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‘Print Page 1 of 283 Message: CONSTITUENT WEB CONTACT I ‘case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: (Gov_10032017 Search Capcure Date: 101372017 9:43:19 A tem 10, 29357827 Poicy Acton Not Spectied Sa CONSTITUENT WER CONTACT III From GA.Drual Adminis.aion Date Wednesaay, January 25, 2017 12:09 8 To GOW WetForm:Trussel, Diane « Journal [email protected] Recipients -<PREFDX> Ms. </PREFDA -<FIRSTNAME>Kaye </FIRSTNAMES -<LASTNAME>Mellory<LASTNAME> “SADDRESSL> 1984 W. Oi Plank Vilage Dr.</ADDRESSI> “=ADDRESS2> </ADDRESS2> =< CIN ColsmbiaeCITY> “=STATESMO</STATE> = ZP>650034/Z1P> -<CHATL>-msskillyftgrai com<fCHAIL> SHOMEPLIOHC> =! OMCPLIONCS WORKPHONC></WORKPIIONE> “COW FANYIADIE> <{COMPANYHAMES ‘STITLE> </TTTLE> “=ISSUE> ABORTION ISSUE “=MESSAGEBODY=-Rep. Moon's "M ssour Right to Life Act ill HB 708 i ust ‘anotyerattemot by Fim to try and control women's bodies and repreducive ‘icices nthe name of religion. Church and state must renain separate, and tnt men grow a uterus, they have no business leislating what goes on inside of ene. No uterus, na opinion! Kaye Mallory PS Youll probably never read this, but sent to to fel ike Tat least ued Lo do something, Republicans suck. <MESSAGEBODY> ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Page 2 of 283 Message: CONSTITUENT WEB CONTACT I ‘case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: Gov_10032017 Search Capcure Date: 101372017 9:43:22 a0 tem 10, 29388105 Poicy Acton Not Specied Sa CONSTITUENT WER CONTACT III From GA.Drual Adminis.aion Date Wednesaay, January 25, 2017 12:09 8 To GOW WetForm:Trussel, Diane « Journal [email protected] Recipients -<PREFDX> Ms. </PREFDA -<FIRSTNAME>Kaye </FIRSTNAMES -<LASTNAME>Mellory<LASTNAME> “SADDRESSL> 1984 W. Oi Plank Vilage Dr.</ADDRESSI> “=ADDRESS2> </ADDRESS2> =< CIN ColsmbiaeCITY> “=STATESMO</STATE> = ZP>650034/Z1P> -<CHATL>-msskillyftgrai com<fCHAIL> SHOMEPLIOHC> =! OMCPLIONCS WORKPHONC></WORKPIIONE> “COW FANYIADIE> <{COMPANYHAMES ‘STITLE> </TTTLE> “=ISSUE> ABORTION ISSUE “=MESSAGEBODY=-Rep. Moon's "M ssour Right to Life Act ill HB 708 i ust ‘anotyerattemot by Fim to try and control women's bodies and repreducive ‘icices nthe name of religion. Church and state must renain separate, and tnt men grow a uterus, they have no business leislating what goes on inside of ene. No uterus, na opinion! Kaye Mallory PS Youll probably never read this, but sent to to fel ike Tat least ued Lo do something, Republicans suck. <MESSAGEBODY> ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Page 3 of 283, Message: Senate Srs., Families and Children *PRIORITY* SB 139 Rx Cares for MO, SB 67 Fetal ‘issue (case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: (Gow_10032017 Search CCapcure Date: 10(372017 9:43:22 a0 em 10, 29358106 Poicy Acton Not Specied 2 Senate Srs., Families and Children *PRIORITY* SB 139 Rx Cares for MO, SB 67 Fetal tissue From Percy, Nathan Date Wednesday, Jaruary 25, 2017 10:52 AM To CAHearing & Floor action & This morning the Senate Sen ers, Families, and Children committee met ta hear publictast many an thece bills end voted faur sills De Pass Sens, Sale, Riddle, Chappe le Nedal, Romine, Schaef Schugp, and Wieland were presen PUBLIC TESTIMONY ‘5B 129 [Sater] “PRIORITY* — Creates the oe Cares for Missouri Progam + Sen, Sater stated this carries no fisal note and set year the bil poscee out of cammittze and he Board of Pharmacy eoified favor + Sen, Schupp asked whal Lie Board of Pharmacy fund belanseis, Sen. Saler this bill would be paid for out of tae Board of Pharmacy fund that has over a $7,200,000 fund halance. ‘Sen. Schaat askec itis program mitrared a POMP. Sen Sater stated it dd not. No-one tsttied in avor, eppasition, or tarintarmarional purposes. ‘58.195 (Koenig) - Fcablishes the Supporting and Strengthen ng Familie Act lating to guareanshing Sen, Kosig stated tis ili entical ta the tll hat passed out ofthe Senate last year 37-1 Sen, Koenig tated in sinilar programsin other slates the average length of slay for es with voluntary guardians is 44 days PROPONENTS ‘© Donna Nicholson Director of Bthary Christan Servcesin St.Louis 1 Mr. Nichalcon gave 3 