‘Print Page 1 of 39° Message: 2nd Extraordinary Session - Department Assignments, ‘case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: (GOv_10032017_Search Capcure Date: 10(32017 9:43:17 a tem 10, 29357613 Poicy Acton Not Specied 1 2nd Extraordinary Session - Department Assignments Fram Cannan, Kristina Date Tuesaay, June 13, D017 11:92 a To Boale, Darel-Bacses, Dusty Ge Neusat, Jennae;Scatt, Too:Green, Bacar, eff <empy, ‘Shen:s-tong-Goeke, Loa Be ary_DepartmentQuery6.13.xsx (17 Kb wma} DanishDusty, Hete are the bls that have been fled to-date es arto the 2017 Second Extraordinary Sess.n. Thanks, Kristina M. Cannon Legislative Coordinator OA-Budget and Planning Phone: (573)751-9303 ‘about-blank Toe g017 ‘Print qry_DepartmentQuery A awn He oe vist ise weavan ie 10 810 1 waa 89 13 iss 14a io su 16 585 7 56 18 Bo Sponsee Handler Letgge: tiie San Levende Lede Fave Feelin cusde ay Neaman Near Near tor eon ores Koorg Dea Sota? Sonat sora Heeman ‘about-blank > E F sate basin is tern 2an Sepa Eesblewesthe"Pan CacatlaUraom Chil OHSE Uinirs Chie "etacton Ra Pern tern = ors formar Grange th au rain ean fr amor DESS ‘pebisinaaren tw eba anabovon tern ‘Grange i regain abs nese Atorin_prnercy led Reales omsnzetons ter pusepemnaey DES ses reed wovecs e aids medal csv “formation garingrgrousive hae? pene nord cate ening torn nrc Mealy Cases nant oraly “everson Fund HS Provoran ad tern ‘Grange the au rejartigseoinn pes tenon ‘Changes thelawsregalg torn Diss Aton Cispensing of Changes the ausregang tie dpening of D188 cortacop vse cenbosapies Ata ples! Preripsipeli bison herve DISS fublbienlsiotbian aor palsy raat af he 3931 (ah fa para ears pa coiys etvorabrton cosmos tse lal ign end essblats se ‘recheniama ta per Hese a's tern ‘Charges the aueregadghestt ce RSS Deen ‘Grange th ae rearing seoinn ped terion Human geal'y Change the sumo" naman ratings ESS. ination umn salty Atorion- Taccedt‘or —auotizs ates eter eecaincowscapon DISS fanlacsponemss ates torn MORgittoLie. Ceablews th Miscou Agito Uiesot DISS Bet tein Wie sovmal rosa wating eatin DESY Atarin-AG ankeo lens rans ihs trey Cansreccoeumentcrigins! DHSS [aie lo efor sas heen 398 Atari es! Cran ha lorey Canarescoeumentcrigins! DHSS ub suory adr nef esas heen a8 thas Lebying Node aevsora caring netbeste 8 his obi Wed aeisiors alin he wary saoc 08 2efoe crn publ ols an becone ‘spits ‘svs-Dirkonay——Evablewes le Dan Moy Distesae 26, Oh Siceare ‘Bavad dale Tire oda ove pred igre sesene OA Pit sein Page 2 of 39° Date coi Pet aed aor. ten porte ote oot. a 2017 can oor. ran moire ets or can 2017 pan ani can aor. ter oo vets oor vets 201. oe 201. can ae can anit. ten aot. ten oon ets or ets ate can aor ten Toe g017 ‘Print Page 3 of 39 RA Horan hored ls Esblsneseninestgaivecommitoe D4, 20 Frese Gov Cues sigue Goer Gals ets ‘about-blank Toe g017 ‘Print Page ( of 39° Message: 2nd Extraordinary Session - Department Assignments, ‘case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: (GOv_10032017 Search Capcure Date: 101372017 9:43:22 a0 tem 10, 29388132 Poicy Acton Not Specied 1 2nd Extraordinary Session - Department Assignments Fram Cannan, Kristina Date Tuesaay, June 13, D017 11:92 a To Boale, Darel-Bacses, Dusty Ge Neusat, Jennae;Scatt, Too:Green, Bacar, eff <empy, ‘Shen:s-tong-Goeke, Loa Be ary_DepartmentQuery6.13.xsx (17 Kb wma} DanishDusty, Hete are the bls that have been fled to-date es arto the 2017 Second Extraordinary