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Scalable ultra-sensitive detection of heterogeneity via coupled bistable dynamics Kamal P. Singh, Rajeev Kapri and Sudeshna Sinha Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, SAS Nagar, Sector 81, Mohali 140 306, Punjab, India WedemonstratehowthecollectiveresponseofN globally coupledbistableelementscanstrongly reflectthepresenceofveryfewnon-identicalelementsinalargearrayofotherwiseidenticalelements. Counter-intuitively, when there are a small number of elements with natural stable state different from the bulk of the elements, all the elements of the system evolve to the stable state of the minority due to strong coupling. The critical fraction of distinct elements needed to produce this swing shows a sharp transition with increasing N, scaling as 1/√N. Furthermore, one can find a global bias that allows robust one bit sensitivity to heterogeneity. Importantly, the time needed to reach theattracting state does not increase with thesystem size. We indicate the relevance of this 2 ultra-sensitive generic phenomenon for massively parallelized search applications. 1 0 2 The complex interactive systems modelling spatially have ai = 0, we use the following notation: N0 is the n a extended physical, chemical and biological phenomena, numberofelementswithai =0,andN1 =N−N0 isthe has commanded intense research effort in recent years. number of elements with a = 1. The principal question J i One of the important issues in such systems is the effect is: how sensitive are collective dynamical features, such 5 of heterogeniety onspatiotemporalpatterns. The role of as the ensemble average x , which can be considered as h i ] disorder,suchasstaticorquenchedinhomogenieties,and theoutputofthesystem,tosmallinhomogeneity[seeFig. O the effect of coherent driving forces, has yielded a host 1(a)]. A of interesting, often counter-intuitive, behaviours. For The values A0, A1 and bias b are such that in an un- n. instance, stochastic resonance [1] in coupled arrays [2], coupled system, when ai = A0, the system goes rapidly i diversityinducedresonantcollectivebehaviourinensem- tothelowerwellx∗− 1,whilethesystemwithai =A1 nl bles of coupled bistable or excitable systems [3] demon- isattractedtothe up∼pe−rwellx∗+ 1. Whenallai =A0, ∼ [ strated how the response to a sub-threshold input signal wehaveahomogeneoussystem,andthis uniformsystem is optimized. However, the potential of coupled system isnaturallyattractedtothelowerwellx∗. Onemaywon- 1 − v for parallelinformationprocessingremains largely unex- der, how many ai need to be different from 0 in order to 3 plored. It is our aim to show the existence of an ultra- make a significant difference in the collective output. 8 sensitive regime of N-coupled bistable elements whereby Intuitively,onemayexpectthattheglobalaveragewill 0 small heterogeneity in the system strongly influence its pickupcontributionsoforder1/N fromeachelement. So 1 global dynamics. a fairly large number of elements need to be different in . 1 Here we consider N coupled nonlinear systems, where order to obtain significant deviation in the mean field 0 the evolution of element i (i=1,...N) is given by: and drive a different collective response. Alternately, for 2 strong coupling, one may think, for small heterogeneity, 1 x˙ =F(x )+a +C( x x )+b (1) : i i i h i− i themajorityoftheelementswilldictatethenatureofthe v collective field, as the minority should synchronize with i whereC isthecouplingstrength,bisasmallglobalbias, X the majority population. and the mean field x is given by r h i However,wewillshowherethatboththeexpectations a 1 abovedonotholdtrue. Instead,thissystem,undersuffi- x = X xi (2) h i N ciently strong coupling, will evolve to the stable state of i=1,N the minority population. Furthermore, the critical num- The function F(x) is nonlinear and yields a bistable po- ber of elements distinct from the bulk that is needed for tential. Specifically, we consider F(x) = x x3, which thiseffect,istypicallylessthanO(√N),andcanactually i − i gives rise to a double-well potential, with one well cen- be