couple examples af women in $2. louis wha’ children were place in guatdiarshipe wail the mether found emplayment and stable using. © Fmiy van Senenko®— MO KisFirs 19 Ms, Schevighof spoke in favur ofthe added precaution af background checks for families eho would be temporary guardians ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Page 4 of 285 No-one testtied in opposition or for information aurposes ‘38 230 (Riddle) — Requires referrals for aut of state abortions te be accampanied by spec fed printed materia, Sen, Riddle statee women who are considering ar abortion at zn out of state facility woule receive the same printed material ar wamen cansiering an fvstate abortion. © Sen, Schupp asked itwomer whe inquired a2out azort ons over the phone Would be offered Ue sarme materiak Sen, Riddle sated the Fatty could tl the sterile individ requested them. PROPONENTS + Susan dlcin Missouri Right to Life 1 is. Klin stated information has ben passed aut to individuals considering an abostion since 7003 and this would help women make an informed decison ‘© Samuel Lee Campaign Right to Lite 1) Mi, Lee slated the Depart of ealth ane Senior Services prepares he infreain in th beaklet and that half of Missauri wamen wha get an abartior eo sa out-a-state ‘OPPONENTS + M'Fuie Mead ~ Planned Parenthood Aocates in Mist 1 Ms, ead stated some te Information r the booklets sre not medical accurate and ‘the bil is unclear as te whe information shou! be detributed. + Sara Raker — ACU oF Missouri Ms. Baker sated Une bil is unde sand raised concern af information being mile Uo war hare the spause may fee the information. + Alison Dreith NARAL Pro-Choice Miseouri "fs, brett stated this bill may Inge upon other state's sovereignty San, Schupp atked what the cost tothe state would be since the “scl nate sad 0. ‘Sen. Riddle stated DHSS is responsible fa printing the booklet and the facity would be resale Far ling i 6 Sen. Chappalle-Nadal asked ithe information cou be e-mailed. Sen. Riddle stated she would have le chock, © Sen. Chappell-Nadal asked what isthe treq.ency for someone to actualy read the itera ad 4s lo who would pay for mailing of the information wenn abusive re tionships pathol, Mrs, Dreith stale she aclieved mosl women would jest sean the for women considering an in-state abortion i: § mandated that a medical prafesional 0 over the information in tae booklet INFORMATIONAL 1 Nichelle Lruprann =A esata Heat Canc © Mrs. Trusiano stated her organization represented 71 health clinics throughout the staze inclucing Home and Corsmurity Based Ceers and she would Ike to work with Sen. Riddle ta tigaten the definitions ef referral and family planing clin cs ‘9 Sen, Wieland asked if wae federal mandate lo ineude the nearest pave 4 wornsn oul get an abortion in the packet that distriauted. Mic. Trup ano stated each clinic isable to mocifyinformaticn inthe packet to best sutthcic demographics and some ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Page 5 of 283, Ho include the nearest place to eecive an abortion EXECUTIVE SESSION ‘5B 28 (Sater)— Requires the fhepartment af Socal Services to apply far a gla wsiver for MC) Healtes + Sen, Saterstated there were several changes in te Senate Commitice Substitute that were from suggestions From she commictee ‘+ San, Schastackee to prepase an amendment that would require the General Azsemlyto approve the waiver, ‘San, Romine spake in favor of the amerdment but brought up concecr of timing loapprove Ure weiver, © ‘ter some discussed among the Chsir and staf, Sen. Sater table the bill and stated 3 ‘vote would be taken ata ster date ‘SBA (Wallingford) Provides protection for alternatives to-abortion agencies + Nediscussior + Voted Do Pass 52 (Chappelle Nada, Schur) ‘SB 57 (onder) *PRIORITY® Muciies provisions of law relating Lo abo tan, including donation of Fetal tissue, sisue reports abortion reporss, employee csclosure policies, and abertiaa facility inpections + Ne discussion 1 Voted Pass 52 (Chappelle-Nadal, Schur 158.96 Sater) Prohibits certain slective abortions relating to se, race, oF Down Syndrome + Ne distussior © Voted Do Pass 52 (Chappele-Nada, Scher ‘5B 196 (Koenig) Grave abortion lave the