Sess.n. Thanks, Kristina M. Cannon Legislative Coordinator OA-Budget and Planning Phone: (573)751-9303 ‘about-blank Toe g017 ‘Print qry_DepartmentQuery A awn He oe vist ise weavan ve 10 810 1 waa 89 13 iss 14a io su 16 585 7 56 18 Bo Sponsee Handler Letgge: tiie San Levende Lede Fave Feelin cusde ay Neaman Near Near tor eon ores Koorg Dea Sota? Sonat sora Heeman ‘about-blank > E F sate basin is tern 2an Sepa Eesblewesthe"Pan CacatlaUraom Chil OHSE Uinirs Chie "etacton Ra Pern tern = ors formar Grange th au rain ean fr amor DESS ‘pebisinaaren tw eba anabovon tern ‘Grange i regain abs nese Atorin_prnercy led Reales omsnzetons ter pusepemnaey DES ses reed wovecs e aids medal csv “formation garingrgrousive hae? pene nord cate ening torn nrc Mealy Cases nant oraly “everson Fund HS Provoran ad tern ‘Grange the au rejartigseoinn pes tenon ‘Changes thelawsregalg torn Diss Aton Cispensing of Changes the ausregang tie dpening of D188 cortacop vse cenbosapies Ata ples! Preripsipeli sbivior herve DISS fublbienlsiotbian Sor palsy he reat ats he 3931 (ah fa para ears pa coiys etvorabrton cosmos tse lal ign end essblats se ‘recheniama ta per Hese a's tern ‘Charges the aueregadghestt ce RSS Deen ‘Grange th ae rearing seoinn ped terion Huransenal’y Change the sumo" naman raang's ESS. ination umn salty Atorion- Taccedt‘or—aubhotzes sex eter eecaincomscspon DISS anlacsponemss ates Atorion= MORGHteLt®. Ceablews th Miscou Agito Uiesat DISS Bet tein Wie sovmal rosa wating eatin DESY Atarin-AG ankeo lens rans ihs trey Cansreccoeumentcrigins! DHSS [aie lo efor sas heen 398 Atari es! Cran ha lorey Canarescoeumentcrigins! DHSS ub suory adr nef esas heen a8 thas Lebying Node aevsora caring netbeste 8 his obi Wed aeisiors alin he wary saoc 08 2efoe crn publ ols an becone ‘spits ‘svs-Dirkonay——Evablewes le Dan Moy Distesae 26, Oh Siceare ‘Bavad dale Tire oda ove pred igre sesene OA Pit sein Page 5 of 39° Date coi Pet aed aor. ten porte ote oot. a 2017 can oor. ran moire ets or can 2017 pan ani can aor. ter oo vets oor vets 201. oe 201. can ae can anit. ten aot. ten oon ets or ets ate can aor ten Toe g017 Print Page 6 of 39 RA Horan hored ls Esblsneseninestgaivecommitoe D4, 20 Frese Gov Cues sigue Goer Gals ets ‘about-blank Toe g017 ‘Print Page 7 of 39° Message: Voice Mail aftemoon of 6/13/2017 ‘case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: (GOv_10032017 Search Capcure Date: 10/3/2017 9:43:18 a0 tem 10, 29357799, Poicy Acton Not Spectied 2 Voice Mail afternoon of 6/13/2017 Fram Baie Lee Date Tuesday, June 13, 2017 6:38 PM To Sena, Logan « Journal Logan [email protected] Recipients Logan, lam so sorry | could nat take calls this afternoon, been in meatings all cay and just now ftehiag up on myvoiee and emai. Inthe Furure shoat me ate, Lean usually take those and respond ing timely ran. Ihe problems sent you the wrong domain. (havo that Lark within my hfe aftering and church ministry]. hea you called | was erving between meetings and just gave you incorrect fo. For all future email correspondence ofthis nature ust use eur new Team PLAY adeess, TesmPLavcoamel cor, Hhave sel a ngafcalign alan anil | did go ahead yesterday afternoon and sent an email to our Mid Missour Baptist Association Churches asking them to forward the Prodite Eventinformation out an ter emai ist. IYollwed ft ua yesterday evening with a <all0 action |recelved from fssous tight 10 Lf whieh also gave the