a basis for M(ρ) as K-vector space. The natural map φ:U(n)→M(ρ) defined by φ(XP)=XP ⊗w is an isomorphism of left n-modules. Proof. Since n⊕p=sl(E) there is by definition an isomorphism U(sl(E))∼=K{XP :p1,..,pm ≥0}U(p) of free right U(p)-modules. We get M(ρ)∼={XP :p1,..,pm ≥0}U(p)⊗U(p)Lρ ∼= K{XP ⊗w :p ,..,p ≥0}. 1 m Thefirstclaimis proved. One checksthe mapφis amapofleftn-modules andthe Lemma is proved. (cid:3) Let ω = L +···+L ∈ h for i = 1,..,n−1 be the fundamental weights for i 1 i SL(E) and let λ= k l ω . It follows for all x∈h⊆p that ρ(x)=λ(x). Pi=1 i ni Let ρ : U(p) → End(L ) be the associated morphism of ρ. Let L be the U ρ following left ideal of U(p): L=U(p){x−ρ(x)1 :x∈p}. p Proposition2.4. LetN =ker(ρ ). ThereisanequalityofidealsinU(p): N =L. U Hence L is a two-sided ideal in U(p). Proof. The proof follows [1], Section 7. There is a short exact sequence of rings 0→N →U(p)→K →0. 4 HELGEMAAKESTAD Let x ,x ,..,x be a basis with ρ(x ) 6= 0 and ρ(x ) = ··· = ρ(x ) = 0. Assume 1 2 n 1 2 n x=xv1xv2···xvn ∈U(p). It follows ρ (x)=0 if and only if v +···+v ≥1. We 1 2 n U 2 n get by the PBW Theorem a direct sum decomposition U(p)={xv1xv2···xvn :v +···+v ≥1}⊕{xv1 :v ≥0}. 1 2 n 2 n 1 1 It follows there is an inclusion of vector spaces {xv1xv2···xvn :v +···+v ≥1}⊆N. 1 2 n 2 n One checks there is an equality of vector spaces xv1 :v ≥0}={xlρ(x )l :l ≥0}. 1 1 1 1 There is an inclusion {xv1xv2···xvn :v +···+v ≥1}⊕{xv1 :v ≥1}⊆L 1 2 n 2 n 1 1 hence codim(L,U(p)) ≤ 1. Similarly codim(N,U(p)) = 1. Since L ⊆ N it follows there is an equality L=N and the Proposition is proved. (cid:3) Definition 2.5. Letchar(ρ)=U(g){x−ρ(x)1 :x∈p}bethe leftcharacter ideal g of ρ in U(g). Let char(ρ)=char(ρ)∩U(g) be the canonical filtration of char(ρ). l l Proposition 2.6. The natural map φ : U(g) → M(ρ) defined by φ(x) = x⊗w defines an exact sequence of left U(g)-modules 0→char(ρ)→U(g)→φ M(ρ)→0. Proof. Let X ,..,X be the basis for n constructed above and let −α1 −αm XP =Xp1 ···Xpm −α1 −αm with p ≥0 integers. There is an isomorphism of right U(p)-modules i U(g)∼={XP :pi ≥0}U(p) hence we get an isomorphism of vector spaces M(ρ)∼={XP ⊗w :pi ≥0}. Assume X ∈ U(g) is an element. We may write X = XPx with x ∈ U(p). PP P P Assume φ(X)=X ⊗w =0. We get φ(X)=X⊗w = XPx ⊗w = XP ⊗x w=0 X P X P P P It follows x w =0 P for all P hence x ∈ ker(ρ ) = U(p){y − ρ(y)1 : y ∈ p}. It follows X = P U p XPx ∈ char(ρ) hence ker(φ) ⊆ char(ρ). One checks char(ρ) ⊆ ker(φ) and tPhePPropoPsition is proved. (cid:3) By Lemma 2.3 it follows M(ρ)=K{XP ⊗w :p ≥0}. i Let α =−p α −···−p α ∈h∗. P 1 1 m m Assume x∈h. We get x(XP ⊗w)=[x,XP]⊗w+XPx⊗w = α (x)XP ⊗w+XP ⊗xw = P SCALAR GENERALIZED VERMA MODULES 5 α (x)XP ⊗w+λ(x)XP ⊗w= P (λ+α )(x)XP ⊗w. P Hence M(ρ) =K{XP ⊗w}. λ+αP It follows M(ρ)=⊕ M(ρ) . P λ+αP Define M(ρ) =⊕ M(ρ) . + pi≥1 λ+αP It follows M(ρ)=M(ρ) ⊕M(ρ) λ + where M(ρ) =K{1 ⊗w}. λ g Let the vector 1 ⊗v ∈M(ρ) be the canonical generator of M(ρ). g Theorem 2.7. Let M(ρ) be the scalar generalized Verma module associated to the character ρ. The following holds: M(ρ) contains a maximal non-trivial sub- g-module K. The quotient L(ρ) = M(ρ)/K is simple and dim (L(ρ)) ≥ 2. Let K v = 1⊗w ∈ L(ρ). The ideal ann(v) is the largest non-trivial left