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Scalar, axial-vector and tensor resonances from the $ρD^*$, $ω D^*$ interaction in the hidden gauge formalism PDF

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Preview Scalar, axial-vector and tensor resonances from the $ρD^*$, $ω D^*$ interaction in the hidden gauge formalism

r w Scalar, axial-vector and tensor resonances from the D , D ∗ ∗ interaction in the hidden gauge formalism R. Molina , H. Nagahiro†, A. Hosaka and E. Oset ∗ ∗∗ ∗ DepartamentodeFísicaTeóricaandIFIC,CentroMixtoUniversidaddeValencia-CSIC,Institutosde ∗ 0 InvestigacióndePaterna,Aptdo.22085,46071Valencia,Spain 1 †DepartmentofPhysics,NaraWomen’sUniversity,Nara630-8506,Japan 0 ResearchCenterforNuclearPhysics(RCNP),OsakaUniversity,Ibaraki,Osaka567-0047,Japan 2 ∗∗ n Abstract. Weapplyaunitaryapproachtogetherwithasetofhidden-gaugeLagrangianstostudythevector-vectorinteraction. a Westudythecaseofther (w )D interactionwithinthemodel.InI=1/2wegetstrongenoughattractiontobindthesystem. J ∗ Concretely,wegetoneresonanceforeachspinJ=0,1,2.ForJ=1and2theseresonancescanbeeasilyidentifiedwiththe 8 D (2460)andD (2640).WhereasthestateforJ=0withmassM 2600MeVisapredictionofthemodel.InI=3/2we ∗ ∗ 1 getarepulsiveinteractionandhencenoexoticdynamicallygenerate∼dstates. Keywords: D,mesons,charm,vectors ] h PACS: 13.75.Lb,12.40.Vv,12.40.Yx,14.40.Cs p - p INTRODUCTION e h [ In this talk, we report several works that combine coupled channel unitarity and hidden-gaugeLagrangiansfor the interaction of vector meson among themselves. These Lagrangianswere introduced by Bando-Kugo-Yamawaki[1] 1 v and combined with unitary techniques related with the Bethe-Salpeter equation, provide a useful tool to generate 8 resonancesorboundstatesiftheinteractionisstrongenough.Thesetechniqueswerefirstlyappliedtostudytherr 0 interaction and the interaction was strong enough to bind the rr system [2]. Thus, two bound states appeared as 0 polesin the second Riemannsheet that could be identified with the f (1270)and the f (1370).The decay of these 2 0 3 resonancesto two or fourpionswasprovidedby a boxor crossed boxdiagramfromtwo r mesonsgoingto pions. . 1 TheseboxdiagramsprovidedawidthcomparablewiththedataquotedatthePDG[3],leadingtosatisfactoryresults 0 onthemass,widthandquantumnumbers,aswellascouplings,andthus,thesedynamicallygeneratedresonancescan 0 be seen as hadronicmolecules.Later worksthatwe quotein the nextSection haveextendedthe modelto study the 1 vector-vectorinteractioninSU(3)andther (w )D system. : ∗ v Inthismanuscriptwe wanttosummarizebrieflytheformalismofthevector-vectorinteraction.Then,wewantto i showthesimplecaseofther (w )D interaction. X ∗ r a FORMALISM:THEVV INTERACTION Within the theorical framework, there are two main ingredients: first, we take the Lagrangians for the interaction of vector mesons among themselves, that come from the hidden gauge formalism of Bando-Kugo-Yamawaki[1]. Second,weintroducethepotentialV obtainedfromtheseLagrangians(projectedins-wave,spinandisospin)inthe BetheSalpeterequation: T =(1ˆ VG) 1V , (1) − − whereGistheloopfunction.Therefore,wearesummingallthediagramscontainingzero,one,two...loopsimplicit in the Bethe Salpeter equation.Finally,we look for polesof the unitaryT matrix in the second Riemannsheet. All thisprocedureiswellexplainedin[2,4].Intheseworks,twomainverticesaretakenintoaccountforthecomputation ofthepotentialV:thefour-vector-contacttermandthethree-vectorvertex,whichareprovidedrespectivelyfromthe Lagrangians: g2 L(c)= Vm Vn Vm Vn Vn Vm Vm Vn , (2) III 2 h − i L(3V)=ig (¶ m Vn ¶ n Vm )Vm Vn . (3) III h − i BymeansofEq.