event Info. zlso posted it ia Facebook media, Yesterday Kathy Ferck submitted the MRL cello action via har 40 Days Far life webmail (several hundred eecipients Irs ahways tough with such short notice, bat we ave a uery active hase ant Know any wil come to support chs good action by Goveenar Greitens and de General Assembly. We saw an the Capitol event page that Planned Parenthood ard NARAL will havea rally act before the Pro-Life Evant, We have shared thisinfo wilt our base anit will walivate oar supporters to come lake a sland Ifyou get thicnote tonight or early n the AM, go shead andl cenel me your eu proma andl sheot i out early as another fu. Since the event is midafternoor it won’: mut hope to say hiah Lomnari0w Bonnie Lee Team PLAY. Legislation & Enforcement ‘about-blank Toe g017 Print Page 8 of 39 CONFIDENTIAL TY NOTICE - This taasmission may be sticly contents. you are not he intended recipient of this message, you may not dieclose. print copy or disceminate cis ifermation, Ifyou hove. fees vee this i ener, please repy and ratify the Serle (only and delete the message, UnaurFraed inlercopion ol ths e-mal isa vokaian of lederal criminal le ‘about-blank Toe g017 Print Page 9 of 39 Message: Senate - Seniors, Families, and Children - Abortion ‘case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: (GOv_10032017 Search Capcure Date: 10/3/2017 9:43:18 a0 tem 10, 29357800 Poicy Acton Not Spectied 2 Senate - Seniors, Families, and Children - Abortion From gramell, Chris Date Tuesday, une 13, 2017 9:00 BM To ——GAHesring & Floor Action « Senate Committee on Seniors, Families, and Childeen y13p2017 Today the Senate Comm*tee an Senias, amis, and Children convened to ha\e public hearings and ‘eneculive session on $6 4, $B 5, al SBS, ATTENDANCE: Sens. Sater, Emery, Walinglrd, Wieland, Chappe le-Nzdsl, snd Schupp were present ‘Sen. Schupp noted thatthe bil were not available online ast nig al expeessed concen that tore Seeking to testify could not propery prepare PUBLIC HEARING: ‘5 5 (Koenig) — Relating <0 che jurisd ction of the Attorney Generalta enforce state sbartion laws Sen. Kounig slated hal SB 5s identical to SB 186, led during cogular session and would grant the ‘Atearney General (AG) original concurrent jurisdiction over stte sbartion laws. Sen. Koenig stated al the AG currently has similar jricieion a awaiely of area, reading MC feallhe,Maud, mining laws, weights and measures, andthe use ot explosives. Sen. Koenig stated ths change makes ‘cence hecailce abot nn involves the heath and cafty af Massourt wamen and came actors crass state and county lires to provide sbertion senvces. ‘Seri, Ser slate hal eanges te rman ate ei wurkell un to aleres the centr of arcsec attorneys, but the language isnt ready yet. Sen, Schupp sited that crossing state and county lincs makes no difference as lang asthe physicians Tcensed ta practice in M ssaur. Sen. Koenig stated the change sta ensure that state laws are being, followed and noted tal this bill dous nol ankain addiianal egulalians un aortic Faiiies, Sen, ‘Schupp stated the change is unnecessary because prosecuting attorneys can already defer cates to the AG ‘sen, Chappe le-Nadal stated that she has not been paying atention to the hearing on the bil thus far because snes distracted by the work she should be doing tointerview people dying of cancer in her ‘about-blank Toe g017 ‘Print Page 10 of 39 district instead