ideal in U(g) containing char(ρ). The vector v satisfies the following: U(n )v =0. For all x∈h + it follows xv =λ(x)v hence v has weight λ Proof. Consider the element X ⊗w∈M(ρ) and look at the product −αm + X X ⊗w. αm −αm We get X X ⊗w =[X ,X ]⊗w+X ⊗X w = αm −αm αm −αm −αm αm H ⊗w=1 ⊗H w = αm g αm λ(H )(1 ⊗w). αm g It follows X X ⊗w ∈M(ρ) αm −αm λ hence M(ρ) is not g-stable. + Assume L ( M(ρ) is a non-trivial g-stable module. It follows L∩M(ρ) = 0 λ hence L⊆M(ρ) . Let K be the sum of all non-trivial sub-g-modules of M(ρ). It + follows K ⊆ M(ρ) since M(ρ) is not g-stable. Hence K ( M(ρ) is a maximal + + non-trivial sub-g-module of M(ρ) and L(ρ) = M(ρ)/K is a simple quotient. It follows dim (L(ρ))≥2. K One checks the vector v is annihilated by U(n ) and has weight λ. + By Proposition2.6 there is an exact sequence of left U(g)-modules 0→char(ρ)→U(g)→M(ρ)→0 hence there is an isomorphism M(ρ)∼=U(g)/char(ρ) of left U(g)-modules. It follows there is a bijection between the set of left sub-g- modules of M(ρ) and left sub-g-modules of U(g)/char(ρ). This induce a bijection between the set of left ideals in U(g) containing the ideal char(ρ) and the set of left sub-g-modules of M(ρ). It follows the submodule K correspondsto a maximal 6 HELGEMAAKESTAD non-trivial left ideal J in U(g) contaning char(ρ). The ideal J is by definition the annihilator ideal of v: There is an equality J =ann(v). The Theorem is proved. (cid:3) Corollary 2.8. The following holds: (2.8.1) L(ρ) is simple for all l∈Zk. (2.8.2) If l6=l′ it follows L(ρl)6=L(ρl′) (2.8.3) If l ,..,l <0. It follows dim (L(ρ))=∞ 1 k K Proof. Claim2.8.1: ThisisbydefinitionofL(ρ)sincethesubmoduleK ismaximal. Claim 2.8.2: Assume φ : L(ρl) →L(ρl′) is a map of g-modules. It follows φ is the zero map or an isomorphism since the modules are simple. If it is an isomorphism it follows the weights are equal. This implies l = l′ a contradiction. The claim is proved. We prove claim 2.8.3: Assume dimK(L(ρ)) < ∞. It follows L(ρ) ∼= Vλ where V has a highest weight vector v′ with highest weight λ′ = n−1l′ω with λ Pj=1 j j l′ ≥0. Sincethe vectorv inL(ρ)hasweightλwithl <0onegetsacontradiction. j i The Corollary follows. (cid:3) Assume p = b = h⊕ n . It follows from [1], Section 7 the SL(E)-module + + L(λ+δ)isisomorphictoV -thefinitedimensionalirreducibleSL(E)-modulewith λ highest weight λ= k l ω . Here l ≥ 1 is an integer for i = 1,..,k. Hence the Pi=1 i ni i class {L(ρ ):ρ :p→K,l∈Zk} l l is a class of mutually non-isomorphic SL(E)-modules parametrized by a parabolic subalgebra p ⊆ sl(E) and a character ρ : p → K containing the class of all finite dimensional irreducible SL(E)-modules. Let K = K∩M (ρ) ⊆ M(ρ) be the induced filtration on K. There is an exact l l sequence of P-modules 0→K →M (ρ)→L (ρ)→0. l l l Definition 2.9. Let {L (ρ)} be the canonical filtration of L(ρ). l l≥0 It follows {L(ρ)} is a filtration of L(ρ) by P-modules. l l≥0 Corollary 2.10. Assume L(ρ) = V is a finite dimensional irreducible SL(E)- λ module with highest weight vector v and highest weight λ. It follows Ll(ρ) ∼= U(sl(E))v. l Proof. The proof is obvious. (cid:3) 3. Classical Verma modules and annihilator ideals Let b = h⊕n . It follows b is a sub Lie algebra of sl(E). Let (x,n),(y,m) + + + be elements of b . The Lie product on sl(E) induce the following product on b : + + define the following action of h on n . + ad:h→End(n ) + ad(x)(n)=[x,n]. It follows n is a h-module. Let ad(x)(h)=x(h). + SCALAR GENERALIZED VERMA MODULES 7 Lemma 3.1. Define [(x,n),(y,m)]=(0,x(m)−y(n)+[n,m]) where [,] is the bracket on n . It follows the natural injection b →sl(E) is a map + + of Lie algebras. Proof. The proof is obvious. (cid:3) Let µ∈h∗ be a linear form on h. Let L =Kw be the free rank one K-module µ on w. Define the following map τ :b →End(L ) µ + µ by τ (x,n)(v)=µ(x)v. µ Lemma 3.2. The map τ makes L into a b -module. µ µ + Proof. Itisclear[τ (x,n),τ (y,m)]=τ ([(x,n),(y,m)])hencetheclaimisproved. µ µ µ (cid:3) It follows L is a left b -module. By definition U(sl(E)) is a right b -module µ + + and we may form the tensor product M(µ)=U(sl(E))⊗ L . U(b+) µ It follows M(µ) is a left G-module. Definition 3.3. TheG-moduleM(µ)istheVermamodule associatedtothelinear form µ∈h∗. Let δ = 1 α and let λ be an element in h. Let L = Kv be the free 2Pα∈R+ λ−δ rank one K-vectorspace on the element v. By the result above we get a character τ :b →End(L ) λ−δ + λ−δ defined by τ (h,n)=(λ−δ)(h) λ−δ where(h,n)isanelementinb =h⊕n . Letα ,..,α be themdistinctelements + + 1 m of R . Let X be an element in g−αi. It follows the set + −αi X ,...,X −α1 −αm is a basis for n as vector space. There is a decomposition g = n ⊕b and it − − + follows U(g) is a free right U(b )-module as follows: + U(g)={Xp1 ···Xpm :p ,..,p ≥0}U(b ). −α1 −αm 1 m + Lemma3.4. AssumeXP =Xp1 ···Xpm withp ,..,p ≥0 integers. Letx∈h. −α1 −αm 1 m It follows x(XP)=(−p α −···−p α )(x)XP =α (x)XP. 1 1 m m P Proof. The proof is an easy calculation. (cid:3) Let P = (p ,..,p ) with p integers and let α = p α + ··· + p α . Let 1 m i P 1 1 m m XP =Xp1 ···Xpm . −α1 −αm 8 HELGEMAAKESTAD Proposition 3.5. Assume x∈h. The following holds: (3.5.1) M(λ)=K{XP ⊗v :p ,..,p ≥0} 1 m (3.5.2) x(XP ⊗v)=(λ−δ−α )(x)XP ⊗v P (3.5.3) M(λ)=⊕ M(λ) p1,..,pm≥0 λ−δ−αP (3.5.4) M(λ) =K(1⊗v) λ−δ (3.5.5) M(λ) =K{XP ⊗v :λ−δ−α =µ} µ P (3.5.6) U(n )(1⊗v)=M(λ) − Proof. We prove Claim 3.5.1: There is a direct sum decomposition g=n ⊕b − + and the set X ,..,X −α1 −αm is a basis for n as K-vector space. It follows by the PBW-theorem that the set − {XP :p ,..,p ≥0} 1 m is a basis for U(n ) as K-vector space. It follows U(g) is isomorphic to − {XP :p ,..,p ≥}U(b ) 1 m + as free left U(b )-module. We get + M(λ)=U(g)⊗U(b+)Lλ−δ ∼= {XP :p1,..,pm ≥0}U(b+)⊗U(b+)Lλ−δ ∼= K{XP ⊗v :p ,..,p ≥0} 1 m and Claim 3.5.1 is proved. We prove Claim 3.5.2: By the previous Lemma it follows for all x∈h [x,XP]=α (x)XP. P We get x(XP ⊗v)=[x,XP]⊗v+XPx⊗v = α (x)XP ⊗v+XP ⊗(λ−δ)(x)v = P (λ−δ−α )(x)XP ⊗v P and Claim 3.5.2 is proved. We prove Claim 3.5.3: By Claim 3.5.1 it follows M(λ) has a basis given as follows: {XP ⊗v :p ,..,p ≥0}. 