Attorney General concurrent original arisdiction to enforce the stats + Ne discussion 4 Voted Do Pass 5:2 (Chappelle-Nadal,Sehuppl With no further business, the committee sdjourned Nathan Percy Budo Anal Missouri State Capitol, Room 129 Phone: (9/8) 01-8515 Fex: (573) 520-1811, nathan percyios.ma gow ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Page 6 of 283 Message: Senate Srs., Families and Children *PRIORITY* SB 139 Rx Cares for MO, SB 67 Fetal ‘issue (case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: (Gow_10032017 Search CCapcure Date: 10(372017 9:43:19 a0 em 10, 29357828 Poicy Acton Not Spectied 2 Senate Srs., Families and Children *PRIORITY* SB 139 Rx Cares for MO, SB 67 Fetal tissue From Percy, Nathan Date Wednesday, Jaruary 25, 2017 10:52 AM To CAHearing & Floor action & This morning the Senate Sen ers, Families, and Children committee met ta hear publictast many an thece bills end voted faur sills De Pass Sens, Sale, Riddle, Chappe le Nedal, Romine, Schaef Schugp, and Wieland were presen PUBLIC TESTIMONY ‘5B 129 [Sater] “PRIORITY* — Creates the oe Cares for Missouri Progam + Sen, Sater stated this carries no fisal note and set year the bil poscee out of cammittze and he Board of Pharmacy eoified favor + Sen, Schupp asked whal Lie Board of Pharmacy fund belanseis, Sen. Saler this bill would be paid for out of tae Board of Pharmacy fund that has over a $7,200,000 fund halance. ‘Sen. Schaat askec itis program mitrared a POMP. Sen Sater stated it dd not. No-one tsttied in avor, eppasition, or tarintarmarional purposes. ‘58.195 (Koenig) - Fcablishes the Supporting and Strengthen ng Familie Act lating to guareanshing Sen, Kosig stated tis ili entical ta the tll hat passed out ofthe Senate last year 37-1 Sen, Koenig tated in sinilar programsin other slates the average length of slay for es with voluntary guardians is 44 days PROPONENTS ‘© Donna Nicholson Director of Bthary Christan Servcesin St.Louis 1 Mr. Nichalcon gave 3 couple examples af women in $2. louis wha’ children were place in guatdiarshipe wail the mether found emplayment and stable using. © Fmiy van Senenko®— MO KisFirs 19 Ms, Schevighof spoke in favur ofthe added precaution af background checks for families eho would be temporary guardians ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Page 7 of 283 No-one testtied in opposition or for information aurposes ‘38 230 (Riddle) — Requires referrals for aut of state abortions te be accampanied by spec fed printed materia, Sen, Riddle statee women who are considering ar abortion at zn out of state facility woule receive the same printed material ar wamen cansiering an fvstate abortion. © Sen, Schupp asked itwomer whe inquired a2out azort ons over the phone Would be offered Ue sarme materiak Sen, Riddle sated the Fatty could tl the sterile individ requested them. PROPONENTS + Susan dlcin Missouri Right to Life 1 is. Klin stated information has ben passed aut to individuals considering an abostion since 7003 and this would help women make an informed decison ‘© Samuel Lee Campaign Right to Lite 1) Mi, Lee slated the Depart of ealth ane Senior Services prepares he infreain in th beaklet and that half of Missauri wamen wha get an abartior eo sa out-a-state ‘OPPONENTS + M'Fuie Mead ~ Planned Parenthood Aocates in Mist 1 Ms, ead stated some te Information r the booklets sre not medical accurate and ‘the bil is unclear as te whe information shou! be detributed. + Sara Raker — ACU oF Missouri Ms. Baker sated Une bil is unde sand raised concern af information being mile Uo war hare the spause may fee the information. + Alison Dreith NARAL Pro-Choice Miseouri "fs, brett stated this bill may Inge upon other state's sovereignty San, Schupp atked what the cost tothe state would be since the “scl nate sad 0. ‘Sen. Riddle stated DHSS is responsible fa printing the booklet and the facity would be resale Far ling i 6 Sen. Chappalle-Nadal asked ithe information cou be e-mailed. Sen. Riddle stated she would have le chock, © Sen. Chappell-Nadal asked what isthe treq.ency for someone to actualy read the itera ad 4s lo who would pay for mailing of the information wenn abusive re tionships pathol, Mrs, Dreith stale she