of be rg in «special session, Sen, Chapaelle Hadsl questioned whether the AG would have time to focus on abortion cases when they should be deveting al f ther time tothe radioactive waste ave, Sen, Koen slated thal he A would have discretion on which caves ta lake up, Sen. Chappelie-Nadalcuestianed why the issue of radioactive waste hasn't been taken up for a special session, considering its alsa a provite iss. sponents Saruel Lee Campaign Life Missouri + Lovslated thal [he AG has original concurrent juristctan on sues teated Lo right to werk laws, Lee sated that twa discovered during the Plannec Parentcod lawsuit thatthe St Lovis Planned Parenlhaod faeity tas ol been luring in carnpiceLon repent and Ural the laws or the books need to be enforced. Sen. Schypp questioned whether Lc believed thal the AG sn0uld have such jurisdiction var avary law in Missour. Lee stated tht the AG's jurisdiction isa poley issue ta be deter rel by the General Assembly, bul capa ned that abortion laws are especially important because they dl wits health and safety. Sen. Schupp sled far specie earn es of btu facies in Missouri ertanetin worrien, Lee alae ‘that inthe 1980's, O. Scott Barret, 2 pryscian who 2vovided abortions in Springtie d, would verde wamen on lacal anesthetics, witn ane women dying, Sen, Frnery atked far 2 more contemperany example, Lee stated thar ambulance reports atthe St. LeulsPlannsd Parenthood! fl ty were troubling. Sen. Schupp stated that no ane kaw far sure what the ambu ance cals to Lhe SL. Lous Planned Parenthood faciily are for and noted hal hoy may not even be “lated a abortion Tyler MeClay Missouri Catholic Conterence 'McClay stated that county prosecutors may nat have enough resources to fully enforce state abortion laws and noted that poliieal pressure sutrounding the tapicaf abortion may play a partin prosceutors not taking up cascs. Sen. Crappelle Nadal tztod that tke Missouri Catholic Canference has not yet came out in s.ppart of addressing the radioactive waste isuein hee distil. ‘Susan Klin Missouri Rig, to Ue Resi slated Us Ue AG is he ultimate egal gulhoriy in Missouri: she supparts rating further aality for AG to take up cates, Sen. Chappalle-Nadal astad why Missouri Right t Life hac nat come out in suppart of addressing the rad cactve waste issue, Kin stated that she sought a mccting witk Sen. Chappelle Nacalregerdirg the issue but her offers ta meet were never taken 4p. Sea. Schupa reiterated that if prosecuta‘s cart handle cases related to aburion, then they already heve Ure ably Ua Larn cases ever lo the AG Opponents defray Mittman ACLU Missourt ‘+ Mittran stated that grouse ware ret allowed enaugh time to review the bil bafore the committee. Saeaking on recent court rulings on abort on regulations, Mitman stated that attacking dgcs in nat cart ofa constitutional democracy, Mlistman stated that no cal Analyse supports the presunned ned or the AG ta have aiginal concurrent jurigdeian ard Ural the change fsbeing done only for plilial reasons wile purporting to be for women’s sntety, Sen, Emery stated tat thi ils the same az ail fled curing regular testion; Urorofore the ACLU has ad exes Lo Lae Fangvage To" several months. Sen, Limory stated that judges and senators are allowed to have disagreements ard noted that there hs been clear evidence ofa lack of enforcemert of Wssourl abortion aus, talttman stated thatthe Inte: ‘about-blank Toe g017