(3),thevectorexchangediagramsinFig.1arecalculated.ThediagraminFig.1d)leadstoarepulsive p-waveinteractionforequalmassesofthevectors[2]andonlytoaminorcomponentofs-waveinthecaseofdifferent masses[4].Thus,thefour-vector-contacttermin Fig.1a)andthet(u)-channelvectorexchangediagramsinFig.1c) areresponsibleforthegenerationofresonancesorboundstatesiftheinteractionisstrongenough. V V V V −→ + V V V a) b) c) d) FIGURE1. TermsoftheLIII Lagrangian: a)fourvector contactterm,Eq.(2);b)three-vectorinteraction,Eq.(3);c)t andu channelsfromvectorexchange;d)schannelforvectorexchange. In order to consider the pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar decay mode, and thus compare properly with the available experimental data for the width, a box diagram is also included, which we show in Fig. 2 for the particular case of the rr system. Crossed box diagrams and box diagramsinvolving anomalouscouplingswere also calculated in [2],buttheyweremuchsmaller,speciallyinthecaseoftheanomalouscoupling,thanthecontributionscomingfrom the box diagramsin Fig. 2 and theywere not consideredin later works[4, 5, 6]. As we are interested in the region closetothetwovectormesonthreshold,thethreemomentaoftheexternalparticlescanbeneglectedcomparedwith the massofthe vectormeson,andthus,we can make ~q/M 0 forexternalparticles, whichconsiderablysimplify | | ∼ the calculation. In Table 1, the eleven states found with this procedure in the work of [4], where the formalism is applied in SU(3), are shown. As one can see in this table, five of them can be identified with data in the PDG: the f (1370), f (1710), f (1270), f (1525)andK (1430).Inthiswork,theintegraloftwo-meson-vectorloopfunction 0 0 2 2′ 2∗ is calculated by means of the dimensional regularization method. This requires the introduction of one parameter, whichisthesubtractionconstant,thatistunedtoreproducethemassofthetensorstates,whereastheotherstatesare predicted.Inordertocalculatetheboxdiagrams,onehastointroducetwoparameters,thecut-off,L ,fortheintegral, andoneparameter,L ,involvedintheformfactorused.Theseparameterswereconsideredtobearound1GeVand b 1.4 GeV respectively in [2] to get reasonable valuesof the f (1370)and f (1270)widths. In the later work of [4], 0 2 thesevaluesofL andL alsoprovideagooddescriptionofthewidthsfortheotherstates,asshowninTable1. b As one can see, the modelin SU(3) providesa gooddescriptionof the propertiesof manyphysicalstates. In the nextsections,wegeneralizethemodeltoSU(4),whereinterestingnewstateswillappear. ρ+ ρ+ ρ+ ρ− ρ+ ρ+ π+ π0 π0 π0 π0 + π+ π+ + π+ π+ π− π0 π0 ρ− ρ− ρ− ρ+ ρ− ρ− FIGURE2. Boxdiagramsforthecaseoftherr interaction. THE r (w ) D SYSTEM ∗ InthissectionwedescribethesimplecaseofthechannelswithC=1andS=0withintheformalismofthevector- vectorinteractionintroducedbyBando-Kugo-Yamawaki[1].Wehaveasetofthreechannels:r D ,w D andD K¯ .In ∗ ∗ s ∗ fact,wewanttofocustheattentiontotheenergyregionaround2500 2600MeV,wherethereareseveralinteresting − resonancesthatcanbe foundinthe PDG.Inviewofthepreviousworksof[2, 4],we hopetofinda bindingenergy of 200 300MeVandthethresholdoftheD K¯ channelisfaraway,concretely,itis200MeVabovether D and s ∗ ∗ w D∼thres−holds.Thus,wesimplifyevenmorethestudytothesetwochannels:r D andw D . ∗ ∗ ∗ TABLE1. Propertiesofthe11dynamicallygeneratedstates:polepositions, massesandwidthsintherealaxesfortwodifferentL (parameterrelatedtothe b formfactorusedinthecalculationoftheboxdiagram[4])comparedwiththe experiment.AllthequantitiesareinunitsofMeV. IG(JPC) Theory PDGdata (Mass,Width) Name Mass Width 0+(0++) (1520,257 396) f0(1370) 1200 1500 200 500 0+(0++) (1720,133−151) f0(1710) 17∼24 7 13∼7 8 0−(1+−) (180−2,49) h1 ± ± 0+(2++) (1275,97−111) f2(1270) 1275.1±1.2 185.0+22..49 0+(2++) (1525,45 51) f (1525) 1525 5 7−3+6 − 2′ ± 5 − 1−(0++) (1777,148 172) a0 1+(1+−) (1703−,188) b1 1−(2++) (1567,47 51) a2(1700)?? − 1/2(0+) (1639,139 162) K 1/2(1+) (1743−,126) K1(1650)0?