aclieved mosl women would jest sean the for women considering an in-state abortion i: § mandated that a medical prafesional 0 over the information in tae booklet INFORMATIONAL 1 Nichelle Lruprann =A esata Heat Canc © Mrs. Trusiano stated her organization represented 71 health clinics throughout the staze inclucing Home and Corsmurity Based Ceers and she would Ike to work with Sen. Riddle ta tigaten the definitions ef referral and family planing clin cs ‘9 Sen, Wieland asked if wae federal mandate lo ineude the nearest pave 4 wornsn oul get an abortion in the packet that distriauted. Mic. Trup ano stated each clinic isable to mocifyinformaticn inthe packet to best sutthcic demographics and some ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Page 8 of 283 Ho include the nearest place to eecive an abortion EXECUTIVE SESSION ‘5B 28 (Sater)— Requires the fhepartment af Socal Services to apply far a gla wsiver for MC) Healtes + Sen, Saterstated there were several changes in te Senate Commitice Substitute that were from suggestions From she commictee ‘+ San, Schastackee to prepase an amendment that would require the General Azsemlyto approve the waiver, ‘San, Romine spake in favor of the amerdment but brought up concecr of timing loapprove Ure weiver, © ‘ter some discussed among the Chsir and staf, Sen. Sater table the bill and stated 3 ‘vote would be taken ata ster date ‘SBA (Wallingford) Provides protection for alternatives to-abortion agencies + Nediscussior + Voted Do Pass 52 (Chappelle Nada, Schur) ‘SB 57 (onder) *PRIORITY® Muciies provisions of law relating Lo abo tan, including donation of Fetal tissue, sisue reports abortion reporss, employee csclosure policies, and abertiaa facility inpections + Ne discussion 1 Voted Pass 52 (Chappelle-Nadal, Schur 158.96 Sater) Prohibits certain slective abortions relating to se, race, oF Down Syndrome + Ne distussior © Voted Do Pass 52 (Chappele-Nada, Scher ‘5B 196 (Koenig) Grave abortion lave the Attorney General concurrent original arisdiction to enforce the stats + Ne discussion 4 Voted Do Pass 5:2 (Chappelle-Nadal,Sehuppl With no further business, the committee sdjourned Nathan Percy Budo Anal Missouri State Capitol, Room 129 Phone: (9/8) 01-8515 Fex: (573) 520-1811, nathan percyios.ma gow ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Message: Department Weekly Query - 1/25/17 ‘case Information: Message Type Exchange Messege Direction: External, Inbound coe: (Gov_10032017 Search Capcure Date: 10/3/2017 9:43:19 A tem 10, 29357829 Poicy Acton Not Spectied Page 9 of 283 1 Department Weekly Query = 1/25/17 Fram Cannan, Krsna Date Viedneslay,Ianuary 25, 20.7 11:06 AN To ‘Luke Reec;0A. Dept Leaislative Contacts « (2) ary_DepartmentQuery1.25.xIsx (108 Kb+Tw } “The uadated weekly assigrmnont quo is ttachod wove Thanks, Kristina M. Cannon Legislative Coordinator OA-Budget and Planning Phone: (573)751-9303 ‘about-blank ler 28017 ‘Print Page 10 of 283 qry_DepartmentQuery eorvan 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 24 22 A B c DoE oa suv Deserin Let cots Wee Miso Woks ium elaseyaigte Mess Ba Sa Segen ter stop Sratisbasosanieomhn wal ee Bal D8 ‘Moc Gow orbs toe Beige ces vas Menno a et lhe Yai by = is Vue Mens scl Cais a rcig Wome "estan fect tes b roanaieaigts Iie Lovo eats Malco eeu sy mlm BD thoretaargin cone v0 Shr alahst [limbs stooliefus Jkt 950A 1210 area ag gs les ig bho eng Va oo vote Stamens scqem Sle esren Eomneremsness 050 UDA — (20 Tanda cnmiinpopotoincme Chie alsin cndisss ait 950008 ore ewer bse ono enter Ice Guntisun tind Eile Ghia edwateme 0D iteowr orient te vz Foca ea “alle eines doh aang Dal DA Seiticpacy sem coldest U6 dl xgomydosinkotdeals Aitsaescelsetesuuowlols Ua UDA oye nod et vasze Ease Ceuopne:Confegen Ste esemneOnecpraiCar: O50 SSfonshenanions neler nt rear eas vst Scie ar pce ——uhare Sidr Tatar epiwie—1=0—UK Roca TAR xeon ra S13 lice ihe Seed onpg anne sn de VW2:0 Miso Bsnen Ais Ges ede tioneoelseues Bab te ‘SSctigredsbe sd oes natora powatslisan ee cee ne Stone heetRsrme Aden N= fests Sesaet Cau SesncenBkeroni Zane Sia CeesBokeein DED. 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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.