made as small as one. tered at x∗ = 1 (lower well) and another at x∗ = +1 Figure1(b)showstheevolutionof100globallycoupled − + − (upper well). elements,withcouplingconstantC =1,tothelowerwell We consider a situation where a can take either of fromGaussianrandominitialconditions,inthe homoge- i twosufficientlydifferentvalues,A0 andA1. Withnoloss neous case where all ai =0. In sharp contrast, Fig. 1(c) of generality, we set A0 = 0 and A1 = 1, i.e. ai of the shows all the elements of the array being attracted to elementsi=1,...N,canbe0or1. Theinitialconditions the upper well, whena few elements have ai =1. So itis onN elementsherearetakentoberandomlydistributed clearly evident that even when very few ais are different about zero mean, and in our simulations a very large from 0, the entire array is pushed to the upper well. number of initial states ( 104) are sampled in different Sothecollectivefieldsensitivelyreflectsverysmallde- ∼ trialruns. Inorderto quantifywhatfractionofelements viations from uniformity. In fact, the response to small 2 1 (a) 0.8 0.6 200 P 1000 5000 0.4 10000 0.2 0 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 f 1 (b) 0.8 FIG. 1. (a) Schematics of coupled nonlinear system with N- inputs,output,bias,andreset forinitialconditions. (b)time 0.6 200 1 evolutionofanarrayof100stronglycoupled(C =1)bistable P 1000 5000 elements having all a = 0 in Eq.(1), and (c) having 10 ele- 0.4 10000 0.1 i mentswith ai=1(denotedbyarrows) and90 elementswith 0.01 a =0. 0.2 i 100101102103104105 N 0 -2 -1 1/2 0 1 2 N (f - f ) diversityis aswingfromthe lowerwelltothe upper one, c for all elements in the system. The coupled system then 1 (c) actslikeasensitivedetector,asitsresponsetofewa =1, i 0.8 in an otherwise uniform lattice of a =0, is very large. i Coupling is crucial in this effect. In a weakly cou- 0.6 40 pledsystem,whenafewai aredifferent,thedifferencein P 200 1000 the mean field of the homogeneous and inhomogeneous 0.4 systems will be proportional to N1/N. However, the re- 0.2 sponseofthestronglycoupledsystemtosmallN1 isvery ∗ ∗ large (namely (x+ x−)). 0 ∼ − -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 In order to quantify the sensitivity of the collective bias response, we calculate the minimum N1 needed to flip the output to the upper well (within a small prescribed FIG.2. (a)Probability,P,thatalltheelementsevolvetothe accuracy). We call this the critical population N1c. upper well, from random initial conditions, as a function of Figure 2 displays the collective response to very small fraction f = N1/N for different system sizes. Here bias b = inhomogeneity under varying system size N and global 0.05, coupling constant C = 1, and averaged over 10,000 bias b. In Fig. 2(a), we show the probability, P, that all r−uns. (b) Data collapse of probability P for various N as the oscillators evolve to the upper well, as a function of obtainedbyscalingthex-axisbyN1/2(f f ),indicatesthat c − f =N1/N for different system sizes for a bias b= 0.05 fc is 0.075 0.001 for this bias. Inset: scaling of f fc with − ± − and coupling constant C = 1. The figure shows that respect to N, where f is the fraction at which P 1; solid there is a critical fraction above which all the oscillators line: 1/√N fit. (c) P vs global bias b, for differe∼nt system switchtotheupperwell. Theswitchingbecomessharper sizes, with f =N1/N =0.075. and sharper as the system size increases. To obtain the critical population, N1c in the large N limit, we use the strongly coupled bistable system to a final state distinct finitesizescaling. Foragivenbiasandcouplingconstant, from the homogeneous case. the probability P satisfies the following scaling form One may wonder if the fundamental one-bit detection P Nφ(f f ) , (3) limit can be achieved in our system. In Fig. 3, we have (cid:0) c (cid:1) ∼G − shown how a large system, N = 1000, responds to only where fc =N1c/N when N , φ is the critical expo- one distinct element in the array. It demonstrates that →∞ nentand isthe scalingfunction. Agooddatacollapse, thereexistarangeofglobalbiaswhichallowsthesystem G shown in Fig. 2(b), is