∗ 1/2(2+) (1431,56 63) K (1430) 1429 1.4 104 4 − 2∗ ± ± Inordertofollowtheprocedureoftheworksof[2,4],theV matrixisstraigthforwardextendedtoSU(4),asitwas doneintheworkof[7]: r 0 + w r + K + D¯ 0  √2 √2 ∗ ∗  Vm = r − −√r 02+√w2 K∗0 D∗−  , (4)  K K¯ 0 f D   ∗− ∗ ∗s−   D 0 D + D + J/y  ∗ ∗ ∗s m wheretheidealmixinghasbeentakenforw ,f andJ/y .Thedetailsofthefullprocedurethatwetrytosummarizein thissectionarewellexplainedin[5].Besidesthefour-vectorcontactdiagrams,wehavetwokindsofvector-exchange diagrams,oneistheexchangeofonelightvectormeson,r orw ,andtheotheroneistheexchangeofaheavyvector meson, D . Of course, the last terms are proportional to k = m2r 0.15, and this gives rise to corrections of the ∗ m2 ∼ order of 10% of the r -exchange terms. Also, the rrw and theDww∗w vertices violate G-parity, whereas the rww vertexviolatesisospin,therefore,wedonothavetheexchangeofonelightvectormesonintheV(r D w D )and ∗ ∗ V(w D w D ) potentials. For this reason, these two terms, where only the four-vectorcontact term→plus the D - ∗ ∗ ∗ exchang→etermcontributes,aresmallercomparedwiththeV(r D r D ),termthatmainlyprovidestheinteraction. ∗ ∗ → AscanbeseeninTable2,thistermisoftheorderof 300MeVinI=1/2.Thismagnitudeisresponsibletobindthe r D systemandcomesmainlyfromther -exchangete−rmofV(r D r D ).Thisminorrelevanceofthew D channel ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ → appearswhenonecalculatethecouplingsg tooneparticularchannelibymeansoftheresiduesoftheamplitudes[5] i that we show in Table 3. In I =3/2, it is interesting to see that we get a repulsive interactionwithout any possible generatedexoticstates. We getthreestates with I=1/2andJ =0,1 and2 respectively.We havefixedthe valueof m as 1500MeV and we have fine-tuned the subtraction constant a around its natural value of 2 [8, 9], in order to get the position of the D (2460) state at the PDG. Thus, we have chosen the value of a = −1.74. Because of the strong interaction we ge∗2tthree boundstates with practicallyno width exceptbythe small wi−dthprovidedbythe convolutionof the r propagatortotakeintoaccountitsdecayintwopions.But,thelaterinclusionofthep Dboxdiagramallowsustoget some more width comparablewith the data in the PDG as can be seen in Table 4. In orderto calculate the p D-box diagram,twodifferentformfactorsforthevector-two-pseudoscalarvertexareconsidered.Oneisusedintheworksof [2,4],whichisinspiredbytheempiricalformfactorsusedinthestudyofvectormesondecays[10].Theotherone, is an exponentialparametrizationfor an off-shellpion evaluated using QCD sum rules [11] using at the same time the experimentalvalue of the D Dp coupling,gexp [5]. In bothcases we getreasonablevaluesof the width, with ∗ D Dp thepreference,ofcourse,fortheuseofgexp .In∗Table4,thevaluesobtainedforthelastcaseareshown,wherethe D Dp parameterof the exponentialform factor is∗ taken as L =1 GeV. The interesting thing in the calculation of the box diagram,isthatthisboxdiagramonlyhasJ=0and2,therefore,thestatefoundwithJ =1cannotdecaytop Dby meansofthismechanism,whichisthereasonwhywegetasmallwidthof4MeV,comparedwiththeotherstatesfor