1 m Since for all x∈h it follows x(XP ⊗v)=(λ−δ−α )(x)XP ⊗v P Claim 3.5.3 follows. We prove Claim 3.5.4: Let XP ⊗v ∈ M(λ) It follows x(XP ⊗v) = (λ−δ − α )(x)XP ⊗v. Hence XP ⊗v is in M(λ) if and only if P λ−δ λ−δ−α =λ−δ. P Since p ,..,p ≥ 0 this can only occur when p = ···p = 0 hence α = 0. The 1 m 1 m P Claim is proved. Claim 3.5.5 is by definition. SCALAR GENERALIZED VERMA MODULES 9 We prove Claim 3.5.6: Since the map φ:U(n )→M(λ) − defined by φ(XP)=XP ⊗v is an isomorphism of n -modules Claim 3.5.6 follows. The Proposition is proved. − (cid:3) Definition 3.6. The element 1⊗v ∈ M(λ) is called the canonical generator of M(λ). Proposition 3.7. There is an isomorphism of n -modules − φ:U(n−)∼=M(λ) defined by φ(XP)=XP ⊗v. Proof. Let n have basis X ,..,X and let XP = Xp1 ···Xpm . It follows − −α1 −αm −α1 −αm M(λ)hasabasisconsistingofelementsXP⊗v. Hencethemapφisanisomorphism of vector spaces. One checks it is n -linear and the Proposition follows. (cid:3) − Let in the following E =K{e ,..,e } be an n-dimensional vector space over K 1 n and let g = sl(E) with h in g the abelian sub-algebra of diagonal matrices. Let E =K{e ,..,e } for i=1,..,n−1. It follows we get a complete flag i 1 i E :06=E ⊆E ⊆···⊆E ⊆E • 1 2 n−1 in E with dim(E )=i. Let l=(l ,..,l ) with l ≥0 integers. Let i 1 n−1 i W(l)=Syml1(E)⊗Syml2(∧2E)⊗···⊗Symln−1(∧n−1E). Letv =∧iE andletv =v l ⊗···⊗vln−1 bealineinW(l). LetP inSL(E)bethe i i 1 1 n−1 subgroup of elements fixing the flag E . It follows P consists of upper triangular • matrices with determinant one. Let p = Lie(P). It follows p consists of upper triangular matrices with trace zero. Let ω =L +···+L i 1 i where h∗ =K{L ,..,L }/L +···+l . 1 n 1 n It follows ω ,..,ω are the fundamental weights for g. Let λ= n−1l ω . 1 n−1 Pi=1 i i Proposition 3.8. Let x∈p be an element. The following formula holds: n−1 x(v)= l (a +···+a )v X i 11 ii i=1 wherea is thei’thdiagonal element of x. Itfollows thevector v has weight λ. The ii SL(E)-module V generated by v is an irreducible finite dimensional SL(E)-module λ with highest weight vector v and highest weight λ. Proof. The Proposition follows from [1], Section 7 and an explicit calculation. (cid:3) 10 HELGEMAAKESTAD Let L in V be the line spanned by the vector v. It follows the subgroup of v λ SL(E) of elements fixing L equals the group P. We get a character v ρ:p→End(L ) v defined by n−1 ρ(x)v =x(v)= l (a +···+a )v. X i 11 ii i=1 We get an exact sequence of Lie algebras 0→p →p→End(L )→0 v v where p =ker(ρ). v Definition 3.9. Let char(ρ)=U(g){x−ρ(x)1 :x∈p} g be the left character ideal of ρ. Let ann(v)={x∈U(g):x(v)=0} be the left annihilator ideal of v. Let char (ρ)=char(ρ)∩U (g) l l and ann (v)=ann(v)∩U (g) l l for all l≥1. If x ∈ h it follows ρ(x) = λ(x) where λ is the highest weight of V . By [1], λ Section 7 the following holds: Let for α∈B the integer m be defined as follows: α m =λ(H )+1 α α where 06=H ∈[X ,X ]. α α −α If α =L −L it follows X =E . It also follows X =E . We get i i i+1 αi i,i+1 −αi i+1,i H =E −E . αi ii i+1,i+1 Lemma 3.10. The following holds for all i=1,..,n−1: m =l +1. αi i Proof. The proof is an easy calculation. (cid:3) Wegetby[1],Proposisition7.2.7,Section7thefollowingdescriptionoftheideal ann(v) in U(g). Note that U(g) is a noetherian associative algebra and the ideal ann(v) is a left ideal in U(g). It follows ann(v) has a finite set of generators. The following holds: Let I(v)=U(g)n + U(g)(x−λ(x)1 ). + X g x∈h It follows I(v)⊆U(g) is a left ideal. It follows ann(v)=I(v)+ U(g)Xmα. X −α α∈B

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