obtained for φ = 1/2 indicating to yield P = 0 for N1 = 0 and P = 1 when N1 = 1. So that by tuning the global bias we can obtain a system where a single a = 1 can draw the whole system to the upper 1 i f fc N1 N1c √N. (4) well. | − |∼ √N ⇒| − | ∼ Specifically then, in the representative example dis- Clearly then, the minority population can pull the played in Fig.3, in a lattice of 100 elements, when all 3 1.2 1 1 0.8 d 0.8 0.6 el P 0.4 N1=0 N1=1 n Fi 0.6 a e M 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 -0.0015 -0.001 -0b.00ia05s 0 0.0005 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 time FIG.4. Evolutionofthemeanfieldasafunctionoftimefor differentarraysizes: 100(redsolid),1000(blackdashed)and 10000 (bluedotted),with N1/N =0.01 and bias b= 0.005. − Clearly, the time needed to reach the attracting state does not depend on N. metric case, i.e. with C = 0 and b = 0, yields the fol- lowing: elements with a = 0 yield equal probability of FIG. 3. (Top Panel) Probability, P, that all the oscillators i residence in either of the two wells (centered around 1 evolve to the upper well as a function of global bias, for a systemof1000elements: (rightcurve)withnoai =1,namely and −1), and for elements with ai = 1 the probability f = N1/N = 0 and (left curve) with just one element with P(x) shifts entirely to the upper well ( 1). When there ∼ ai = 1, namely f = N1/N = 0.001 (left curve). The red is no coupling or very weak coupling, this is indeed the (solid) line shows the deterministic case with all initial x = case in our simulations as well. 0. The green (dashed) curve shows the evolution from an However, for strong coupling (C 1), we have a very initialsystemwithstatesdrawnfromaGaussiandistribution, ∼ different scenario: when all a = 0 (with N ) and withsmallstandarddeviation( 0.01),centeredaroundzero. i → ∞ ∼ even the slightest negative bias, P(x) peaks sharply in (Bottompanel)timeevolutionoftheelementsinthearrayof size N = 100, where only one element has a1 = 1 (denoted a well with x < 0. That is, the entire system is syn- by arrow) and 99 elements havea =0. chronized and attracted to the lower well. Contrast this i to the unsynchronized situation in weak coupling, where the elements go to either upper or lower well depending a = 0 the mean field is 1, reflecting the fact that ontheir initialstate. Similarly, for strongcoupling, even i ∼ − all elements go to the lower well, as expected. However, slight positive bias drives all the elements to the upper when one of the ai is 1 (i.e. N1 =1,N0 =99), the mean well. field evolves to 1, reflecting the fact that all elements Nowconsiderthe strongcoupling casewith afew ai = ∼ havebeenattractedtotheupperwellnow,drivenbythis 1. The elements with a =1 have P(x) centered sharply i one different element. So even though only one element at a well 1 (as ai acts as a positive bias). As these N1 ∼ in the arraywould have evolvedto the upper well in the elements evolve to the upper well, x becomes slightly av uncoupled case, when strongly coupled, all 100 elements positive, and even elements with a = 0 experience a i are draggedrapidly to the upper well. positivebias: b+Cxav >0,whichshifts P(x)entirelyto One can analyze the dynamics by considering x = awellatx>0. Followingthe smallinitialpositivepush, h i x +η, where η is a random fluctuation about the true there is a strong positive feedback effect that drives the av thermodynamic average xav ( 0), with η 1/√N. So xav to more and more positive values, and consequently ∼ ∼ ∗ the effective dynamics of each element is: the stable attracting well shifts rapidly towards x+. ∼ One can also rationalize this mechanism intuitively as C follows: when the initial system has x 0, namely the x˙i =(1−C)xi−x3i+ai+b+Cxav+√Nη =F(xi)+Dη system is poised on the “barrier” betwee∼n the two wells, ∗ (5) the state is tipped to the well at x if x˙ > 0 and to the + ∗ The probability P(x) of obtaining the system in state lower well at x if x˙ < 0. Now, initial F(x) 0 as the − ∼ x for the elements, can be analyzed by solving for the systemis atthe unstable maximumofthe potential,and