TABLE2. V(r D r D )forthedifferentspin-isospinchannelsincludingtheexchangeofoneheavy ∗ ∗ vectormeson.Theap→proximateTotalisobtainedatthethresholdofr D . ∗ I J Contact r -exchange D -exchange Total[I(JP)] ∗ ∼ 1/2 0 +5g2 −2Mg2r2(k1+k3)·(k2+k4) −21kMgr22(k1+k4)·(k2+k3) −16g2[1/2(0+)] 1/2 1 +92g2 −2Mg2r2(k1+k3)·(k2+k4) +21kMgr22(k1+k4)·(k2+k3) −14.5g2[1/2(1+)] 1/2 2 −52g2 −2Mg2r2(k1+k3)·(k2+k4) −21kMgr22(k1+k4)·(k2+k3) −23.5g2[1/2(2+)] 3/2 0 −4g2 +Mg2r2(k1+k3)·(k2+k4) +kMgr22(k1+k4)·(k2+k3) +8g2[3/2(0+)] 3/2 1 0 +Mg2r2(k1+k3)·(k2+k4) −kMgr22(k1+k4)·(k2+k3) +8g2[3/2(1+)] 3/2 2 +2g2 +Mg2r2(k1+k3)·(k2+k4) +kMgr22(k1+k4)·(k2+k3) +14g2[3/2(2+)] TABLE3. Modulesofthecouplingsg inunitsof i GeVforthepolesintheJ=0,1,2; I=1/2sector withthechannelr D andw D . ∗ ∗ Channel D (2600) D (2640) D (2460) ∗0 ∗1 ∗2 r D 14.32 14.04 17.89 ∗ w D 0.53 1.40 2.35 ∗ J=0and2.Thus,wefindareasonableexplanationforwhytheD (2640)hasasmallwidth,G <15MeV,whenwe ∗ associatetothisstatethequantumnumbersJP=1+. InTable5weshowtheuncertaintiesrelatedtotheSU(4)breakingduetotheuseoftheparameterg=m /2f in V the Lagrangian. In this table we distinguish three different cases in which we use g2, gg or g2 in the amplitudes D D obtained,seeTable2,withg=mr /2fp andgD=mD /2fD,andfixingthea parametertogetthepolepositionofthe ∗ tensorstate.Thisisalwaysdoneandthereforethismethodprovidesarealisticwayoflookingattheuncertainties.We canseeinthistablethatthechangesinthemassoftheotherstatesarearound20MeV,whichisquitesmall,andeven ifonefixesalphaandlooksfortheuncertaintiesusingg2,gg org2,thenthechangesinthemassarearound70 90 D D − MeV,whicharetypicalinanyhadronmodel. CONCLUSIONS Wehavestudiedther (w )D interactioncombiningcoupledchannelunitarityandthehiddengaugeLagrangiansfor ∗ theinteractionofvectormesons.WefindastronginteractionthatprovidesoneboundstateforeachspinJ=0,1and 2.WecanassignthestateswithJ=1and2totheD (2640)andD (2460)respectively,whereasthestateobtainedfor ∗ ∗2 J=0isapredictionofthemodel:’D (2600)’.Inthisscheme,theD (2460)andtheD (2600)decaytop Dbymeans ∗0 ∗2 ∗0 ofaboxdiagram.However,thisdecayisnotpossibleforJ=1,providinganaturalexplanationonwhy,whereasthis stateisheavierthantheD (2460),itswidthfoundinthePDGisverysmallcomparedtothat,G <15MeV,andthe ∗2 decaytop Dhasnotbeenobservedeither.TheresultsobtainedhereshouldstimulatethesearchformoreDstatesin theregionof2600MeV. TABLE4. Massesandwidths(inunitsofMeV)obtainedinthecase oftheuseofanexponentialformfactorwithL =1GeVcomparedwith theexperiment. IG[JP] Theory PDGdata (Mass,Width) Name Mass Width 1/2+(0+) (2608,61) "D (2600)" ∗0 1/2+(1+) (2620,4) D (2640) 2637 <15 ∗ 1/2+(2+) (2465,40) D (2460) 2460 37 43 ∗ − TABLE 5. Pole positions and subtraction constant obtained for the three different cases, g2, gg and g2, when one fixes the D D massofthepolewithJ=2. Constant&a J=0 J=1 J=2 g2& 1.74 2592 2611 2450 − ggD& 1.53 2571 2587 2450 g2 & −1.39 2551 2565 2450 D − ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is partly supported by DGICYT contract number FIS2006-03438. We acknowledge the support of the European Community-Research Infrastructure Integrating Activity Study of Strongly Interacting Matter (acronym HadronPhysics2,GrantAgreementn.227431)undertheSeventhFrameworkProgrammeofEU.A. H.is supported inpartbytheGrantforScientificResearchContractNo.19540297fromtheMinistryofEducation,Culture,Science andTechnology,Japan.H.N.issupportedbytheGrantforScientificResearchNo.18-8661fromJSPS. REFERENCES 1. 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