steadystatedistributionarisingfromtherelevantFokker x˙ a +b+( x x ),wherebiscloseto0,and x x i i i i ∼ h i− h i− Planck equation, namely P(x) = Aexp( 2φ(x)/D) is small in magnitude. So for elements with a = 1, i − where A is a normalization constant, D = C/√N is the x˙ 1, and for a = 0, x˙ is also positive, though small i ∼ strength of the random fluctuations, and ∂φ(x)/∂x = in magnitude, as x < x . After this infinitesimal initial i − ∗ h i F(x) [4]. Using this we verify that the uncoupled sym- pushtowardsx ,allelementsevolverapidlytowardsthat + 4 stable upper well, as F(x) gets increasingly positive. average critical value can be used to gauge the number Robustness of the phenomena: In order to gauge the of ones present in the system as well. generality of our observations, we have considered dif- The significant feature here that allows this massive ferent nonlinear functions F(x) in Eq.(1). For example, parallelization, is the fact that the time taken to reach we explored a system of considerable biological interest, theattractingmeanfieldvaluedoesnotscalewithsystem namely,asystemofcoupledsyntheticgenenetworks. We size(seeFig.4). Infactthetimetakentoreachthemean used the quantitative model, developedin [4], describing field that encodes the output is independent of N. the regulation of the operator region of λ phase, whose Another important feature of this scheme is that it promoter region consists of three operator sites. The employs a single simple global operation, and does not chemicalreactionsdescribingthisnetwork,givenbysuit- entail accessing each item separately at any stage. In able rescaling yields [4] comparison,forexample,aconventionalsearchalgorithm m(1+x2+ασ1x4) withbinaryencodingwilltakeO(logN)proceduralsteps Fgene(x)= 1+x2+σ1x4+σ1σ2x6 −γxx for binary search of an ordered tree [5]. In addition, there is the time required for ordering, which typically where x is the concentration of the repressor. The non- scalesasO(N logN). Alternateideastoimplementthe × linearity in this F(x) leads to a double well potential, increasingly important problem of search have included and different γ introduces varying degrees of asymmetry the useofquantumcomputers[6],whichinvolvesscaling in the potential. We studied a system of coupled genetic of time steps as O(√N). oscillatorsgivenby: x˙ =F (x )+C( x x )+a +b, i gene i i i Insummary,the collectiveresponseofN globallycou- h i− where C is the coupling strength, and b is a small global pled bistable elements can strongly reflect the presence bias. We observe similar features in this system as well. of very few non-identical elements in a very large array In addition, we studied various different coupling of otherwise identical elements. Counter-intuitively, the forms. For instance, a system of N coupled nonlinear meanfieldevolvestothestablestateoftheminoritypop- systems, where the evolution of element i is given by: ulation,ratherthanthatofthebulkofthearray. Adjust- ing the global bias enables us to observe robust one bit x˙ =F(x )+a +C x +b (6) i i i h i sensitivity to diversity in this array. Further, the time needed to reach the attracting state does not increase where C is the coupling strength and x is the mean h i with system size. Thus this phenomenon has much rel- field given by Eq.(2). Furthermore, we considered small evance to the problem of massively parallelized search. world networks, where varying sets of regular links were Lastly, this scalable ultra-sensitivity is a generic and ro- replaced by random connections. Lastly, we explored bustphenomenon,andcanpotentiallybeobservedinso- networks with different ranges of coupling, namely the cialandbiologicalnetworks[7],couplednano-mechanical couplingoccuredoverincreasinglylargesubsetsofneigh- resonators [8], and coupled laser arrays [9]. bours, up to the globalcoupling limit. Qualitatively,the sameultra-sensitivitytoheterogeneityhasbeenobserved for all these different dynamical systems and coupling forms. Relevance to Information Search: Lastly, we address [1] L. Gammaitoni, P. Hanggi, P. Jung, F. 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